Middle East and North AfricaMENA: I Need your opinion
i found my senator to be less than helpful, all he did was email the consulate and get the same generic answer i did.
My congressman sent me a release to sign and said he sent some inquires. I have heard nothing since this.

Don't give up, the wait is killing all of us, sucking out our strength and trust. It is hard to live when u are apart.
belinda63FemaleIran2008-06-01 07:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy husband arrives on Sunday
Tina, just remember how lucky you are that he is finally here and don't focus on the silly stuff. Yes, i have panicked at the thought of not living alone, being as I have been alone for 10 year plus.

He will not care what u wear or that u are a little larger, if he even notices. As to the bedroom, he won't mind.

It will all come flowing back, just remember it is a very, very long trip for him so expect him to want to 1. shower 2. nap 3. eat 4. hit the bedroom.

I am so happy for both of u
belinda63FemaleIran2008-06-12 19:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaI am back!!!!!!!
Salaam Abbas and congratulations Nutty
belinda63FemaleIran2008-06-19 22:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA GALS: This is for you all
As usual Tammy you give me strength just when i become weak.

belinda63FemaleIran2008-06-24 16:36:00
Middle East and North Africasenators and congressmen
at this point in ur case i do not believe it would be of any help to contact an elected official. Many, many ppl apply for visas each year and ur post does not indicate any problems with your case
I waited until six months of a/p before i contacted anyone and i still have received no real help

If you do run into a snag in ur case it might be useful at that point to contact someone for assistance.
belinda63FemaleIran2008-06-25 21:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaThis is crazy
Those are pretty standard questions, my mother immigrated from germany in 1962 and was asked if she was affiliated with the nazi party, etc. Don't take offence everyone gets asked this.

As to the EAD i though after 90 days they were supposed to issue a temporary EAD if the permanent one had not been approved.
belinda63FemaleIran2008-07-04 18:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaAny Tips for Surviving AP Hell?
call 1-202-663-1225 push 1 then 0 and wait. Depending on who you get you may or may not be told anything. I had answers that ranged from "you need to just wait until the consulate contacts you" to people who were very helpful and explained a lot of the process to me.

As to what to do while you are waiting, clean, throw out all the old stuff, bang your head on the wall, write letters to congressmen, DOS, DHS, etc explaining how messed up the process is, chase the cat, work, play video games, try to learn some of his language, beat your head on the wall some more,

OK, so maybe I have been waiting a little to long on AP.

Wonder if there is a psychiatric diagnosis for this, AP paranoia?
belinda63FemaleIran2008-07-07 20:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy Husband's Father was Deported Yesterday
My turn.

First I am so sorry for the way the US acts and is represented to the rest of the world. I feel for you, your husband, and your family, not only for the missed visit with family, the grandchild especially, but also for the humiliation he suffered. A night in jail? and you don't know why? being escorted to the plane.

I am angry and saddened by what has happened to you and wish to do all to assist.

First I would recommend contacting the ACLU in addition to the attorney you are already speaking with. The ACLU has a lot of clout and can get this thing in the media for you quite easily. They are the trodden person's legal representative.

As to why he was deported? or was it technically denied entry? Prior to receiving the visa the embassy did at least cursory name checks, they have to run it through CLASS to issue the visa. Was there a significant amount of time between the visa issuance and the arrival?
This would be the determining factor in whether it was just a mess up with a similar name or just plain discrimination. If it was a hit why wasn't anything done to attempt to clear it up? Just deport him and worry about it later?

I would ask for actual costs for the trip plus HEFTY punitive damages.

So sorry to hear this.
belinda63FemaleIran2008-07-10 16:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaWaiting....again
Just an update, still waiting but I did not expect anything until Monday anyway. He is on pins and needles, I am already mentally composing my letter to the congressman's office i will send this time if his visa not issued. We are trying to pass the time not thinking about it and doing some fun things. I will call the embassy Monday as we have to leave Wednesday and of course he must have his passport with or without the visa by then.

I keep telling myself there is no reason for them not to issue it this time. The man who interviewed him asked about the affidavit of support, which was not listed on the letter as something he needed to provide, and the interviewer was told she has twice this year mailed it to you with her tax information. If you need yet another copy she can get it and provide it to your office. He said no, we do not need it.

