Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Say What?
Posted Image

July 8th is my b-day
July 8th is my b-day
July 8th is my b-day
July 8th is my b-day
July 8th is my b-day :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Whoooo! all the July peeps in da house should link up for a July bash. Are you close to Georgia or Maryland?
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-04-07 10:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Okay well you will have to give us a call. We will be moving a little further south...College Park but if possible it would be good to see you while you're in the state. We can figure out something!

We sure will.
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-04-07 10:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Hey girl...nothing is wrong with being 29...he will turn 29 this July 7th. He always trying to be older than he really is...I told him to embrace being 28 and go sit down. Chile some times he's a bit much. :yes:

Oh cool. My B/day is July 2an my MIL is the 8th. Maybe we can hook up and get a party poppin cause I'll be in Lithonia from jul 02-06. :dance: :dance:
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-04-07 10:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Thats right Dada... stay motivated mi sista.. things will turn around for us soon! God is good all the time and He will never forsake us!

LOL Yes I am a COUGAR... dyaam proud too! hahahaha.. There is a 16 year age difference between hubby and I.. He will be 24 and I will be 40 this year! Hot dyaam! I STILL got it! And for those who want to say Im like Stella trying to get my groove back, well I proudly tell them "I aint neva lost it" ;)Posted Image

You tell em sista .The older the wine the sweeter the taste.
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-04-07 10:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Hey MO, LOL girl after my own heart, I only drink fresh sorrel tea inna mawning I brew from the dried flowers if not that its my ginger or mint from my garden. Must be the West Indian in us :yes: Matter of fact I'm drinkin git now :P

LOL @ Dens that is too funny haaaa

Hey Tam OH no he didn't I know you was all on my my bwoy wid dat foolnish! LOL @ his nickname neing Blue Slip hot mess!

Hola Bess, enjoy yuh day :luv:

I was watching that bwoy like a hawk.
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-04-07 10:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Thats right Dada... stay motivated mi sista.. things will turn around for us soon! God is good all the time and He will never forsake us!

LOL Yes I am a COUGAR... dyaam proud too! hahahaha.. There is a 16 year age difference between hubby and I.. He will be 24 and I will be 40 this year! Hot dyaam! I STILL got it! And for those who want to say Im like Stella trying to get my groove back, well I proudly tell them "I aint neva lost it" ;)Posted Image

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-04-07 10:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Hey Dada, Dens Wifey, TAMH, Nat, Irie, Philly and SunRay.....just got a lil break so I stopped in to say hi!

Hey miss, how are you?
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-04-07 09:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Im doing good thank you. I decided to go to sleep last night with no pain meds and I slept pretty good. The machine they put me on yesterday to stretch my neck did wonders.

Im leaving work an hour early to go to see the hand specialist to see why I keep having so much pain in my pinky!

Good for you mama!
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-04-07 09:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

No besa I would neva do that!! :) mami, I just got a lot going on..I gotchu! :)

Good morning Yardies

Morning, how u feeling today mama?
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-04-07 08:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Then what time do you get up?

I actually don't mind waking up early if I know that I can go back to sleep (like on Saturdays).

Oh Nat, I'm ashamed to say my usual wake up take after going back to sleep is usually between 12:00-12:30. I just love to sleep. :whistle:
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-04-07 08:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25! it seems like you're adjusting learning you way around and stuff...Den is driving somewhat but he still is trying to learn the city...he says every street here has "Peachtree" in it and he says he gets confused :help: ...poe thang, I told him with time he will get it! :rofl:

Chile, I know what Den is talking about, it can be quite confusing, hell I'm still a little confused.
While on my way to pick up hubby last Friday I missed my turn and got lost :rofl: but I eventually figured it out. Tell Den to hang in there it will get easier.
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-04-07 08:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

:lol: @"Blue Slip"! "Blue Slip" is no joke...I think this is the same guy we had. :no:

