United KingdomGetting UK passport for US children
So I was looking into getting my US born daughter registered with the UK embassy so I can get her UK passport. Now looking at the price it is around $300, plus around $140 for the passport. Now the question is do I need to register her birth and get a UK birth certificate to get her UK passport?

Obviously if that is what needs to be done then it will, but I got another son who i need to get a passport for, both US and UK, plus my daughters UK and US, then my naturalization fee (around $700), and this needs to get done before we fly to the UK for my sisters wedding next year. It is starting to add up.
thesnowmanMaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-27 20:57:00
United KingdomIs anyone going to their interview alone?
Like some people have said the interview is a bit of a non event, I remember when I started the K1 journey and spent months reading about other peoples UK embassy interviews and getting worried about any potential pit falls, but again if you have your stuff together it will be a breeze. If you want to read my review of the interview have a look on my profile for my embassy review.

I got on more stage on my Visajourney to go (citizenship) and I do remember the K1 portion being the most worrisome. Also went by myself as my fiance (who lived in the Uk with me) was in the embassy sorting out my sons passport, Just take a book or a mag to read as you may be their for sometime.
thesnowmanMaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-04 20:53:00
United KingdomHealth care reform, anyone?

I do agree that giving the insurance companies power is what has gotten us to where we are now. I just don't see a govt run system as the fix for that. I like the idea of this 'insurance exchange' but I am not convinced that we can sustain the cost of the bill as passed.

I actually liked one of the ideas floated before was to form a not for profit insurance company, rather than a public option and I thought was a rather good idea. One thing is clear though we could not sustain the cost of health care as it was before the bill was passed. If the Republicans had actually tried to help craft the bill we might have ended up with something better, but they made the decision to be obstructionist for political gain, so much for America first.
thesnowmanMaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-29 19:51:00
United KingdomHealth care reform, anyone?
Maybe government isn't the best entity to control health care, but it is a millions time better than an insurance company. If you think about all the money the insurance companies spend trying to decline care, advertising and billing, that could all go into patient care. I think the thing that most annoys me is that it is tied into your work, if you loose your job, you loose your insurance (cobra is to expensive). My first job in the USA had good insurance, low premiums ($200 a month for entire family) and only $20 for a doctors visit, but when I left there for a better job and more money I lost my good insurance, I now pay so much more and as I mentioned earlier I am still paying off my daughters birth despite putting away over 2k in a FSA card. I also remember we got this bill through from the hospital and the insurance wouldn't pay $50 of it, so we were curious on what it was, turns out that it was the drop of tylenol that they gave my son for his immunizations. $50 for something that costs around $6 a bottle, so we now take our own.

I like the idea of this insurance exchange where we can pool our numbers to get cheaper insurance. As I have mentioned before I have my own share of issues with the NHS, but I would take the NHS over my private insurance USA health care.
thesnowmanMaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-29 13:54:00
United KingdomHealth care reform, anyone?
In the UK if myself or my family were sick I could call up before 9am and I would be seen that day at my local doctors surgery. In the USA it took me over two months to get an initial doctors appointment and then when I was sick the soonest they could get me in was 6 days later. In the UK when my son was born I paid nothing, I had a midwife come round to the house for two weeks after the birth and then a health visitor came around at regular intervals to give us help. IN the USA my wife had her birth plan ripped up by a doctor who gave her a forceps delivery because, and in his own words, "he didnt have the time to wait as he had to get home". This invasion cost us over 4k. I pay over $800 in premiums for my family and an extra $200 in FSA payments, I got offered a good job while my USC wife was pregnant (and at college), but the new jobs health benefits didnt kick in for 6 months which meant I had to decline as I couldn't afford the cobra payments to leave.

The NHS isn't perfect, I ended up using free works private medical care for surgery as I didnt want to wait, but I would rather have the NHS than the US system. My wife got a prescription for some severe migraines, we took it to Walgreens and they said that the insurance wouldn't pay for it all, and told us to take half a pill a day rather than the whole one, we said fine we will pay for the rest and we were told that we couldn't as the insurance wouldn't pay for it we weren't allowed to either.

