US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (BYRON-LEIDY @ Nov 16 2007, 12:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (BYRON-LEIDY @ Nov 16 2007, 01:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I came home a little while ago and ....................

OH MY GOD...I AM APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you all sooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lucho, Diana, Scott, Parkpapa, TonyS, maviwaro, Juan Carlos, buck501, Chester y Monica,


Congratulations Byron!!!!!!!!!! That's great news.
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-11-16 21:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
Thanks for the support guys. I just sent off an e-mail to the ombudsman and copied the Senator.

As a state government employee, I know that government rules and regs often don't make sense. What I don't know is why they don't make sense. But images of a roomful of monkeys working away at typewriters keep coming to mind. Though this analogy falls apart - at least the monkeys would all be thinking about the same things: bananas and ....well.... sex probably. LOL

Maybe the analogy isn't that far off, after all. blink.gif

parkpapaMaleColombia2007-11-12 12:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (maviwaro @ Nov 11 2007, 01:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
C'mon Charles... keep hounding your politicians... how the heck are you going to let them get away with this??
I have sent another letter to my Senator, but that was before finding this latest tidbit. I will also write to the USCIS Ombudsman (if I can find the address back - someone posted the address on another thread).
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-11-11 19:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
Once again I'm not receiving notifications of updates from here. :-(

Anyway, here is an interesting snippet from USCIS:

Q : If I filed before July 30 and there is a problem with the check I used to pay my application fees, will I have to pay the new higher fees when I reapply? NEW

If USCIS is notified that your check for an application fee has been returned due to insufficient funds, your case will be placed in suspense. You will be notified by mail and asked to submit a new payment along with a $30 administrative fee. If you do so within 14 days, USCIS will honor the original filing date and processing of your case will continue.

What I find personally interesting is that they would NOT accept my check because it was for too much money - so I MUST pay the new fees. If I had only sent them a check that bounced, I could have gotten by with the old fees. Is this a great country or what???? (In case you can't tell, I'm pissed!)

Oh well.
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-11-11 13:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (Juan Carlos @ Nov 3 2007, 04:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hang in there, Byron!!

- Charles... I hear what you say. Wait a little longer and go for Residency instead of merely a K3 visa. I've been thinking about it, but it is so hard to even think I'll have to wait even more, when it's already been 5 months and nothing. So let me ask you: in your experience, what's been the single worst thing about the K3? Work permit? Social security? Interview for AOS?

Juan Carlos,

We applied for the work permit separately from the AOS. That was back in July also, and the ONLY thing I've heard is that it was sent to California. Lorena had her biometrics for the work permit in August and they told her she should have approval in 3 weeks. When I check online, the USCIS site says the normal time now (after the fee increases) is 11 weeks. When I called the USCIS they tell me I can't check any sooner than six months!! The AOS process has been a separate nightmare for us, but basically our problem has been with the drastic slowdown that seems to have hit at the same time as the fee rate hikes. I guess we're learning patience from all of this, but it is very frustrating. Lorena really wants to work and help her family - both here and back home - but that can't happen until she gets the work permit.

A side issue we're facing is that, without the work permit, she can't get her Social Security Number. Without that, of course, she can't work, but more than that I can't get her name on my bank account, credit cards, life insurance, etc., etc. THAT is the real bite in the backside. If something happened to me, as things are now, she would have to depend on the kindness of my own children (I know they'd help, but....) and on her sister in Florida. It's NOT a good situation.

These are the reasons I recommend the CR-1 route, as some of the work-related issues will be out of the way.

parkpapaMaleColombia2007-11-03 17:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (Brian and Yenys @ Nov 3 2007, 01:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello Colombia Club !!!!

We are one of the few K-3 here fromwhat i can see. e received the NVC case letter sending to BGT on 10.23/07 and immediately faxed all the packet 3
forms as described in the shortcuts here in the threads by Mike. DO we still need to send originals by courier, my wife seems to think faxing them is sufficient and to bring originals to interview.

If I (The petioner) have already given all my originals of birth certiifcate and divorce, do i need to bring more originals to my wife at her interview ??
we called the embassy and they verified they recieved the packet 3 faxes, but she forgot to ask the above and we can only call the embassy on weds.
anyone with advice or help will be greatly appreciated

THANKS good.gif

BRIAN & YENYS innocent.gif

It never hurts to have originals or certified (or notarized) copies of all your current documents, photos, e-mails, etc. It's better to have them and not need them than need them and not have them. Certified or notarized copies are adequate, especially when you might not want to risk loss of an original document.

As for going with the K-3 process, my wife and I did that and she and her boys arrived here in June. If you feel you have the option to wait a little while, I strongly suggest that you consider the CR-1 route (I think Monoke and some others did that). You wait a little longer for your loved-one to get here, but you will have fewer headaches (work permit and such) after they arrive.

