CanadaNeed some advice on planning
Indeed...all the Canucks are moving as far south as possible eh? wink.gif

I usually fly United because I've had good (no lost luggage, complaints, etc) experiences with them, however, I tend to fly Delta as well because I'm enrolled in Skymiles. I hadn't considered Southwest. I try to avoid Boston airport because of the problems she and I have had with getting stuck there.

Chances are I might either be living still here in Orlando or in West Palm Beach come time for her to move, so I'll certainly keep everyone up to date.
IzoomMaleCanada2008-02-22 13:53:00
CanadaNeed some advice on planning
I-130 ? I'm going the I-129F route.

Glad to see there are other Floridians besides me on here. Have yet to find anyone from Nova Scotia on the board...
IzoomMaleCanada2008-02-22 11:56:00
CanadaNeed some advice on planning
No I completely understand where you are coming from my friend.

We decided that her moving down here and getting married in front of a judge would make us both happier than ever. It lets her start her life here sooner and get her feet planted in the ground instead of the endless waiting and spending $$$ on plane tickets. I think that also gives the woman her chance to pick the ideal items and locations for the big day. A south FL wedding is in her dreams and I hope to make it her reality.

Just noticed you met playing WoW...we met playing Counterstrike smile.gif
IzoomMaleCanada2008-02-22 10:59:00
CanadaNeed some advice on planning
Well after some consideration last night, we decided on something that will meet both our wishes but also get us together once the K-1 process is finished. We are going to have a civil service with a judge so that she can remain here happily and we can begin the next steps of the immigration process (AOS, etc). In doing so, she and I are able to start planning the "real" ceremony for sometime later in 2009. That way she can have her dream wedding but we can also be together once she gets her Visa smile.gif

Ironically, I also ran into a delay just last week...but in Dulles Airport in D.C. of all places. I made it out of Halifax just fine (white snow everywhere mind you) and landed in fair weather. However, the plane was stuck here at home, Orlando, with a mechanical problem. Eventually it took off and I got home 4 hours later than planned. So, like you pointed out, sometimes it can be perfect or horrible weather and that won't delay you as you might think smile.gif
IzoomMaleCanada2008-02-22 09:52:00
CanadaNeed some advice on planning
I might consider doing that (delay) when the time comes for the interview. The primary reason for any delay would be the other risk of having a wedding sometime during a Canadian winter season...flight delays or cancellations. I would feel slightly disappointed if the process went quickly and she had her Visa in hand sooner than expected.
IzoomMaleCanada2008-02-21 20:49:00
CanadaNeed some advice on planning
Thanks for the input thus far. I know that even filing everything perfectly, you don't have a guarantee. I'm thinking that if I filed the petition within the next 1-2 weeks, that would be pushing it big time for a late October wedding date.

If for some unforeseen need, is it possible to extend the 6 month validity of the Visa? I only ask due to the fact that maybe she gets in late Summer and wants to have the ceremony at a date beyond the 6 month window.
IzoomMaleCanada2008-02-21 19:56:00
CanadaNeed some advice on planning
With the Canadian weather and unpredictability of flights during that season, my lady and I are having a tough time deciding on a date for our wedding. On one hand, we would love to spend Christmas together here in Florida, married of course. However, that would require that the I-129F process go off without a hitch and no snags. How risky do you think it is to plan around winter time for a wedding when her guests/family would be flying out of Halifax, Nova Scotia?

