K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespolice check - Vanuatu
i am having the same problems trying to figure out if my fiancee who had worked in kuwait but now lives in the philippines will be required to get a police certificate from kuwait. Kuwait is on the list of "must be physically present to obtain certificate list". It says that it is impossible to get a certificate unless you are a resident of kuwait and submit fingerprints.

It seems clear cut that it wont be required at interview but it is impossible to contact manila embassy and get an answer. I am considering writing the kuwait embassy in the USA and hopefully have them write me a letter stating the impossibility of getting the certificate and having fiancee take that and the kuwait police certificate website info to her interview.
ryecatcher25Not TellingPhilippines2006-02-05 02:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresKept in Darkness !!
Calling your congressman is futile. I am not trying to be offensive but EVERYONE who gets impatient (weither it is 1 week or 30 weeks) talks about or does write their congressman. DO you know what happens? nothing. People just assume that their congressman have magical powers to speed up the process. but guess what? they don't. If you want to vent about your wait that is fine. Yes the process is frustrating. But don't waste your time writing to your congressman. instead write letters to the one you love to help pass the time.
ryecatcher25Not TellingPhilippines2006-02-03 01:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk1 visa
if the befinciary (the personin the philippines) doesn't marry the petitioner within 90 days of arriving, then the person will have stayed past their visa and cannot apply for another. afterall the person came into the USA on the basis of getting married, not getting a job.
ryecatcher25Not TellingPhilippines2006-02-03 03:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHad a Heartbreak Today
well everyone here also needs to realize that she may have children adn this would increase the amount of income she would need. But that said if i were you i would get a 10 dollar and hour job making 18000 to 19000 a year (this i think would be good enough if you had one child living with you, because remember the minimum # you need to support is 2, yourself and your spouse). BUt once you get the job file the k1 because by the time your interview comes around (not sure how long for england interview, but lets say 6 months from filing time to interview) but by the time the interview comes around you will have been working for six months and making above the average minimum. I honestly believe that is the only way you have a chance of getting your k1 fulfilled.

But rememebr this - most marriages fail because of FINANCIAL PROBLEMS. This isn't a reflection on you but i really think you should consider this even if your petition is successful.
ryecatcher25Not TellingPhilippines2006-02-05 23:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOh. My. GOD!!!!!!!
wow what do you know, no calls to your congressmen were neccessary. imagine that. all you needed was patience the whole time.
ryecatcher25Not TellingPhilippines2006-02-09 08:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescase being investigated

well it means you just have to be patient you cant change anything in here. They have various means to chk this and once completed they shall adjudicate yr petition, you are confident that you n yr fiance hv no records so relax it might be 9 days since you dont hv any record

Irish, I understand how you feel. Even though some people on here want to tell you to calm down and that you haven't waited that long I would do exactly what you're doing. When they are 30 days past your NOA1 recieved date they tell you to contact them. If they are unable to locate your case or something has happened which they don't realize then your questioning them will bring it to the forefront. If you don't call and you wait 90 more days so that you have waited as long as the rest of us then you could just be waiting 90 days and they'll have no clue your case was even missing. I support your looking into it and I understand why you're worried. Don't let anyone else on here get you down.

I agree with all of the above. I had posted that contacting the congresspersons office was a waste of time that would be better put to use writting a letter to her loved one. But we live in a culture of instant gratification and the idea of being patient is completely foreign. Also i do enjoy the ongoing myth that contacting a congressperson is the solution to all of life's immigration problems, wiether a problem actually exists or not.

Look i feel sorry that all of us have to be away from the ones we love. I wish immigration took only 2 weeks, but sorry it doesn't. I just think irishgirl's energy would be much better spent if she saved it for a "real" emergency, like having the visa denied, instead of calling a congressperson because her petition hasn't been approved in 5 weeks time.
ryecatcher25Not TellingPhilippines2006-02-10 22:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes embassy have full k-1 petition application?
yes definately i will send copies of all evidence, but i wonder if embassy official has already looked at all the evidence i sent initially
ryecatcher25Not TellingPhilippines2006-02-10 22:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes embassy have full k-1 petition application?
I am going through the manila embassy, but i think this question would apply to all embassies since everything goes through the national visa center.

