K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNew & confused about best way to go
Hello! To briefly describe my situation, I am an American citizen (born here). My fiance is Canadian. I am 11 years older than he is.
We met online, and dated for 7 months before he came to visit me for 5 weeks. During his stay with me, he proposed. smile.gif

We are trying to figure out the smartest way to do things, and also to just understand.
We wish to marry here in my home state of Kansas. If he came to visit me (like just a normal get a ticket and come out here trip), could we marry here (Kansas), then he returns home to Canada, and then we file for the K-3 (or cr-1...)? Or would we have to wed in Canada for this option? I have searched this site and just google in general and find conflicting answers.

I'm a bit worried about our age difference because I am 29, he is 18, and in order to afford the Visa process, we really can't afford anymore trips until either the wedding, or he comes on a K-1. I know those are both potential red flags, so we were thinking perhaps it would be wisest to marry before starting the Visa process.
I have a ton of pictures from our five week trip, airline tickets, but no phone bills because we just use web cams and skype/google talk/aim.

We are very much in love and just want to make the smartest choices so we can be together.

Any advice would be very much appreciated.
garnet80FemaleCanada2009-09-02 03:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAffidavit of support worries

I am only at the very start of my K-1 journey, sending in the first packet in a few weeks.

Was thinking about the affidavit of support though.

I don't make enough to sponsor my fiance. Not even close.
After my separation / divorce from my first marriage I am now living with my mother to save money.
Right now, she makes around 30k a year, give or take. I know that right NOW that would be enough for her to be co-sponsor. But it will be several months before I need the affidavit... poverty limits will likely go up right? And her wages will not. We only have our paid off cars, and are just ten years into her mortgage.

I suppose my income can't be counted with hers. I really have no one else that could do this. I am wondering if I am out of luck. sleep.gif

I will still try... I'm just worried that we are going to be putting all of this money into this, and then at the very end, be out of options. :l
garnet80FemaleCanada2009-12-20 15:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionSending originals to my fiance with the K1 NOA-2
I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right place, my apologies if it's wrong.

My Canadian fiance and I (American) were approved for our K1 petition March 4th. Hard copy has not arrived in the mail yet.

Perhaps it will say for certain, but my question is, do I really need to send my original birth certificate? I don't feel especially safe putting it in the mail to Canada, and then having my fiance have to travel with it. I have a copy I ordered from the state, but it doesn't have all of the detailed information as my genuine original.

Also, does my divorce decree have to be the ONE? I have had a few certfied/stamped at the court house copies made, will that do?

He has all of our other originals I believe. Just wondering about these. :/

garnet80FemaleCanada2010-03-07 20:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionTax transcripts for the affidavit of support

Okay... so you sent your I-129F the DAY your divorce was final? I could be completely wrong (and someone will correct me I'm sure) but you might be asked a few questions about it. Technically it's not "illegal" to be engaged while married to someone else, but you might be asked. Canada's a low-fraud country though but I do know in another thread, last week sometime it was posted, in another country there was a gentleman that was denied his visa because he was engaged to someone who was married (even though she was divorced when they filed, they were dating and engaged BEFORE it became final). I believe they rejected it because they thought his american wife had cheated on her husband so how did he know she wouldn't cheat on him.. or something like that (I could have sexes confused).

I just thought I would mention it because I'm not sure if it will mean you're questioned a little harder. I don't want to scare you so please don't think I want to, I just want to warn you that you should be prepared in case they do. It's not illegal but you never know if they might be a little tougher on you because of it.

Another question, did you send a letter of intent to marry? If so when were they dated? When you signed the I-129F when was it dated? I'm sure you realised you needed to be free to marry so dated it the day your divorce was final just wondering whether you remembered the same for the fiance letter of intent.

Best of luck :)

Yes, I asked about it in the Canadian forum and wasn't the only one to do so... no one thought it would be an issue. I was free to marry on that date (judge verified this), so into the mail it went.
Yes, I sent a letter of intent to marry, and it was dated the 8th. The I129 F was also dated the 8th. I was trying to be very careful in this. Everything I needed to have signed when free to marry, I did immediately after my divorce was final.
My fiance dated his letter of intent Jan 4th, because that is when he signed it. It was his last day visiting here, and we were putting the packet together before he went home. HE was free to marry so hopefully that wont raise issue. We figured better to be honest with the signature/dates!

