Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
How does the process of Advisory Opinion go exactly? Why would it take longer than 60 days, does your reciept have any way to check on the status?
noviademexicanoFemaleMexico2006-04-27 12:21:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
I don't think so, I think they have the last thing the CO puts in.
noviademexicanoFemaleMexico2006-04-27 12:11:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
I think sometimes they know but do not want to say anything. Like the last time I called and I asked the lady for my case status. She said well what did they tell you last time. I told her that they needed more evidence. She told me they have received the evidence, it is taking them 6 months for the next appt.???? I was like WHAT? The CO put that time frame, I have no clue why I told her. She told me just wait and then go when he asked you to go.
noviademexicanoFemaleMexico2006-04-27 12:06:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
bummer! I'm sorry you can't get any info., I know it is frustrating, hang in there.
noviademexicanoFemaleMexico2006-04-27 11:52:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
MissLiss- I know what you mean about scarrry, I am afraid they are going to deny us cuz I p/off'd the CO. I called but the voice thingy said I would be on hold for approx. 15 min. I hung up. I'll try later.
Prepare yourself and do it when you are ready.

Edited by yzuniga, 27 April 2006 - 11:38 AM.

noviademexicanoFemaleMexico2006-04-27 11:37:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Good morning Comadres,

Keep telling yourself it is going to be a good day and it just might happen! :P

I'm going to paint the kids room today. The two youngest will be sharing a room (once fiance comes, I will have to give little Johnny the boot). So I'm debating what color to paint it. My daughter likes purple but I don't think it will go with Johnny's spiderman sheets. Any suggestions?
noviademexicanoFemaleMexico2006-04-27 10:44:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Melissa, I'm back if you need me. I'm glad you are doing this maybe it will get you somewhere. I've been anxiously waiting a response.

I'm so excited about the church thingy, I spoke to Alberto today and he sounds excited too! He said the priest would be in next week, it is a rancho and priest goes once or twice a month on a tuesday. Anyways, I told him to explain to the priest it would not be through registro civil because that has to be done here in the states that we just want the ceremony. I'm so excited!!! I already have my baptismal record and I'm going to get my first comunion certificate just in case. If everything goes as planned, it will be great!
noviademexicanoFemaleMexico2006-04-26 16:47:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Thanks, InLoveInMexico, you have given me something to work on. I will ask Alberto to ask the priest there, to see what is needed to have the religious ceremony not registered through the civil. I am so excited!!! He is the last one that has not married off by church, and it would mean so much to his parents and family that the ceremony happen at their church...and it would mean the world to us.

I guess this is the mock wedding? It will be better than the 'legal' one here in the states.

Edited by yzuniga, 26 April 2006 - 08:09 AM.

noviademexicanoFemaleMexico2006-04-26 08:04:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
That's good, Melissa! I just love weddings! Besides it will keep you busy for the moment, I'm about to lose my mind, but I will try to keep busy hopefully it will make the time go faster.

I wanted to get a ticker and it is being a pinchi.

Thanks, Elvia I will pm her.
noviademexicanoFemaleMexico2006-04-25 12:39:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app

Bonnie, I have some information that might interest you. I think a phone call is in order for this one. PM me your number and I'll call you this evening as soon as I get home from work.

I've just sent it to you.

I already have my wedding dress and bouquet and I hate looking at it. Sometimes I think the day will never come. I talk to Alberto and he seems really depressed, he wants me to go over there. I told him I would go as soon as the kids are out of school and go with their dad for summer break, then I will take Johnny with me and stay in Mexico until he is able to go to the consulate again. I still have some hope that something will happen during these weeks and we can just meet up in Juarez, instead. At the moment the CO is reviewing our case.
noviademexicanoFemaleMexico2006-04-25 12:10:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Hola Comadres!