What items are sent to the embassy? How much information does the USCIS pass on the the individual embassies? For example i sent copies of emails and photos that i had written my fiancee to help prove that we had met within the last 2 years. Will the embassy recieve these items? OF course i am going to have my fiancee prepared with plenty of evidence, but i was just wondering if the embassy official will have already looked at the evidence i submitted with the intial petition. I have read other people say that the embassy officials were already convinced or their relationship before they even present any additional evidence because they had already submitted so much. But i was just wondering if this happened in all cases.

Any thoughts?
ryecatcher25Not TellingPhilippines2006-02-10 20:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhile waiting for NOA2 Approval
the police certificate is good for a year, so go ahead and get one. here is the link.

Police certificates (Pasado Judicial) may be obtained in Bogota at the Identification Division of the Department of Administrative Security (DAS), Colombia's equivalent of a federal law enforcement agency. Colombian police certificates contain information regarding outstanding warrants only. They contain no information regarding prior arrests and/or criminal convictions. Police certificates have a validity of one year.

The immigration division of DAS can provide a Colombian citizen's record of entries and departures from Colombian national territory since 1990.
ryecatcher25Not TellingPhilippines2006-02-10 23:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproved! in under 90 days!
jeez, i wasn't trying to bring you down but i was just trying to help by tell you the truth. and the truth is that the USCIS is the easy part compared to the embassy, especially manila so you had better start to get your things in order. Some people you just can't help.
ryecatcher25Not TellingPhilippines2006-02-10 23:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproved! in under 90 days!
the harder part will be waiting the 6+ months to get an interview in the philippines. The USCIS was the easy part compared with trying to get through a high fraud embassy like the philippines. start documenting your relationship now so you have lots of evidence at interview.
ryecatcher25Not TellingPhilippines2006-02-10 22:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 document question
seriously i would be a little bit worries sinc eyou do not have at least last year's tax returns. i know some embassies are more difficult than others, for example in the philippines you absolutely must have 3 years tax returns and w-2's. it is not optional and many of the posters on VJ have said that other people having their interviews were denied because they only had one years worth of tax returns instead of the 3 years required.

I would beg your fiancee to snd you his taxes at least for last year AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. do not risk it. I am sure your fiancee would rather pay for express mail than wait another 4 ro 6 weeks.

but of ourse maybe your embassy is very easy, but i would guess it isn't
ryecatcher25Not TellingPhilippines2006-02-12 23:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe Wedding
the simplest solution is to have a quick civil ceremony once your fiancee arrives and also plan a big formal wedding for a couple of months past when you think the visa will actually arrive. that way you can have a very high chance of the visa already having arrived and also go through with your big wedding.

But you can't have your cake and eat it too, so if you don't want to do the above then you will simply have to take a chance if you simply must have a large wedding.

by the way your hunch that your asking to have the wedding by a certain date wil do no good is correct. sorry. not to mention there could be hold ups in the process even after the approved petition leaves the service center.
ryecatcher25Not TellingPhilippines2006-02-09 20:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCSC sorry have to vent
look if for some reason the visa for my fiancee is delayed or even has to be restarted, then i do admit i would explode as i am sure unfortunately many on this site do have to experience. At that point it would be difficult for me to look at an illegal (which are very plentiful in kansas city) and not feel rage building up inside me.

Personally i am all for building a fence at both borders. the saying "good fences make good neighbors" is definately true.

but if we want to do something about it maybe this site should sponser petitions and such. instead of 1 out of 20 angry people online writting their congressmen, which is usually very overated, but if instead of that the governement was sent a list of 5000 people who wanted things changed they might listen.

then again the vast majority of the population wants the military on the borders and that won't happen any time soon.

So L&M we do have agreement on the immigration problem. but i think we differ on how to feel about "legal" immigration.

Yes it take a while and the waiting sucks. but realistically unless you want to help start a petition drive there is precious little you can do. So why worry about something you really do not have any controll over? I guess that is what my viewpoint is. This process can be as painful as a person wants to make it if they do not make the best of their time.

Maybe the waiting is like the old hald empty or half full glass of water. someone says "oh no i have a 3 month wait" while another says "oh it is only a 3 month wait, that is short than i thought". you see it is all perspective.
ryecatcher25Not TellingPhilippines2006-02-14 02:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCSC sorry have to vent
i do remember your first posting about jumping the gun. Glad you realize that is was a mistake on your part.

Not sure what being a nam vet and a tax payer has to do with you having to wait in line with everyone else in the southern and western parts of the united states, but i would advise you to wait until you really have something to vent about like if your are on your 4th month without an noa2. Maybe if instead of focusing on yourself, you would instead focus on your blessings.

