CanadaPolice check form filling out question
My fiance is doing his paperwork today, and is at the Canadian police check, form, Consent for Disclosure of Criminal Record Information.

In part 2 of the form, it has boxes, Full name, Title, Name of Organization, Address, City, Province, Postal Code.

Does he just answer the name and address (etc) part and ignore the rest, since he is just himself and not doing this for a company or whatever? I'm sorry if this is obvious. >.<

On the other side, the form, Consent for a criminal record check for a sexual offence for which a pardon has been granted or issued, reason for consent section, It has, description of the paid or volunteer position, name of the person or organization, and details regarding the children or vulnerable person(s)
Which he put N/A into all of them. Is this okay?

This is his first paperwork of the process, and he asked me to ask.

Thank you...

Edited by garnet80, 20 March 2010 - 07:57 PM.

garnet80FemaleCanada2010-03-20 19:56:00
CanadaVancouver interview question (K1)
My fiance and I have been reading over the reviews of the Vancouver interviews. Most of the questions that seem to always be asked are easy, no problem.

The one that trips us up, is, how much does your fiance make? I make like $7k a year. I make minimum wage, raise freeze at my retail company, and my hours are whatever they feel like giving me that week. (I'm looking for something else.) This is why we have a co-sponsor (she makes something like 6-8k over the requirement)... but that sounds REALLY bad. Does anyone have experience with this? How can he answer this so it isn't like, omg, how are you going to live until you begin work?

My mother and I share a house, we each pay our own bills, but help each other as needed. My fiance moving in, it wont be a problem.

It just seems like if he says "Around seven thousand a year" ... ouch.

Also, I work retail. My mom works retail. Likely, my fiance will be working some form of retail once legally able to work. Is this looked down upon?

We are waiting for his packet 4 letter any day now, so we are trying to prepare for the interview.

Thank you for any assistance!
garnet80FemaleCanada2010-03-26 22:29:00
CanadaHow long is too long for packet 4, K1 Vancouver
Thanks you guys! I actually emailed them right away :whistle: and found out my fiance's interview is April 29! We couldn't have asked for better. I'm so excited! :)
garnet80FemaleCanada2010-04-06 17:18:00
CanadaHow long is too long for packet 4, K1 Vancouver

Remember you do have 6 months to use the visa, so I don't see what's so bad about getting it now then just not using it until you need to.

Thanks everyone. I guess if we don't hear by Wednesday or Thursday we'll send off an email.

And there is nothing bad about getting it now! The sooner the better! :)
garnet80FemaleCanada2010-04-05 01:17:00
CanadaHow long is too long for packet 4, K1 Vancouver
Could anyone give an average wait time between faxing in the checklist and that biographical sheet (or whatever it's called), and receiving your interview date? I think we are still in a reasonable time frame since there was no mail Friday, Saturday, or Monday... but I'm just curious how long it generally takes in Vancouver.
The only info I'm finding is on Montreal, from searches. The only reason I wonder, is just because of the fact that it was faxed, and maybe it didn't make it. (Paranoid? Yes.)
We only faxed in on 3.25.10 so like I said, I don't think it's time to worry yet. But then for all I know, maybe it takes a month! I just saw on the K1 flowchart, one week. Thats what I was going by.

Also, it seems like, just from looking at timelines that interviews are like 4-6 weeks-ish from packet 4? Does that seem right? We put that our hopeful wedding was 7.22, and POE 6.1 (random answer, which I am sure is too early).
Our requested interview was the first available thursday (preferred), or the first available late wednesday.
Again, all I can find is talk of Montreal.

If I am missing a way to check these things for myself, please let me know and I'll do it.
garnet80FemaleCanada2010-04-04 17:56:00
CanadaPreparing to book flight for med/interview in Vancouver, quick question
And thanks to HeatDeath, that is exactly where we are going to book his stay at. We were going to do all the booking tonight, but I guess we better wait until the medical is confirmed first. >.<
We are really grateful to have learned of this place, anywhere else would have just broken our budget totally.
So TYVM! :)
garnet80FemaleCanada2010-04-06 23:11:00
CanadaPreparing to book flight for med/interview in Vancouver, quick question
Yes... that was kind of the goal. Is there a problem with it?
garnet80FemaleCanada2010-04-06 19:22:00
CanadaPreparing to book flight for med/interview in Vancouver, quick question
Ah I see. My fiance can only miss the one week of work, so that isn't good to hear!
garnet80FemaleCanada2010-04-06 19:14:00
CanadaPreparing to book flight for med/interview in Vancouver, quick question
Okay, thank you. He does have the envelope already purchased in case it's needed.