If you stay with the K-3 process, we found that the visa part of things went fairly smoothly - as long as you are well prepared and plan well. This means being careful and thorough in your documentation, being patient after you submit things, and then ready to act quickly when things start moving. If your read the information on this thread and focus on the K-3 information, you will be fine.

Just remember to be utterly honest and very thorough in all of your documentation and responses to questions. Chances are that, whether you or your spouse have anything embarrassing in your past, the immigration folks will either know or find out. Even if they don't, I frankly think you get points for being open and honest. My two-cents' worth, anyway.

parkpapaMaleColombia2007-11-03 13:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
Hi all. Well, we got some interesting and disheartening news on Saturday. I once again received the entire AOS packet back as rejected. THIS time they said that the postmark was okay, but I had paid too much with the check. Their addition showed we owed $200 less than what my check was for. I have no idea how that would be possible, but what really astounds me is that they say I need to now use the NEW fees (over $3000 for Lorena and the boys). Why in the (*&* didn't they just use the extra $200 to have a nice little office party??? I paid too much so now I get to pay even more!!

I will again write to my US Senator, though I'm certain it will do no good. If and when Lorena ever gets her work permit (that's been three months already), we will start saving money to resubmit the AOS paperwork next summer.

Word of advice to anyone considering the K-3 route: DON'T DO IT IF YOU CAN FIND ANOTHER WAY!!!!!! Nothing against K-1s, but it seems really strange to me that a fiance can get a work permit, Social Security Number, and damned near anything else, in only a three or four weeks (if not right off the plane), but a spouse is treated like Typhoid Annie.

Okay, done venting (we stopped crying yesterday). Hope all is going well for everyone and we'll keep you informed when and if things change.

Charles and Lorena crying.gif
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-10-21 19:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club

I received Packet 4 at about the same time Lorena finally received hers. It took close to two weeks. The embassy will only send the packets by regular mail, even in Colombia. If you guys don't receive it in a reasonable time (I was told by the embassy to wait until about two weeks before the interview date before I should panic), then call the embassy and arrange to pick the packet up. As I understood it, they would only accept the packet sent to the Colombian resident.

parkpapaMaleColombia2007-10-15 12:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (buck501 @ Oct 10 2007, 12:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am starting a new thread on "Your new life in america" forum. I will call it "Colombia". I have, and am not reading much other then the Colombia Club thread here. All embassy's are different. We have the best thread on this site.
I do not want to clutter this thread with everyday stuff after the entry visa is complete. We have a thread on the AOS forum. Lets start one on the After your here forum. The name of it is...............................Your new life in America".
Please, post there. I want Paola to be happy here, I need advice. I want to meet others that have brought Colombians to the US. I want to know the joys and sorrows. I want to possible meet others in person. Paola has a few friends in the US. In Chicago and Florida. I am willing and able to send her to the other places if need be. I live in a very small town, not only is she the only Colombian here, but there are no other connections with Colombia then TV. Aside from that she is one of a very few black people. We are thre exacact same as you..................deeply in love and wanting a good and happy life.
People seem to participate on the visa forum and then dissapear after a time, that is totally understanable. Lets keep up the communication. We can help each other the same. I am sure that I am not the only one that wants or needs communication with others.
I hope to see many folks on the "Your new Life in America" forum, Colombia Club. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a GREAT day!!!!!!!!!

I think that's a great idea, Buck. I will be glad to join you. In which heading will this new thread be? In the Foreign Embassy and Consulate General Discussion?

I hesitate to speak for Lorena (always a dangerous thing to do without permission....haha), but I understand your concerns for Paola and her life here. I have the same concerns for Lorena and the boys.

As for the discrimination issue alluded to in recent posts, I think the reality is that virtually all people have biases or prejudices of some sort or another, no matter what country they are from. For example, Lorena sometimes expresses some prejudice about "indios" or Indians in Ecuador, even though her mother's family is from Ecuador, and she is at least partly mestizo herself - meaning she has some Indian blood of her own. My guess is that 90% of the people in this hemisphere are "muts" of some sort or another and can't claim to be pure anything (though I know a couple of guys who are pure jerks, but that is a different matter). It seems illogical at best for people on this thread to be focusing on racial, cultural, or social prejudices when there are bigger fish (the federal govt. for example) to fry. ;-)

parkpapaMaleColombia2007-10-11 21:32:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
Hey Buck,

A big welcome to Paola to the US from Lorena and me!!!

parkpapaMaleColombia2007-10-08 16:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (buck501 @ Oct 4 2007, 12:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Scott, Luchco, I agree with both of you 100%. sorry Mike. This thread got started by someone that had a great idea. It has grown to become what I belive to be the the best forum on this site. It is because of some of the banter and non revelent post's that people have bonded togeather.
Yes, this thread has grown and gotten to the point that it is difficult to go through all the post's to obtain info. New folks arriving, asking questions, and participating is what keeps the site strong and the info easier to get.
Mike, you have been one of the most knowledgable folks here for a long time. Your past post's helped me alot. Your input has been accurate, info that one can depend on. I thank you for that, but.........................I gotta disagree with you on this one.

