Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrazilian Visa!!!!!!!!!!!
This is excellent news, congrats Kirk!! :dance:
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-10-23 08:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaWell the time has come
Ananda will be on a plane at 5:25am on her way to Rio. She'll have her Medical Exam on Monday, then the big Interview day on Tuesday. If all goes well, she'll finally be back in my arms Saturday morning. (L)

What a long strange trip it's been... god willing, this part of the journey will be coming to an end in 2 days.

Thanks to everyone here for all the help, it has been invaluable. :thumbs:
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-11-04 21:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaWell... Dodged a Bullet... a BIG Bullet

waiting for the news, Erik :D

APPROVED!!!! :dance: :dance:
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-11-07 11:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaWell... Dodged a Bullet... a BIG Bullet
Thanks everyone, she was able to get everything done with only 30 minutes left to spare. She's burnt out, but ready to get this finished tomorrow.

I'll def. let you all know as soon as I find out. :thumbs:
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-11-06 19:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaWell... Dodged a Bullet... a BIG Bullet
Yesterday Ananda arrived in Rio, as she was getting out of the Taxi in front of her Hotel, a man ran by and grabbed one of her bags and threw her on the ground. Thank god, she is alright. Apparently the guy was standing at the corner of the street, waiting for a "tourist" to show up so he could make his move, because she said it happened so quick... some god damn people.

She then told me he grabbed her "little" bag... this little bag was the bag/case she always kept all our paperwork, her passport etc. I just about fell on the floor.

Then she told me it was a different bag, and she had all her paperwork. She lost some personally items, and half the money I sent her there with. This was a small problem, as she had her Medical Exam today, and went to pay for the Visa today. She no longer had enough money to pay for both.

I Western Unioned her some money first thing this morning, and by the grace of god she was able to get everything complete that she needed to today.

So, 8:00am tomorrow it's interview time...

Needless to say, I haven't slept in over a day now, and my nerves are completely shot. I can't even begin to think what I would have done if something had happened to her, or if he grabbed the bag with all our paperwork...
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-11-06 16:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPolice certificate
As long as she has them before the interview, it doesn't really matter, because that is the only time the Police Certificates come into play.

My fiance's Federal Certificate took 1 day, while her State took about 3 weeks.
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-10-31 18:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiras

Erik will rotten his fiancee! :lol: Good to hear all is well with you two and that she's home and safe!


Thanks everyone. Those that asked, Ananda's interview was Tuesday morning, and she had her Visa in hand on Thursday (around 3pm). She stayed in Rio for the week, so she just went back to the Consulate to pick it up. There was no problems at all.
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-11-14 10:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiras
Hi Eveyone!
Thanks for all the great advice! So, Ananda has been here for 2 days now, and I really do not know how I lived without her for so long. Everything has been incredible. It was a VERY long 2 days to get her here however.

I went to work Friday morninig at 6am, left at 3:30pm. Headed for O'Hare straight after work... my flight to Atlanta was at 9:00pm. O'Hare is about 27 miles from my work place... it took me 3 1/2 hours to get there!!! We were in the middle of a huge lightning & thunder storm... it was nasty (I'm sure Bill & Eulalia know). I got to the airport, and had to walk for what seemed like forever from the parking lot, to the terminal... so now, I am completely drenched... head to toe... fun.

After being there for about an hour, the started canceling flights... great, just what I needed. There was 5 flights from O'hare to Atlanta, 4 of them were canceled... by the grace of god, mine was the only flight that made it out that night... it was delayed for over 2 hours however.

So, I get to Atlanta at 1am, Saturday morning... Ananda is due to arrive at 5:40am. Finally 5:00 rolls around... I look at the flight board, and the flight from Rio de Janeiro is no longer listed... great... what now? Finally after 15 minutes, they rebooted they're system, and Rio was back up there... only now they were an hour behind... so ok... 6:40 it is.

The plane lands (accourding to the board), so I stand at the stairway and wait... and wait... and wait... and wait.... and.. well you get the picture. I stood there for 2 1/2 hours waiting for her to come up the stairs from Customs. I finally called Customs and asked what was going on, he told me that because of the flight delay, 3 International Flights had landed at the same time... so there was over 1,000 people being processed through Immigrations at the same time. He said, Ananda had just finished, and she should be up stairs in a few minutes. Finally, my beautiful fiancee came up those stairs.

