K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBirth Certificate requirement for filing I-129F
Do I need my Fiance's Birth Certificate to submit my I-129F?
If she has a pass port, not sure how China assign them, she has a State issued ID, does she ever need to show her BC.
If not, will she need it once here in the USA?
GuzziSVTMaleChina2008-08-19 11:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMailing address
Thanks, I have been to that sight before but have now registered. I'll start studying!
Why does this have to be so hard! Ha! Ha!
GuzziSVTMaleChina2008-10-01 15:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMailing address
My fiancée lives in Beijing but changes quit frequently because she is not a permanent Beijing resident. Here parents who live in her home town of Changchun have been told to move out of their apartment of 16 years because the Japanese have bought it and are going to remove it down to build something new. 5000 people out of a home! They are going to live with her father's bother in Jingling. I was going to use her parents/her address to have the US embassy mail her packets to, but this is no long the case. I would like to us one of my good friends in Beijing's address with their approval. Is this OK and how do I tell the USA embassy in Guangzhou this information?

GuzziSVTMaleChina2008-10-01 11:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp...please

oh sorry, we live in Michigan. he was here on a visa, but he overstayed and left in order to do everything right. which is why we used a lawyer, and im sure he has a passport stamp from when he left. would it be a good idea to use it? we didnt lie about him overstaying or anything.
I went to see him, but i went in december and we filed in November.

That would work. I doubt he will get another tourist visa since he overstayed. Over staying is a big no-no if there is not a good reason for it. You could of married him while he was here providing it was a "spur of the moment decision" then he would not have had to leave.

I agree, I would say you could send your stamp (visa if any) on your passport when you saw him in December, and more pictures taken there. Good luck to you...!!!
gyuwonoMaleTaiwan2007-04-23 00:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCertificate of singleness?!?

In the Philippines we call it CENOMAR or Certificate of No Marriage. That is also required during the interview at US Embassy in Manila, proof that we are single and never been married.

My wife also brought similar certificate (being single) when she had her K-1 interview at US Embassy in Taiwan about 3 years ago.

Edited by gyuwono, 02 June 2007 - 08:51 AM.

gyuwonoMaleTaiwan2007-06-02 08:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresgoing to colombia soon need help
I will echo what Diana and Tony said about the translations. Get them in Colombia if there is any way possible!!! I had to have some done here and they can cost $30.00 or more per page in the US! You will need all documents written in Spanish translated into English. Also, if the two of you have communicated by e-mail or IM in Spanish, you should get some of those pages translated, as well.
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-05-03 16:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 vs marry in Colombia

Other than the reason of loving your wife, WHY would you want to live and work in Colombia where an average worker earns less than $1,000 per month? True, the cost of living is less there but...look at the conditions that these people have to live in. UNLESS your GF/wife is of SUBSTANTIAL means and has substantial ties to Colombia, she is NOT getting out on a Visitors Visa. She must own property, have assets, bank accounts with money in them, own a business, have a great job and then MAYBE the Colombian Government will give her a visitor's visa. But, UNLESS this is the case, do NOT count on her getting a Visitors Visa...ever!!!! You are not dealing with the United States of are dealing with Colombia where the government does not issue visas UNLESS they are certain the person will return to Colombia There are thousands of people who would leave Colombia IF given the opportunity. For that reason, their government denies visas routinely. There is NO TRUST in their government and for that reason, there are many Colombian nationals...and other illegally in the United States. Once they get here...they do not want to leave...can you blame them?

I beg to differ here... the Columbian government does not issue visitors visas to the USA, the US government does

hahahaha.... glad you caught that! I would also disagree with the implication that Colombians distrust their government more than we distrust ours. The reasons why any given person would choose to leave the land of their birth is almost always a lot more complicated than we are willing to think about. Frankly, I don't think the Colombian government (in general) cares all that much one way or the other whether people stay or go. WE are the ones with the ####### complex about peoples' motives for wanting to come here.

