K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPassport concerns.

For London at least, the requirement is to have a passport valid for travel to the United States and have at least eight months validity beyond the issuance date of the visa. There isn't a stipulation that it be X months/years old, however.

Well you see Guernsey, Channel Islands is part of the U.K.
We are an independent island however we obey majority of UK laws although we have some of our own.

So this process is said to take roughly 7-10 months to process.

Mine expires as I mentioned previously on the 08.04.2013 (DD.MM.YYYY)
If I was to renew it this month.

Would you think that would cause issues for when I travel over?
futuremrsmonizFemaleGuernsey2012-10-02 17:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPassport concerns.
Hello All,

I have applied for the K-1 to marry my fiancée in the USA.
She currently lives in Kansas and I am from the Channel Islands (Small islands not far from France.)

Everything seems to be OK so far and we are waiting for a response.

I only have one concern though.
My Passport expires on 08.04.2013 (DD/MM/YYYY)and I know I should renew as I'm sure this process could take roughly 9 months.
My only concern is that in Europe when you try to immigrate to certain places - You can't move if your passport was renewed within 6 months of sending in the forms.

So I'm worried if USA is the same or if it doesn't matter at all.
As long as it is valid?

Please get back ASAP.
As it is urgent in my case as I cannot get it renewed where I am currently and may have to take a small plane trip.


- Ricardo

P.S. This my wife's, well future wife's, account.
Ignore the name :P

Edited by futuremrsmoniz, 02 October 2012 - 04:52 PM.

futuremrsmonizFemaleGuernsey2012-10-02 16:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhich Embassy do I visit?
Hello all,

I have a major concern that has just blown my mind.

My nationality is Portuguese which is written in my Portuguese Passport.
However, I live in Guernsey - Channel Islands which is part of the UK.

I am local here but not classed as a 'Guern'
When I do my visit for interview.
Do I go to the London Embassy or an Embassy that is located in Portugal?

In my forms, I stated my nationality was Portuguese and wrote that I currently live in the U.K.
My fiancée is freaking out about it and I think due to that. Has me a little confused.

A little clarification would be help me a great deal.



I am local here but not classed as a 'Guern'

Well technically since I am local.
I would be classed as a Guernsey Citizen so you can ignore this sentence.

But I am still somewhat confused on which Embassy I should visit.

Edited by futuremrsmoniz, 02 October 2012 - 06:04 PM.

futuremrsmonizFemaleGuernsey2012-10-02 18:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA few concerns I have.
Hello Everyone,

I was curious about the Visa fee's.

The guides and all the info I gather from the Govn. sites don't really specify in detail as to how much in total you would pay and when.
I was curious if someone could write like a list of when you have to pay and how much because I know this whole process is in steps.

First she sends her package, then I do, then there's interviews and this and that etc.
But each step, maybe not all, has a fee and I was curious if any one could specify as to how much each fee is for each step.

I am a UK citizen if that helps.
futuremrsmonizFemaleGuernsey2012-10-03 12:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIf the K-1 got declined.

Ahh ok... you are worrying for nothing and confusing things ... BREATHE
A consular officer can disapprove a K1 visa on many grounds, but usually when there's a missing document or if they want to you get a new passport, they won't disapprove you. They will simply put you on something we refer to as AP (Administrative Processing) and give you time to comply with whatever document they need/want.
So, if they want to you get a new passport, they will let you know and keep you waiting; but doesn't mean they will disapprove you Posted Image

Oh that's great! Thanks.

If I'm reading your timeline correctly, you just filed the I-129F petition. As was noted in the other thread you started yesterday on passport, you will have plenty of time to renew your passport between now and when your interview will occur. Depending on how quickly the service center adjudicates your case, you're likely looking at 5-6 months until the petition is approved and then you may have another 2-3 months until the case gets to the embassy and your interview occurs.

Well it's a bit complicated.
You see in order to get my Passport renewed.
I need to get my Identity Card renewed and that process can take a while then I would need to get my passport renewed which could take a while also.

