Mexico, Latin & South AmericaTicket to Rio

I don't think you can do medical at the consulate. We went to the approved doctor who's office was in Leblon. My fiance made the appointment as soon as she learned the interview date. He said that we could do the appointment the day before the interview, because everything gets done on that visit. I think we were there about 45 minutes or so. He looked at her medical papers, vaccines etc. and he did a basic exam on her. Sealed her papers in an envelope to take to the interview. His fee was about BRL$200.

You can see my review on the consulate, but just make sure you have all of your documents, forms etc. For photos - make certain that ears are visible. Several women were sent down the block to have photos retaken. They will not allow cameras or cell phones in the consulate.

If you have questions just let me know.


Holy C#%P!! $1700??

I have traveled to Brazil six times in the last 16 months and the airfare has been higher each time. No doubt the increased oil prices have increased the cost of fuel. The lowest I paid was about $750, and the highest about $1000. But I just got my fiances ticket for her entry to the U.S. and it was almost $1180 on American, and for one way!!. Almost the same price as round trip. United wanted $1500! Fortunately I managed a couple freebie frequent flyer seats during that time span.

I went to the interview at Rio consulate, so let me know if you have any questions about that experience.

Good luck with your interview!


I'll take any tip's you can give!!! I've heard it's pretty easy, but if there's something you think I should know...please share!! Did you have the medical done at the consulate or from one of the doctor's they listed on the website? If it was in the consulate, how long were you there that day? and if not, how far in advance did you need to make your appointment?

Quick question, what if she can't get records of her injections? Will they give her what she needs as part of the Medical (do you know?)
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-07-04 21:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaChurrasco in the United States


I have been to the Fogo de Chão in Chicago. It was quite good and a beautiful place. My friend took me for my birthday so I just got a glance at the check. It was well over $100 for two of us. The buffet was very good. It's not exactly the same cuts of meats, or the vegtables that you would have in Brazil, but was top quality food. My Caiaprinha was strong - as in Brazil, so this was a nice surprize!

Get used to the idea that nice resturants in the US are much more expensive than Brazil.


My fiancee, Eulalia, arrives in Chicago tomorrow from Brazil. Her big POE arrival! Actually Miami is POE.

You're moving to Chicago - cool! When does your fiance arrive?


Hey all,
Well, because of a job offer, it appears I'll be moving to Chicago in the next few weeks. I was looking around on the net for all things Brasilian in Chicago so when my fiance gets here, we can take in some of her culture here in the States.

I found this restaurant, most of you probably already know about it. It's called Fogo de Chão. My fiance who lives in MS (oh man, incredible Churrasco there) said it should be good because the founders are from the Capital of Churrasco, aka. Rio Grande do Sul.

Curious if any of you have eaten there? Looks like there is 6 of them here in the states, and a handful in Brasil as well. (Portuguese)

Hey Bill,
Congrats on your fiance arriving tomorrow, thats excellent!!!

I'll be moving to Chicago (well my office will actually be in Waukegan, but also have one in Chicago) in 2 weeks, but we're still waiting for a NOA2, so I have no clue now when she'll be here. My petition went in on May 9th, so hopefully she is here by October, or of course sooner. I'm not to worried about the price of eating there, was just curious. It won't be an everyday thing, but maybe a weekly thing lol!

Would be great to meet up once she gets here. I'm sure it would be nice for them to meet some folks from they're homeland.

You may already know about this, but I also found this Brasilian Cultural Center in Chicago ( Seems they have little festivals, get togethers etc. We were pretty excited to see some Brasilian culture up there in Chicago, because there is really none here in Cincinnati. So, it should be a great move for both of us.

Stay close, I may need some advice from you when this process crosses the border :lol: :thumbs:

Edited by Erik, 19 July 2006 - 11:48 AM.

ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-07-19 11:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaChurrasco in the United States


Thanks Carol! I knew I remembered seeing it here somewhere. Maybe now Ananda and I would be able to go for a get together since I'll be in Chicago soon :D
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-07-18 20:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaChurrasco in the United States

GREAT..... I will repeat...... G R E A T restaurant. My wife an I ate at the one in Chicago when we were there visiting this past April..... Definately go... my mouth is watering....