I also disagree with the implication of the statement: "the conditions that these people have to live in". What conditions specifically? The Colombians I have met are courteous, pleasant, hard-working, and generally happy. Can you say the same of most Americans? Those "conditions" sound pretty darned good to me. If, however, the conditions referred to are those in the slums south of Bogota (as an example), then I would suggest taking a look at some of the thousands of homeless folks and abused women and children in THIS country before throwing stones at another country. The conditions in Colombia vary depending on location and economics, just as they do here.

The only general, sweeping, and over-simplified statement I would ever dare make is that it is unwise to make general, sweeping, and over-simplified statements. They have a way of turning out to be grossly in error.
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-07-10 12:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 vs marry in Colombia
Unless I'm missing something here, you do have options but they depend on when and where you want to live together. I married my Colombian wife in Bogota at the end of September 2006. She and her sons were finally able to move here in mid-June this year. The process of getting married there is not terribly complicated and there are several sources on the Internet that can outline the process.

One of our major concerns was whether or not the boys' father would give permission for them to come here. In our case, the boys' father was not so much interested in the boys as he was in trying to have some kind of control over their mother. She suggested to him that if he didn't want the boys to live in America then he should prepare to take them and raise them, as he should have helped do in the first place. He wasn't prepared (or interested) in doing that. I do think he loves his sons, however. In the end, he wanted assurance that I was a good guy and that his boys would be taken care of and have a good life here. Perhaps that is the reassurance your SO's ex needs.

If you end up getting his approval, be sure to use a format for the approval letter that DAS will accept. They have very specific requirements.

Your only other option is for your fiancee to start a custody process in family court. She would need to prove to the court that the child would be better off with her (and you) and that the father is not doing his part. Of course, if this is not true, you will never get court approval. It can get ugly and it can take time - a minimum of four months is what I hear from a lawyer friend in Colombia.

I agree with the other observation regarding the wedding. Your Colombian wedding/marriage will be recognized in the US, so if you want a second wedding, it can only be assumed that you want it for your family who cannot attend the ceremony in Colombia. From the USCIS standpoint, I would think, since your fiancee was denied a visa before, it might be easier to get a visa as a K-3 than as a K-1. That is up to you, of course.

As for living in Colombia, there are lots of pros and cons (politics and safety concerns aside). The cost of living is certainly less, but your ability to get a job there, unless you are relatively fluent in Spanish, could be problematic. There are bureaucratic and social issues to consider, life-style, culture, etc. Much depends on which city you choose to live in. My wife's home is in a moderate sized city far from Bogota. The life there is pleasant, simple, and inexpensive. What you give up to live there, however, is the certainty that the water system will work every day (sometimes down for a week at a time) or that the electricity will be on (often out for days at a time). Many of the common small extras we don't even think about are unavailable or very expensive. Personally, I would love to live there, even with the inconveniences, but the overriding issue for me with her town is safety. FARC has operated routinely within 30 minutes of the town. White skin like mine is still a real novelty there. Shoot, I still draw stares in some parts of Bogota when I visit! Things have changed greatly in Colombia in recent years, but a move there still requires a LOT of thought and planning.

There is no "fast" way to get your fiancee here. You can look at the timelines for both the K-1 and the K-3 (the CR-1 takes longer) and there doesn't seem to be a lot of difference. You can expect a six to nine month process in either case - at a minimum.

Best of luck and keep plugging away with it!

parkpapaMaleColombia2007-07-10 11:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfor how long sponser have to support the filer?
Thanks for your useful information... I have another question, how about if she going to play for financial AID? does she qualified for financial AID?

A point of clarification here - the determination of how many quarters an alien is credited with is made when a benefit is applied for. If the alien has accumulated 40 quarters in, say, 6 years of marrige by including the spouse's quarters, and no determination has been made during the marriage, then there's a divorce and the alien applies for benefits, the alien will no longer have the spouse's quarters credited to them. The USC has not gotten off the hook.

Are you sure about that? That's not what I get from reading the I-864 nor from INA 213(A).