1) you are well enough off that 170 dollars is nothing to you

2) vietnam i believe is relatively quick to get an interview, unlike if your loved one was in dominican republic - it takes a year to get an interview once they recieve an approved petition.

blaming illegal aliens for a slow government system will do no good. I think you shoudl direct your "anger" in more positive directions. Write a letter to your loved one. Maybe start planning for your new life. And save your anger for when it really is approprate ( i.e. if the visa were to be denied).

Or if you want just sit around the house with your high blood pressure level not getting you anywhere
ryecatcher25Not TellingPhilippines2006-02-13 23:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIndexing tabs, I-129F
i simply used 4 manila envelopes to put evidence in. they were labeled

1) petitioners information -g325a, i-129f, letter of intent, my picture
2)beneficaries information- g325a, letter of intent, her picture
3) proof of meeting - plane tickets, hotel reciept
4) proof of relationship - letters, photos together, gifts, ect

maybe i was lucky but i got noa2 in 2 weeks. but no matter how you do it, make sure it is organized so that a complete idoit could find what they were looking for. that was my goal whenj sending in my petition, idiot proof it "-)
ryecatcher25Not TellingPhilippines2006-02-14 02:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTouched?
touches mean nothing, so i don't understand why people even bother to post them. 100 touches does nto equal 1 approval. so what is the point?
ryecatcher25Not TellingPhilippines2006-02-16 02:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPrior k1 petitioner
if at first you don't succeed........
ryecatcher25Not TellingPhilippines2006-02-16 13:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFile in TSC or CSC?
if you live in tsc then mail to tsc. if you live in csc send to csc. you must file where you live, even if they do transfer it.
ryecatcher25Not TellingPhilippines2006-02-16 02:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAILA Processing Times Updated

As many have said over and over again, don't take stock in the dates. One person may get through in 2 weeks, one may take 2 months. It's just a matter of waiting. Should your petition have been sent in more than 30 days before their current processing date, then you can ask them for information, but other than that it's just sitting and waiting.

well said, but you just cannot get that message through people's minds. we live in an instant gratification culture where people think that a fiancee should only have to fill out a couple of forms out at the airport before leaving for united states.
ryecatcher25Not TellingPhilippines2006-02-16 13:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAILA Processing Times Updated
got my noa2 in 2 weeks, but then againi probably had one fo the best, most organize pakcets they had in a while. not sure if that helped or if i just got a hard worker reviweing my case. but still it is all relative because there are people who will be approved noa2 next month who will be with their loved ones before me. so got to be patient
ryecatcher25Not TellingPhilippines2006-02-16 02:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPictures as evidence
this just isn't worth argueing over. anybody that only submits photos doesn't deserve to get approved and anyone who doesn't submit photos is just doing the bare minimum (which i realize is the method that some people here swear by)
ryecatcher25Not TellingPhilippines2006-02-16 23:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPictures as evidence
ok what about a picture of 2 people holding a newspaper? how is that for rock solid photographic evidence? picture are very good evidence except for the fact that you need to prove that they were taken within 2 years of petition application. i mean what do plane tickets and hotel receipts really prove? that you were in the same city as your fiance?
ryecatcher25Not TellingPhilippines2006-02-16 22:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPictures as evidence
i would like to raise the issue of helping to influence the embassy official once apacket arrives. For everyone stating save the relationship evidence for the embassy, many have posted how the embassy officials recieved their petition packet and said they were already convinced of the relationship because of evidence provided within.

There is no way that anyone on this website will ever convince me that submitting a photo of my fiancee and I at our engagement party together with her family around us will not have some knd of impact on the offical looking at it. I had to prove that the pic was taking in the last 2 years with plane tickets and hotel receipts, by the 3 photos i sent of us at that party are very good evidence of our relationship. And if the embassy officer looks at htose pics before he sees my fiancee for her interview then i am certain it will positively influence him.

There is absolutely no way that anyone will tell my that photographic evidence is not helpful. No way.

