Middle East and North Africafeelings about revenge and deportation when things dont work out
QUOTE (Nawal @ Dec 12 2008, 08:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (humpkinpumpkin @ Dec 12 2008, 05:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I know this has nothing at all to do with the subject of this thread but I have to say the most important and rewarding thing that I did once my divorce was final was to take time to get to know me. I got to know what makes me tick and what makes me happy. I spent about 9 to 10 years getting to know Bridget and feeling comfortable to be by myself. I confess that before that I lived for my ex husband. He was my identity and I couldn't be happy when he was away, which was a LOT.

I went from being very uncomfortable being alone and needing to have tons of freinds around me and needing to be anywhere but my house when the kids were with him, WANTING to be by myself alone. I had control of the clicker, I had control over what movies I watched. I could lay around like a lazy slob in my pj's all day not caring what I looked like or I could dress up and feel confident about myself because I was pleasing...ME!

I can't stress enough how important that time was. Now I have a very loving husband and I have had to tell myself every day for a while that a bomb is not going to drop and everything is not going to just fade and melt away. That being said, if God forbid anything were to happen to my marriage now, I know I'll survive, no questions ask. I won't put up with bs. I have no NEED for a man in my life but I love how his presence, love and companionship enhances my life. It enhances it, not makes it, if that makes sense.

It was very hard at first and like I said I spent many nights up late talking to friends, going out till all hours because I couldn't stand alone but it paid off bigtime. I am happy with me and because of that I have a lot more to offer anyone whether it be a girlfriend, my husband, my family, my kids. I hope to God that part of me has rubbed off on my girls.

Well said and beautiful Bridget! rose.gif

good.gif Nicely said Bridget! I am sure the girls are chips off the 'ole block.

Edited by Brad and Vika, 12 December 2008 - 11:10 PM.

Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2008-12-12 23:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaSCAMMED FOR A GREEN CARD
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2009-01-28 09:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaWe got an interview date !!!!!!
Nice!!! Congratulations kicking.gif
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2009-03-18 21:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaVISA IN HAND!!!!!!!
Nice!! Congratulations dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2009-03-22 15:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaCan I trust this site to book a flight?
I appreciate it too. Good deals to Kiev, to Odessa - not so much though.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2009-03-29 17:53:00
Middle East and North Africavisa approved
Congratulations dancin5hr.gif
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2009-05-28 04:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaK1 Denied
QUOTE (Paris Heart @ May 22 2009, 12:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (brnidokiegurl @ May 22 2009, 05:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
get letters from friends and family supporting your relationship, submit as more evidence, submit everything u have and quick. You are fighting the clock to keep it held in casa and not returned, your rep can also give a letter....just keep diligent everyday to try to get it reviewed again there.

Also,if new interviewed is issued, try to attend the interview!!!! Good luck, I so sorry what your going thru. rose.gif

Good thought here. Even if the CO won't let you into the room, it would be pretty tough to claim the relationship isn't legit if you are sitting there. Also, it seems to me that the CO overstepped the lines of inquiry in your case. Good Luck!
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2009-05-22 14:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaFriday
QUOTE (*Maureen* @ Jun 19 2009, 07:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well i'm just about packed up, this time i remembered to pack some pajamas, the last two trips, i forgot them each time. We drop our pup off tonight at the boarder place sad.gif . I feel so bad, i don't want her to think we getting rid of her. I keep forgetting there is alot of work to do before a trip, it's too much! I have about 5 checklists and i know i'm still forgetting

Have a great day everybody and a fabulous weekend!

Safe travels and have a great weekend!
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2009-06-19 08:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnyone know how to contact Homeland Security
Hang in there, sooner or later enough complaints will be made and someone will investigate. The black hole of security checks is, in my opinion just a way to deny a visa without giving a reason so you cannot appeal, hence the "still pending" answer for years and you can do nothing.
BTW the department of homeland security only deals with ppl already in the us or when they try to enter the us, the Department of State is the agency that handles the visas, but they farm the checks out to various agencies. I remember reading there is now one central department (sorry I can't remember the name) that collects the information from all the various agencies (FBI, border security, CIA, etc.) and maintans the info then forwards it to the DOS when the checks are complete.

