Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHappy Birthday
QUOTE (clairern @ Jun 6 2008, 05:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all who are celebrating their birthday today with me. May God continue to bless, guide and protect us all as we celebrate yet another milestone in this journey we call life kicking.gif kicking.gif I wish that we all live to see many, many more days like this and even though some of us are apart physically from the ones we love, God is always in our hearts to comfort and reassure us when we are missing the ones we love. good.gif

Have a great day y'all. I plan to just relax and take it easy.

Happy birthday to one of the world's finest!
kishmarFemaleJamaica2008-06-06 15:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaIm sooooooooo frustrated
QUOTE (jgay80 @ Jun 10 2008, 01:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I second case is not even completed yet and my docs been at NVC for over a month now...they made a mistake and said that i am suppose to send my birth certificate and its not even required and because of their mistake I have to wait another 10-15 days for a supervisor to make the fix...I did not get that message until June 3 when my AVR it probably won't be fixed until next week where i'm hoping to get a case complete...I spoke with a supervisor yesterday about this and she told me that I shouldn't complain about that because that is the least of my problems and that Kingston embassy is so backed up...she said thousands of applicants go through kingston for every visa in the book...and kingston only gives an update once a month with a list of what type of visa they are scheduling for and for how many in each category...The Jamaican VJ crew are probably not even a handful of applicants that NVC is dealing with for Kingston which is why we think that there weren't a lot of scheduling for June and why we haven't heard anything yet for July...NVC screwed me and Kingston is the worst.... crying.gif crying.gif

All i can say is i felt like crying but i will not. I refused to be defeated by this whole immigration process.

Kingston it seems is the worst in the world when it comes to scheduling apppointments. If after being married to your SO others for years and then to go through immigration and has to deal with Kingston...i tell you if this dont strengthen ones marriage then i tell you the truth i dont know what will.

To all of us let us stay positive and stay focus....The Lord God Almighty did not bring us this far to leave us!
kishmarFemaleJamaica2008-06-10 13:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaIm sooooooooo frustrated
Hello all you yardies,

Im so frustrated with this process. Has anyone received an interview date for Kingston yet??/ unsure.gif
Im not even sure whats going on with these people. One minute they tell you to call the second week on each month for scheduled interview, next thing they are telling you to call the third week! Whats wrong with these people man!

Can someone from yard let me know if they are experiencing the same problem. My case was completed on April 25th...i know my fellow yardies like Marlita and Tash is still waiting mad.gif

Come on already!!!!!
kishmarFemaleJamaica2008-06-10 10:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaJuly Interviews
QUOTE (Trelawny20853 @ Jun 16 2008, 03:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jgay80 @ Jun 16 2008, 04:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It is very frustrating...I am even more frustrated because my case is not completed yet and I am being push down the line because of a mistake NVC made...My case should have been completed in late May and now June is almost done and still nothing...its been over a month since they had my docs...I probably won't get an interview date until October...i'm hoping for September before my anniversary (Sept 30) but that looks unlikely now...I'm planning now to go visit my husband in August instead of July because I want to spend his birthday with him...i truly thought he will be up here by then but the rate this is going I really don't think that is possible...but one thing i can admit and be thankful and grateful for is that this process has not put a toll on our relationship has put a toll in our pockets but money can always be replaced...the love of your life can not...(that sounded so much like a Mastercard commercial...LOL... laughing.gif

I understand. My girlfriend's case was completed in March and she's in the same boat. She said she's tired of cussing, so she don't complain anymore.

Lawny am i to believe that your friend's case was completed in March and she still have no date as of yet???
kishmarFemaleJamaica2008-06-17 15:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaJuly Interviews
QUOTE (Forbes2006 @ Jun 17 2008, 12:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ok Everyone,

I have called the NVC and spoke to a supervisor who has told me that interviews for KGN are still being schedule as of today. I told her that last night an operator read my the script that KGN interviews have all been schedule and we were not included. She told me that the operator was mistaken. Now I don't know who is playing but at least I have some hope as I could not sleep last night.

Lets all pray for some good news this week.

Well Well whose report should we believe????? the rep or the so call supervisor??? I called this morning and the rep read to me a script telling me that all interviews were already scheduled for July and that unfortunately mine was not scheduled. So guys i honestly dont know what to believe anymore. I guess i will just wait it out to see what happens. Let us all unite in prayer for each other.
kishmarFemaleJamaica2008-06-17 15:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaJuly Interviews
QUOTE (Marlita @ Jun 16 2008, 01:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So I checked out the Kingston embassy page and its filled with wack information as usual. It states thar NIV appointments are Monday, Wed, Thurs, and Fri!! ohmy.gif We have seen most every yardie on VJ have a Tuesday date. So either they are just leaving these family based visas to Tuesdays or their site is completely off. How is this efficient or fair or that matter. If all family based visas are interviewed only on Tuesdays then of course there's gonna be major backlog. All Tuesday dates are blocked off on the Kingston Embassy online appointment page.....leaving me to believe that Tuesday are in deed the family based visa day. Thats ridiculous! mad.gif blink.gif

August does however seem to not be blacked out at all. So it seems that maybe those dates are still open. There are only 4 Tuesdays in August, there were 5 in July. Now I could be completely wrong in all this but it seems all out of order and leaves room for major backlog. No wonder other embassys give out dates a month after case complete and KNG is so far behind. Jamaica may be a busy Embassy, but its a very tiny country compared to many others. It makes no sense that it should take this long. I wonder if we send an email to someone (not sure who) to see about suggesting they reevaluate this. The problem seems to be KNG not releasing dates to NVC, cause the K1 and K3 visas dont have as long of a wait after their DS230 is processed to get a date. But since CR1's are processed at NVC the wait after DS230 is much longer. Which may be because the embassy is not releasing dates to the NVC to use...rather KNG continues to fill up dates with people who's cases are there at the K1 and K3 family visas. All I know is there is a package leaving NVC EVERY day via DHL to the embassy! Thats alot of packages getting to the Embassy for mine and I am confused by this.

Marlita my dear im as confused as you are. I have reached a point now that i just tell myself that wheneve they are ready they will give me a date. I cant understand how "fiance" visas gets precedence over "marriages" (not to offend anyone). Im just curious.
kishmarFemaleJamaica2008-06-16 14:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaJuly Interviews
QUOTE (Ms. Hellwig @ Jun 13 2008, 11:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good Morning!

I am sooooo hoping to be a part of this list. It might just be wishful thinking. We are waiting on the Embassy to assign an interview date. I guess August would be more realistic but one can always hope???

Good luck to everyone!

Mrs. Hellwig no need to feel left out these names that you see on here are just hoping to get a July interview neither of us has actually gotton the date yet.....just hoping and praying
kishmarFemaleJamaica2008-06-13 13:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaIs it likely to happen???
QUOTE (Hotlegz @ Jun 17 2008, 12:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i waited 3 mths to get a date and the date was 1mth it's really maybe u have 2 more to go

I really hope not after dealing with these people so long i really want to see the end of this
kishmarFemaleJamaica2008-06-17 15:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaIs it likely to happen???
Howdy to all,

I was just wondering is it possible for people filing CR1/IR1 to wait for more than 3 months to get an interview date in Kingston?

My two month date is coming up and still nothing.....I know tash 2months mark is probably today (dont remember). Marlita and Forbes is also waiting.

