K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarine in Japan

I have a gf in the Philippines and i am thinking how should we go on with the process, I really need your help since we are new in thie site.

Here is the story, I am currently working as a marine and my contract will end on the year 2009 but right now I am based in Okinawa Japan, I am staying here until July. Please enlighten me on this, I need to know the step to take. I really wanna be with her, where should I file the visa and what shall we do to do it? ... Your reply is much appreciated. Thanks in advance

Jim, as you can see you get more than help here... From people who don't know, people who do know, plus the luxury of being scruntinzed for every word you post, and the petty bickering amongst fellow VJers..It really is quite entertaining...
Stay tuned for more to come...
bucknekkidMaleCanada2007-03-04 13:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarine in Japan

As I understand it..The US Military gives its servicemen an expedited visa process..

Ya understood wrong.

The Military does not help expedite the process whatsoever.

In fact, when we went to the Base Legal aid, they told us that they were too busy with wills & estates for people who were deployed at the time, to even look over our paperwork.

If you didn't notice, I backed off from giving an indication that I had any knowledge to share. I knew there was an expedited means off getting the visa for a US Servicemen, I just pointed to the wrong department, excuse me....
bucknekkidMaleCanada2007-03-04 11:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarine in Japan

You're 'working' as a Marine? Your 'contract'?

Good God, the Marines I belonged too weren't a job. And I had a commitment, not a contract. What is the world coming too?

Anyway, with your K-1 Application send in your current orders and any that you have pending for a move to a theater of action where the biggest danger isn't getting run over by traffic after 'working'.

The Few, The Proud, The Contracted Worker.

Oh, geez. Semantics. Don't get your lil undies in a bundle, k?

bucknekkidMaleCanada2007-03-04 11:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarine in Japan

I have a gf in the Philippines and i am thinking how should we go on with the process, I really need your help since we are new in thie site.

Here is the story, I am currently working as a marine and my contract will end on the year 2009 but right now I am based in Okinawa Japan, I am staying here until July. Please enlighten me on this, I need to know the step to take. I really wanna be with her, where should I file the visa and what shall we do to do it? ... Your reply is much appreciated. Thanks in advance

As I understand it..The US Military gives its servicemen an expedited visa process..

will you pls explain this for me?


James, I wish I could, but I am no expert...If you sit tight for a bit someone will eventaully respond who has already done or is currently going through the process...You will find a lot of help on this site...Best of luck to you..
bucknekkidMaleCanada2007-03-04 00:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarine in Japan

I have a gf in the Philippines and i am thinking how should we go on with the process, I really need your help since we are new in thie site.

Here is the story, I am currently working as a marine and my contract will end on the year 2009 but right now I am based in Okinawa Japan, I am staying here until July. Please enlighten me on this, I need to know the step to take. I really wanna be with her, where should I file the visa and what shall we do to do it? ... Your reply is much appreciated. Thanks in advance

As I understand it..The US Military gives its servicemen an expedited visa process..

Edited by bucknekkid, 04 March 2007 - 12:21 AM.

bucknekkidMaleCanada2007-03-04 00:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI got my hopes up for nothing
QUOTE (Rodgiegirl @ Sep 14 2007, 08:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Okay, so the last week, CSC was touching my application!! Yeah, I thought wow, I'm getting our approval! I got so excited and started telling my family and everyone that I thought our approval was coming within a week. Maybe I was too hopeful, but turns out they only touched it becuase the NOA1 that was supposed to be sent months ago never came, so they re printed it and sent it out. Bummer, I'm so depressed right now, I feel the big cloud of hopelessness taking over. Is is normal to feel this way? Sometimes I feel lilke I will never get to the day when the approve it. And even more people keep asking"so when's the wedding??" I don't even know what to say.........."ummmm I'm waiting on a visa!" What is this world coming to!!! That people who are in love can't be together with out the government allowing it!!!! I'm just venting of course, but really though!
I need to see the light at the end of the tunnel soon, because I feel like I'm going into the big black hole. helpsmilie.gif

I can totally understand the feeling of being touched. Sometimes I feel like I am being touched to death. Then like now, I have not been touched in 23 days and I wonder what happened....I feel like I am losing my mind. It does not help that it has been 181 days since I last saw Dris and it is the beginning of Ramadhan. As much as I wish he was here with me, I also wish I was in Morocco during Ramadhan to share it with him there. Sometimes I think that touch we wait for is worse then not being touched because just like you, we get our hopes so high. Then, they come crashing down. But on the bright side star_smile.gif eventually hopefully we will all get that one touch that is our approval.

