K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInteresting article

I read this article about a K1 situation


It got me thinking about whether they just had a ceremony or whether they had handed in a marriage license. If they had got married in a Christian church or some other religion and just had a ceremony without handing in a marriage license would it still be classified as married? I mean what about separation of Church and State?

Wowsers! This should be pinned with huge wording that says:

I feel bad for these folks!

It won't matter if you pin it or what......someone always comes on here asking the same question. I kind of get irritated when I hear people trying to make excuses around the K-1 visa. If they want to get married before the visa is approved, REGARDLESS of the excuses why, then they should wait and file the K-3. It's really a no-brainer. Yet, it seems every day someone asks how they can get around the rules of the K-1.

I do feel for them, BTW.

I totally agree!
TonySMaleColombia2007-04-26 14:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBeginning I-129F Petition...Question!


No so. The child will need their own visa. What the child does not need is their own I-129f petition - the child can apply for her visa on the basis of your petition for her mother.


.....Question: I understand that by filling out the I-129F form, it allows my fiance to bring her 4 year old daughter to the US on the same visa. ......


Ok, now I'm even more confused. The consulate in her country will issue seperate visas, correct? I do not have to fill out any additional paperwork with the initital I-129F do I? I am understanding that the only thing I have to do is list her daughter on the I-129F. They both already have passports. We are just finishing getting together the necessary information to send with the intitial packet.


You only need to provide the information about your fiancee and her daughter on the I-129F. After the application is approved she will receive a package 3 and 4. Package 4 will have forms for mother and child. The fiancee visa is the K1. The child ( being under 21 years old ) is allowed to "piggyback" and is a K2 visa. The child will also take a physical in Bogota and will need wriiten permission from the father to leave Colombia. This is a little simplified but not by much. Hope it helps.

TonySMaleColombia2007-04-30 15:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBeginning I-129F Petition...Question!

First of all, this site is GREAT. I had initially planned on hiring a Lawyer to handle my filings, but this site has really helped me prepare to do it myself.

I am in the beginning stages of filing my I-129F and G-325A forms for my finace in Colombia. We are both obtaining the documents needed to complete the packet. Question: I understand that by filling out the I-129F form, it allows my fiance to bring her 4 year old daughter to the US on the same visa. (We are planning our wedding within the 90 day window granted by the K-1) Once they arrive in the US on the K-1 and after we are married, do I then file the I-130 for her daughter? Or do I go ahead and file it the same time I file for the I-129F? I understand the additional filings for "change of status" once we are married, but the I-130 is somewhat confusing.

Any help and suggestions will be appreciated.


Hello Bundy

My fiancee is from Colombia and I will have a 2 year stepdaughter soon :yes: . They arrived in the USA last month. After you are married both mom and daughter will file for adjustment of status. Also check out the "Colombia Club". Read the threads from the beginning. There is a tremendous amount information. Here is the link http://www.visajourn...?showtopic=2572.
TonySMaleColombia2007-04-28 10:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresletter on proof meeting
I just wrote a paragraph with a very simple explanation.

The letter sounds like it is going ot be used as the supplement to the 129 form. At least that is how I read it. If you have any special circumstances at all reagrding your cae, the space provided ont he form is just too small.

The letter can be just a short statement giving the details o fhow you met (online , in person, where, dates etc) It does not need to be more than a few sentences.

Your lawyer probably has a reason for asking you to write such a letter. Think about it or ask the lawyer why and you'll get some guidance on what to put in the letter. On the other hand, you may have misunderstood. You will each need to write a letter stating your intent to marry.

Often, when there are red flags like overstays to deal with in a case, it is good to address those issues in the initial petition. Supposedly, if USCIS has evaluated these red flag issues because they were brought up in the original submission, the Consular Officer is not supposed to second guess them. They do it regularly anyway.

Not necessarily true. Our lawyer said not to worry about discussing our less-than-180 day overstay because there was nowhere on the application where it was required to do so (no appropriate question that asked for that as an answer). On the DS forms, later at the embassy, of course, he will have to check the boxes that apply for those overstays. The I-129F requires very little soul-spilling. So don't muddy the waters unless there's a reason. I would think an over-180 day overstay would require a waiver, so then there's that process as well.