And for the record i submitted what many would think is a ton of evidence in my petition packet and was approved in 2 weeks. I have said it before and i'll say it again. organization is key. Pretend that your packet is going to be opened by a mentally handicapped person and make things easy for them to find.
ryecatcher25Not TellingPhilippines2006-02-16 03:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNever seen too many aprovals
NOA2 approvals are the easiest part of the process. So it is important that people not "let their guards down" at this point and start thinking "Yippie we are going to get a visa for sure, nothing can stop us now!" because the truth is that there are still plenty of obstacles left. Just a reminder to have everything ready for the embassy. Good luck to all.
ryecatcher25Not TellingPhilippines2006-02-17 19:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPublic Service Announcement
sorry aussie, i was actually referring to the original post, not your followup.
ryecatcher25Not TellingPhilippines2006-02-21 01:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPublic Service Announcement
very good points, but you must realize how easy it is for you to complain about others now that you are nearly through the process. It is like the saying "hindsight is 20/20". So really by now you should have adapted to some people's constant non stop whinning on this board. I know i have. I personally don't beleive their is such a thing as a dumb question, those don't bother me. So to anyone who really doesn't understand something and who has tried to find an answer, go ahead and ask away.

What used to bother me though, but what i have grown accostomed to, are peoples pointless rants. My current favorite is about someone who believes that they have been singled out by VSC to be the only person in history to have to endure what should be "normal" 90 waiting period to get an NAO2. "But i am going through speedy vermont, F*** everyone else, i am going through vermont and i want to be approved in 5 business days or else"

I know everyone here misses their loved one, but does love really make people so extremely self centered? Maybe love makes people blind to how the real world works. I mean i am going through the philippines embassy that may take 6 months to schedule an interview, but i am not calling my congressman. IT IS CALLED LIFE PEOPLE, DEAL WITH IT.
ryecatcher25Not TellingPhilippines2006-02-21 00:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDocuments i'm going to bring to the interview...
what about your w-2s? they are required int he philippines i can tell you that.
ryecatcher25Not TellingPhilippines2006-02-18 01:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnyone have to get police certifice from "bad" country
yes just to update this thread in case future persons read it, I call DOS today (and in fact previously) but they said that the embassy should take the fact that the person must be physically present to recieve police certificate. But of course they said i should check with thte embassy, but i am betting this person never tried to ever deal with manila.

But at any rate i have also read about getting police certificates and i will send an affidavit to my fiancee that she can show the officer if he asks that i tried everything possible to get the information that would allow her to get a police certificate outside of the country.

But i will call NVC (which i actually did call before and they said the same thing as DOS, but when i asked i was maybe talking to the wrong department, so maybe i will try agian today.
ryecatcher25Not TellingPhilippines2006-03-02 07:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnyone have to get police certifice from "bad" country
Hi everyone, I am trying to find out what happens when you need to get a police certificate from a country on the reciprocity list that is under the heading of "not availalbe" or "must be physically present"

My fiancee is going through philippines embassy but worked in kuwait for 4 years. Kuwait is on the list of places that you must be physically presnet to get police certificate. If she was going through the Canada emabssy i am certain there would be no problem, but i am going through a "problem" embassy where you cannot even call or get an email response to

Anyways is anyone here been told not to worry about a police certificate because it was under the heading of "not available" or "must be present to obtain"?

Does anyone know a link to someone posting there expereience with this?

thanks for any help. I am asking not only for myself but for at least one other whose fiancee worked in a coutnry where police certificates are not availabel and unfortunately must deal with the manila embassy like me

But anyones experience with any embassies would be helpful

ryecatcher25Not TellingPhilippines2006-03-02 01:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC to Manila Petition
I disagree about calling the congressman just yet, my noa was recieved dec 16 and arrived to manila jan 11. i would say give it 2 more weeks before involving a congressman, I am very sure it will turn up by then
ryecatcher25Not TellingPhilippines2006-03-01 17:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about the new law
no the new law doesn't affect anyone who files their petitiion before march 5th i believe ( because the law goes into effect 60 days after it was signed on jan 5th)

interviews being conducted at embassies right no will not be afects
ryecatcher25Not TellingPhilippines2006-02-23 00:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof that sending more evidence is best
Here is a copy of what a person said in the manila thread and she is very glad that her fiance sent more than just "the bare minimum":::

Why i say dat, is becos ... when were called for CO interview (RM27).. was been sworned infront of my fiance and we are both interviewed, but when the CO tried to open our files .. ive seen .. that all the documents sent out on first sending of petition, the APPROVED stamp sticked on it, they say that CO interview is just formality and some might got in AR bcos of incomplete documents .... when i sent my documents to my fiance even xerox copies ... i completed it ... since my BC --- to my diplomas and employment certs. BUT.......

to my amazed .... when im into preliminary ... i was only asked for BC & NBI and affidavit and 3 albums of my pics (about 50pcs) and the officer just stack it on with the xerox copies i submitted before... they just wna get the originals of BC & NBI... when i was asked if ive been married before since ive got a son.... im the one who offered my CENOMAR original, they say no need bcos they got already xerox copy attached sent by my fiance.

