Do you think USEM will re-open tomorrow? My fiance has his interview tomorrow but said he will see what the weather will be like. I told him we can just reschedule since I don't want him to have a hard time commuting to Manila tom. I will pray that the rain stop. Be safe everyone :)
JAYANN & JAYFemalePhilippines2013-08-19 08:40:00
PhilippinesHelp in Rescheduling Pls

Yes that was the number im trying to put it. This is stressing me out. Can't wait for tomorrow morning so i'll know whats going on. Yes i'll do that, for sure i will call them. Thanks green

I feel the same way. Stressed out already and its driving me nuts that if USEM is closed again tomorrow and  have to reschedule there might not be any available date for August :(

JAYANN & JAYFemalePhilippines2013-08-19 11:50:00
PhilippinesUSEM Manila, Philippines closed today
do you think if they close again tom those that werent interviewed monday will have to wait or they will be prioritized to get interviewed?
JAYANN & JAYFemalePhilippines2013-08-18 19:45:00
PhilippinesUSEM Manila, Philippines closed today
my fiance has interview tom so i am a bit worried.
JAYANN & JAYFemalePhilippines2013-08-18 19:34:00
PhilippinesUSEM Manila, Philippines closed today
do you think it will still be closed tom?
JAYANN & JAYFemalePhilippines2013-08-18 19:18:00
PhilippinesUSEM CLOSED

I really think this Normal.  They had a flood.  It is not necessary to put anyone at risk.  Then a Philippine Holiday after that. Thats just how it is.  I have seen the waters are dying down.  But, I can understand that safety is a main concern.  These are Goverment workers and not a typical "Get there or be Fired Job"..  You just have to go with the flow.  You have no choice.. Your Petition is First on the list.  JUST GO WITH THE FLOW. 

Would you happen to know if the people that were suppose to have their interview for Mon-Tues will be the first ones served as it is no one fault I mean some people did show up for the schedule interview but do you think they will have somewhat of a priority?

JAYANN & JAYFemalePhilippines2013-08-19 18:39:00
PhilippinesUSEM CLOSED

This is on the Facebook update of the USEM:


U.S. Embassy, Manila Philippines The U.S. Embassy will be closed Tuesday, August 20, 2013, due to severe flooding in and around Metro Manila and on Wednesday, August 21, 2013 in observance of Ninoy Aquino Day.

Consular services have been suspended in order to keep the public and our employees safe. Individuals with scheduled visa interviews should watch our website or contact our visa information service at 02-982-5555 to reschedule. For American Citizens Services appointments, the Consular Section will be in touch to reschedule those interviews in the coming few days. For emergencies involving U.S. citizens, please contact the American Citizen Services Unit of the U.S. Embassy?s Consular Section through the after-hours emergency telephone (632) 301-2000 or (632) 708-9703.

Weather permitting, the U.S. Embassy will resume operations on Thursday, August 22, 2013.


I tried canceling our appointment earlier this morning so I could reschedule our appointment if there are still any available dates but it won't allow me to do it. This really sucks as we have waited almost a month to have an interview and now we have to wait so more :( 

JAYANN & JAYFemalePhilippines2013-08-19 17:41:00
PhilippinesTicket booked MNL to ATL!

I booked the ticket this morning with Expedia.
Janen will arrive here Tuesday the 20th! Only 5 days.


JAYANN & JAYFemalePhilippines2013-08-15 10:35:00
PhilippinesBE SAFE!!! To my fellow VJ's here in the Philippines...

Does your fiance got a white paper? That was given at the gate?

I totally forgot to ask him. All I cared about when we were talking was that he was ok and that I was making him go home already so he does not get stranded. haha.Forgot to ask him. What is the white paper for?

JAYANN & JAYFemalePhilippines2013-08-19 22:26:00
PhilippinesBE SAFE!!! To my fellow VJ's here in the Philippines...

My fiance lives in Tanauan Batangas luckily where he lives doesn't get flooded as it is not a low area. He was supposed to have his interview today and still went to the embassy since they made their announcement late again....he left Tanauan around 3:30am and got to the embassy around 5:30 took him about 2hrs and he stayed at internet cafe for an hour to let me know he was safe. 

JAYANN & JAYFemalePhilippines2013-08-19 21:37:00
PhilippinesBE SAFE!!! To my fellow VJ's here in the Philippines...

US Embassy should have just decided yesterday to close again August 20 so that people who have an interview for August 20 are not left wondering if they are open or not. If you know there is a typhoon why not just close it for a couple of days rather than having people wonder and have to go through all the trouble to go to Manila only to find out it is closed. cray5ol.gif mellow.png

JAYANN & JAYFemalePhilippines2013-08-19 14:09:00
Philippinespassed or not??