Good luck and I hope your next touch is your approval biggrin.gif


Edited by MeenaBeena, 15 September 2007 - 02:11 PM.

MeenaBeenaFemaleMorocco2007-09-15 14:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune and July Filers - NOA2 to NVC
well, we are waiting...and we keep getting touched..

not sure why but..i guess it is okay since we were approved and I got the NOA2 in the mail.
MeenaBeenaFemaleMorocco2007-11-03 17:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting for a NOA2 from CSC for your I-129F?
Just a question if anyone can tell me...because i dont understand.

We were approved last Friday 10-26, I found it online. We have been touched almost every day since then. Anyone have any idea why?

After reading all of these posts today, I do not understand by what our dates are, how we were approved already. I hope everyone gets their approval soon.

MeenaBeenaFemaleMorocco2007-10-30 15:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F June Filers
According to the website...we were approved today.
MeenaBeenaFemaleMorocco2007-10-27 00:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F June Filers
Well I called today Just because....And the woman was very nice....She informed me that we were pending and had not been assigned. She also said that I was received on June 13th and to expect another 2 to 3 months. wacko.gif

So I hope that someone else hears something better then I do and NOA2's start coming soon.

So here is my question, if she pointed out that they got my case on the 13th of June but my NOA2 was the 22nd which is a week different lol Does that mean I will fall in the 2nd week or the 3rd week of people to get assigned?

Thank you

MeenaBeenaFemaleMorocco2007-09-20 16:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F June Filers
We filed on June 11th,
Signed for on June 12th
Actually put into system and check cashed June 22nd
Received hard copy of NAO1 June 28

We were transfered to CSC because we filed at NSC.

Now we just wait...... :dance:
MeenaBeenaFemaleMorocco2007-07-02 15:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaHelp please...last minute change
Hello everyone...

I am leaving to go to Morocco in 10 days. I was originally going to get married then, I started reading here how long it takes to get a spouse into the US. I sat and cried for 2 days. I have 4 children and they are very attached to him. They talk to him online and on the phone. They mail him things and such, so there is no way I can imagine making them wait that long. It is hard enough for me to wait that long much less children. That is when I noticed that if you apply for a K-1 it seems to take a lot less time then a K-3. Can you tell me if what I have read is true? Will it be a shorter time if we decide to go the way of K-1 instead? If we do, can you tell me is there anything I need to do while I am there. I feel so everything seems to be changing at the last minute. I am overwhelmed, scared and lost.

He lives in Casablanca and is a student. He has family there and two brothers here. So he has family both places. Do they consider this a risk when issuing a K-1? I live in Missouri. How do I tell what the time length is for the K-1 in my area?

Thank you for any help you can give me.

MeenaBeenaFemaleMorocco2006-11-22 13:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp please...last minute change


I don't know how to explain what he needs to explain either - that's why I suggest the consultation with an immigration attorney who has experience with the consular section in Morocco.

I have no thoughts on what your fiance's intentions are. But don't be naive - Morocco is a high-fraud post and the consular officers are going to review the visa application with a critical eye. People who are motivated to immigrate to the USA often have more than enough patience to write and say over a year's time whatever needs to be written or said to accomplish their objective. It's been done before, it will be done again.

And the issue is not your sincerety or your children's feelings for your fiance. The issue is his intentions - that's what he has to demonstrate.

Maybe all will go well for him, it does for many. But many others are surprised and angry when it does not go well. Recognize that fact and be proactive in taking steps that will improve your fiance's odds of making a successful and uneventful visa application.


