K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion 7 on I=134
Thank you so much! this info is aweome! smile.gif
michellemilitzaFemalePanama2008-02-24 20:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion 7 on I=134
I'm using my mother as a co-sponsor and I have everthing I need except for question 7...... on the last line in that section it asks for the value of mortages or other encumbrance's. Now, my mother doesn't own she rents, would the monthly rent be considered an encumberance? thanks a lot everyone!
michellemilitzaFemalePanama2008-02-24 20:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWork authorization at some port of entries
wow, por fin encuentro a otra panameña por aqui! Good luck on everything and God Bless ;)
michellemilitzaFemalePanama2007-07-27 22:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!
Quick question:

has anyone had ANY experiencewhere their forgein fiance arrives to Miami from Central America (Panama)?

I know the immigration/customs ppl there can be real hardasses (pardon my french) because everytime I come back from PTY they grill me before entering and I'm the US citizen! anyways any input would be greatly appreciated wink.gif
michellemilitzaFemalePanama2007-09-11 16:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures129f off in the mail it goes

yea, it's not a big deal, simple mistake.
tuesday then.
just trying to help.

Oh I definately appreciate the input...I didnt mean to come off the wrong way
Just made me think ,sat,sun,mon,tues....long time....easy to loose something.
Now im just being paranoid:)
Charles n SueNot TellingCanada2006-12-20 00:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures129f off in the mail it goes

The postman asked me if I was sending something of value (non-monetary) or something expensive. I told him :)
I believe I sent my application registered mail and it was on a Wednesday.
He said that when my package was received that I'd receive the green card (chuckles) back in the mail letting me know it was delivered.
You can also track it on-line.
So...if you send it tomorrow then it will probably arrive on Saturday (at TSC) and no one will be there to pick it up. So just be prepared to receive notice that it has arrived and there will be someone to get it early Monday morning.
I also live in Florida so I'd assume your timeframe could be like mine.
Good luck!

Im sure you mean TUESDAY morning...monday is Christmas.
But hmm.. I think that means I nead to send it Next Day Air...Off wed and there on thurday..Maybe in some christmas cheer they can get a NOA1 out the door friday(HEY everyone has to dream)
Charles n SueNot TellingCanada2006-12-19 23:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures129f off in the mail it goes
Well tomorrow is the big day..and im nervous as hell even thought im just mailing it.
I have the package sitting on the floor next to me And I have one thing to say about the process so far.

This site has been such a help to us in the past few weeks.

Sue and I had been looking into details for the past few months and the Govt site might as well of been written in a different language.
So Im a smart guy,let me talk to some one...I make an appt at the dept of homeland security (amazingly around the block from work).
After waiting 1hr I get to the desk and the best advice I get is "go to our web site"
But then i find this site..every day i got over every form and get our details together. and Finally I mail it tomorrow..
Im excited and nervous at the same time, obsessing over little details..went over the checklist today.....5times
passport type photos? gloss or flat (have gloss)
Staple the forms? Paperclip?
Write on the back of photos full names? How specific of where taken? addresses?
Express mail? Fedex? i know i want signature conf.
Im in florida so my Service center is in texas, But I seem to remember hearing they are getting forawrded to california?

I know im driving myself crazy senselessly, but if it is delayed even one additional day buy something I missed I would be upset with myself.

But I must say again, Having a group of people going thru the same thing or that have completed it already Is a great aid to us.
She was just here the whole month of november and even though only a few weeks ago it seems like longer.
Cross your fingers for us..

PS I see lots have dealt with canada (vancouver,monreal) anyone with experence in dealing with ottawa?
Any input I get is greatly appreciated
Charles n SueNot TellingCanada2006-12-19 23:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaFans of Peruvian Journalist Jaime Bayly?
QUOTE (MandR @ Oct 5 2007, 05:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

QUOTE (michellemilitza @ Oct 5 2007, 04:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (LaGreenEyes @ Oct 2 2007, 11:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I was just wondering how many fans of Jaime Bayly there are here (if any?) I know besides here in South Florida he is hugely poplular in his native Peru and Argentina. My husband and I love his show and his political commentary. He's SUCH an intelligent man. If any of you have DirecTV latino, his show is on MegaTV which will be on channel 405 starting October 15. If you have Dish network Latino package his show comes on CANAL SUR at like 10pm or 11pm.

In South FL, you don't even need DirecTV, with Basic cable it's on Mega TV, I htink every thursday......He's smart and funny in a weird kind of way, I just don't have time to watch him thanks to school......but isn'e he venezuelan? or maybe my ears aren't identifying accents as they used to wink.gif


Firstly................ GO GATORS !!!!!!!!!!!! First time seeing a gator on VJ

Also live in S. Florida, Hollywood to be exact.........