Thanks for the reply MandR. If it's anything like the real deal over there in Brasil, she (oh yes of course, and I) will be extremely happy!!!

I heard it's a bit on the expensive side, you remember what you paid per person? I know over in Brasil, I paid about 10 bucks per person lol... I need to move :lol:
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-07-17 20:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaChurrasco in the United States
Hey all,
Well, because of a job offer, it appears I'll be moving to Chicago in the next few weeks. I was looking around on the net for all things Brasilian in Chicago so when my fiance gets here, we can take in some of her culture here in the States.

I found this restaurant, most of you probably already know about it. It's called Fogo de Chão. My fiance who lives in MS (oh man, incredible Churrasco there) said it should be good because the founders are from the Capital of Churrasco, aka. Rio Grande do Sul.

Curious if any of you have eaten there? Looks like there is 6 of them here in the states, and a handful in Brasil as well. (Portuguese)
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-07-17 19:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaDish Network or Directv

Anyone have experience in DishLatino from Dish Network for latin stations ???

I am considering changing to Dish Network for my wife to have more latin channels to watch

I'll be switching from DirecTV to Dish network because DirecTV has no Brazilian channels. Hell hath no fury like a brasiliera deprived of her telenovelas!

Ain't that the truth! :lol: If I have to sit through Bellissima one more time I'm gonna go nutz! :lol:

At least it's better than "América"... I still have that effing Ivete Sangalo song stuck in my head... Thank god I've got a GUY Brazilian... no novelas for me, just football... does that Dish Network thing have Brazilian channels that might show important soccer games? Or even Sao Paulo soccer games? I'd like to get that for Rey (almighty-dollar willing)

Accourding to Dish Network, some of the networks they offer do broadcast some football games. Not sure which ones though.

Ahhh yes, America... but have you seen "Bang! Bang!" ? :lol:
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-07-29 12:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaDish Network or Directv

Anyone have experience in DishLatino from Dish Network for latin stations ???

I am considering changing to Dish Network for my wife to have more latin channels to watch

I'll be switching from DirecTV to Dish network because DirecTV has no Brazilian channels. Hell hath no fury like a brasiliera deprived of her telenovelas!

Ain't that the truth! :lol: If I have to sit through Bellissima one more time I'm gonna go nutz! :lol:
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-07-28 10:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCalling Brazil - Phone rates
I used to use Skype, but now use Yahoo Phone Out. It appears to be cheaper than Skype and your not limited in terms of payment options like you are on Skype.

Here's the Yahoo rates to Brasil

Brazil $0.039
Brazil, Belo Horizonte $0.039
Brazil, Mobile $0.120
Brazil, Rio De Janeiro $0.015
Brazil, SaoPaolo $0.015
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-07-24 10:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americapre-medical in Brazil

I'm going to bookmark this thread. Thanks again! :D

VJ could give us a way to bookmark on VJ the thread, or put them in the favorites, or something like that you know? There are some good threads I have to hunt down sometimes to read. :P Just a thought

Yeah I agree, whenever I find something with information that I need, or think I will need as the process moves forward I always add the thread to my Explorer Favorites.... my list is getting quite LARGE :lol:

I guess the best thing is the Track this Topic function

Edited by Erik, 06 August 2006 - 05:34 PM.

ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-08-06 17:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americapre-medical in Brazil

And even if she wants to do all at the doctor, I recommend the free vaccines at a Posto de Saúde, Dr. Joaquim does the testing and x-ray and gives the sealed envelope all in the same day, she can do it the day before the interview just fine, and while she waits for results in the envelope she can walk a short distance to the citibank and pay the visa fee. All very peaceful. Also, Dr. Joaquim's office is RIGHT in front of the consulate, so she'll get accostumed to the area even. :lol:

Excellent everyone, thanks very much! She is going to receive her DT (difteria and tetano) and
MMR (sarampo - caxumba - rubeola) injections at the Posto de Saude in the next couple weeks. I was just unsure about the medical exam, and how long it took. Good to hear this Dr. gives her the results the same day, it will make scheduling her and I's trip out there for the interview much easier.