Benita: Sorry to take so long to answer. I have a total of 5 kids: Johnny 4, Destiny 11, Noemi 13, Ashley 14 and Dustin 16. Alberto and I don't have any together but he desperately wants one or two. He is great with my kids, especially with the youngest, he met him when Johnny was barely learning to walk. The problem is I would need to have a reversal, but will do it so we can start our team. I already told him one more is not a problem, maybe two. But more than that I will not have. He has never been married, and has no kids.

MissLiss: I know about the temptation, if the bill passes you may have a greater chance of getting approval if you are married. I guess we will have to wait and see if it passes and what kind of provisions it has that will benefit many people that are stuck with their cases.

I've almost given up hope in my case I am already making other plans, just in case things don't go our way. Does anyone know about having a religious ceremony in Mexico is that considered legally married? I really would like the religious ceremony to be there and maybe if he ever gets his visa come back and marry here through a Justice of the Peace.
noviademexicanoFemaleMexico2006-04-25 11:52:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
I remember those days with my girls. Now they think they know everything! How fast they grow.
Well I'm taking off now, they just shut off my water, I'm gonna go pay it before they close. I would blame it on lack of funds but it's more a case of ADD.
noviademexicanoFemaleMexico2006-04-20 15:06:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
My youngest is a boy, he is 4, he was a preemie. He was a sick baby, 2 months in the NICU, but now he is caught up and has no worries! He started potty training right before he was 2, I explained it to him and he just started going on his own, plus it helps that he wants to be like his older brother (16) because he tries to act all grown up. Get Emily those pullups, it will be easier.
noviademexicanoFemaleMexico2006-04-20 14:05:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Benita: When I was pregnant I had morning sickness the whole pregnancy, it never let up. Tell your Dr. about it maybe he can give you a diet that will help, my Dr. did. Also she prescribed some medication because I would lose weight due to it, sometimes I would have to get an IV with suero because I was severely dehydrated. Eventhough my last pregnancy was really hard on me, I want another one. I'm waiting until Alberto is here and we are married though, he's been wanting me to have one since last year. Take care of yourself and enjoy your pregnancy!

I made a promise, I prayed to God that if he would grant me my prayer, I would go to the top of Mt. Cristo Rey and take Alberto with me to give him our thanks at the cross. I hope he answers my prayer. I am getting so anxious.... somedays are harder than others, I am fine at times and then at others I just won't, or can't function. I feel like my life is on hold and I'm just going thru the motions so that time passes.
noviademexicanoFemaleMexico2006-04-20 10:58:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Yes, you see we all know that the current system sux so this is our chance to make it better by adding provisions and ammendments to the border security act that will benefit those that have been waiting longer than we have, or that are in our current situation.

That is why I am supporting and rallying. Yes I am a USC but I'm in love with a Mexican national, I understand having to be separated and the frustration with the snags and catches that the current immigration process has. Those people at CDJ sometimes misinterpret the law and sometimes they do not follow regulations themselves.
noviademexicanoFemaleMexico2006-04-17 15:53:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
What I want is a safer and more organized immigration process. Not all the BS we have now that has caused all the problems in the first place. :P

Comadres, go to the Advocacy section at I2US, there is alot of info on the subject, I've been involved because it would benefit many people. It probably wont help me any but it would be nice to have something obviously broken get fixed.
noviademexicanoFemaleMexico2006-04-17 14:21:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
No, girls if they are given a permit to be here to work they will be made to get in line behind all those already under process. They are trying to add ammendments for those who have been deported and have USC family get reunited once again and they are also trying to add to the bill backlog reduction which will cut the time for the visa process to be reunited with spouse or fiance.
noviademexicanoFemaleMexico2006-04-17 14:15:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
I'm glad you are fine, let me know if you need anything, I need to talk to someone once in awhile too. CDJ has been closed for a week, they will be back tomorrow and hopefully they will have some news for us waiting soon.
About the rallies, it's gonna be crazy for a bit but if it works out it will benefit alot of people at the end. Something has to be done. Did you hear about the 14 year old in LA that committed suicide? He shot himself in the head, he had attended a rally and got suspended from school the vice principal threatened him with prison for 3 years and poor kid took his life. Tensions are rising, from both sides of the debate.
It has already started affecting us at my daughter's school a teacher asked a friend of my daughter's what her story was, when did she cross and how did she cross the river. Can you believe that? My daughter's friend told her I've never crossed I am a USC. There is discrimination and it is getting out of hand. My daughters have been called wetbacks at their school for attending the rallies. I tell them to not pay them no mind to invite the ones that do understand and explain to them the reason behind the rallies. I know that we will get slack, more discrimination for awhile but if something changes at the end it will be worth it.

