Middle East and North AfricaWhat 2007 car should you drive?
You Should Drive a Bentley Azure

Posted Image

You're all flash, and you love to show off to anyone who will watch.
And you're such a high roller, this is just one car of many for you...

What 2007 Car Should You Drive?


these are fun... thanks rama
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-10 15:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaELHAMDOLELLAH
:dance: (F) congrats...
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-10 11:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaSupporting the family
We have our own accounts now but oneday we will just have one, and Rachid will manage it....

We have not yet sent money back to his family but we will when Rachid gets his AOS and starts working again.

As for the gifts topic... I never go anywhere empty handed anyways let alone to my husband's family... Now I don't mean I will have a new car or something for them but anything would be a great.... Before I came back home from meeting Rachid and his family for the first time, Rachid's family gave me things to give to my family... I thought that was awesome...
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-09 18:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaI got my visa
:dance: congrats.... my husband got a one way... but it was cheeper... (F)
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-10 16:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat Planet Are You From?
You Are From Saturn

Posted Image

You're steady, organizes, and determined to achieve your dreams.
You tend to play it conservative, going by the rules (at least the practical ones).
You'll likely reach the top. And when you do, you'll be honorable and responsible.
Focus on happiness. Don't let your goals distract you from fun!
Don't be too set in your ways, and you'll be more of a success than you ever dreamed of.

What Planet Are You From?

sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-10 18:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaRoyal Air Maroc's site. what is wrong with it and with RAM?
Rachid also looked online for his ticket... but he went somewhere in his city that booked it for him... it was a one-way ticket so it was less expensive...I don't know the company but if anyone wants to know I will ask him.... We did want to make sure he went through JFK so he could get the 90 days work authorization... hey every bit helps.... :thumbs:
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-13 13:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaNorth African wedding clip

This a collection of clips of a North African which I saw and made me think back to my own wedding (alot) and other celebrations I was a part of in Algerie.

Enjoy! In Morocco

O well, if you did not already know these clips are from Maroc... hehehe !

that was great.... I love your links.... it reminds me of the one Rachid posted.. his brother dancing crazy...heheh he love this one..
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-16 18:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaFinally Friday...

ok, just went to the folks to have a quick visit w/ the fam and show off the new scooter.... my mom & sis in law say "come here... you've gotta see this!". So, I walk down the hall & here they have all the family wedding photos hanging in a new spot - I look and see my old wedding photo - my ex is hysterically covered w/ what my SIL calls "catalog man"! Sooooo funny.... they actually picked one that looks a little like Said :lol: :lol: :thumbs: ;) I'm thinking "who is this???" and realize it's catalog man and he's just holding the spot til I can get them a pic of Said that will cover! :P I thought it was rather comical!

that's sweet :)
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-17 18:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaHelp with a form
Rachid was a student at that time so we did not list anything as far as his job history... but not having a job history must have been ok too... are you typing the forms or hand writing them?
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-22 14:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasa ??s, what evidence 2 bring, how 2 deal
one that Rachid was asked.. I had switched e-mail address 3 times in the time that we knew eachother and when he gave them e-mails that we have sent back and forth the interviewer asked why the addresses are different??? He knew why and explained...
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-22 13:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaFor those who have been separated for long periods

For myself everytime I visit Mohamed it takes a couple days to "get used" to him again. How did you guys adjust (and how long did it take) when he/she first got here?

for us there was not any kind of getting used to because for both of us we feel like we grew up together or something... he is my best friend... I feel so comfortable with him and him with me... :D
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-22 14:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaME/NA Mojo going out to Egypt & Morocco
Is that something new... I don't remember Rachid taking about that but I will ask him...
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-28 11:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaWE GOT THE CALL TOO
:dance: congrats.... awesome feeling...
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-28 11:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaFANTASTIC NEWS!!!!!!!!!!

Welcome to Casa: Wait for our call. How can we not help you? :devil:

there, much better :thumbs:

LMAO!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: Exactly! :thumbs: :thumbs:

Strange. Hamid told me the woman he spoke with today was very specific about the need to be there early tomorrow.

I will never figure out Casa, and at this point, I don't want to! I just want to be done with them!!!

You and me both!

I wonder if we made that sign if they would put it up.... hehehe good one :thumbs:
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-28 11:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaFANTASTIC NEWS!!!!!!!!!!
:dance: congrats... :dance: its a great feeling...
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-27 11:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaIR-1 visa in HAND!!!!!
congrats... (F)
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-29 19:00:00
Middle East and North Africamuslim marriage tips

All this talk about men as the head of the household and shepard of the flock makes me wonder come most muslim households I know the women are in charge of all the money and the men get allowances. Who is really the head and what does that mean?