That's the same guy I had too, he was about to give me a blue slip for the affidavit of support which was steering him in the face. When I saw him made the circle on the blue slip I quickly indicated to him that the affidavit is with the other docs he just need to check properly.
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-04-07 08:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

thanks Nat i see your hubby's card was already ordered :dance::dance::dance:

I posted a review here it is :thumbs:

Review Topic: IR1/CR1 Visa

I went to JA for my hubby's interview we arrived at 6:50am (i know we were super early) we sat outside until 8:00am they we proceeded to the entrance which there was a very long line but i was told to proceed to the front since we are what they call "Filing" and i was told the others in the long line were "Non-Immigrants" we left everything in the car so security was a breeze a young lady at the door took two of my hubby's passport pics and wrote his name on the back and put them inside his passport and inserted the first page of our interview appointment letter inside the passport as well, they asked for my passport to prove i was the one filing for him them we proceeded to the courtyard and was directed to the check-in counter, we were given a number at 8:15am we were inside while waiting we noticed the numbers were not in order as we already knew by other reviews and we noticed the process as well(first call finger prints, medical and document check, second call interview) also we noticed a LOT OF BLUE SLIPS were being given for 2009 TAX RETURN & W2's and also for CO-SPONSORS we also observed what CO were really strict and stern and which ones were really nice, there were three Americans and three Jamaicans that were doing interviews and they would switch it up every now and then, the Jamaican guy was very nice and so was one of the ladies with her hair braided, there was a African-American girl with a short bob she was very strict and conducted all interviews on speaker phone which i found very upsetting because everyone could hear every question and every answer, and there was an African- American guy who me and my hubby called "BLUE SLIP' BECAUSE 90% OF HIS INTERVIEWS ENDED IN "blue slips" (who also turned out to be our CO) he was very thorough and he asked everyone to pick up the phone so it was really hard to tell what most of the "blue slips" were for but i remember two that needed co-sponsors and two that needed more proof of ongoing relationship, other than that they were giving visas left and right../reviews/smile.gif no denials, at 9:45am our number was called for the first time a young Jamaican female (very nice and polite) took my hubby's medical, took his finger prints and have him sign his Police certificate and asked him some general questions then she asked is this our first marriage we said yes she told us to have a seat and listen for our number again, at 10:30 our number was called again we were first asked to raise our right hands and to swear all the info we gave and that all our answers would be the truth then the CO asked me to take a seat and asked my hubby to pick up the phone, i could hear my hubby's answers and from that i knew what the questions were
1. how did you meet?
2. how long have you known each other?
3. when did you get married?
4. how do you communicate?
5. has your wife every sent you any money and do you have receipts?
6. how many times has your wife visited you since you started dating?
then i saw the CO whip out a blue slip and put it aside and that's when my i noticed my hubby getting very nervous he then proceeded to ask my hubby
7. do you have any children?
8. how many people was at your wedding?
9. do you have any wedding pictures?
then he asked my hubby to sit and asked me to come up to the window and pick up the phone
he basically asked my questions 1-3,6-9 and i explained we had no pics because it was a small ceremony and i explained we had a big one planned and had to postpone because my son had to have surgery he the asked 10. what kind of surgery and when? he then asked to see my son's birth certificate and my US passport, then he paused and reached for the "blue slip" i noticed it was for co-sponsor because we did not meet the poverty guidelines for 2008 but we did for 2009 so i then offered the CO the 2009 Tax return and W2 he then asked if it met the poverty guideline i said yes he said "yes i will need that since both you and your co-sponsor did not meet 2008" he took the docs and checked the poverty guidelines and said shook his head and said "OK thank you please ask your husband to return to the window with his passport" he then asked my hubby
11. have you ever been arrested? 12. have you ever traveled to the US? then he said "take this ticket to window 26 to pay for the delivery of your passport do not make any travel arrangements until you receive you passport with your visa" my hubby said thank you and we left he never said congrats or welcome to the US but i took his statement as an APPROVAL AND BY GOD IT WAS our interview was on Friday and my hubby's visa was issued on Monday and available for pick up on Tuesday afternoon was picked up Wednesday and we left Thursday GOD IS TRULY AMAZING!!

