Middle East and North AfricaMuslims and pork

It was said earlier in a post that if you don't question authority then you're just following along blindly. In this case since it is the command of Allah then HE is the authority that you are questioning, which I think is a dangerous thing to question Allah. I do understand the reason for the question as to someone wondering why Muslims don't eat pork, however what I do find a bit uncomfortable for me is the thread carried on with theories of why we don't eat pork. We can wonder all day as to the reason why Allah has commanded something but the bottom line is that it is a command, that is the point I was trying to make. Please do forgive me if my question was taken the wrong way. However in saying that, I would like to post a reminder and say that insha'Allah we will never go beyond the limits of Islam.

Abû Hurayrah relates that he heard Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) say: “Whatever I prohibit you from doing, refrain from it, and whatever I command you to do, do of it what you are able. Those who came before you only perished on account of their excessive questioning and their disagreeing with their Prophets.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî and Sahîh Muslim]

“Whoever obeys the Messenger has indeed obeyed Allah.” [Sûrah al-Nisâ’: 80]

“Whatever the Messenger gives you take it, and whatever he forbids you abstain from it.” [Sûrah al-Hashr: 7]

Allah says: “O you who believe! Ask not questions about things which, if made plain to you, may cause you trouble. But if ye ask about things when the Qur'ân is being revealed, they will be made plain to you, Allah will forgive those: for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Forbearing.” [Sûrah al-Mâ’idah: 101]

great post :thumbs:
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-12-15 10:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims and pork

You have a good point that conditions are different today then they were so many years ago, however, if Allah commands us not to eat pork, it doesn't matter much if they can rid the animal of any disease that humans could catch.
No means no.
Plus, there could be other reasons that Allah commanded that we not eat it that we are unaware of. Only Allah knows everything, and surely He knows best.


I agree... We don't know all the reasons why, just that it is forbidden..
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-23 17:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaLeaving Thursday to go to Morocco!!
New Year's with you man wow... this is our first new year's together... finally someone to kiss whent he clock stricks midnight... have a great time...

sarah (F)
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-12-20 12:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaEid al Adha
I think almost everyone remembered..... I wish I was in Morocco for the new year.... not this year but next year... that would be awesome... Rachid and I don't have plans as of yet...
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-12-18 18:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaAds hope to dispel fears of Muslims and Arabs

Honestly WOM, I don't know why you bother. But I did enjoy reading your comments. :)

Ahh hellz you know I'm OCD :P

Glad you could stop in and partake... this was the "hot" thread today :dance: GO RAHMA GO :dance:

.... well at least until that age-old age-difference ish started up again in OT.....

VJ.... sheesh.....



I'm going to have t-shirts made..... I have OCD and I'm proud of it...... hehehe I have it too.... or better yet t-shirt with .... I love my OCD.....
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-12-21 11:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaAds hope to dispel fears of Muslims and Arabs

I think I'm going to approach the muslim activists in our community about seeing if we can bring this campaign to Minnesota :star:

I wonder if we could get it going here in Boston to offset all the crapola they broadcast on some of the local talk radio stations here.

Thinking of Michael Graham by any chance? You know why he got fired in DC and is now in Boston, right?

No I was thinking of Howie Carr and the morning talkshow host whose name escapes me now. They're constantly blanketing all muslims or arabs as being terrorists.

they do that on 700 club....
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-12-20 16:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaAds hope to dispel fears of Muslims and Arabs

OMG paper explosives...... now that was funny :lol: :lol: :lol:

as for the writing on the bus.... well if it was in a country where that language was spoken then fine but its in america and as far as I know we dont speak that language here... so why do I need to see it on a bus...

Funny how all the talk is about how wrong it is to blame muslim people for the acts of terrorisim that have happened in the US and other countries.... but as the people were muslim who did it and they continue to call for the murder of US and British people then I have no sympathy for muslims until the ordinary musilms stand up and stop the terror that is being done in the name of their religion....

Flame away...


it's sad some people just don't get it... I think niagaenola got there comments from fox news...
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-12-20 14:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaAds hope to dispel fears of Muslims and Arabs
I have written "Rachid and Sarah" in arabic on a paper that I hang by my desk.... I have never heard anything bad from it ... but people will ask "what does that say" then they want me to write there name..... :( but I only know how to write Rachid and Sarah.... :lol:
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-12-20 12:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaAds hope to dispel fears of Muslims and Arabs

OMG paper explosives...... now that was funny :lol: :lol: :lol:

as for the writing on the bus.... well if it was in a country where that language was spoken then fine but its in america and as far as I know we dont speak that language here... so why do I need to see it on a bus...

