US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDS-157 question - employer

DS-157 section 12. asks"Not Including your Current Employer, List your last Two Employers"If you are currently self employed, like I am, then you are your current employer, so you do not put your details here. They want your last two employers.

Yes you are completely correct, and that is what I did. Sorry, I was getting confused with question number 32 on the DS-230 where it lists your employment for the last 10 years, which is where I put my company name.
Nigel&MeggieMaleEngland2011-03-05 17:13:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDS-157 question - employer

Hi Guysjust filling in the DS-157 form, and come up against a problem.In section 12, where it asks for employer details, position etc. I am technically a freelance contractor, and don't have an employer as such. I'm self employed.Anyone have any clue what to write in that section? I am very confused.Yours,David.

I am also a freelance contractor, and for the DS-157 I put my company name down as my employer and how long I had been contracting. Do you have a limited company? If so, then that's the way I did it.
Nigel&MeggieMaleEngland2011-03-05 11:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK-1 US Embassy in London. No Packet three??

It left NVC on May 14th. It left there three weeks ago so we have our case number just haven't received packet three :(

futuremrsmonizFemaleGuernsey2013-06-04 21:58:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK-1 US Embassy in London. No Packet three??




2 weeks ago we got approved by the NVC and our case was forwarded to the Immigrant Visa Unit in the UK at the US Embassy in London.

We were informed by many people that when the IMV receive the case that we'll receive a package (package 3 for the K-1) from them usually within a week's time from them receiving.


It's been three weeks and I was wondering if any of you knew if this is average waiting time or if they are behind?

I tried calling their number on the and they informed me to call another number which did not work.


There are some people my fiancee follows on here who have the same timeline as ours, when they started etc,  and they had received their approval from NVC with a 1-2 day difference to ours and 4 days later received their packet 3.


I was just wondering if any one could give me some insight on how I can resolve this so we can check on our case and package 3.

Many have suggested E-Mailing but many are also saying they will disregard your E-Mail if you don't have a code and by code do people mean the Case number or?



Another thing I must ask also is during my search for a number to call, I went through the FAQ to which I read that after you complete the Packet 3 documents and send them back that you may have to wait approximately 3 months  while they process.   Is this also fairly accurate or are they simply suggesting you should prepare yourself for 3 months wait just in case?

futuremrsmonizFemaleGuernsey2013-06-04 10:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCover Letter for Packet 3

Hello Everyone,



I'm currently on my Packet 3 and need to send a cover letter along with various other forms.


I can't seem to find an example of a cover letter on this site.

Anyone got an idea on how I should write it?


I just don't want it to look trashy.



Thanks to all in advance.


Ricardo Moniz

futuremrsmonizFemaleGuernsey2013-06-26 14:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134: No Income with Assets
Thank you!
junyeon82MaleSouth Korea2009-02-11 21:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134: No Income with Assets
Hi! We had our 129f approved and are waiting for K-1 interview.
I have a question with I-134.
If I have no income but $40,000 of assets will that be sufficient to support my fiancee or do I need a co-sponsor?
junyeon82MaleSouth Korea2009-02-11 20:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussion134 Bank Statement Question
Oh by the way, don't go to USCIS office to get your 134 notarized.. They won't do it for you...
They said "We don't do that kind of stuff here"
I showed them the instructions that says USCIS would do it for free and their reply was "I don't know why it says that"
junyeon82MaleSouth Korea2009-02-19 18:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussion134 Bank Statement Question
My online bank (HSBC) does not have any branches in the place I live.
Is it ok if I substitute the letter from the officer with the past 12 statements?
junyeon82MaleSouth Korea2009-02-13 13:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionembassy interview question

how many people got visa approval in the Dominican republic without the petitioner being present? 

ricpopeMaleDominican Republic2013-07-21 21:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionhow do i postpone the embassy interview

it is a k1 visa, she is going to the santo domingo embasssy


ricpopeMaleDominican Republic2014-03-09 00:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionhow do i postpone the embassy interview

it is scheduled for the 13 of march, due to factors beyond my control (lost my job in jan)

i cant complete the interview.

i am the usc.


ricpopeMaleDominican Republic2014-03-08 22:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionQuestion on documents required for interview
Error on the side of caution. More proof then you need, newest documents you can find, and as much information as you can handle.
NintiMaleCosta Rica2011-01-05 22:36:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview/Medical Exam Inquiries!
The embassy in London won't book your fiancées interview until he has had the medical.