So I would rather the government be in charge of health care than an insurance company who we have spent hours on the phone arguing with over costs. Luckily my wife spend a few years working in a doctors surgery and done insurance billing so she knows their tricks.
thesnowmanMaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-28 22:01:00
United KingdomUpcoming PM elections...
I have been trying to keep up with it on the bbc website, dont know if I will do an overseas vote. I dont like Brown (even though I am Scottish, he comes off as a miserable git), but since I am not in the UK I haven't formulated an opinion on whether I could vote Tory. I voted twice for Blair, but wouldn't describe myself as a Labour supporter. I will keep an eye on it.

I must say I enjoyed the presidential election last year even though I couldn't vote in it, I just seemed that everyone gets hyped up for it and more involved. Although it goes on for far to long and the amount of money being spent is ridiculous. I was actually in Chicago on business on election day and made my way up to Grant park where Obama had his celebration, the place was electric.

I do wish they would do a presidential style debate in the UK, I found them engrossing.
thesnowmanMaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-29 09:28:00
United KingdomUSD-GBP exchange rate
I can feel the pain off those coming over now and looking back enviously to the former 2:1 exchange rate. However I have been here for two years now and I havent been home because the cost to do so has been painful. I tried last summer to go, but the exchange rate alongside the price of fuel made going over really expensive. It is also nice the exchange rate has dropped in the run up to Xmas as I order some of my family's presents on (to avoiding high shipping charges) and things have just got a bit cheaper.
thesnowmanMaleUnited Kingdom2008-12-06 17:01:00
United KingdomGoing back to UK for vacation, exchanging money
So I am flying back home for the first time since I arrived, here in Kansas City the options to exchange money are limited, you basically have to go to the bank, but it can take days to exchange it and they are quite useless at it. I could exchange dollars to pounds in the UK, but I dont think I will get that good a deal. Does anyone have any suggestions.

Thanks in advance.
thesnowmanMaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-04 11:35:00
United KingdomGetting daughter registed as UK citizen in UK

I would still think you'd have to file the same papers and pay fees like you would here. I don't think it would save you any money to do it over there, but I guess it's worth investigating.

Well I know that if you can go to the consulate in Washington DC it is cheaper than if you mail it in, just thought I might be able to go to Glasgow and get this sorted.
thesnowmanMaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-22 14:01:00
United KingdomGetting daughter registed as UK citizen in UK
I am going back to Scotland next week and was wondering if it is possible to go and get my daughter registered as a UK citizen while I was over there. I know I can sort it out over here, but it is fairly expensive and on the "to do" list, alongside my citizenship.
thesnowmanMaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-22 07:08:00
United KingdomBrits in the USA
thesnowman21 - (Danielle USC, Andrew - Kilmarnock, UK) -Live in Kansas City, KS since 2006.
thesnowmanMaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-22 17:24:00
United KingdomBrits in the USA
Could you add me Andrew (Scotland) and Danielle (USA) we are now living in Kansas city, Missouri since the beginning of October
thesnowmanMaleUnited Kingdom2006-11-03 22:24:00
United Kingdomno interview letter!!!
This appears to be the trend with London right now. Judging by other posts I've read recently, you will probably receive it early next week. My interview is the 29th, I'm not expecting packet 4 letter until very close to the day.

Good luck on your interview :)
Nigel&MeggieMaleEngland2011-03-18 05:54:00
United KingdomDriving in the USA
When I visited my fiancee in Missouri, I did a lot of driving both with and without her. We just made a quick call to her insurance company and they confirmed that I was completely covered. So, just check with the insurance company to be sure but I suspect you will be covered.
Nigel&MeggieMaleEngland2011-03-17 08:41:00
United KingdomInterview tommorow, please help..
Good Luck!
Nigel&MeggieMaleEngland2011-04-12 08:35:00
United KingdomCurrent London email code?