Mike, Scott, Lucho, and Buck...

I agree with all of you - to some point or another. The thread is getting awfully long for anyone to read through, even if "just" from last November. On the other hand, that is the best way to get a real understanding of the complexity of the process. Also, it can be rather tiresome to read what appear to be the same questions over and over. However, what I gather from reading everyone's concerns is that there are no two cases exactly alike, and sometimes, after having your eyes glaze over after reading a month's worth of posts, it is really easy to miss a key word or phrase that might have answered the specific problem you are having.

I tend to think of this forum as a school where many of the new students will quickly graduate to become professors to more new students. Lucho, for example, has gone from being a exuberant freshman to graduate level professor in rather short order. Others will follow.

Knowing the history of the journey through Bogota to the US is very important. ("Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.") But things change - so history tends to change as it grows. Comparing the visa process to computer science, if I were starting on this journey now, would I want to learn only from a tenured professor who learned using FORTRAN, or from a relatively new prof who is familiar with FORTRAN but really learned his/her stuff recently on the front-lines of technology? Sure, I'm sure Bill Gates has forgotten more about computers than we'll ever know, but I'd rather learn from one of his hot shots creating and using the latest and greatest.

Enough with metaphors. There IS a lot to learn here and none of the history should be ignored because YOUR answer may be there. But with all the changes in the visa process, fees, etc., and with more undoubtedly to come, it's good to ask the same old questions because the answers may well have changed.

My opinion plus 4 or 5 dollars might get you a latte at Starbucks. laughing.gif

parkpapaMaleColombia2007-10-07 13:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (Orestes y Patrici @ Oct 5 2007, 03:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I would like to know what the timeline means when it states "Based on timeline data, your I129f may be adjudicated as early as March 14, 2008*. ". Does this means that the K1 visa should be approved by March 14, 2008? I'd appreciate a simple and plain English explanation. Thanks.

Orestes y Patricia

That information is based on the "average" length of time the USCIS is taking for ALL visas similar to yours, based on your submission date. When we were going through the process I would check this same information about once a month and the "as early as" date would be different every time because the "average" changed from day to day. Just be patient and don't get too wrapped up in this bit of info. The only date that really will make a difference if your application takes a long time is the date shown on the USCIS website for THEIR average processing time. You won't be able to get an answer from them until after THAT date has passed.

parkpapaMaleColombia2007-10-05 22:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (Entonces... @ Oct 3 2007, 10:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Servientrega seems to be the most reputable one. We have used it and had no complaints.

R. good.gif

Everytime I mentioned Servientrega to Lorena, she would only chuckle and shake her head. The quality of service may depend on what part of Colombia you're talking about. It appears that regular mail (outside the larger cities) is IRREGULAR at best.

If you want to send something from the US to Bogota and get it there very quickly and reliably, I recommend FedEx. I shipped some papers there 'overnight' and it literally DID get there overnight! Sure, it cost a ton, but it did get there. FedEx does not, to my knowledge, deliver outside of Bogota.

parkpapaMaleColombia2007-10-03 10:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (jrmach1 @ Oct 1 2007, 03:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
American Airlines



FARE-USD 343.00 TAX 150.70 TICKET TOTAL 493.70

kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif


I would assume nothing with the costs of tickets and taxes. I check Expedia and Orbitz frequently when I want to travel to Bogota. The same flight with the same airline listed on both sites will frequently show different amounts for the "taxes and fees" portion, so beware. My own experience on these two sites is that American Airlines is often the most expensive airline. You might want to check out fares with LAN Airlines (from Chile) for bargain prices and excellent service from Bogota to Miami.

parkpapaMaleColombia2007-10-01 16:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (Scott n Yenifer @ Sep 28 2007, 01:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
helpsmilie.gif helpsmilie.gif helpsmilie.gif I'm looking for a good list of common questions asked during the interview so that Yenifer and I can review and practice...practice...practice. Anyone know where I can find such a list? helpsmilie.gif helpsmilie.gif helpsmilie.gif


We practiced and practiced with lots of the standard questions - there are lists in several locations - and that practice sure helped keep Lorena calm and confident. We were never asked any questions about our age difference, but the CO sure caught me by surprise when he asked me why I came to Colombia in the first place! It certainly hasn't been a tourist destination anytime until the last year or so. I shortened the story somewhat but I answered him honestly and he seemed satisfied.