So anyway we wait and hope.

belinda63FemaleIran2008-07-19 12:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaWaiting....again
Well he had his new interview and submitted all the paperwork again along with a new medical. He said the man did not ask any questions about us just the ones on the DS 230 about being immoral, criminal etc. They then took his passport and he paid for the UPS.

Keep your fingers crossed.

Oh and Nutty, he said if he gets the visa it will take about 2 months for him to come here due to business he has to take care of. Men are all alike.
belinda63FemaleIran2008-07-17 10:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaI am geting so discouraged
Hang in there baby There are a lot of us here who have survived AP and a lot who are still in it. The trick is to stay busy and not think about it. The emotional rollercoaster is normal just try to not ride it too often. When u need support we are here for you and when u can give it come make us laugh.

Good luck and hoping for a short AP
belinda63FemaleIran2008-07-20 12:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhy do VJ MENA members fight so much with each other?
ok, ill hop into this really late. I am a pretty woman and I will be 45 Friday and proud of it. I am divorced and have three daughters, 20, 13, and 7. I have never lacked for an offer of dates I am just not interested in them.

I went looking for a man who was interested in me for my intelligence, conversation, and not for my looks. It seems to me that all american men want is to hop in the bed. If I want that I can just go to the club and find a man for the nite. I went overseas because their morals and what they look for in a life companion are different from here and also because they do look for a life companion not just someone to spend a few years with and get rid of when they are tired of them or when something better comes along.

yes he is 9 years younger, but i have always liked younger men. He is only a few months younger than my last daughters father.
belinda63FemaleIran2008-07-21 20:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed prayers plz
I received a letter today through my congressman's office, they have been very helpful, much more so than the senator.
Of course I verified everything with DOS, I had to ask for a supervisor and had about a 20 minute chat with her.

In February they assigned my SO a new case number because the old one had expired (first time I have heard of this) and just never bothered to inform us. So for the past four months all my phone calls have been wasted because they have been checking the old case.

Long and short, barring a hit in the next three weeks, and after he has another medical, interview, and resubmits all the paperwork again

All of his security checks are complete.

He may get his visa.

Plz put the prayers out there.
belinda63FemaleIran2008-07-01 16:20:00
Middle East and North Africabring on the dancing men
just go the IM, am online with him right now, he has the visa in his hand.
belinda63FemaleIran2008-07-22 09:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaANOTHER OMIGOD OMIGOD
This has been a blessed week


kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
belinda63FemaleIran2008-07-25 22:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasa AP question
Yes it is true if your SO is found to be a criminal, terrorist, contributing money to terrorist, or other horrible things they can deny the visa. But if this is the case they are really doing you a favor.

After 17 months of AP and three trips to Ankara Turkey we will know Wednesday if he has the visa or not. I looked at it this way. He was approved April 2007 unless he was found to be a "bad guy" and in that case I would not want him anyway.

Good luck and hang in there. It will end.
belinda63FemaleIran2008-07-21 10:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaAfter ! year of Admin. Processing, K-1 Petition sent back to USCIS for review
Maybe this is true or maybe not

Ripley's believe it or not

According to the Ankara Turkey embassy after one year K-1 visas are automatically purged from the system. Our case was purged, in order to have an open case (probably due to the inquires from the senator and congressman) they had to assign a new case number. They just forgot to inform either me or my fiance of this because they, in their words, "did not have our address" (remember he had already interviewed once and returned a second time in addition to letters from me, phone calls from both of us, and emails from me). If it had not been for my congressman, Ron Lewis, KY, inquiring about our case, we would never have known his clearances were completed and he had a new interview scheduled as 1. The embassy never contacted us 2. The case was under a new number, which they never informed us of and 3. DOS (of course looking under the old case number) stated the clearances were still not complete.
If we had not happened to have received the reply from the congressman when we did (two weeks prior to the interview) he would have missed it as we had no knowledge of it and the case would have been returned.


perhaps this is a starting point for you, maybe call the embassy and ask them exactly why the case was returned, contact your rep and have them inquire, etc.
belinda63FemaleIran2008-07-31 18:08:00
Middle East and North Africacalling DOS
What is up with all the hostility HenryVilma? We spent 17 months on AP and because he is from Iran he had to travel to Turkey 3, yes 3 times, stay in a hotel and buy his meals there due to the embassy and background checks in addition to having to have another medical because the first one expired. And because Ankara does not accept mail UPS from Iran he had to mail everything to me to UPS to Turkey.