Now you have hit the nail on the head. The key is that the men THINK they are in charge, and we let them think that. But lets face it, the women hold all of the cards in a marriage. Now I have to go back and see those sheep videos.

I don't necessarily agree with this either, because I feel both should hold the cards (actually, I don't like game metaphors about marriage either :lol: - so I think both should be equal partners in a marriage ); however, women here have stated that the man *is* their leader and their shepherd and they want it that way - not that they only want him to *think* he is.

You know, I have been in charge of everything for so many years I would gladly give up a lot of the responsibilities. Not that he would be in charge, just responsibilities I am tired of. But you are right, a marriage should be a partnership. I was just being flippant.

i'm the same way about being in charge for years I can't wait until I can pass it off to Rachid.... I did agree with your response... it was correct.... I would not want to be in charge of the family like that in that way... it is a huge responsibility and stress....
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-30 13:31:00
Middle East and North Africamuslim marriage tips

:lol: Only took us 27 pages to get back to topic :lol:

are we still taking about chicken in here... or did someone start a new topic.. ?? :wacko: *trying to work and read these threads*
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-29 17:31:00
Middle East and North Africamuslim marriage tips

On topic for a brief moment:

Qur'an 30:21

?????? ????????~? ???? ?????? ?????? ???? ??????????? ????????? ? ???????????? ????????? ???????? ?????????? ???????? ? ????????? ? ????? ??? ?????? ??????? ? ??????? ? ??????????????

Wa Min '?y?tihi 'An Khalaqa Lakum Min 'Anfusikum 'Azw?j?an Litaskun? 'Ilayh? Wa Ja`ala Baynakum Mawaddatan Wa Ra?matan 'Inna F? Dh?lika La'?y?tin Liqawmin Yatafakkar?na

And one of His signs is that He created mates for you from yourselves that you may find rest in them, and He put between you love and compassion; most surely there are signs in this for a people who reflect.

A good exercise - reflect on the meanings of the words mawada and rahma - roughly translated as love/affection and mercy/compassion. What actions in a marriage would show mawada and rahma? What would you like your partner to do, to demonstrate love and compassion? What do you do for your partner, to show mawada and rahma?

thank you Rama for this... I sent a copy to my husband and asked if I could do anything else to make him feel loved more.. (L)

I wouldn't dare ask my husband this, I am sure his answer would embarass me! :blush:

I e-mailed him and asked... it was a very sweet answer

I know I will reqret this but what would your husband say?? :blush:
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-29 17:12:00
Middle East and North Africamuslim marriage tips

On topic for a brief moment:

Qur'an 30:21

?????? ????????~? ???? ?????? ?????? ???? ??????????? ????????? ? ???????????? ????????? ???????? ?????????? ???????? ? ????????? ? ????? ??? ?????? ??????? ? ??????? ? ??????????????

Wa Min '?y?tihi 'An Khalaqa Lakum Min 'Anfusikum 'Azw?j?an Litaskun? 'Ilayh? Wa Ja`ala Baynakum Mawaddatan Wa Ra?matan 'Inna F? Dh?lika La'?y?tin Liqawmin Yatafakkar?na

And one of His signs is that He created mates for you from yourselves that you may find rest in them, and He put between you love and compassion; most surely there are signs in this for a people who reflect.

A good exercise - reflect on the meanings of the words mawada and rahma - roughly translated as love/affection and mercy/compassion. What actions in a marriage would show mawada and rahma? What would you like your partner to do, to demonstrate love and compassion? What do you do for your partner, to show mawada and rahma?

thank you Rama for this... I sent a copy to my husband and asked if I could do anything else to make him feel loved more.. (L)
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-29 16:08:00
Middle East and North Africamuslim marriage tips