From the I-864:

When Will These Obligations End?
Your obligations under a Form I-864 will end if the person who becomes a permanent resident based on a Form I-864 that you signed:
* Has worked, or can be credited with, 40 quarters of coverage under the Social Security Act;

That sounds like, once this event has happened, a divorce and subsequent un-crediting of quarters can't retroactively reinstate the I-864.

And the language in the I-864 seems to be a good paraphrase of the actual statuatory language in INA 213A(3)(A)

In general.-An affidavit of support is not enforceable after such time as the alien (i) has worked 40 qualifying quarters of coverage as defined under title II of the Social Security Act or can be credited with such qualifying quarters as provided under subparagraph (B)

Again, it sounds from this language like, as soon the quarters are credited, that triggers an event where the affidavit terminates, and it's no longer enforceable, and can't retroactively be reinstated based on quarters being un-credited.

At least, that's what I hope my lawyer would argue if I were a sponsor in such a situation. I understand that there's not a huge body of case law on the affidavit of support enforceability (though it has held up in court in some circumstances).

RezaMaleIran2007-06-29 17:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfor how long sponser have to support the filer?

However, if you sponsor for Adjustment of Status (AOS), as is customary, you are on the hook for 40 quarters or 10 years.

Why are you asking this?

what I know she can be U.S. citizen! so she be an american citizen.. right? if she can pay her bills or credit card or hospital bill or I, what sponsor can do? what is sponsor roll?
RezaMaleIran2007-06-28 22:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfor how long sponser have to support the filer?

If you are talking about I-134 used for visa interview, the responsibility is from time of entry in the country until adjust status, or the beneficiary leaves the country.

no about I-129f and after that.. I-134 ? like my frined his going to sponer, just to get my fiance in here.. right? then what? so he just going to sign for Affidavit of Support I-134. for example, if my wife god forbiding getting sick or ... what ever if she or i cant pay the bill of hospital whats going happen?
RezaMaleIran2007-06-28 22:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfor how long sponser have to support the filer?
hey guys I have a question!

is, for how long sponser have to financially responsible for petitioner and beneficiary? its that just a sign? how about if he/she didn't support?
RezaMaleIran2007-06-28 22:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 petitioning

Just send in a few sample chats, and emails, and attach a screen shot of the chat log from emails and chats showing the number of chat sessions and emails. This is what I did. I think I sent 8-10 sample emails, and about the same for chats. They dont need translations if another language, and you can white out anything of a very personal nature.

They don't need a phone book, just need to know that you can and do communicate often.

I totally agreed with YuAndDan! Good Idea
RezaMaleIran2007-07-02 17:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 petitioning
save it in to memory card and print from officeMax
RezaMaleIran2007-07-02 17:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmailing in i-129f tomorrow!

i am mailing in my i-129f and supporting docs tomorrow...i cant wait to get the first step over with, and to begin the beautiful waiting period...

a word of advice...i was checking over my packet and realized that my i-129f was expired...make sure that you check this before mailing in any forms!

that was an rfe/denial waiting to happen

wish me luck!

good luck dude :) :thumbs:
RezaMaleIran2007-07-02 12:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi am freaking out k-1 petition not delivered!!!!
I know dude I am trying to make us laugh and having a good time together :P

smoke as i said from begining it well be alright and they well get it...

so Help US GOD

OMG CNN Healine News smoke20 about to had a baby :lol: :D:D:D :lol:

Lol, Behave Reza ;)

It's a pretty worrying time for all of us filers. It'll be okay smoke, you'll see :)

RezaMaleIran2007-07-09 23:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi am freaking out k-1 petition not delivered!!!!
OMG CNN Healine News smoke20 about to had a baby :lol: :D:D:D :lol:

No need to worry, this happened to me and many other people. This is common. It will be signed for in a day or two. Hang in there and good luck. By the way, you did the right thing by sending it to Texas.


I agree, you did the right thing. The form still says to send it to Texas (we did the same). We sent ours on April 27th and it didn't get to the USCIS until May 15 (though we did send it from Ireland as my fiance and I live here). Don't worry, it will get there.