Edited by yzuniga, 17 April 2006 - 12:57 PM.

noviademexicanoFemaleMexico2006-04-17 12:54:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Hola Comadres,
I hope you all rested and enjoyed your Easter. I still haven't heard anything from CDJ about our case but I'm hopeful something will happen soon. My fiance sounds so sad, it breaks my heart everytime I speak to him, I only get to talk to him once a week and I usually can't hear what he is saying, so much static. He wanted to come over just like that, and I told him not to, to wait. His cousin is now here, and I guess he is hurt but I tell him it is not worth it, it will cause more harm than good. I am keeping myself busy as not to go crazy but I always feel that hurtful feeling in my chest. Five more weeks and my kids will be on break and I can go visit him again if I have any money at that point, lately I've been broke....I hate the wait.......but somedays are better than others.

MissLiss: I hope everything is going okay for you.
noviademexicanoFemaleMexico2006-04-17 11:29:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app

Hey girlies! Sorry I didnt get in today. I had to take an 8 hour med class! Boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyways I wanted to tell yall to keep yzuniga in your thoughts she still hasnt gotten in farther in her quest in getting a visa for her other half.

I just wanted to say thanks Ashley, for thinking of me. I know it has been awhile since I've posted or even looked at the site, I just couldn't. I was struggling to keep myself from going insane. I went through a major depression and was not able to even live life. I'm better now and about 20lbs thinner (that's the good part). I am happy for all of those reunited and I am still praying for all of us that are waiting. I also checked the website I2US, it is helpful.

I do have good news though, our rally-march here in Kansas City, Kansas was successful. We had a great turn out, and got media coverage on the local news. Also, watch Univision, we are making our voices heard, we want immigration reform! Other cities around the US were also united. We were encouraged not to buy anything no gas, food, no purchases at all to show that we can impact the economy. There are going to be changes, we have to united to make it happen. I encourage the people who have not written to their senators to do so. Tell them that you support McCain/Kennedy bill and oppose HR4337 it will only take 5-10 minutes at the most but do it, it will benefit all of us seperated from our loved ones.
noviademexicanoFemaleMexico2006-03-24 18:36:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Interview success
Thanks for the support, reading about others helped me out a lot, as well.
noviademexicanoFemaleMexico2006-07-17 18:52:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Interview success
We went to the interview at CDJ on Thursday and my fiance finally got his visa!!! After waiting 6 months of administrative processing, he is here in the US with me!!! Now our journey begins, this website and my friends on it have been very supportive, without it I would have been lost. Thanks to all.
noviademexicanoFemaleMexico2006-07-09 11:51:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AFTER AR, THEN INTERVIEW, GREEN SLIP
I have been anxiously awaiting a response too, it is so frustrating! I know what you mean about them having control of our lives, they just have us on hold. Try to remain positive, it will make everything alot easier. I get into these moods sometimes and I know I just become an irritable, cranky person and even my kids can tell it's really getting to me. Pray for patience to be able to wait out this ordeal, sometimes it comes when you least expect it.
noviademexicanoFemaleMexico2006-04-25 11:35:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)ugh 221g
Give them what they want and follow their instructions on turning it in, at the same time contact Senator and ask that they inquire about your case. It worked for me, but I was at a different consulate. Hope this helps, wish you luck.

noviademexicanoFemaleMexico2007-01-15 22:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaAnyone have any info on the Holiday Inn in Juarez
I liked the Holiday Inn Express, for us it was cheaper and way better. Holiday Inn Lincoln is closer to the consulate but the staff was not as welcoming.