As for the OP - I'm guessing the lawyer is just having you write out a supplemental answer for #18 on the 129F - many people do that. You don't have to go overboard, all USCIS wants to know is where you met within the 2 years required. If you met - like literally "nice to meet you" met - make sure you mention whatever visits would fall within that 2 year time frame they care about. They won't care about your meet-cute from 6 years ago.

TonySMaleColombia2007-05-04 15:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVermont center processing time
First of all I would like to say sorry that you are French......just kidding :yes: . Seriously though, I realise that one must prepare for worse case but the VSC is usually very fast. When I looked at the data for France K1 visas, I saw many being approved (NOA2) in 2-4 weeks. In my case, it was 27 days. My feelings go out to the CSC filers. Anyway hope it helps.

Hello everyone,

this is my first question, let me introduce myself first, I'm French and in love with an american from NJ, we have been thinkign about marrying for some time but never really realised it was this complicated, so here i am.

I spent all afternoon (at work lol) looking things over

i will have several questions, we have not started anything yet, but being an assistant i like clear and clean things lol and I ME lol I opted for the K1 visa route...

so my first question will be why do i see 2 different process times for Vermont's center :

if i go in "processing times" it says in april they were looking at cases received in October of 2006 (so around 8 months) BUT

if i go in "immigration timelines" and look at Vermont's statistics for K1 visas the average days between 1st and 2nd NOA is 79 days + 10 days for the 1st NOA that's about 3 months
and in "view k1 visas" i see people in france that have sent their 1st package to Vermont in 2007 and had NOA1 in feb and NOA2 in March !! am i not reading right?

so which is it, or is there something i haven't understood again lol

any help will be seen as a miracle hand extended to me lol thank u very much,
CONGRATS to all that have done it, thank u for helping the ones that are waiting, and the ones still wondering how it will go(like me)


TonySMaleColombia2007-05-10 13:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresgoing to colombia soon need help
Be sure to document your relationship while you are there. Take a lot of pictures in different places. Take pictures with her and her family. Pictures are very important for the interview in Bogota (I suggest taking 20-30). Save all travel information, boarding passes, airline and hotel receipts, etc. Excellent idea to get the translations. Some things you can have her work on now that may be a pain in the rear later is, the baptism certifcate and the Certficate Migratorio (which may take up to 30 days to get outside Bogota). That's all I can think of.

TonySMaleColombia2007-05-03 08:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion 18 of I-129F
Hello Studentinlove

Question 18 can be answer with a simple sentence but it is also a opportunity to show in the application that the relationship is real. It does not have to be long but a simple paragraph included on a separate sheet in the application. For example:

" I traveled to Colombia in May of 2006 and met Maria while visiting Cali. I immediately felt a connection and I spent most of my vaction with her. When I returned to the USA we talked for many hours on the phone and exchanged many emails. I have since been to Colombia three times to see her. I feel she is wonderful and beautiful person. We are in love and I plan to marry her and spend our life together."

Also get your butt over to 'The Foreign embassy and Consulate general discussion' forum and join ' The Colombia Club' The information is excellent!

TonySMaleColombia2007-07-14 15:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence question
All very good information! Your Continental records are good and the credit card records are also excellent. Include phone records and pictures ( 4-6 )spread out over the time of the relationship. Make a copy of your passport and highlight the entry and exits from Colombia. Beginning now, save all information about yor relationship. Pictures are especially important, the CO's in Bogota likes to see them.
TonySMaleColombia2007-07-14 16:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is needed for children on K-1 petition?
The child will not need a police report just a birth certificate, immunizations and physical. Also as a heads up, you will need written notarized permission ( I think within 30 days of departure date ) from the father in order for your daugther to leave Colombia. If he is dead of course you will need a death certificate. If he is missing, then I believe you will need paperwork from a judge.
TonySMaleColombia2007-08-22 16:48:00
IMBRA Special TopicsK-1 Visa questionn regarding IMBRA
I met my fiancee through a agency and it was not a problem at fact it was never a issue what so ever. In today's world it is a very common way to meet people. The IMBRA only becomes a problem when a person applies for a second fiance visa within 2 years or has a criminal past. Maybe other folks have more knowledge on this subject. I guess things may change in the future as the IMBRA is no longer new and is up and running now. I would not worry, you are doing nothing wrong. :yes:

With the help of many people on this site, I mailed my I-129F petition packet this morning to the Texas Service center. Thanks for all your help and knowledge.