One other question... we just sent the request for the medical. Couldn't really do it without an interview date... is it pretty safe that we'll get it? >.< I don't think I've read any cases of interviews having to be rescheduled because the medical couldn't happen...
garnet80FemaleCanada2010-04-06 18:53:00
CanadaPreparing to book flight for med/interview in Vancouver, quick question
My fiance's K1 interview is April 29. We had originally thought that we would need to have the passport mailed back to him, but now we can afford an extra night at the motel. So my question is, the visa/passport, they are ready the day following the interview? Friday the 30th in our case? I thought I had read this, but of course I can't find it now.
Thank you!
garnet80FemaleCanada2010-04-06 18:33:00
CanadaOur documents for Vancouver K1 Interview
Thank you guys for checking our list, and for the medical info! It gives us a better bit of security to hear that we have included everything and not forgotten things! :)
garnet80FemaleCanada2010-04-10 16:03:00
CanadaOur documents for Vancouver K1 Interview
It was suggested in my other freak out post :hehe: that we list what we have set to go. We would so much appreciate anyone to go over it and see if they notice anything missing, or wrong.

First up, the medical packet.
photocopy of identity page from passport
letter with case number (we used the packet 3 letter)
3 cut apart passport style photos, cut apart
Vaccination report:
2 hep b shots (3rd isn't due yet)
men-c-acwy (menactra)
titre test result showing immunity to varicella
he will be wearing his glasses
bank draft for $330

Interview items:
complete copy of I-129f package I sent in, this time with originals
a new letter from each of us confirming that we will marry within 90 days, signed and dated
copy of NOA2
proof of ongoing relationship (lots of evidence and photos)
both original birth certificates, long version (and a copy of each in case we can get originals back
USC (my) old marriage certificate
My divorce decree
Canada wide police certificate name check thingie
2 passport style photos, cut apart
2 deposit slips from paying visa fee
2 copies of the DS 156
DS 156K
An affidavit of support from me, letter from my employer, past 3 years of tax transcripts, a few paycheck stubs
An affidavit of support from my mother (co sponsor), letter from her employer, past 3 years of tax transcripts, several paycheck stubs

For the medical, is there a form he is supposed to request to make the AOS easier? I thought I read this, can't find it...

We thank you very much for looking over this list for us. An extra set of eyes would be wonderful.

Edited by garnet80, 09 April 2010 - 08:53 PM.

garnet80FemaleCanada2010-04-09 20:52:00
CanadaThis has got to be the hardest part!
Thanks everyone. And a special thank you for those that privately sent me some of the more personal questions we might be asked. It's great to have them in mind, and to discuss the answers. The next 18 days I will still worry myself sick, I am sure, but it does sound like it's pretty hopeful we'll be approved.
garnet80FemaleCanada2010-04-10 16:00:00
CanadaThis has got to be the hardest part!
Thank you all for the answers and insight. If anyone cares to share some of the harder questions, even by PM, we would appreciate it. We've been on webcam tonight talking about answers to what we think might come up... but what do we know lol. The reviews all seem to have very very basic questions, and then here you guys are saying they get personal and such. We think we have the correct paperwork, but I am sure our answers could use some work.

Again, thank you for the replies, and reassurances. It seems we maybe have a good shot.
garnet80FemaleCanada2010-04-09 22:31:00
CanadaThis has got to be the hardest part!
His response about my recent divorce is that we separated in early 2008, and he moved in with his girlfriend and her children. He refused to help pay for the divorce, which is why it took so long. We lived apart long before the divorce was final.

I was thinking I could add more paycheck stubs in with the financial documents. Would it be a moot point to put more of mine, since my income doesn't matter? Would it make sense to just use more of my mothers since it is her income that pushes us over the limit?

I'm surprised, I thought getting married here after a failed K1 would result in a big no no of doing so. Because I mean, it's iffy if you come in with intent to marry... they don't seem to like that. But you are supposed to be honest lol. There is no winning with the border guard!
garnet80FemaleCanada2010-04-09 18:40:00
CanadaThis has got to be the hardest part!
Thank you for your reply. I'm afraid I can't afford to go with him. We have the money for everything he needs, but there isn't enough for me in there too.