I'm going to bookmark this thread. Thanks again! :D
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-08-06 15:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americapre-medical in Brazil
Here's a quick question that I think I know the answer to, but maybe someone knows different.

The only place you can get the medical is at one of the approved Dr.'s offices that they list on they're sheet right?

I've been a little concerned about this, as I would love for her to get the medical done now, but she's nothing short of a plane ride to any of those places they list.

Is my only option to get the Medical a few days before her interview while were in Rio? I heard the results are typically ready the next day, but am not sure
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-08-06 11:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPolice Certificates
I just talked to her, she's gonna try the Secretaria de Segurança Pública in Campo Grande (since she has to go there for the Policia Federal anyway).

You guys are right, they don't take Forum or Courthouse documents, I just read it in the instructions for Police Certificates :thumbs:

I hope she can get it in Campo Grande :(
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-08-07 21:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPolice Certificates

I heard they don´t accept the courthouse certificate at the consulate, didn´t come from the source though, so you can call and check.

Yeah my confusion is the Police sent her to the Courthouse, they told her they don't do that anymore. I can't believe they would make her to go Rio first to get Police Certificates.

If the Secretaria de Segurança Pública told her that in person, what in gods earth can she do?
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-08-07 20:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPolice Certificates
Talked to her, I misunderstood her. They told her the Policia Federal does not give out the certificates anymore, she was told she had to go to the Courthouse or (Forum) in Portuguese (sorry, I'm sure there is a accent on the "o" but I don't know it lol).

Apparently when she went to the Secretaria de Segurança Pública, they made her go to the Courthouse also...

Never heard of this
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-08-06 21:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPolice Certificates

Never heard it either. Ask her to call the Secretaria de Segurança Pública of Campo Grande to know if what she got is the state certificate.

She actually went to the Secretaria de Segurança Pública in her hometown of Aquidauana. There isn't a Policia Federal there, so she needs to go to Campo Grande for that.

But, the guy at the Secretaria de Segurança Pública in Aquidauana said she needed the Policia Federal, and another one (still haven't talked to her yet today to find out what he said exactly.)

I told her that wasn't the case, all we needed was the Secretaria de Segurança Pública, and the Federal certificates, but she said this guy insisted she needed two others besides the one they gave her.

I'm not overly concerned about it, but found it weird because she told him what the document was for (well actually she gave him the sheet that comes in Packet 3 that your suppose to bring to request the Certificate).
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-08-06 15:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPolice Certificates
Thanks guys.

She already went and got the State one (well the equiv of State Police there). That one only did take a hour or so. She'll be going to Campo Grande Tuesday to apply for the Policia Federal one.

Also, when she went to get the State one, the guy told her she needed 2 others, one being Policia Federal, and another Police agency (don't remember right now, I'll try to ask her what the guy said again today). Anyone every heard of this? a 3rd Police Certificate? The guy told her she needed it for her Visa... I dunno
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-08-06 12:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPolice Certificates

Hey all,
How long did it take you guys to get your Police Federal Certificates mailed to you?

I'm not sure they're mailed. Mine took 15 days to be ready for me to go back and pick it up. However, according to the state she'll be getting it (I know, they're federal, but different offices have different timeframes), it'll take longer or it'll be ready faster. Also, they're good for 90 days.

Thanks, the Consulate said they were good for 1 year

Well, the certificate says "valid for 90 days"... But if the consulate says they're good for a year, even better. I won't have to get another one! :)

Dear Sir or Madam,

I have just submitted my I-129F Petition here in the United States for my Brasilian Fiance. I had a very quick question I am hoping you can answer for me.

I know she will be required to bring 2 Police Certificates to her interview when the time comes. Are we able to get those Police Certificates now or are they time sensitive?

We are trying to gather all the documents we need now, so any advice on this would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much,

Best Regards,

Erik Pelletier

They have validity of one year.