Once the embassy has received the medical results they will give a date for the interview.

MikeAndMollyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-02-10 09:58:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club


Created 7/29/07 By Bill y Bella
With Contributions From Buck01 & OskaryAndrea
Maintained By The Members of The Colombia Club!

Please Add Any Questions You Were Asked In An Interview That Are Not On The List!

  • For simplicity the questions assume a female beneficiary / Para la simplicidad las preguntas asumen una beneficiaria femenina.
  • If you are bilingual, please help by entering / correcting some Spanish translations after the questions and/or instructions in English.
  • To contribute new questions or translations, reply to the most recent post of the questions and then edit the quote.
  • Enter new questions in the appropriate section using either English or Spanish. (Or both if you are able).
  • To assign a number to a new question, preface it with [ * ] without any spaces.
  • Questions in the Spousal Visa Questions section should only apply to married couples. Questions that could be asked to both fiances and spouses should be placed in the Fiance & Spousal Visa Questions section.
  • If both beneficiary & petitioner are attending the interview, both should be prepared to answer All questions.
  • It is possible that you will be asked the same questions at different times and your answers compared, so be prepared!
  • It is suggested that both beneficiary and petitioner answer all questions and then compare answers and eliminate discrepancies.
Fiancé & Spousal Visa Questions (Questions that could apply to either category)