Ok, so I had booked us a flight out of Atlanta at 10:00am... figured, hey... 5 hours should be enough of a lay over... well, I was wrong... very wrong. We went to get her back, a HUGE bright pink bag... I think you can guess what happened next... yep, they lost it. So, now it is 9:00am, only 1 hour to catch our flight back home. I told the lady to take my address, and send the bags to the Milwaukee airport when they found them, we didn't have time to wait.

So, we ran to get our tickets, go through security, and get to the Gate. We got there exactly when they were boarding... well... when they were suppose to board. The flight back to Chicago was now delayed, because of the fiasco at O'Hare the night before... so we waited another hour... finally we got on our flight, and headed home. Then, we drive the hour home from O'Hare. I had not slept the whole time... I was dead.

We drove up to Milwaukee last night at picked up her bags... so all is good now. She's already connected with a good friend of mine, and my friend is going to try to learn Portuguese, so she can understand Ananda. But, they went on just fine for 5 hours last night. They are going shopping next weekend, and were going there for Turkey Day, and X-mas.

My family is heavily involved with Ananda. My mother is already spoiling her to death. Box, after box of "surprises" and presents have been showing up at our door. Mostly from my mother and grandmother... and accourding to them, there is already many more on they're way. :lol: This morning, we were woken up to a door bell... my mother sent Ananda a huge vase with a dozen red roses, and a whole bunch of red, white and blue balloons... with a card that said, "Welcome home, we all love you very much".... I had no idea my mother was doing any of this. She also made a huge scrap book, all of pictures of me and my family throughout my life, and sent it here for Ananda. Ananda hasn't stopped smiling and singing since she's been here, so I am extremely happy she feels so comfortable.

I took the day off today, and made her Eggs, Bacon, and Toast for breakfast.. then made her some home made Chili, and Chocolate Chip Cookies this afternoon :lol: She's on the couch listening to her new iPod, singing away.... god I love this woman.

Next week we start the English learning, and she wants to start at a Gym.

Her interview was extremely easy she said. They only asked her a hand full of questions, the same ones as normal. They looked at a few pictures, and that was it. She was in and out of the Consulate pretty quickly. Thanks to everyone here, it went as smoothly as it possibly could have. :thumbs:

Ok, sorry for the long post, I'm a boy in love, couldn't help it. :lol:
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-11-13 18:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiras

The advice was given by me, Laura, not Luis, as he wouldn't know how to help since he's the USC. You seem to be going the right way, and I am sure she'll appreciate all that you're doing for her. It seems like a great start. :) Hopefully she'll make friends and be busy enough to not feel down too much.

Oh yeah I figured, I just used the first name of the screen name... sorry about that :lol:
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-11-05 14:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiras
Thanks Luis

I will certainly never be upset when she gets depressed, or homesick. I completely understand what she is giving up (I can't say I understand what she is feeling, because I've never been in the situation). I am an extremely patient person, and have already told her not to fear, we will get through her adjustment day by day together.

She has never driven (well not a car), so I guess I'm the lucky one that gets to show her how (oh lordy, my poor clutch). She does want to work, but understands that could be awhile.

I've already got the Gym thing lined up for her, and shortly after she's here I'm going to get her into English Classes. She's almost as much of a music lover as I am, so concerts will be a great thing for us to go do. There are so many bands she's always dreamt of seeing live, but never was able to. I did surprise her recently by telling her I got tickets to see her favorite band of all time (Guns 'n' Roses) at the end of November.

I've already scoped out all the Brasilian restaurants in the area, and also found a little Brasilian store were you can buy authentic Brasilian ingredients. There is also Brasilian Cultural Center here that I'm hoping we can get involved in.

So, I've been trying to think of as much as possible... but figured someone actually going through it, would know much better than I. Even if it's something small... just anything to make her a little more comfortable (for example, she listens to music just about 24x7, so I bought her an iPod Nano, and loaded all her favorite bands albums on it for her, so she can use it to work out, or when she goes for walks, or whenever). Little things like that I guess...
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-11-05 12:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiras
To all the ladies from Brasil that have recently arrived in the US, I was just wondering how the adjustment was coming along?