Rack that up as 17 months of AP, and more than $4,000 just for the paperwork, 2 medicals, and three trips. This is not including the filing fees, etc.

Really, I understand your frustration with the system but getting huffy will not make it go any faster or any smoother. There is a lot of support to be had here for when you are angry/frustrated/sad/lonely/ or just want to vent.

Try to channel your emotions into a positive channel such as bringing the entire immigration problems to the attention of DHS, DOS, your congressman, etc. and try to make positive suggestions for improvement.

We all deal with the wait in different ways but please do not be nasty here
belinda63FemaleIran2008-08-04 22:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaCoNgRaTuLaTiOnS NUTTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif Congratulations kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
belinda63FemaleIran2008-04-21 20:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaJerry Springer Interview
i feel so sorry for you and understand the emotional rollercoster you are riding. OMG, to go to get the visa and suddenly find out about 3 more children and an ex wife. I am here for you no matter what you decide.

As to hitting him in the streets, well in his culture this is unheard of but he should be glad I was not there because I think only three times was not enough. To embarrass you that way, knowing he was being decietful to you and the embassy, trying to act like it was nothing....OMG.

Did you happen to get it on video? devil.gif

Good luck whatever you decide. It sounds like the embassy is leaving the decision up to you.
belinda63FemaleIran2008-07-19 12:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaHe finally made it
After years of waiting my fiance is here. He had a nightmare time going through immigration at O'hara and was almost, almost sent back.
The office went through all his paperwork looking for anything he could use to deny him entry. He questioned him as to why he had several types of money, iranian, american, and swedish. He actually read the chat logs that were in the brown envelope looking for some reason to deny him entry.
Poor Ali, whose spoken english is weak was a nervous wreck. He was kept for more than 4 hours and missed his connection to Louisville. But finally they sent him through and I picked him up this morning.

Now the only question is did they allow his baggage through or did they deport it to Iran? It is still missing in action somewhere between O'Hara and nowhere land
belinda63FemaleIran2008-10-03 13:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaThings rough for me too!
Tina I was praying things would get better. I think it is time for a good heart to heart to discuss his fears and concerns. He is a man, he will never admit he has problems, worries, concerns, he must always present the "I've got it under control" face.
My husband is terrified of coming to my work. I work in a restaurant and I have taken him several times to the area so he can shop the store behind it and interact with people but he refuses to come inside and sit, or to come there to eat, or to even speak to any of my friends. Last night, after he sat in the car for an hour waiting for me to get off work I asked him why he would not come inside. His answer......"oh your friends will say what a worthless husband I am, a man without a job, why is Belinda with this man".

Men think very differently than we do, they are Martians.
belinda63FemaleIran2008-10-21 07:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaContinuation of "it's not been a bed of roses."
Well seeing as how I will (hopefully) be dealing with this in a few months I hope to see a happy ending for you. I know in Kentucky he will be able to drive for one year with his international license and he should be able to get a kentucky license without having to take the test (I have been told). And he already understands he will not be able to work in his field at first, he is a veterinarian and will have to go back to school probably to practice in the US,
I do understand how frustrating it is, he probably feels overwhelmed and is afraid to ask for help (the macho thing again). He has come from a country where the man is the provider for the family, that is the expectation, and now he is afraid of failure. Better not to try than to fail at it.

Be supportive but firm and explain he must start sharing the burden, how stressed you are and have been, and that he should help in whatever way he can. If he is at home all day why can't he share in the cooking and cleaning? whistling.gif
I have a co-worker who's husband is Brazilian and he had reservations about working here. He did get a job in a retail store and he was terrified his first week but he survived and is doing well now. His english was only good, not great but working with the public has helped it a lot. And most ppl are very understanding of others if they at least make the attempt to speak English.

Both of you need to have a long talk about priorities, expectations, and goals.