Looks like you got approved. You do not have to fill anything out at the embassy. 

The time you scheduled your interview you were asked to choose whether it'll be home delivery or pick up, either of the two you will be notified.


Congrats on your approval 

Just curious now that you say this. When you schedule the appointment online they do ask for what type of delivery you want but I was just wondering for the people who get denied due to co-sponsors they choose the method of delivery and then nothing. Shouldn't they ask this at the embassy instead after interview since you do not know if you will get approved or not. I was just curious though.

JAYANN & JAYFemalePhilippines2013-08-21 08:17:00

thanks. maybe the CO will go easy on the people who are organized since they are back log. wishful thinking :)

JAYANN & JAYFemalePhilippines2013-08-21 22:03:00

Yehey thats good news!dancin5hr.gif

Hoping they will give priority to those that didn't get interviewed.

JAYANN & JAYFemalePhilippines2013-08-20 06:28:00



U.S. Embassy, Manila Philippines To all who have already tried to reschedule your appointments, please be patient. When we reopen we will advise on rescheduling appointments in a way that gives priority to those who had appointments over the past few days. Please check back for more information to follow when we reopen.


Maybe we have hope that we do not have to wait another month? Trying to be positive as I can as this has been very stressful. 

JAYANN & JAYFemalePhilippines2013-08-20 06:09:00
PhilippinesBeing Judge By Other People


Fuuuuuuget them, your heart wants what it wants. Don't let other tear down the bond your building.

thanks. my fiance always tells me if i had intentions of using you first think about me being the peitioner & you being the do you think i would feel if i petitioned you and then you leave me once you get your papers and he tells me i am sacrificing not being able to spend Christmas with my family for years just so i can be with you and if i only had a choice i would rather us stay in the Philippines as life here is happy & relaxing.

JAYANN & JAYFemalePhilippines2013-08-21 22:13:00
PhilippinesBeing Judge By Other People

If they don't call me daddy or asawa, I don't care what anyone thinks.

Funny my fiance tells me " I don't care what anyone thinks, they can say whatever they want to. The only thing I care about is your opinion because if you think of me as an ####### then don't be with me. I don't want to spend the rest of my life with someone who is unhappy & miserable with me."  

JAYANN & JAYFemalePhilippines2013-08-16 15:53:00
PhilippinesBeing Judge By Other People


And THAT is what really matters, the person with whom YOU choose to spend the rest of your life.  You don't get to choose your family, but you CAN choose your mate.

My fiance has really been great & patient during this whole visa process and to tell you the truth he requested if he could come here after Christmas so he can spend the holidays with his family before he leaves since it may take a few years until he spends Christmas with his family. I told him that he's had his whole life to spend Christmas with them and now its my turn so he agreed and I promised him that every 3-4 years we will go to the Philippines for Christmas to spend it with his family.   :)

JAYANN & JAYFemalePhilippines2013-08-16 14:51:00
PhilippinesBeing Judge By Other People

It's annoying when it happens. If one tries to give me advice about my relationship, then it is not only annoying but insulting to my intelligence. A stereotype has some truth in it to ponder and/or aid in discernment. It doesn't actually take much abstract reasoning to think of a stereotype in itself. It is a simple recall. So when someone wants to pass judgement on me with absolutely no insight, I only see it for what it is. As for the using the USC for a GC, I understand it happens, but like all stereotypes, this lumps every immigrating individual into one simple and nicely packaged group. I have reason to suspect that a little arrogance might be thrown in to help feed the notion as well. Afterall, we are "the greatest country on Earth" so of course everyone wants to come here and get a GC by any means headbonk.gif <sarcasm>. In any case, I don't mind close ones being concerned for me at all. However, it is completely insulting when one assumes he/she knows more about my relationship than I do. I know it is hard to believe for some people, but my wife actually came here because she loves me. It kills her being away from her family, and if we didn't love each other incredibly, she would have gladly stayed with them with no reason to leave at all. Like I said, hard to believe for some, and some never will believe it. It's fruitless to present a defense in the face of ignorance.

My fiance told me that he would rather live in the Philippines but because he doesnt want me to be separated from my family so he would sacrifice not seeing his own family for years just to be with me. I actually even told my family & friends that if they believe he will only come here for the GC then why don't I just move to the Philippines for good rather than bringing him here and the reaction I got from them was "ARE YOU STUPID TO GIVE UP THE LIFE YOU HAVE HERE TO MOVE TO A COUNTRY WHERE YOU WON'T EVEN MAKE HALF OF THE MONEY YOU MAKE HERE?" and "WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU TWO HAVE A BABY WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GONNA GET THE MONEY TO SUPPORT THE CHILD?"  I also asked my fiance if it would be ok with him that I move to the Philippines and he told me do whatever makes you happy and where you choose to live that is where I will be also.