Congrats on your approval.
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-04-07 08:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!
Thanks Mama! What you doing up so early? :unsure:

I'm usually up by 7:00 am to to see my baby off or take him to work if I need the truck. I do however usually take a morning nap, but not today.
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-04-07 08:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

I do remember something about Selective Service but Den is a old man...he's almost 29!

Pleaase don't let Den hear you calling him old.:devil:
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-04-07 08:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Morning Everyone! I'm feeling better...

God is good Ms. Sheka!

morning hon glad ur feeling better today.
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-04-07 07:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Dear Applicant/Petitioner:

Your USCIS application/petition has been received and routed to the National Benefits Center for processing. Within 7-10 days by standard mail you will receive your official Receipt Notice (Form I-797) with your Receipt Number xxxxxxxxxxxxxx With the official Receipt Notice (Form I-797) you may visit where you can check the status of your application using My Case Status. We suggest you wait until you have received your Form I-797 before checking My Case Status.

This confirmation provides notification of the date USCIS received your application/petition. This notice does NOT grant any immigration status or benefit. You MAY NOT present this notice as evidence that you have been granted any immigration status or benefit. Further, this notice does NOT constitute evidence that your application remains pending with USCIS. The current status of your application/petition must be verified with USCIS.


Yaay! Congrats, U are 1 step closer.

This is what it meannnnnnnns!!!!

TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 14:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Thanks for asking. Physically Im feeling better than I have in a while...

Im a little bummed out today. I got the results back from "THE MATH TEST" - Results: Failed

I have my study guide with me again today and Im about to call the college and try to get a tutor. Im discouraged but not defeated. I only missed it by 4pts! Posted Image

Glad you're feeling better today :thumbs: . Sorry about the math test mama you may be down but not out, you have the right attitude and you'll succeed.
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 13:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

ShaNette, that man was OUT OF ORDER 100%. Shame on him for what he did to you in the past & for the stunt he pulled in CHURCH on resurrection Sunday. :no:

Dillon, I hope he does well. That reminds me of something I COMPLETELY forgot to share here!

We went to Craigslist last week and the first job we clicked on was for a new cafe opening nearby (within 3 miles of where we live). We read the details and saw that it is a Caribbean cafe. It also required a food handler's permit. So we went about getting the permit, then sent in Steven's resume. Well, he got called back a few days later for an interview and turns out the place isn't just Caribbean, but Jamaican! :dance:

Once it opens, it will be the nearest Jamaican restaurant to where we live. Anyway, Steven has an interview for the position in 30 minutes. I feel like this is meant to be, for it to be a Jamaican restaurant and the FIRST thing we clicked on. I think God put this in front of us, but even if it doesn't work out, there are over 15 places within a few blocks of where we live that Steven can apply.

I hope steven gets that job Nat. I'm praying for him. :thumbs:
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-04-05 13:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

VJ is the stuff...I told Den he should be grateful to VJ cause it helped us stay together a few times I was going to be like forget this you to pieces but this here...are you serious? I can't deal...some times I get too wired up...don't know if you guys have noticed that about me just yet... :rofl:

On a side note :ot: Den stated and seemed to be firm that I can not go on any girls' only trips to JA! :rofl: :no: Poe thang, I got news for will be planned for the near future...maybe not in '10 but definitely one of these times soon. :yes:

He's just saying that now, once he's seasoned and had made friends that he can hang with and do his thing, he'd be like go ahead girl go do ur thing just be safe.
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-04-05 12:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Den and I are truly blessed.