oh yeah, actually he won't let me touch the rice anymore. He also swears that instant rice doesn't taste the same. I guess to the rice expert it wouldn't tase the same..but to difference rice is rice for petes sake. He has a baaaaaaaaad habit of telling me how to cook and I hate hate hate hate hate hate it. We usually get into an arugment over it and he will say.."well, what is wrong with being more careful" what can I say to that??? Ok, so I'll wash the chicken in lemon juice and rinse it in hot water 3 times and boil it with a carrot...Anything so he won't bicker about it. Yeah..he is the food nazi and he never cooked in Jordan. I once was making Tabouli and he said... that isn't tabouli. I said..well, the box says to add etc etc, katha katha. He said.. they don't know what tabouli is, Jordanians know what tabouli is..let me make it.... WHAT!! THE BOX IS WRONG?? yeah..big deal in our home..If my kitchen wasn't open to the living room, I would force him to stay out and it wouldnt be a problem. We have some major issues with cooking and food types. I think we have worked most of them out alhamdulillah!!! I still love him more than anything :luv:

it took me awhile to make rice perfect.... Rachid loves my rice and it is the easiest (now that I have it down) I cook what I love to eat and Rachid eats from that and likes it too... If I try something new I make sure I say "ok I have never made this so I don't know how it will turn out" like my fried chicken I can't make fried chicken to save my life ehehehe
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-29 12:56:00
Middle East and North Africamuslim marriage tips

This is the reason so many of the wonderful people who used to share here have stopped posting much, if at all.

All of these wonderful people that you speak of can post whenever they want. We can respond however we want. That's VJ- a public forum.


It might be a public forum but it has a TOS so people cannot respond however they want without consequence.

sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-28 16:20:00
Middle East and North Africamuslim marriage tips


So, do you have something to contribute to the topic or you just wanted to do a drive-by Mr. Bossy?

I think it's drive by time when the posts go above 200 :D
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-28 16:02:00
Middle East and North Africamuslim marriage tips

nor did I say we are only talking about GC fraud

ok, however, that is what this thread is about, the current discussion is about changing your wifeliness when it gets closer to your SO's 2year or 10year GC so that you ensure he stays once he receives it.

yeah your right... I went in a different direction :lol: I'm going to deep in thoughts today...

sorry guys

It's ok, it's more relevant at least than when we were just discussing cooking and cleaning for whatever reason. :lol:

Thank you for your kindness and understanding in this most delicate situation (F)
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-28 15:06:00
Middle East and North Africamuslim marriage tips

nor did I say we are only talking about GC fraud

ok, however, that is what this thread is about, the current discussion is about changing your wifeliness when it gets closer to your SO's 2year or 10year GC so that you ensure he stays once he receives it.

yeah your right... I went in a different direction :lol: I'm going to deep in thoughts today...

sorry guys
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-28 14:58:00
Middle East and North Africamuslim marriage tips

I tried to make it for the man or the women... either case it is bad... but no one is perfect.. anyone can wake up one morning and say "wow I messed up, but I will try to make it right" ??

Sure, but why would that time just *happen* to be around when your spouse is receiving the 10-year green card? Unless the green card somehow affects your marriage. Why should it?

It should not.... but I have seen alot not only with this type of marriage, but with all types... people are not perfect

All types? What other type do you mean? In this case one party is obviously benefiting from the actions of the other (green card).

I meant that not all marriages are the perfect, "I love you, you love me, we love a both the same" I've seen people married for there family, married for money, stay married for money, stay married because they have been married for 30 years, uhh married because she is afriad to leave, married for the kids, married etc.... so many

Ok, I don't think you are getting the point. You are correct that people do stay married for those reasons. However someone that stayed married out of obligation is different than someone completly changing who they are in a marriage because their spouse is about to get a 10 year green card.

maybe I missed your point, but I was thinking outside the box in terms of understand many different reasons someone would do something like that.. not all women are as strong as the women here... some will do whatever it takes (even something wrong) to keep (what they think) is something that they don't want to loose.... (F)
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-28 14:57:00
Middle East and North Africamuslim marriage tips

I tried to make it for the man or the women... either case it is bad... but no one is perfect.. anyone can wake up one morning and say "wow I messed up, but I will try to make it right" ??

Sure, but why would that time just *happen* to be around when your spouse is receiving the 10-year green card? Unless the green card somehow affects your marriage. Why should it?

It should not.... but I have seen alot not only with this type of marriage, but with all types... people are not perfect

All types? What other type do you mean? In this case one party is obviously benefiting from the actions of the other (green card).

I meant that not all marriages are the perfect, "I love you, you love me, we love a both the same" I've seen people married for there family, married for money, stay married for money, stay married because they have been married for 30 years, uhh married because she is afriad to leave, married for the kids, married etc.... so many

I don't think USCIS equates GC fraud with any of these scenarios.

nor did I say we are only talking about GC fraud.... (F)
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-28 14:53:00
Middle East and North Africamuslim marriage tips

I tried to make it for the man or the women... either case it is bad... but no one is perfect.. anyone can wake up one morning and say "wow I messed up, but I will try to make it right" ??