RezaMaleIran2007-07-09 21:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi am freaking out k-1 petition not delivered!!!!
Cnn headline News... smoke20 has been freak out :D :lol: :bonk: :jest: a good freaking toping thread :lol:
RezaMaleIran2007-07-09 20:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi am freaking out k-1 petition not delivered!!!!
don't freak out, because you well freaked us out :D It will be delivered.. don't worry dude
RezaMaleIran2007-07-09 20:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresArgghhhhh
you know what I did? i told my fiancee to take a new pic, then she send it to me by yahoo, then i send it to my USB flash card, then I toke it to the walmart, then I told them I need this pic 2x2 :D which is they make it 2x2 :whistle: so sample

i send 2 pic of her and 2 of mine with 30 photos of proof of avdance :D just you imagen the officer is taking his/her time to watch our cool pics together :D

seam do I, my fiancee she is in tehran so, as long there is not U.S. embassy in tehran, so we have to follow up with ankara, for her visa... ect

Thank you for your kind words!

We received the RFE because MS's passport-style photos were too small. USCIS requires "exactly 2 inches by 2 inches" and MS's were not that size. In Turkey, they use centimeters, not inches. Thus, the RFE.

I just got back from Turkey, and both of us had the photos taken again. That poor man behind the counter (LOL) having to deal with me. "Wait! IT HAS TO BE 2" by 2" !! NO - a little larger. Please. Use this box I drew. It's exactly 2" x 2"!!" LOL. That poor man. He was so great as I'm became unglued in his shop. Also, to my surprise, they don't smile in photos in Turkey - photos like these. MS didn't smile. He looks like a mugger. (LOL) And when I smiled, the man asked me to smile less. Less? Not so big ... your smile. Little smile. Okay, a little smile.

However, the RFE also requested proof of U.S. citizenship, as well as, proof of having met in person within two years.

Thanks, again, Paula&Minya!


OMG!!! I am soo sorry. (F) At least its good that you noticed your mistake in time. Good luck to you. I hope you can turn it around quickly and have your approval. Then its on to bigger and better things! :)

ETA: Just out of curiosity, you're a fellow Feb. Filer (and your NOA1 date is the same as mine). I remember your RFE when you received it, but I can't remember what it was for?

RezaMaleIran2007-07-10 23:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI forgot to make copies of the package
me Neither, but I still have the I-129F PDF file...
RezaMaleIran2007-07-21 20:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS I-129f update!
$455 is allot, Its USCIS Road Robbery :D easy money dude...
RezaMaleIran2007-07-27 18:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS I-129f update!
Petition for Alien Fiance(e)
Purpose of Form :
This form is used to petition to bring your fiancé(e) and that person's children to the United States for marriage to you or to bring your spouse and that person's children (K-3 and K-4 visas, respectively) to the United States to complete processing for permanent resident status (under the LIFE Act and Amendments of 2000); please see section 12 of the Instructions to the form.
Number of Pages :
Edition Date :
11/24/06. Prior edition dated 05/23/06 will be acceptable until 02/18/07.
Where to File :
Service Center

Filing Fee :
$170.00 Please see Special Instructions for fee increase information.
Special Instructions :
Fee Increase Information:
Effective July 30, 2007, the fee for general fiancée petitions will increase to $455. All petitions postmarked on or after July 30 must be accompanied by the new fee.

Petitions for K-3 status based on an immigrant petition filed by the same U.S. citizen husband or wife will have no fee.

Please note: You will need version 7 or later of Adobe Reader software to use this form. You can download the latest version of Adobe Reader for free from the Adobe website. A link to the Adobe website is in the Related Links section of this page.

Note on Where to File:
If you are filing for your fiance(e), file this petition at the Service Center with jurisdiction over your area of residence. See the related link "Where Do I File?" for which Service Center has jurisdiction over your area of residence.

If you are filing for your fiance(e) and live outside the United States, submit this petition to the Service Center with jurisdiction over your last place of residence in the U.S.