Funny how all the talk is about how wrong it is to blame muslim people for the acts of terrorisim that have happened in the US and other countries.... but as the people were muslim who did it and they continue to call for the murder of US and British people then I have no sympathy for muslims until the ordinary musilms stand up and stop the terror that is being done in the name of their religion....

Flame away...


Sooooo.... by your ideology, then.... if all Americans don't stand up and stop the American government's murder and terrorization of Muslim people in Muslim lands, then all Americans deserve to be terrorized.



exactly.... great point :yes:
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-12-20 12:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt's Thursday Again!
wow it took me awhile to get through this thread.... I remember the group too... I was a member but I never had time (working 2 jobs) to get to be online with the group... now that I know what has happened I am glad I was to busy.... but it is still sad that we don't have a group like that....

yes Thursday group in arabic I can practice my numbers hehehe that is all I know so far...
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-12-21 16:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaHezbollah vows end to Lebanon government

Really nice pictures...


Who took those pictures???

Various press photographers working for various international media.

I think they're quite fascinating, as they show a side of the story that one would never imagine from watching most American mainstream press.

I have more, if you want to see.

I would love to see more pictures.... thanks
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-12-22 11:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaHezbollah vows end to Lebanon government

that baby is so so so cute... I saved that picture if you don't mind... aweeee.... thanks for the post

ohmy gosh isn't he adorable??????????

yes... Rachid and I are trying right now.. so I can't think about nothing else... baby baby baby...
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-12-21 14:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaHezbollah vows end to Lebanon government

Posted Image

Posted Image

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Posted Image

that baby is so so so cute... I saved that picture if you don't mind... aweeee.... thanks for the post
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-12-21 14:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt's Friday!!
I am so happy it is friday.... I never loved friday so much... I just want to sleep..... Monday is the only day off so Rachid and I will eat, sleep, eat, sleep...yeahhhhhh

happy friday to everyone....

those traveling be safe...

sarah (F)
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-12-22 10:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat would you do

Wow 1O pages :lol:
This forum needs a new interesting thread that worth everyone's time.

I think you are probably right.

I've interjected myself in here where it's not really my business. In essence I've emulated the very behavior I found distasteful. I guess I don't mind so much if it enables people to sort out why some things they do can cause distress to others. And if it doesn't oh well...I guess the only person I made look stupid was myself. I've done that before and I'll probably do it again!!

Carry on, ladies. And good luck.

I don't think you should leave ... you were right on the money...

sarah (F)
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-12-22 12:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat would you do

Well Sara, as your friend peezey said today....just because you can do something doesn't mean you have to.

Oh...answering a question with a question is just...well...pathetic.

Once again, my name is SARAH with an H. Sad how you are replying to a person however you can't quite seem to get the name right still.

I am asking you why not because your question "why" is pathetic enough to start with and doesn't deserve a reply at this point. I have already explained myself several times even though I shouldn't have because you can't quite seem to understand.

You are right, you can post wherever you want whenever you want as can I. I still don't understand though why you are so adament on making my question into some kind of problem.

I think he is trying to get you to admit something.....
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-12-21 18:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat would you do
Why is it looked down on to work at certain places??? When has it become shame to work for a living???
A man that has alot of pride will work anywhere, because it is better than asking for handouts or begging.
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-12-15 12:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaUpdate

I will be SO happy to change that avatar... You guys would laugh at me if you could see me at my desk. I'm like a flat tire. I'm exhausted. Between this and my stupid back and the darvocet I'll probably sleep all weekend. They are also predicting snow here for Christmas Eve. (I like snows when I have nowhere to go...)

i'm not sure what it is now.... I missed that thread but do you have the new one picked out..?? almost friday, do you work this weekend?

My avatar is some furry little creature hanging perilously from the hand of a clock. I don't have a new one picked out yet. I'll worry about that AFTER he's here. I am happy to say that I don't have to work this weekend, so 3 days to clean and rest. My back is still really bothering me so maybe one day (Saturday) devoted to darvocette, blankies (I have 2 new pillows too, yippee!) and a few movies and the other 2 cleaning and enjoying the holiday. I want to post that again... "VISA WAS ISSUED". Yep. I like that.