May i recommend everyone read about HR 3828 to limit the time for the checks to 6 months and write/call/email your support. This is the first step to make ppl with the ability to investigate and put pressure on the agencies aware of the problem.
It won't help those of us already in the waiting game but it will help in the future.
belinda63FemaleIran2007-12-08 10:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaFeels like Monday
yep, i had yesterday off for xmas, work today and then have thursday off (it's my regular day off). So now i am reallllllllllllllly demotivated to go in for one day.
Did go to walmart this morning (early) for the after xmas sale. Believe it or not it was not very crowded and I was in and out in 30 minutes.
belinda63FemaleIran2007-12-26 08:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaDOS tips
Well I remember Chris and sometimes I just hang up if he answers. It seems the women are more willing to give information then the men. the last two times I have called the lady said how nice looking my fiance was (bonus points maybe) but that was about it.
I have gotten tiired of trying to obtain additional information but maybe this week......if i don't get Chris
belinda63FemaleIran2008-01-07 11:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaJust want to see what you guys think...
Nutty hang in there...... My man is also concerned about his being Iranian. He feels his nationality is a negative when dealing with ppl from other countries, I don't know why, he just does.
I have been calling DOS almost weekly since May and have gotten to know some of them pretty well. I also email the embassy about every two months and get the same response, his case is undergoing administrative processing, when this is complete his number will appear on our website.
At least by calling you let them know you are still alive and wanting the visa and maybe, just maybe it will put a little pressure on them.
Good luck.
belinda63FemaleIran2008-01-14 17:57:00
Middle East and North Africanever never land
Called DOS Friday, as usual, and was told, after asking some questions that per their computer all the checks had been completed and I need to contact the consulate
I emailed them and they replied today with..

Dear Sir / Madam,

Please be advised that multiple agencies are involved in this process and the details about the process can not be released to public. Once the process is done we will post the number on the website.


Immigrant Visa Unit

Does this mean there are more checks outside the Department of State routine that they are doing? or could this just be another canned message?

OMG who else could they be checking with, it has been almost a year?

Anyone have any ideas?
belinda63FemaleIran2008-01-22 22:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaDevasted
OK, OK maybe the US is not the best country in the world, but it certainly is not the worst. No country is perfect. You talk about ppl blowing themselves up in other countries and forget about the drive by shootings here. You talk about wars that involve politics and politicians who don't care about the individuals.
But let me rant a little about the "oh so great" US justice system having been in the wheels of it off and on for years.,
First of all there is no justice. My public defender told me she had more important cases to work on than my misdeamenor and I needed to just do my year in jail and not complain. She did absolutely nothing on my case and whenever it would get close to trial she would come to me with a plea bargain. When I refused it she would just delay the trial. I ended up doing a year in jail (the maximum possible sentence for my crime, prior to my trial so what would be the point in having a trial after I had served the time?).

With my felony child support case (looking at 10 years in jail) it was still "let's make a deal. For two years I was in court monthly, sometimes twice a month, just to get another court date. A year after I was first arrested, thank God my mother bailed me out, I was scheduled for trial. Two weeks prior to trial, realizing my Public Defender had done nothing, (this was a different one, the head of the office for three counties in Kentucky), I requested she delay the trial.
six months later I requested a speedy trial and had it scheduled for September (two years after I was arrested). A month prior to that trial date my attorney still had done nothing.
during all this time she played "let's make a deal" well if you agree to this they will give you probation, if you do this they will reduce the charges, etc. Not once did she work my case. I took her all the receipts I had so her clerk could compare them to the Child support records. After a year they still had not done this.

Final outcome, I held to my guns and refused to plead guilty. Two years after I was charged and arrested they finally dismissed the charges because they could not prove them and they realized I would not plead guilty. Case Dismissed.