Can someone shed some light on what going on please. blush.gif
kishmarFemaleJamaica2008-06-16 13:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaMy Interview Kingston, Jamaica June 24th, 2008
QUOTE (Trelawny20853 @ Jul 9 2008, 12:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (foreverido @ Jul 8 2008, 08:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey Trelawny, You and my wife are so She would have done the same thing at the embassy. I remember going to Scotia Bank one time this year and the people working in the bank were giving us the run around...she FLIPPED THE HELL OUT on them. We immediately got "first world" customer service. It was funny to see them running about after she talked. we didnt even have all the paperwork that was needed and the allowed us to conduct the transaction anyway. rofl.gif rofl.gif


Some people PM me and told me that I was kind of rude and wasn't I afraid of being DENIED. My answer to them was NO to both questions. I was not being rude, the officer asking the question was extremely RUDE. I'm usually a quiet person, but sometimes...u know you have to show out a little (just a little). I still maintained my good manners. My grandmother taught me something from a very early age...always GREET people. It makes a world of difference. I told her GOOD AFTERNOON several times and she was just plain RUDE. To tell you the truth and knowing my CRAZY 'self (I would have kept on saying GOOD AFTERNOON until she replied with a big SMILE on my face). That's why I said, shall we start this again. I think what put her in her place was that I NEVER took my eyes off of her. Even when she looked eyes were right there to meet her eyes when she looked up.

kishmarFemaleJamaica2008-07-09 17:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaMy Interview Kingston, Jamaica June 24th, 2008
QUOTE (Trelawny20853 @ Jul 7 2008, 10:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
First of all Thank the Almighty God for giving me STRENGTH on June 24th.

LADIES and GENTS….let me say this loud and clear. BEFORE YOU FILE FOR ANYONE (I don’t care what kind of visa it is) ASK IF ANY ONE HAS FILE FOR THEM BEFORE……….ASKED IF ANY ONE HAS FILED FOR THEM BEFORE

Because of the BACKA’TIVE powers of the YARDIE thread here on VJ I had no worries about my interview at all. Matter a fact, we laughed the whole time we were waiting for the actually interview.

First, don’t even rush getting to the interview too early (you still have to wait). I got there around 1:15. My interview was scheduled for 1:00pm. I was not about to stand in the hot sun and sweat out my fabulous eye makeup (woieeeee)…just a joke. I wasn’t feeling well. Went through security no problems. Guards were joking with me because I had a huge bag with my well-organized folder. Had everything I needed inside my fiance’s passport and handed it to the guard. All the guard could do was look at me DUMBFOUNDED and said how you know this, I smiled and said…I can’t tell you, because it’s top secret.

First of all I was at the embassy for 3 hours. The had 220 interviews that day.

Section A

Document Verification
All of your documents are turned in and your medical is turned in if you hand carried it. (156,156K,157,I-134 (affidavit of support) and my 2007 tax transcript w/W-2, his birth certificate, non-impediment, police record, paymaster receipt $131/US. I didn’t turn in anything else to back up my affidavit of support and they didn’t ask for it. She just looked at everything and said (you must be a secretary) and how organized my file was. She spent most of the time talking about my hair (which was in braids). She said all is well. (5mins).

Section B


I don’t even think we spent a minute here.

Section C

Actually Interview

Okay. This is where we spent almost 3 hours and it went fairly quickly because my fiancé was telling jokes and we were playing tic-tac-toe for 2 hours and writing love notes to each other. Now, remember you are being watched from the time you enter the embassy until the time you have your interview (I’ll explain later). After watching people getting approved, denied or blue slipped, we weren’t even worried. Some of the CO are rude and out of line. Of the 7 couples that I knew that had interviews that day only 3 of us were APPROVED, 3 denied, 1 blue slipped. (I’ll explain later). Let me tell you something they know if you’re going to get the visa even before you get to the window. If you have things in order, you should have no problems.

Now, it’s our turn. Got a young white man. He was very nice and friendly. Who looked like the Jamaican sun burned the heck out of him. He looked like a burnt lobster with a massive AFRO. I told you we were cracking jokes the entire time we were there. We went to the window #19 and were sworn in. He asked me who I was and I told him. Man comes over whispers in his ears and his TONE changes. WTH…whatever I said to myself. He tells my fiancé to have a seat far away. Now, we were sitting in front of this guy in the 3rd row for almost 3 hours and have made eye contact with him most of the time. Now, his tone changed…then he’s replaced my an older woman, who was not friendly and very STERN. When they made the switch I said good afternoon and she said NOTHING…so, I said it again. GOOD AFTERNOON…still no reply…she BLURTS out…how did you get your U.S. citizenship. I said excuse me, you’re suppose to greet the people you are interviewing and I think that you’re VERY RUDE. Now, can we start this again? Good afternoon, she replies, good afternoon and tones it down just a bit. Her questions came like RAPID fire and I FIRED right back. I didn’t even blink. I never lost eye contact with her. Her main focus was how I obtained my green card (which was 29 years ago) and then my U.S. citizenship. So, I answered. Then the questions were about my fiancé, his family, my family, when, where, how, we met, what we did, blah..blah…blah…she asked me 3 times when we got married, called me Mrs. Wynter 3 times and I corrected her, asked me how old OUR son was (told here we don’t have any children yet)…then she asked me again, so, tell me where did you all get married again and here was my response.

“Ma’am, maybe you don’t understand the K-1 process and you need to be retrained…so, let me explain it to you. (MOUTH WIDE OPEN) You cannot be married when you file the K-1. You have 90 days to get married after you fiancé enters the states.” (ROLLED my eyes). At that point, an older white man walks up behind her whispers something in her ears and she got up and walked a way. I waved bye-bye to her. (YES I’M CRAZY). The older man may have been a supervisor and he could see that I was upset. He told me to smile and that we’re almost done. He says to me that my fiancé and I seem like a very loving couple and he said I should let him win sometimes when we play TIC-TAC-TOE…there was no way he could have know that unless he saw that through the cameras.. We were sitting in the 3 row all the way in the back and the security camera was right above our heads. So, you see they are watching you.

He says thank you and tells me to call my fiancé over and have a seat in the back, I give my fiancé a BIG kiss and told him to knock them out (people that were seated started to laugh). I didn’t even get a chance to sit down before he called me back to the window. He asked him 1 QUESTION….1 DAMN QUESTION…”Tell me about her son”…that was it. All the things we went over and I got 25 questions in ALL. I felt like I was the beneficiary. What a joke.

The couples that had interviews that day that I knew didn’t get approved.

Two of them had multiple K-1 filings by other women that were unknown to the USC. The other, was married and didn’t tell the USC. I was so upset about this. So, I spent one more night in Kingston with the ladies, because they needed some sort of support. I was just very SAD.

After we were given the pink slip my fiancé would not stop kissing me that people in the place started to laugh and say LET THE WOMAN TAKE A BREATH. Then he started to CRY. I was laughing (I know I’m terrible). The CO said welcome to America and that he wished us the best in life. He ran into 3 of his friends in the court yard who wanted for us to finish the interview. The were approved a hour or so before us. They were all jumping around like they were at a football game (I was so embarrassed). I was like be quiet before dem lack up wi baxide. Of course once we got outside the embassy they were running around like EDIOTS. Got to love them. Went to airpak paid $550/Jamaican…went to dinner then went to ASYLUM for ladies night (Tuesday). My fiancé was attached to me like SUPERGULE for the rest of the time I was in Jamaica.

