United KingdomInterview in 7 days and SO nervous! Help!

You are worrying too much. If you will look at the lighter blue menu bar at the top of the page and find Reviews:Embassy, there are 500+ reviews where many tell the questions they were asked in London. The only thing you need to worry about is showing up with the right documents like birth certificate, police certificate, Affidavit of Support, etc. You need no further proof of your relationship, engagement, emails, photos together. London does not look at them.

Thank you!
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-08-12 07:44:00
United KingdomInterview in 7 days and SO nervous! Help!

People have misconceptions about the type of questions that they ask. Its just stuff like where did you meet rather than what colour is her toothbrush. Its the kind of questions that if you are a legit couple the answers should come naturally, they are not designed to trip you up. However if they see something in your file that they want clarification on they may ask about that too.


I googled sample questions and one was "who is your fiancee's supervisor?" I have always referred to her as my supervisor. I was thinking ummm uhoh. I told him as soon as we talked again but I suppose if they ask something like that you just answer "I don't know her name but I could tell you this about her..." so they can ask the other party a question to verify if they think something is up. So apparently we are worrying too much about it as well?
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-08-11 15:32:00
United KingdomInterview in 7 days and SO nervous! Help!
I hope so uk because that's where I'll be having mine. he just needs to prepare for different questions about you
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-08-09 14:18:00
United KingdomQuestion for fellow London Embassy fiances who are post-interview
Thank you to everyone!!! Much appreciated!!!
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-08-20 10:37:00
United KingdomQuestion for fellow London Embassy fiances who are post-interview
I was reading through a post the other day that I now can't seem to find...

If I understand this correctly, once we get an NVC # he can go ahead and set up the medical if he has his NOA2 in hand? Then at some point he gets a letter from the Embassy or we can call to verify that they have the case and he sends in those documents listed on the Embassy info page on this site. The interview is scheduled like 5 weeks out? At that time he takes a copy of everything (some forms require more than one copy) to the interview. They may approve on the spot. If they approve on the spot we get the visa possibly as soon as 24 hours later. You pay a 14.50 pound fee for courier service to have this delivered. The forms from the medical: do they give those back to him in a sealed envelope or do they send those via courier to the Embassy? I am really confused about the process after the NVC gets the approval and paperwork.
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-08-19 19:52:00
United KingdomHELP!!!

I have separated from my husband after 6 yrs due to verbal and emotional abuse, unfortunately i do not have to money to buy a plane ticket to return to Scotland. Is there any way that the British Embassy will help me get home?? I am currently staying with my inlaws who have been good about this, but it's causing problems between them and their son. I can't stay here much longer or he'll go on the rampage.

You may try to get help from a domestic violence shelter. Although I doubt-but perhaps-they would be able to fund a ticket, they could help with alternate housing arrangements. (If you are desperate, they are usually not a fun place to be.) Additionally, if any newbies ever research this topic... I think immigrants should always plan an escape route when coming over here. I used to work at a domestic violence agency and you would not believe the number of immigrant women stranded because of abusive husbands. You need to have the cost of a ticket saved back away from your spouse, be sure you know how to call police, your parents, etc. I could not imagine moving to another country and not doing this but probably only because of where I have worked.
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-09-03 10:54:00
United Kingdomsending mail to the US

hi. i was wondering what the quickest and most secure way of sending mail to the US was?? the reason i ask is because i sent my fiance some stuff in the mail 3 weeks ago by airsure which should of taken 6 days to get there and it hasnt arrived yet. when checking 'track and trace' it just says it is overseas and i cant report it lost until 25 days have passed. i am ready to send her all my stuff to start off our I-129F process but im now worried about sending it through the royal mail as i dont know what happened to the last mail i sent. any advice would be very welcome :)

I know this is an old topic but in the off chance that someone new might actually figure out how to use the google feature... Had you thought of scanning to send stuff? We did alot of that. Of course we have not received our NOA2 yet to see if it worked out but considering you are not sending originals in anyway...
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-09-03 10:43:00
United KingdomUK Debt in USA - Relaunched Topic