We called Knightsbridge Medical to ask for a copy of his results, and they said the Embassy would have a copy, so we called today and spoke to someone who gave us the email code and we wrote asking for it. I'm kind of at a loss here if they don't. What would you both suggest if they don't? At that point, I think we have no other choice but to pay for the syphilis and TB test all over again when the doctor transcribes the rest, correct?

Just out of interest, did you manage to get the copy of the results from the Embassy in the end, with the email you sent them?
Nigel&MeggieMaleEngland2011-06-23 17:14:00
United KingdomCell/Mobile phones when you get to the USA?

It's a pain in the butt having to use Vonage. Even though the $35 per month is not too bad, I don't want the package that has 35 or country's that you can call free. All I call is the UK, I'm seriously thinking of using either magic-jack or Skype to phone the UK but as I haven't really really used either of the 2, I'm still pondering my thoughts on which 1 to go for.

By the way, I had a look on Skype's websites, I'm surprised they don't have a customer service number.

Yeah, good luck getting hold of Skype customer service!! :lol:

I've used Skype for the last year and a half and find it pretty good. As long as you have a decent internet connection, you should be fine. They do have bad days occasionally, but most of the time the service is pretty solid. Being free, it's worth trying before you go paying for another service I would say.
Nigel&MeggieMaleEngland2011-07-06 08:18:00
United KingdomCell/Mobile phones when you get to the USA?


My fiance has a Droid x and says that it is unlocked? Not banded whatever. UK Milestone (using it on AT&T in the US) I dont quite understand. Anyways, I believe that over here Verizon is the only company that supports that phone. I dont have Verizon.

My question is what do the foreign fiance do when they come over? They obviously have to wait for their SSN to get a phone, but they will not have any credit so will need to pay a massive deposit. Or do they simply get added to their US citizen fiance's plan?

I am confused. Need advise.

I wanted an iPhone like I had in the UK so my wife ditched her current plan, ported over her number to AT&T and opened an account with them, ordering 2 lines in her name- one for each of us. The original provider she was with did not support iPhone's at the time, hence the swap to AT&T. Nice and simple, we both have phones now and I didn't need to provide anything.
Nigel&MeggieMaleEngland2011-07-01 16:36:00
United KingdomI-94 form
Exactly the same thing happened to me too, but at Houston! It is a pain in the butt isn't it!! I also had to go to my local airport who issued me a new one.
Nigel&MeggieMaleEngland2011-08-01 09:06:00
United KingdomAny of y'all homesick?

Hi Guys --

so as my honey's interview looms closer and closer and it all becomes a great big reality, I can't help but have my own fear that he's going to be extremely homesick. At the moment he's really really excited, but I know that I'd miss my country if I chose to leave it. Just curious, for those of you who are a little home sick, what is it you miss the most?

Anything I can prepare for now that will help ease some of the homesick blues he may experience somewhere down the line? I could totally be paranoid, but I love my man and want to help in any way I can to make this an awesome experience for him!

I absolutely love being here with my wife in the US and haven't felt home sick at all! If I had to say something I missed though, then I guess it would be going to the pub and also Indian takeaway (it tastes so much better in the UK!!)

So, in answer to your second question...I am a big Guinness fan, and my wife made sure she knew where the best places to get Guinness on tap were in our local area before I moved over here, which I thought was just great. Maybe you could check out local places that will cater for his specific tastes in drink/food that are maybe not as readily available in the US as they are in the UK. Just an idea :)
Nigel&MeggieMaleEngland2011-07-13 12:22:00
United KingdomEPL Compo - 2011/2012

Portsmouth, No.1 team on the South Coast!

Nigel&MeggieMaleEngland2011-08-03 01:40:00
United KingdomHas anyone took a cat over recently?