I left a lot out. So, if you want more details PM me. Do not let the CO intimdate you. They’re working for the United States of American. Don’t let them phase you in anyway. If you don’t understand a question, tell them to please repeat it. The lady that interviewed me is a VET 25 plus years under her belt (so the younger guy says). I didn’t even FLICKER when she was raising her voice…. God Bless and I love each and everyone of you. Again, thanks for the support.

Called to pick up the VISA 3 days later…but didn’t until the 5th day (we were BUSY)………..haaaaaaaaaaa It was suppose to be a GREYGOOSE celebration, but it turned into Banana rum crème. Now, I’m hooked on it.


Seems like you were the one they interviewed and not your SO blink.gif
kishmarFemaleJamaica2008-07-07 15:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaMy Interview Kingston, Jamaica June 24th, 2008
QUOTE (Trelawny20853 @ Jul 7 2008, 10:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
First of all Thank the Almighty God for giving me STRENGTH on June 24th.

LADIES and GENTS….let me say this loud and clear. BEFORE YOU FILE FOR ANYONE (I don’t care what kind of visa it is) ASK IF ANY ONE HAS FILE FOR THEM BEFORE……….ASKED IF ANY ONE HAS FILED FOR THEM BEFORE

Because of the BACKA’TIVE powers of the YARDIE thread here on VJ I had no worries about my interview at all. Matter a fact, we laughed the whole time we were waiting for the actually interview.

First, don’t even rush getting to the interview too early (you still have to wait). I got there around 1:15. My interview was scheduled for 1:00pm. I was not about to stand in the hot sun and sweat out my fabulous eye makeup (woieeeee)…just a joke. I wasn’t feeling well. Went through security no problems. Guards were joking with me because I had a huge bag with my well-organized folder. Had everything I needed inside my fiance’s passport and handed it to the guard. All the guard could do was look at me DUMBFOUNDED and said how you know this, I smiled and said…I can’t tell you, because it’s top secret.

First of all I was at the embassy for 3 hours. The had 220 interviews that day.

Section A

Document Verification
All of your documents are turned in and your medical is turned in if you hand carried it. (156,156K,157,I-134 (affidavit of support) and my 2007 tax transcript w/W-2, his birth certificate, non-impediment, police record, paymaster receipt $131/US. I didn’t turn in anything else to back up my affidavit of support and they didn’t ask for it. She just looked at everything and said (you must be a secretary) and how organized my file was. She spent most of the time talking about my hair (which was in braids). She said all is well. (5mins).

Section B


I don’t even think we spent a minute here.

Section C

Actually Interview

Okay. This is where we spent almost 3 hours and it went fairly quickly because my fiancé was telling jokes and we were playing tic-tac-toe for 2 hours and writing love notes to each other. Now, remember you are being watched from the time you enter the embassy until the time you have your interview (I’ll explain later). After watching people getting approved, denied or blue slipped, we weren’t even worried. Some of the CO are rude and out of line. Of the 7 couples that I knew that had interviews that day only 3 of us were APPROVED, 3 denied, 1 blue slipped. (I’ll explain later). Let me tell you something they know if you’re going to get the visa even before you get to the window. If you have things in order, you should have no problems.

Now, it’s our turn. Got a young white man. He was very nice and friendly. Who looked like the Jamaican sun burned the heck out of him. He looked like a burnt lobster with a massive AFRO. I told you we were cracking jokes the entire time we were there. We went to the window #19 and were sworn in. He asked me who I was and I told him. Man comes over whispers in his ears and his TONE changes. WTH…whatever I said to myself. He tells my fiancé to have a seat far away. Now, we were sitting in front of this guy in the 3rd row for almost 3 hours and have made eye contact with him most of the time. Now, his tone changed…then he’s replaced my an older woman, who was not friendly and very STERN. When they made the switch I said good afternoon and she said NOTHING…so, I said it again. GOOD AFTERNOON…still no reply…she BLURTS out…how did you get your U.S. citizenship. I said excuse me, you’re suppose to greet the people you are interviewing and I think that you’re VERY RUDE. Now, can we start this again? Good afternoon, she replies, good afternoon and tones it down just a bit. Her questions came like RAPID fire and I FIRED right back. I didn’t even blink. I never lost eye contact with her. Her main focus was how I obtained my green card (which was 29 years ago) and then my U.S. citizenship. So, I answered. Then the questions were about my fiancé, his family, my family, when, where, how, we met, what we did, blah..blah…blah…she asked me 3 times when we got married, called me Mrs. Wynter 3 times and I corrected her, asked me how old OUR son was (told here we don’t have any children yet)…then she asked me again, so, tell me where did you all get married again and here was my response.

Ma’am, maybe you don’t understand the K-1 process and you need to be retrained…so, let me explain it to you. (MOUTH WIDE OPEN) You cannot be married when you file the K-1. You have 90 days to get married after you fiancé enters the states.” (ROLLED my eyes). At that point, an older white man walks up behind her whispers something in her ears and she got up and walked a way. I waved bye-bye to her. (YES I’M CRAZY). The older man may have been a supervisor and he could see that I was upset. He told me to smile and that we’re almost done. He says to me that my fiancé and I seem like a very loving couple and he said I should let him win sometimes when we play TIC-TAC-TOE…there was no way he could have know that unless he saw that through the cameras.. We were sitting in the 3 row all the way in the back and the security camera was right above our heads. So, you see they are watching you.

He says thank you and tells me to call my fiancé over and have a seat in the back, I give my fiancé a BIG kiss and told him to knock them out (people that were seated started to laugh). I didn’t even get a chance to sit down before he called me back to the window. He asked him 1 QUESTION….1 DAMN QUESTION…”Tell me about her son”…that was it. All the things we went over and I got 25 questions in ALL. I felt like I was the beneficiary. What a joke.

The couples that had interviews that day that I knew didn’t get approved.

Two of them had multiple K-1 filings by other women that were unknown to the USC. The other, was married and didn’t tell the USC. I was so upset about this. So, I spent one more night in Kingston with the ladies, because they needed some sort of support. I was just very SAD.

After we were given the pink slip my fiancé would not stop kissing me that people in the place started to laugh and say LET THE WOMAN TAKE A BREATH. Then he started to CRY. I was laughing (I know I’m terrible). The CO said welcome to America and that he wished us the best in life. He ran into 3 of his friends in the court yard who wanted for us to finish the interview. The were approved a hour or so before us. They were all jumping around like they were at a football game (I was so embarrassed). I was like be quiet before dem lack up wi baxide. Of course once we got outside the embassy they were running around like EDIOTS. Got to love them. Went to airpak paid $550/Jamaican…went to dinner then went to ASYLUM for ladies night (Tuesday). My fiancé was attached to me like SUPERGULE for the rest of the time I was in Jamaica.

I left a lot out. So, if you want more details PM me. Do not let the CO intimdate you. They’re working for the United States of American. Don’t let them phase you in anyway. If you don’t understand a question, tell them to please repeat it. The lady that interviewed me is a VET 25 plus years under her belt (so the younger guy says). I didn’t even FLICKER when she was raising her voice…. God Bless and I love each and everyone of you. Again, thanks for the support.

Called to pick up the VISA 3 days later…but didn’t until the 5th day (we were BUSY)………..haaaaaaaaaaa It was suppose to be a GREYGOOSE celebration, but it turned into Banana rum crème. Now, I’m hooked on it.

QUOTE (Trelawny20853 @ Jul 7 2008, 10:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
First of all Thank the Almighty God for giving me STRENGTH on June 24th.