My question is in regards to Question 19 on the I-129F form. (Regarding having met thru the services on an international marriage broker)

I met my novia thru an agency website in October 2006. I purchased her email address and we intitally met thur "email". The company I purchased the email address from and the owner of the company NEVER mentioned anything about IMBRA and I did not know about IMBRA until I started looking into K-1 visa information. I was told to be truthful on the application and I wrote the process of how we met and all the correct information to contact the agency. Since IMBRA was never discussed with me thru the agency and no personal information was obtained on me from the agency, is this going to hinder my filing? I am not a criminal and have never been arrested or been in any legal trouble in my life, so I have nothing to worry about on that end. I do not want to have my process slowed if the agency was not doing their job properly.

Can someone give me some insight on IMBRA requirements when it applies to the I-129F petition?


TonySMaleColombia2007-05-10 10:30:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Need some advice about a overstay.
Thanks to all for the information, I greatly appreciate the help. I consider myself fairly knowledgeable about immigration due to the many hours researching in preparation for my own journey. My research indicated that a illegal overstay was forgiven when married to a USC and the entry was legal. So in that respect they are good. Like I mention the problem now is proving legal entry due to the lost of all documents. I thought it wold a simple matter of obtaining a duplicate I-94 or contacting the consulate that issued her visa. They consulted a immigration attorney who told them that records were destroyed after 4 years. I don't know if this is true or not. I told them to contact the USCIS for information but they are wary needless to say. My friend's finance remembers the entry date and POE but does not remember the airline.
TonySMaleColombia2007-12-28 13:24:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Need some advice about a overstay.
I'm hoping to get some information for a good friend. My friend's fiance arrive here legally about 7 years ago on a tourist visa. She overstayed and has built a life here. They met and feel in love and now they want to get married. I know a overstay is forgiven ( AOS ) if married to a US citizen and the foreigner entered the US legally. The problems is all the documents proving legal entry were destroyed in accident. Any advice on how legal entry can be proven?
TonySMaleColombia2007-12-26 00:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaClub Colombia

When I lived in Colombia, I remember that these letters --irrespective of what the actual letter says about it being irrevocable-- were, per Colombian law, valid for 90 days only (if signed in Colombia) or 60 days (if signed in front of a Colombian consulate in another country).

I witnessed a very unfortunate scene in which three children who were traveling with their mother were not allowed to board the airplane because the DAS maintained that the "irrevocable" permission letter signed by the children's father was too old. Further, the DAS required the mother to present _recent_ birth certificates for each one of the children, in addition to their passports (which she did not have).

Your wife might consider, in addition to talking to a lawyer, taking a trip to talk to the DAS and/or ICBF (not fun, admittedly) to get some information about what the current law says about taking minor children out of Colombia with permission from the noncustodial parent.

My understanding is that the father's permission is required each time the child is to leave Colombia.
TonySMaleColombia2007-01-07 10:08:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview in Colombia any Information?!
Congrats to you Matt. Hey go over to the 'Colombia Club' forum all your answers and more are there, including a 'shortcut' to get your interview scheduled. Here is the link http://www.visajourn...?showtopic=2572. The people are great. See ya there.

TonySMaleColombia2007-11-09 07:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBogota embassy overview

A quick overview of our experience.
ARRIVE early. We did. Appointments are at 7. We got there at 6. There was already a line. They got long fast after we arrived. We got at just the right time. I think 5:45 would have been better.

You will see 3 poles with numbers on them. Go ahead and get behind pole 3. Pole 3 is for K1´s and some others. At 6:30 they come out and started asking questions about your appointments and reason for being at the embassy. Shortly after they start letting you in. You will then be given a packet to organize your papers requested in packet 3 and 4. Then a woman will call you and check off your name. She will then send you to a window with these papers and all of your original papers from the I129F will be put together. After that you will be ask to wait in chairs near another window. This is the long wait period. Then you will hear your fiancees name called and both of you will go to that window for your interview. They ask us all the normal questions.
How did you meet?
What does your family think?
Does he have pets?
What kind of car does he drive?
What does your family think of you living in America?
Why do you want to marry him?
Does he have children, or want children and how many?