My ex moved out a couple years before we got the divorce (he wouldn't pay, I had to save up...). We lived apart for those years. He was living with a woman. We were only married on paper at this point, and I was moving it along as quickly as I could. I am hopeful that if questioned harder, my fiance can explain that we had long since separated, lived apart, etc.
Thanks for your concern, you raise valid issues.
garnet80FemaleCanada2010-02-28 18:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionTax transcripts for the affidavit of support

I'm not sure about the ex-husband stuff but I am curious, you said you were already divorced and the divorce happened in 2010. This is going to seem rude but is that a typo? When exactly did the official divorce go through? What is the date on the divorce papers? That matters for your I-129F. Also how did you file? This document: says "Divorced persons. If you are divorced under a final decree by the last day of the year, you are considered unmarried for the whole year."

What I meant was, when we filed our taxes this year (Feb 5th), our divorce had already taken place. Our divorce was final January 8th, 2010.
We were separated and living apart, but not legally. We had our taxes done, explained our situation to the H&R Block associate, and was told this was how to do it. We could file joint, or file individual for 2009 since we were legally married all of 2009. We filed joint.
garnet80FemaleCanada2010-02-28 17:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionTax transcripts for the affidavit of support
When I call for this (I am the american sponsor), I am just requesting the 1040s from the past couple years? Is that the correct form? I'm not good with taxes, I go to H&R Block every year! :P

And I've asked this before, but to be sure, I am recently divorced. Even my 2009 was a joint file with my ex husband (we were already divorced, but the divorce happened in 2010)... he had moved out but we still had financial ties. Some years of our marriage it was just his W-2 (sometimes we both had one). I always filed with him though, my name was there. We had very very simple taxes, no property no ANYTHING but just the income and our cars. This won't be an issue will it? That the ex's name is all over the papers... ?

I figure since I am done with the 2009 taxes, I can go ahead and get these ordered since nothing will change between now and my hopeful NOA-2 in another month or so!

garnet80FemaleCanada2010-02-28 14:53:00
CanadaQuestions about visiting USA from Canada with intent to marry on trip
Well, all I can really say is that it's about the individuals, not the numbers. My fiance is exceptionally mature. If he wasn't, of course this wouldn't work. I was worried about our ages at first too, I won't lie. But it's HIM that I love, not his age. I don't see 18 when I look at him. I see him. And actually we have had support from both sets of parents, and friends. They know us, and know we are good for one another.
Thanks for the replies.
garnet80FemaleCanada2009-09-04 00:23:00
CanadaQuestions about visiting USA from Canada with intent to marry on trip
Ahh, I see. Thank you. We are perhaps only doing a courthouse wedding... very small and fast.

I'm not sure he would have enough documentation? Due to the fact that he will be living at home until he moves here with me, he doesn't have a lease, insurance bills, utilities, etc. He will have a letter from his job... but thats about it.
The parents going along is really just hoped for right now, not a guarantee. So to make plans we can't count on them being along.

:/ Maybe we will try the K1 and if for whatever reason he is denied we will try the other way.

Thanks everyone. Grateful to have found this website, wonderful place. smile.gif

Edited by garnet80, 03 September 2009 - 10:36 PM.

garnet80FemaleCanada2009-09-03 22:33:00
CanadaQuestions about visiting USA from Canada with intent to marry on trip
Thanks Danu. May I ask, after reading what you had to say about the red flags maybe not being so serious, do you think it could be smarter to do the K1? We are open to anything... hoping for the path of least resistance, lol.
We have tons of pictures, over a year of emails, snail mail cards/letters, skype logs. I think we will be fine in terms of proving our relationship is genuine, just as long as those red flag things I'm worried about really aren't an issue. We are crazy in love, and so happy. Just want to be together.
garnet80FemaleCanada2009-09-03 22:12:00
CanadaQuestions about visiting USA from Canada with intent to marry on trip
Thanks for the replies. Makes sense, and is also very disheartening. sad.gif Seems like no matter what we do there can be no promise of our wedding. We would have just gone for the K1 route, except I am thinking we have too many red flags... I am 11 years older than he is (I'm 29, he is 18), I will be very recently divorced, and we will only have the one trip where we met IRL (can't afford more). Oh and we've only been together a year.
Feeling somewhat defeated before we even start.
garnet80FemaleCanada2009-09-03 21:58:00
CanadaQuestions about visiting USA from Canada with intent to marry on trip

My fiance and I are planning for him to leave his home in Canada with his parents, to come see me in the USA (Kansas), for about a week. During this week, we plan to get married. We are hoping for Spring, 2010.