..... I don't know how you explain that to someone, or show someone on paper that. And I guess I didn't expect someone here to think he had bad intentions toward me. The funny thing is he says he will wait however long he has to wait for us to be a family. I cry because my daughter woke up crying the other night thinking he would never come. So it is me that is more concerned with how quickly he will get here.


How do I go about finding such an attorney? i have no idea about it at all.
MeenaBeenaFemaleMorocco2006-11-22 14:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp please...last minute change

And I guess I didn't expect someone here to think he had bad intentions toward me.

I don't think it was anyone's intention to imply that. No one here could possible know and it's not important what anyone here thinks anyway. What is important is how the interviewing officer in Casablanca views your case. They are constantly on the lookout for things that might suggest fraud, so you need to make sure you are aware of anything in your case that might be a red flag for fraud so that you can supply adequate proof to the contrary.

LOL at this point I am afraid if I wear green on Wednesday it is going to be a red flag LOL It is very upsetting to think things are going to be one way for several months and then find out that might not be the best way. And when I tell him all he will say is, "Hbiba it will be okay." LOL I know he is trying to help when he says that but I just get scared. I know I have never done anything wrong and he hasn't either...and that we are really together but it is up to someone else to decide that. I guess everyone here has gone through that though so I don't have to explain that feeling.
MeenaBeenaFemaleMorocco2006-11-22 13:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp please...last minute change


As other poster's have noted, the consular section in Morocco can be difficult - it's a high fraud post.

You have 4 children and your fiance is a student...... I think you should worry less about which K visa is 'faster' and worry more about how your fiance is going to demonstrate that his interest in you is more than a ticket to LPR status. Find an immigration attorney who has experience dealing with the consular section in Morocco and review the details of your situation with them.


Hello everyone...


We have known each other a year. I did not agree to marry him until June. I was given the choice where I wanted to Morocco or in the US. As I am an only child and the only grandchild that grew up near my grandparents (they are getting older and are ill) I picked living here at least as long as my grandparents are alive. I have chat logs from June until now saved. I doubt after reading then anyone can doubt that there is a relationship there. I could be wrong though...Plus there are letters and the relationship that I have with his family there and here. My relationship with his family is one of the reasons we are as we are. Between our families and our religion that is what brought us together. I don't know how you explain that to someone, or show someone on paper that. And I guess I didn't expect someone here to think he had bad intentions toward me. The funny thing is he says he will wait however long he has to wait for us to be a family. I cry because my daughter woke up crying the other night thinking he would never come. So it is me that is more concerned with how quickly he will get here.

MeenaBeenaFemaleMorocco2006-11-22 13:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp please...last minute change
Hello everyone...

I am leaving to go to Morocco in 10 days. I was originally going to get married then, I started reading here how long it takes to get a spouse into the US. I sat and cried for 2 days. I have 4 children and they are very attached to him. They talk to him online and on the phone. They mail him things and such, so there is no way I can imagine making them wait that long. It is hard enough for me to wait that long much less children. That is when I noticed that if you apply for a K-1 it seems to take a lot less time then a K-3. Can you tell me if what I have read is true? Will it be a shorter time if we decide to go the way of K-1 instead? If we do, can you tell me is there anything I need to do while I am there. I feel so everything seems to be changing at the last minute. I am overwhelmed, scared and lost.

He lives in Casablanca and is a student. He has family there and two brothers here. So he has family both places. Do they consider this a risk when issuing a K-1? I live in Missouri. How do I tell what the time length is for the K-1 in my area?

Thank you for any help you can give me.

MeenaBeenaFemaleMorocco2006-11-22 12:57:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Who receives the NOA's

My fiance and I were not certain who receives the NOA's after the I-601 is submitted. Is it the USC or the Alien?