I only have monday off.... i'm going to try to clean friday and saturday so I can relax on the holiday and enjoy my day off....
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-12-21 16:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaUpdate

I will be SO happy to change that avatar... You guys would laugh at me if you could see me at my desk. I'm like a flat tire. I'm exhausted. Between this and my stupid back and the darvocet I'll probably sleep all weekend. They are also predicting snow here for Christmas Eve. (I like snows when I have nowhere to go...)

i'm not sure what it is now.... I missed that thread but do you have the new one picked out..?? almost friday, do you work this weekend?
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-12-21 14:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaUpdate
wow I am so sad to read this thread..... no one should wait this long..... Insha'allah he will have it so very soon....
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-12-21 12:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaDo your men feel intimidated because of your success?

I'll let you guys know when I have money and success.


lets have a poll.... I'm in that boat too....
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-12-28 14:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaIN FREAKING HAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
congrats.... just in time for new years.... yeahhhh :dance:
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-12-28 10:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaLet's count vol. ithnan
Thalatha - three....... did I do that right?
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-12-21 17:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaIs it okay to go from wearing hijab to not wearing hijab?

This is why hijab is not a good topic on public forums. Someone always gets hurt.

If it matters to you at all, amal, I don't think you're stupid, an idiot or anything of the sort. I do wonder why this is such a big, dayum deal to converts when there is so much more about Islam that's ignored. That's just my frustration talking.

consider who started this thread... that will answer your question

wow, that was a frickin' bi!chy thing to say. I take particular offense to it since I asked the most questions in this thread. If you don't want to see a thread or participate in it, then don't. If someone is sensitive about hijab, don't participate. If people aren't adult enough in here to discuss things other than recipes and head colds, then don't come to the dang thread. If people aren't adult enough around here to know the difference between a discussion and a judgement, then don't come into the thread. Sarah asked a perfectly acceptable question, and clearly there is always discussion and more questions about the topic, so how about you look at yourself the next time you decide to post some b.s. dig like this?

its not a dig I thought posting opinions were perfectly accepted??? wow really wow
sarachidFemaleMorocco2007-01-03 12:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaIs it okay to go from wearing hijab to not wearing hijab?

This is why hijab is not a good topic on public forums. Someone always gets hurt.

If it matters to you at all, amal, I don't think you're stupid, an idiot or anything of the sort. I do wonder why this is such a big, dayum deal to converts when there is so much more about Islam that's ignored. That's just my frustration talking.

consider who started this thread... that will answer your question
sarachidFemaleMorocco2007-01-03 11:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 3.0, For the Middle East and Egypt People

well, the next trip we plan to take will be to Chicago ... but maybe after that we'll come see you all.... hey..come on over to Missouri!!! you are welcome anytime!!!

i go to missouri on average once a week :P

so you are a kansas city Kansas person... I am in Kansas city missouri.... :D
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-17 18:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaSong of the day thread

JP do you get arab satellite channels?

LOL, can't live without them :lol:

What company offers that type of satellite service??? Rachid and I were wanting to get one.

sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-07-24 14:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaSong of the day thread
:blush: my favorite song is any song with my name in it "Sarah" :blush:
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-07-21 18:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaRaising bi-cultural kids

Have any of you already raised children to adulthood in an interfaith/intercultural marriage? Do you have any real world experience to share rather than supposition and hyotheses? Having done it myself, I believe the fear of confusion is overblown and doesn't reflect the reality of growing up in a culture where all kinds of mixed messages are absorbed inside and outside of the home.

It would perhaps be interesting and helpful to hear from converts raised in a single religion/culture household as to why they converted and/or favor one culture over another.

I don't have children myself and I don't plan on teaching them that everyone that is not a christian will go to hell. I don't want to "scare" my children into religion. However like Laila said, one contradicts the other. It's wonderful that there are sucess stories out there. I just don't think they all end up that way and I know some people personally that have succeeded raising their kids this way and others tha have not.

I am Christian, I believe Jesus is the son of God and he died for our sins, I don't plan on teaching my children otherwise. In fact, can someone, anyone tell me. If you plan to raise your children Christian/Muslim, and the kids learn about Jesus, isn't everything you teach them in Islam going to contradict what I just said?

Yes... you are right... I think also that religion is something that should be discussed before marriage and children.... I don't believe that a person could ever be both muslim/christain or christain/muslim... if they think that is possible for there children to be then they either don't know enough about both religions or they are in a world of candy rainbows and unicorns.... (F)
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-07-24 12:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaRaising bi-cultural kids
I personnally would not want to have children with a man that is not stong in his religion. A father gives many gifts to his children in his lifetime. The 2 that are the strongest are his religion and his name.