Questions They May Ask The Beneficiary About Herself:
  • When is your birthday? Cuando es su cumpleanos?
  • How old are you? Cuanto anos tiene?
  • What is your phone number? At your home? Your cellular?
  • What are your hobbies and interests?
  • What do you do for fun?
  • What is your favorite food?
  • What color do you like best?
  • What kind of music do you like?
  • What brand of car do you drive?
  • What is your shoe size?
  • What is your pant size?
  • What is your shirt size?
  • What is your favorite movie?
  • What is your favorite tv show?
  • Do you have any brothers and sisters?
  • What do you do for a living?
  • Do you speak and understand his language?
  • When did you arrive in Bogota for your interview appointment?
  • When did you get a divorce?
  • Do you have any children?
  • How many children do you have and what are their ages?
  • Have you ever applied for a traveling visa?
  • To where?
  • Have you ever applied for an immigrant visa?
  • To where?
  • To what countries have you travelled?
  • When did you go there?
  • For how long?
  • How did you get there?
  • Are you a member of a terrorist organization?
  • Aren't you afraid to go alone to the US?
  • Have you ever been to the US?
  • Do you have any family in the US?
  • Why do you want to go to the US?
  • Why do / did you want to marry him?
  • Are you happy to be leaving your country?
  • When are you going to leave?
  • How do you feel about leaving your family?
  • Will you be sad when you leave Colombia?
  • When will you leave for the US?
  • To which city are you going?
  • Are you happy?
  • Does anyone object to you taking your child out of Colombia?
  • How does your family feel about you marrying an American?
  • What do your parents think about this?
  • What kind of profession do you want?
  • What subjects have you studied in school?
  • Do you want to study in the US?
  • What is your plan for what you will do in the US?
  • What are your hobbies and interests?
  • What is your religious background?
  • Did you fill out these forms yourself?
  • Who helped you fill the visa application forms?
  • Why did you decide to print out all these emails?
  • Have you been married before?
  • What is your ex-husband's name?
  • Why did your first marriage not work out?
  • Do you have an engagement ring?
  • Do you have the receipt for the engagement ring?
Questions They May Ask The Beneficiary About Her Fiancé / Spouse:
  • What is his name? Please write it.
  • What is his nickname?
  • What is his address? Please write it.
  • What is his phone number?
  • What is his cell phone number?
  • What is his email address?
  • How old is he?
  • When is his birthday?
  • Where was he born?
  • Where did he grow up?
  • Where does he live now?
  • What does he do for a living?
  • What does he do at work?
  • What did he do in the past for a living and for how long?
  • What is his job title?
  • What is his salary (income)?
  • Did he go to university (college)?
  • What did he study?
  • What is his degree?
  • Do you talk about his degree?
  • What is his religious background?
  • What is his religion now?
  • Does he speak or understand your language?
  • What is the color of his eyes?
  • What is the color of his hair?
  • Are his parents alive?
  • What are their names?
  • Where do his parents live?
  • What do his parents do (for a living)?
  • Does he have any brothers or sisters?
  • What are their names?
  • What are their ages?
  • Where do they live?
  • Does he have any children?
  • What are their names?
  • What are their ages?
  • Where do they live?
  • Do you know that he was married before? (Possible trick question)
  • What is his ex-wife's name?
  • When did he get a divorce?
  • Does his divorce this matter to you?
  • Why did his first marriage end?
  • Is he here today?
  • Why or Why not?
  • When did he arrive in Bogota for the interview appointment?
  • What have you done since he arrived?
  • How long will he stay?
  • What will the two of you do this weekend?
  • Where are the two of you staying in Bogota?
  • What are the sleeping arrangements?
  • Have you met his family?
  • Who have you met in his family?
  • When and where did you meet his family?
  • Why have you not met his family?
  • Has he met your family?
  • Who has he met in your family?
  • When and where did he meet your family?
  • Why has he not met your family?
  • What are his hobbies and interests?
  • What does your he do for fun?
  • What is his favorite food?
  • What color does he like best?
  • What kind of music does he like?
  • What brand of car does he drive?
  • What is his shoe size?
  • What is his pant size?
  • What is his shirt size?
  • What is your favorite movie?
  • What is your favorite tv show?
  • What is the favorite gift he gave you?
  • When was the first time he told you that he loved you?
  • When did he give you the first kiss?
  • What first attracted you to him?
  • Please tell me something about him.
  • Are you willing to marry him?
  • Why do you want to go to the USA to marry him?
  • Why do you want to marry him?
  • How do you know he is the right man for you?
  • What do you love about him?
  • Which character/quality/nature do you like best about him?
  • What do you and he have in common?
  • How long have you known him?
  • Do you know that he is x years older / younger than you?
  • Why does the age difference not bother you?
Questions They May Ask About Meeting, Visits & The Proposal:
  • Where and when did you first meet him?
  • How did you first meet him?
  • How do you know each other?
  • Describe the first time you met in person.
  • How often have you met?
  • Who made the first move?
  • When did he propose?
  • Where did he propose?
  • How did he propose?
  • How long have you been corresponding with him?
  • When is the last time you saw him?
  • How many times has he visited you?
  • What are the dates of his visits?
  • What did you do when he visited?
  • When did he come the last time? When did he leave?
  • Why did he come to Colombia the first time?
  • Where did you visit when he was here?
  • Have you taken any pictures of your visits together?
Spousal Visa Questions (Questions that can only apply if you are married)
  • Describe the wedding ceremony.
  • When was it?
  • Where was it?
  • Who attended the wedding?
  • Who performed the wedding ceremony?
  • What did you do after the ceremony?
  • Do you have wedding rings?
  • Do you have the receipt for the wedding rings?
  • Tell me about the preparations for the wedding?
  • Did you have a cake at the wedding?
  • What kind of cake did you have at the wedding?
  • What did you eat for dinner on the day of your wedding?
  • Where did you stay on your wedding night?
  • What did you do the next day?
  • What side of the bed does he sleep on?
This is my attempt to give back to the Visa Journey and Colombia Club community that has helped me so much. I hope it can be useful in your interview preparations.


:) ¡BUENA SUERTE! :thumbs:

Two questions the CO asked me were what I did for a living (and the associated question of how I got so much time off from work to visit Colombia), and why I came to Colombia in the first place. I got the impression that he either was fishing to see if I had shopped for a wife or had shopped for something less legal. In any case, he accepted my answers.
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-07-30 20:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club

Oh noooo, that is horrible. :(

We always travel by bus, that's how us pooh people do it. Can't complain, I actually enjoy it every time. ^_^

There is NO absolutely safe way to travel in Colombia. We had a near miss at landing when flying with Satena. The main reason I was concerned about the bus rides was the potential threats from FARC or the para-militaries. At least native Colombians are (relatively) safe riding the bus.
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-07-26 18:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club

We translated the birth certificate ourselves and had no problem. I used word and tried to keep everything lined up in a similar fashion.
It doesn't hurt to put a line at the end stating that the translation is accurate. We forgot to put that line on there and flew right through the AOS with no questions.
There is a myth that the translation has to be done by some sort of "certified " translator but that is not true.