I think one of the most important things you can do is to not just study the questions but also be sure that your answers (memories) match. For example, we weren't asked how many people were at our wedding, but Lorena sure remembered the number better than I did (I guessed 35 and she said it was 50!!). innocent.gif

parkpapaMaleColombia2007-09-30 18:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
Congratulations to Buck and Diana!!!!!!! Seems I'm late to the party yet again, but I was sure you guys would be successful.

As others have pointed out, be OVER-prepared!!! When we had our interview, it only lasted 10 to 15 minutes and the CO never asked to see supporting documentation. He did, however, ask to see Lorena's two sons in person before he'd issue the visa. Maybe the boys were the supporting documentation. Who knows?

As for photos, from all I've seen and read (here and elsewhere), it's good to have a large selection for the CO to view. More than anything, though, you need to have LOTS of photos of YOU with your novia/novio and her/his FAMILY, if that is at all possible. More than 10, if possible, with you and the family.

A lot of the process (including the AOS, it seems) can be pretty arbitrary, or at least seem that way. It could be that the different bureaucrats involved are under the same guidelines as many police officers. They may have quotas or may be required to more closely screen every other, or every third (fifth?), applicant. There often seems to be no rationale for who they choose to grill or why. Your best defense is to be cool, and, when necessary, flood them with evidence that your case is MORE than worthy of approval.

No hill is to big to climb, is it Diana? cool.gif
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-09-28 10:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (maviwaro @ Sep 25 2007, 11:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Chester y Monica @ Sep 24 2007, 10:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Mononoke28 @ Sep 24 2007, 02:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ok, I´m done venting. To all of you who wished us luck... a big thanks from us both!

Take care and see ya soon,


Wow, I can't believe on how inconsistent these folks are. I too had to wait outside the building and when I finally get cold I went inside one of the restaurants.

Strange to say I was allowed in the waiting area... the folks were still pretty darn rude when it came to allowing me near Maria for the bloodwork, but all in all those 20 minutes were quietly well-spent reading (I can't remember what exactly) a science article in English... that I guess deflated the arrogant ego the receptionist had for a bit.


"drinking coffee con leche and eating Cocosette"


One step ahead on the congressional contact... I already wrote a letter to Barack Obama's group here in Chicago... no answer yet (three weeks have passed). Lets see what happens if more of us come forward with these stories. I think by mentioning the following: " FUTURE US CITIZENS, CONSTITUENTS, ETC" in possible danger from overvaccinations dubiously mandated by US-appointed foreign MDs so as to make a quick buck in the face of obvious and clear recommendations set forth by the CDC.

Better yet, here's another bright idea:

Those of you that still have to go see Drs. Gonzalez and Roa... TELL THEM to visit our forum.

Maybe they'll shy away from insisting on going against CDC guidelines and the possibility of losing their monopoly outright if they get caught playing the vaccine game.


You might try contacting your other Senator's office, as well. I have yet to receive ANYTHING from our Republican Senator's office, but the Democrat responded quickly. With Obama running for President, his office may not have time (or interest) in much else. I'd also try your Representative's office. Just a thought.

parkpapaMaleColombia2007-09-25 13:04:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (Scott n Yenifer @ Sep 24 2007, 10:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif WE'RE APPROVED !!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

We received email conformation today that our case was approved last Friday!!!!! Checked USCIS and that is updated too. HOORRAAYY!!!!


CONGRATULATIONS Scott and Yenifer!!!!!!!!

You guys are further proof of the value of this thread on VisaJourney. good.gif
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-09-24 12:11:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
Welcome Juan Carlos!!! You have two names near to my heart - my name is Charles and Lorena's older son is named Juan. smile.gif

Scott is right on the money with the list of vaccinations. You'll find the same info on the Embassy website. I haven't had time to read your profile yet, but if your wife has kids, you would be wise to have them get ALL the vaccinations they will need for school in your state. It will save you time and headaches later.

Since you are a K-3 applicant, be sure to focus your attention on posts related to the K-3 visa. While there are many things that are the same among the various visa types, the K-3 has many differences which are important. You may also want to read info from those going the CR-1 route. Using the CR-1 will delay the arrival of your wife in the states, but will save you a lot of time and paperwork after she arrives. Confused? laughing.gif It's understandable, but as you read through things and go through the process, it will all become clearer day by day.

Don't be intimidated by the number of pages to be read. There is a wealth of information here and you will find yourself referring to VisaJourney often. The important thing for you to do with all this information is focus on what YOU need to know, make lots of notes, read the information, and then read it again. Be aware that things do change with USCIS and/or Embassy rules from time to time. That's why it's a good idea to stay up to date with what others contribute here. You will have the latest inside info from those who are right in the middle of it all.