I'm confused what I actually need. I've read the pinned topic and then I've read this

"A general certificate of health is not required by CDC for entry of pet cats into the United States, although some airlines or states may require them. However, pet cats are subject to inspection at ports of entry and may be denied entry into the United States if they have evidence of an infectious disease that can be transmitted to humans. If a cat appears to be ill, further examination by a licensed veterinarian at the owner's expense might be required at the port of entry.

Cats are not required to have proof of rabies vaccination for importation into the United States. However, some states require vaccination of cats for rabies, so it is a good idea to check with state and local health authorities at your final destination" on

So does it depend on what the state requires and the airline? and do I only need to get a pet passport if I want to bring him back? :help:

Slightly different because I brought my dog over, but we had to comply with both airline and state regulations. We needed a health certificate for the airline and rabies vaccination for the state. I think the pet passport is to firstly show the rabies vaccination has been completed and also to prevent having to put your pet into UK quarantine if you return with it.
Nigel&MeggieMaleEngland2011-09-01 17:10:00
United KingdomPassport Received
Hope you have a good trip! Make sure they staple the I-94 into your passport. They forgot to give me mine and it is a pain in the butt to fix!!
Nigel&MeggieMaleEngland2011-09-21 09:05:00
United KingdomTaking family through Heathrow
I am a UK citizen married to a USC, and we are living in US. We are taking a trip with my wife's parents to the UK this summer. When the two of us travel together, I take her with me through the UK Citizens queue. Can I bring my wife and her parents through this queue, or do they need to go through the Visitors queue?
Nigel&MeggieMaleEngland2012-04-29 09:18:00
United KingdomJob Hunting

Hi All,

Just asking for a bit off advise. Im hopefully moing to the Florida Area in August (well if the visa is done by then :blush: )
I currently am working as an IT Programme Manager any ideas on wher i can find a good site or contact to help with finding a job before i move or just some advise.


I used the CareerBuilder website to get my IT job here in the States. It lists a lot of perm/contract positions and also there's an iPhone app for it too :)

Nigel&MeggieMaleEngland2012-05-18 13:08:00
United KingdomUK Divorce Decree

I am in the process of getting my paperwork together to file I-130/I-485 concurrently whilst in the US. I have been divorced in my past, but my UK Decree Absolute is just a single page from Llanelli County Court, no signature at all - just a stamp in the top right hand corner indicating the Court.I showed it to my American wife and she seems to think I should have something more substantial to send in with my paperwork. Am I missing something? or is this truly all I need to send in?Thanks!

I've answered this question a bunch. People have overcome RFEs by trying my method. Here's a copy/paste--

Although I'm sure many people have just sent in the divorce decree and not had an issue, there are also people who did get an RFE (including myself). Save yourself the agro and follow Nich-Nicks advice! :)
Nigel&MeggieMaleEngland2012-07-08 13:20:00
United KingdomUK driving license expiration (photo)


I'm in the US on a temporary Green Card (about to go through removal of conditions) and my UK driving license photo is about to expire. My parents received the form to renew the photo, but I'm not a UK resident anymore so I'm not going to be renewing until/unless I go back to the UK. My question is, can I just let the photo expire? Or do I have to let the DVLA know that I'm not in the UK anymore? I don't want to affect my ability to renew my license if/when I go back to the UK. I filed the tax form (P85) ages ago to say I'm no longer residing in the UK.

Thanks for your help.

I was in the same situation so I emailed the DVLA. They said to just let it expire, it will not affect any future applications for another one.
Nigel&MeggieMaleEngland2012-07-19 12:36:00
United KingdomWhat did you do with your old U.K. driver's license?