Regards, IV unit

You shouldn't :thumbs:
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-08-05 15:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPolice Certificates

Hey all,
How long did it take you guys to get your Police Federal Certificates mailed to you?

I'm not sure they're mailed. Mine took 15 days to be ready for me to go back and pick it up. However, according to the state she'll be getting it (I know, they're federal, but different offices have different timeframes), it'll take longer or it'll be ready faster. Also, they're good for 90 days.

Thanks, the Consulate said they were good for 1 year
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-08-05 14:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPolice Certificates
Hey all,
How long did it take you guys to get your Police Federal Certificates mailed to you?
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-08-05 14:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaLanguage Issue

My fiancee is from Lima, Peru. I speak very little Spanish and she speaks a little English. We communicate fine and are learning each others language. I am concerned that this is going to be an issue at the interview. Can any others who have delt with the issue give me some insight? Thanks.

It shouldn't be a problem as long as they can see you two can communicate with each other (of course). I don't speak perfect Portuguese by any means, nor does my fiance speak perfect English, but even when I say something incorrectly she understands what I'm talking about (guess thats just from us talking all the time).

I wouldn't worry about it at all. :thumbs:
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-08-19 19:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaWait time between Packet 3, and Interview Date
Excellent Laura! I hope you get your interview quick! :dance:
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-08-07 21:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaWait time between Packet 3, and Interview Date
Thanks everyone! :thumbs:
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-08-04 00:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaWait time between Packet 3, and Interview Date
Anyone know what the approx. estimate wait time is between the time Packet 3 is sent back, and the interview date is actually scheduled for Rio?
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-08-03 20:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPlane tickets from Brazil to the U.S.
What I don't get is if you go to and look up one ticket, round trip, it's about $750.00US. But, if you enter that there are 2 people flying, the price jumps to about $1,400US a ticket... what the hell is the deal?

Maybe I'll buy mine, then have my mother buy my fiances?
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-08-30 17:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaRio Consulate
Thanx everyone for your replies. Hopefully we'll get her interview date this week!

Anyone else get this weird kind of feeling when you finally got an interview date, and knew the end of all this ####### was actually closing to a near?

Maybe it's just disbelief, as at the beginning of this journey, you never believe it's actually going to come to an end.

Hey Bill, how are you and the Ms. doing? Send me an email when you get a chance, and have the Ms. resend one to Ananda! I'm sure Ananda would love to hear some encouraging words from a fellow country woman about the interview process!


Hey everyone,
My fiance Sedex'd the requirements asked for by Packet 3 today. I paid a stupid amount of money, but was told it would arrive in Rio on Monday (she mailed it this morning).
Once they receive it, they assign an interview date, and then ship off Packet 4. Let's say they get it on Monday, is it possible to contact them and ask them what the interview date will be before my fiance actually recieves Packet 4?
I could of sworn I remember someone on here doing that. I would be very curious, as if it is possible that I could call them and get the date next week, I can start to plan our travel plans (I plan on going to the interview).
Anyone got the answer? :D
Here's another one, any clue how long it takes them to assign a interview date after they receive the ds-2001, and ds-230 part 1?

Check my signature, Rio received my case on 8/21, on 8/22 Charles called them and they said the case was there just to confirm and that they sent me the packet 3. On 8/22 I sent the packet 3 by sedex 10 (paid almost 40 reais so it would get there 10am the next day). The next day 8/23 it arrived there before 10 am, I waited 1 day to call and on 8/24 I called and they told me the interview date. So call them, e-mail them, don't sit and wait.
Just an example, they sent me the packet 3 on august 22, it's september 1st and I still haven't received the packet 3. If I had waited for it to arrive here so then I would send them the packet 3 back I'd probably have my interview at least 2 weeks after the day it is, if not more.
As for how long it takes, they got my packet 3 on august 23rd and my interview date is october 10.
Good luck :thumbs:

Hey maybe we'll have interviews on the same day! :thumbs:
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-09-02 17:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaRio Consulate
Hey everyone,
My fiance Sedex'd the requirements asked for by Packet 3 today. I paid a stupid amount of money, but was told it would arrive in Rio on Monday (she mailed it this morning).