One last thing.... Read ahead in terms of the process you're going through. It's never too early to start planning for ALL of the steps you and your wife will go through - Adjustment of Status, Social Security Number(s), Citizenship, etc. Simply getting the K-3 visa in hand is only the beginning of a long and sometimes tedious (and frustrating) process. The more you study and understand, the less likely it will be that you are caught with a big surprise or make a crucial mistake at some step along the way. There are outside sources of information, such as other websites and really good books on the subject (just make sure they are up to date), but you should always check outside information against what you read here. While I can't guarantee that folks, like myself, won't make errors in what we tell you from time to time, in general, what you read here is as close to being "gospel" as you're likely to find. And that includes professional help!! laughing.gif

Best of luck in your journey.
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-09-23 20:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (Scott n Yenifer @ Sep 22 2007, 11:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Boy to I need help...OK here's the deal...went on to Bogota embassy website to fill out packet 3+4 forms and email them to Yenifer...DS-156 no problem, DS-156K will not allow me to save but only print, DS-230 can not be modified online just print blank to be filled out manually, and finally does OF-169 still exist if so where and is it still necessary? What the I just stupid or what?


You're not stupid, Scott. There seems to be no rationale behind how to use or print the various forms. We ended up filling in the 156 by hand at the embassy! haha

As for the OF-169, I believe that is simply one page of the packet (#4 I think) that you complete to be sure you have all of your required documents in order. It's basically a checklist, and I don't think you turn it in anywhere. Again, the location and purpose are not clearly identified by the USCIS. You should find the form number at the bottom of one of the sheets you have.

If I had input into USCIS operations, their poor coordination and use of forms would be one of the things highest on my list of suggested improvements. However, as a (state) government employee, I recognize that changing government operations is like trying to turn the Queen Mary - WITHOUT a rudder! It ain't easy and it takes forever. innocent.gif

parkpapaMaleColombia2007-09-22 11:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
Best of luck, Diana!! We'll all be anticipating good news.
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-09-21 21:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (Scott n Yenifer @ Sep 21 2007, 10:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey Colombia Club...looking for input/advice as to how to answer this one in the I-134.

11. I intend__do not intend__ :
to make specific contributions to the support of the person(s) named in item 3.
(If you check "intend," indicate the exact nature and duration of the contributions. For example, if you intend to furnishroom and board, state for how long and, if money, state the amount in U.S. dollars and state whether it is to be given in a lumpsum, weekly or monthly, and for how long.

Thanks, Scott


Lucho is right on the money with this one (as he usually You would only check one of those boxes if you were bringing in a person on a worker program or something like that.

parkpapaMaleColombia2007-09-21 11:28:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (BYRON-LEIDY @ Sep 20 2007, 08:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thats what i was afraid of...i dont think i have all the 1040's and the w2' for the DS156, we are meeting in Panama next month so ill give it to her there good.gif ...Now im worried bout these tax forms..i have to start searching...lets say i dont have them , is there a way to get them??


The tax transcripts from the IRS are actually preferable to your own copies. I could write anything on a tax form and send it in. The transcripts are "official" and are from after the actual submission.

parkpapaMaleColombia2007-09-21 11:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
Along with the airlines mentioned, if you're flying out of LA, Miami, or Newark (I think), be sure to check out LAN airlines out of Chile. They were by far the cheapest for flying Lorena from Bogota to Miami.
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-09-20 19:04:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (Scott n Yenifer @ Sep 19 2007, 05:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

WOW...very, very well said!...Will you marry me laughing.gif ...just kidding!

Gee, thanks for the offer, but I'm very happily taken. laughing.gif
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-09-19 21:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
Great news today, everyone!!!!

I received a call from my US Senator's office this morning. The lady said she talked to the USCIS and that, with respect to the fee change of July 30, all applications were to be accepted or rejected based on the POSTMARK, and NOT on the date received. All items had to be postmarked BEFORE July 30 to qualify for the older, lower fees. Therefore, I am waiting for a letter from the Senator's office that I will send with my original AOS packet (and check....hehehe) directly to a specific person at the Chicago office.

If any of you are in this same boat or know someone who is, I strongly recommend a direct contact with your Senator or Rep. This bit of good news has saved us $2,300 and perhaps months more of waiting while we saved the extra money.

Now, I only need to hope that I didn't screw anything up on the orginal paperwork!! haha

Wish us luck once again. And special thanks to you guys who've been so supportive with your words and advice. good.gif
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-09-19 17:11:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (lucho562 @ Sep 19 2007, 10:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I understand how you feel. It has been a big change of lifestyle for Wendy. It was extremely difficult for the first month and half. She was very homesick, missing her family and all. There is not a whole lot that you can do to avoid or even lessen her homesickness. I think the most important thing is to just hear her out, listen to her, console her. Try to keep her occupied as well. English courses on DVD or computer. As well as english classes so that she may interact with others and not get too bored at home. Keep her busy at all costs, dont let her get too bored doing nothing because that is when she'll have the time and her mind free to think of her family and friends in Colombia. Take her out as much as possible, especially after you come home from work. You may be exhausted and just want to lounge, but remember she's been at home doing nothing. Thats all I can think of now. This is what I did to try to make her feel at home.