My wife loves watching Jaime Bayly............ and yes he is definately Peruvian. Born 2/19/1965 in Lima

GO GATORS! It sucks that they lost last week to Auburn (again! mad.gif ) but that didn't stop us last year from becoming champions! anyways my bad on thinking he was venezuelan......I guess my ears are not as good as they used to when it came to identifying accents...........I guess that goes to show you I need to get my head out of the books and into the real world!

So did you graduate from UF? I'm in Pharmacy School right now, in my second year...I usually live in Coral Springs, but right now I'm at school.
michellemilitzaFemalePanama2007-10-06 13:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaFans of Peruvian Journalist Jaime Bayly?
QUOTE (LaGreenEyes @ Oct 2 2007, 11:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I was just wondering how many fans of Jaime Bayly there are here (if any?) I know besides here in South Florida he is hugely poplular in his native Peru and Argentina. My husband and I love his show and his political commentary. He's SUCH an intelligent man. If any of you have DirecTV latino, his show is on MegaTV which will be on channel 405 starting October 15. If you have Dish network Latino package his show comes on CANAL SUR at like 10pm or 11pm.

In South FL, you don't even need DirecTV, with Basic cable it's on Mega TV, I htink every thursday......He's smart and funny in a weird kind of way, I just don't have time to watch him thanks to school......but isn'e he venezuelan? or maybe my ears aren't identifying accents as they used to wink.gif
michellemilitzaFemalePanama2007-10-05 15:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaExamen medico en Panama
hey pela recibiste mi e-mail? cuando tu novio entrega los forms que tiene que llenar le van a dar los papeles para llevar al examen medico. Ahi sale los hospitales donde TIENE que ir y tambien los doctores. They are very very specific, y eso es algo que el tiene que hacer al mas tardar 6 dias antes de la entrevista....asi que ya sabes cualquier cosas you know how to contact me wink.gif
michellemilitzaFemalePanama2008-02-23 00:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPregunta sobre las entrevistas
Solo tomalo con calma, no es obligatorio que tu estes ahi con el, claro es una buena opcion poder ir, pero no te van a hacer preguntas a ti le van a hacer preguntas a el. Asi que si no vas no hay problema, con tal de que los papeles esten llenados correctamente y todo esta en orden no veo pq le pueden dar problemas wink.gif
michellemilitzaFemalePanama2008-02-26 20:19:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Where do they give out the visa ?
QUOTE (panamania79 @ Feb 13 2008, 11:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (michellemilitza @ Feb 13 2008, 10:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
FELICIDADES! smile.gif I'm so happy that you finally got your NOA-2. For Panama there is only a Packet 3 and that packet has to be picked up by your fiance. But, to make things easier for him, call the NVC so you can get your new case number and ask when they sent the paperwork to Panama. Una vez que este en Panama entonces dale esa info a tu fiance para que el lo vaya a recoger, it'll take approx 1 month for that packet to reach Panama, maybe sooner. Also, when he goes to pick up the packet, he can ONLY go on Mondays and Wed between 8-11. In the packet he'll find some forms he has to fill out and turn in so that way they can schedule him an interview. Also, the Medcial exam, record policivo and the I-134 is stuff he has to take to the interview. It sounds a little confusing but they'll explain it better at te embassy when he picks up the packet. Good news he doesn't need to translate any of his documents, they can stay in spanish! And that's it! you're almost there girly! I'm sooooo happy for you! if you have any questions let me know. My fiance just picked up his packet on monday and he's turning in the forms next week on monday, I'll keep you posted!

Gracias paisana.No sabes como me siento ahora.Estaba tan tencionada,y ahora me siento mil veces mejor.kicking.gif Do I have to send him anything to bring to the interview ?