As a confirmation of this information, I paid to have some early documents translated but then figured out that I could do my own translations. All I did with the completed translation was take it and the original document (the boy's birth records) to a local Mexican restaurant. I asked the manager if someone on staff would be willing to affirm that my translation was correct. He asked one of the waitresses to read it over. I already had a printed block on the page for her to sign and date. The signature block contained a statement that she "certified" that the translation was correct and that she was fluent (enough) in English and Spanish to confirm the translation. A $15 tip (as part of the meal) seemed to be more than sufficient payment for the service rendered. And much better than the $75 or more per page that a translation service would have charged.
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-07-26 18:47:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
Reading about Lucho's wedding reminds me of our wedding. We were married two days in a row! The first "ceremony" was in a notary's office. It felt more like signing closing papers on a real-estate loan, but we were married. The next day we had a ceremony at one of the buildings at the Metropolis center in Bogota. All the bells and whistles (though the ceremony was peformed by the same notary). I don't regret a moment of it - and now we get to celebrate two days in a row as our wedding anniversary!
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-07-25 14:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club

Hello all!

We are tying the knot attempts to beat the USCIS price hike deadline. However I am happy that we are getting married however it's not what we really wanted...civil marriage. Next year we will have a 'real' wedding, the whole 9 yards, gown, tux, partying, etc.

Wow, Lucho!! All the best to both of you.
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-07-24 11:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club

Ok, I have a question. I am pretty much 100% positive that Paola will not receive Packet 4 in the mail. The do not have a post office in Buenaventra evidently. When Pkt 3 was sent to her it was returned to the embassy. There is no reason to assume any different with Pkt 4. I read on the embassy site to call on Wed between 2pm and 4pm for info on the visa. Is that the only number to call? Can I call the number that costs $16.00 to request it be picked up in person? It also says to wait untill one week before the appointment to call. That is way to close for me. Can, or should I call now? Or will they just tell me call back when the time is closer?
Her med exam is on Wed. Aug. the 15th, the interview on Fri. the 17th. Having her pick up the invitation letter on Thur. the 16th may conflict with getting her papers from the doctor.
Can I make this call or will they want her to call? If they only speak spanish, I will not be able to understand. Thanks.

I got nervous about Lorena receiving her packets also. The service in Florencia is poor, like Buenaventura. I called the $16 number and spoke to a Colombian (who spoke adequate English). He told me to allow at least two weeks for the mail to work, and then call back if she had not received the packet - he did not say to wait until one week before the interview, however. As luck had it, Lorena DID receive all packets. It just took a lot of time. If you feel it would help, or at least ease your mind, I would recommend calling.
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-07-23 13:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club

buck, all i can tell you is what helped us, if this can help you then great.
first, if you are a religious person put your trust in God. we did and everything has come out perfectly. also, if you know in your heart that you aren´t doing anything wrong, then there is nothing to worry about. if you feel you need to explain something, some special circumstance that you are concerned about, the CO will ask you about it and you´ll have an opportunity to explain. during our interview we weren´t asked for any kind of evidence but i was asked about a descrepency in my taxes. it took me by surprise since i was expecting other types of questions and it took me a few seconds to figure out the answer but when i gave the CO a reason, she was satisfied and that was the end of that. as i wrote in my report, i did see one male CO grill a guy that had an age difference like yours, but they had an answer for all of the questions, didn´t stumble and were granted the visa. practice ahead of time and you´ll be fine.
good luck

JK is right on the money here, Buck. Every time I would express any doubts or concerns, Lorena would simply say something like "estaremos juntos.... si Dios quiere". We will be together, if God wants it. I admit to some intitial skeptisism toward this "let God handle it" approach. But, in the end, Lorena's simple but profound faith helped me get through some difficult moments. The fact is you must prepare as thoroughly and carefully as possible, and you are somewhat at the mercy of an anonymous government bureaucrat, yet all of it ultimately in God's hands. We've faced other bumps in the road along the way after the interview, yet we both have a deep and boundless belief that we were placed in each other's lives for a reason. I firmly believe that if you believe the same thing about your relationship, you two will be just fine. Study and prepare, but also place your insecurity and uncertainty in God's hands.