The alternative to risking it this year is to take it slower and wait till late winter/early spring, say March and have the ceremony then...thoughts? I know in the end it is our personal wishes and ideas, but from a reality perspective, I'd like some input. I think that is feasible, but risky, to try and plan around the K-1 Visa and "cross our fingers" hoping she'd have her Visa by October of this year.
IzoomMaleCanada2008-02-21 19:20:00
CanadaQuick dumb question
I'm nowhere near this step, but I know my SO has no criminal past so we shouldn't worry once that time comes along. I don't have to provide any police info do I? Its only concerning her since she's trying to enter the country correct? Again, I haven't even submitted my petition yet...very soon though.
IzoomMaleCanada2008-02-26 00:03:00
CanadaLeaving Your Home Behind
Yeah, the younger generations don't seem to say it as much, but the older folks speak crazy fast and have such a heavy Scot accent that its hard to hear sometimes.
IzoomMaleCanada2008-02-25 10:35:00
CanadaLeaving Your Home Behind
I always thought when I was younger that when I heard Canadians speak with the "stereotypical" accent or words, it was humourous. How ironic that I'm going to marry my own lovely lady. She doesn't carry the accent but she does have a few quirky words that I actually find just as useful as American speak:

That dinner was some good = That dinner was really good

Other than listening to people speak, she says she felt just right when she was here last and I'm hoping thats how she feels in the future as well.
IzoomMaleCanada2008-02-23 17:17:00
CanadaThinking ahead...
Well I'm sure that our interview isn't until awhile from now, I'm just thinking ahead to some kind of planning I can forsee doing. Seeing some of Montreal probably couldn't hurt smile.gif
IzoomMaleCanada2008-03-05 23:41:00
CanadaThinking ahead...
I'm getting ready to submit my packet, taking a little longer than I expected to actually get my act together. I got to thinking and given the uncomplicated nature of our situation, is it worth the $$$ plane ticket to fly to Montreal when the time comes? As long as she is confident and has all the supporting materials from the process we will go through, I think it will be fine for her to attend alone, correct? I'm just trying to decide on what debts to pay off and spending $300+ on a plane ticket later this year isn't something I had in mind. Any suggestions? Also, by uncomplicated I'm referring to the lack of criminal records, both of us healthy, and plenty of primary and secondary evidence to support the process.
IzoomMaleCanada2008-03-05 20:55:00
CanadaToronto Pearson Airport
Congrats! I'm hoping my fiancee's POE in Halifax will be less hectic. They have U.S. Customs Pre-Check thing in the airport, so if theres any problems...she's still in Canada smile.gif

Again, glad to hear you made it safe and sound.
IzoomMaleCanada2008-03-06 13:37:00
Canadaapparently I am computer-Illiterate

Try going there. Many of the categories have pictures exactly at 100x100 and hundreds to pick from as well.
IzoomMaleCanada2008-03-08 15:21:00
CanadaI Want To See YOU!!!!
We're certainly from different corners of the globe but I'm glad we are all happily ending up with our loved ones.
IzoomMaleCanada2008-03-07 21:14:00
CanadaI Want To See YOU!!!!
Her in August 2007 at Lake Eola:

Us at Universal Studios IOA, later that trip:

She LOVES Florida weather smile.gif

Edited by jzoom6, 07 March 2008 - 11:19 AM.

IzoomMaleCanada2008-03-07 11:18:00
CanadaWhat is the age difference between you and your SO?
By some random chance...we are 2 years 1 day apart

My DOB: 5/23
Her DOB: 5/22

What are the odds of that?
IzoomMaleCanada2008-02-22 14:43:00
CanadaEnterine canada as a visitor
Somewhat on topic with visiting canada, does it get any easier for anyone once you are married to visit? CBP seems to be skeptical (I know the reasons), and I'm just hoping that once I'm a married man, they will just ask the standard questions and let me on my way.
IzoomMaleCanada2008-03-26 13:54:00
CanadaAny canadians here have info about getting a US driver's license?
Well I could see holding onto your Canadian license for certain circumstances. My fiance and I were pulled over by a cop for rolling through a stop sign and he let her off with a warning once she handed the officer her Nova Scotia license. I think having one is better than nothing at all, but I wouldn't suggest anyone get too "comfortable" with one and get a legal/official one as soon as legal and feasible. Also, can anyone point me in a useful direction for scooters? She has one, its 49.4cc which is under the minimum 50cc listed as a motorcycle. Therefore, I think she will be able to simply get a standard automobile operator license and not need special endorsement. Any help wouuld be apprecaited, hope I'm not hijacking the thread. If so, my apologies.
IzoomMaleCanada2008-03-27 14:58:00
CanadaOur interview day...
There's some irony here...I can take onto an airplane what I can't take into a building??? Doesn't that seem just a tad bit, oh I don't know....backwards?
IzoomMaleCanada2008-03-31 09:39:00
CanadaOur interview day...
I wonder why the strict rules on electronics. I can understand recording devices such as cameras, recorders, etc in a sensitive place like an embassy, but car remotes and the like?