Then he talked with me. Ask me about past relationships and why am I wanting to marry her. He also ask me how many times I had visited Bogota.
Then he said you are granted a visa and to return at 4 tomorrow.

Good luck to all. Feel free to send me questions. I will write about our POE tomorrow. (Miami)


Thanks Rodney, I find your posting to be very helpful. Thanks for sharing. I look foward to our interview in 2007!
TonySMaleColombia2006-12-20 14:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionApproved after 27 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hola amigos! Got email notification of NOA2 today. I knew VSC could be fast but wow! :dance:

Tony S

Gracias everyone!
TonySMaleColombia2006-12-22 21:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionApproved after 27 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hola amigos! Got email notification of NOA2 today. I knew VSC could be fast but wow! :dance:

Tony S
TonySMaleColombia2006-12-21 17:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionThe interview at the embassy!

we have same case but my fiance and i decided a date when he proposed to me...twas so fast that we were friends and days after we r now lovers :) we do remember, we became super close in feb, he said he wanted to marry feb 14 would be his best date for proposal...with his chocolates,cake, balloons and cards! (L)

Part of a successful interview is preparation. Go over sample interview questions together, get your thoughts organized and decide how you will answer them. Good luck! You two make a great couple.

TonySMaleColombia2007-01-03 13:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDevistated

Jesus people...did anyone eve read EVERTHING I have said???? This is what I get for trying to be helpful!

I never told anyone that they would not get in travelling alone, however this is much like people who think they are in the clear just because their case gets approved, completed and sent to the Embassy. You are not in the clear then, yet, right? Same thing applies to POE...I dont care what the others said (only one of the three who said I was "wrong" has actually received a K1 and already lives here, the other two have not, and I have been all the way through the process also), the POE is still the final point of evaluation of the immigrant and the attempted Visa status. My ex-wife was raked across the coals in Miami and I was WITH her! I know of two particular cases where the fiance was refused denial. Should I go further?

I followed the first paragraph up with a second on the RECOMMENDED way to report this fiance - who he is painting to be a fraud. What is INCORRECT is to be writing anyone. The Governement has this Fraud Unit for a reason, and all information or reports should go to the unit. Think about it...did anyone who "knows" what to do here even tell him WHERE in the USCIC/DOS to send this "correspondence"????

Everyone who is reading this and not dealing with any bad issues regarding their K! - QUIT GETTING YOUR PANTIES IN A BUNCH! COMBINE my two paragraphs because they are RELATIVE to eachother and quit reading into everything! Hell, let me make it simple:

1. If you have a fraud issue with her, contact the fraud line and report before she travels.
2. Do not travel with her or help her come here.
3. Let her be evaluated by the POE unit because the fraud alert will be attached.
4. If she DOES get in, do not have contact with her and let her try to have her status changed at 90 days.

Are you guys happy now?

They can probably flag her and prevent her from coming in.

Uhh...isnt that where I was going with this anyway?

Brad is correct. The POE should not be treated lightly. The border officials have the power to deny entry if they feel that something is not right. It is called expedited removal. No right to lawyer or hearing but turn around and c'ya! Come back and try again in 5 years. That is why it is important not to open the sealed visa apporoval package. Not to get everyone worked up but it is important to have everything in order for the POE. Present the same "A game" at the POE that was shown at the interview.I think with immigrations issues on everyone's mind, post 9/11 America is paronoid. I feel like i'm being treated like a criminal everytime I leave and arrive from Colombia. I understand the reason why but it can be difficult anyway.
TonySMaleColombia2007-01-06 12:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia -- Bogota Police Certificate

I guess my question is I "thought" in reading the instructions that you needed the DAS for exits and entries, the DAS for no criminal activity, and a "separate" letter/card from the police department where you have lived for last 16 years stating no criminal activity? is this wrong? If not, where in Bogota does she obtain the latter -- i.e., the card/letter from police department?