parkpapaMaleColombia2007-07-22 19:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club

I made the reservations today for our stay in Bogota @ Very easy, they are based in Miami Fl, speak english and seem very nice. I am sending Paola to Bogota on the 13th, I arrive on the 15th, interview on the 17th. I plan to leave on the 24th. That should give us enough time to get the visa. Since our interview is on Friday, we will have the weeked to bang around. The time frame all seems like it will work and we have a couple extra days in case of problems.
I keep changing my mind on the airfare for her. It seems almost all on here receive the visa, based on that, I could buy her ticket now. I want to go through the POE with her. Making the reservations for her after she gets the visa may not put us on the same flight. The Houston to Portland OR. flight is always full. If I wait and bring her up in a week or two after the approval I would want to fly down and come back with her. Spendy and hard to get away from work that much. If we are denied then I lose my money for her ticket. LOL>LOL. All the stuff that goes through ypour mind at this stage is pretty wild. I wish I was a little more calmer of a person. LOL.
I can't wait to hear the results from the interviews that are next week. We all seem to be doing pretty good.

Buck, you can take the chance like I did and buy your tickets in advance, but..... I bought three tickets from Bogota to Miami and four tickets (one for me) from Miami to KC before the interview. It was a great leap of faith on my part. As you probably know, there is a significant difference in Lorena's age and mine. This fact is often seen as one potential sign of fraud by the USCIS. We had to count on all of our documentation being more than adequate to allay any doubts the CO might have.

If I had it to do again I would, but would I recommend it to anyone else? No way. Obviously, however, you make your own assessment and decision. It's good that you're giving yourself a week after the interview. In the unlikely situation that you would have to cancel or postpone the flight, you will still have time to reschedule with only minimal cost.

I wish you the best of luck.
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-07-21 18:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
DAS appears to be a combination FBI, USCIS, and state police. They have a tremendous amount of power in regards to immigration.
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-07-21 13:13:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
You have our best wishes, Andrea. You'll do just fine. :thumbs:
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-07-20 13:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club

You can get most of the forms from the "guide" section and the embassy web site.

Be sure the boy is identified on the I-129F. You will eventually need to submit an I-130 for him (assuming you are going the K route). You'll see all of that as you review this thread. I went through this with a 10 year old step-daughter, so pay attention to my posts on issues related to that.

good luck.

I-130 for the child? I thought as long as minors are in the I-129F, in the DS-230 they are considered as "one" application. Maybe I misunderstood?

The child IS included with your fiancee's application, however, at some point you will want to adjust the status of each of them. This means you will need to submit an I-130 for the boy also. You just don't need to do it right now.
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-07-19 16:24:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
Welcome to the club, Byron! As mentioned by others, read ALL the posts from November (or so) forward. That is roughly page 13 through 89. It's not as hard as it sounds. :lol: Also, focus on posts by and information for the K-1 process. There are three different types of visas being discussed in the Colombia Club, and there are several differences between the processes in the types of visas.

The best single piece of advice is to read, read, and then read again. The more you learn about the process and the documentation, the more sense it will make and the simpler it will seem. Then your stress level will go down. Believe me, if I can do it, anybody can do it! ;)

parkpapaMaleColombia2007-07-18 13:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club

TONY! Congrats on getting the NOA! As you know, we both started about the same time last year, so I use you as a benchmark to see how I'm doing. They received our AOS packet on July 6th, one week after they got yours, so I'm guessing we'll have our checks cashed at the end of this week or early next week.

Thanks Dan

We got the biometrics appointment letter in the mail today so things are looking good. Greys enjoyed talking with Silvia.

Tony, my congratulations also!!! I'm finding that having an instant family here ;) has made it more of a trick to visit VisaJourney like I was before. Be sure to share any tips you have on the AOS process. Right now we are waiting for our medical exam appointment before I send in the AOS packet.
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-07-16 19:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club

Diana...I love Jorgito Celedon, but it makes me feel a little better that I'm not the only one given a hard time at the embassy. El Binomio de Oro is playing in Atlanta this Saturday to celebrate Colombian Independance Day....I'm glad they have their visas in hand!!!!