If you are a U.S. citizen, and are using this form to bring in your wife or unmarried child under the LIFE Act, file this petition at:

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
P.O. Box 7218
Chicago, IL 60680-7218

goodGod we paied $170 woohooo
RezaMaleIran2007-07-27 13:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about financial support.
you have to fill up I-134
RezaMaleIran2007-07-28 07:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescheck payment was made pay to the order of USCIS
seam mines, I wrote USCIS, it cashed
RezaMaleIran2007-07-28 22:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescase pending
means seat tight and keep your lemon sucken utill cows fly ... laughing.gif
RezaMaleIran2007-08-24 22:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresim going insane
QUOTE (TracyTN @ Aug 30 2007, 10:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't think you'll get your packet of forms back from USCIS. You'll have to start from scratch - or did your useless lawyer happen to make a photocopy of what she submitted?

Immigration is crazy - that is true. But submitting the correct forms and fees is at least a step in the right direction (which is more than I can say for your attorney...!).

RezaMaleIran2007-08-30 14:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurestypical US Laywer fees for filing K-1 Visa?
wow wow wow

wait a min, $3000 and $1400 wow what a rubery dude, its too much! what the heck lawer can do? do it by your self,... wow what a good business dude biggrin.gif

I am going to be a lawer ..... biggrin.gif and charge the hell out of thoes people laughing.gif
RezaMaleIran2007-09-06 22:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence of Relationship...
RezaMaleIran2007-10-05 19:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan you file a I-129F and marry the person while waiting?
right dan seam as I, lot of i rod allot of posts..! too many thinks too many words... but any way, how ever just share your story with high Professional attorney

Well, I married, but I don't have proof of my marriage! if you don't have proof of your marriage you can file I-129f as a fiancé which is I did.. I married in sharia.. and i couldn’t married by that country law! and another point I had to make a quick decision because my fiancé she well have no family in state and she well be disappointed and depressed so I did weeding ceremony to make her happy while we were there....! Which I explain the situation in my I-129f files!

You can be married without evidence of proof of married by certain country and rules! you can be married and still not married by religions!

as muslim I am married my wife but it still it be a fiance , i cant proof that with any type of doc which we are married!

so sample!

This is a case where in the eyes of both governments you are not legally married, so with regards to the immigrations process you are still considered to be fiancees. Once entering the country you need to do a legal marriage to then file for AOS.

Many do have "marriage" ceremonies but without the legal paperwork, and have no problems with the visa, you are not married in the legal sense.

In my case we had a engagement party for family in China before traveling home using the K-1.

In this case "Do not refer to each other as "Husband" or "Wife" at the visa interview, and at the POE.

RezaMaleIran2007-07-26 18:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan you file a I-129F and marry the person while waiting?

Well, I married, but I don't have proof of my marriage! if you don't have proof of your marriage you can file I-129f as a fiancé which is I did.. I married in sharia.. and i couldn't married by that country law! and another point I had to make a quick decision because my fiancé she well have no family in state and she well be disappointed and depressed so I did weeding ceremony to make her happy while we were there....! Which I explain the situation in my I-129f files!

You can be married without evidence of proof of married by certain country and rules! you can be married and still not married by religions!

as muslim I am married my wife but it still it be a fiance , i cant proof that with any type of doc which we are married!

so sample!

Lets wait and see the result of your actions before you go recomending them to others..... It is very easy to prove you are married but it is very hard to prove you are not.... lets hope your interviewing officer understand what you have done and that you have some form of proof to show them that you are not married....


:whistle: as I said, nor do I or my Fiance have any doc says we are married! but we married and I send them the weeding pics, and I explain and I said, if you going to say you married I can't proof my marriage with any type of doc! those are just a ceremoney!

I know it well be fine and I spoke with my friend which is a attorney of law and he says right, people have a different culter and religions... ect.. if you married proof of your marriage if not go with I-129f no matter what as long you don't have a doc to shows that you are married

Do you just mean you had a WEDDING but didn't get legally MARRIED?