I'm trying to think of as many things as possible to do before Ananda arrives to make her as comfortable as possible, I know it will be a huge change for her. Any suggestions or anything that helped you a little with the adjustment? (or beginning of the adjustment).
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-11-05 12:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaWorth it for USC to attend interview in Rio?
A week ago at my fiances interview, they only looked at a few pictures of us together, scanned over a couple hand written letters and that was it.

I really wanted to go to the interview as well, however after seeing how easy it was for her, they money saved can be used much better here now that she has arrived.

If your case is straight forward, and your documents are all correct, there shouldn't be any problems. My fiance said it was an extremely easy experience (of course, my #######-ness about paperwork being done properly probably helped a little :lol: )
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-11-21 12:21:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasil Consulate I-134 FYI
I sent 3 years of Tax Transcripts, Last years W-2, Letter from Employer, and 2 Pay Stubs... I'm hoping this will be enough (I didn't do the Bank Letter, because my income is well above the poverty guidelines).

Edited by Erik, 01 October 2006 - 09:33 PM.

ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-10-01 21:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaA little cooking help from my Brasilian friends
She made Pave by the way... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :dance: :D
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-11-23 14:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaA little cooking help from my Brasilian friends
We found some in our grocery store as well, same as the picture above. Table Cream... never had heard of it before. :thumbs:
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-11-23 13:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaA little cooking help from my Brasilian friends
Hey everyone,
My fiancee and I are trying to gather up the ingredients to making a desert her Aunt makes over there in Brasil. She needs to get some "Creme de Leite" and for the life of me, I can not find the equiv. of what that would be here in the US. Or do they sell this stuff in the US?

I know it translates into Cream of Milk... but I'm clueless about cooking... help please :D
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-11-21 23:01:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Will NVC sent it to the right place?

Hii everyone. I wondering if the NVC will sent the letter to the right embassey. I just found out the Sao Paulo embassey dose not do that. It's Rio de Jainero that does Fiance visa. On my forms I put Sao Paulo. Do you think the NVC will sent it to the right place? I just got my NO2 approval yesterday. - Snowgecko

I'm going to assume they will know that Rio is the only Consulate that deals with these Visa's. I would not worry to much, but would probably try contacting them to let them know you made an error.
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-07-27 10:36:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)approved last august 3, 2006...NVC?????????
Approved on the same day, and NVC says they still haven't received ours yet either. I don't get it, it seems many people with Aug 3rd NOA2's are taking a long time for NVC process... yet there are approvals after I believe that are already through NVC.

Also, right before Aug 3rd approvals, it was taking a week or less for peoples petition to make it to, and through NVC.

Not sure whats going on
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-08-21 17:55:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Different times from CSC to NVC? too, August 3rd NOA2 and still no receipt at NVC (checked this morning). I've read that it sometimes takes nearly a month for them to receive it and the NVC folks said it can take up to 90 days. I hope this is just a normal delay...don't want to speculate on alternatives!

Stay strong everyone...we'll get there.

You might want to call again. I just called at 6:15 Central time and she said they just entered the case a little while ago. Wow, that was so different from USCIS. She was so nice and helpful! It didn't hurt that she was Chinese :D

Woohoo! Now let's hope they get that thing outta there fast...

Yep, appears they just received the Aug 3rd batch, mine was entered today as well.

Quick question, I had a hard time understanding her (I think it was the same Chinese lady). Does your case number start with the letters RDJ? I couldn't understand when she was giving the 2nd letter.

Oh forget that, I just realized RDJ must stand for Rio de Janeiro... duh lol!

Edited by Erik, 21 August 2006 - 09:21 PM.

ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-08-21 21:20:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Different times from CSC to NVC?

do you just give them your WAC# and they check if they have it.


Yup, here ya go (603) 334-0700. You'll want to push 1 for English, then 5 to be transferred to a live person. You can push them right away, no need to sit and listen to the messages. :thumbs:

Were one step/wrinkle closer buddy! :thumbs:

You give them your USCIS Receipt number, mine starts with LIN (I thought they all did, but not sure)
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-08-19 21:29:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Different times from CSC to NVC?
Yup, here ya go (603) 334-0700. You'll want to push 1 for English, then 5 to be transferred to a live person. You can push them right away, no need to sit and listen to the messages. :thumbs:

Were one step/wrinkle closer buddy! :thumbs:
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-08-19 20:42:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Different times from CSC to NVC?