I gather it is legal for us to do so.

What I don't understand is if he can cross the border and say he is coming here to get married... or if they will turn him away, thinking he won't leave again. He WILL be leaving, with his parents, and then I will begin either the K3 or the CR1 (we'll figure that out later >.>), to get him back.

In another forum it was suggested he get a visitors visa... does this take care of everything?

Anyone with some insight into this? Google has not been my friend.

Thanks very much.

Edited by garnet80, 03 September 2009 - 09:32 PM.

garnet80FemaleCanada2009-09-03 21:31:00
CanadaCustoms officers killed most of visit to USA
QUOTE (lgg @ Dec 9 2009, 02:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey there, Just want to say that I'm really sorry for what's happened. How about, if I may suggest, you guys get married at city hall or something during this visit and then have a renewal of vows/party when all the immigration stuff is done?
I would really suggest it as with how long it's taking Montreal to schedule, you really want to get your paperwork in and stuff as soon as you can .

I wish you luck. And even if you wanted to do an AOS, (I know you said you aren't but I'm just saying) you can't now with this in his passport and in the system. It will be a little tougher for him to get in so... why not just get married now so you guys can start the process. Use this energy for that rather than using it to try and get his visit prolonged or getting one ready for February
Just my humble...

Good luck!

Thank you. And we would love to do just that. Unfortunately due to finances, I am in the process of a divorce. It's been filed, paid for, but my court date isn't until january 8th. Just four days after they are making him leave... My ex and I have been separated and living apart for a couple of years. I only wish we could have gotten the divorce done sooner... or had some clue this would happen, then we would have booked the trip for later on!
garnet80FemaleCanada2009-12-09 15:54:00
CanadaCustoms officers killed most of visit to USA
We always intended for him to file for the CR1 visa while home in Canada. It is not even a consideration to do anything but that.

A family member of his suggested we visit the local ICE office and see if they will extend the stay. Is this a good idea? If his stay was extended, we could get married since I don't really think he's going to have an easy time getting back in the country, and then he could go home as intended, and we would begin the CR1 visa...

I am so confused as to what is best. I'm scared they wont let him back in. We would never even consider illegal immigration, but of course, they don't know that. We just want to get married, but unfortunately can't do it within the one month they gave us.

Any advice? sad.gif
garnet80FemaleCanada2009-12-09 15:29:00
CanadaCustoms officers killed most of visit to USA
I just noticed that his passport was stamped with "sll no eos/cos" ... what does that mean for us? Is it safe to assume he is going to have a terrible time if he tries to return for two weeks in February?
He is allowed to stay until January 4th, 2010, after his one month stay (Dec 5-Jan 4) now. We want to book a two week trip for him mid to late February.

garnet80FemaleCanada2009-12-09 15:04:00
CanadaCustoms officers killed most of visit to USA
QUOTE (Steve Treible @ Dec 6 2009, 03:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
In actual fact, border guards can search anything you have with you, including the contents of your laptop for no reason whatsoever.

See here for a discussion from a lawyer's perspective and a link to the original document:

- Steve's wife

I don't know if this matters, but he didn't have his laptop on him. He had no computer anything with him. His pc is at home in Canada.
garnet80FemaleCanada2009-12-06 20:11:00
CanadaCustoms officers killed most of visit to USA
To answer the questions:

Getting married in Canada really isn't an option. I can't miss work and have no paid time off.

What he said at the entry point was just that he was going to visit his girlfriend for 3 months. He said marriage was a possibility, but that we had no date set, and wanted to do these three months to be sure before we put anything in stone (which is the truth).

He did not offer to show his email. The guards asked how many email accounts he had, and then told him to log in to it. (This just seemed so wrong to me.) They would have seen us talk about marriage, but should have also seen just a whole bunch about the cr1 visa.