JAYANN & JAYFemalePhilippines2013-08-16 10:34:00
PhilippinesBeing Judge By Other People

I ABSOLUTELY HATE IT!!!  We've been together for 8 years, married for 4 years, have a 21-month-old daughter together, and people still judge our relationship.  I want to talk to family and friends about how hard it is to be away from my hubby and the frustrations of the visa process, but I am asked a million questions about why my hubby isn't here and if he is being faithful to me. This visa journey can be a lonely process, but with God's grace and forums like VJ, we will get through this!

Just prove em wrong and make them feel dumb. You'll probably have a way better and stronger relationship than those judging you. I had a cousin who petitioned his wife her 12 years ago and his friend used to judge him saying she doesnt love you she will leave you once she gets her green card and now they have been happily married for 12years with four kids and some of those friends who judged him are divorced and they tell him you are so lucky your wife loves you and now most of his friends are asking his wife if she has friends she can introduce to them.

JAYANN & JAYFemalePhilippines2013-08-15 13:44:00
PhilippinesBeing Judge By Other People

There are and will always be "nay-sayers"  ... the best attitude is to be like a little duck and not give a quack.


True friends will support you... those that don't aren't true friends.



I used to get bothered by it but like my fiance says as long as I am not hurting anyone they can say whatever they want

JAYANN & JAYFemalePhilippines2013-08-15 13:35:00
PhilippinesBeing Judge By Other People

Don't let it bother you much.  It bothered me alot in the beginning but these are people who typically understand the challenges of petitioning someone and the fact that many of these marriages end up in problem situations, divorce or the US citizen trying to send the significant other back home.  Don't forget about the affidavit of suppor thwich puts you on the hook regardless if htings go south.  I had a consular officer that wasn't even evaluating my petition the same thing which bothered me badly and impacted my relationship in addtion to friends.  However, go with your heart and life is like a box of chocolates, you don't know which one you'll get as well as a leap of faith.

Thanks :) I used to get bother too when my friends say this to me but my fiance has always assured me that he doesn't have any intentions of using me for papers. We were actually introduced by his aunt who is a family friend of mine and was also petitioned by neighbor 8 years ago. My fiance's aunt is my sister's co worker and plus my sister is the godmother to her son and her husband is a godfather to my nephew. My fiance always tell me that he doesn't want to ruin his aunt's friendship with my family and he doesnt want his aunt to be blamed by my family that she introduced me to an "#######". He was like if I had a choice I wouldn't even bother moving to the US and just stay here in the Philippines but because I love you and I don't you to be separated from your family and I want to give whatever you need I'll sacrifice anything for you even if I don't get to see my family often and that he doesn't want to take the life that I have here now and suffer in the Philippines because he can't provide a better life for me over there. We just gotta prove those people wrong. He always tells me as long as I am not hurting anybody they can say whatever they want.

JAYANN & JAYFemalePhilippines2013-08-15 12:06:00
PhilippinesBeing Judge By Other People
Don't you just hate when other people judge the person you love especially when they have not even met the person yet. They tell you "oh your making a mistake by petitioning him/her. he/she is just going to use you for the papers and leave you once he/she gets what he/she needs". How do most of you feel when your love one is being judge by family or friends?
JAYANN & JAYFemalePhilippines2013-08-15 10:52:00
PhilippinesIs it time to pack my things? CEAC Status - ISSUED


Yup, the further out you can plan typically, the cheaper the flight.....I just booked Dahlia's flight today and she will be flying out I got a good deal through Expedia.


I am guessing that some seats did not sell because of all the flooding in Manila so that has given us a little advantage right now.



I love Taiwan's airport. Good food + great shopping (for Dahlia). There is a gate in Taiwan airport where she can wait and charge all her devices since all the seats have the outlets under. I usually stay in that gate until my flight is about to board.

JAYANN & JAYFemalePhilippines2013-08-22 14:35:00
PhilippinesIs it time to pack my things? CEAC Status - ISSUED

Now that Dahlia has access to her passport, she will travel from Angles City to Manila real early Friday morning, will pick up her passport and Visa from our friend and then go right to the CFO for her class and get her stamp.....yehhhhh !!! almost done :-)


So now, I was just able to book her flight....through Expedia, flying  with EVA Air from Manila to Seattle for $ 1,002.70 including all the taxes....on such short notice, that was a real deal. I found that trying to book direct with the airlines that flying on that day would be closer to $2,000... Wow !!!