Lucho and Buck,

I agree with our friend Lucho in the sense that what is right for Wendy was right for Wendy. What was right for Lorena was right for Lorena. There is no one size fits all when it comes to human behavior or reactions to change. You will BOTH be going through a BIG change in your lives and must be prepared to compromise, compromise, and then compromise some more. Your actions and activities will be dictated by your needs as a couple.
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-09-19 17:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (buck501 @ Sep 18 2007, 11:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Off topic, some what.

For those that have their sweetie in the US.......................How is it? What hurdels have you had to overcome? Are they homesick? The Colombian seems to be very close to freinds and family, what happens here in the US? What have you done to overcome the expected homesickness?
I travel alot, Paola will be home alone when I am gone, not speaking the language, not knowing the culture, a small town, no other Colombians. This has been and is a big concern of mine. I am thinking about moving to a new location, for her, not for me. I could live out my life here in a quiet, boring exsistence. That is NOT Colombia. I have been over and over this with her. I know she does not understand what it means to sit alone day after day with no outside influence. I close to thinking it would be cruel to bring her here, you know, like I am a selfish person. I want to involve her in our culture. Get her involved in some university classes, become a part of my community. Truth is, I am a typical american, work hard and long, sleep, not real open to people showing up at my door whenever, without calling ahead. The freinds I have are busy and do not have time for daily contact. Pretty boring compared to the Colombian culture

If I could manage it now, I would live in Colombia. As it is that is most likley about 5 to 7 years out.
Sooooooooooooooo, What has been your experience? How have you overcome?


You and I are (or were) in the same boat. I'm about 4 years from retirement and a possible move to Colombia, Panama, or somewhere I can afford. When I proposed to Lorena, I lived in a VERY rural area in Missouri. There would have been absolutely NO cultural or social outlets for her or the boys there. I was fortunate that the timing was right and my work allowed a move closer to a metro area (Kansas City). Not exactly New York or LA, but there are lots of Latinos here, lots of cultural opportunities, and I felt we had a better chance for us to succeed as a couple here than in the other place. When I was alone, I was happy and satisfied where I was, but it was not going to serve a family transplanted from a place and culture so completely different.

As for your first question, I asked Lorena if she got homesick (I know she does sometimes). She said yes, sometimes. But, she also said it depends almost entirely on the person and your relationship. Lorena is an amazingly strong-willed woman - and I mean that in the best possible way. She can be bull-headed at times laughing.gif but what I really mean is that she is strong of spirit, committed to our relationship, and above all committed to the well-being of her sons. Once she has a goal in mind, she is not easily deterred.

Initially, I was afraid (and maybe a bit hopeful, as odd as that might sound) that she could feel totally dependent on me for ALL of her emotional needs. So, a fair amount of time was spent - or wasted - in trying to keep her and the boys entertained or distracted. Though there is a need for such things with all people from time to time, it was not really what she needed. What she needed, and continues to need, is assurance that I am here for her (as her partner, not her owner) and that I support her in all of her personal dreams and goals (even when they may not - at first - coincide with my own). My dreams as an individual have to give way to what is best for us as a couple and as a family, just as hers must.

As for there not being other Colombians, I personally don't think this is as major an issue as it would be if there were no native Spanish speakers. Lorena has become close friends with a woman from El Salvador who she met in a free ESL class. There are many Mexicans in the area, so she has the chance to speak Spanish every day.

The only reason I feel the language is more important than nationality is based on my own experience in both Colombia and Argentina. Because my Spanish is 'pobre todavia', I have to really concentrate when listening to Spanish speakers, and it's even worse when I try to piece together something to say in this foreign language. After a week of this, I could feel an almost physical hunger to have a simple conversation in English with ANYONE! My impression is that Latinos have national biases - Colombia vs. Mexico, Panama vs. Argentina, etc. - just as we tend to have with Mexicans as a group. But I also think these biases take a back seat to being able to communicate without fear of being misunderstood. I frequently misunderstand Lorena (primarily when it comes to verb tenses) and though she's extremely patient with me, I know it gets old. Communication is a very basic human need - right after having a roof over your head and food in your stomach. yes.gif

How have we overcome? Well, that is an ongoing process rather than a goal to be reached. We overcome each day and each challenge as it comes. The important thing is that we do it together and for the best of our relationship and the boys. Anything less and we will fail.

I know you'll succeed because you know what it is you can lose. I know you'll succeed because you know what it is you have found. I know you'll succeed because you know what is important. smile.gif
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-09-19 16:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
A belated congratulations, Chester!!! That's great news.
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-09-18 16:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (TonyS @ Sep 13 2007, 12:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes I also believe foreign income is not taxed (retirement), dollar is the currency and no property tax for 15 years. But I believe one has to move relatively fast as the foreigners are driving the prices up. But I'm looking at other places Argentina, or some hidden jewel LOL.