LADIES and GENTS….let me say this loud and clear. BEFORE YOU FILE FOR ANYONE (I don’t care what kind of visa it is) ASK IF ANY ONE HAS FILE FOR THEM BEFORE……….ASKED IF ANY ONE HAS FILED FOR THEM BEFORE

Because of the BACKA’TIVE powers of the YARDIE thread here on VJ I had no worries about my interview at all. Matter a fact, we laughed the whole time we were waiting for the actually interview.

First, don’t even rush getting to the interview too early (you still have to wait). I got there around 1:15. My interview was scheduled for 1:00pm. I was not about to stand in the hot sun and sweat out my fabulous eye makeup (woieeeee)…just a joke. I wasn’t feeling well. Went through security no problems. Guards were joking with me because I had a huge bag with my well-organized folder. Had everything I needed inside my fiance’s passport and handed it to the guard. All the guard could do was look at me DUMBFOUNDED and said how you know this, I smiled and said…I can’t tell you, because it’s top secret.

First of all I was at the embassy for 3 hours. The had 220 interviews that day.

Section A

Document Verification
All of your documents are turned in and your medical is turned in if you hand carried it. (156,156K,157,I-134 (affidavit of support) and my 2007 tax transcript w/W-2, his birth certificate, non-impediment, police record, paymaster receipt $131/US. I didn’t turn in anything else to back up my affidavit of support and they didn’t ask for it. She just looked at everything and said (you must be a secretary) and how organized my file was. She spent most of the time talking about my hair (which was in braids). She said all is well. (5mins).

Section B


I don’t even think we spent a minute here.

Section C

Actually Interview

Okay. This is where we spent almost 3 hours and it went fairly quickly because my fiancé was telling jokes and we were playing tic-tac-toe for 2 hours and writing love notes to each other. Now, remember you are being watched from the time you enter the embassy until the time you have your interview (I’ll explain later). After watching people getting approved, denied or blue slipped, we weren’t even worried. Some of the CO are rude and out of line. Of the 7 couples that I knew that had interviews that day only 3 of us were APPROVED, 3 denied, 1 blue slipped. (I’ll explain later). Let me tell you something they know if you’re going to get the visa even before you get to the window. If you have things in order, you should have no problems.

Now, it’s our turn. Got a young white man. He was very nice and friendly. Who looked like the Jamaican sun burned the heck out of him. He looked like a burnt lobster with a massive AFRO. I told you we were cracking jokes the entire time we were there. We went to the window #19 and were sworn in. He asked me who I was and I told him. Man comes over whispers in his ears and his TONE changes. WTH…whatever I said to myself. He tells my fiancé to have a seat far away. Now, we were sitting in front of this guy in the 3rd row for almost 3 hours and have made eye contact with him most of the time. Now, his tone changed…then he’s replaced my an older woman, who was not friendly and very STERN. When they made the switch I said good afternoon and she said NOTHING…so, I said it again. GOOD AFTERNOON…still no reply…she BLURTS out…how did you get your U.S. citizenship. I said excuse me, you’re suppose to greet the people you are interviewing and I think that you’re VERY RUDE. Now, can we start this again? Good afternoon, she replies, good afternoon and tones it down just a bit. Her questions came like RAPID fire and I FIRED right back. I didn’t even blink. I never lost eye contact with her. Her main focus was how I obtained my green card (which was 29 years ago) and then my U.S. citizenship. So, I answered. Then the questions were about my fiancé, his family, my family, when, where, how, we met, what we did, blah..blah…blah…she asked me 3 times when we got married, called me Mrs. Wynter 3 times and I corrected her, asked me how old OUR son was (told here we don’t have any children yet)…then she asked me again, so, tell me where did you all get married again and here was my response.

Ma’am, maybe you don’t understand the K-1 process and you need to be retrained…so, let me explain it to you. (MOUTH WIDE OPEN) You cannot be married when you file the K-1. You have 90 days to get married after you fiancé enters the states.” (ROLLED my eyes). At that point, an older white man walks up behind her whispers something in her ears and she got up and walked a way. I waved bye-bye to her. (YES I’M CRAZY). The older man may have been a supervisor and he could see that I was upset. He told me to smile and that we’re almost done. He says to me that my fiancé and I seem like a very loving couple and he said I should let him win sometimes when we play TIC-TAC-TOE…there was no way he could have know that unless he saw that through the cameras.. We were sitting in the 3 row all the way in the back and the security camera was right above our heads. So, you see they are watching you.

He says thank you and tells me to call my fiancé over and have a seat in the back, I give my fiancé a BIG kiss and told him to knock them out (people that were seated started to laugh). I didn’t even get a chance to sit down before he called me back to the window. He asked him 1 QUESTION….1 DAMN QUESTION…”Tell me about her son”…that was it. All the things we went over and I got 25 questions in ALL. I felt like I was the beneficiary. What a joke.

The couples that had interviews that day that I knew didn’t get approved.

Two of them had multiple K-1 filings by other women that were unknown to the USC. The other, was married and didn’t tell the USC. I was so upset about this. So, I spent one more night in Kingston with the ladies, because they needed some sort of support. I was just very SAD.

After we were given the pink slip my fiancé would not stop kissing me that people in the place started to laugh and say LET THE WOMAN TAKE A BREATH. Then he started to CRY. I was laughing (I know I’m terrible). The CO said welcome to America and that he wished us the best in life. He ran into 3 of his friends in the court yard who wanted for us to finish the interview. The were approved a hour or so before us. They were all jumping around like they were at a football game (I was so embarrassed). I was like be quiet before dem lack up wi baxide. Of course once we got outside the embassy they were running around like EDIOTS. Got to love them. Went to airpak paid $550/Jamaican…went to dinner then went to ASYLUM for ladies night (Tuesday). My fiancé was attached to me like SUPERGULE for the rest of the time I was in Jamaica.

I left a lot out. So, if you want more details PM me. Do not let the CO intimdate you. They’re working for the United States of American. Don’t let them phase you in anyway. If you don’t understand a question, tell them to please repeat it. The lady that interviewed me is a VET 25 plus years under her belt (so the younger guy says). I didn’t even FLICKER when she was raising her voice…. God Bless and I love each and everyone of you. Again, thanks for the support.

Called to pick up the VISA 3 days later…but didn’t until the 5th day (we were BUSY)………..haaaaaaaaaaa It was suppose to be a GREYGOOSE celebration, but it turned into Banana rum crème. Now, I’m hooked on it.

kishmarFemaleJamaica2008-07-07 15:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaFILING FOR THE K3
QUOTE (Mrs. Scott @ Jul 15 2008, 10:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (RoxcieJoe @ Jul 15 2008, 05:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kishmar @ Jul 15 2008, 04:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (RoxcieJoe @ Jul 14 2008, 02:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good afternoon everyone, today I will begin the process of proof reading my documents for the filing of the K3. The biggest concern I have at this time will be submitting documentations for proof of an on-going martial relationship. We got married in February of 2008 in JA, I have been back to JA only once so far after my wedding. I will be returning every three months going forth. Our orginal intent was that I would be traveling there every month, but the price of airfare has put a halt on that. I have two letters of affidavitso far, will I need more. We don't have any bills of expenses combined. I know this process will be very intrusive in my private life, this will be hard for me, but I must prepare myself for this. I have phone call bills, text messages, no e-mails( he doesn't like e-mailing), I will start writting letters(snail mail), plane tickets, some pictures. I don't like taking pictures.