He never overstayed, I don't believe they will find any medical conditions, and I think he has all the documents. My worries are just the age difference, his age, my recent divorce mostly. >.< I can't imagine they would doubt the legitimacy of our relationship. That is one worry I don't have lol.

I hope we have enough financial proof. >.<

We would have to get married in Canada wouldn't we? If we were denied? If we did it in the US that could get him banned?
garnet80FemaleCanada2010-04-09 18:25:00
CanadaThis has got to be the hardest part!
I first thought getting packet 1 ready to go was rough, but no... then I thought the wait for NOA2 was pretty rough, wrong again. Now here we are 19 days from the K1 interview in Vancouver. Flights are booked, motel is booked. All of the paperwork is in order. We've read the Vancouver reviews that are up. But I'm so scared. I don't see why he wouldn't be approved, but it could easily happen. The things that people say aren't red flags in Vancouver, they scare me too (I am recently divorced, engaged while very separated but still married all the same. I am 11 years his senior... he will be turning 19 two weeks after the interview, his AGE itself...)

I worry that my tiny income will raise questions, even though my co-sponsor makes a few thousand more than she needs to. I worry that we didn't provide enough financial info. We each did 3 years of tax transcripts, letter from employer, paycheck stubs and each filled out our form.

I think we are fine on evidence of relationship? He's taking about 50 photos, print outs of a few emails from each of us over the past year, copies of postage from packages sent, he's taking in actual letters I sent him, and I scanned a couple and emailed them. We also got a letter of support of our relationship from my mom, and two of our friends. I added an evolution of relationship in case that comes up.

He speaks well, will have no problem answering questions, remembers dates, people, etc. So thats good.

I know we're lucky to have Vancouver be where he is interviewed. We have had incredibly fast processing times with this whole process. I am terrified our luck has run out.

If he gets it, he will be moving in two weeks, on his birthday (assuming passport and visa are in hand).

My last worry is, if he's declined, what then? The options all seem pretty awful.

And I have one very off topic and random question, if anyone knows. Say your Canadian husband, newly married in the US gets you pregnant. Can the USC apply for medicaid if the insurance she has isn't up to par? Is it only the beneficiary that needs to stay away from govt benefits? This isn't my problem, and isn't GOING to be my problem lol, I am just curious.

Thank you to anyone that took the time to read through this. I'm sure everyone that has gone through this has had worry hit preinterview...
garnet80FemaleCanada2010-04-09 17:11:00
CanadaCould someone please double check our map? Vancouver consulate & Working Medical
Is it a long walk? Folks have told me it's very do-able. ####### lol.

Thanks to you both for checking our map.
garnet80FemaleCanada2010-04-14 14:35:00
CanadaCould someone please double check our map? Vancouver consulate & Working Medical
Sorry, motel address was meant as 1100. Too late to edit. >.<
garnet80FemaleCanada2010-04-14 05:04:00
CanadaCould someone please double check our map? Vancouver consulate & Working Medical
My fiance is trying to prepare with maps for when he gets there in two weeks...
Posted Image

A = Burrard Inn
1144 Burrard St
Vancouver, BC

B = Medical
1144 Burrard St
Vancouver, BC
(assuming this is in building 1144, and in like, suite #250 ??)

C = US Consulate
1095 W Pender St
Vancouver, BC

He'll be using the skytrain from the airport, and walking the rest of his journey.

I know the maps should do it, but confirmation can't hurt right? >.<

Thank you!

Edited by garnet80, 14 April 2010 - 04:59 AM.

garnet80FemaleCanada2010-04-14 04:58:00
CanadaK1 age at the interview in Vancouver
My fiance is 18. He will be 19 two weeks after his interview. Anyway, as I understand it, 19 is the magical age in BC. Does he need parental permission to marry taken to the interview with him? >.>
He could get married at 18 here, and he'll be 19 by that time anyway, but I don't want something so stupid to cause a denial.

I can't seem to find if it only matters where the marriage is taking place, or if his being 18 at the interview will cause a problem. Anything I did find spoke of being 18, but then, that doesn't mean much if 19 is the age there.

