Middle East and North Africacanabis in medical examnation, plz help
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gimygirlFemale02006-06-04 12:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaYESTERDAY MY HONEY SHOULD ARRIVE, but he did not!!!!
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gimygirlFemale02006-06-03 12:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaDo they really?
yes ... they do read here. it would be extremely naive of members to think that the gov't was not reading a site where members discuss how to bring immigrants to america.

as for thinking you have a certain level of anonymity on this board ... not for those that have their names, dates, locations, and photos posted here. it's not that hard for officials to match up all that information. :thumbs:

gimygirlFemale02006-06-04 19:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaOur backgrounds

wow! I am surprised about the number of Muslims, Very interesting. It will be interesting to see how the immigration of so many Muslims, in a predominant Judeo-Christian societ, have an impact in the years to come.

LOL this poll is in the ME/NA Forum... what is to be expected :lol:

maybe someone can move it to the gen'l polls forum!! :lol: since the voting may be a bit skewed here!! ;)
gimygirlFemale02006-06-07 18:43:00
Middle East and North Africaquick....

Correct. Sometimes we decide to make english our own Language and we are right and everyone else is wrong.

Meat is Beaf of Lamb 'Lahmah"

Then we have chicken "Dijaj"

The we have fish "Samak"

what about poultry like duck, hen, goose?
gimygirlFemale02006-06-21 09:18:00
Middle East and North Africaquick....
off the top of my head:

cut up your chicken into 2" pieces (or strips). sautee them in a small amount of oil with onions, green peppers, garlic, thyme, oregano and a generous amount off teryaki sauce. cook noodles, drain, use a good amount of butter and then toss in your chicken mixture!!


actually (adding on): since it's a whole cut up chicken ... do all the same but cover the frying pan for about 20min on low heat to cook the chicken through.
gimygirlFemale02006-06-20 17:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaVISA DENIED 2ND TIME!!!

It was quite a pertinant question, and honest enough. You seem to have a thing about advising me on the worthiness of my posts. I find that impertinent.

if there is misinformation in your posts, it is quite pertinent that the errors be pointed out and correct information dispensed. if you don't like being corrected you should make sure that there are no holes in the information you post here.

da mermaid's profession is of no relevance here, nor are her studies. her information is factual and can be substantiated. that does not change regardless of the fact whether you want to read what she has to say on the subject! :thumbs:

gimygirlFemale02006-06-21 23:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaVISA DENIED 2ND TIME!!!

Look like the Consulate wont let you bring your boy toys to the US anymore.
Anytime you have a combination of age, religion, culture, or language differences, you will be raising a red flag. If these are contrary to the usual culture there, then they are not going to believe in the validity of your relationship. They are allowed to make subjective judgements like many of you are finding out.

They dont believe that many of these relationships are based on love, but based upon other motives. His motives or your motives.

I hope that your "boy toy" comment was not serious, seriously.

sarah ... meet the fox!! he is always serious!! :thumbs:
gimygirlFemale02006-06-21 13:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaVISA DENIED 2ND TIME!!!

let me tell ya, you piss me off! you must be a CO to say the things you say.

nice attitude!! :thumbs: paula offered sound advice that, frankly, anyone on this entire board could use when prepping for their interview. it's a shame that you can't keep emotions out of this and had to reply in such a derogatory fashion.
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gimygirlFemale02006-06-21 13:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaNEWSFLASH!!!
meriem!!! just saw your thread!!! wishing both you and hachemi the best thoughts for a successful outcome!! :thumbs:
gimygirlFemale02006-06-28 22:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt is our Destiny......
fantastic news!!!! so happy for you both!!! :dance: :dancing: :dance: :dancing:

Edited by gimygirl, 02 July 2006 - 10:47 AM.

gimygirlFemale02006-07-02 10:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaThinking of leaving...

odd that you haven't reported someone spewing anti-arab hate speech to the admin ... i'm sure that would make them stop!! :thumbs:

I have reported it.

And now I'm tired of being on the defensive with you. Open your eyes here, Gimy. Do you really not see it? Or are you just playing Devil's advocate?

nah i don't have time to play games! maybe you can link me to the post with the anti-arab hate speech because that's a big no-no!!

but in the meantime ... i'm off for lunch!!! ta!

gimygirlFemale02006-07-07 11:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaThinking of leaving...