He really doesn't *have* strong ties to Canada at this point. He lives with his parents to save money (he pays them rent, but there is no official documentation). He was between jobs for this trip, which is why he would have been able to stay so long.

We would really rather do the CR1 than the K1... so I guess all we can do is try in a couple months for him to come back, for a shorter trip. I'm still scared to death for him to say his intent is to marry. He will have a new job by then, so that will be one tie I guess. I wonder if he is flagged now... to get grilled every time he comes through.

It really sucks when you try so hard to do things the right way and it goes like this. I am thankful we got a month though, and we will not take a moment of it for granted.

garnet80FemaleCanada2009-12-06 14:43:00
CanadaCustoms officers killed most of visit to USA
Thank you for all of the replies. The reason we can't just quickly marry is that legally, I am still married. My ex moved out long ago... we only just now had the money to file for the divorce. It's been filed and paid for now, just waiting on the court date. Which is three days after customs is demanding my fiancé return home. sleep.gif

I wonder if he would have a hard time getting back in, say in a couple months? For like a two week visit where we get married? There is absolutely no intention for him to stay after we got married. He would return home and we would start the cr-1 process. Now I guess we give up on the three months. I contacted the travel company I booked his flights with, to see if they can help me change his tickets. We aren't trying to get away with anything... we are trying very hard to do everything right, and legally.

I would be scared for him to say his intent was to marry if he visited again though. :/ It was on the table for this trip if at the end, everything was wonderful. It wasn't a for sure thing... we just wanted to make sure it's what we wanted. I think we are both thinking it IS what we want... which is why I'm asking about if he was to attempt to return in like February.

Thanks again.
garnet80FemaleCanada2009-12-06 11:51:00
CanadaCustoms officers killed most of visit to USA
My fiance and I planned a 3 month visit here in the USA. Bought roundtrip tickets, 3 months of travelers insurance, etc. Our plan was, see how most of the three months living together went, then get married, he goes home to Canada, and we begin the CR-1 visa process. This is his second trip here to see me. First visit was for five weeks.

Today was the trip date. He gets pulled out by customs and grilled... they also called me, my mother, and his father. They told him to log into his email, where they read his chat logs, and emails. They decided to let him enter, but only for one month.

Is there anything we can do? We can't afford multiple trips... and don't understand why this even happened. Reading his email they should have seen us talking about doing everything the legal way. Is it possible to appeal this decision? Anyone we can call? They didn't even tell him how he is to return home... we can't afford to have his ticket changed.
We would like to at the very least have half the trip... sad.gif

Thanks for any help.
garnet80FemaleCanada2009-12-06 02:27:00
CanadaContinuation of customs officers killing our trip... passport questions
May I ask if anyone feels it would be a bad idea to contact my congressman?

Also... he will of course be going home on January 4th as the border guard demands. tongue.gif After this, his next trip would be a much shorter two week stay. You guys think that would help his chances, since it isn't by any means an extended visit?

Thanks to all for the thoughts and help shared.
garnet80FemaleCanada2009-12-10 15:48:00
CanadaContinuation of customs officers killing our trip... passport questions
http://www.visajourn...howtopic=231635 <- first thread... kind of taking a life of its own so starting again.

So to sum it up, my finace and I planned a three month trip. He lives in Canada, and I live in the US. We had the roundtrip ticket, and 3 months of travelers health insurance purchased.
He got stopped and grilled... they also called me, my mother, and his father. They told him to log into their computer where they read his email and chat logs.

We were planning to most likely get married before he left, then he would go home and we would file the CR1. I can't get married before February 8th, due to my pending divorce. Been separated a couple years, just couldn't afford it until now. I can't afford to miss work, no paid time off.

We have a whole lot of bad things going against us. I am 11 years older than my fiance, we have only had two trips to meet in person, he has no strong ties to Canada (though we had zero intention of doing anything but totally by the books).

The border guard stamped his passport with no eos/cos, and only allowed him in for one month. We can't of course get married in this time frame...

Some friends of his family are suggesting this is pretty serious, that he wont be allowed back into visit the states without an extended stay visa from the US Consulate closest to where he lives. They also suggested we contact my local congress person...
Does this sound right? Are we just totally screwed? How hard is it to get a visitors visa? We just wanted him to come back one time, in like February. For two weeks.