Holiday Inn Express Juarez
Reservations: 01-800-009-9900
Direct to hotel: 656-629-6000

Holiday Inn Lincoln Juarez
Reservations Mexico 1-800-711-6310
USA 1-888-329-9676
noviademexicanoFemaleMexico2006-05-06 16:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaWhere are you from?
I am from El Paso TX
Hubby from San Luis Potosi MX
We live in Kansas City MO
noviademexicanoFemaleMexico2007-02-24 08:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaLetting Him in...
My husband has been here since July of last year, at first I pushed the English on him, and I think it made him feel overwhelmed. I laid off, and to my surprise, when he talks to others over the phone he speaks English well. He has become a fast learner, I think he is still embarassed to speak in front of me cuz I can be a control freak! But last time I said something in Spanish and I did not say it right, he was laughing at me. He is learning, I know it will take some time, but it is ok for now. It is just like when I went over to Mexico, things were different for me, but I toughed it out.

As long as you understand each other and are there for each other, love is the universal language.

Edited by noviademexicano, 08 April 2007 - 08:46 PM.

noviademexicanoFemaleMexico2007-04-08 20:42:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWill Marry a Mexican, Have Many Questions
I read about that somewhere, too. I think that if the priest will marry you without a license it is not legal if you can find a priest that will do that. If you file for a marriage permit and then you have a religious ceremony than you are legally married. I was looking into it, because I would like to do the ceremony thing over in Mexico as well and then just come back here whenever they decide on giving him the visa and doing it legally through a justice of the peace. Let me know, on this matter because I am interested, I really rather have the religious ceremony over there because his family wants to be involved and it will be his first wedding. I believe it would be much more special and romantic to have the ceremony in Mexico for both of us.
noviademexicanoFemaleMexico2006-04-25 11:18:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWill Marry a Mexican, Have Many Questions
For a K-1, once you get approval and the petition is received by CDJ you can go to the interview with all your documentation. It depends what service center you file from also, I know for us it was out of Nebraska and it took about 3-4 months to get to the consulate. I don't know how fast Texas and California are moving on the K-1s but I think they have gotten faster as well. Vermont is definately faster, I know at that time people were getting there NOA2s within a few weeks.

Edited by yzuniga, 25 April 2006 - 11:03 AM.

noviademexicanoFemaleMexico2006-04-25 11:02:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSecurity Clearance/Admin. processing/Admin. Review
We went to our interview on Jan 9, 2006 for a K-1 visa, the consulate officer said he needed more evidence to prove our relationship was real gave us a 221g and placed us on Administrative Review. He said he needed time to find something on my fiance but 6 months???? I thought it only took about 3 months. He asked us to bring the rest of the evidence in July, no photocopies. My fiance is from Mexico and our interview was in Juarez, I think the consulate officer was in a bad mood that day because he denied everyone that went to his window.
noviademexicanoFemaleMexico2006-03-02 09:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI need Juarez specific help for K1 interview please
I focused a lot on the financial stuff and did not include as much evidence of our relationship, pictures of us, a card, some reciepts and phone bills. It was not enough, make sure you take plenty of proof some COs don't even look at that and go straight to the financial stuff but our CO was not satisfied with our proof because I had been married before, I guess. But he told us not to come back for 6 months with more proof. So take plenty and mark the dates on your pictures and where they were taken at. Also do take originals in case they ask you for them, not just the copies. Good Luck!
noviademexicanoFemaleMexico2006-03-31 18:32:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS & Mexican Couples - K-3/CR-1/IR-1 Group, Juarez experiences, comments
Mine was for a fiance visa, we never received packet 3. I downloaded everything and filled it in. I never received an appointment letter so I emailed the consulate and they let me know my petition had arrived there and I had an open interview. I took the email they sent me but I still had to go to the info window to get the letter to go into the consulate. The affidaviit of support should be good for 6 months, I would try getting a copy of the tax form, anyways they have a strange way of misplacing things that are pending. I'm not sure about DS230, I know we turned in Part II but like I said it was for a K-1, fill out the forms and have them ready just incase. Then you can have them handy if they ask for them. I'm sorry I could not be of more help. But with CDJ you never know what they will ask for or need, also each CO is different.
noviademexicanoFemaleMexico2006-04-25 10:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS & Mexican Couples - K-3/CR-1/IR-1 Group, Juarez experiences, comments
They won't accept the email letter, I tried that. They will direct you to the window, but if you go after the morning rush after 10:30am as long as it is before 3:00pm you will be able to get to the window with no problem. There is hardly a line between those hours, then you can go to the interview early the next morning and wait in the line everyone is forming to get into the consulate. I've done it a couple of times and never have I had to wait for a long time to get to the information window. The girl there is a dimwitt though, you have to tell her exactly what you need. Take a copy of the email letter and give it to the dimwitt.