Any thoughts?
garnet80FemaleCanada2010-04-15 13:55:00
CanadaAnother Visa Approved!
Thank you all so much. I apologize for my late response here, was in the hospital with a kidney stone. Some bad times! Anyway, all of your kind words are much appreciated. :) My fiance will be here in just 11 days! Very surreal feeling.
garnet80FemaleCanada2010-05-03 23:48:00
CanadaAnother Visa Approved!
Had to post this here, since without you all on this board especially, I don't think we would be in this very happy place right now. :D

My fiance had no problems at all in his interview, and I will try to get him to write up reviews before he forgets everything. :)

Hopeful move in date is May 15th. So happy. I can't believe we get to stop staring at the iChat screen and finally, finally at each other.

Thank you guys so much for all the help, from my first noob question, to my last. Probably more to come. :P
garnet80FemaleCanada2010-04-29 19:02:00
CanadaMailing from Canada to new home in US?
Thank you all!
garnet80FemaleCanada2010-05-07 11:28:00
CanadaMailing from Canada to new home in US?
My fiance is moving in with me May 15. He doesn't have a lot to move... a suitcase, two carry on bags, and a box. He wants to mail the (large-ish) box to me using Canada Post. Is there any way to avoid fees on my end? I've found a bunch of answers to this, and they seem conflicting.

Thank you!
garnet80FemaleCanada2010-05-07 04:04:00
CanadaGiving more cash?
I'm almost positive my fiance didn't have to pay anything besides the $131.
Good luck with your interview! :D
garnet80FemaleCanada2010-05-15 01:22:00
CanadaVancouver Consulate Interviewer, ???
I found a picture of him online, and he's the guy! Thank you so much. :D
garnet80FemaleCanada2010-09-08 17:04:00
CanadaVancouver Consulate Interviewer, ???
Hello again! I am not sure where this is best posted. I'll try here...

My new husband had his K-1 interview in Vancouver, in April of 2010. He was thinking about the man that interviewed him, and told me how much he regrets not knowing his name. I said there is a chance you guys might know, so he hesitantly asked me to ask.

What he remembers is that he thinks he was bald, had a beard, thinks it was brown. He was very nice, calming, he said he had either a son or nephew that plays WoW. He realizes this is not much to go on...

He was telling me that he will never forget this man, and he just wishes that he had a name. So yeah, it's a long shot, but maybe someone will know just who he is.

We would appreciate any guesses! I can tell this means a lot to him, so the least I can do is make a post.

Thanks for any help. :)
garnet80FemaleCanada2010-09-08 03:47:00
CanadaChristmas Present Thread
We are too broke to do Christmas this year. I feel really badly that we can't send gifts to the inlaws. :(

I did manage to get a surprise for my husband. We had our green card interview on the 14th and were approved, so now that I know he's staying for real, I added him to my cell plan, and got him a new phone. He's been without one for over six months, just started a new job, so I hope he'll be excited about it.

Next year maybe we'll be in a better position, and be able to spoil the baby and each other. :)
garnet80FemaleCanada2010-12-21 16:48:00
CanadaCanadian Christmas Presents?
dh got the chocolate smarties, and his fav caramilk.
garnet80FemaleCanada2011-01-01 18:26:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionJust passed AOS, but thinking about the future
Thank you v333k! I'm relieved to know we have this option and it wont hurt dh!
garnet80FemaleCanada2010-12-16 12:38:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionJust passed AOS, but thinking about the future
Great, that is a relief. Thank you very much!
garnet80FemaleCanada2010-12-15 22:44:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionJust passed AOS, but thinking about the future
I've kind of asked this before, but where we are in the process has changed, so I'll ask again.

Yesterday was our AOS interview, and we were told by the officer that he was recommending approval. So assuming that goes well, the next immigration step will be 90 days before his two year gc expires.

Anyway, I am pregnant. I have amazing health insurance, but there is a very, very strong chance I will lose it before the birth of the baby. My work offers a plan that is more or less worthless and there is a good chance dh wont have access to good coverage by then either.

I am fairly sure that the baby and I would qualify for medicaid. I would rather not go on assistance, and would get off of it as soon as I could, but the health of the baby is top priority of course. My long winded post just comes down to, will it have any possible way to hurt my dh and his removal of conditions if I end up using public assistance for health care, for a brief period(he will not be on it at any time)?

Thanks for any thoughts.
garnet80FemaleCanada2010-12-15 21:53:00
CanadaMoving: Canada to USA. What company did u use to ship ur stuff?
A lot of people seems to be happy with ABF's UPACK... I'll be looking to use them when I'm ready to move... Hopefully this summer.