And we're back to my original point....
I think the question is...what kind of person would WANT to do this sort of thing? Go around harassing women from the ME/NA forum with anti-arab hate speech....

great question!! :thumbs: have you thought of asking that person directly?? :help:

Yes, I have. They don't answer and they don't stop.

odd that you haven't reported someone spewing anti-arab hate speech to the admin ... i'm sure that would make them stop!! :thumbs:
gimygirlFemale02006-07-07 11:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaThinking of leaving...

And we're back to my original point....
I think the question is...what kind of person would WANT to do this sort of thing? Go around harassing women from the ME/NA forum with anti-arab hate speech....

great question!! :thumbs: have you thought of asking that person directly?? :help:
gimygirlFemale02006-07-07 11:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaThinking of leaving...

*tsk tsk* Indeed. My self worth isn't tied up in your opinion either. You are providing me with loads of entertainment and a chance to vent some frustrations that have absolutely nothing at all to do with you. It's very nice of you actually. Thank you. Just realize that in your loftiness, there are many sitting and laughing because there is just as much ego tied up in it as there are in those you have offended. Shall we keep dancing? I know your tune well.

vent away ... i'm sorry no one but me is here for you but i'm glad that it makes you feel better. just another day in the 'ward' for me.
gimygirlFemale02006-07-07 11:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaThinking of leaving...

geez louise... does it ever end? pffffffffffffffffffffffffffftttttttttttt!!! wasn't this little corner of VJ created for those of us going thru it??? then, why, oh why do others feel the need to come in and add their 2 cents when uninvited? if we wanted the replies of the general forum... we'd go there!!!! :unsure:

because this is a public forum where anyone is free to read and respond anywhere they want ...
gimygirlFemale02006-07-07 11:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaThinking of leaving...

So you would be another who feels they must wander in and advise "us ladies" of how we should feel, think and act? You had nothing to add here that was in any way positive. It was just another jab. You can sit and smugly say in your "I'm obviously more enlightened then you are" way that there is no need to take it personally as YOU surely don't. I "personally" at this point am so fed up with "advice" and "smugness" that I am enjoying indulging... *whispers* thank you for entertaining me. :thumbs: *claps* Got any more?

sure ... we can go all day if you want, because not one bit of my self worth is tied up in your acceptance of me! :thumbs:

shame on me for suggesting that anyone concentrate on their happiness!! *tsk tsk*

gimygirlFemale02006-07-07 11:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaThinking of leaving...

You can only laugh it off for so long - eventually it gets under your skin. Most of us "try to laugh it off" all day in our relationships - is it wrong to want a change from that?

of course it's not wrong ... not at all, you're human. you just need to ask yourself if it's really realistic. i would pour my energy into being the happiest person i could be regardless of what anyone anywhere thinks.

i think you ladies need to laugh a little and not take things so seriously ... *whispers* i understood her point loud & clear, i just chose not to indulge in it :thumbs:

i would laff... if there was something to laff about... but you haven't shown me anything funny yet!

it's not my responsibility to make you laugh ... you really need to seek out that which makes you laugh! :thumbs:
gimygirlFemale02006-07-07 11:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaThinking of leaving...

as for me standing on jenn's point .... that's impossible!!! i'm cuddled up on the couch right now!! :thumbs:

It was a "lenon-esque" response... I thought you might understand it. It meant simply, you don't understand her point because you are doing exactly what it is that makes her ( and may others ) weary. Smile dear... Relax.

i think you ladies need to laugh a little and not take things so seriously ... *whispers* i understood her point loud & clear, i just chose not to indulge in it :thumbs:

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gimygirlFemale02006-07-07 10:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaThinking of leaving...

sorry ... i guess i'm missing your point ...

I never said anything about Ewok doing something about the issue. I was simply responding to his offer to deal with threads once reported. Although his offer is appreciated, for me, that would not solve the issue.

if certain issues cross the line for you, then maybe your decision to leave is for the best as this is a public forum which only has one admin who also serves as the only moderator.

as for me standing on jenn's point .... that's impossible!!! i'm cuddled up on the couch right now!! :thumbs:

gimygirlFemale02006-07-07 10:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaThinking of leaving...
sorry ... i guess i'm missing your point ...
gimygirlFemale02006-07-07 10:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaThinking of leaving...

If anyone truly crosses the line please always report the thread :). I will take care of them if they did cross the line... :P I am not aware of issues until they are reported however.