You're absolutely right. Prices are rising fast, though I think if you're willing to live outside of Panama City, you can still find some real bargains. Equador and Uraguay still seem to be very affordable and I had a friend suggest Costa Rica. I've been to Buenos Aires a couple of times and LOVE Argentina! A good life there would be affordable now, though I know prices were rising even over the course of the year that I took my trips there.
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-09-15 10:20:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (Bill y Bella @ Sep 13 2007, 11:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
parkpapa, what is the current status with your returned AOS package? Any help from your representatives? I have seen where some other people have had the same thing happen to them but it does not seem to be universal. My guess is that there are some contract employees who do not undertand the submittal deadline correctly.

Nothing new, Bill. I have the original AOS in my hands. I made copies of all the 'rejection' notifications and sent those along with a one page letter explaining the situation to each of my US Senators (I haven't contacted my Congressman yet), but have not received anything back from them.

One thing that's interesting about getting the packet back is how I received it. I'm submitting for three people - Lorena and her two sons. There was a I-485 for each of them, an I-130 for each of the boys, the 864 (?) for finances, and other supporting documentation. Each of those groups of papers was separated and stapled together. Where there were photos included, those were placed in a zip-lock bag and that was stapled with the respective packet. Even the original envelope that I mailed the stuff in was included in a zip-lock bag. The question is, if the whole thing was wrong, why did they go to the trouble to separate it out, staple it together, and do all that work? One look at the check should have been sufficient.

As a side note, has anyone seen a thread on VJ that is specifically dedicated to this issue? I'm sure there have to be tons of people in the same boat.

parkpapaMaleColombia2007-09-15 10:14:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (Scott n Yenifer @ Sep 14 2007, 07:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Not to change the subject guys but I will...what is going on with USCIS?

NO approval today and very few over the last couple of weeks? crying.gif

This is just pure craziness...and no definite answer as to what the problem is...?

I've given up calling the "help" line because they have less answers that we do and some of them are cold, rude ect... ect... ect...

I'm just so discouraged...tired...mad at our govt's slow...crappy...inefficient system and the horrible people that seem not to care at all about us that "work" there!!!

OK I feel a little better now that I've vented but I think I am pretty accurate in saying that I'm probably not the only one that feels this way.

Thanks for the ears,


I'd sure like to know what magic combination of keystrokes you used to reach a live person. blink.gif I finally gave up after five or six calls and getting cut off each time.

parkpapaMaleColombia2007-09-15 10:04:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (TonyS @ Sep 12 2007, 04:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (BYRON-LEIDY @ Sep 12 2007, 01:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks jpine....yeah i figured it shows a solid relationship traveling together.....Guess i better start looking for Panama flights.. good.gif

Good idea Byron. I was going to meet my wife there last year and most likely I will visit in the future ( looking for a Latin America home for the future).I have heard some good things about Panama. I recommend checking with COPA Airlines. I took a couple of flights to Barranquilla with them. They were out of JFK with a short layover in Panama. I liked the airline. Also something you may want to check on. I believe you will need to send your novia about $500 to bring with her or she may have a difficult time with Panama's immigration. She may have to prove she is just visiting, even if she tell them that she is meeting you. There is some prejudice against Colombians in Panama as some people view them to be criminals, illegal aliens or prostitutes.

Tony, that's interesting that you guys are thinking of Panama also. Lorena and I have talked about moving there in four or five years. Panama seems to have benefits that both of us are looking for: relatively low costs for most everything (my retirement check would pretty much cover a very nice lifestyle), people speak both Spanish and English (more than in most countries), and it's close to Colombia (and not too far from the US).
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-09-13 11:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (edrmdr @ Sep 10 2007, 12:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (BYRON-LEIDY @ Sep 6 2007, 03:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! good.gif


I sent in my 129f the same day, and I just found this site and wanted to communicate with folks who can offer advise or directions. I am handling the process myself.

Thanks unsure.gif

Welcome to the site! For the most complete information, you should read the posts dating from November 2006 up to today. That's a lot of reading, but believe me it is well worth your while. Be aware that some folks here are applying for different types of visas. You need to focus on all things related to the K-1 process, as there are some differences in how the others work. Best of luck!

parkpapaMaleColombia2007-09-10 13:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (maviwaro @ Sep 10 2007, 11:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Charles... I am confident someone at USCIS has got to have realized the mistake they're making in rejecting these legit applications and are probably trying to get their collective foot out of mouth before they have a major public snafú. Hopefully their experts will consult our forum to get guidance...

Keep trying with your Senator/Rep. USCIS jumps pretty quickly when an inquiry is started.