A stern warning to all who read this thread: until we know the legal details of what constitutes marriage in Reza's country, then it would be STUPID for anyone to follow that advice. If Reza had a WEDDING, but not a legal MARRIAGE, then that's a different kettle of fish.

Language is everything in this process. Certain words are magic and earn you a visa or earn you a long stay in AP or a denial.

Reza, if you had a WEDDING - a party or cultural celebration but free of the legal component - then you're probably fine. But if that's the case DO NOT go around saying you "got married" as a way of telling others that marrying will have no effect on a FIANCE visa.

exactly free of the legal component! I didnt said marriage and aplly for Finace visa, I said if your satiuation is like mines.. your are fine!

Just talk to your attorney... ignore the forums and other ... just talk to your attorney..
RezaMaleIran2007-07-26 12:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan you file a I-129F and marry the person while waiting?

Well, I married, but I don't have proof of my marriage! if you don't have proof of your marriage you can file I-129f as a fiancé which is I did.. I married in sharia.. and i couldn’t married by that country law! and another point I had to make a quick decision because my fiancé she well have no family in state and she well be disappointed and depressed so I did weeding ceremony to make her happy while we were there....! Which I explain the situation in my I-129f files!

You can be married without evidence of proof of married by certain country and rules! you can be married and still not married by religions!

as muslim I am married my wife but it still it be a fiance , i cant proof that with any type of doc which we are married!

so sample!

But, you haven't been approved yet either.

Doesn’t matter! What is going to be? Deny my file for what type of reason? I don't have a proof of my marriage period! Which I write and notarize that by public notary they do understand and they are so professional with full of information about countries and religions!

as I am working with GOV I know what is going on, they are not dumb! as I said buddy if you dont have avidance write letter and notarize it and send it back!

First, I'm not your buddy--I don't even know you. I just don't think you can hold your situation up as a valid example of success until you actually have success.

The only thing a notary proves is that you are the one that signed a document--it provides no validity to the content.

the notary is proof of your word, which can take you to the law of court, mean that you are saying the true by notary! proof of your signature if your doc and... what ever act
RezaMaleIran2007-07-26 12:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespolice check
I heard that you have to go to the police station in every area that you have ever lived in, is this true. I have stayed in 4 different areas since I was 16, do I need to get a record from every force or is there a centralised department that deals with it.
thesnowmanMaleUnited Kingdom2006-03-23 05:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFinally posted off our petition
After months of trying to get stuff sorted and dealing with incompetent lawyers we finally posted off our petition on the 10th April. My american Fiancee is with me at the moment on a tourist visa with our seven month old son so we are getting all excited that we can be a proper family again, it kills me when they have to go home.

Anyway good luck to everyone
thesnowmanMaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-19 08:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGot NOA1 through
Just registered on the USCIS website for email updates. It says that my case was received on the 24th, but my case was last updated on the 26th. Is this a touch or is it just normal.
thesnowmanMaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-29 06:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGot NOA1 through
Got an email this morning from my lawyers and our NOA1 has finally come through. The lawyers have told us it will take around 112 days to approval.

However the online updates on the USCIS website says it will take 80-110 days, so here is hoping for 80.

Anyway time for the big wait.
thesnowmanMaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-29 05:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespolice report
well for anyone interested here is the link for anyone staying the Avon and Sommerset region in England

thesnowmanMaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-02 09:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespolice report
I was looking into applying for the police report, but I have stayed in 4 different police districts since I was 16. Do I need to get a report from each area I have stayed in.

thanks in advance
thesnowmanMaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-02 07:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa approved!!!! Should arrive this week
thesnowmanMaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-01 09:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhere do we stand?
My SO is an american citizen and was over on a visitor visa. We tried to get married over here and then apply for a spouses visa for america. However we found that we could not get married in the UK because the UK goverment brough in a rule banning anyone not a resident from marrying. You have to enter the country on a fiancee visa or a special wedding visa or get married in a Church of England church.

However this was recently challanged in the European court of human rights and the immigrants won, so this law might be repealed.

We ended up applying for K1 fiance visa.
thesnowmanMaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-02 10:34:00