Thank you, Ewok. My feeling, however, is that a report is kind of "too little too late". The damage has already been done by that point.

so how do you propose that he stops that which he is not aware of??
gimygirlFemale02006-07-07 10:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaME/NA yahoo group?

(Still not getting anything on IM or email, Sister Rahma.... I reconfigured the Yahoo messenger so it shouldn't be ignoring you.... not sure what might be the problem :crying: )

apparently there are some problems ...
gimygirlFemale02006-07-08 01:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaME/NA Group & Misc...

What group is this? I'm confused? Is it invite only?

mmhmm it is! :yes:
gimygirlFemale02006-07-07 23:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaME/NA Group & Misc...

Well, ok feel free to edit me. Rahma needs to take a break and I AM having a crisis. A pretty major one and its personal. I am a bit upset and frayed tonight so if my wording has yet again upset the apple cart, I do apologize. Thank you. No need for everyone to get MORE upset today. Just need a few days.

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gimygirlFemale02006-07-07 23:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaADMIN PROCESSING!!! (((( good news )))

I am gonna play a little game. to surprise him....

10 months of AR and you decide to play a little game with him ...

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Never take life seriously, nobody gets out alive anyway!

Hmmmmm....heard that before?

(simply stated in the interest of shon's excitement)

gimygirlFemale02006-07-08 10:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaADMIN PROCESSING!!! (((( good news )))

I am gonna play a little game. to surprise him....

10 months of AR and you decide to play a little game with him ...

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gimygirlFemale02006-07-08 00:05:00
Middle East and North Africa~~~~ Good news anyone? ~~~~~
$0.00 insurance bill is always great news!! :lol:

we just found out that geoff's mum & auntie are due to make another visit to our house in a few months!! this will be their 3rd visit in one year's time!!

gimygirlFemale02006-07-15 12:54:00
Middle East and North Africagot SSC but.....

I can see that you think you are responsible for telling everyone what to do, but no one here wants anything to do that with from you so you can go now.


I have no problem with "outsiders" and I really do appreciate their input into immigration questions posted in this forum. What annoys me is when someone comes from time to time when they are bored to boss everyone around and tell us we are "isolated" and that we should not post immigration questions in two places. Who cares? I mean honestly what is the point of coming into this forum to say that? I see none.

since you did not read my full post, because you ladies would just rather paint me out to be the bad girl here ... i've already stated that i do not look to which forum i am posting in because it matters NOT to me. that issue lays on your doorstep thus validating the issues you have with outsiders.

as for me 'going now', i wouldn't hold your breath because i am a member of this fourm, including all of its sub-forums. do not vilify or put down someone without expecting to get it back!

i wish you all well for a speedy process and maybe you can learn to let things go! :thumbs:

gimygirlFemale02006-07-15 20:13:00
Middle East and North Africagot SSC but.....

please don't start the same topic twice ... you're likely to receive a more concise answer in one thread.

this is what i called ragged on. Why even tell him not to post twice.Who are you to tell anyone what to do even if you said please. If people want to post the same information in a different forum because they think they can receive better answers what does that have to do with how you feel?

since you ladies rarely venture out of your self imposed corner ... there have been problems in the past when this issue has come up. i am NOT the only who has recommended such a thing either. it is such a shame that you couldn't see this as a helpful piece of advice but instead let it fester inside you until you spew your negativity.

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gimygirlFemale02006-07-15 19:45:00
Middle East and North Africagot SSC but.....

i wouldn't apologize jean. If KML wanted to post his topic in here so be it. He also stated why he posted twice. I didn't see the need for him to explain also. As he said it's nobody's business if he posted twice. I don't see anything in terms of service where it says anything about posting twice. But obviously it bothered someone who came to post that in this thread. I don't mind that people "outsiders" come in here to offer advice be it good or bad. But it did bug me when someone came in to rag on how he posted twice now that's a bunch of BS.

please do point out where i 'ragged' on him. it was advice and it was correctly dispensed without malintent.

now, it was the ME girls who once again pipped up with their ignorance, prejudice and prosecution complex to derail the thread. you are all so quick to think: oh they descend on us like a pack of wolves ... but that's just not the case ... evidenced by his other thread in which he received the correct answer. nothing but drama was given to him here by you lot! :thumbs:

gimygirlFemale02006-07-15 18:21:00
Middle East and North Africagot SSC but.....