But, what if I had not gotten my bail paid and I had been sitting in jail all that time. Think about it, if you were in jail for six months or a year, lost everything you had or were about to lose everything you had, living on nothing but the food they give you (and jail is not like what you see on TV) wouldn't you plead guilty to almost anything to get out.
After a year if they came to you and said plead guilty to this and you can go home tonight or else you can sit in jail for another year or two waiting for a trial, what would you do?

I know I would have plead guilty to murder if I could have been home that night.

Think about this when you talk about all the "guilty" people in jail. A lot of them just took the fastest way out of jail, guilty or not.

There is no justice in America it is all about keeping you in jail until you break.
belinda63FemaleIran2008-02-06 23:04:00
Middle East and North Africastudent visas are expediated
I just visited the DOS website and read the latest news brief.
It was all about the concerns of universities and how they are losing money because their foreign students can't get visas in a timely manner. They were assured that the student visas are expediated if needed so the student can get here in time to start the semester.
So explain this.
Supposedly the 9/11 hijackers, or at least some, came here on student visas. Yet they are still expediating them?
All we know about someone getting a student or work visa is what they put on the application. But the husbands/wives finances, family members who have to wait years, well we know them personally and have known them for quite a while. So which is more likely to be a terrorist?
Just because they are coming here temporarily they get less intensive checks but I don't get what the difference is.

Did anyone read about the 600 or so temporary immigrant workers in Alabama I think it was, that just disappeared overnite? Who is to say they are not a terrorist group? And they got their visas a lot easier than our SOs.

Getting in the country whether immigrant or non-immigrant is still getting in the country.

Sorry it just burns me up that money talks and students and workers are being expediated while our SOs are at the end of the list

Edited by belinda63, 11 February 2008 - 09:52 PM.

belinda63FemaleIran2008-02-11 21:50:00
Middle East and North Africasomeone please explain this to me...
This was explained to me by a lady at DOS (which means it may or may not be accurate).

All the clearances are done by computer. It is possible to be cleared then if a name is added to the "bad person" database which is similar to your SOs name it automatically puts them back on the not cleared list. It is not a person doing this it is all done by the computer. And since they remove all the vowels from the names it makes it even more common for false hits to occur
She did state that at some point (unknown when) they would clear the name manually and prevent anymore kickbacks for name matches.
How many years in AP it takes for this to happen she would not say.

So maybe, eventually, they will realize your SO is not evil and release his visa
belinda63FemaleIran2008-02-29 09:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaHusband called the Embassy and was told
Totally awesome news. I found Rose to be one of the most helpful at DOS. I hope this is for real and your next meeting will be at the airport in the US. Best of luck.
belinda63FemaleIran2008-03-05 08:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaOk so after 2nd 221g, I just called DOS
Tammy you aren't alone...remember i went through all this in October and the despair we felt at the time almost broke us.
Now we just make jokes about how inefficient the US government is move on to other topics.
I am glad to see two of us got the same info, makes me more secure in believing what I was told was right.
How about we go bounty hunting and get rid of all the bad mohammid's so the good ones can get their visas? devil.gif

Hang in there girl, it will happen
belinda63FemaleIran2008-03-11 15:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaCan I get SHOUT OUT!

planning to meet in sweden this summer (maybe)
belinda63FemaleIran2008-03-17 14:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaWEIRD AND STRANGE REQUEST

Hang in there baby. Drugs and booze are not the answer (unless I can join you).
It will work out, the consulates are just a bunch of government employees who know their jobs are secure unless they commit a MAJOR bad thing. They don't care about you, me, or our significant others.
As to your husband, at risk of being called a sexist, I think it is a man thing.
My SO, who has been in security checks for more than a year has decided he needs to buy a car to replace his worn out truck and try to start a new business venture. I wonder in my head, how can u do this, plan for a future there when we are just waiting for the visa. I mean I have pretty much put my life on hold for the past year.....
It is just the way men think, when he has the visa in his hands (hopefully very soon) he will panic and you will be amazed at how fast he will wrap things up and be by your side.