Good luck, praying for both of you.
belinda63FemaleIran2008-08-22 21:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaHe's driving me crazy
Thanks everyone for a few laughs and a few insights. I think some misunderstood what I was complaining about, it's not the questions I can answer but the impossible ones that I'm like how the heck should i know how much United will pay you for ur bag, or which airline is cheapest, or which state has the cheapest cars.

I am trying my best but it doesn't help when he says "why don't you know".. the shell answer woman I am not.

Thanks Nutty, I am slowly pushing him out of the nest and when he starts working maybe he will become more self reliant. I asked him, if you won't talk on the phone to someone how do u expect to get a job?

Thanks for the laughs and I will keep an eye on the sofa.
belinda63FemaleIran2008-11-14 23:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaHe's driving me crazy
My fiance arrived October 3 and we married Oct 6. He does not in any way understand how crazy he is driving me.
His bags were lost, a week later they found one but still not the other so we filed a claim with United. I told him after I talked to them that it would be 60 days before they sent the check. Today, only a month later, can you check on the computer to see if they have found my bag (yes dear let me stop what I am doing to do that for you). No they have not found ur bag. When will they send the check? How much will the check be? I don't know why don't u call them. No, u call my english is not good.

When will i get my work permit? I told you it takes about 3 months. Can you call them and ask them when they will send it.

Which state has the cheapest cars?

Can we move to Houston Texas and buy a house there? ( we currently live in Kentucky)

Why do gas prices change so much? why in one area are they one price and another area another price?

I swear he is killing me with his questions. I have my own things going on, working full time plus some, not being able to pay the bills, fighting for custody of my 13 year old daughter, and a whole slew of other things and he just expects me to stop whenever he asks and look on the internet or make phone calls for him.

I got so angry a few days ago I gave him the phone number and said you call them and ask them why but of course he did not.

Am I the only one being driven nuts?
belinda63FemaleIran2008-11-14 13:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow all the ladies w/beneficiary hubby
My husband had to return to Iran right after getting his AP/EAD to resign from his job, wrap up some things. I was lucky in that the house he bought us has an animal clinic (24/7) type a few miles away. He understands he cannot practice veterinary medicine here but he is hoping to get work as a vet tech for a while.
We have discussed after he gets his green card him going back to school for a nursing license depending on how much of his college work they will give him credit for.
He has also discussed obtaining his CDL and becoming a truck driver.
After discussing it, he agrees he will have to accept whatever he can get at first due to his lack of experience, lack of work history, but we are also making long term plans.

Now as to what happens when he returns in a few weeks as to him working, we will see what happens.
belinda63FemaleIran2009-02-04 14:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaIs this discrimination?
Although rude and inconsiderate I don't see that it is discrimination. Maybe ur spouse should ask for the next Muslim holiday off work and see what the boss's response is? whistling.gif
belinda63FemaleIran2009-03-12 22:38:00
Middle East and North Africavisa in hand
I haven't sent out the dancing men in a while so


kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
belinda63FemaleIran2009-03-19 10:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaCan I trust this site to book a flight?
They are great, used it two years ago to go to sweden and he used it this year to go to iran. No problems at all with them

belinda63FemaleIran2009-03-29 11:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaApproved!!!!
Congratulations kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
Dennis&DaneMalePhilippines2009-06-01 18:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaCalling spouse
Go to If both of you sign up you can call each other for free. Not all countries are included, but I am pretty sure that Morocco is. Good Luck.

quote name='CasandraYounes' date='Nov 24 2008, 11:14 PM' post='2425807']
Ok, I am sure most of you will agree with me when I saw that I am completely frustrated in trying to find a cheaper way to contact my husband.

Cell phone international rates completely suck. I learned that the hard way. Phone cards take up too much money. I have tried resorting to Skype and Yahoo Call Out, but I still feel like money is getting deducted from my account even if the calls do not connect.

I would love to talk to my husband as much as I like. He does not have a PC at home; therefore, I call his cell phone.

Does anyone have any suggestions because I am at a complete lost and holt.
RobinaFemalePakistan2008-12-04 22:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaGreen Slip A/P vs. Blue Slip A/P whats the difference?
sounds like ours which was blue from Pakistan last year. Maybe they change colors every year???
RobinaFemalePakistan2008-12-04 23:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe best and worst day ever was today
I am sure he will be fine. He is strong and you are strong. You will make it through this and he will have a great life. I'll keep you all in my prayers.