Hey, I am in a similar situation in that we have some credit card debt to pay off in the UK, but we'll be paying it off from the US. If you transfer money from a US bank account into a UK bank account, it can cost up to £25 per international transfer. It generally costs about £10 to pay a US cheque into a UK bank account, which therefore works out more cost effective. The way my fiance and I are attacking our recently accrued credit card debts, is to send a cheque home every month or two, which my mum will pay into my UK bank account. It costs £6 per cheque up to $500, and £12 per cheque up to $15000 with my bank. Hope this helps! (Also, you are not obligated to pay your student loans off whilst you are working abroad, but obviously it helps not to accrue further interest on them... however my sister who works in Dubai was recently told that after 12years if you have not made any payments towards your student loan, it gets written off - but I have NO idea if this is actually true!!)

Have you tried paypal? I don't know if it is cheaper?
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-09-03 10:36:00
United KingdomWhen Calling The Extortion Hotline
At the point of NVC, isn't she working on her application for her visa? You would have submitted the petition but she applies for the visa. Totally agree with Dan and Jenni.
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-08-27 02:56:00
United KingdomLet's do a thread on how we pass the time while waiting
Love these ideas! I also found just worrying about the immediate next step helps. I have had to not spend too much time researching. I am trying to just not think about things. Wish I had started my masters. Would be an excellent distraction! Perhaps after AOS.
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-09-11 20:49:00
United KingdomLet's do a thread on how we pass the time while waiting

We play iSketch online together -

cool! Thanks!
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-09-10 11:01:00
United KingdomLet's do a thread on how we pass the time while waiting
I check VJ obsessively but need to maybe focus on other things. We pretty much have everything we need gathered at this point. We are just gathering things as we go now such as paystubs, etc. What does everyone else do to keep busy?
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-09-09 21:04:00
United KingdomThankyou!!!!
John lives in the West Country, works in Bristol. I will have to mention that VJ has a celebrity coming to the US. Welcome to America!
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-09-29 06:08:00
United KingdomInterview At Embassy :'(

They gave form, and gave him back his passport

and the form said what...?
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2012-01-05 21:16:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy
Thank you both, The only one I haven't got is Influenza they said they only give it to people over the age of 50. But I'll ask at the medical anyway just in case.
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2012-01-19 13:09:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy

It's best to know London has logged in your case before they start receiving things from you. You know they are ready for you when you get the letter from the embassy or you call DOS who can say if it's logged in. Could be hanging in the mail room a bit so no file is set up.

London has worked out the most efficient way (in their minds) how they want to handle cases. Calling and trying to circumvent their procedures or jump the gun isn't always effective. Their plan is

  • Submit the DS 230 Part 1, DS-156, DS-156K, DS-157 with no photos or personal documents.
  • Medical results arrive.
  • Send DS-2001 notice of readiness letting them know you have all your documents in hand, have done #1 and 2, and when you are hoping to marry.

Nick-Nick on no.1 you have entered no photos or personal doc. Does this mean that you don't send in your Passport sized photos?
Please let me know so that I can get my filing re-organised. I have an appointment with Knightsbridge for the 27th, do I deliver the medical docs or Knightsbridge to the Embassy?
Again thank you so much for your help.

Edited by JohnandWendyB, 18 January 2012 - 06:39 PM.

JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2012-01-18 18:32:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy
Thanks Nick Nick,

I booked my medical for next Friday hopefully they will have the documents then I tried calling the DOS number you had provided but unfortunately it is no longer in use, so I had to call the 1.20 line I was on the line for three minutes with the operator who was most helpful. He said whilst i was waiting for my medical that I could get my paperwork ready. Printing documents has never been so expensive lol
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2012-01-18 13:41:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy

the embassy will send your fiance a letter a few days to a week after receiving your case from the nvc telling him to go here...

Thank you Dan and Jenni I am John based in England and I was the person who got in contact with the NVC & US Embassy(London.
My question was does my Fiancee need to contact the Embassy to start up a temporary file as my medical is next week.
All my paperwork has been filled out in advance just waiting even though I know that's part of this process anyway.