On the I130 or I29 does it ask if your SO every applied for a visitor visa and been denied. I can't seem to find where this statement is being asked. Right now because I am stressing out on this I am ready to sell my house, quite job and go live in JA, but the common sense side of me says calm down and everything will go smooth.

Be Bless

The burden of proof lies with you. Don't worry about not visiting your husband frequently. With the weakened economy, it is totally understandable. From this point forward, keep every thing. It doesn't matter how insignificant. When your husband gets an interview, he has to prove that you two are an item. Also, I think that the CR-1 is way better than the K-3. Check out the pros and cons. See the link below-;page=compare

That's why I love VJ. The information on this site is free.

Good luck,

Mrs. Scott

Roxie i hope your journey will be smooth. I had no idea one needs to get affadavits from friends/relative regarding proof of a bonafide marriage? Is it needed for the interview or what?

Kishmar. this is needed your the K3 and CR1 I30 initial application,also for the interview process. Affadavits and pictures, since we don't have bills and finances combined. It won't be right to put him on my Health Insurance until he is here in the USA. So I won't be adding my husband to any of these documents (things) until here arrive here, so we need to have statements from other people confirming our relationship.

Kishmar, I hope all of our jouneys are smooth. I hope my SO and I weather thru this journey stronger and as deep in love as we are now. This will be our journey and maybe I should document it in a journal so when we are thru we can look back at all of the trails and triumphs. Like today when my baby is calling me because he is sick with a bad case of the flu. I want to be there to make him feel comfortable, but all I can offer is advise and comfort on the phone. I want to laugh because all men are like babies when they are sick, and cry because he needs me and I can't be there. crying.gif crying.gif

Those who have there SO and husbands by for side, remember this is what you fought hard and patient for.

Be Bless

Mrs. Scott that is what i would like to find out too. My husband filed IR-1. Do I need afadavits from friends. Also we have been marred 4 years now and he comes and goes as often as he cans
kishmarFemaleJamaica2008-07-16 10:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaFILING FOR THE K3
QUOTE (RoxcieJoe @ Jul 14 2008, 02:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good afternoon everyone, today I will begin the process of proof reading my documents for the filing of the K3. The biggest concern I have at this time will be submitting documentations for proof of an on-going martial relationship. We got married in February of 2008 in JA, I have been back to JA only once so far after my wedding. I will be returning every three months going forth. Our orginal intent was that I would be traveling there every month, but the price of airfare has put a halt on that. I have two letters of affidavitso far, will I need more. We don't have any bills of expenses combined. I know this process will be very intrusive in my private life, this will be hard for me, but I must prepare myself for this. I have phone call bills, text messages, no e-mails( he doesn't like e-mailing), I will start writting letters(snail mail), plane tickets, some pictures. I don't like taking pictures.

On the I130 or I29 does it ask if your SO every applied for a visitor visa and been denied. I can't seem to find where this statement is being asked. Right now because I am stressing out on this I am ready to sell my house, quite job and go live in JA, but the common sense side of me says calm down and everything will go smooth.

Be Bless

Roxie i hope your journey will be smooth. I had no idea one needs to get affadavits from friends/relative regarding proof of a bonafide marriage? Is it needed for the interview or what?
kishmarFemaleJamaica2008-07-15 15:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaMarriage not working out
QUOTE (melancholy @ Jul 25 2008, 02:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I never expected she would wish a divorce. We had our long distance relationship for 2 yrs prior to obtaining our K1. I must say I have tried everything to make this marriage work. My spouse just does not seem happy here and there is nothing I could do for that: sheis the only person who could wake up and decide to be happy. I honestly give everything I have within to me to make this work. I do not know where things went wrong. Every time there is an argument i try to tell her to see which bump on the road we hit in order to get back on that good trail we were on. Just seems to be more excuses and I am tiring of the problems brought up. Seems i could never do anything right, yet she appears never to be at fault.

I apologize for venting, but just giving a general synopsis in order for you to grasp the situation. If it was deceitful wedlock, then shame on me for caring for her.

My regards to you

QUOTE (PlatyPius @ Jul 25 2008, 02:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (student4 @ Jul 25 2008, 02:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (melancholy @ Jul 25 2008, 12:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hate to bother you good folks who have gone through this wonderful process, but I am just looking for some insight on options i have ( along with the consequences ). I have been marriged for a little over 1yr. my spouse already has received the green card. Our marriage is not going good and my spouse is asking for a divorce. What are the next steps, i imagine contacting USCIS and also getting divorced prior to my spouse returning back. I know I am responsible for my spouse while she stays here in the US. Well i thank you for your attention.

Such cases have become very common its unfortunate that this person used you in such a manner.
My friend recently underwent a painful split, an attorney advised him afterwards that:-
The rule of thumb pertaining to such circumstances is be wary of a fiance rushing the process of the relationship.
This rushing attitude is usually a display of desperation- not because of love but out of the possibility that they might loose an opportunity to get a green card.
Be very careful when the said fiance has no valid skills are they just doing nothing in life, are they ambitious or do not mind to marry anyone who will get them out of their present country? Chances are they are using you before they know their way around and dump you after they have leaned to adjust.

Nowhere in his post did the OP say he was used for a green card.
Nor did he say he wants to ship her back home; he stated her returning "home" as a matter of fact.

Reading comprehension, people....

Sorry to hear that your marriage is not working out, but sometimes one need to stop and think about the next persons feelings. Alot of folks on here thinks that EVERYONE wants to go to the USA and that all will be happy there regarding what happpes....Well get this straight AMERICA is NOT God's gift to mankind and given a choice i think a lot of people would rather to stay in their own country if it were not to be with their loved ones.

Im really very sorry for the lost but i just hope to see the day when folks dont just judge someone cause they are not happy being in America and that all they wanted was a GREEN card! I have been with my husband now in a long distance relationship for over 4 years and we find every which way to make our marriage work and at times it seems like this immigration would break us but we have decided that we CANNOT afford to let some immigration officer decide our live. Right now we do the best we can until we can be together...and who is to tell that im gonna love America when i finally gets there after 4 years of waiting????
kishmarFemaleJamaica2008-07-25 15:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaMarriage not working out
QUOTE (PlatyPius @ Jul 25 2008, 02:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (student4 @ Jul 25 2008, 02:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (melancholy @ Jul 25 2008, 12:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hate to bother you good folks who have gone through this wonderful process, but I am just looking for some insight on options i have ( along with the consequences ). I have been marriged for a little over 1yr. my spouse already has received the green card. Our marriage is not going good and my spouse is asking for a divorce. What are the next steps, i imagine contacting USCIS and also getting divorced prior to my spouse returning back. I know I am responsible for my spouse while she stays here in the US. Well i thank you for your attention.

Such cases have become very common its unfortunate that this person used you in such a manner.
My friend recently underwent a painful split, an attorney advised him afterwards that:-
The rule of thumb pertaining to such circumstances is be wary of a fiance rushing the process of the relationship.
This rushing attitude is usually a display of desperation- not because of love but out of the possibility that they might loose an opportunity to get a green card.
Be very careful when the said fiance has no valid skills are they just doing nothing in life, are they ambitious or do not mind to marry anyone who will get them out of their present country? Chances are they are using you before they know their way around and dump you after they have leaned to adjust.

Nowhere in his post did the OP say he was used for a green card.
Nor did he say he wants to ship her back home; he stated her returning "home" as a matter of fact.