Hang in there, you have made it this far, don't let the government wear you out.

belinda63FemaleIran2008-03-10 20:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaPaperwork expired
Received a response from my senator regarding our case, he contacted the embassy and got the same answer I've been getting for almost a year "the case is in administrative review in Washington and we cannot predict when it will be completed."

Then comes has been more than a year since he signed the visa application so when he returns to the consulate (after AR is complete) he will have to sign a new application and after this his visa will be processed.

Just a few issues with this...
1. I am already going to submit a new affidavit of support, not waiting for them to request it.
2. Will he have to have a new medical exam or can the embassy extend it? (medicals are only good for a year).
3. Why do they have the petitions expire four months after they are approved unless the embassy has the petition extended when they KNOW it will take longer than this? Seems like a lot of fraud, waste, and abuse to me.
4. They don't seem to understand he is from Iran and he has to take off work and pay to fly or ride a bus for two days to get to the embassy and then stay in a hotel and purchase his food. He can't afford to sit there for weeks because their delays caused his paperwork to expire.

Anyway, I am still waiting for a response from the DOS and Homeland Security. I found a phone number for the FBI's terrorist watchlist division but decided not to call it as I did not want to be listed as a terrorist.

Hang in there everyone, eventually the visa will come

A last note, I am thinking of sending some letters (to senators and such) and referencing this message board as to individual problems with obtaining visas. It is better than saying I know of x number of people waiting more than a year for security checks etc. What do you think of this? It is a public message board.
belinda63FemaleIran2008-03-23 22:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaHey MENA
Everyone have a beautiful day. It is my day off and I was supposed to do laundry but it is POURING rain so now I have en excuse to put it off another day (i go to the laundry mat).
So i will sit at home cleaning and reading and being lazy. What a great way to spend my day off yes.gif
belinda63FemaleIran2008-03-27 07:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaLetters to Mail
Answer to senator question. Yes twice. All they do is email the consulate which gives them the same response they give me...he is in administrative processing and there is no way to predict how long it will take.
If you believe DOS he has been cleared about six times and then "uncleared" due to a name hit. With one of his names being Mohammadi and names being added to the terrorist watchlist at the rate of about 20,000 per month it is possible he will never be cleared unless someone with some common sense (remember this is the government) intervenes and manually clears him.

On to the letter.
It is three pages and three parts. First is my story, second is general problems with the process as I see it, third is solutions.

So far the mailing list is:
Sylvestre Reyes--previous critic of USCIS for slow processing
Oprah Winfrey
New York Times
LA times
Associated Press
Senator John Cornyn head of some committee dealing with immigration
Ron Lewis my congressman
Senator Levin sponsored the amendment for the FBI to improve security checks
Senator Edward Kennedy immigration committee
USCIS Ombudsman
Homeland Security
US Senate Subcommittee on immigration, border security, and citizenship
US Senate select committee on intelligence
US Senate subcommittee on oversight of Government Management
US House subcommittee on immigration
US House committee on Homeland Security

any other suggestions are welcome.
belinda63FemaleIran2008-03-28 16:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaLetters to Mail
OK, spent the last two hours writing and editing a letter regarding my personal issues with the visa process as well as general issues with the visa process. Now, since it is almost midnight, I will sleep on it before I decide to mail them.

But here are my suggestions.
1. Require family visas to be issued within 180 days of the interview unless solid evidence of terrorist or criminal activity. (need i say why)
2. Revise the petition validity from four months to one year to prevent the embassy from having to request an extension every four months. (this is time they could spend working on our cases instead of requesting extensions).
3. Require family based visas be given priority at every stage of the process. (Right now students and temporary workers are expedited through the security checks while family visas sit and wait)
4. Require that once a clearance is completed that it remain valid for six months. (no more well he was cleared yesterday but today he is not, or no more well clearance X expired while we were waiting for clearance Z so now we must repeat X and now Y has expired).

