Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Its hot yall so dont laugh at my pics

I had to post on FB to get them off the camera, so Im erasing from FB :bonk: :bonk: :rofl: :rofl:

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Nice car JQ!! I see our bawn days are pretty close. Mine is on Friday, don't know what hubby has planned yet but I sure am excited.
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-06-30 09:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
morning ladies, I hope y'all are having a great day!
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-06-30 09:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

People are so friend asked me yesterday if the baby will have dual citizenship. I said I was not sure yet then she asked me about Damien. I told her has has been eligible for awhile (year and half) and we are filing by the end of July. She said GOOD cuz at least he's not USING you. Boy...I let her have it...first husband has been here almost 6 years...had his 10 gc for almost 3 years...IF he wanted to go he would have been gone. Second, he makes enough money to support himself and pay household bills...he doesn't need my income. What is he using for? She couldn't answer. Maybe he actually LOVES me...u think??

A so some ppl jus luv chat, and chat sh*t. I'm glad you address her.
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-06-25 12:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

It's still gonna happen, just trying to find a restaurant and a good place in MD...I know your suggestion but its hard because alot of our men folk don't care for Italian food. Im trying to find a place that they'd be okay with... Its not until Aug. 14th so Im working on it sis!

Just checking in.

:bonk: :rofl: Fair enough lol

Well, hubby and are aren't big on calling each other on the phone and whatnot, but he just texted me saying "No words can express how much you mean to me, I love you"

:crying: :crying: :crying:

:crying: :crying: :crying: dats so tweet.
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-06-25 12:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
Hey DW!! How you doing Mami? A PM coming your way soon.

Tee, wat a gwan? Glad you got home safe yesterday. Wats up with the MD link-up?
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-06-25 11:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Do clarify what u love like food :blink: lol Football right lol

partying besa :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk:

This weekend I am going to chill and do some cleaning. Sunday is our Anniversary so once Mikel gets off work we will be doing something. Not sure what though because I told him he is in charge of that.

happy anniversary when it comes Dillon. Keep doing what u doing to make that marriage strong.

The patwa or the wide erray of topics bein discussed simultaneously??

:bonk: :bonk: :bonk:
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-06-25 11:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

T-minus 60 hours or 3600 minutes or 216000 seconds until I see Kaci and never have to leave her side again...I CAN'T WAIT!!! Mi gonna lose mi mind.

Lol!! Too cute. I feel your excitement Bro.

Mawning ladies!
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-06-25 11:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

I know unu dont expect me fi go back and read all a dat... dont it??

Ding, ding, ding :yes: :yes:
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-06-24 15:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!


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This is the best I have felt in MONTHS!!! Posted Image

Yayy!! That's great news. Now you can get to go see your honey. :whistle:
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-06-24 15:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
Morning ladies!!! Hope everyone have a great day!!
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-06-24 11:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

TAMH -- lmaoooo mi jus figah out wah u name mean -- lawd mi slow. I use to love heels until I was leaving Asylum one night that was it for me...lesson I learned nevah tek aff u shoes and den try put dem back on cause u foot will swell

JP -- I'm doing well, trying to get back in the swing of things. My dad and uncles knows your hubbys mom and family. We have to catch up one day a chat.

A di initials in a mi name. My parents gi mi one long ratidcup name.
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-06-23 15:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Okay...the bamboolance is outside a young lady with super high heels and she got the heel stuck in the side walk and broke her ankle and calf OUCH!...mi wah know wah she a do a wear dem tings to work -- it look like a club she a go. Feel sarry fi ar dough she a bawl dung di place. Her foot is still in the shoe and it's twisted YUCK!

Lawd god!!! A wah do we and the 3&4 inch heels dem. One night I wore a high heel to a club back in JA named the quad, by the end of the night I was so tipsy and out of it I couldn't walk straight. I kept slipping and was about to pap my ankle, but luckily for me, I decided to take off the shoes and walk barefoot before me pap me red.
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-06-23 14:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Ross!!!! We don't have one here in St Louis so anytime hubby and I go to Vegas we hit this store up like EVERYDAY!!!!

They are cheap and they sell quality stuff.
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-06-23 13:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

awwwwww not fair lol ... I got two shirts, two pairs of sandals, a pair of capris for $35.00

Whoooo! :dance: :dance: :dance: Whenever you go to the register give them your e-mail so they can send you a $5.00 off coupon( I do that every time I go there). They'll also e-mail any other promotions or discounts they have.