I know it'll be renewed within 1-2 months tops it's just my only concern is when I go to the interview. If my passport has only been valid for at least 6 months and not 8 months like it is required based on this:

"A Passport must be valid for travel to the United States and must have at least eight months validity beyond the issuance date"
futuremrsmonizFemaleGuernsey2012-10-03 14:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIf the K-1 got declined.

Define "K1 declined"

The petition can be declined for many things and, in most cases, people can re file.

If the K1 visa doesn't get approved, it will depend on the grounds given by the CO. Appeals exist but are not recommended (time + money + no guarantees).

So, yes and no. It all depends.

Are you worried about being disproved based on any specific information? or are you just opening the umbrella before it rains?

Well no - My only concern is that according to the USA Embassy in UK states my Passport may be declined if not valid for at least 8 months before being issued.
Think is I didn't realize this until now and I would need to renew my passport as I think it will expire just before I go.

By the time the interview starts - My passport will probably only be 7 months valid. If they were to decline for that - I would obviously appeal but I was just curious if they did decline and I couldn't appeal.
If something as small as that, if I could re-apply or if they was a short waiting period etc.
futuremrsmonizFemaleGuernsey2012-10-03 13:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIf the K-1 got declined.
Hello Everyone,

I was curious.
If our K-1 got declined.
Are you allowed to apply again? or will it be on their systems permanently?

Also if you were to be declined. Is there a waiting period?
Like you got declined and you can only send in another form after 5 months.

I'm just a little curious.
futuremrsmonizFemaleGuernsey2012-10-03 13:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence got returned.
Yes, I'm not as worried as my fiance, I am more curious than anything as to why they might have been returned as they are not offensive, other than they were printed off from photography paper on a personal printer instead of say a large corporate company like wal-mart, but we'll sit back and wait for the letter, hopefully sooner than later.

Really appreciate you all taking the time to reply to our post. It means so much to us both.

Cheers, xx Jess
futuremrsmonizFemaleGuernsey2012-10-18 21:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence got returned.
Thanks everyone! Hopefully we get a letter soon, either a RFE or first NOA1..

Cheers x
futuremrsmonizFemaleGuernsey2012-10-18 21:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence got returned.
The photo's were of us both in the US and also in Guernsey, some at a music festival, others by the ocean, at my college graduation and with family. They weren't attached to a piece of paper, they were loose. Should I just go ahead and attach them to a standard piece of white printing paper and resubmit/mail them, or just wait until they ask for photographically evidence?

Thanks for all your helpful comments xx

futuremrsmonizFemaleGuernsey2012-10-15 19:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence got returned.

They are sending back the CD. USCIS does not allow digital/electronic evidence (i.e CDs, DVDs, Flash Drives, etc)

But the photos was not digital.
It was printed but that was also sent back.
futuremrsmonizFemaleGuernsey2012-10-15 13:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence got returned.
Hello Everyone.

We just sent in our forms to the Texas Centre to which we got a response today saying they've received it and it's under process.
However some of the evidence was sent back due to 'Evidence was not in a format that can be put into the file folder'.

Does that mean the evidence we sent was no valid and that I shouldn't bring it with me?
Or that they used it, viewed it and sent it back.

The evidence was 8 photos (5x7 inches estimated.) and CD of 'How we met and progressed through our relationship' video. (A video I designed sweetly for my Fiancée)
futuremrsmonizFemaleGuernsey2012-10-15 13:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAfter the marriage
Hello All,

At the moment we are in the process of the K1 VISA and it's not yet completed however my fiancée is curious if we were to marry in the United States but wanted to have a honeymoon outside the country.
Is it possible?

Is there any fee's or forms we must complete and is there a high approval rate for those?
futuremrsmonizFemaleGuernsey2012-11-10 11:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConcerning the NOA2

OP, more links for your reading pleasure:

Hello Boggy1974

Heh, Nice name :P

Thank you so much for these links.
My fiancee and I will read them thoroughly.