Any suggestions as to whom to mail them? Other than the DOS and Homeland security. oh and the subcommittee on immigration?
belinda63FemaleIran2008-03-27 22:45:00
Middle East and North Africaprinting chat logs
i printed out a random selection of my chat logs, about one conversation every two weeks and it did not always include the entire conversation. I then went through and blacked out some parts (intimate or very political) but not much. I included a cover sheet that stated this was a small sample of our conversations and that we talked on average three times a week for several hours each time.
It was simply proof that over a period of more than one year we had regular lengthy conversations which is "proof of an ongoing relationship". Neither of us can afford to make phone calls that often or for that long.

Only problem is if you do a lot of voice chat, then there is no log to print
belinda63FemaleIran2008-03-30 07:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaGuess What?
lots of dancing and hugs wow.gif
belinda63FemaleIran2008-03-29 10:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaList of those over 1 Year in AP
his interview was April 25, but remember they start the security checks when they receive the packets which would have been February 2007 to "ideally" have all the security checks completed other than the fingerprints (which take about one day) when the interview is conducted.
Anyway as he put it he paid $25 a minute for the interview and was told the security checks would take about 3 months.
Almost a year later and we are still waiting.
I know his resolve is still strong but his mom is determined to find him a wife. He will be 36 this year and never married. She hopes if she can find a good, young, muslim woman he will forget about coming to the US.
Oh dear God, Please let it be finished soon.
belinda63FemaleIran2008-03-27 14:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaK1 visa administrative process
They told my SO 3 months. That was April2007 and still we are waiting.
Some ppl get the visa a few days later
It is like the lottery, no one knows when or if they will win
belinda63FemaleIran2008-04-02 08:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaI just lost it with my husband!
i'm alive, not doing so well. Trying to stay immersed in work to avoid the whole depression thing. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.

I'm about ready to cut him lose and let him go. We are both tired of waiting and it is not fair to him. I have my children and my life, he never has. I think one more meeting, maybe June or July and if he doesn't have his visa by then it will be to say goodbye.

I hope we all get to post the dancing smileys soon but enough is enough....if there was a definite time limit it would be one thing, but this June it will be two years since we filed the petition with no end in sight. To make things even more depressing for him is his younger (10 years younger) brother has found a potential wife and is working out the details with her family for a possible marriage. And in addition to his family, now his boss and co-workers are pressuring him to marry.
I can't ask him to wait forever

(BTW i was on Paxil for a while and it worked really well, I don't have health insurance now or I surely would be back on it.)

Edited by belinda63, 10 April 2008 - 08:34 PM.

belinda63FemaleIran2008-04-10 20:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaI just lost it with my husband!
lots of hugs nutty. Hang in there. You and tammy are my cornerpost and I can't lose you now.
belinda63FemaleIran2008-04-10 19:54:00
Middle East and North Africai feel really cry
Hey baby, hang in there with the rest of us. It's ok to cry, scream, vent, throw things, stay in bed all day, all of these things. We are here to support you when u are down and to cheer u when u have the visa. This is the worst thing anyone can go through but hang in there and never give up. It is soooooooooooo worth the wait and helps your relationship grow stronger.
belinda63FemaleIran2008-04-11 07:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaPassport sent back 3 times blank
Worse than that he traveled to Turkey to get his visa and after more than a week was told he had to undergo more AP. DOS states this is common and can happen several times to the same person.
belinda63FemaleIran2008-04-15 14:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaMaybe i'm Being Overanxious ?
It is true that most are reluctant to get involved until there is a problem, as you have deduced. I contacted my senators office twice and all they did was send an email to the consulate and obtain the same response as I did, "still in administrative processing".
I have contacted my representative and just mailed this morning the release of information paper explaining the situation so I do not know what results if any I will get.

Pretty much what they told you is correct, it is up to the consulate to approve or deny the visa, the representative has no say in the matter nor can they influence the decision. They can become involved if there are issues arising from the process, in my case being in AP for more than one year. Whether they can do anything about that we will see, maybe just obtaining an inquiry will be enough for them to blow the dust off the file and start working on it again.