We did absolutely nothing wrong and now he might not be able to come back into the country... I just don't understand this. And it seems we should have something we can do. Can anyone please advise? We've been hearing a bunch of things... everyone seems to have their own answer. I guess what I'm asking right now is mainly, does that stamp in his passport pretty much promise he wont make it back in for a short trip?

garnet80FemaleCanada2009-12-10 14:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionObtaining Police Certificates in Canada
Looking in another forum... It seems that getting police certificates from the local police forces is more fraught with issues... To say nothing that people have to pay and wait for them.

If you can go to an RCMP office, at least for here in Calgary, they can do it in 5 minutes and it's free, as long as you say it's for Immigration/Visa purposes.

Good Luck,
mr_s_pMaleCanada2007-07-03 20:41:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionUS Citizenship by Birthright?
Perhaps this is not the proper forum for posting this question, but then again, it does say "General Discussion"...

A little bit of background...

I was reading in the K1 Visa forum, as we (My Kansan Fiancee and I) are pursuing a K1/K2 Visa, and a poster in the K1 forum had twigged me onto a very interesting fact, of which I have since done some research on, particularly the 14th Amendment of the Constitution, that if someone was born on US soil, territory or controlled area, they are immediately US Citizen's by birthright ("jus soli") (Thanks, HUSKERKIEV!!!).

I am a Canadian citizen, but I was born in Fontainebleau, France by Canadian parents, my father was in the Canadian Forces in France with NATO before NATO was booted out of France in '67.

But, and this is the interesting fact... I was born in a US Army Dispensary!!! I guess I couldn't wait to come out, and they had to go there for the delivery :lol: . I take it this means that this is "a little piece of US"???

Now the only documentation that I have of this is a very old US form (4 copies by carbon paper, top of which is the original) titled: "REPORT OF CHILD BORN ABROAD OF AMERICAN PARENT(S)". However, the "AMERICAN" is "X"ed out and CANADIAN is typed above it. It is documented on the form that the Place of Birth is "US Army Dispensary, Fontainebleau, France" and signed by both a REGISTRAR and ATTENDING PHYSICIAN who are officers of the US Military (1st LT MSC and CAPT MC).

So, I'm looking for opinions, based on this facts above:

1. Am I a US Citizen by birthright? Is this enough documentation to go forward with this to the Consulate?

2. Are there others that have been in a similar position? If so, have they followed through becoming US Citizens? What was the outcome?

3. I take it that if I am, my boys would automatically get US Citizenship?

What this comes down to, is that it would be kinda pointless to pursue a K1/K2 Visa if I can just go the Citizenship route.

What are all you galls' and guys' thoughts on this?
mr_s_pMaleCanada2007-02-24 15:14:00
CanadaMontreal vs Toronto Consulates
From what I've read in recent posts, I noticed that the Montreal Consulate has been slow in booking interviews...

Whick kinda made me wonder, what kind of timeframe is it for the Vancouver Consulate to book interviews? Are they quicker than Montreal?
mr_s_pMaleCanada2007-03-22 23:53:00
CanadaWho else made plans before visa in hand?
Ideally, the idea was to have everything sorted out for the summer... that way, the kids would finish school here in Canada, and be ready to register for the US school system for the new school year... Figured filing the I129F in January would work towards that... unfortunately, the CSC will take up any leeway time that I had tried to factor in... Oh well... The "saving grace" is that we will go through the Vancouver Embassy, which hopefully will put things back on track.

Irregardless, I don't plan to give notice and quite my job or put the house on the market until I have visa in hand.

We'll see how it goes.

mr_s_pMaleCanada2007-03-28 21:45:00
Canadaone more question....please
I'll be in a similar boat with the same consulate....

From what I've read, 14 is the magic number, but better to bring them anyways.
mr_s_pMaleCanada2007-05-05 23:26:00
CanadaJust curious
When my fiancee (USC) and I (Canadian) started going out a long while ago (2004), we talked this over and it was decided that my skills are more transportable than hers, since I work in the IT Industry doing computer support.