I know our case is slightly different because we have a lawyer but all of the info is sent to them and than the law office contacts me. I am the NON-USC. You wont receive anything in the mail about your NOA for the waiver. I had my husband call the Vermont Service center that deals with waivers to get our EAC number. We finanlly get that in the middle of January and our case was sent to Vermonet in October. When did you have your interview? Not to be too bold but what is your waiver for and when was is submitted. We do have a thread here for Canadians waiting on waiver approvals. I can tell you this though- Canadian have the longest wait times for waiver approvals. Good luck in your journey.

Our interview was November 16th, we did not return the waiver application until 3rd week of Jan. The waiver was for a CMT which resulted in restitution and a discharge from her records about 13 years ago, and as we all know, the US does not recognize the discharge. All police searches turned up nothing on her records. We have done much research and are fully aware of the inordinate amount of time it takes to get an approval or even a denial from Vermont, which of course only adds to the stress of this whole mucked up process.

Thanks for your input...
bucknekkidMaleCanada2007-02-28 11:16:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Who receives the NOA's
My fiance and I were not certain who receives the NOA's after the I-601 is submitted. Is it the USC or the Alien?

bucknekkidMaleCanada2007-02-18 11:23:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)interview for I-601?

Yes, fiancé(e)s can file an I-601. See 9 FAM 41.81 N9.3(a) and 8 CFR 212.7(a)(1)(i).

Married or not, you have to show the hardships to yourself if your fiance is not allowed to enter and you are seperated. And the hardship you would face if forced to relocate to your fiances country......

Thanks for your input...All that you have mentioned has been completed by us and reviewed by two separate Immigration Attorneys, (1) Canadian Immigration Attorney and (1) US Immigration Attorney. We were also lucky enough to have the reviews by both Attorneys for free. Both attorneys stated that what we were submitting was very well prepared and they would expect the 601 to be approved....But we all know how the US Government can be...The paperwork was submitted in Jan and now it is hurry up and wait...
bucknekkidMaleCanada2007-04-30 10:43:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)interview for I-601?

When my fiance was refused the visa the embassy gave him several papers in addition to the visa refusal letter. One is called "memorandum report of interview of ineligible applicant for immigrant visa who is applying for relief under section 212(h) or (i) of the Immigration and Naturalization Act." It contains such questions as "present financial status of applicant" "duration and extension of alleged reformation" "plans if applicant is not permitted to immigrate to the United States" "discussion of spouse's knowlege, if any, of the applicant's activity which resulted in the visa refusal." Does this pertain to a future interview my fiance is going to have? Or is this something that is intended to be sent with the waiver packet? They did not explain things to him, just handed him a few papers. My lawyer asked for a copy of this, I was just curious if anyone else was given such a document or has gone on an interview.

Also, many people applying for I-601 are already married. Do the arguments for extreme hardship carry less weight and is I-601 less likely to be approved if you are not yet married?

Great question, and although I don't have an answer, I currently have an Immigration Attorney out of NY courtesy of my new employer in Brooklyn. Karen and I are very lucky to have such an opportunity to work with an attorney for free, so we are going to take full advantage of the situation. Now to the meat and potatoes of your comment. Karen and I filed the 601 prior to having access to the Immigration Attorney. Through questioning via emails she made the comment, that the 601 is filed for couples ONLY after they are MARRIED and the alien is refused entry. I'm not certain if this is true as we were given the paperwork for the 601 by the Consular Officer who denied the Visa. Karen and I would like to know if anyone out there has been granted a 601 while applying for the Fiance Visa ? The Attorney has since filed a 192 on our behalf, once again at no cost to Karen and I, but I'm not certain if both applications can be submitted in tandem.

Your question is legit about the weight of unmarried vs married, as I found it very difficult to argue extreme hardship based soley on the fact that Karen is my fiance. As I see it, the US Government could easily say "to bad, so sad, you guys aren't married sucker, find a USC if you want to marry"

So to end this, has anyone out there received a 601 for a Fiance Visa?



The 601 is done for K-1, and you don't need to be refused entry, you get a visa denial first, and then hand in a 601. You did it right. What is a 192? Hardship on you if Karen is NOT is tough...but you gotta dig deep :).