QUOTE (amal @ Jan 22 2009, 11:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey guys n gals. Please leave this post in mena because I very seldom venture out of here and this group is where my friends are.

I am having a roller coaster of emotions today and just felt that you've all shared with me so now it's my turn to ask for some shoulders.

First off, we closed on our house today and had the electric turned on so we're ready to start cleaning it up to our liking and get our stuff moved in. yay for good stuff

Now here's the bad stuff....My son had to get glasses this past Monday. We found out that his right eye had moderate impairment and his left eye had compensated for so long that it was now mildly impaired. So he got glasses.... unsure.gif

Then on to what happened today. Last week, he failed his hearing test at school, in both ears....TWICE... So I got him an appointment to see a hearing specialist. We go today and find out that he has moderate / severe hearing loss IN BOTH EARS and has to have hearing aids because it will only get worse as he gets older. We will go on Monday to have both of his ears molded for his new hearing aids. crying.gif

This has absolutely broken our hearts. He barely hung on to life when he was diagnosed with Severe Aplastic Anemia and survived years of weekly transfusions of platelets, red blood cells, white blood cells..... and had to endure painful injections 4 times a day for what seemed like forever. Then he has these problems with his eyes so he gets glasses and is terrified of being made fun of...

Now this........ We have this issue with the schools hearing tests only to find out that he has moderate hearing loss in 1 ear and mod/severe hearing loss in his other ear and now has to have a hearing aid in both ears. He told me today that he is scared that people will call him a freak and say he must be stupid. My God, he's only 9 years old and all this has to happen...

I maintained my composure until I got him dropped off at his school and when I got home, I couldn't keep the tears back any longer. I just sat in my car with my head on the steering wheel and cried for like 10 minutes. He's not a normal kid. He's special in ways that one can only understand after they've met him. I think Jackie, Aymerlu, Gabi, Noura, MBP, VP, and anyone else that met him could vouch for that. It really is sad that he is going through all of this and even though I know I have no control over it, I still feel responsible and feel like it's my fault for giving him these bad genes. . . . ugggg crying.gif

Sorry, I'm just really sad for him today and needed to vent where I felt I could get some support. My husband was super wonderful coz when he found out the situation he said to me "don't worry, we will care for this. I will put my trip to Jordan on hold to make sure that we can afford the best hearing machines that are not big and ugly for him" Even when he and I have our issues, these are the things that remind me why I love him so much. He didn't have to say that but the fact he is willing to put his life on hold for his step-son truely means the world to me.....

Thanks for letting me cry here.

RobinaFemalePakistan2009-01-22 23:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaStopped cooking for my husband!
That's hilarious, but I am glad you are cooking and eating once again. Do you live with him part of the year and in your home country part of the time? I didn't quite understand that part of the story. This was interesting reading. I think Zia and I will have to have some more in depth discussions about how we will handle some of these potential issues.

QUOTE (teenutty @ Jan 30 2009, 03:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
When my husband got a job, I suggest we open a joint household account in which both of us contribute X amount of dollars to pay the rent, electric, telephone, internet and food. My husband said no. He prefered both of us to buy food and put all receipts in a jar. After a month, we would tally the amount both us spent and one would pay the other according to who spent more (to make it 50/50).

I did not like this idea. It was more like college room-mates than how a husband and wife should be. I told him so. However, I went along with his method.

Low and behold, a few weeks ago, we tallied up the receipts (for 6 weeks or so of food). I spent $350.00 and he spent $190.00. So he owed me money for the difference. He then said, "I can not participate in this because I have a bad ecomony." This is because he just bought a truck and PREFERED to pay TO LARGE LUMP SUMS OF CASH rather than a longer, less burdensome 6-8 month payment plan.