I understand that my questions have probably been posted multiple times and you may of see them frequently on the site but thank you for taking the time to answer them.
futuremrsmonizFemaleGuernsey2013-03-31 10:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConcerning the NOA2

Wouldn't you think this miracle worker would know the answers to those questions if the answers had an impact on the timing of these cases?
Who informed you of the 1 to 7 month timing?
From someone that went thru this process I can tell you there is no magic formula. My case for example took 408 days. Most don't take that long. There was nothing unusual about my case so no real reason for the delay. Hopefully yours will be faster than that.
What you are experiencing is normal including the frustration. Beware of those that tell you they have the inside track. This journey is about following the procedures dictated by the laws of the USA. You, like many others didn't know anything about those laws in the recent past nor did you care. Now they affect you and will do so through out this long journey. That is what we have learned as we gathered experience.
The normal processing times haven't been normal for a long time but its all they can refer to. They are working on about 2.5 million cases per year. They are ALWAYS behind. We see your questions a million times per year here on V J. Everyone thinks something has gone wrong just as they filed their case. V J provides timelines and a lot of other info that can be used to be as informed as possible. Learn to use it or disregard it as you wish.
I doubt you will find an immigration based version of the " road less traveled ".

I have no magical formula for this process either and I feel bad that you had to wait 408 days and I'm glad that in the end you succeeded.
I just know of a US Congressman who currently works within the state I currently live in.

It is never guarantee'd but some cases in the past have had better success from contacting their Congressman.
So I decided to give it a shot as well.

At the moment I am waiting and will be waiting for a long time so might as well try a few things during this period.

Edited by futuremrsmoniz, 31 March 2013 - 10:00 AM.

futuremrsmonizFemaleGuernsey2013-03-31 09:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConcerning the NOA2
I appreciate everyone's honesty. You are probably 100% right, but before I cross off all my options, I have efficacy, or a belief that I can make a difference. I am at least willing to try, if anything, at the end of the day I will know I did everything possible, even if there was nothing I could have done, not to speed it up, but just to better understand this process that many of you have already undertook.

So thank you for sending me the links and sharing your personal stories.

I wish you all the very best in your journeys

Edited by futuremrsmoniz, 31 March 2013 - 09:59 AM.

futuremrsmonizFemaleGuernsey2013-03-31 09:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConcerning the NOA2

It always seems to amaze me when people ask how to speed up the process. Who in their life has said how do I slow it down. It is what it is and its a process, it takes time be glad it is in place. If its beyond processing times then approach it if not then sit back and deal with it like the rest of have done. At least look at all the information and research everything. There is no reducing of times. Sit back and take your turn as everyone else has to do.

We were originally told we'd have our second NOA2 this month.
We've already waited 5 months and we're now informed it's being pushed back another 1-7 months if not longer.
It is beyond it's normal processing times. They are still working on July.

We know someone that can assist us with our case but first he wants these answers.

Also - I didn't ask How to speed up the process.
I asked for comparisons between this year and 2011 as well as reasons as to why this year has had some complications in processing.

Edited by futuremrsmoniz, 31 March 2013 - 09:03 AM.

futuremrsmonizFemaleGuernsey2013-03-31 09:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConcerning the NOA2
Hello Everyone,

I am certain that most of us here are waiting for our second NOA and have been waiting for some time.
We were originally told we'd get ours this month and now we're informed it's going to take another 1-7 months.

My Fiancee got a hold of someone who can really help us with our case but before we push on. We need some evidence on the situation currently.

I was wondering if anyone here can help assist me with the following questions:

1. What is taking so long for applications to process?
2. How many people have applied this year as appose to last year?
3. How long is the average application viewed and approved?
4. What was the difference in waiting time for 2013 and 2011?