Thanks very much...Stinger!!

I spoke with my fiancee yesterday about the DAS. She has copies of the package 3 and 4 provided by a friend. I wanted to be sure I understood what she would need. She said she would a need a updated DAS. She said that since her mother worked for the government, that it would be easy and quick for her to get one. She said the DAS is a common document needed for employment and travel. I she also said that she would need a police report from her "neighborhood". I guess this is the local report you are talking about.
TonySMaleColombia2007-01-09 19:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia -- help plzzzz --thanks

My fiance goes for her medical tomorrow...I'm a bit confused as to the documents she needs to bring and have filled out.

Does she bring the DS156 (2 copies) and DS 156K????

Also, can she download these from San Salvador site and fill them out in Spanish (because they are in Spanish) or do they have to be downloaded in English and filled out in English...please let me know ASAPPPPP...thanks...Stinger


My finacee received her package 3 today. She said the instructions said to bring the DS156 and the DS156K ( along with the Affidavit of Support ) to the interview. Her forms are in spanish. I read on a earlier post that the forms can be in english or spanish but things will go slower in english.


Edited by TonyS, 11 January 2007 - 03:42 PM.

TonySMaleColombia2007-01-11 15:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK3 - How essential is it that the spouse attend the interview.

I have been planning to attend my wife's interview (we are hoping for a June date), but she is more interested in me coming to Bogota to escort her and the boys to the US when she's ready. I've read that it is important for the American citizen to attend the interview for a fiance(e) visa, but is it essential for a K3? I can't really afford to leave work twice in a month for both things. Any pointers would be welcome.

Any insights from regarding any embassy are welcome, though Colombia is our first concern, of course. Thanks for any helpful advice.

I recommend attending the interview. I know it is not required but when I went, I noticed that all the couples that were there together were easily approved. The ladies that were there alone had a approval rate of abot 50%. Of course this is just my observation and the reasons for disapprovals varied. The mere fact that you use this website tells me that you two will do just fine, so I guess it is just a matter of which moment you want to share with your family. I do think the travel to the USA is nothing compared to the joy the moment the CO approves the visa, especially after all the hard work and worry. Just my thoughts.

TonySMaleColombia2007-04-25 16:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa Approved, Wife is with me, Finally!
TonySMaleColombia2007-04-20 15:06:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 Supporting Docs
You should order the tax transcripts, it should take 2-3 weeks to arrive. If it doesn't arrive in time for the interview, then use a copy of your latest tax return.
TonySMaleColombia2007-07-26 13:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCR-1/IR-1 Colombia Club

The Complete CR-1 Bogota Experience - Part III:

Fisrt of all, MYstery, no problem Man!!!! I had already booked it before I saw that you were there. Such is life, in that we all have different experiences...and I agree with you that AC is not always needed, but had that been the ONLY issue we would have stayed. In fact I couldnt even get the guy to take $100 USD from my hand without getting more attitude to at least keep us from having to search for a new place in the middle of the evening and while tired! At any rate, it is my pleasure to make them lose a little I am a cutthroat businessman and would expect the same if I treated anyone like this! for Part III... APPROVED!

We got up really early after having gone to bed just as early. Went straight to the Embassy, which is NOT the main entrance. Our taxi driver larned this quickly, because if your taxi stops at the front entrance for more than a minute expect guns to get pointed at you know our national security is something of a sight! hahaha So anyway, made it to the BACK entrance where you walk about 150 yards and get into one of three lines. For now, line 3 is for resident Visas. We got there at about 6:35 and they started letting you in at 7. Order in line means nothing really. First you have a group conference with a lady that expalins how to organize all your info in a packet. Then you are called, in order of appearence, to turn in all your papaerwork to one of four windows. This is the only time the order matters because people who turned in their paperwork AFTER us were later interviewed BEFORE us. After turning in the paperwork, you got to a different area and again...sit and wait.