Congratulations jbeabout, I hope you two have a wonderful day tomorrow. I get goosebumps thinking about my wedding day. It will come soon, enough.


noviademexicanoFemaleMexico2006-04-11 19:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBlanket Waiver 212 (G)(2)(A)
That's what I figured, since he lost his shot record, He's gonna love getting all those immunizations!

Thanx Yodrak
noviademexicanoFemaleMexico2006-07-17 19:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBlanket Waiver 212 (G)(2)(A)
Thank you Junari888, it is a hard read, kind of confusing.

My fiance has this as a notation on his visa, I asked him about his immunization record and he said he has none, the consular officer did not make him aware of anything during the 1st or 2nd interview. He did complete his medical and had turned that in to the interviewing officer at the first interview. What does this mean when he adjust status? Will the immunizations be waived or will he need some?
noviademexicanoFemaleMexico2006-07-13 15:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBlanket Waiver 212 (G)(2)(A)
My fiance is missing his vaccination record, I thought it meant something like that but I wasn't sure. Thank you Yodrak, I will do some more research on it.
noviademexicanoFemaleMexico2006-07-10 16:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBlanket Waiver 212 (G)(2)(A)
Good news is that fiance recieved his visa last week after 6 months of Administrative Processing. The only question I have is there is a notation at the bottom that says Blanket Waiver 212(G)(2)(A), does anyone know what this means, is it normal?
noviademexicanoFemaleMexico2006-07-10 10:42:00
VietnamCadillac. Lemonade. Pretty In.
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-08-02 20:24:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Oh my gosh! Somebody please help me!

Yes thank you...but if he has been lying for a whole 2 years, whats the point of a serious chat? he will just tell me more lies! I don't know what to believe. Do I believe the embassy or Fady? Would the embassy only do this if the drug results were positive? He told me that both times they were negative. He told me that the hospital only gives patients the test results if they are negative and if its positive, the hospital itself will send the results to the embassy. So he said he was negative the two times. What should I believe? Is it possible that the embassy did this because he looked so tired the mornign of his interview and they assumed he was on drugs? Is it possible for this to be a mistake and that he really isnt a drug user? Thanks for the replies!

Where are his results then?
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-08-11 13:58:00
United KingdomInterview in 7 days and SO nervous! Help!

You are worrying too much. If you will look at the lighter blue menu bar at the top of the page and find Reviews:Embassy, there are 500+ reviews where many tell the questions they were asked in London. The only thing you need to worry about is showing up with the right documents like birth certificate, police certificate, Affidavit of Support, etc. You need no further proof of your relationship, engagement, emails, photos together. London does not look at them.

Thank you!
JohnandWendyBFemaleEngland2011-08-12 07:44:00