Lucho...welcome home to you and Wendy!!! And I think I'm NEXT in line!!! I have 10 days, 13 hours and 32 minutes.. thanks to my handy dandy counter below! Is there anything else I need to be prepared for other than the long, cold wait at the embassy? I'll keep my fingers crossed on the X-Ray issue...if its in one on my moving boxes, it will be found when I move into my new house. I'm glad to hear it wasn't asked of you along the way.

Well... I have a NEW question for those of you with VISA IN many days do you have from the time the visa is issued to when you MUST travel to the US? is it 30 days or 90 days? My husband has to sell his apt and his moto and he refuses to put any of it for sale (THIS TIME) until he has the visa in hand (can you blame him? he had to go home in february and undo a bunch of transactions!).

Your input is appreciated.


Thanks for the welcome!! After visa in hand, you have 6 months to travel to the USA, and once in the USA you have 90 days to get married.....I speak for K1 visas only. Dont know if there is another type of visa for fiances like there is 2 types for married couples.

Also for the embassy. Just make sure you have everything in order, all documents. Expect to be scammed, well they will try to scam you. They as in people that have shops near the embassy. Like photo copy centers and passport pictures centers. Dont listen to them, they will claim that you need to have umpteen copies of cedulas, amplified at 150% and etc. Dont try to speak to other petitioners, some will say otherwise. However, we found that the very few people we spoke to kinda made us confused. Well, almost confused. I believe with the knowledge that we have due to this thread, we should be unvincible in the process. Other couples that we met that dont go on VJ, seemed to not have a clue.

It easy to understand how you could be scammed. Thanks for the 2nd warning.
I have one question............when they give you the instructions at the Embassy, do they speak both english and spanish, or just spanish? I am going to be dinked if it is only spanish. Unless they speak very slow and clear I can not understand what they say and even then I don't get much of it.

There is only one person you need to be able to communicate with (other than the CO, of course) and that is your fiancee/wife. If you both are aware of the process and all of the potential problems, and if you trust each other, you'll be fine. All instructions given while waiting in line or in area 40 were in Spanish. The COs at the windows speak English, but your role there will be limited.

Throughout our visa process, I tried to explain to Lorena what VisaJourney was all about, but had little success (my Spanish really sucks! lol). But, I was able to prepare her for nearly every aspect of what we would go through, and she felt very reassured by the knowledge. I think that may be 90% of the battle. The paperwork itself is not really difficult, but the mental preparation and intimidation can be really tough.

You guys are doing great! Keep it up!
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-07-13 07:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
I'm a lot like you, Buck. I want to know what to expect at each step and be prepared in advance. Not that I always succeed, of course. lol

In dealing with bureaucrats in Colombia, be prepared for a certain level of frustration. Their time-table is not the same as ours - and this is true of our own government, as well. Just prepare the best you can, and then try to take frustrations or delays in stride. :)
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-07-12 13:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
The Certificado de Migratorio can be obtained in three business days in Bogota. My wife chose not to wait for the indeterminate time it would have taken to receive it from DAS in her hometown (weeks or months.... who knows?).

I can't tell you the distance between the lab and Dra. Gonzales because my wife ended up going to the other doctor. But, I would be hesitant to schedule them the same day because the lab has to send the results to the doctor's office. You specify which one.
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-07-11 15:04:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club

Congratulations again Lucho y Wendy!

Well folks, I'm still waiting for my case to show up at the NVC (might already be on it's way to Bogota). My fiancee, Monica, has begun getting all the documents ready. Hopefully the Certificado de Migratorio arrives with ample time for the interview.

So whenever we confirm that the case is in Bogota we will send(fax and courier)

Cover letter with BGT - case number
OF-129 - signed
Photocopy of her passport page - optional, right?

Is the LAB and the doctor's office the same? Or are they located on different places?
Both of the authorized doctors are in the same location? Just in case one doctor may not be available at that time.