I can't help but shake my head...

sorry to hear that you can't control certain body movements. i'm also sorry that you are so stubborn that you can't take an emotion step back to see what i'm saying.

no matter what forum he started his second topic in ... i would have given the same exact answer. i don't segregate forums ... you do. i answer & respond where i see fit.

gimygirlFemale02006-07-15 16:20:00
Middle East and North Africagot SSC but.....

some of you ladies in the sacred 'ME/NA Off Limits to Everyone Else' Forum really need to get your meds reevaluated! :thumbs:

i've given this very answer numerous times as it is the proper answer. i browse VJ using the active topics link ... therefore, i don't really care what forum the thread is in.

loosen up, lose the chip on the shoulder and try to be a bit more positive once in a while!! :thumbs:

You tell'em officer Gimygirl. I use the Active Topics feature too and it makes no sense to me to post the same question all over the place.

Why not? makes sense to me. More ppl will get to read it and respond. What is the big deal???????? Geeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzz louiseeeee


because .... please follow along now since this has been explained before ... when you keep your valid question in one thread you are more apt to receive the MOST concise answer possible.

when you start posting the same question in different forums ... information gets losts, misconstrued, etc. if misinformation has been posted, someone is able to come along and provide a more correct answer for the OP.

KML could has easily made the very same post in his original thread and someone could have clarified for him. but that's not what happened here ... the first response from noura was incorrect.

sine you ladies have nothing better to do than to argue for argument's sake ... i'll leave you to it! shame that you would rather hold a grudge! but if it helps you get through your day being pissed with me ... *shrugs*

gimygirlFemale02006-07-15 16:12:00
Middle East and North Africagot SSC but.....
it's a shame that most of you would rather hold a grudge than hold hands.

regardless of what you think, this was not the most optimal forum to start the thread in. my original response merely stated that keep all the information in one place would yield a more concise answer ... this is not out of the ordinary to suggest.

the more issues you create for yourselves here ... the more you self-segregate from the whole immigration forum.

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gimygirlFemale02006-07-15 15:38:00
Middle East and North Africagot SSC but.....

:ot2: pretty please....
must we always get our feathers ruffled around here??? :no:

i think that's a question you should pose to the women in this group who feel persecuted ... as there was clearly no need to use the term 'police' in this very simple thread ... it's unfortunate she allowed her prejudice to infiltrate here causing more dissension.
gimygirlFemale02006-07-15 14:22:00
Middle East and North Africagot SSC but.....
some of you ladies in the sacred 'ME/NA Off Limits to Everyone Else' Forum really need to get your meds reevaluated! :thumbs:

i've given this very answer numerous times as it is the proper answer. i browse VJ using the active topics link ... therefore, i don't really care what forum the thread is in.

loosen up, lose the chip on the shoulder and try to be a bit more positive once in a while!! :thumbs:

gimygirlFemale02006-07-15 12:42:00
Middle East and North Africagot SSC but.....
please don't start the same topic twice ... you're likely to receive a more concise answer in one thread.
gimygirlFemale02006-07-14 22:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaTakalaamal deen

well hopefully can respect the request .... noura did acquire my services as backup ... should they be needed ... i can't afford a dock in pay this week ... baby needs new shoes!!!!

Gimy, just to set the record, I did not acquire, nor do I *require* your services... I was just playing words back to you in hopes of keeping things lighthearted regarding your presence. *At ease, soldier*...
back to our regularly scheduled program... thanks! :thumbs:

if you are going to make a joke in my direction, be prepared to receive one back. i'm sure everyone was aware that i'm here of my own volition ... glad to see my presence brought some lightheartedness!! carry on! :thumbs:
gimygirlFemale02006-07-21 10:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaTakalaamal deen
well hopefully can respect the request .... noura did acquire my services as backup ... should they be needed ... i can't afford a dock in pay this week ... baby needs new shoes!!!!
gimygirlFemale02006-07-20 21:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaTakalaamal deen

while munching on my popcorn ... i noticed that the first post may be in violation with the TOS: Restrict or inhibit any other user from using and enjoying the Forums.

i'm not sure you can impose such rules ... albeit well intentioned. best of luck! :thumbs:

pa-troll-ing again? :lol:

just doin' my job ma'am *spits* to keep the community safe from riff-raff ... as you were! *tips hat*
gimygirlFemale02006-07-20 21:34:00