Reading comprehension, people....

kishmarFemaleJamaica2008-07-25 15:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americagot my VISA
QUOTE (trulo @ Jun 5 2008, 10:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hi all my friend i have not been around for awhile..but i got my visa...tuesday...thanks for all your help.. to this point...anyone with any question hit me up...i will try and respond speediy....

Hi Trulo'

Im so happy for you i could cry kicking.gif

My case was completed on April 25th. Do you think i would be getting a date anytime soon.

Thanks and enjoy yourselves.

kishmarFemaleJamaica2008-06-05 11:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
QUOTE (RoxcieJoe @ Aug 4 2008, 03:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kishmar @ Aug 4 2008, 04:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Islandwoman @ Aug 4 2008, 02:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (sunnyja21 @ Aug 4 2008, 02:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, it still amazes me that when you get pulled over in JA, you can just get out the car and reason with the police. LMAO Then you give them a few dollars and your on your way..... I told Ray that will be totally different when he comes to the states. I told him you don't get out when your pulled over by the police here, you actually get yaked out the car and thrown on the ground. mad.gif

So true Sunny! We got pulled over for speeding in Kingston (I was NOT driving whistling.gif ) and when A's friend (driving) got out my eyes bugged out. I said where's he going, why's he getting out --bullets are going to fly. You get out of your car here the guns get drawn. And he came back and said for x dollars, they will forget the whole thing. What rass....

There are still principled Jamaican police men and women here that serves the Jamaican people with pride and CANNOT and REFUSE to be pribed for a FEW dollars


Are you ready for your Independent Day celebration? How is the weather today, is it still raining?


Hey Roxie if you are speaking to me the weather here is hot as usual especially here in the sunshine city of Portmore.

Lots happening for the indepence...Hellshire will be off the hook on Wednesday, lots of jankonoo street parades in downtown Kingston on the waterfront.

Independence gala in heroes circle....just to name a few
kishmarFemaleJamaica2008-08-04 16:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
QUOTE (Mrs. Scott @ Aug 4 2008, 03:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Kishmar! I'm happy to see you! star_smile.gif

Hey Mrs. Scott how you doing girl!

You know i really a lurker on here but at times i just have to post when i see some comments about Jamaica....after all i live here you know blush.gif
kishmarFemaleJamaica2008-08-04 15:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
QUOTE (Islandwoman @ Aug 4 2008, 02:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (sunnyja21 @ Aug 4 2008, 02:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, it still amazes me that when you get pulled over in JA, you can just get out the car and reason with the police. LMAO Then you give them a few dollars and your on your way..... I told Ray that will be totally different when he comes to the states. I told him you don't get out when your pulled over by the police here, you actually get yaked out the car and thrown on the ground. mad.gif

So true Sunny! We got pulled over for speeding in Kingston (I was NOT driving whistling.gif ) and when A's friend (driving) got out my eyes bugged out. I said where's he going, why's he getting out --bullets are going to fly. You get out of your car here the guns get drawn. And he came back and said for x dollars, they will forget the whole thing. What rass....

There are still principled Jamaican police men and women here that serves the Jamaican people with pride and CANNOT and REFUSE to be pribed for a FEW dollars
kishmarFemaleJamaica2008-08-04 15:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
QUOTE (Trelawny20853 @ Jul 30 2008, 10:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kishmar @ Jul 30 2008, 10:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Trelawny20853 @ Jul 30 2008, 09:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So, let me update you all on my friend and her soon to be ex. She's the one that was waiting on an interview date and hubby step outside the marriage to frolick. He keeps calling her and telling her that his STOMACH is making noise and what he must do for money. She told him to go FIND A JOB or better yet, go CHECK the 19 year olf girl he slept with and that she'll call him when the baby is born and sent out announcments to him and his family. She hung up laughing in his ears. He keeps telling her that God is not going to forgive her for what she did. She laughed even louder. He gest the DUMB'A$$ Certificate of the year.

So Lawny, your friend wont bother to go through with the interview process huh?? What stupid things men can do because of their flesh mad.gif and i bet i only lasted a few seconds!!!!

No, Kish --

She will not. Something you can forgive...this is not one of them. He doesn't even now about the interview date.

He is such a dumb #&*!!!
kishmarFemaleJamaica2008-07-30 10:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
QUOTE (Trelawny20853 @ Jul 30 2008, 09:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So, let me update you all on my friend and her soon to be ex. She's the one that was waiting on an interview date and hubby step outside the marriage to frolick. He keeps calling her and telling her that his STOMACH is making noise and what he must do for money. She told him to go FIND A JOB or better yet, go CHECK the 19 year olf girl he slept with and that she'll call him when the baby is born and sent out announcments to him and his family. She hung up laughing in his ears. He keeps telling her that God is not going to forgive her for what she did. She laughed even louder. He gest the DUMB'A$$ Certificate of the year.

So Lawny, your friend wont bother to go through with the interview process huh?? What stupid things men can do because of their flesh mad.gif and i bet i only lasted a few seconds!!!!
kishmarFemaleJamaica2008-07-30 09:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
QUOTE (Trelawny20853 @ Jul 17 2008, 08:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (honeychild36 @ Jul 17 2008, 09:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good morning, Ladies...hope everyone has a blessed day.

Okay, funny story...or at least to me, since we are talking about sweet thangs. Okay so you all know while i was in JA, me and my SO were together, for the majority of the days, he was off of work for his injuries, but he had to return, the last three days of my visit. So anyhoo, whenever i would go anywhere by myself in the area some locals would try to talk to me, it has gotten better though because i now keep that look on my face like get the F- away from me. Im not lost, i dont need help getting where im going, back the F anyway this one particular guy where i was staying would see me all the time with my SO, and then one day he saw me by myself, so he struck up conversation. I was bored and waiting for the housekeeper to finish up my room, so i went and sat by the pool, Initially dude is just talking and was cool as hell, he was girl, im not trying to get in your pants, im just trying to link up with you, blah blah blah, he then asked did i have a JA number cause he saw me on my phone, he then asked me did i have email, i said yeah but you gotta give me yours, ok im no fool, im not gonna be fighting my JA man cause he is feeling disrespected in any way and i made that clear to dude, whose name was Bjorn. So long story short, i come back home, am looking on myspace and look this dude up, just wanted to see if he was who he said he was OMG LADIES, HIS MYSPACE PAGE SAYS " Jamaica's biggest batty bwoy" as the headline, then it says MOM, which is short for Money over Men!!!! im like what the hell.... i didnt think JA men were open like that , enough to be posting it all over myspace, and then there are pics of him on there, and it is definitely the same guy i met. I didnt pick up on any sweetness at all when i met him, though he was with another cutie, and they were blazing up when i met them... and then on top of that he has on his page, dont message me unless you are a big juicy man, cos im GAY!!! ( i kind of think, he might have some haters out there) cause i cant see any man specially a JA man making no shyt like that. ohmy.gif plus dude told me he had two kids. What do you all think? I didnt tell my SO cause i didnt want him getting all jealous and stuff.


Don't get me started. When were at the mall in Kingston there were a group of girls fighting over another girl and it was so in the open. One of the girls had the nerve to bring her father with her to fight for her women and the DAD who should know better came to the fight with a knife. Him and his daugther got locked up by the police; and I don't know if you've ever been to Magaritaville (they're out in the OPEN)......