Once they receive it, they assign an interview date, and then ship off Packet 4. Let's say they get it on Monday, is it possible to contact them and ask them what the interview date will be before my fiance actually recieves Packet 4?

I could of sworn I remember someone on here doing that. I would be very curious, as if it is possible that I could call them and get the date next week, I can start to plan our travel plans (I plan on going to the interview).

Anyone got the answer? :D

Here's another one, any clue how long it takes them to assign a interview date after they receive the ds-2001, and ds-230 part 1?

ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-09-01 14:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaAny Brazilians familiar with Rio Maria?
Well my fiance is from Aquidauana, MS. which is a poor area in the Pantanal. I much like you, wanted to see how she grew up, and the challenges she faced there. So, I lived there with her and her family for a month (as much time as I could take off from work). It was certainly a humbling experience, and opened up entirely new perspectives in my life. So, it was certainly an experience I would not trade for the world.

That being said, I could never live in Aquidauana. Would I move to Brasil for my fiance? In a heart beat, but certainly not to Aquidauana. I don't know if I could get use to the idea of walking past Anaconda's, and Gators. That, and it is EXTREMELY hot there... good lord, almost killed this Gringo. If I had to move there, it would certainly be to a bigger city, Sao Paulo, Brasilia, Rio, or maybe even Campo Grande.

I researched work there quite a bit, and being completely fluent in Portuguese is really a must. I speak Portuguese, but no where's near enough to be able to land a decent job there, especially in my field (Software Engineering). You would def. have a better chance in a bigger, more diversified city than a small rural Brasilian town. In her town, even she struggles to find work, it is very scarce, and of course the pay is horrid.

It's noble that you want to experience life as your fiance has, I think it's important for people to see, understand and experience the culture of they're counter part. Just be careful, and think things completely through before you make a big decision like that (of course, I know you will :) ). I have known many who have tried to make it out there, only to struggle for years, before eventually moving back to the States (and by then, they struggle to get back because they are poor).

My fiances uncle said something to me that made perfect sense about working there, why would a company/place in Brasil hire a person from a different country, that doesn't speak the language fluently, when there are thousands of unemployed Brasilians looking for that same kind of work. Your Portuguese is probably better than mine, so maybe it's a little less relevant for you, but made perfect sense for me. Your best chance would be if you could find an American company abroad, willing to relocate you.

Best of luck, and def go enjoy the many beautiful things about Brasil. :thumbs:
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-08-26 09:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaQuestion about Order of Papwork list given

They do clearly state it's TWO DS-156. Go figure. :P

Yeah, yeah, but for those of us that haven't actually seen the contents of Packet 4 yet, it could mean a few different things. :P
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-09-03 23:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaQuestion about Order of Papwork list given

DS-154 or DS-157? I don't see a DS-154 on the Consulate Website.

D'oh, Mew. Typo! DS-157. Sorry about that, Erik.

:lol: no problem, just made me think "ahhh ######, ANOTHER damn paper to fill out!?!?!" :lol:
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-09-03 19:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaQuestion about Order of Papwork list given

Well, they send 2 forms - 2 DK-156 - to be filled out, so I filled the two of them.

oh wow, so they do actually send 2 identical DS-156 forms in packet 4

Yep, they do. 2 DS-156, one DS-156K, one DS-154, one FS-257a and a sworn statement.

DS-154 or DS-157? I don't see a DS-154 on the Consulate Website.
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-09-03 18:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaQuestion about Order of Papwork list given

Well, they send 2 forms - 2 DK-156 - to be filled out, so I filled the two of them.

oh wow, so they do actually send 2 identical DS-156 forms in packet 4
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-09-03 18:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaQuestion about Order of Papwork list given

Hi, Erik :)

I did fill 2 sets of all forms and handled them to the woman that keeps our documents before we go to the interview room. They ask for 1 original and 1 copy ( 2 sets ) :)

Thanks Liszy, I was under the impression you only needed copies of those documents that you did not need to sign... like the Police Certificates, Birth Certificate etc.