Edited by JohnandWendyB, 17 January 2012 - 06:32 PM.

JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2012-01-17 18:29:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy
I have being in touch with the NVC via e-mail and they have provided me with the LND number. I contacted the London Embassy after the NVC has said that they have sent the file forward to the Embassy.
Does my fiancee need to contact the Embassy to request them to start up a temporary case file or do they set the case up automatically?
As my fiancee has not personally received notification from the NVC.
I have also contacted the Embassy inquiring if they have received the case file and they have said no after a week has past. I also requested the e-mail code for which the Embassy replied that they prefered not to give that out unless it was case specific.
Thank you for your any advice you can provide.
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2012-01-17 18:06:00
United KingdomAnyone wish they were back in the UK

You mean this nonsense????

Posted Image

Hahaha. I think that got started because it was a country after fighting for independence from Mexico. Remember the Alamo, etc. Then they decided to hook-up with the USA.

It's fairly cheap to live here, but we do so in spite of heat, roaches, mosquitoes, fire ants, snakes, hurricanes, no mountains...Nope, that's generalizing too because that's our area. Other parts are totally different like every other place you might live. I asked hubby what surprised him most when he first visited here and he said that it seemed normal--tall trees, thick green grass, neighborhoods. Guess he was expecting a log cabin plopped in a desert with cactus as the main vegetation.

Anyway...we get used to what we've always known and I can understand being uprooted to another culture would be very difficult.

Hehehe I think you have to be a certain sort of roll with the punches, embrace life as it comes sort of person to move to a different country to live. There is plenty bad here for sure but there is good, too.
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-09-05 12:03:00
United KingdomAnyone wish they were back in the UK

The ignorance and the arrogance here bothers me so so so so much. Most of the time I speak with relatively "normal" people but every time I hear, read or see someone say "America is the BEST country in the WORLD" I just want to scream. I'm not saying the US sucks, several things about it DO suck, but I think I'd have a much more enjoyable time here if people weren't so narrow-minded and had some idea about how the rest of the world works/is. If intelligence was a GOOD thing. That speaking correctly and writing correctly (everyone makes mistakes I'm not saying PERFECT here) actually mattered. It's just infuriating sometimes...

Here's something that'll tick you UK'ers off. Girl at work told me people in the MidWest speak the most correct English.. in the WORLD. I was like.. umm.. better than ENGLAND? And she said "yep!"... right... Could be that girl was talking about this: http://www.neutralac...utralaccent.php and that she typically misinterpreted it. This is the same girl who likes to yell in an apparently jovial manner "speak english!" any time I accidentally use a British or Australian term... I AM speaking English you fricken moron!

All of that said though I think once you start to get yourself into the upset mindset that it's hard to crawl out. I think that's why the accent and word thing is bothering me so much right now. It just happened one too many times one day and now she could say it once a month and I want to... *insert violent thing here that I probably shouldn't post*. Could be OP that it's the same with you. Just a snow-balling effect.

I personally think Australia is better than the US in many ways but that's what's familiar to me. Being home I enjoyed actually going to a doctor without risking breaking the bank. I liked eating real food (and less processed) but I was okay with coming back here. I'm not so traumatised here that leaving means I never want to come back.. tell you what though it was getting close there a bit with all the in-law issues!

I know what you mean and I am a midwestern USC. I think you either have to learn to see the glass half full and direct your attention elsewhere or you will be miserable. I would LOVE to move to England someday. I suppose I might get irritated with some of those sorts of things, too.
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-09-05 12:01:00
United KingdomAnyone wish they were back in the UK
Ah but Texas is a whole different world or something like that, right? hehehe Just kidding. My mom was born in TX so I guess I better be careful what I say, huh?
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-09-04 23:11:00
United KingdomAnyone wish they were back in the UK

And alot of southerners can't stand the d@mn yankees from up north. :rofl:

Good luck in finding the place that fits your needs, Wm Wallace. Thank God my hubby is loving it here and I don't have to worry about him moving back to England. He hasn't even melted yet in our current record heat. I melted a few weeks ago, after returning from a trip to Alaska and San Francisco. Actually wore fleeces in August. Bloody unbelieveable!

JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-09-03 18:06:00
United KingdomAnyone wish they were back in the UK

Stupid topic for some maybe.

After nearly 3 years in the US, me and my wife can't wait to move to Scotland. America has it's pro's but it seems to have more con's.

We are both on a good income here but for whatever reason, money doesn't last ####### here. On top of that were both sick to death of the extreme arrogance people have in South Carolina. The place is nice, don't get me wrong.

I have had about had it with all the bull$###### that happens here. Example, I was waiting for my wife to get out at wal-mart and stood outside and had a smoke. This guy was going nuts as I was smoking. I stepped back a few more feet and said sorry and basically tried to ignore him. As i leaned against the wall, for whatever reason he thought I was pulling something out my pocket so he went to his ruck sack and pulled out a gun and shouted, threated etc.

I honestly have to say this is not the first time I've seen this kind of ####### in America. Off all the bloody years, the last 2 years have taken it's toll. Even my wife is sick and tired of this crime ridden, ignorant people. She even says it was never like this until about 3-4 years ago.

Yes, I can understand that cities are like that but were in a population of 45,000 and crime keeps rising and your money is about as worth wiping your backside with.

I am seriously giving up and heading back home to the Highlands of Scotland.

Not looking for sympathy by the way. I'm just pi$$ed off with life here is in the Southern belt.

I agree with what others have said. Alot of America can't stand the southern states. Hehehe Nah, you just got to try different areas. They are almost like different countries in a way. Try the west coast or I personally LOVE Colorado. Minnesota's twin cities aren't bad but would most likely melt a Brit.

I wish it were easy for me to immigrate over to the UK. I really do. Would love to leave the US for a bit. I think it is easier to buy a house over here and car compared to over there isn't it?
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-09-03 10:26:00
United KingdomBooking Reference on receipt

Looking at the thread, I signed my receipt before the interview and gave it during it. To be honest she just glanced at it and made sure it had my name on it then just ticked it off her check list. I'm sure they would just make him/her sign it during the first part of the embassy stage when they check the documents, considering most people do not send it in advance. If you are worried i'd just take a copy of the receipt that is signed to the interview if they query it but I doubt thats the reason for the delay. I saw people who hadn't paid, being sent to another desk to pay for it and come back with their receipt. Did you put a departure date on the form? I put mid march and April as my wedding date on the cover letter and I noticed I got an appointment date before people who had submitted their paper work/medical before me but had no/ a later departure/wedding date.

Ah, good advice regarding the departure date.
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2012-02-10 07:20:00
United KingdomBooking Reference on receipt

The London website still says pay prior to the interview, not before sending in papers. Did London send you a letter saying to do that first before anything else? Just wondering what is the source of that info.
K Visa Applicants pay the fee to the Operator Assisted Information Service prior to attending the visa interview. Instructions concerning payment will be sent to you with the appointment letter.

This is Wendy. I thought I should explain what has happened to see if what we think is going on might actually be the case...

John emailed NVC to get the LDN # and scheduled his medical for a week or so later to ensure the petition would be here and file created, etc. So then he verified the petition was at the Embassy and sent off the paperwork (DS forms mentioned in packet 3) with delivery tracking that says it was delivered the next day (1/25). Then he had the medical (1/27). He paid for the visa application fee on the day of his medical. The medical is there at the Embassy (2/2)and the paperwork, despite verification of otherwise, is still not showing as delivered on the Embassy's end.

On his receipt for the visa application fee, it states in part the following: "You are required to print the receipt, have the credit card holder sign the acknowledgment below, and submit it with your completed visa application pack. If you do not submit the signed receipt, your application will be returned to you unprocessed."

We are assuming the packet he sent in originally will not be processed because of this statement. So he is sending in another copy of the DS paperwork along with a copy of the signed receipt with delivery verification. Anyone know if we are being overly pro-active here? I know I had read that when you pay the visa fee isn't all that important but the receipt statement makes me wonder if that is an out-dated statement or if something changed recently?
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2012-02-05 17:37:00
United KingdomBooking Reference on receipt
I know I'm probably being a bit silly but what is the booking Reference number for, once you have paid for your Visa?
Is it to find out when your interview is?
Or do you quote it when you call?
Apparently you need to pay for your Visa before you send in your papers now.
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2012-02-05 15:53:00
Africa: Sub-Saharansomeone is listening in, or recording our cell phone convo.