Mi nah wile hubby Tee, cause I'll be in Georgia next weekend and I ain't never go to Georgia and not come back with a stock of clothes. I like shopping at Ross in "G"
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-06-23 13:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

THe whole thing stink to high heaven... I hope he makes it out of JA alive...

But the thing is, Al say him was taking Dudus to the embassy... but when the story broke it was well after 5pm JA time... the embassy close at 4pm... something noh right at all...

According to nationwide radio they heard that he was apprehended from about 4:00 there about, but they hadn't gotten any confirmation from the police. So many unanswered questions girl. For eg:

1)Why would Al miller publicly say that he had made arrangements with the embassy ( If this is not so, he's really setting himself up).

2) Why did the police let Mr. Miller go when they discovered what was happening

3)If what Mr. Miller said is true, what was steps were the embassy planning on taking? Were they planning to just secretly whisk him away? And if the latter was the case that would be unlawful cause even though he's waiving his rights to t he hearing, he still has to go before a judge to do so formally.
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-06-23 13:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

We pay her a pittance ($40 per week), not so much the money as her exclusive access to the baby!

Well, that's how grandma's are, they're usually so attached to the grand-babies(especially if it's their first).
Give her a little assurance that she won't lose that rights all together and I think she'll be OK.
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-06-23 13:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

I wonda how mi nuh hear unn seh nothin bout the Dudus get ketch case????

Is not the police who caught Dudus, it's Dudus who gave himself up cause if he hadn't decided on throwing in the towel and give up the fight the lame duck police dem wouldn't have a clue where to find him. Someone who knew he was on his way to the embassy tipped them off. Maybe Al Miller himself, who knows.

I am happy he has decided to waive his rights to the extradition hearing in JA, cause that would be a long drawn out battle that would most certainly create a lot of tension and anxiety that JA. Besides, I want him to come to the U.S and sing like a canary and expose the dirty politicians for who they truly are.
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-06-23 12:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

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Awww! she's adorable. Can I have her? PLEASE
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-06-23 12:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Thank you JAP! I feel like getting under my desk here at work and not coming out until time to go not in the mood lately! :blink:

A go yuh waan go home to Den; you prolly wanna get some afternoon sexy party started.
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-06-23 12:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

mi juss cawl mi madda in law and tell har...suh she deh pan why on earth would I do that and how mi lazy and rae rae...tell har seh mi a work stright since mi 17...she tell mi bout how mi did tek a year awf wid di baby...mi tell har seh dat was MATERNITY leave and was WID PAY....mi siddung a ponder why shi vex and mi realise a tru she tek care a di baby and shi mussi fraid mi nah guh need har nuh more....

Mommy worry seh yuh probly box di likkle food outta har mout.(That's if that's the arrangement)
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-06-23 12:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Thanks TAMH! I feel you about the clock ticking...some days I swear I'm like I gotta hurry up and have a baby and other days...I'm like I got time, no rush. :rofl:

if you first me, just remember to blow some of the dust my way. :thumbs:
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-06-23 12:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Where is that woman TAMH at? Because of her, Im on my way to Kohl's at lunch time :lol:

Wish I could join you Tee, but hubby gi mi a stern warning Sunday wen mi mention dat dem sen mi 15% off coupon( him seh mi nuffi bassa go spen off di ole a di money). Mi jus a guan ole mi corner fi now cause 4th of July soon come.
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-06-23 11:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

:crying: mi know mi late "Always Bless" but CONGRATS :crying: So, happy for those that are pregnant:crying:

Can't wait until it's dillon, TAMH, DW, sus, and Quanna's turn -- mi naw see Tee cause mi know she ago bax mi chu di PC

.Mi caan wait Tre. A full time likkle baby dust blow pon mi now cause di clock is ticking

:D :yes: :star: :dance: :dance: :dance:


The last processing action taken on your case Receipt Number: MSCxxxxxxxx
Application Type: I485 , APPLICATION TO REGISTER PERMANENT RESIDENCE OR TO ADJUST STATUS Current Status: Approval notice sent.

On June 23, 2010, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I485 APPLICATION TO REGISTER PERMANENT RESIDENCE OR TO ADJUST STATUS. Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283. If you have questions or concerns about your application or the case status results listed above, or if you have not received a decision from USCIS within the current processing time listed*, please contact USCIS Customer Service at (800) 375-5283. *Current processing times can be found on the USCIS website at under Check My Case Status and Check Processing Times.*** Please do not respond to this e-mail message. Sincerely, The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)

Congrats mama!! :dance:
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-06-23 11:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Morning good yardie people!!! :dance:

Ever have a skype shower?? :innocent: :whistle:

I tell you it's a whole nuther kind of invigorating! Posted Image

especially for someone shy like me! :lol:


okay, mi gone to work now :D

Never had skype, but I sure did have lots of MSN and Yahoo. :blush: Those days sure helped hubby and I stay connected. We use to see each other off to work every morning and off to bed@ nights. And of couse, we never cease to throw a little internet sexy party. :whistle: Our computers were hardly ever off.