When I stated "refused entry", for all intents and purposes I was referring to the Visa being denied. Prior to the Visa being denied Karen traveled for years to the US with no issues. Once the Embassy learned of her conviction, which was discharged from her police records, they warned her not to attempt to cross to the US as her passport has now been flagged. The 192 is basically a "please allow me entry to the US although I have a conviction" permit.
bucknekkidMaleCanada2007-04-30 09:33:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)interview for I-601?

When my fiance was refused the visa the embassy gave him several papers in addition to the visa refusal letter. One is called "memorandum report of interview of ineligible applicant for immigrant visa who is applying for relief under section 212(h) or (i) of the Immigration and Naturalization Act." It contains such questions as "present financial status of applicant" "duration and extension of alleged reformation" "plans if applicant is not permitted to immigrate to the United States" "discussion of spouse's knowlege, if any, of the applicant's activity which resulted in the visa refusal." Does this pertain to a future interview my fiance is going to have? Or is this something that is intended to be sent with the waiver packet? They did not explain things to him, just handed him a few papers. My lawyer asked for a copy of this, I was just curious if anyone else was given such a document or has gone on an interview.

Also, many people applying for I-601 are already married. Do the arguments for extreme hardship carry less weight and is I-601 less likely to be approved if you are not yet married?

Great question, and although I don't have an answer, I currently have an Immigration Attorney out of NY courtesy of my new employer in Brooklyn. Karen and I are very lucky to have such an opportunity to work with an attorney for free, so we are going to take full advantage of the situation. Now to the meat and potatoes of your comment. Karen and I filed the 601 prior to having access to the Immigration Attorney. Through questioning via emails she made the comment, that the 601 is filed for couples ONLY after they are MARRIED and the alien is refused entry. I'm not certain if this is true as we were given the paperwork for the 601 by the Consular Officer who denied the Visa. Karen and I would like to know if anyone out there has been granted a 601 while applying for the Fiance Visa ? The Attorney has since filed a 192 on our behalf, once again at no cost to Karen and I, but I'm not certain if both applications can be submitted in tandem.

Your question is legit about the weight of unmarried vs married, as I found it very difficult to argue extreme hardship based soley on the fact that Karen is my fiance. As I see it, the US Government could easily say "to bad, so sad, you guys aren't married sucker, find a USC if you want to marry"

So to end this, has anyone out there received a 601 for a Fiance Visa?


bucknekkidMaleCanada2007-04-30 08:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaWhat is up with Brazilians and "Thanks God" or "Thanks, God"

or "see you in Church"

Now that is something you will NEVER hear coming out of my mouth! I'm afraid to try to get inside one and burst into flames :devil: :lol:

Nor I....Everytime I enter a church, there is a very scary voice from nowhere that says "GET OUT"...Besides, the holy water burns...
bucknekkidMaleCanada2007-01-14 11:46:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130

It's OK to use punctuation... :yes:

Aw take it easy, they did put the periods (.) between the letters U.S. ;)

Was all in jest!...

But, I would like to take this time to thank you for all the help you have provided my fiance Karen, it is very much appreciated...

(David) of... David and Karen
bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-09-16 13:02:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130

I posted a topic that i have gotten no replies to 49 viewed it but no replies I just want to know after we receive this NOA for the I-130 what happens next i was told my husband will receive the same letter and the woman i spoke to i asked her what will happen next and she told me he will be issued a visa to enter the U.S. i just wanted to know if what she told me is correct can someone please give me there thoughts on this please

It's OK to use punctuation... :yes:
bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-09-16 12:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMontreal (Canada) Consulate experiences?!
Click on the FORUMS tab at the top of the page..
Click on CANADA..

All you questions can be answered there...
bucknekkidMaleCanada2007-02-06 20:58:00
CanadaCanadian Birth Certificates Online

Sorry I'm not sure how to copy the thread from the old forum over here. So I will just update you...
I emailed out an application for three of them...myself and my two children on January 25th....two of them arrived on January 30th. That is awesome considering there was a weekend in there too!!
Still waiting on the last one....we'll see what sort of time it takes.