Some merit to the thought of "store, ship and forget"... ;)

mr_s_pMaleCanada2007-06-05 22:18:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOctober filers

Congrats! MR_S_P.

MR_S_P, I'm sorry if I'm being rude by asking you this, but could you share your ideas of why it took little longer?

My process is taking longer than other December filers and I'm desperate for any answers.
I think my documents were pretty solid and not sure why it is taking so long.

Thank you in advance.

Again, Congratulation Mr. SP

I'm not sure why mine took longer...

Perhaps because I received NOAs from both California, then Vermont, but it was adjudicated in Kansas City? Kansas City is where the approval letter came from... I suspect, what with the K2s that I brought with me, that the files may have got split up and when I called the 1-800 line, they looked for them and found them.

Perhaps they randomly pick applications and do a "deep dive" on them (like a deeper investigation)?

I do suspect that if I had not phoned the 1-800 number, it may have taken longer for it to get adjudicated...

Not much help, I know...

mr_s_pMaleCanada2010-05-06 15:17:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOctober filers
California Service Center - CSC 16/20 approved (80% approved)

VJName.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
VNOE...............10/03/09..........10/13/09.......11/02/09........03/20/10.... (card received 3/29)
THESNOWMAN.........10/10/09..........10/20/09.......--/--/--........12/04/09.... without BIO
AP.HAR1............10/10/09..........10/13/09.......11/17/09........04/02/10.... Bio retaken 12/16/2009 RFE 2/2/10
BROOKLYN23.........10/15/09..........10/16/09.......11/23/09........11/23/09.... (early bio on 11/05/09)
ENDLESS............10/23/09..........11/06/09.......12/03/09........01/06/10.... (RFE received 12/23)(card received 1/16)
PLUMPERSTILLSKINS..10/27/09..........11/20/09.......12/10/09........12/16/09.... (card received 12/23)
JEANNEVICTORIA.....10/28/09..........10/30/09.......12/16/09........01/07/10.... (card received 1/14)

Vermont Service Center - VSC 20/21 approved (95% approved)

VJName.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
INDIETRO09.........09/29/09...........10/05/09......11/10/09........04/23/10.... (RFE received 3/15)(card received 5/01)
MR_S_P.............10/05/09...........10/07/09......11/18/09........04/28/10.... (Card received 5/06/10)
DEJIMA ............10/06/09...........10/09/09......11/20/09........01/04/10....
NANGGROE...........10/08/09...........10/13/09......11/09/09........02/08/10.... (card received 2/16/10)
KIMBERLY&TAREK.....10/09/09...........10/19/09......11/09/09........03/24/10.... (RFE received 2/8/10)
ILLIDAN............10/19/09...........10/22/09......11/20/09........03/11/10.... (card received 3/19)
PEPEGALLETA........10/20/09...........10/30/09......11/18/09........01/22/10.... (card received 1/28)
HAPPYCARO..........10/20/09...........10/28/09......12/11/09........02/19/10.... (Bio retaken 1/19/10) (card received 2/27)
V333K..............10/22/09...........10/26/09......11/20/09........02/03/10.... (Card received 2/17/10)
BABYDOLL**.........10/22/09...........10/26/09......11/27/09........01/26/10.... (Card received 02/03/10)
ERIN_AND_MURAARI...10/23/09...........10/27/09......11/30/09........01/26/10.... (Card received 02/03/10)
SRTACARLA..........10/24/09...........10/26/09......11/24/09........--/--/10.... (Card received 02/12/10)
ED*RIZA............10/26/09...........10/30/09......12/11/09........01/23/10.... (card received 01/30/2010)
SUDA...............10/26/09...........10/31/09......11/24/09........03/19/10.... (card received 03/26/10)
DOGWOOD_POET.......10/27/09...........11/02/09......12/11/09........02/26/10.... (Card received 3/04/10)
TOO HOT TOO COLD...10/31/09...........11/03/09......12/03/09........02/19/10.... (Card received 02/26/10)

*Make sure that your VJ Text Editor setting is set to Rich Text Editor.
*Go to the MOST RECENTLY POSTED VERSION of this list (go to the last post and scroll UP) and "Reply" to it, deleting the "quote" tags in your reply.
* Please DO NOT change the font, font size, add colors, stuff like that.
* Please PREVIEW before posting to make sure it is properly formatted.

Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

*Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list
*When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly*
*If you cannot add your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.*

Edited by mr_s_p, 06 May 2010 - 03:08 PM.

mr_s_pMaleCanada2010-05-06 15:05:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOctober filers

They production ordered the cards today!!!! :dance:
mr_s_pMaleCanada2010-04-28 17:41:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOctober filers

Ho hum.... <Sigh>....

No touch since 11/19/2009

Called up the 1-800 line and let them know that it's outside the 6 month window, spent about an hour on the line while they got all the information down. Got the email response indicating that they received the query....

... Still waiting....


mr_s_pMaleCanada2010-04-21 15:09:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOctober filers
California Service Center - CSC 14/21 approved (66.7% approved)

VJName.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
THESNOWMAN.........10/10/09..........10/20/09.......--/--/--........12/04/09.... without BIO
AP.HAR1............10/10/09..........10/13/09.......11/17/09........--/--/--.... Bio retaken 12/16/2009 RFE 2/2/10
BROOKLYN23.........10/15/09..........10/16/09.......11/23/09........11/23/09.... (early bio on 11/05/09)
ENDLESS............10/23/09..........11/06/09.......12/03/09........01/06/10.... (RFE received 12/23)(card received 1/16)
PLUMPERSTILLSKINS..10/27/09..........11/20/09.......12/10/09........12/16/09.... (card received 12/23)
JEANNEVICTORIA.....10/28/09..........10/30/09.......12/16/09........01/07/10.... (card received 1/14)

Vermont Service Center - VSC 17/21 approved (81% approved)

VJName.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
INDIETRO09.........09/29/09...........10/05/09......11/10/09........--/--/--.... (RFE received 3/15/10)
DEJIMA ............10/06/09...........10/09/09......11/20/09........01/04/10....
NANGGROE...........10/08/09...........10/13/09......11/09/09........02/08/10.... (card received 2/16/10)
KIMBERLY&TAREK.....10/09/09...........10/19/09......11/09/09........--/--/--.... (RFE received 2/8/10)
ILLIDAN............10/19/09...........10/22/09......11/20/09........03/11/10.... (card received 3/19)
PEPEGALLETA........10/20/09...........10/30/09......11/18/09........01/22/10.... (card received 1/28)
HAPPYCARO..........10/20/09...........10/28/09......12/11/09........02/19/10.... (Bio retaken 1/19/10) (card received 2/27)
V333K..............10/22/09...........10/26/09......11/20/09........02/03/10.... (Card received 2/17/10)
BABYDOLL**.........10/22/09...........10/26/09......11/27/09........01/26/10.... (Card received 02/03/10)
ERIN_AND_MURAARI...10/23/09...........10/27/09......11/30/09........01/26/10.... (Card received 02/03/10)
SRTACARLA..........10/24/09...........10/26/09......11/24/09........--/--/10.... (Card received 02/12/10)
ED*RIZA............10/26/09...........10/30/09......12/11/09........01/23/10.... (card received 01/30/2010)
DOGWOOD_POET.......10/27/09...........11/02/09......12/11/09........02/26/10.... (Card received 3/04/10)
TOO HOT TOO COLD...10/31/09...........11/03/09......12/03/09........02/19/10.... (Card received 02/26/10

*Make sure that your VJ Text Editor setting is set to Rich Text Editor.
*Go to the MOST RECENTLY POSTED VERSION of this list (go to the last post and scroll UP) and "Reply" to it, deleting the "quote" tags in your reply.
* Please DO NOT change the font, font size, add colors, stuff like that.
* Please PREVIEW before posting to make sure it is properly formatted.

Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

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mr_s_pMaleCanada2010-03-22 14:07:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOctober filers
QUOTE (mr_s_p @ Oct 23 2009, 02:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (nanggroe @ Oct 15 2009, 01:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mr_s_p @ Oct 13 2009, 03:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Submitted via registered snail-mail my I-751 on Oct 5, 2009.

Just received my NOA today.

To CSC or VSC?? I dont know where to put your name into...

Mine was an NOA from California and receive that Oct 13th... However, my 17 yr old son just got an NOA from Vermont in the snail mail today. Hoping that they are still keeping the files together and maybe I'll get something in the mail from Vermont in the next day or so...

Also, my NOA from California is dated 10/07/2009...

Are they in the habit of changing Service Centers for Removal of Conditions? Eg: Where California is supposed to be the one I submit to based on the state I'm in, do they push some of the work to Vermont?
mr_s_pMaleCanada2009-10-23 15:55:00