Wow.. A week ago I was talking to my husband and while talking to him a female came on the line and my husband was put on hold. I asked how did she get connected to my line and she said I dialed the wrong number, she hung up and I then heard my husbands voice. He said the same thing happened to him only he was talking to a male. Never thought about ppl listening in on our conversation or recording it. We just thought it was weird.

When I was a kid we had what was called a "party line". I don't remember how it worked exactly but I know this... Several people use the same line and you could end up hearing other people's conversations cut in to yours or something. I was about 8 when we had that but I remember my parents telling me if it happened to just hang up and wait awhile. I would guess those are outdated things now but you never know...

Also there was a time when an ex of mine played me a voice mail that I supposedly left him and it was me talking to someone but you could only hear my side of the convo. I did not leave him that as a voice mail. It was a convo I was having with my mother. It was his cell phone that the vm was left on and it was my cell phone I was using at the time. I think when computers are involved anything is possible glitch-wise.
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2012-01-14 07:50:00
CanadaSchool Shooting discussion gets my son in trouble??

Have him read the story about the eighth grader that brought the pellet gun to school today. He was shot 3 times by police & killed.

Ugh! No! Just explain to him that in the US we preach freedom of speech but don't practice it. You have to be very careful saying anything about shooting, guns, bombs, knives, etc. in school, airplanes, court, etc. It is a life lesson. That is just how it is here. It makes no sense but they take those things very seriously because of Columbine and similar events. No need to terrorize him since the police that killed the boy with the bb gun should be held accountable! I had a good friend who was mentally unstable and off his meds. He had a water pistol and a police officer shot him dead as well. Perhaps just making sure he really knows not to talk about that stuff to anyone but you/your family, etc. This is sad!
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2012-01-05 19:41:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionThe true proof of a legitimate marriage
Love your proof! That is stronger than combined finances, etc. if you ask me but then I am not an IO.
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-08-03 11:15:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI need help!! what to do with harrassment case

I wouldnt spend 5 minutes trying to work this out with him. The lies & the new bed mate is enough for me. This occurs right after you marry? Please.
I also disagree with any thought about how he helped bring you here. The idea should be to do something FOR you not To you. Bringing you here to do this to you probably wasnt what you had in mind when he brought the idea up or when you got on the plane.
Have you been harmed? Absolutly. Mental abuse can be much worse than being assaulted. Danger? You are in danger anytime you have to be put in this position.
I also wouldnt spend even one minute on the affect a restraining order would have on him. He decided to disrepect you & the marriage. The restraining order protects you from being charged with domestic violence which could have a huge affect on your future legal status in the USA. You have to try to protect yourself & create the image that you are trying to use lawful means to build a life here. I didnt say to take this lightly at all. Take it seriously & get it done. Even Nichole Simpson tried to protect herself. She didnt take it lightly but paid the ultimate price.
Threating him with taking action as the other member says just causes you to be in a difficult, dangerous position. Dont make threats. Do what needs to be done.
Forget trying to be nice. Or live with the fact he will have others in bed ect. If you allow that you have nothing to complain about. Dont be a victim.
What price should you pay for wanting what is only right. Dont give up your dignity as others suggest. You cant get it back & dont owe it to anyone.

It would not hurt to call a domestic violence agency in your area for assistance. Some may have access to immigration services related to this sort of thing. Some really horrible men think they can get a submissive wife from another country then bring them here and they will be at the spouse's mercy because of immigration. Try: or 1-800-799-7233.
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-10-05 17:47:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussiondivorce while REMOVE CONDITIONS pending

r u kidding me?? and uve been married how long?? y cant u guys just try to work it out? reports like just make it harder for ppl who really want to make their marriage last.

JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-08-24 18:55:00