That's awesome you get to drop the hubby off and go and hit the malls up...must be nice! I'm not mad at cha. I tell Den all the time to please take advantage of this down time cause once he's working its on and poppin' I wish I could get an opportunity to relax for a few months before having to get a job...I guess that window has passed for me. I had one already between graduating college and getting my first real job...poe be young and carefree again! :blush:

Oh chile it's a wonderful feeling not to feel totally dependent. Den most def need to make use of the free time, cause once he's on a roll there's no stopping and he doesn't have long either.
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-04-05 12:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Yep, you are doing just fine mama

Yep I am. VJ has been a great help, based on the vjers experience it kinda gives me an idea of what to expect, the do's and not what to do given the relationship and personality of your hubby.

hope you feeling better today mama.
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-04-05 12:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Hey Lady! How's the married life? Yes girl we finally got the paperwork out the door. I hated to write that check though but its out of my hair for now. Now we just waiting to close on the house and we gon go sit down for a while! :lol: Please keep us in your prayers!

I'm so happy for you girl. Isn't it amazing how God works and everything seems to be falling right into place? You have your husband by your side and your about to close on that house. Everything will have a positive outcome chile, just pray and have faith that it will. I will definitely keep you in my prayers.

As for me, married life has been going great. The transition has been smooth,incident and fight free so far and I pray it will remain that way. I'm not as bored as I thought I would be b/c I've been out of the house quite a lot, for the past week I've been taking hubby to work so I can have the vehicle throughout the day to hit the mall.
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-04-05 12:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!
Afternoon yardies! Hope everyone had a great Easter weekend.

MRStee: Glad your daddy is doing well. God is good. :thumbs:

Acory: It's good you and hubby have overtightened things out and ur both on the same page.

Dens: Congrats on getting that AOS out, hope the process proves to be a smooth one.
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-04-05 11:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Morning. Beautiful day here in NY. I have/had plans to go to auto show in city & also watch tyler new movie. Only thing is hubby has had some dead vibes of lately. My son is w/his dad & I figured this would allow us some "alone time". So wrong. 1st off I got him some clothes yesterday. Up til now he hasn't looked @ them. I approached him yesterday & asked him if he intended on coming upstairs. He responded with "whether upstairs or downstairs, it's the same thing. & how he will be looking @ a tv." I went off. I told him I got him some stuff & all now he hasn't come upstairs to see it. He replied " if I didn't buy anything, I wouldn't chat to him." A little insight ladies, hubby ran up my sprint phone bill to unimagineable amounts. They turned phone off. Now I have the outrageous $$$$ they want. But why should I pay it ASAP?! Ppl of importance have house #. His JA ppl don't. So he is suffering more. I miss my texting & my son calling me. When I approached him about phone, he says "sprint a thief." Now being ignorant b/c you don't have an idea about how contract phones work doesn't go over well w/me. So when it comes to that, I believe I ha e all right to be pissed. 2ndly, Monday my son says his tooth fell out while I was @ work. He said "daddy told me rinse my mouth." I replied" you called daddy for that? & I asked my son y he didn't tell cory. He told me cory was in bed." when I arrived home, I asked Cory if my son tooth fell out. His answer was " ah so him say" I went on about proper supervision & how he couldve looked in his mouth just to make sure everything was ok. I told him if it were his son, I wouldve done that. He tells me, my son is alright. That's beside the point!! My point was proper supervision!
I don't know ladies. I do know I'm getting out this bed to go do my nails & eyebrows. My man!! Boy oh boy. Well I hope he looks @ clothes, b/c I will return them. Anyhow, every1 enjoy the holiday weekend. Also give me your opinion about what I've said. Thanks

I'm sorry to hear about hubby acting up, but he has to realize that you have to economize and cut back where necessary.
I can understand you loosing it, anyone would, but sometimes that approach doesn't help especially when dealing with men and their pride and ego. Try sitting him down and talk to him (If you haven't done so already)and hopefully he'll understand that he had a role to play. Good luck and I hope everything works out soon and he'll come around.
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-04-02 12:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Mawnin Yardies!!

Yeah, Nat that probably averages about the same time.

Nice Pics!!

Have fun. I can't wait to get there!

I will be in DC June 13-17 for a conference! Who all lives nearby? I want to link up with mi fellow yardies. I will also bring hubby and maybe my daughter.

Hey Char, let me know when the MD link up is going down.
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-04-02 12:21:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

We went on a hike to see the Cherry Blossoms today. On the way Obama came through. This was the first time I'd seen his motorcade since he's been in office. I was waving... lol

Pretty picture Sunny :thumbs:
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-04-02 12:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Hey TAMH: I'm going to call you this weekend.