We sat ffomr 830am to about 2pm, when we were called to window 3. We were the LAST couple to be interviewed, and had seen a string of denials right before us. The vice consulate asked Vicky to pick up the phone and then began to look at the file. It couldnt have been easier... He first asked her for pictures, and she handed him 8 packets of thumbnailed pictured printed on sheets of paper and organized by trip, with a title page and a big picture of the two of us on the front of each packet. They seem to be VERY interested in pictures together...this is all he was alooking for and we saw this MANY times with other interviews. He looked at about 25 percent of the pics and returned them. He then asked her how we met, how long we have been together, how many times I visited and what I do for a living. She answered all and after typing in the computer for a short time reached for the green ticket, split it in half, and gave one half to her telling her to return at 4pm to pick up her Visa!!!!! If he reaches for the WHITE ticket your denied!!!!!!

We returned SAME DAY at 4pm and picked up the visa, but not all of the approvals received same day..some had to return the next day. And again, they are VERY interested in pictues. We also saw several cases where one of the two had to walk away and the vice consulate talked to one at a time privately! However the vice consul did not even want to talk to me, but I grabbed the phone and thanked him anyway! hahaha

So....we are here for a few days then off to Barranquilla, and she will be moving to Miami with me in about 10 days!!!!

Thanks for all the input and support! We wont disappear here, and would love to maintain some of the friendships we have found along the way!!!!

Way to go!!!!!! Congrats man! I'm happy for the both of you. Thanks for all the info. I will off to Bogota and Barranquilla in a few weeks too.
TonySMaleColombia2007-01-31 12:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCR-1/IR-1 Colombia Club

Hola all

Just calling on the collective wisdom of this thread ( and the "Colombia Club" ). Anyone have a suggection for a apartment in Bogota? Tried but they are booked up for february. Any suggestion would be appreciated :yes: .


Will post Part II soon, but stopped into a Cafe Internet solamente para unos segundos.... DO NOT BOOK THE APARTMENT AT WWW.WELOVEBOGOTA.COM.... I will give the info later, but right now I will do everything I can to take even $1 out of their pocket, and normally I am not this way....

Thanks Brad and sorry for the trouble.
TonySMaleColombia2007-01-29 10:47:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCR-1/IR-1 Colombia Club
Hola all

Just calling on the collective wisdom of this thread ( and the "Colombia Club" ). Anyone have a suggection for a apartment in Bogota? Tried but they are booked up for february. Any suggestion would be appreciated :yes: .

TonySMaleColombia2007-01-29 09:36:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBaptismal certificate necessary?
Hey Joe. Take a look at the "Colombia Club" forum. I'm sure you will find all the answers you need.


TonySMaleColombia2008-01-14 01:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 Affidavit of SUpport

I filled that form out however I have no idea what those questions are and I am far too lazy to download the form since I don't need to have it for anything. Maybe you could say what the questions are or hopefully someone has a better memory than myself/has a copy in front of them.

Good luck.

#10 That I have submitted a visa petition to US Citizenship on behalf of the following persons, if non state none

#11 That I intend or do not intend to make specific contribution to the support of the person named in item 3(your fiancee)

I think #10 is asking if you have filed for anyone other than the person you are sponsoring.

#11- I said no because I am not specifically paying for my husbands rent or school... we're just married and sharing everything!

I hope that makes sense, good luck!u

Thanks, #11 is a bit of a strange question because the purpose of the I-134 is a declaration of your sopport for your fiancee that you are sponsoring, #10 they want to know if you have filed a visa petition to US Citizenship so how could it be your fiancee

True it is a strange question. My visa book says that it is N/A because it is intended for visitors that are truly temporary, such as tourists.
TonySMaleColombia2007-01-16 05:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 Affidavit of SUpport

I would appreciate if anyone could explain what the correct response should be for item #10 on the I-134 form, who are they referring to?
Also whats the best response for item #11

hello Steve

Check out the example forms section. #10 would be your fiance. #11 is N/A
TonySMaleColombia2007-01-15 02:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
Technically you should get married and apply within the 90 days period but in reality as long as you get married within the period you are ok. Many people have applied for AOS weeks or months after they get married with no problems.
TonySMaleColombia2008-01-25 21:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (BYRON-LEIDY @ Jan 3 2008, 10:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OK...I need a little help and advice .......Leidy's mom is in Canada and she they have not seen eachother in almost 4 years....

1. My first question is, is it possible to apply for Advanced Parole for this situation?? If so where and how do I do it?