Say it ain't so. You guys are waiting over two weeks for NVC to get the case? Damn, more waiting.... :blink:

Our case was an august 3rd approval as well and we called yesterday and nvc still hadnt received our case. I am starting to get really frustrated here since we already waited 143 days to get approved. :crying:

Good luck to you, too. I am sure there are others waiting like us, but I see so many people blowing past us that I am getting frustrated. Oh well... I am going to go cook some dumplings and try to relax...

Looks like some of us are William... and strangly enough, people that were approved on Aug 3rd. I checked the DHL site, and saw 3 petitions had been sent to Rio in the past week, don't know whats going on.

If memory serves me correct, I believe some people called the NVC in the past and were told they had not received they're case, then they called the Consulate, and the Consulate said they had received it. Or I think some people ended up getting Packet 3 before NVC said they ever received it... so again... who knows :lol:

Haven't been around in a few weeks, but notice you were approved, a HUGE Congrats to you and your bride to be my friend. :thumbs:
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-08-19 20:04:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Different times from CSC to NVC?
You guys are not alone, my approval came Aug 3rd as well, and when I called this Friday, NVC said they still had not received it.
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-08-19 18:30:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Tick-Tock, the Clock Stopped. WAITING for petition to be sent to NVC!!!

whoa, you guys have been waiting a LONG time!

Do they say anything when you call & check?

Wow, UK stuff moves fast devilette!!!

Our case arrived at NVC on Monday Aug 21. Hopefully it will be outta there next week!!!

I just called NVC (Aug 3rd NOA2). As known, they received my petition on Aug 21st, and the lady just told me that it was forwarded to the Embassy in Rio de Janeiro Aug 22nd. DHL doesn't show a package leaving for Rio on the 22nd, only the 25(today)... so I don't know.
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-08-25 18:27:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Out of NVC!!

I contacted Rio de Janeiro today, and they informed me they had received my case. So less than a week from NVC confirming receipt, to Rio confirming receipt. They said they would be mailing my fiance her first packet this week.

Erik, read the info on the VJ link about the consulate in Rio. Your fiance could send out what they request in packet 3 before getting it - it'd save some time. :)

Thanks Mew, we planned on doing that, I just needed to confirm they received it before we did. Now that we know, we'll be sending in those papers this week. :thumbs:

Great! As soon as they get packet 3 from your fiance, they'll give you the interview date. Isn't that exciting? :)

Yeah it will certainly be great to finally get some concrete date as to when this nitemare will end.
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-08-30 17:14:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Out of NVC!!

I contacted Rio de Janeiro today, and they informed me they had received my case. So less than a week from NVC confirming receipt, to Rio confirming receipt. They said they would be mailing my fiance her first packet this week.

Erik, read the info on the VJ link about the consulate in Rio. Your fiance could send out what they request in packet 3 before getting it - it'd save some time. :)

Thanks Mew, we planned on doing that, I just needed to confirm they received it before we did. Now that we know, we'll be sending in those papers this week. :thumbs:
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-08-29 18:57:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Out of NVC!!
I contacted Rio de Janeiro today, and they informed me they had received my case. So less than a week from NVC confirming receipt, to Rio confirming receipt. They said they would be mailing my fiance her first packet this week.
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-08-29 18:52:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)nvc case number been 13 days

we got approved sept 13 and still no case number from nvc did anyone else in that time fram get there number yet?

As Tom stated, right now it's typical, it could be a little while, hang in there
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-09-25 20:28:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 Approved
Congrats!!! :dance:
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-08-04 10:34:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview scheduled! YAHOOOOOOO
Congrats!!!! Parabens! :dance: :thumbs:
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-09-15 19:33:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
Hey, they are good for sending out Transfer Notices.... I just received my 2nd notice in as many weeks (in snail mail) informing me my case has been transfered to California.