Good luck and remain positive, it is very rare for a petition to be denied unless there is fraud or misrepresentation, the only question is how long it will take.
belinda63FemaleIran2008-04-17 11:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaAmnio came back and prelimary
Best advice on a name. Go outside and yell the complete name (like you were mad at him) and if it sounds good go with it.
belinda63FemaleIran2008-04-16 19:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaStressed
Each state's laws are different. I know for a fact in Texas and Kentucky if you are married the husband's name will go on the birth certificate. In Kentucky even if it is later proven by genetic testing that your husband is not the father he is still considered the "legal father" and the state will not pursue any action against the biological father.
I would look on the internet for the laws specific to your state to see exactly what they are. I don't understand why an officially notarized statement would not be accepted by the department of vital records even if done outside of the hospital.

Maybe even contact the hospital to see if there is a form they use to Acknowledge Paternity that will be accepted since they are the ones who send the paperwork to the vital records department of your state.
belinda63FemaleIran2008-04-20 10:55:00
Middle East and North Africacongressman already contacted
My senator did nothing but email the consulate and get the same response I did "still undergoing administrative processing". I wrote my congressman who replied he has sent several letters of inquiry but that was more than one month ago and I have heard nothing since
belinda63FemaleIran2008-05-23 09:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaI think they wore us out
Thank you so much for all the advice. We did finally talk today, for over an hour and I think some of it can be put off to a misunderstanding, some to his lack of understanding women, and some to just the very long wait for the visa.
I had given him permission to speak to women online. he likes to talk to ppl from all cultures and discuss life, politics and such. I will not deprive him of this, his dream is to travel the world and since he cannot yet do that he travels by talking to other ppl.
Part of it, I think, is believes that if he posts that he is committed to a woman he will not attract female friends very easily.
Part of it is we are both ready to give up. He is 35 and has never been married (in his culture a very big no no).

We decided to wait until the end of June and then we will discuss our alternatives.
In the meantime I will wait and see. I have known him too long to just throw everything out because of this.

BTW, I did approach him under a false ID over one year ago and he kept it purely friendly, nothing more.

I did send an email to the other woman and explain we are waiting for a fiance visa. I explained I did not want to hurt her but I would like to know what he has said to her as we both need to know if he is playing both of us.

Thanks again everyone for your support. I will wait and see what happens when the end of June arrives.
belinda63FemaleIran2008-05-30 22:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaI think they wore us out
we are talking right now, wait and see.
also i sent her an email and informed her of our pending visa status.

this could be the end or maybe not
belinda63FemaleIran2008-05-30 14:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaI think they wore us out
Just need to vent and maybe get some advice from the man side of the house.
For more than two years we have been together, first as friends then as more. I have had some really bad relationships and find it very hard to trust any man, but he seems so good and honest.
I've know all along he has been talking to other people, male and female, on the internet but a few days ago he invited me to join "hi5" and I accepted.
I think the invite was by accident, but I found he has a female friend in Finland (his only friend on the site) he has been conversing with since before Christmas. He did not add me as a friend so I do not show up on the site, he listed himself as looking for friends, wanting to date women, and his relationship status is "ask me". None of the photos on his site show us, they are only of him. It could be he did this since women would not want to be "just friends" with a man who is committed to someone else.
When I sent an invite to her to join as my friend she did not respond. He came online the next day wanting to know why I had invited her and asking me to please not contact her.
Now either I am right on target and he is looking for alternatives, it has been two years since the petition was filed, or else I am just seeing things that are not there.
I have not talked to him in almost a week, he won't come online or respond to me.

So Men, am i just being a woman and overreacting or should I be asking questions?
belinda63FemaleIran2008-05-30 09:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA: I Need your opinion
i found my senator to be less than helpful, all he did was email the consulate and get the same generic answer i did.
My congressman sent me a release to sign and said he sent some inquires. I have heard nothing since this.

Don't give up, the wait is killing all of us, sucking out our strength and trust. It is hard to live when u are apart.
belinda63FemaleIran2008-06-01 07:04:00