This really irked me. The reason my food bill is higher is because when I shop for food, I buy basic ingrediants to cook home-cooked meals, usually 4 or 5 servings worth (FOR HIS BENEFIT). Cheaper cuts of meat, like pot roast, value pack chicken thighs, herbs, stock veggies, etc. (make tarragon mushroom chicken soup, beef stew, pot pies) I am also the one who does 90% of the heavy cleaning. So I know when we need dish soap, cloth detergent, A-jax, sponges, etc. Whenever he goes shopping he buys (milk, cereal, dates, eggs, cup of noodles -THAT'S IT!).

Well, I decided if he can't "participate" because of "his economy," neither could I. So I stopped all shopping and cooking. I refuse to even eat with him. And I will eat the food he brings home. So I have been living on cereal and cup of noodles off and on. But mostly eating at work.

He finally asked me, "aren't you going to cook anymore or eat anymore?" mad.gif

RobinaFemalePakistan2009-02-07 18:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Birthday Noura!!!
Happy Birthday. You are so lucky to be with your hubbie on this day! My birthday is tomorrow, my fiance and I have not seen each other for 16 months. But we plan to meet next month. wooo hooooo-can't wait...........

QUOTE (ME~n~HIM @ Feb 15 2009, 10:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Awww... thanks y'all! It's rainy, but the hubby is off and we are going to have a terrific day! luv.gif

RobinaFemalePakistan2009-02-15 22:57:00
Middle East and North Africaproblems with muslim spouse?
While muslim men can marry christian women, it is deffinitely not allowed for a muslim woman to marry a christian man. I think the throught is that the woman is weaker and will convert to the religion of her husband.

QUOTE (Old Dominion @ Dec 25 2008, 04:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (morocco4ever @ Dec 25 2008, 04:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Old Dominion @ Dec 25 2008, 04:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Though it happens all the time, for a Muslim to marry a Christian is against the Muslim teachings and traditions.

A Muslim man is allowed to marry a woman outside of Islam as long as she is either Christian or Jewish. Although they do prefer that he marries a Muslim. If they are from a Muslim country it of course is less common, but It happens in a non muslim country more than one might think.

What about a Muslim woman marrying a Christian man? My "first love" was a young Muslim woman in Sarajevo. Upon noticing that a romance was blossoming, her parents politely and as nicely as possible informed me that because I was an infidel, they would not permit her to continue seeing me.

RobinaFemalePakistan2009-02-16 14:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA,How old is your spouse?
my SO is 27. He is the 4th of 7 children. I am the baby of 5. I will never forget when I met his dad he said he was happy to meet me. The pictures he saw of me were not so good, but I was very nice looking in person. hehe I hate to have my picture taken!

He has deffinitely been spoiled by his momi. We talk about it regularly, and he insists that he is willing to help cook and clean. I intend to hold him to that promise. No matter what, I am glad mine didn't have a "starter"wife. I like being the only one for him-I can be pretty jealous at times.... devil.gif
RobinaFemalePakistan2009-02-16 00:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA,How old is your spouse?
Your baby is the cutest. What beautiful eyes!!!!

QUOTE (ZaidsMommy @ Feb 12 2009, 10:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sofyan is 26 and was 23 when he came. I am 24. He is the baby boy of 11 kids and it hasnt shown one bit. he cleans, cooks, bathes his son, changes poopy diapers, warms bottles, washes dishes, works full time, and takes darn good care of me. the only thing I will is when he first came he was sooooo anti going out and drinking and making friends, etc.. now, well, things have surely changed. Friday night margaritas at pepes are a tradition and he loves him some Miller Lite lol.

RobinaFemalePakistan2009-02-15 23:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaI had my interview today!
QUOTE (Turia @ Sep 17 2008, 01:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I guess i got lucky for AP. Kamal went for his interview and everything was great, but when the interviewer saw that his passport was new, she sent it thru for some more AP. It took 6 days!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif

Hi Turia! was this in Casa? as my fiance had his interview in London?
thebigyardFemaleMorocco2008-09-17 03:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaI had my interview today!
AP is just a killer. it drains u, its like u get sooo motivated for the interview and at the end, the CO tells u with a smile, that evrything seem to be in order and than u breath and then he goes BUT we need to do some further checks! and thats when the pain starts. its like ur put in a doctor's waitin room full of people and Dont know how long each one will take to get treated! but we just have to wait and wait.
thebigyardFemaleMorocco2008-09-16 07:36:00