Good to see they have things under control over there. :wacko:
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-06-12 13:46:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
I got transfered to CSC as well. My NOA1 was dated May 9th. :(

If only people that have a criminal background need to fill in the new sections of the I-129F, then why would people without a criminal history need to fill out a new I-129F? Why wouldn't the one they have be enough?

Don't tell me they are going to make me fill that paper out all over again, just to put a check mark in a box. :angry:
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-06-01 19:02:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
You can add me to the ever growing list as well for Nebraska.

NOA1 Dated May 9th
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-05-29 20:01:00
IMBRA Special TopicsReceived this From Cherry Blossoms
Thanks for the information.

I met my fiance through a website called (or Parperfeito for her in Brasil). The website is like Yahoo Personals (in fact they are associated with Yahoo).

I personally did not think they would be classified as a Marriage Broker either, but from the USCIS's description on the RFE (it says any place that charges a fee for dating etc.) I put yes, and explained on an attached sheet that it's not like the websites where you pay for a womans specific information, and there are people from all countries included the US that us it.

I wasn't exactly sure what to put, but figured if I put yes and gave them the information, they would decide weather it is or not, rather than send me another RFE down the road telling me otherwise.

Would be nice if they had some sort of list

Edited by Erik, 02 July 2006 - 05:06 PM.

ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-07-02 17:05:00
IMBRA Special TopicsCSC Approvals & IMBRA RFE

Ignorance of the law is no defense. All I can say is the people who just decide since the site they met on doesn't "arrange marriages" or well the site told me they are not one, so therefore they aren't IMB's are not exersizing good judgement in my opinion. Read the freakin law! We met on a site where no personal information is ever provided, are marriage sure the hell was not arranged. But according to an immigration attorney we met through an IMB. And yes we have had this subject over and over and over. And we will continue to as peeps who haven't filed come on ask the question. So I guess we should all get used to it simply ignore future posts on the subject.

I really just wanted to know the answer to Erik's original post. Anybody??? ;)

Hey don't ignore me!! :( :lol: :P
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-07-27 13:19:00
IMBRA Special TopicsCSC Approvals & IMBRA RFE

Agree Devilette, and I'm not tryin to beat a dead horse, only was trying to explain to Marie as to why it is a bit confusing. Even if they email the website, and the website responds with what you stated, where they are not a marriage website, they are a "dating" website, the description of Marriage Brokers in the RFE also defines "dating" businesses as well.

So, in a nut shell I'm saying they IMBRA RFE blows donkey balls, but we all know that already :lol: :thumbs:

yes but this is not vague:
(ii) an entity that provides dating services if its
principal business is not to provide international dating
services between United States citizens or United
States residents and foreign nationals and it charges
comparable rates and offers comparable services to
all individuals it serves regardless of the individual’s
gender or country of citizenship.

I met on a UK dating site, while living in that country. It's not specifically a marriage or int'l dating site.

Yup, again agreed completely :thumbs: , but those exceptions are not included in the IMBRA RFE, so unless one would read the law, they would not even know exceptions exsisted going on the IMBRA RFE alone.

Thats kinda why I was saying it can be confusing, and for someone just getting into the process like Marie, even more so.

Edited by Erik, 27 July 2006 - 01:06 PM.

ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-07-27 13:04:00
IMBRA Special TopicsCSC Approvals & IMBRA RFE

Thanks for the responses. I thought a marriage broker would be one of those "mail order brides" agencies.

Yeah, I would believe those would be included as Marriage Brokers as well, although all many of those do is sell the person's address, phone number, email etc. They are not actually involved in the relationship. Were as Sowens mentioned some of these places actually take part in people meeting. They set up dates, etc. etc. To me, those are the "real" Marriage Brokers.

So you see why it's a bit confusing :wacko:

But if you email these sites & ask, they say NO, they are not. It's a dating site , not a marriage site, where you PAY to get set up for marriage. This has been discussed to death before & that was the general consensus.

Agree Devilette, and I'm not tryin to beat a dead horse, only was trying to explain to Marie as to why it is a bit confusing. Even if they email the website, and the website responds with what you stated, where they are not a marriage website, they are a "dating" website, the description of Marriage Brokers in the RFE also defines "dating" businesses as well.

So, in a nut shell I'm saying they IMBRA RFE blows donkey balls, but we all know that already :lol: :thumbs:

Edited by Erik, 27 July 2006 - 12:58 PM.

ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-07-27 12:56:00
IMBRA Special TopicsCSC Approvals & IMBRA RFE

(4) I
(A) I
.—The term ‘‘international marriage
broker’’ means a corporation, partnership, business, indi-
vidual, or other legal entity, whether or not organized
under any law of the United States, that charges fees
for providing dating, matrimonial, matchmaking services,
or social referrals between United States citizens or
nationals or aliens lawfully admitted to the United States
as permanent residents and foreign national clients by
providing personal contact information or otherwise facili-
tating communication between individuals.
(B) E
.—Such term does not include—
(i) a traditional matchmaking organization of a
cultural or religious nature that operates on a nonprofit
basis and otherwise operates in compliance with the
laws of the countries in which it operates, including
the laws of the United States; or
(ii) an entity that provides dating services if its
principal business is not to provide international dating
services between United States citizens or United
States residents and foreign nationals and it charges
comparable rates and offers comparable services to
all individuals it serves regardless of the individual’s
gender or country of citizenship.

Pretty straight forward really. The last exception is how match and yahoo get a pass.

Yeah spot on. :thumbs: What I was trying to say, was I believe those exceptions were written in the law specifically with those large companies in mind. Otherwise they would of had many, many more lawsuits against them, from companies large enough to hire whole teams of high powered attorneys to appeal the law.

Also, with the IMBRA RFE that only adds to the confusion, as no where does it state there are exceptions to what they list (that I can remember, I should probably check before I post this, but I'm still working on my 1st cup of coffee :lol: ). So, unless someone goes out and reads the law (which most probably do not) they will take the wording as is, which in "theory" would include those websites, if you know what I mean.

Edited by Erik, 27 July 2006 - 12:38 PM.

ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-07-27 12:37:00
IMBRA Special TopicsCSC Approvals & IMBRA RFE

So, in theory because a place like, or Yahoo Personals charges a monthly fee to get in touch with people, they technically at this point would be considered a Marriage Broker.

Not necessarily. Match and Yahoo seem to fall under the exception that has been posted several times on this board, as the point of those dating sites is not specifically to set up meetings between USCs and one particular group of foreigners.

Personally, I think if you are looking for a friend or pen pal from a specific country and it leads to somethign else, that shouldn't be a marriage broker either, but that is probably one of the ones that you need to explain a bit more.

of course, these are just my opinions on the matter. I'm not a lawyer, and I don't work for USCIS, so what do I know? I was just adding my viewpoint .... :)

I completely agree that there was talk about Yahoo and Match being exceptions to the rules, however I think that is the part that confuses most people, and is where the USCIS contradicts itself the most. My guess, is that there was some behind the scenes deals being made for those 2 very large companies to be excluded. I'm willing to bet money exchanged hands somewhere.

The contradictory part being even in the IMBRA RFE, they classified a Marriage Broker as the following:

"The term "international marriage broker" means a corporation, partnership, business, individual, or other legal entity, whether or not organized under any law of the United States, that charges fees for providing dating, matrimonial, matchmaking services, or social referrals between United States citizens or nationals or aliens lawfully admitted to the United States as lawful permanent residents and foreign national clients by providing personal contact information or otherwise facilitating communication between individuals."

Now, that paragraph from the IMBRA RFE would and should theoretically include the likes of Yahoo, and Match. I mean, they state "Matchmaking Services", how could a company with a name like "Match" not be included in this? :lol:

This is where much of the confusion lies, and is why I went ahead and said yes with an explanation of how the website opperates. Just didn't want ANOTHER stupid RFE :lol:

Edited by Erik, 27 July 2006 - 12:03 PM.

ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-07-27 12:00:00
IMBRA Special TopicsCSC Approvals & IMBRA RFE

Thanks for the responses. I thought a marriage broker would be one of those "mail order brides" agencies.

Yeah, I would believe those would be included as Marriage Brokers as well, although all many of those do is sell the person's address, phone number, email etc. They are not actually involved in the relationship. Were as Sowens mentioned some of these places actually take part in people meeting. They set up dates, etc. etc. To me, those are the "real" Marriage Brokers.

So you see why it's a bit confusing :wacko:
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-07-27 11:38:00