Me & my fiance are very prepared, i felt sorry to one filipina yesterday , she was so young and unprepared ... only advice to some fiance pls be prepared for your fiancee to overcome success into this journey.... try to complete everything before sending the petition at first. my fiance done the checklist asked by the processing of petition in the US, he just clipped on and do another checklist like "OTHER DOCUMENTS" ( even dat was not on the list u need to submit, we just sent more wat they asked for)


SO the embassy did already recieve official documents that were needed at the interview through her fiance including them in the initial petition. This story goes a long way to proving what many have been saying for a long time you can try to influence the consulate by providing extra evidence. There really is no negative to giving more evidence.
ryecatcher25Not TellingPhilippines2006-03-17 13:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidences for K-1
no necro posting please, this thread was 5 weeks old since last post, but of course it will always resurrect in one form or another.
ryecatcher25Not TellingPhilippines2006-03-18 03:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidences for K-1
I don't know why i am posting here as it should be obvious to include a "reasonable" amount of evidence in your initial petition to support a couples claim at having a relationship. But in addition to VJ site i also sent away for a law firms "how-to" guide on filing for K1. here is what it says under its section on how USCIS determines which applications it accepts and which it rejects.

The USCIS offices are overworked and understaffed. The applications that are approved the quickest have the following characteristics:

1) type applications whenever possible

2) organize your supporting documents. Use paper clips and binder clips to seperate documents.

3) MORE documentation is better than less. More letters, more phone bills, ect. <------------------

4) send return receipr requested via U.S. postal mail or overnight service (FEDEX, ect.)

I do believe in sending a fair amount of evidence and making sure that everything is easily organized so the staffer can find what they are looking for easily.

I sent 8 emails, 4 gift receipts, 7 photos, calling card receipts. In my application i even had an "optional" envelope that i labeled as optional items that included my fiancee's birth certificate, her certificate of non marriage proving she could marry, and even an i-134 notoraized with a couple fo my paychecks proving i was capable of supporting her. I doubt thay opened the "optional" packet" but i felt good knowing that i had been so complete in my application.

I got approved in 14 days and not in vermont but nebraska. But still i think organization is really essential.
ryecatcher25Not TellingPhilippines2006-02-09 09:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOH YEAH NEBRASKA
From the following website:

After a family-based immigrant visa petition has been approved by USCIS, some clients might think that the process is nearly complete. They often have a rude awakening when their loved ones interview for visas at a US Consulate. This article will suggest some ways to avoid having the petition returned by the consulate. It will also point out a misrepresentation trap for the unwary that exists in the Foreign Affairs Manual (FAM).
ryecatcher25Not TellingPhilippines2006-03-23 20:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
thanks for sharing
ryecatcher25Not TellingPhilippines2006-03-30 17:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnyone have the link for sample interview questions
I tried searching and advance searching, but could find a sample list. Anyone here know where to find one? thanks
ryecatcher25Not TellingPhilippines2006-04-02 23:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMontreal takes forever

Well I had a look at the new timeline statistics for the consulates:


It's completely obscene that Montreal, being the main embassy for most of eastern Canada, is the slowest consulate out of every consulate listed in the western world. Vancouver, on the other hand, is the fastest consulate out of every consulate listed in the western world.

What's more obscene is that Vancouver is showing processing times of 10 days while Montreal is at 70 days. Obviously Montreal needs some help.

I should have filed mine to go to Vancouver. I could have walked the 2,700 miles from Toronto to Vancouver, done the interview, and walked back to Toronto, and it still would have been done earlier than filing through Montreal.

The moral that comes most to my mind when reading this is "I cried because I had no shoes, till I met a man who had no feet"

you realize some embassies have a year long wait. One example is domincian republic. It is one year even once embassy recieves petition. I believe the wait time at that embassy could more correctly be called "obscene" rather than monterals. current wait time of 70 days.

just food for thought.

Edited by ryecatcher25, 08 April 2006 - 09:59 PM.

ryecatcher25Not TellingPhilippines2006-04-08 21:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresARG! STUPID NEBRASKA
just be glad you are applying before the republicans let all the hispanics apply for citizenship. i'll bet processing times will go up 3 or 4 months once that happens.
ryecatcher25Not TellingPhilippines2006-04-06 22:39:00