Sure, but why would that time just *happen* to be around when your spouse is receiving the 10-year green card? Unless the green card somehow affects your marriage. Why should it?

It should not.... but I have seen alot not only with this type of marriage, but with all types... people are not perfect

All types? What other type do you mean? In this case one party is obviously benefiting from the actions of the other (green card).

I meant that not all marriages are the perfect, "I love you, you love me, we love a both the same" I've seen people married for there family, married for money, stay married for money, stay married because they have been married for 30 years, uhh married because she is afriad to leave, married for the kids, married etc.... so many
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-28 14:26:00
Middle East and North Africamuslim marriage tips

I tried to make it for the man or the women... either case it is bad... but no one is perfect.. anyone can wake up one morning and say "wow I messed up, but I will try to make it right" ??

Sure, but why would that time just *happen* to be around when your spouse is receiving the 10-year green card? Unless the green card somehow affects your marriage. Why should it?

It should not.... but I have seen alot not only with this type of marriage, but with all types... people are not perfect
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-28 13:52:00
Middle East and North Africamuslim marriage tips

that's true... however what if before it was discussed what was expected from both persons and one person has not been keeping up with there expected part...and then close to the time that the time was expiring then the person realized they have not been keeping up with there part. Therefore they might just start doing what they discussed plus more to make up .... hehehe :yes: what do you think?

I think that's sick.

He can take his as$ back to where he came from if that's the kind of man he is.

I tried to make it for the man or the women... either case it is bad... but no one is perfect.. anyone can wake up one morning and say "wow I messed up, but I will try to make it right" ??
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-28 13:30:00
Middle East and North Africamuslim marriage tips

ok what if your husband said "wow I love when you make that special food" would you not make it when he was working late that day or had a bad day or was super hungry.... in turn what if you said " wow I love it when I get in my car and the tank is full, the inside and outside is clean, and my favorite scent tree is hanging up" would he not make sure that is done for you? if you do for him what he loves he will do for you what you love?? I think that is what Jackie meant....

I think Jackie said what she meant. She pretty clearly tied it to the removal of conditions on the green card. It's in the neighborhood of some 'let's all make adjustments when we marry and be super nice and happy' sentiments that are unobjectionable, but it's not the same thing.

Of course I do nice things for C., and he does nice things for me. We are in love, and both of us care about each other, and are adults. But if we get to the point where I'm thinking, gee, he's going to leave me UNLESS I MAKE LASAGNA, I think something much more fundamental in our relationship would be broken. My lasagna's pretty damn good, but there's limits to its power.

that is a good point too.... oh please pm me the recipe my lasagna always turns out runny
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-11-28 13:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaInterview in Morocco
thank you everyone... I will let you guys know when the visa is in his hand....
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-06-01 16:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaInterview in Morocco

just a bit of information.... hehehe the world is full of Sarah.....
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-06-01 15:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaInterview in Morocco
Interview with the Embassy was today... they took his passport told him to come back tomorrow and they would give my fiance his visa.... yeahhhhh :dance:
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-06-01 15:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaVisa in Hand
My fiance went today to the Embassy in Morocco and received the Visa in hand... yeahhhhhh :dance:
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-06-02 12:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaTickets to America
ok I understand now.. thank you so much does he need to bring anything back from the paperwork we did for the change of status or any other things we have to do??
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-06-07 11:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaTickets to America

Also keep in mind that Atlanta is a more difficult POE than JFK, particularly for muslims. Although many people have gotten through without issue. I just thought you might like to know, all other things being equal.

well that is what I told him but I don't think he realises. Thank you I will tell him that JFK is the best choice. Also he does need to ask for a work auth. correct??
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-06-07 11:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaTickets to America
well that is another issues is the work auth. does he have to have it to work here???
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-06-07 10:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaTickets to America
My fiance has the visa and is planning on coming here in the next 2 weeks but we don't know if he has to go through JFK or can he transit through France then to Atlanta... then from Atlanta to Kansas City... ?? Hope I did not confuse anyone becuase I am a little bit confused .... I really don't know about coming into the United States.... I guess my guestion is can Atlanta process him in??

Thank you to everyone...

sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-06-07 10:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaEmbassy denail of visa
lets assume if they are lying what exactly would be the point in lying to us about all of this??? just wondering...

sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-07-05 11:49:00