Hello all my fellow VJ'ers!
My husband, who is the UK citizen has recently gotten his Wisconsin driver's license. Now he's wondering what he should do with his old, UK driver's license... does he need to write to or call to change his address on his old UK license with the UK DOT to his new American address? Just leave it alone and it expires? Just seeing what others have done with theirs

I asked the UK DVLA this question and they said I should just let it expire because I no longer live in the UK and they will not accept a foreign address.
Nigel&MeggieMaleEngland2012-08-13 12:50:00
Asia: East and PacificSinsord
5300 us dollars?!? and you cover all costs of wedding too i suppose. (uncontrollable laughing) sorry but i think her family will be laughing all the way to the bank. I'd say "sure 5300 dollars is ok. Know your family simply has to provide for airfaire back to united states for her, all visa fees, phone calls, ect."
ryecatcher25Not TellingPhilippines2006-04-26 03:35:00
United Kingdombirth certificate

Are you the USC or the foreigner?  the USC can get the official bc from their state, doesn't have to be the original, just the official.


this site lists documents by country... http://travel.state....5.html?cid=8953


just select england

cujoduMaleArgentina2013-08-01 13:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaArgentina K1 Interview Question

Edited by cujodu, 19 July 2013 - 07:32 AM.

cujoduMaleArgentina2013-07-19 07:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaFiance Visa K1 - Partida de nacimiento y legalizacion, ayuda!

No, tenes que llevar lo a un local aca en BsAs (CABA), Ministerio de Asuntos Internos ... dicen que solo toma un par de horas para recibir lo. Este es para los documentos  de las provincias (incl. la provincia de buenos aires)  Aca lee...


19. LEGALIZATIONS: Any document issued in the Civil Register of any province or Buenos Aires Suburbs (Birth, Marriage, and Death Certificates) must be legalized by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Argentina located at: Calle 25 de Mayo `179, Capital Federal.

cujoduMaleArgentina2013-07-19 08:04:00
United KingdomDo i need to certify any documents that are translated ?

Thanks Nich Nick , I was hoping that was right ....

claire and joeMaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-20 15:38:00
United KingdomDo i need to certify any documents that are translated ?

My childrens birth certificate , my police report and my divorce papers are in spainsh , i have them translated but do i need to get them certified or is it ok if the translator writes that they are competent to do so ?

claire and joeMaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-20 09:44:00
United KingdomFormat of translation

My translator did my divorce papers in the exact same format as the original but on a separate paper (don't mess up the original) and then did the paper to say who he was ....

You could get them to sign the translation too ......


Id imagine the London Embassy have seen these report from all over and would spot some thing suspect !


Claire .

claire and joeMaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-22 06:06:00
United KingdomConfused !

Phoned this morning and confirmed the appointment and paid the fees ..... im so excited now ive got a date :D

claire and joeMaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-07 05:00:00
United KingdomConfused !

Sounds like a good idea ..... didnt think this had happened often , im not complaining though , it means i could be there for July instead of September !

claire and joeMaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-06 12:11:00
United KingdomConfused !

Im not sure if this is OK but ....... Ive had the medical , sent in most of the forms and im just waiting for a police report from Spain then i will send in the DS 2001 to let them know im ready .....


Today ive got a letter from the Embassy in London with my interview date ! 12th July ! ! how can that be if i havent sent the 2001 yet ? do i still have to send it ? should i call or leave it as i will be ready by the 12th ?


Not sure what to do here ... has anyone else had the same happen to them ?????

claire and joeMaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-06 07:16:00
United KingdomLND Review - CR1 Visa

Thanks for sharing this ... Ive got mine on the 12th July ..... I shall be a nervous wreck by then so its good to have an idea on what to expect ....


claire and joeMaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-12 09:52:00
United KingdomHas there ever been an interview letter sent by mistake?

Hey Zoe , I look forward to seeing you i hope !

I tried the Marble Arch but they were fully booked , As i have two teenagers too i need a bigger room so im staying at the Astoria Hotel , its not too far but i think i will get a taxi at that time of the morning .

Im getting the train down (from Glos) , works out alot cheaper than driving , if i were you id leave the car on the outskirts of London then get the tube into town ?


If we dont get to meet , have a great weekend and happy hen night ! ! :D



claire and joeMaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-21 01:05:00