I'm going to zap you with my car remote...sorry, bad attempt at sarcasm. I guess its best to bring your documents and a key to you car and take out the metallic jewelry wink.gif

IzoomMaleCanada2008-03-29 13:50:00
CanadaPacket 3 received. Montreal Consulate confusion
#1 Be sure to check validity dates. You can check here if you are unsure which edtions are valid.

#2 No clue

#3 DS-156K I believe is the one that is signed in the prescence of your interviewer and no action is to be taken before that point on it.

#4 No clue

#5 Be sure to check the bottom of this page and here too for any more information regarding the Montreal consulate.

#6 If by everything, you mean the Visa...then you bring $131 cash to the interview. Otherwise, you pay for medicals, police certificates, etc as you get them. I doubt they'd let you leave without paying wink.gif
IzoomMaleCanada2008-08-04 17:46:00
CanadaTravelled here together?
She mentioned that is rather pretty outside, so I'm sure we'll go for walks and venture around when she isn't working.

The flight back on Sept. 5th puts me in Boston for 3 hours sad.gif Better have some good movies on my laptop smile.gif
IzoomMaleCanada2008-08-17 09:08:00
CanadaTravelled here together?
Well it looks like I'm heading to Halifax smile.gif

Flyin on the 24th, so if anyone else is flying...I'll see you in hell, I mean the airport wink.gif
IzoomMaleCanada2008-08-16 15:35:00
CanadaTravelled here together?
I've already decided that I will travel up to Halifax when it's time for her to come here.

I can't decide, however, on whether or not to fly up for a couple weeks given my free time. Its cheap and she wouldn't take off any work, so it basically boils down to
me either sitting around the apartment and applying for jobs in the mean time or spend some time up there enjoying each other's company.
IzoomMaleCanada2008-08-15 11:59:00
CanadaTravelled here together?
Thanks for all the replies.

I'm sort of debating back n forth in my head on this timing of things. We are waiting on Packet 3 for her and I'm out of a job right now.
Part of me wants to spend some time up there given the abundance of free time that I have at the moment. On the other hand, the interview
is likely 1-2 months from this point, assuming the packet comes soon and there is not a long appointment list at the embassy. I wouldn't mind
flying up there at that point either. I do plan on flying up to Halifax and then spending some time saying goodbye and flying back together.
So my debate with myself is when/if:

Now and Halifax?
Now and Montreal and Halifax?
Montreal and Halifax?

I can't decide sad.gif

Edited by Danielle-Justin, 14 August 2008 - 10:43 AM.

IzoomMaleCanada2008-08-14 10:42:00
CanadaTravelled here together?
I was curious if anyone traveled to their loved one's home and you both flew/drove/ferry back to the States together.
Obviously, some may do this out of necessity, meaning lots of furniture or just need help in general. I wonder if anyone
did it to be a gentleman/lady or just be really sweet?

I'm planning on going up to Halifax a few days earlier before she leaves to help her and then we can fly back together as
our "first" step in a path of many smile.gif I think it'll be nice too, because Halifax like many major Canadian airports has
U.S. pre-clearence, so ironically...her P.O.E. will still be within Canada.

Edited by Danielle-Justin, 13 August 2008 - 04:49 PM.