She will stay in Manila Friday night and fly out of Manila at 12:45 PM on Saturday and arrives in Seattle Saturday evening at 7:10 PM. Her connecting flight is in Taipei with a layover of 8 hrs....


Does anyone know what that airport is like, any tips...does it have wifi ???


This has certainly been some ride !!!


Hopefully Dahlia can update this page as her flight to the US progresses.







Really saw some flight for like $800-900 on EVA Air's website leaving between Aug 30-Sept 5. 

JAYANN & JAYFemalePhilippines2013-08-22 13:41:00
PhilippinesIs it time to pack my things? CEAC Status - ISSUED

really? usem is still close for tomorrow? and then on wednesday its holiday.

Not sure if it will be closed tomorrow but if the rain doesn't stop there is a possibility that it will be closed. I am hoping that the rain is over though.

JAYANN & JAYFemalePhilippines2013-08-19 11:33:00
PhilippinesIs it time to pack my things? CEAC Status - ISSUED

I GUESS NOT!....cray5ol.gif


I believe everything happens for a good REASONidea9dv.gif .  Until now no VISA.  Just thinking out loud.  If I got my visa last Fri. or Sat. and decided to stay in Manila on Sunday for Monday CFO Seminar. On a brigther side I guess it wasn't the right timing.  Some of the areas in Manila is flooded and according to the news the typhoon might stay until Thursday!


Though it is hard to understand USEM issued VISA for those who had their interview last 12-14 August and according secret7vf.gif  to our fellow VJ'ers they already received/collected their VISA.  


wow.gif  Patience is really being tested!!! headbonk.gif blink.png ........ *sigh*


NOTE: I am not complaining just saying out loud lol.......innocent.gif blush.png laughing.gif



I agree patience is really being tested. I waited for almost a month to get this interview but now if USEM is still closed tomorrow I may have to wait until September if there are no available slots for August :( Lucky you at least you got interviewed already. Really sucks for most of us that have waited for this day to come and have to do some more waiting because of the typhoon. It would really suck if this typhoon goes on until Thursday because that will be a lot of people that needs to be rescheduled :( Hoping for the best that the rain will stop and not come back.

JAYANN & JAYFemalePhilippines2013-08-19 08:53:00
PhilippinesForms & docs to bring to interview

Thanks ... I'm gathering the last documents ... interview Aug 20

My fiance's interview is also on August 20. Good luck :) Praying that your interview goes well also. 

JAYANN & JAYFemalePhilippines2013-08-07 21:33:00
PhilippinesForms & docs to bring to interview



USEM does not send a packet, and YOU schedule the interview online or by calling


Its serious rock 'n' roll time!!


Click the link in my signature below this post. 


For you and your dad (co-sponsor) complete the I-134 and I suggest completing the I-864 also as Manila is difficult with co-sponsors.

Hank, if I am not using a co-sponsor is it okay that I only filled out for I-134?

JAYANN & JAYFemalePhilippines2013-08-06 14:49:00
PhilippinesHelp in Airline Deals

just sharing:
Got the ticket for second week of September flight at $736 including the philippine travel tax....awesome. Husband said its a good deal. (with free snack and breakfast) MNL to NEWARK

I live like 15mins away from that airport.

JAYANN & JAYFemalePhilippines2013-08-22 20:33:00
PhilippinesHelp in Airline Deals


I just called EVA Air and they said no problem...she just needed her ID that matches the airline ticket information and she is good to go !! She will have the other documentation with her also, just in case.... :-)



Hope she has a safe flight. Sign up for their mileage programs. Its great. You get seat upgrades when you have accured mileages so you don't get stuck sitting in Economy when you go to the Philippines :)

JAYANN & JAYFemalePhilippines2013-08-22 13:31:00
PhilippinesHelp in Airline Deals

jayann & jay that's a good deal 769 US dollars one way Manila-Taiwan-NYC...though I remembered when I had flown with EVA air in 2009, there was a layover of 6 to 8 hours in Taiwan....and the free check in luggage was 20 kilos.

I find EVA air to be the best. I've been flying with them since 2005. Love their mileage program last 2 trips to the Philippines I only paid $1209.60 for Elite class and had a very comfortable seating.

JAYANN & JAYFemalePhilippines2013-08-20 09:21:00
PhilippinesHelp in Airline Deals

I just brought my wife to US from Philippines.  At first when I called the airlines they said a round trip ticket was required because a person from another country cannot stay on an open ticket.  Once I explained that this was my wife and she was coing to the US for the first time they said, Oh, okay, congratulation...then they assisted me in booking her ticket.

