Middle East and North AfricaGot Visa
congrats on your visa.... when is your baby due?? after the expired visa date?? maybe you could contact them and explain the situation, maybe there is a extention process you could do ...


:dance: Mabrook :dance:

Your Visa is supossed to be valid for 6 months. You may want to contact the Embassy, tell them about your situation. Maybe they have some advice for you.

Good luck with your new baby (inshaAllah) everything will work out fine for your new family.

If your child is born in Egypt, you can go to the American Embassy and have the birth recorded so that the child has both Egyptian and USA citizenship.

does Morocco have dual citizenship also?? just wondering

sarah :star:
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-07-13 13:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaMONDAY MONDAY
Is it still Monday... I feel like I have been sitting here at work for 60 hours now... :help: :wacko: :blink:
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-07-17 18:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaHows about

My husband was very underwhelmed with the stores that I thought would wow him. :huh:

The things that have gotten the most reaction have related more to nature and the environment. Discovering squirrels, bunnies and opossum in our yard, seeing a lightning bug for the first time, how we can just drive a few miles and take a long walk in the woods that allows you to completely forget you are in a city, murals in the city, some of the city sponsored gardens, etc.

Oh, the library was a big hit.


the library yes.... Rachid loved the library the first card Rachid got in America was the library card... even before the ss# card :lol: he was so happy ....
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-07-18 12:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaHows about
I made a list in my head of all the things that I would show Rachid and all the fun we would have, but the list that we both keep is all the places (when he would get here) that we are going to kiss.... like kiss in my car, kiss behind my parents barn, kiss in the rain, he wanted to sneek kisses when I was working, things like that. Well when he first go here all I wanted to do was feed him... my sister and I took him to all kinds of resturants and ice cream shops.... he loved them all.... but now my sister wants to take him to the amusement park and feed him a funnel cake, cotton candy, then stick him on the devil rollar coaster and watch him get sick :wacko: hehehehe
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-07-18 11:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarried
congrats... I wish you all the best.... :)
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-07-18 15:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarried
congrats.... today is the best day as husband and wife.... enjoy... :)
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-07-17 10:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Saga Continues.....

I'm not an expert by any means but wouldn't it be better to go for the K-1 visa rather than a K-3?? I thought the K-1 is faster...

sarah (F)

I was never told that the K1 was faster. When I decided that I wanted to be with my honey for the rest of my life. My only option was the K1 visa, because at the time we wanted to have a huge wedding with my family and his family here in the USA. Because he did not have permission to travel to the USA, our only option was to apply for the K1 and get married here in the USA.

Then the problems started crashing in on our dreams and we had to adjust our plans.


I'm sorry for this ordeal for both of you. May God take care of you both and guide "the powers that be" from the government to make the right decision---in your favor---so that you and your DF can be together soon. Wish there was more that I could do to help.

Mary K



I see, I meant nothing bad... I wish I could do something to help you (F)
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-07-13 18:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Saga Continues.....
I'm not an expert by any means but wouldn't it be better to go for the K-1 visa rather than a K-3?? I thought the K-1 is faster...

sarah (F)
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-07-13 16:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaTakalaamal deen

Hi everyone,

I have some questions...I converted to islam a little over a year ago. We had an engagement party in morocco, but applied for our marriage license here in the states. My husband came on a k-1. After the imam married us, I contacted him a few months later for our "lslamic certificate." We already had one from the state. It stated the dowry amount and such. the only thing left that I think I need to do is register with morocco.

is that correct? or did I miss something? thank you for your help.


I just did the same.. we were married 7-19 and I was wondering that same thing... if I find out I will let you know... and if you get some information please let me know... thank you (F)

sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-07-21 13:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat should Hicham bring to the US
I had Rachid bring his police record just in case.... but he was so excited he forgot to bring lots of things... and his family packed one suit case full of food..... it was sweet of them...

sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-07-21 16:09:00
Middle East and North Africatimelines

Hi everyone!
I'm new here, I was wondering if anybody knows how accurate those timelines are that they post from the service centers and the averages from the embassies?
Thanks alot for any info!

welcome this is a great site for all kinds of information... :star:
my fiance went through morocco, just let me know if you need anything

sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-07-21 11:45:00
Middle East and North Africawhere's that little hot tamale Chiquita??
I hope he is not more sick.... Rachid said it is the hottest it has been in a long time in morocco... he lives (well used to live) about 1 hour train from casa.... all his family says it is fire there... :crying: (sorry no smiey for sweat)
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-07-24 14:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasa Interview Techniques
I wonder if it depends on the interviewer.... Rachid just talked witht the lady.. she did not get my income information... she just asked when we met, how we met, the only thing that almost messed us up is the fact that my e-mail name has changed so much in 2 years... but sorry Rachid did not have any experience with the finger thing...

sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-07-21 14:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaGOT IT!!!
:dance: :dance: :dance: yeahhh another approved... awesome news for a Monday... :dance: :dance: :dance:


sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-07-24 12:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaWe have been blessed : )

My due date is :

:lol: April Fools Day :lol:

April 1st, 2007

Ok here's the details , well we leave out THAT part ;)

Ali and I have always wanted to have a baby right away. We see no reason to wait and figured when we get married I will not not use any birth control. These past two weeks I have felt soo dizzy and sleepy all the time. I also felt like I was going to trow up but never did (still haven't thrown up !! YAAY !). So everyone in my family was saying I was pregnant. A week ago I was at the dr. for another reason and they ran a pregnancy test on me ... NEGATIVE. My mom started yelling at them saying it was too early and they didnt know what they were doing.

Well I lost all hopes figuring I wasnt pregnant. Well Aunt Flow was due and she never showed up. Ali called me 4 times that day. The 4th time he said " Go buy a test". Well I bought the test but did not want to take it without Ali. I figured it took two to conceive, we are both the parents, why should I know before him ? I want us to be equal in everything (which we have always been since day 1 of our relationship). Well I went and picked up Ali from work later on that day and came home. As soon as we got home my family came over (not knowing that we were planning on testing) and my favorite cousin. I looked around and saw all the ones that I love the most at my house. I looked at Ali and gave him a wink to follow me. I told him we will test if it's negative we won't tell anyone, if it's postive they are all here and we can celebrate together.

I took the test and while I was cleaning I was explaining to my husband that if we see 2 lines that means we are pregnant. He says " I SEE 2 LINES WALLAHI !!" Which I did too !! We were pregnant. I ran to the living room and told everyone.

We then took another one to make sure, and today I went to the Dr. and also came out positive.

I am exactly 4 weeks pregnant ... we've been married 1 month and 8 days :whistle:

Posted Image

out of everything I have read in this forum this is the one that made me cry.... tears of joy.. I am so happy for you I got goose bumps Rachid and I also want to get pregnant soon... :crying: :dance: (L)
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-07-24 15:11:00
Middle East and North Africaunbelievable

MK.....I agree i absolutely do not think people should stop posting, or voicing their opinion, but my point is, when a random person stops into the topic and voices theirs, why bash them??? Not everyone is muslim, not everyone agrees with why hate on them for disagreeing

"so why hate on them for disagreeing"

interesting choice of words-I don't think that is what they are doing at all.... (and to quote you again) "all you muslim women"

I have found no hate from from """all the muslim women""" here....

sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-07-24 10:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaSarah and Othmane's AOS interview
don't be nervous... everything will work out .... good luck
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-07-25 09:41:00
Middle East and North Africait came!!!!
it is an awesome feeling... all your hard work will pay off... hang in there.. congrats on the noa1 (F)
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-07-25 09:42:00
congrats... great news for a tuesday....

congrats... great news for a tuesday....
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-07-25 09:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhite Knuckles...
i would love to see the dress too.... and even in the letter they said "Thank You" :dance: best of luck to you
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-07-25 10:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaScared
lets pray it is #1... plane back to america... thank you jackie for keeping us all informed .... I am happy jess is doing good
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-07-25 11:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaScared
(L) much love goes to her in this time... Jess is very strong (F) I don't know if I could have gotten through like she did... I am also sad because I know she will be sad that George is not with her..
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-07-24 10:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaScared
my VJ was not working yesterday... sorry so late to respond... I am so happy you are still doing good jess.... you are so strong to go through .. everytime I am watching the tv I am expecting to see you get on one of the evac. boats.... my best wishes ...

sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-07-21 11:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaScared

its sad that america is the last to evacuate their citizens ehhh. its humilliating

it might also be that the us has done planning with israel and there is a temporary cease fire planned to allow for such ;)

there are so many things I want to say about this comment but I think we should keep this thread for jessngeorges... positive thoughts, encouragement, and support for her in this horrific time. (lets not hijack the thread for political talks).. (F)
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-07-18 11:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaScared

just replying to let everyone know we are still alright. today we got a call from the security general and my residency was approved, gee im so happy lol, but anyway i can pick my passport and paperwork up at 9am, thank GOD!!! ill post as often as i can

thank you for checking in ... we were worried about you still.... stay safe and congrats on your residency

sarah (F)
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-07-14 16:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaScared
yes please keep posting here so we know you are safe... but if you and your husband are leaving the area for safety please go and we all have you in our prays and thoughts...

sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-07-13 15:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaHELP WANTED
Hello Sarah,

congrats on Hicham making it here and getting married....It has been so crazy here I have not been on VJ very much.... working, working, working.... but Rachid and I just filied the AOS & EAD and received a letter yesterday that his bio appointment is 9-21 @ 8am.... and that appointment all you need is that letter and a photo id.... I did not send the medical paperwork with the aos&ead applications,,,, I wonder if that is bad or I can take care of that at the interview..... but it is strange to me ... becuase they already did the medical in order to get here.... anyways maybe I messed up??

sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-09-14 11:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaArrived safe and sound
this friday ended on a happy note.... (F) its not good you got sick but i'm sure you forgot about that now that you are with your husband..... keep us posted... :D

sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-09-15 17:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Ramadan Thread

Ramadan Mubarak my sisters !
For suhoor Ali and I will be having having bread rolls with cheese and egss. Ali will have tea and I will de-caf tea (for my baby). I have no idea on anything else.

:dance: I CAN"T WAIT FOR EID !! :dance:

I have been trying to kick the caffeine habit too before we get pregnant, if you have any sugestions besides cold turkey I would be most greatful.... So what about chocolate?? hehe :D

sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-09-20 11:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaVisiting Morocco/Save Money
We had extra expenses due to the fact that he forgot somehow to pack clothes.... :lol: one entire suitcase was filled with food his sister and mother said he would need, so they took his clothes out.... it was sweet... so I got to show him Wal-mart, but needing the basic things (socks,shoes,personal items) things like that we don't think about ahead of time do add up... :D
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-09-14 13:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaBiometrics

Yup that's it - we brought the NOA notices too but I don't think we needed to show them. The whole thing was really quick and painless - don't sweat it :)

Thank you... I do feel much better now.... I took the day off work just in case we had a long wait.. I guess now all we have to do is worry about getting up at 6am :blink:

sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-09-21 00:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaBiometrics
(F) Afternoon forum, (F)

Rachid's biometrics is tomorrow, is there anything I should be aware of before we go tomorrow? It is my understanding that we are just to bring a photo id, and the biometrics letter. Is that correct? I just don't want to be surprised or have to make our appointment for a later date?

Thank you for any advise.
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-09-20 11:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaInterview Today in Casa...Results
(F) congrats ...... casa interview was a good experiance for us too.... I hope the best for all going through casa... :D
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-09-20 11:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaFor All VJ People
(F) just finished reading this thread.. wow it took a while.. I may not have many blue dots under my name or hearts in them... but I try to only post my questions and answer questions that I may have advise for..... in saying that you ask "why is she posting this then" well :devil: now I want one of those hearts in my blue dot (L)


:dance: its friday... yeahhhhh

Happy Ramadan
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-09-22 18:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaAffidavit of support I864 form

If you are talking about the I-864A form that is only used if you are using a co-sponsor that resides in the same household like parent or sibling. If you are the soul sponsor than you don't need to fill out the I-864A form, just the I-864 form.

AWESOME... this form is much better.I don't have a co-sponsor it is just me...... much love (L) thank you

sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-10-02 15:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaAffidavit of support I864 form
I have printed the I-864 form and along with it was printed the ""Contract between sponsor and household memeber"" so my question is do I also have to fill this form out too and send it with the I-864? I also could not find it in the example forms...

Thank you all for the help...
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-10-02 14:38:00
Middle East and North Africataxes
so what if they worked 2006 on the temp work auth... you would have to claim that money on taxes... correct??
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-10-05 11:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaI-864
well... that is just question 1..... kml_36 thanks for the advise.... were you as confused with it as me.... I love the example forms they help alot.. but for this there is no example form.... :(

sarah-I'll tell Rachid you guys said hello... he is bored staying home all day, to bad we don't live closer ...
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-10-05 12:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaI-864
I did but I included the other affidavit of support and they sent a letter to me saying I needed the I-864.. so I have to fill this one out... but the first question say to choose the correct... my choice refer to forms I-130, I-600, I-140... but none of those apply for me... and I don't have a co-sponsor just me.....

sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-10-05 11:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaI-864
has anyone filed the I-864 that could help me with the first question....??

I am so lost with this form....

sarah (F)
sarachidFemaleMorocco2006-10-05 11:15:00