IzoomMaleCanada2008-08-13 16:48:00
Canadapacket 3 from montreal...?
Grrrrr headbonk.gif

I emailed them and they asked me to confirm her address, which I did and received an email this morning:

We sent your packet of information out 2 weeks ago, however, we will resend one immediately.

sad.gif Two weeks gone sad.gif
IzoomMaleCanada2008-08-20 14:53:00
Canadapacket 3 from montreal...?
This is slightly dissapointing sad.gif Similar timeline 1 and Similar timeline 2
Both have received their packet on or around 3.5 weeks from the NOA2 date. I'm going on 5 weeks and no replies from Montreal from an email sent a week ago, with all the useful information included.

Edited by Danielle-Justin, 18 August 2008 - 07:45 PM.

IzoomMaleCanada2008-08-18 19:44:00
Canadapacket 3 from montreal...?
We also got the receipt from the NVC in late July and she has yet to receive her Packet 3. I've emailed them on Friday, so I'm
hoping for a response sometime this week. I know they get very, very busy and only have a handful of people doing the job
of many. She is all ready with her forms and evidence, just waiting for the Packet 3 from them sad.gif Keep us up to date if anything
happens with anyone else.
IzoomMaleCanada2008-08-18 18:16:00
CanadaTake a chance on travel
I understand the POE officer has to be suspicious of everyone, but look at it this way:

Why would someone put the $ and time into the visa process...and then immigrate illegally?
Personally, that individual would deserve a slap across the head for just throwing money away
like that.
IzoomMaleCanada2008-08-29 07:44:00
CanadaCanadian Medical
Hmm, well I guess I will get her to contact the office. She lives within the province, so I doubt that loophole would work.

Thanks for the information so far.
IzoomMaleCanada2008-09-15 17:19:00
CanadaCanadian Medical
I would imagine the same mysteries surround the women's visit to her gyno office. We, or I, can only assume that feeling versus
the examination of the prostate later on in life.

Anyways, has anyone who visited this doctor not had it covered by insurance, and if so, what was your cost? We are on a tight budget
and its nice to know ahead of time. Also, did you bring your 3 passport pictures to the office?
IzoomMaleCanada2008-09-15 15:08:00
CanadaCanadian Medical
I could be lewd or proper, so I'll aim for the middle road. Generally, I have assumed that it is when the doctor places his or her hand on a man's ####### and has them
cough. This to ensure proper transition from adolescent to adulthood. I don't know the specifics beyond that.

I will let her know what I've found from your situations, I hope that if the "stripping" is needed, that at least she knows ahead of time. Sorry to hear about your
uneasiness with the situation.
IzoomMaleCanada2008-09-15 15:02:00
CanadaCanadian Medical
I meant that rather than a lengthy waiting time and red tape, she just talked to the receptionist in the waiting area where 30 or so people were waiting. Afterwards, we entered a room with 5 women, who were taking blood from individuals. I wasn't specifying her job, but rather the environment.
IzoomMaleCanada2008-09-15 09:49:00
CanadaCanadian Medical
My fiance Danielle will be going to see him soon. Thanks for the information. Was the hospital visit for blood work and xrays fairly painless?
She's gone to Dartmouth medical for lab work before and it was simply a nurse taking blood. Similar situation as best you can remember?
IzoomMaleCanada2008-09-15 08:45:00
CanadaVisa Fee Question
Is depositing it in that bank required for K1?

I was under the assumption you bring the $131 cash with you to Montreal and hand it over at that point.
IzoomMaleCanada2008-09-30 14:17:00
CanadaHi from North Carolina!

Take pictures!
IzoomMaleCanada2008-10-01 13:38:00
CanadaThe Canadian dollar
As of earlier today, its currently at: 1 Canadian dollar = 0.876271 U.S. dollars Search

If anyone wants to check it sad.gif
IzoomMaleCanada2008-10-09 18:50:00