I tried inquiring about one way tickets in the Philippines also and they said it wasn't allowed.. if thats the case they better refund the other half since my fiance isn't planning to come back, I find that kind of crazy to purchase a round trip ticket when the person is coming here for a certain reason and actually has valid papers. 

JAYANN & JAYFemalePhilippines2013-08-19 22:23:00
PhilippinesHelp in Airline Deals

Here is info of where the New York Office is located :) Hope this helps


New York, U.S.A.
Office Telephone Number  +1-201-626-4030
Office Fax Number  +1-201-626-4031
Office Address  100 Town Square Place, Suite #310, Jersey City, NJ 07310, U.S.A.
Reservation Telephone Number  +1-800-695-1188 / +1-201-626-4030
Airport Telephone Number  +1-718-751-1998

Edited by JAYANN & JAY, 19 August 2013 - 10:17 PM.

JAYANN & JAYFemalePhilippines2013-08-19 22:13:00
PhilippinesHelp in Airline Deals

Try EVA Air great airline goes from Manila-Taiwan-NYC. One way tickets are $769 on a weekday. If you buy online just make sure he calls EVA Air to let them he will be purchasing it for you and he is not one of the travelers so you won't have problems at the check-in.

Attached Files

JAYANN & JAYFemalePhilippines2013-08-19 21:55:00
PhilippinesVISA Status is ISSUED after my interview 2 days ago - Yay !!


Not from the actual city but near in L i M a Tech Cntr smile.png

I live closer to SM Lipa & San Sebastian cathedral in Sabang

JAYANN & JAYFemalePhilippines2013-08-24 12:11:00
PhilippinesVISA Status is ISSUED after my interview 2 days ago - Yay !!

I just received a txt message from name INFO saying, "Document released for pickup/delivery". My shipping option is delivery, so I am expecting to have my documents delivered by tomorrow here in Lipa, Batangas. luv.gif

your from lipa? i am from lipa also. :)

JAYANN & JAYFemalePhilippines2013-08-23 05:47:00
PhilippinesNCLEX Test in USA


Actually from what I understand, he wouldn't have to start all over (that would be awful!!), but just have 1 of the credential evaluation services verify his courses. Also, they told me you dont have to be a local board passer (NLE) to take the NCLEX as long as you get your courses credentialized.

For those who have taken NCLEX in Philippines, where and when is offered? I did a google search but did not find any recent topics regarding this! But it would be much easier to just take it here vs. waiting til I'm with my fiance there! But.... how sure are you that NCLEX passers in Philippines is accepted by the state board of nursing in TX (or any other state in the U.S.)? I would hate to pass it here only to be forced to take it AGAIN over there.

Oh nice to know he doesnt have to start over again. I believe NYC you dont have to be a local board passer (NLE) not to sure though but I know its more strict here in NJ. I had a friend who is a local passer in the Philippines and took her NCLEX also in the Philippines and when she came to visit with her J1 visa she was able to work as RN in the hospital. Confirm with BON of Texas though to be sure. If my fiance had passed the NLE there and took the NCLEX there my tita who works at a nursing home and my sister's friend was gonna get him a job as soon as he got his papers but unfortunately we have to wait until he takes the NCLEX.

JAYANN & JAYFemalePhilippines2013-08-23 16:00:00
PhilippinesNCLEX Test in USA

Hello all!I will be living in Texas and was wondering if anyone from Philippines also took the NCLEX. My mga requirements pala, yung credential test... ang mahal!!If anyone can be nice to help me, which credential service do you prefer over IERF or CGFNS? They are both $350... but is one faster then the other?Also, I'm planning to take NCLEX review... can anyone suggest a good one that they had experience? Thanks!!

Hi. I have a few people who advised me that its better to take the NCLEX there in the Philippines as it is the same here in America. My sister's friend who is nurse advised me to tell my fiance to take the NCLEX in the Philippines before coming here if he passed the local board but unfortunately he didnt pass the NLE so he would have to start all over to take the NCLEX here. Check the BON for Texas. I believe they require CGFNS + TOEFL.

JAYANN & JAYFemalePhilippines2013-08-23 13:10:00
PhilippinesThe big move...Cebu to New York City

So far I love it here...hopefully I can do Empire State and re-visit times square before it snows...also wanting to do food trips like Katz Deli and some other burger joints (Yes I'm
a burger person)

Go to Shake Shack!

JAYANN & JAYFemalePhilippines2013-08-25 07:10:00