Hi everyone hope all is well just feel like crying today.

Chins up honey, everything will all work out soon. I'll keep you in my prayers. (F)
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-06-22 11:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27! husband moved the angle of my monitor so after editing all day yesterday, had to re-edit 250 photos!!

Here are the pics of the newborn!

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Lovely pictures. He's so adorable.
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-06-22 09:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Please pray for my husband's friend -- she lost her son -- this is so sad -- some of ya'll may know the mom if you frequent bottom road in Mobay

14-y-o kills self to stop US-bound mother
Published: Friday | June 11, 2010 58 Comments and 0 Reactions Marcia Reid bawls after her 14-year-old son committed suicide near his home in Flankers, Montego Bay, on Thursday. - Photo by Noel Thompson

Noel Thompson, Gleaner Writer


A weeping mother has vowed to serve God and never to travel abroad for economic reasons after her [font="""]son[/font] committed suicide yesterday.

Marcia Reid of Flankers, [font="""]Montego Bay[/font], cried uncontrollably after her 14-year-old son, Norris Smith, hanged himself on an ackee tree just chains from their house.

The suicide was allegedly in protest of his mother's plan to work in the United States.

Reid, a single [font="""]mother[/font] of five, told The Gleaner that she had been working as a security guard on the night shift for 11 years and had become tired of struggling to make ends meet.

"Mi sit and talk with the three [font="""]children[/font] now living with mi and explained the situation to them. Mi tell them mi was leaving for the US to work so life could be better for all of us.

"I told them I was going to leave them with someone, but would leave Norris with his father," a distraught Reid said.

She added: "Mi never know dem mean it when dem say if mi leave dem, they would kill themselves."

Ran off upset

The mother said she had worked Wednesday night but went to the hospital Thursday morning, as she was feeling ill. On her return home, she reminded Norris he would have to stay with his father as she was planning to leave sometime next week.

"Him just run off and the next time mi see him was when him hang himself. Oh God! Mi nuh deserve this. You want mi fi serve You and mi a go repent. Mi coming to You, God," she lamented.

Meanwhile, psychologist Dr Beverley Scott has urged parents to take suicidal threats seriously while simultaneously urging teenagers to confide in someone about their problems.

"Teenage years are very difficult years and they need to be mentored properly," she said.

This is so so sad, I saw it on the news last week and it really touched my heart; He was such a promising child. My prayers are with you and the family.
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-06-21 18:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
Wats up yardies

Tee- Congrats on hubby's first job, You both must be so elated. :dance: :dance: great birthday gift
I see you on face-book strutting your stuff@ the NY link-up Gwaan Tee Thompson2 aint got nutten on you baby. Lol
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-06-21 18:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

And that's what its all about...I so agree with you on there are bad folks everywhere. Lawd knows I swear I met every bad guy here in the U.S. at some point in time :rofl:

I remember when I first got back to the U.S. from my first trip from JA and I had met my Booski and was already in love... folks were making their comments and giving their opinions and calling me Stella and this and that...chile booyah cause we still here strong and married... so whatever is cleaver...poe thangs, cause I knew there was something different about him and it didn't matter to me where he was from, what he did, or how many things on my stupid list that he didn't have cause what he did have were things that knocked that list off the radar, he had true character and was a genuine person :luv:

Amen sista!!

Yes He will make a way...okay y'all its official...I'm up in this piece crying :crying: :crying: :crying: but it's all good....I'm not ashamed to say that I can testify to where God has brought me from and through. My meeting my baby has changed my life! I know nothing is perfect but it amazes me how he is perfect for me. I could go on and on but I better stop before the supervisor thinks he has got to me with all this work..cause I'll never let them see me sweat here at the job :rofl:

Love is so beautiful!!
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-06-18 13:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Its funny hearing all the mushy mushy I have to break it up. lol
My husband knows I have a herniated disk in my neck so he told me last night
that the only reason he married me so that he could take care of me! :blink: :rofl: He said he felt sorry for me lol

He also said that he can't help me do my hair but he would help me polish my toes? #######? He has NEVER offered to do that so shooooooo...Im on that right there! :bonk: :lol:

He's messing with ya Tee. :bonk:
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-06-18 12:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

He's doing good. Missing his son and ready to work. He got some things in the works with his music so we so happy about is his life. :blink: Okay girl, I was wondering if you were still coming, I remember you told me when and I made a mental note so we could link up this time :yes:

How's your hubby? He is a sweetheart...he was so nice on the phone when he called me that day I sent you a text and you were cutting your hair cut.