Some of these such as #2 and #3 I'll probably find on this site and didn't need to post it here but I feel that while I'm researching, someone else may have a different source than the one I would've been looking at. So the more sources and information I can find the better.

If all works out and we can reduce the waiting time, even it's a month or a week or even a day.
I'd be happy that I tried.

Thank you all for reading this long-winded post and thank you to those who help me in this predicament.

- Ricardo

Edited by futuremrsmoniz, 31 March 2013 - 08:32 AM.

futuremrsmonizFemaleGuernsey2013-03-31 08:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGetting Married on a tourist visa

I'm just so frustrated!!! CSC decides to randomly approve november/december applications forgetting the ones before..... vermont seems to have gone silent the last few days! Where is the structure? It's like people are being punished for doing it the right way.... I know many people who successfully got married on a tourist visa and got their green card etc in no time! Sadly I now wish I'd done the same.... It's so disheartening to see pple wait up to 8 months others much less.... its impossible to know what to expect...

I can relate :( I have friends who have done it that way and they said I was foolish for doing it this way, I was too afraid of breaking the law, now I see the truth.
futuremrsmonizFemaleGuernsey2013-04-19 22:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA! CSC!!

He was born in South Africa, but has lived in Guernsey since he was four years old!! Guernsey is a beautiful place, and very easy to live there if you're from another country. What parts of Guernsey did you enjoy? I've been lucky enough to visit several times, it's a sleepy old island full of historical finds and old charm. I enjoy the coastline, especially! 

futuremrsmonizFemaleGuernsey2013-04-28 18:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA! CSC!!

We're October filers, and on Midnight Saturday April 27th, I got a text and an email from the last person I ever excepted it to be... Our case was approved from USCIS at CSC and a formal notification will be forwarded in the mail! With the backlog, we were expecting a result in May or June so we were very very very excited to receive such news on a crappy day. 


I understand next it goes to NVC, and all the nexts steps I may find on a forum here, correct?



futuremrsmonizFemaleGuernsey2013-04-28 17:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to contact congressman/ senators for help?

lols, I totally understand! Well a lot of people on here, just like facebook, can be negative at times, don't worry about them! I'm here for you, along with many others if you ever need any help!! 

futuremrsmonizFemaleGuernsey2013-04-28 18:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to contact congressman/ senators for help?

We are oct filers too. Just got ours Friday. From what I saw, as my fiance is from the UK, a lot who applied around the same time as ours, early oct, who's fiance(e) were from the same area were getting approved at the same time. I have a feeling yours will be coming very soon!!! 

futuremrsmonizFemaleGuernsey2013-04-28 18:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to contact congressman/ senators for help?

I went in person, if this is an option, I would recommend  otherwise you go to your states senator's website, you can find his website from a goggle search, if you dont know the senators name, you too can find this from a goggle search as well. On their website, they should have a form you'll want to fill out. Either a privacy release form or something of that sort. Fill it out and submit it via person or through the mail or fax. 


I went and spoke to mine last week, I live in Kansas. They told me I'd been waiting 7 months and that I hadn't passed the national average yet, and that if I hadn't heard back by June then I should contact them again, so it really depends how long you've been waiting. If it's an emergency and you need to be together ASAP for say a medical reason put that on the forum! 

futuremrsmonizFemaleGuernsey2013-04-28 17:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC will collect your 'Supporting Documentation'

Hello Everyone,



Our NOA2 was approved last week and we've been forwarded to NVC (National Visa Center).

We are now awaiting word from NVC on our next steps.  While I've been waiting I've been viewing their FAQ posted on their site and I read this.


  1. Invoice you for your visa application fees
  2. Collect your visa application and supporting documentation
  3. Hold your visa petition until an interview can be scheduled with a consular

When it says Supporting Documentation, does it refer to things such as financial sponsors papers?

Are there any other real big important Supporting Documentation we should also be aware of?



Any advice would be appreciated.