The company that I've worked for almost 9 years has offices worldwide... so therefore I've been networking with managers in the US. This company doesn't do cross-border transfers, but we have since found out that if I was to quit here in Canada, and get hired on immediately to this company's US offices, I can keep my time with the company, which means that I would be able to enrol in benefits immediately, vacation time entitlement, among other things. The prospects in the US offices have been more positive than I had expected, particularly since I will live in rather relatively sparsely populated SW Kansas, as there's a manager in the US that's kinda keen to hire me, but he has to clear it with US offices upper-management... To say nothing of trying to puzzle through this whole waiting 3+ months for the EAD and/or Green Card thing and if they can accomodate this somehow.

I guess, if it was meant to be, then it was meant to be...

So, in short, am I able to do the same career in the US? Seems like I should be able to do it. Though, I could upgrade my skills should I find that I have some free time waiting for the EAD.

mr_s_pMaleCanada2007-05-09 19:24:00
CanadaWhy no Tim's in the US...
I actually sent an email to Tim Hortons Corporate Head Office suggesting a Tim Horton's for Liberal, KS, at the junction of US 54 and US 83....

Needless to say, I got the standard canned response... "Thank you for your email, your email has been forwarded to the appropriate...."

Oh, well... :( I didn't expect much in a response anyways.
mr_s_pMaleCanada2007-05-29 19:06:00
CanadaGood luck Stacey33!!!!!!
Way to go!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!
mr_s_pMaleCanada2007-05-31 19:02:00
CanadaNow I know why my Dad isn't fond of the RCMP

I had my RCMP Police certificate 10 minutes after I walked into the Calgary RCMP Office... and I didn't have to pay anything.

Wonder if I'm missing something...?


Edited by mr_s_p, 04 June 2007 - 10:30 PM.

mr_s_pMaleCanada2007-06-04 22:26:00
CanadaWhy did you choose the US?
When we first met, we had discussed this... she has a home-based Direct Marketing business with which she has built up around the area where she lives to the point where she's in a position of authority. Whereas, I am an IT service provider. We figured that rather than her giving up her unit and having to rebuild everything up here in Canada, I should have a really easy time to apply my IT skillset in the area of smalltown southwest Kansas.
mr_s_pMaleCanada2007-05-30 22:35:00
CanadaCan a child enter the US after the Canadian citizen parent?
K2 children can follow ("Follow-to-join") up to a year later.

I couldn't find information for K2 in USCIS site, but I did find information on the Department of State Site:


Hopefully this URL works...


Hi all,

Help me out here....I seem to remember that the Canadian's child can enter up to 6 months following their parent. Does anyone remember where I might review that info again?

Since it seems that our interview might not be till Sept/Oct (gasp :( ).....there is potential that my teenager will be in the middle of a semester by the time we move or close to exams even so I'm thinking that we'd go down first and then she could follow later with my parents.
I'm curious whether all our papers will be in 1 single envelope from the embassy or whether it's separate for person
I indicated on 1 of the Package 3 forms that she would be accompanying me....which she is eventually, but should I perhaps mention this at the interview so they could prepare separate packages in case?

If there's anyone out there who's either been through it or about to...feel free to share

mr_s_pMaleCanada2007-06-10 20:26:00
CanadaGood grief - these fees are nuts
Actually, to clarify...

After July 30th, when you apply for AOS, it's a package deal, the fees cover the AOS, EAD and AP, though you still have to fill out 3 separate applications... it's in the small printing at the bottom of that PDF document.


I'm sorry - but I just read the fee increases for some of these form and I'm shocked

Am I reading correctly that it will be $1010 for the AOS and $340 for the EAD once we're married? And I assume that will be x 2 because my daughter is 15 and will want to work in the future as well.

Think I'll scale back the wedding plans since I'll need to drop roughly $2700 after the wedding - this is nuts.

Anyone know what they were before....or tell me I'm reading wrong :(

mr_s_pMaleCanada2007-06-02 19:04:00
CanadaSafe flight and POE experience Stacey!!!!
Just wanted to let you know... have a safe journey!!!

Let us know how it goes during the POE.

mr_s_pMaleCanada2007-06-12 20:32:00
CanadaPayment at the Vancouver consulate- cash or bank?
I printed off the deposit slips from the website indicated on the checklist, and made payments with them last week. There are 3 copies of the deposit slip that the teller has to stamp, and they keep the 1 copy ("1 - "Branch") and I have the other 2 stamped copies ("2 - U.S. Consulate" and "3 - U.S. Consulate") in my briefcase for the interview next month.