Tell Den to hang in there, he'll get to visit his baby soon.
Hubby is doing great. Girl I'm so blessed to have him as my husband; he's so precious. :yes:
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-06-18 12:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Hey TAMH! Hope you're having a great Friday. Are you still planning on coming back to Atl end of the month? PM me please with details, if so....we have to link up next trip.

Yeah girl, still coming. Will be there for 4 days. I'll PM/text you with details.

How's hubby doing? I bet he's elated his GC is on it's way.
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-06-18 12:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

ok not trying to nosy all up in you bidness, can i add my two cents??

your husband should always be the one to put his mother in line, its not up to you. if she has crossed the line in anyway. and though its good to be close to them, your marriage is your buisness. my hubby's mum and his younger sister started up a convo once about having babies past a certain age. i think his younger sister thought i was younger than i am, but the convo really hurt me because old as i apparently am i want kids. he tactfully talked to them both at a time when i wasnt there. there are things with the family you shouldnt have to deal with. it puts you in a position and its not neccesary. if after he talks to her and it still remains grimy, move. distance will put paid to it real quick

I totally agree with you Miss. He's the one that brought you together so he definitely should step in and try to resolve the issue. The MIL& DIL disagreements can sometimes be a very delicate situation, and the man have to be strong to intervene without being partial.
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-06-18 11:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

Tray lol Im linking in Atlantic City, NJ its only 45 minutes from my house lol it started because kj invited me and then Regina wanted to go and what do you know.. Mo was going the same day! Don't be mad at me.. soon come :)

You're off the hook this time. Lol
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-06-18 11:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!

We haffi wait ya bra-bra

everybody a stuff dem face mek unu silent?? :blink:


I JUST RECIEVED E-MAIL FROM THE EMBASSY THE VISA WAS PRINTED TODAY...SHE WILL BE ABLE TO PICK IT UP WEDNESDAY... :dance: :dance: :dance: So happy I get to bring my baby home. Plus I took a gut shot and purchased tickets on Tuesday with Jet Blue, I couldn't pass up the price. A round trip for me and a one way for her only cost $462. I am so relieved...Hope everyone is having a good day.

Congrats!! So happy for you guys
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-06-18 11:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at home and a farrin, Part 27!
Mawning yardies!! Hope everyone is having a great day. MRStee what a guan? I'm :angry: I see you linking up in NYC dis weekend again an yuh stretch out MD linkup till way a August((kisteth)
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-06-18 11:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Hi Mama! Glad to hear that all is well with you. Congrats on your GC!!!! Hopefully we'll get ours any day now...we had to fill out paperwork for a replacement card since Den never received his...apparently they're backed up so whenever they can get to ours... :no: :bonk:
I'm good...just counting down the days until my hubby returns from JA. He's only been gone a week...feels like forever and a day! :crying:

Alright JQ, be careful with that dust...its powerful! :rofl: But you can shake it all you want cause my hubby isn't here right now so I know I'm in the clear for at least another few weeks! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Hey pretty lady, Hope the GC issue is sorted out soon. USCIS will drive anyone nuts!!:( Hubby will be home before you know, then you can lay it all on him.
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-11-08 13:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
JAP: OMG!! My heart goes out to you. I can only imagine what you and your love one is going through emotionally, but don't lose faith; your love for each other will keep you grounded and strong. I have you in my prayers.

Mrstee: Good luck on your interview, you got this mama!!
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-11-08 12:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Hey ladies, Just peeking in to say hello cause I've been MIA for a while. Things are going great with hubby and the transition.
I received my GC last week so I'm done with USCIS for the next 2 years.

I hope everyone is doing great . Congrats on all the approvals, pregnancies and career successes.
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-11-08 12:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

well make sure you get your homework done before bed time. LOL

:rofl::rofl::rofl:.:no: I'm gonna be like Marley & Jazz.
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-08-26 12:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Thats awesome! How many classes are you taking?

I'll be taking 3 classes cause I aint got nutten else doing.:blush:
TAMHFemaleJamaica2010-08-26 10:57:00