2. If this process doesnt go though, does anybody see it being a problem driving to Canada and just asking the immigration office there to letLeidy and her mom see eachother without either one crossing to the neighboring country??

Hey Byron. After you marry and appy for AOS. The application also covers AP and EAD. You should get approval in 2 months or less for those. Of course you may be lucky and receive quick AOS approval from the CSC.

Edited by TonyS, 04 January 2008 - 05:41 AM.

TonySMaleColombia2008-01-04 05:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
Sorry Buck. I feel for you. Looks like the lawyer did not give you your money's worth. It only took a day to get my stepdaughter's passport in Barranquilla. A K-2 is allowed to "piggyback" with the K-1 and can enter the US a year after approval. I would have had the K-2 approve with your wife's K-1 even if he's traveling at a later time. Anyway, that's water under the bridge now. I will check my sources and see what I can find. You may need to get a Colombian lawyer involved.
TonySMaleColombia2008-01-02 19:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (BYRON-LEIDY @ Jan 2 2008, 11:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
One thing that has me a little worried is that i made absolutely no copies to any of my paperwork and they keep worry is that i dont know what is needed for the AOS process... Anybody have info for me???

Hey congrats to you Byron!!!!! I'm happy for ya dude! I remember the feeling. :yes. The only thing you will need from your previous paperwork is the approval notice ( NOA2 ). You will english translations of the birth certificates, which I don't think is a problem for you.
TonySMaleColombia2008-01-02 13:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
[quote name='SteveSandyHill' date='Nov 16 2007, 09:36 AM' post='1334724']
Just curious, has anyone confirmed the issue around the Visa delivery process? I, as well am planning on attending the interview (once we get one). I also have begun to plan for Sandy and her daughter to fly from Bogota to JFK with me.

Additionally my ticket would obviously be a round trip ticket, however once my fiancé is approved and will fly with me to New York I am assuming a one-way ticket is fine? Although strangely enough some round trip tickets are less expensive!

Hey Steve. Get whatever ticket is cheapest. It doesn't matter. I had good luck with Delta. I know things constantly change and there are variables, but I flew roundtrip JFK to Bogota for $260 with taxes included. So just keep checking and be prepare to buy, a good fare may change in minutes.
TonySMaleColombia2007-11-16 08:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
Hey Byron, I am very happy for you. You waited quite some time and I know it was hard for you. Well the next step is to go get your novia!

TonySMaleColombia2007-11-16 08:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
English is ok but there is a spanish version available. The forms sent by the embassy would be in spanish.
TonySMaleColombia2007-11-10 01:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
[quote name='Brian and Yenys' date='Oct 30 2007, 09:00 AM' post='1291201']
Hello to everybody in this Great web, my husband and I, we recieve last week our BGT Number and also lastweek they told us that they sent our case at the Colombian Embassy, I heard to many people that they are in the K1 in others fourums that they sent the respective form (DS 230 part I and OF 169) wich is the same for K3 except for the form OF 169, before they recieve the package 3... I found in the Colombian Embassy website the package 3 for K3... We just recieve the BGT number last week and they sent it on Wednesday to Bogota... my Question is ... May I send the form DS 230 Part I and the OF 169 next week... Is the way to win time for to gett the enterview sooner .... but it's not too earlier to send it? There is someobody that can share a similiar experience with us??? whistling.gif any advice is very very welcome! helpsmilie.gif ... ....... Thanks to all, and God Bless to everybody that is here!!!


Hello Brian

You can send the documents but you are past the cut off date for a November interview. You are looking at December now. Of course I don't know how the holidays will effect the interview date. If i'm wrong, i'm sure the forum experts will jump in for a correction. I would still definately send the documents next week.

TonySMaleColombia2007-10-30 10:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
QUOTE (buck501 @ Oct 26 2007, 05:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey Byron, you are making progress......WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey Buck. I haven't been online in a while so congrats on your recent marriage! Byron, hang in there dude!
TonySMaleColombia2007-10-26 16:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
You can also try Delta. If the planets line up and you search at the right moment, you can get a fantastic deal. I flew from NY to Bogota for $260 TOTAL!
TonySMaleColombia2007-10-01 20:22:00