Thanks, Bro. We're working away at it. We both appreciate the support of you and all the good folks here at VisaJourney.
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-09-10 12:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (maviwaro @ Sep 10 2007, 11:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (parkpapa @ Sep 8 2007, 01:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We received the rejection notice for our AOS today along with all of the original paperwork. The rejection was because I had not submitted a check based on the new rates, even though our package was postmarked July 28. The package was received in Chicago on July 31, so they are apparently basing the rejection on the date received rather than the date postmarked. This is NOT what I remember the USCIS site saying about the dates. Anyone have any printed evidence about the details of the fee change date?

I will try to reach a live person with the USCIS on Monday. Quite frankly, I don't know how we'll pay the extra fees, if that's what we end up having to do. Lorena can't work yet and because of my job, I can't have a second job without approval. I haven't cried yet, but I'm sure thinking about it.

Its time to call your Congressional office Charles...

I've contacted the offices of both of my Senators and waiting for a reply. Haven't had the time to try calling USCIS (or maybe it's the patience that I don't have....haha).
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-09-10 11:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
We received the rejection notice for our AOS today along with all of the original paperwork. The rejection was because I had not submitted a check based on the new rates, even though our package was postmarked July 28. The package was received in Chicago on July 31, so they are apparently basing the rejection on the date received rather than the date postmarked. This is NOT what I remember the USCIS site saying about the dates. Anyone have any printed evidence about the details of the fee change date?

I will try to reach a live person with the USCIS on Monday. Quite frankly, I don't know how we'll pay the extra fees, if that's what we end up having to do. Lorena can't work yet and because of my job, I can't have a second job without approval. I haven't cried yet, but I'm sure thinking about it.
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-09-08 13:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (Corey3368 @ Sep 7 2007, 11:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Parkpapa just had my check cashed on 09/06 so I am sure yours will be cashed any day!

I hope so, Corey. Good to hear that there's some movement with these folks - finally. wacko.gif

Chester, I'm happy to hear that you got your approval. You guys are proof that there is no such thing as being over prepared. kicking.gif
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-09-08 08:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (Entonces... @ Sep 7 2007, 12:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lucho562 @ Sep 7 2007, 11:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I would take that letter, but first have it authenticated. I still would get with Andrea on this one, since she's been thru this situation.

I see that you receieved your NOA1, 3 months ago. You could have your fiance start getting the required vaccinations taken care of now.

VJ fantasy football idea didnt take off like I hoped it would.


Authenticated would be the same as notarized??? There so many terms Authenticated, Apostilled, Notarized, I just get a little mixed up with the terminology.. blink.gif

Okay so get the the vaccinations in order...Vacirla , Td, MMR. Chester any updates on the vaccinations needed or is still the same. I ask you becasue you are the last one the go through BGT.

yeah I was thinking of 90 days since NOA1 much longer???? unsure.gif

Yeah it seems not many football fans on VJ.

The definitions I would use are as follows:
Authenticated = A person with the required knowledge (in this case, knowledge of both languages) is making a statement and signing that the information is correct as presented. This person is not required to have some special license, such as a Notary Public.
Apostilled = This is a term referring to an "officially" certified copy of a document, such as a divorce decree or birth certificate, that will be recognized internationally. In the United States, for example, if you get a copy of your birth certificate to provide to Colombia authorities, it must be "apostilled" by your state's Secretary of State office. They handle this sort of stuff all the time.
Notarized = This refers to a document that is viewed and certified by a Notary Public - usually to witness a signature. Notaries in the US have considerably less power or authority than those in Colombia, where they seem to serve more in the role of a Justice of the Peace or paralegal.

So, short answer to your question - no, a document does not have to be notarized to be authenticated. I translated the birth records for Lorena's sons and a young waitress working at a local Mexican restaurant read the documents over and signed them stating they were accurate translations. My divorce decree, however, was apostilled at the Missouri Secretary of State's office, while some documents were notarized by a lady at my bank.

I know it can be confusing, but it becomes clearer as you go through the process. Just hang in there.
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-09-07 12:24:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
Congratulations to all the recent approvals!!!!!!! good.gif

We've been without internet service for the best part of the past month, so I've had trouble keeping up with happenings here.

A question for any of you in the AOS process (I'll ask at the Colombia AOS forum also): We sent in our AOS paperwork at the end of July - just under the wire for the rate increase. But, we have not received any confirmation, and the check has not yet been cashed. I did receive notification from the post office that the packet had been received, but nothing from USCIS. Anyone else having this experience???? A month seems like a long time to sit on the check, but then again I know they got a crush of applications at the deadline. huh2.gif

Ok, I'm a worrier.... but this IS important - to us, at least. ;-)

Edited by parkpapa, 07 September 2007 - 10:39 AM.

parkpapaMaleColombia2007-09-07 10:38:00