DaDa: Mi luv yuh girl... I'm ready to go RITE NOW..... :yes:

Those of you attending the Yardie-Link-up, I sent a FB request with the restaurant info. Check it out.

Ok. Looking forward to talking to you. :thumbs:
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-04-01 08:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!
Morning yardies!Hope everyone have a great day.

MRStee: I'm glad you're ok mama and there were no casualties. I hope that pain goes away pretty soon. (F) (L)

KJ: Good luck on getting that license today.

MO: Congrats with that AOS . You're one step closer hon.

Hey Sunny, Wats up?
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-04-01 08:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

TAMH you coming to the NY yardie link up?

Sunny all those look great, I think the manhattan spot is perfect and if you're the one planning this then I suggest you send everyone who's coming an email with the link to the restaurant, have 'em decide and THEN we decide on the package but I like the chicken and ribs package, I believe we all eat chicken but lets see what happens...

Oh no I won't be able to make it this time around but hopefully next time. When i go to new york I have so many family members to visit and hubby has 2 kids in Jersey that we have to hang out with a little as well cause he doesn't get to see them that often cause they're so far away.

I was there last weekend to shop but that didn't materialize cause the time was so short.
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-03-31 19:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

No hon, not yet. But within a month. I went to go apply for a marriage license and was told it takes 1 month in my town so the pastor that I'm doing pre'marital couseling with called the mayor and got me an appointment tomorrow and I have to use the license within 30 days so that gives me 30 days to get my ish together and tie the knot :yes:

Oh I'm so sorry to hear they been giving you a hard time. I hope all goes well tomorrow and you'll have the license in hand tomorrow. How is hubby adjusting?
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-03-31 19:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!
Hey Kjenkins((waving)) wats up girlie, what have you been up to? Have you tied the the knot as yet?
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-03-31 19:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!
Hey Mrstee, how ya doing Mama? I see you planning on having some me time in JA, hope you have a blast you deserve it. :thumbs:
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-03-31 12:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

we just had a bath and now we're sleeping!

we are 2 weeks old today!! :dance:


Awww! they are too cute. They're beautiful Finesse
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-03-31 12:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

No dear=heart, we nah mis-behave at all lol... me a tell har seh she noe memba nothing good, but she know how fi tell me fi tall di gal fi kiss me #### lol

:rofl: :rofl: only MRStee. She crazy
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-03-24 13:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

:wow: You see what u can remember pero tu no puedes recordar nada que bien... bad, bad girl :devil:

Cho. (histeeth) mi nuh like when uno a talk an mi no kno weh uno a seh eno. Especially since I suspect uno being bad.
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-03-24 13:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

and ifi that don't work tell her to besa tu culo lmao.. why I gotta know the bad stuff lol

MRstee ur baaaad! :rofl:
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-03-24 13:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Let me vent for a little
So this trick from my online class just totally ripped off my online submission. She took my topic and so-called did a three-line research on it, after I had submitted mine for class review over an hour later... She no easy, she tink a so di worl' run and gi u ppl sintin fi u tek an gwan like a fi u... Mi bex star
And pon top a it, she's latina lol

She's wrong, :bonk: but let her know what goes around comes around. Chile, one day she'll reap what she sowed.
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-03-24 13:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

wow does no one chat on here anymore? or is it me :) stepchild

later ladies

I think they trying to take it a bit easy on Charles :lol: .
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-03-24 13:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

I'm glad your loving it here. I love Maryland too. I'll send it now.

Lawny left for JA on Sunday and will be there for a couple of weeks. She called me yesterday, but I missed her calls because I thought it was someone calling for Ray and didn't answer. :blink: Wasn't until I got to work and saw the same number and noticed it was her. I hope she's doing ok, but she may call back sometime this week. I know MrsTee has talked to her.

I hope she's doing OK too. PM on the way.
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-03-24 12:19:00