Not sure of locations but I know they're not in the same places. The doctors are in different locations and you need an appointment with one or the other. If the doctor you choose is away on an emergency on the day of your appointment, they are good about sending your information (and appointment) to the other doctor.
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-07-11 07:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
I hunted up the site where I rented an apartment early this year. These folks actually own several apartments in a couple of different locations. The two bedroom apartment (with kitchen, sala, y dos banos) was very comfortable and reasonable.
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-07-09 11:58:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club

Another thing...about MONZERATE....All of my ROLO friends told me (after I did it) that going up to there with your significant other is the Kiss of Death to the realationship. Has anyone else heard of this?




Yeah, that's a popular superstition in Bogota. If you go up there with a boyfriend/girlfriend, your relationship is doomed. However, Lorena and I went up there on our first date and that's where she won my heart. The rest, as they say, is history.

I think you make (or break) your own luck. Where you go is not nearly as important as what you do.

parkpapaMaleColombia2007-07-07 21:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club

Diana, thanks!

We are staying at a furnished apartment that is 1 block away from the embassy. Not bad at all in regards to $. 190usd for 7 days. Here is their website

We stayed at one of their apartments back in January and would have stayed with them again if they had had space. They are reasonable and easy to do business with.
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-07-07 14:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club

Congrats luchco..................I hope ours goes as easy as yours. I am going to stay a week after the interfview to be sure we get the visa in hand.
I am pretty sure Paola will squeal a time or two. I love to hear that!!!
Warm clothes seem to be in order. Paola says she is cold when it gets down to 80 deg. LOL. By the way, did you have any problem with the altitude of Bogota? I just found out it is at an elevation of 8600 ft. I live at 200 ft and Paola lives at sea level. Not that it really matters I guess.
I am very happy to hear things went so well for you. You were well prepared. Thanks for the tip about the scammers while waiting in line.

I know you asked this of lucho, but I'll throw my two cents worth in on the altitude. In Missouri, I live at about 700 ft msl. My first couple of trips to Bogota, I experienced a mild but persistent nosebleed. After that, the only consistent problem I had with the air in Bogota was the pollution. Lorena lived at around 1000 ft msl in Florencia, Colombia. She didn't have any problems. However, when we went up to Monseratte, both of us had difficulty walking up the hillside to the church. We'd have to stop every fifty steps or so to catch our breath. I think this was approximately another 1000 feet in elevation, so I'm not sure why that made a difference, but it did. The other thing on Monserrate is, even if it is warm and comfortable (and sunny) in Bogota, you can have cold drizzle at the top of the mountain. It's one of the prominent landmarks overlooking the city, and worth visiting, but it IS an entirely different climate.
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-07-07 09:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club

Does the embassy ask for the X-Rays from the Medical exam? I forgot.

Not for the K-3 either. Lorena was told that the x-ray might be asked for at the airport (not sure why), but she basically carried it around for days for no reason. Noone asked to see it. Of course, that does not mean that this will always be the case.... so who knows?

I have been making jokes about this... the X-Ray is... well... too revealing if you ask me!

Yeah, so it is really silly that someone at the Airport would want to see it. What reasons could they come up with?

Yeah I noticed that also. I guess some stranger might look that close on purpose, but talk about cheap thrills!!
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-07-06 22:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club

Does the embassy ask for the X-Rays from the Medical exam? I forgot.

Not for the K-3 either. Lorena was told that the x-ray might be asked for at the airport (not sure why), but she basically carried it around for days for no reason. Noone asked to see it. Of course, that does not mean that this will always be the case.... so who knows?
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-07-06 19:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Approved!!! Easy as 1, 2, 3. I'll post details later, however the order is slightly different than anexo B.

That's great news, Lucho!!!!!!!!! Congrats to both of you!
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-07-05 12:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club

Hello to all -

Is the Certificados de Policia the same as the as the "Pasado Judicial"?
Is there a fee in getting the "carta de entradas y salidas"? We will get this from DAS right?

Yes, the Pasado Judicial is the police report. And yes you get the carta de entradas y salidas from DAS. The cost should be in the neighborhood of 30,000 to 32,000 pesos ($15 to $16).
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-07-05 12:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club

Good luck lucho, but you won't need it anyway.

Thanks, i'm here at LAX bored out of my mind. I dont board for another 2 hours. I will be posting report on Tuesday about the lab and medical exam experience.

Steve, George...where are you guys???

Best of luck, lucho. Stay calm, stay focused, and be prepared..... and you'll do fine.
parkpapaMaleColombia2007-07-01 11:48:00