Okay. My fiance just met my co-worker and well, I'm at a lost for words right now, because I can't stop laughing. He gave my fiance a big HUG and told him he's HANDSOME. haaaaaaaa rofl.gif

Exactly which mall in Kingston??
kishmarFemaleJamaica2008-07-17 09:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
QUOTE (Trelawny20853 @ Jul 15 2008, 11:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kishmar @ Jul 15 2008, 12:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Trelawny20853 @ Jul 15 2008, 11:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jomo @ Jul 15 2008, 12:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What is she going to do? Put the beat down on the other woman and then deal with hubby?

I think her pastor put her up to it. At a loss for words right now. I know she really loves this man and when I spoke to her yesterday I thought for sure she was going to leave him, but who knows now. I'm just worried about her mental state.

Lawny why would her pastor put her in such a precarious position not knowing what she would face when she gets here?

If he did then he acted irresponsibily knowing fully well that she may just get into more problems and what if....just what if this other woman decides to stand up to her???

Does she have any backative apart from her husband here in Jamaica??? I sure do hope so.


First of all thanks for the prayer.

I wish I had an answer for that. I know when she spoke to him yesterday (the pastor is in Jamaica) he told her that this was a test of their vows and to try and work through it and that others have gotten past adultry. She's Jamaican and a lot of her family is still in Jamaica, so she's not alone. Her sister-in-law was the one that called me to tell me that she's there. I'm sure her mom and sisters will call me soon, because they usually talk to her several times for the day. I'm sure someone from Jamaica has already called them. I just don't want to be the one to tell them what's going on.

I just wish her all the very best in this extremely difficult time
kishmarFemaleJamaica2008-07-15 11:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
QUOTE (Trelawny20853 @ Jul 15 2008, 11:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jomo @ Jul 15 2008, 12:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What is she going to do? Put the beat down on the other woman and then deal with hubby?

I think her pastor put her up to it. At a loss for words right now. I know she really loves this man and when I spoke to her yesterday I thought for sure she was going to leave him, but who knows now. I'm just worried about her mental state.

Lawny why would her pastor put her in such a precarious position not knowing what she would face when she gets here?

If he did then he acted irresponsibily knowing fully well that she may just get into more problems and what if....just what if this other woman decides to stand up to her???

Does she have any backative apart from her husband here in Jamaica??? I sure do hope so.
kishmarFemaleJamaica2008-07-15 11:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
QUOTE (honeychild36 @ Jul 15 2008, 11:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Lawny, im going to pray for your friend right now, because my heart hurts hearing what is going on with her. My ex, may he rest in peace, two days after he proposed to me, i was on top of the phocking world, we had been together for years, had two kids together and i was pregnant again with our third, well 2 days after that i recieved a phone call from a woman, which was december 26, yes he propososed on christmas eve, anyhoo, i got a call from a woman stating she had just had his baby!!!! i was in such shock and disbelief i thanked her and hung up, called him at work and confronted him!!! he had the nerve to curse me out claiming to not call him with such lies, but then couldnt be man enough to come home and face me, until 4am the next day pissy drunk, full of tears and apologies. The stress of the situation made me miscarry and my heart was never the same after that day. Maybe she is somewhere clearing her head, i would honestly hope that in her state of mind that she has not attempted to go to JA. Can someone please send out a prayer for her on this site.

JG, i am in agreement with you about the negativity on the other site, that you speak of, it is offputting to say the least at times. Sometimes i feel the less said the better.

Overall with the comments from the coworkers, it gets quite annoying, i have told them before regarding JA that it is my business on a need to know basis and that since none of them need to know dont flippin ask!!!!

Honeychild, i dont really say alot on this thread but after reading your request for prayer for Lawny's friend i cant help but to repy:

Oh Lord God, Father of the heavens and the earth the One who spoke and this world came into being.
Lord i come to you this morning in agreement with the other ladies on this community forum seeking your intervention for Lawny's fried. Lord God you know her by name and nature, You said in your word that before the begining of time You knew her; You knew her before she was conceived into her mama's belly and Lord on account of that we know that she is not here on this earth by chance but by divine order from YOu.

Lord I pray right now that you pay her a visitation wherever she maybe, Lord God i pray that you comfort her in this her time of need and suffering. Lord God touch right now where no human can ever touch, I petition You Lord God to hold her in the hallow of Your hand and give her comfort. Lord God the one the has cause her pain Lord i pray also for a visitiation for that individual, take the scales from that person eyes and let them see.

God we come against every forces of darkness in her life we curse every adversary and we say satan the blood of Jesus and is against you and you belong our my sisters feet! God right now in this place we pition you to open the windows of Heaven and pour out some comfort and peace upon my dear sister; send your angels with swords of flaming fire to fight her battles. God who is like unto You; who can stand against my sister if You o God is for her. Back, back every dark forces and give my sister the victory right now Lord cause i believe and I stand on your word that when two or more comes into agreement Your are already sending and answer....So Lord God we thank you for the answers you are sending right now and we thank You for the comfort you are sending her way, in the name of the Father, in the name of the Son and in the name of the Holy Ghost.

I call it ladies release your spirits to this woman and send out a shout of joy for her in Jesus name

kishmarFemaleJamaica2008-07-15 11:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
QUOTE (BelwinMills @ Jul 15 2008, 11:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kishmar @ Jul 15 2008, 10:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Do you all think this make sense; this morning when i called the NVC the rep told me that some months Kingston only gives the 5 slots (hmmm mmm yep 5) for IR1/CR1!

I didnt even responded to the woman who by the way was unusually nice. Im begining to think that NO ONE in the US government cares immigration process in Jamaica!

It may. When we went we only saw three other married people getting interviewed and one guy for his son. That is all the family visas I saw that day. Not many and I think we were one of the last interviews because we waited for ever. How long have you been waiting? We waited 3 1/2 months to get an interview when are case was finished and sent to Kingston. I am sorry you are going threw this. That is amazing that the lady was nice.

Mrs Mills our case was completed on April 25th my friend Tash was completed on the April 15th

I have concluded that all that i can do is wait; and hope that i will be able to join my husband by years end.
kishmarFemaleJamaica2008-07-15 11:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
Do you all think this make sense; this morning when i called the NVC the rep told me that some months Kingston only gives the 5 slots (hmmm mmm yep 5) for IR1/CR1!

I didnt even responded to the woman who by the way was unusually nice. Im begining to think that NO ONE in the US government cares immigration process in Jamaica!

Edited by kishmar, 15 July 2008 - 10:49 AM.

kishmarFemaleJamaica2008-07-15 10:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
QUOTE (TYMOORE @ Jul 15 2008, 09:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I know the other day i was kind of offended because I had someone tell me that maybe me and my SO shouldn't get hitched right away because he will probably need time to get adjusted. Then they asked if we had to get married right away in order for him to come to the U.S. Basically trying to tell me that maybe we should wait because things may not work, is how I took these comments. The nerve of people.

So if it dont work out!!! How does that affect them! so what now they are playing the role of GOD!!!

Such rubbish!
kishmarFemaleJamaica2008-07-15 09:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
QUOTE (JaEnglishGirl @ Jul 9 2008, 07:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Lawny, I mixed a CD fi yuh and Marcel!!

And anyone who likes old love songs lol!!