(F) sarah
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-07-24 11:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaRaising bi-cultural kids

Samir is very religious but, he aslo respects my religion. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH MY RELIGION. Samir isnt any less religious becuase he would allow our children to be raised christian. He has never said he would allow it but i am saying i want it. Samir and I wont hve a problem cos of respect. I want my children to know Jesus. If Islam says thats wrong then there is something wrong with that. I can raise my children with good morals and values in christianity. I wont let it become a war between us. Thats why the world is the way it is. People get cuaght up in the RELIGION thing. Samir loves God I love God and my kids love God. That is what matters. Also we have talked about this many times. He wants his kids to be muslim but he said we will talk about it when the time comes. We have a very loving relationship. As far as i am concerned, I dont owe Islam or christianity anything. I answer to GOD not religion.

I think everyone here is just trying to help you avoid possible future problems.. I got married in the mosque with Rachid.. not just with the state certificate.... we even received an Islam marriage certificate (L) but my point is that before we were married they made it clear to me the conditions of the marriage and one of the things they wanted me to understand is that by being married to a Muslim man our children were to be raised as Muslims.... (F) just want to tell you my experiance...
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-07-21 16:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhen are they going to update the processing times?
Don't they update the processing times every 2 weeks?? I thought that they did.... I looked on the simple timeline and someone did receive a NOA2 approved for 4-3-06... Does anyone have information on this or maybe that date is a typo??? :)
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-04-04 10:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures3 Yrs Tax Info- Below guideline for 1 year.. Matters??
48 Contiguous
Size of Family States and D.C. Alaska Hawaii
1 $ 9,570 $11,950 $11,010
2 12,830 16,030 14,760
3 16,090 20,110 18,510
4 19,350 24,190 22,260
5 22,610 28,270 26,010
6 25,870 32,350 29,760
7 29,130 36,430 33,510
8 32,390 40,510 37,260
For each additional person, add 3,260 4,080 3,750
I found the chart about the income requirements but I think you times it by 125% correct???
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-04-05 12:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresquestion on g-325A where we fill out residence for 5 years
I put "see back of form" and I typed the information on the back of all the forms.... It must of been ok becuase I was approved yesterday yeahhhhhhhh!!!!!!! :dance:
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-04-07 12:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNSC updated...
My NOA1 was dated 1-26-06 and my NOA2 is dated 4-6-06 so I think the uscis website is wrong or they have some that are left over from older dates that they have to work and complete before they can post what they are truly o :wacko: n... oh wow does that make since.... sorry
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-04-11 11:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 visa
Does anyone know how long it takes for the NVC to process the packages after receiving them from Nebraska service center???

sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-04-12 17:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp please...last minute change

Also something to be considered when thinking about getting married in Morocco is how much time you'll spend running around in order to get married. I think I remember someone saying it took a considerable amount of time (many days, maybe more than a week). The logistics seemed to me nightmarish.

I am not sure if you've spent time with your fiance before, but if this is your first visit, maybe consider just spending time together, seeing if you click, rather than add lots of stress in getting married rush rush.

I agree... Rachid and I first tried to get married in Morocco but it did not work out that way... things work out the way they are suppose to.. it does take alot of your time to get married in Morocco.. I would have rather spent that time relaxing with Rachid and his family...
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-22 13:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

WOW thats great, record time for Egypt!!

thanks!!! thats what i thought too! sandra I know you will hear great news soon!!! you both are in my prayers!!! :D

Edited by *****S*D*****, 15 July 2010 - 08:53 PM.

*****S*D*****FemaleEgypt2010-07-15 20:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

They told me that i need to get my EAD first .But before i go to their office i printed some papers out .And those papers says that i have the rights to get a SSN before i get my EAD .And they guy there was nice and he read those papers so a few days later i got my SSN .


BTW i'm from Alex 2 .Have a blessed happy new life together in USA .

thank you!!! you also have a blessed new happy life in the USA!!! Awesome your from Alex also thank you for sharing that with us :D
*****S*D*****FemaleEgypt2010-07-15 20:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

Wow congrats! That is amazing! :dance:

:dance: :dance: :dance: thank you!!! i couldnt believe it!!!
*****S*D*****FemaleEgypt2010-07-15 13:52:00