Unless you deal with the Scotiabank, you still have to have the CDN equivalent cash to deposit to the US Treasury account. I went up to the teller, she told me that she needed the cash, and that (in my case as there are 3 of us) she needed $324.xx (I can't remember the exact amount) to make $300.00USD. I went to their bank machine and withdrew the cash (and ate the service charge!) and went back to the wicket they held for me until I got back. Then I was watching closely making sure the teller stamped all 3 copies of all 3 deposit slips. All in all, a painless process. There is no option for debit or credit, though. Like I mentioned before, it's probably easier for those that deal with Scotiabank on a regular basis as they can just transfer funds through a teller.

Just a point to note, for every person you will need to print the full PDF document of the deposit slips. So, in other words, to use my case, I had to print 3 copies of these 3 pages.

Here's the site the checklist pointed me to:

mr_s_pMaleCanada2007-06-19 23:14:00
CanadaGonna get myself some poutine soon.
You mentioned smoked meat sandwiches...

It's been a long time since I've been to Montreal, well, back in 2003 and then 1990 before that... There is this place on in Pointe Claire out on the west island (suburb of Montreal), and they had the greatest smoked meat sandwiches and a variety of them... Chenoy's it was called.

If I wasn't so full... I could use one now.... :lol:

mr_s_pMaleCanada2007-06-22 22:32:00
CanadaOK, we all know about flames'sss obsession...
I'm sorry... but I'd have to go with my old standby...

Tim Horton's coffee.... there is no substitute.


mmmmm.... Timmy's!!!!!!
mr_s_pMaleCanada2007-06-22 22:34:00
CanadaMontreal: Also to require fee payment in advance.
I had posted this in another thread... In Vancouver, my packet 3 consisted of those directions.... It's actually a painless the process... but we will see come the interview....

"I printed off the deposit slips from the website indicated on the checklist, and made payments with them last week. There are 3 copies of the deposit slip that the teller has to stamp, and they keep the 1 copy ("1 - "Branch") and I have the other 2 stamped copies ("2 - U.S. Consulate" and "3 - U.S. Consulate") in my briefcase for the interview next month.

Unless you deal with the Scotiabank, you still have to have the CDN equivalent cash to deposit to the US Treasury account. I went up to the teller, she told me that she needed the cash, and that (in my case as there are 3 of us) she needed $324.xx (I can't remember the exact amount) to make $300.00USD. I went to their bank machine and withdrew the cash (and ate the service charge!) and went back to the wicket they held for me until I got back. Then I was watching closely making sure the teller stamped all 3 copies of all 3 deposit slips. All in all, a painless process. There is no option for debit or credit, though. Like I mentioned before, it's probably easier for those that deal with Scotiabank on a regular basis as they can just transfer funds through a teller.

Just a point to note, for every person you will need to print the full PDF document of the deposit slips. So, in other words, to use my case, I had to print 3 copies of these 3 pages.

Here's the site the checklist pointed me to:

Scott. "

mr_s_pMaleCanada2007-06-24 01:15:00
CanadaUS Banking Vs Canadian Banking
I just wanted to get everyone's input whether there's a difference between US Banks and Canadian Banks and what these differences are...

For example:

-in the US, you can drive up to these banks and use vacuum tubes to conduct your transactions with a live teller... Don't see that in Canada!!!
-In Canada, I can walk into a branch and deposit cash through a teller and immediately go across the street to Tim Horton's for my coffee and use debit to draw on that cash... From what I've seen with my fiancee, she deposits cash and can't use it until it clears (usually a day), even though she deposited it through a teller.

Anybody else have any examples of differences between US and Canadian banks?

mr_s_pMaleCanada2007-06-27 23:38:00
CanadaPolice Certificate question
I, too, had mine done through the RCMP offices in NorthEast Calgary, up by the airport past Deerfoot Mall.

It was free and I got it within 5 minutes...

mr_s_pMaleCanada2007-07-03 17:54:00
CanadaMedical Review - Calgary
Hey.... Good idea, Cassie...

Thanks, Lance!!!

mr_s_pMaleCanada2007-07-05 08:49:00