Great them all

Thanks for sharing
kishmarFemaleJamaica2008-07-09 19:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
QUOTE (RoxcieJoe @ Jun 9 2008, 09:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Trelawny20853 @ Jun 9 2008, 09:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I'm meeting up with 7 couples that have interviews in Kingston the same day as mine (June 24th). They're looking for just one night. All are coming from the other end of the island, from Westmoreland, St. Elizabeth, Negril. I'm the closest coming from Trelawny. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. They said no to the HILTON, Courtleight is sold out, some didn't like Knutsford, they're about to drive me insane.

Tre, there is a hotel by the airport. I can't remember the name right now, I am about to go into a meeting, will try to get the information back to you when i am back in my office.

What are the dates?


Hotel by the airport??? I think you meant Port Royal if it is then is Morgans Harbour Marino
kishmarFemaleJamaica2008-06-09 09:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
QUOTE (RoxcieJoe @ May 13 2008, 05:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jomo @ May 13 2008, 04:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (sus @ May 13 2008, 03:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jomo @ May 13 2008, 04:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It hurts me to see him slowly learning this lesson.

I feel your pain, and I know how hard it is to sit by and watch him go through something that hurts.

I used to sit back and be quiet. Lately, I've spoken up more and more. I can't let him be hurt anymore.

He called his mom Sunday. She said she's sick and needs to go to the doctor. I said why doesn't she go? He said, she says she has no money. I said, medical care in JA since April 1st. Andre said why would she say that then? Um....cause she thinks we don't know. Neverending. You can't even call your mom on Mother's day.........

Good evening everyone, I think we need to clear up what free medical care in JA means. The free only applied to the Dr's vist at the hospital and some clinics. All lab, xrays (ancillary services) vaccinations and medicine are still at a cost to the patient. If the patient is seeing a private Doctor at his/her office there is still a cost.

JA did not throw out the baby with the bath water. What I am trying to say is, there are still waiting periods (long lines) at all clinics. You can go to a clinic and a hospital and not be seen because of this because the waiting list is too long. ...... Or the Doctor (specialist) you need to see is not at the clinic today. I hope we all understand that there is no such thing as total free health care anywhere in the world. There is poor health care(free) or good health care ($$$$$). You pick your own prescription. Pay you might get good service, but if you want free you have wait for whatever they want to give to you. Yes, JA is trying to give it's people something and something is better than nothing.

Sorry,but if my mother was sick, I would move heaven and earth to get her some care.

Be Bless

Thank you so very much Roxcie for giving my fellow "Jamaicans" the real understanding behind this free medical thing here in Jamaica.

I just feel moved at times of how people seem to find all thats wrong or going wrong in Jamaica but hardly ever stop to give honor where honor is due. I must say that as a Jamaican im am proud of the step that the Jamaican government has taken to "try" and assist those of us who cannot afford to visit a private doctor because of financial reasons. (and might i add the big US of A is yet to put some level of normalcy to its medical care system). Think what you may about the medical care system in the Jamaica, but the government here tries very hard with the limited resources that it has.

I just wish and pray for the day when Jamaicans who have left here and supposedly goes to the where the "grass is greener" will not only see what is wrong with this beautiful country but will also spend some time to see the vast improvements that have also taken place here.

You all talk about crime about in Jamaica as if Jamaica is the only place that crime exists?????? I watch the news every evening and there is not ONE evening where i dont see someone being murdered senselessly in the great America.

Give honor where honor is, Jamaica like everywhere else in the world has its fare share of problems and no one government or small group of people can fix it.

Thank you.
Respectfully yours,
Jamaican Citizen
kishmarFemaleJamaica2008-05-13 18:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
QUOTE (BelwinMills @ May 1 2008, 01:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kishmar @ May 1 2008, 11:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good mornig you all,

I have a question to ask (maybe silly to some of you). Have you ever heard of anyone filing CR1/IR1 being denied in Kingston. Im just curious my case was just completed at the NVC and im just curious.


When I went to my interview I did see a CR1 case denied. The reason the guy didn't finalize his divorce from his first wife before they got married. Eric on here got denied for ganga. He was baned 3 years and waited. Then they recieved their visa. I really don't think its anything you have to worry about as long as every thing is ligit. You will do fine cause your using this site. Just bring as much prof as possible down. All the best!! smile.gif

Thanks Bel for the info not really worried. Ive been married to my darling for almost 4 years now come July this year......Not sure of the evidence my hubby will be coming for the interview and i have a few pictures, cards, and such like....My marriage to my husband for almost 4 years and him coming back and forth should be proof enough dont you think???

kishmarFemaleJamaica2008-05-01 13:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
QUOTE (Jomo @ May 1 2008, 11:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Any of you who like to do a little horse racing wagering...........The Kentucky Derby this year has a Jamaican jockey. He's riding PYRO.

HaHa JG,

Its good that you have interest in Horse Racing, cuz i work at Horse Track in Ja the largest in the Caribbean wacko.gif
kishmarFemaleJamaica2008-05-01 11:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
Good mornig you all,

I have a question to ask (maybe silly to some of you). Have you ever heard of anyone filing CR1/IR1 being denied in Kingston. Im just curious my case was just completed at the NVC and im just curious.

kishmarFemaleJamaica2008-05-01 11:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
QUOTE (Tonya @ Apr 29 2008, 09:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif Andrew just got a call from Airpak......VISA will be delivered TODAY!!!!

Congrats Tonya kicking.gif I anticipate that day myself
kishmarFemaleJamaica2008-04-29 09:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)
QUOTE (Trelawny20853 @ Apr 21 2008, 12:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jomo @ Apr 21 2008, 12:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kishmar @ Apr 21 2008, 10:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jomo @ Apr 21 2008, 11:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Dang, Lawny. So much drama. I hope everyone gets better soon. Sorry for all your troubles. I hope your next embassy visit goes much smoother.

How are you feeling now?

Dont matter youg or old you SIMPLY DO NOT refer to someone as boy or gal in this country is rude and DISRESPECTFUL!!!!!!

I'm sorry it has hit such a nerve with you.

I don't see anything wrong with calling people boys or girls in some contexts. Like I say I love you girls. It's not meant to be derogatory. If it is said in a derogatory fashion, then I do see it as being wrong.

JG --

I'm good for right now. I don't think you offended her or anyone of us. It's the way it is said. BWAY or very disrepectful. Let Andre say it for you and you'll understand. It's just the way it's said and how it is directed. Because if anybody call my GYAL and war mi ago war and star gwaan bad.


If only JG knew some people have lost their lives behind calling someone a buoy or gal (some get stab up and some get chop up) rolleyes.gif sounds funny buts its true.....JG would not understand i live here (im a born Jamaican) i know the vibes..
kishmarFemaleJamaica2008-04-21 11:29:00
USCIS Service CentersOCCUPY VSC!!!!!
thats how it mostly is, they do the beginning and the end. the middle is done basically last :yes: . good luck
djricky4MaleJamaica2012-09-17 21:22:00
USCIS Service CentersVSC Not alowing for service request
its not fair but thats just how the system is. it works against peeps that try to do good and do things the right way. just hold tight, i hope it you get approved soon
djricky4MaleJamaica2012-09-06 21:45:00
USCIS Service CentersVSC OR CSC
you are correct, CSC is currently processing petitions 2 months ahead of VSC. dont count your self lucky yet because when we filed in jan 2012, the average wait time was about 110 days @ VSC, a full month and a half in front of CSC and we were happy our petition went there, things change as the months went by the times flipped. we got approved when the average wait @ VSC was about 180 days. we waited for over 6 1/2 months. good luck :thumbs:
djricky4MaleJamaica2012-09-24 07:48:00