Much thanks


- Ricardo

Edited by futuremrsmoniz, 02 May 2013 - 08:48 AM.

futuremrsmonizFemaleGuernsey2013-05-02 08:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdvance Parole processing times?

Hello, I am aware that while you are filing for your AOS, you may also file for a AP, advance parole, which if granted, will let you travel outside the US while your green card is pending. My fiance's family is wanting to take us on a shared honeymoon/anniversary in January, we are looking at my Fiance coming here in July/Aug. and doing civil ceremony right away to start AOS/AP process.. My question is, how long does it typically take for an AP to be granted? I live in Kansas City, would I contact my local office for estimated processing times, or who could I notify to answer my question?


Thanks! helpsmilie.gif idea9dv.gif 



futuremrsmonizFemaleGuernsey2013-05-15 09:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLondon Specific - What needs to be sent in response to Packet 3?

When you say cover letter must be attached with the given information in step two, this is email address, date of wedding, and date of medical examination, correct? And is this DS-2001 the "checklist" I've been hearing about? If not, what is the checklist?




London gives their instructions on their website here

They don't want documents mailed in. Documents are birth certificate, police certificate, divorce decree, financial records.
They do want the forms as soon as you get them prepared.

In order to be assigned an interview, London needs 3 things in their hands.

  • The four application forms and copies as noted in Step One of their instructions. Mail ASAP.
  • The results from the medical exam sent over from the clinic by courier. arrives 3-4 days after medical exam.
  • The form DS-2001 which says you have all the required documents in your possession and are prepared to interview. A cover letter must be attached to it giving the information they ask for in Step Two. Mail when you have all the documents that are taken to the interview. That means the I-134 that must come from the US fiancé by snail mail is also in the UK fiance's hands, not on the way.
This London K1 help thread might be very useful for where you are now http://www.visajourn...terview-thread/



futuremrsmonizFemaleGuernsey2013-06-14 19:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPanicing!! IS our case lost in the mail between NVC and US Embassy London?

I'm starting to get nervous, and very afraid something is wrong, Our case left NVC May 13th, and of all the other timelines we follow from the same country, same NOA2 approval, same NVC leaving, they've gotten their Packet three and a month later we are still waiting. I contacted the Embassy last week and they said to give it another week, because even though we were in week three, it can take 4 weeks for a case to be put into the system, but today we're at a month, and ours wasn't even put into the system, let alone issued. NVC doesn't have it, I called and confirmed for a second time it left their office may 13th. The US Embassy in London doesn't necessarily have it on their record either :(


I dont know what to do. Who I'm supposed to call? IF there really is anything I can do but sit and try not to let it tear us apart. Has anyone, or know of anyone hearing of the US Embassy in London taking so long to issue their Packet 3? Granted, my Fiance lives in Guernsey, an island of the English Channel Islands, but is technically recognized under the UK... I guess besides my pity story, I've been looking at this website trying to see what my fiance needs to do when he gets back from a music festival in England. Does he download and return every copy in the download box on the side? Also, I've been hearing a lot about this checklist? What is the checklist where can I find a copy? Also, how long estimating, could it take from packet 3 leaving us to packet 4 arriving? I'm starting to FREAK because the date on our NOA2 says August 26th, 2013 and I've seen people say 6-8 weeks (2 months after them sending in packet 3 do they get interview but if we dont get our packet 3 until july, the interview could fall after august 26th. I'm so confused. Lost. Hurt. I'd love answers because I've tried spending the $20 to contact the embassy and they gave me no answers).


Summary of questions I'd love help on:

1. Why is it taking embassy so long, does it normally take more than 1 month for the embassy to issue packet three after they've received it. It's not in their system according to last week.