For everyones information...Karen received her BC in 10 working days!!!!!
bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-02-19 10:53:00
CanadaCanadian Birth Certificates Online
You know Karen, you look absolutley gorgeous in that picture!!!!

Love you baby,

bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-02-01 20:55:00
CanadaNOA2 Issued
Now the number 69 has a whole new meaning to me!!!!! :whistle: :devil:

WoooHoooo for us!!!!!!! :joy:

David (Karen's other half)...... (L) (F)
bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-03-28 22:04:00
CanadaWhere to marry?

I have looked through the forum and I can't seem to find reference to this.
After our K-1 is approved (aren't I optimistic), do we have to marry in the USA? Or can we marry anywhere within those 90 days after POE?
Just something that came up in discussion recently with friends regarding our future wedding plans.
Thanks for your input. :)

*Tiny beads of sweat build up on his forehead, and his hands become clammy, and he steadies himself with his hands against the wall because he feels quite faint*

Uhhh...I'm supposed to marry you, I thought this was a LISVA... Live In Sin Visa Application?!?!?!
:whistle: ... ;) .... (L) ..... (F)

bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-04-09 19:25:00
Canadabucknekkid in every stuff!!

Is it me or does Dave appear in every thread? Geez!! I was just reading and following up on some posts and realized he is everywhere!! Ackk!!! He is a silly one! :lol:
He has an opinion on every stuff!!

bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-04-09 20:46:00
CanadaTim Horton's

I'm from Toronto. Our weather is pretty much exactly the same! It's not like Canada is cold year-round but some Americans seem to think it is!

Uh huh I can relate to that. Asked many times about the winter weather all year round. Gimme a break!!

Yeah, I was really surprised when I went to Karen's house the first time and discovered it wasn't made out of ice.... :yes:

Bet the sand castles n' lil umbrellas in the drinks had you baffled then!!! :lol:

A little background of me...

I am the other half of David and Karen.... I love you, baby.. !!!!!

Just imagine how I have be on my toes....always??!!

We had drinks with tiny little umbrellas?!?!?!?!....All i remember is how hot your tail looked in that bikini.. B)
bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-04-09 19:40:00
CanadaTim Horton's

Ugh the oot and aboot thing! That pisses me off to no end! I hate how some people I've met down here seem to think that their way of pronouncing everthing is "right" and that therefore any deviation from that pronounciation is wrong and shows a lack of intelligence. Grrr!

I do NOT say "aboot". I've noticed some people here say "Aboat". I'm living in the Boston area now, so it REALLY bugs me when people go "Oh, you say some words wrong". It's like "Oh yeah? At least I recognize the letter r as part of the alphabet and don't just ignore it" !!

Oh, and I also hate it when people from Boston will ask me if I'm liking the warmer weather now that I'm in Boston.


I'm from Toronto. Our weather is pretty much exactly the same! It's not like Canada is cold year-round but some Americans seem to think it is!

Yeah, I was really surprised when I went to Karen's house the first time and discovered it wasn't made out of ice.... :yes:
bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-04-09 16:36:00
CanadaTim Horton's
A little background of me...

I am the other half of David and Karen.... I love you, baby.. !!!!!

Raised in Texas....So I can relate to that extra syllable in the words comment from an earlier post..It's aka a Texas Draw..

Lived in Alabama, Louisiana, Georgia, North and South Carolina(the accent in those states are aka a Southern Twang) California, Arizona, and presently Missouri...Also spent a year in the GTA of Mississagua, where I met my beautiful and very tolerant fiance Karen...
I do not lay claim to my birth state of Ohio, nor any of my relatives who may be there as well...*shrugs*

Other differences in pronounciation that catch the ears of USC's...include but are not limited to, any word with the prefix "pro"

Sorry..pronounced "sorey" in Canada, and "sawry" in the States..

This is a good one..."Buddy" meaning anyone you don't know in Canada..So it is said as if "Buddy" was their name..."Buddy came out to fix my cable"...although his name was Jeff...

*steps back and quietly waits*
bucknekkidMaleCanada2006-04-08 16:02:00