But, your saying 1 original DS-156, and 1 copy of it is fine? Rather than filling out 2 by hand?

Maybe my confusion is because on the list it states what documents they want "copies" of, the "two form" thing has thrown me for a loop :lol:
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-09-03 17:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaQuestion about Order of Papwork list given
Hey all,
Just want to get some clarification on this. On the list that tells you what order to put your paperwork for the interview the fourth item is "Two forms DS-156".

Maybe I'm over thinking this, but when they say "two" forms, do they mean both pages of the DS-156? or do we need to fill out 2 sets of the DS-156?
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-09-03 17:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaRio Consulate
Now if I could just get them to give me out interview date. They told me to contact them before the end of next week. Guess I shouldn't push the issue. Isn't it a holiday there today, or tomorrow?
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-09-07 11:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaRio Consulate

At least they didn't keep you in the misinformation line like USCIS does to us.

Yes thank god, I would of hated making a big hole in the middle of that beautiful city :D
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-09-05 19:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaRio Consulate
Well got a response. Apparently the email got "mis-routed" to my email address... even though they're answer was in response to my email directly about change of address :lol:

Dear Sir or Madam:

Sorry but the last e-mail was misrouted to your address. Your fiancée’s petition is here. Your address was already corrected. Sorry for the inconvenience.


IV Unit
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-09-05 13:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaRio Consulate
I'm going to talk to her tonight and see if she can call tomorrow. I've been the one handling everything, so she's really not 100% sure whats going on, she just does what I tell her to do. :lol:

I did respond to they're email today with the following:

Dear Sir or Madam,
There must be some sort of confusion. On August 29th, I sent you an email asking you to confirm weather or not you had received our approved petition from the NVC (NVC stated it was sent out to you on August 22nd.)

The reply I received from you folks was the following.

Dear Sir or Madam:

This office has just received your fiancée petition. We will send the packet of instructions to her this week.


IV Unit

So, I'm not sure I understand whats going on here? Please clarify this


Hopefully I hear back from them soon.
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-09-05 13:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaRio Consulate

Erik, try and call them. They have this policy of giving short answers to e-mails. Sometimes, that's all we need. Sometimes we need to talk to someone. You can still call them (it's 2:44pm here). They take calls till 3:30pm. Although you might want to try and call tomorrow at 1:30pm so you don't have to be on hold "forever".

Yeah only problem with me calling them is it is difficult right now for me to leave work, and I'm not able to call using my cell phone. :(
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-09-05 12:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaRio Consulate
Email sent on August 29th asking if they received our petition. Response from Consulate:

Dear Sir or Madam:

This office has just received your fiancée petition. We will send the packet of instructions to her this week.


IV Unit

Email sent yesterday, letting them know my address has changed since our USCIS approval. Response from Consulate today:

Dear Sir or Madam:

So far, this office has no records of the mentioned petition. We can only make any changes when we receive the process here.


IV Unit

I give up! :wacko:
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-09-05 12:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaInterview Date

Congrats on your interview date!!

I'm surprised it's that far out. Oh well. So by the time they get around to ours, it will most likely be a late November/early December interview. Hope they don't shut down in December!


Yeah I was a little surprised at the date as well, I figured from others interview dates, mine would probably be mid-end of October. But, oh well, not going to complain, at least the end is near!

Congrats on your interview date!!! :dance:

But it makes me wonder if I'll be able to be there for Christmas though.... :unsure: it was all I wanted, but if yours is on the 7th, mine could be a lot later than that. <_<

Hopefully not, hopefully you are here by X-mas!

I wonder if the fact that the CSC has been pumping out approvals lately, has bogged down the Embassy's a little with an overload of interviews.

For me, this interview date actually ended up working a little better, as I have been planning the whole time to go out there for the interview, but now that I'm not, the couple extra weeks will give me time to get everything over to her that she'll need, and lets me go over everything with a find tooth comb.
ErikNot TellingBrazil2006-09-15 10:19:00