2. Forms.. what is a checklist.. is it one of the forms mentioned above on the link?

3. How long approximately between packet 3 leaving/medical exam to interview date.

4. what does the NOA2 deadline mean?! We have to have the final visa approval by then or we have to start over?



futuremrsmonizFemaleGuernsey2013-06-14 19:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolice report for interview
One other question .... I am a UK citizen and i moved to Spain in 1992 , i moved back to the UK in October 2010 ...will in need any police reports from Spain ?
claire and joeMaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-19 02:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolice report for interview
Thanks for the info ...alot different from what my local police station told me . I think i will call the embassy tomorrow too :)
claire and joeMaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-18 18:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolice report for interview

I would just get a police certificate for your daughter to be safe. Can't you get one the same time you get yourself one?

For the sake of just 10 pounds its worth getting her one , might save time later ! Thanks .
claire and joeMaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-18 16:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolice report for interview

The police certificates are needed only after the age of 16 from my understanding. You do not need police certificates for them.

But my daughter will be 16 by the time i go for the interview ...not 100% sure when the interview is yet mind .
claire and joeMaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-18 15:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolice report for interview
I have read that i need a police report for when i go to the interview .... do my kids need one too ? my son is 14 ( 15 in November ) and my daughter is 15 ( 16 in May ) ... Also is this form the Data Protection Form ?(Subject Access Application Form that costs 10 pounds ? )...... im a Sept 12th 2012 and getting very fed up with the wait ....
claire and joeMaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-18 14:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolice certificate
My daughter will be 16 in May and she will not need a police certificate as she wont have been in the uk for 6 months before we get our interview ....But , checking the Medical guide lines it says police certificates for over 16,s ....How strict are they if shes only just turned 16 ? I should be getting our case number any day and booking an appointment , how long does it take for the NVC to send out the case numbers once youve been approved , got ours on the 17th and how far ahead are the medical appointments for London ......Can anyone help ?
claire and joeMaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-24 04:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-156K

Thanks for that .

claire and joeMaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-03 05:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-156K

Hey everyone!
My fiance and I are filling out the paperwork for packet 3. I just had a question about form DS-156K.
It says in a section on the form:

"The following documents must be attached in order to apply for a fiance(e) nonimmigrant visa:
Your Birth Certificate
Your Marriage Certificate (if any)
Divorce Decree (if any)
Death Certificate of Spouse (if any)
Evidence of Engagement to your Fiance(e)
Birth Certificate of all Children listede in number 5
Evidence of Financial Support
Police Certificates"

DO these things all have to be attached to packet 3? I was told they're not needed until I go to my interview in London. We've already applied for the visa, been approved by CSS, went through NVC/DOS, and now our case is in London waiting on our P3. PLEASE, if anyone knows, please tell us. Are these things needed now for Packet 3, or later at the interview?


claire and joeMaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-03 02:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmedical in London

I had my medical last week at Bentinck Mansions , getting the appointment only took a week .





Just make sure you have all the info needed :)

claire and joeMaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-19 16:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLast minute checklist before departure tomorrow!

Just a question .... How long did it take for her to get her police report ? ive applied for my Spanish police report and for it to be sent to a friends house in Spain and so far its been 3 weeks ! and all they say is it should take 10 days and a few more for postage ... yeah right :(

claire and joeMaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-28 16:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNotarized ? Fees ?

No mines not expired , i have until August .....


Done alot of digging and ive found out that we each have to pay $240 regardless of age and the bank can notarize papers .....


Thanks anyway Nick .

claire and joeMaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-03 07:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNotarized ? Fees ?

I have got my letter from the US Embassy London informing me that they have received my approved petition ....

What im not sure about is this line .....


"please request your fiance(e) to make a notarized statement of intent to marry within ninety days of your arrival in the US" .............


I just thought he had to do another letter with a more recent date on it ? where and how does he get it notarized ? Would it be with a Lawyer ?


Also ...."All fiance(e) and K3/4 visa applicants must each pay $240 prior to their interview" ................ im sure i read some where that this is a payment for me and not my 2 children (both under 16) ?


so is it $240 once or $240 x3 ?


Would be grateful for any info please rolleyes.gif

claire and joeMaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-03 06:40:00