ok when he picks up his package, he has to fill out some forms, and once he fills out his forms he has to take it back to the embassy. Entonces, there they will tell him that he will need to bring: the papers from the medical exam, the I-134 (with the bank statements, tax transcripts, letter of employment etc) the I-134 is what you have to send him in addition to sending him proof of ongoing relationship like pics, and another letter of intent of marriage. At the embassy they'll also answer any questions he may have. pero es asi, for Panama after the NOA-2 is approved it's not that complicated. if you have any other questions let me know, right now we're at the point where he has to turn in the paperwork adn they'll assign him an interview date biggrin.gif
michellemilitzaFemalePanama2008-02-17 22:50:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Where do they give out the visa ?
FELICIDADES! smile.gif I'm so happy that you finally got your NOA-2. For Panama there is only a Packet 3 and that packet has to be picked up by your fiance. But, to make things easier for him, call the NVC so you can get your new case number and ask when they sent the paperwork to Panama. Una vez que este en Panama entonces dale esa info a tu fiance para que el lo vaya a recoger, it'll take approx 1 month for that packet to reach Panama, maybe sooner. Also, when he goes to pick up the packet, he can ONLY go on Mondays and Wed between 8-11. In the packet he'll find some forms he has to fill out and turn in so that way they can schedule him an interview. Also, the Medcial exam, record policivo and the I-134 is stuff he has to take to the interview. It sounds a little confusing but they'll explain it better at te embassy when he picks up the packet. Good news he doesn't need to translate any of his documents, they can stay in spanish! And that's it! you're almost there girly! I'm sooooo happy for you! if you have any questions let me know. My fiance just picked up his packet on monday and he's turning in the forms next week on monday, I'll keep you posted!
michellemilitzaFemalePanama2008-02-13 22:58:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Time Savers for NVC, plus Knowing your Case #
Hello everyone, we had our NOA-2 approved on 12/7, and I found this forum, the directions are great, but I have to read it a few times b/c I have to admit I feel a little overwhelmed at all of this.....but one question, as I was readong, i noticed that this was for the "CR" type of visa? I filed the K-1 fiance visa petition, do all of these instructions apply? If not, where can I find info about what to do next as my file gets transferred to NVC? Any help is truly and greatly appreciated, Thanks!

michellemilitzaFemalePanama2007-12-10 01:38:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOne question

Yeah I've read those, but the reason why I'm asking is that I have know people who are here as a tourist or a student, or even illegal aliens and they get married to a US citizen, and they've never had to leave the US. But could it be because they had lawyers? so my question now is: I having a lawyer make all the difference?

Where is your boyfriend? Is he here as a tourist or a student?
If not, then you can't compare your situation to those people.

Having a lawyer is not what makes the difference.

He is in panama right now, and when he visits me it will be on a tourist visa, as a matter of fact my roomate/landlady she got married like that, she came as a student met her husband in the states, but by the time they decided to get married her visa expired so technically she was illegal when they put the papers thru. But, now she's a US citizen, with her house and a good job, so i was wondering if having a lawyer makes a difference or not.
michellemilitzaFemalePanama2007-02-17 22:03:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOne question

Actually I haven't started the process yet. We're just tired of being apart and we're looking for the best thing to do to make things quicker and easier. Also I wanted to know some "real" info about all the immagration stuff because to tell you the truth what I see on the immigration website is no good, they make it seem complicated on purpose you know what I mean? So, should we just get married without doing the process? By the way thanks for the info.......I did not know this, you were a great help ;)

It's illegal to enter on a tourist visa with the intent to marry and stay and adjust status. If it was that easy and legal to do that, we'd all have done it instead of going through all of this. :)

I know you're tired of being apart, we all are! :P The fastest legal option would be to file for a K1.

Have you read the Guides in the tab at the top?

Yeah I've read those, but the reason why I'm asking is that I have know people who are here as a tourist or a student, or even illegal aliens and they get married to a US citizen, and they've never had to leave the US. But could it be because they had lawyers? so my question now is: I having a lawyer make all the difference?
michellemilitzaFemalePanama2007-02-17 21:55:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOne question
Actually I haven't started the process yet. We're just tired of being apart and we're looking for the best thing to do to make things quicker and easier. Also I wanted to know some "real" info about all the immagration stuff because to tell you the truth what I see on the immigration website is no good, they make it seem complicated on purpose you know what I mean? So, should we just get married without doing the process? By the way thanks for the info.......I did not know this, you were a great help ;)

Technically what you would be trying to do is not 'kosher' . If he was here on a tourist visa and you met by chance and decided to get marry then adjust status that would be okay. But you're in the process of a K-1 so you have intent to marry. If he comes here as your fiancee on a tourist visa and you marry and try to adjust status you may run into problems. I think it would be viewed as trying to get around the immigration process. However, I base that only on what I've read here so hopefully others can offer more insight.

michellemilitzaFemalePanama2007-02-17 21:45:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOne question
Hello all, I have a question for all who wish to see this post....

What if my fiance comes in as a tourist and we get married over here, and we file for a change in visa status? I've read on the Immigration Website that in order for me to get married or for my finace to go into the states as my fiance he has to leave the country first. As you can see I am very confused and don't know what exactly I have to do. I mean we've been apart long enough, wouldn't it be easier to get married and file for a change in his status? Thanks for your help everyone


Michelle B. :help:
michellemilitzaFemalePanama2007-02-17 20:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionquestion about I-134
One last question: what's the form that the co-sponser (my mother) has to fill out? Sorry about asking so many questions it's just that I want to make sure I understand everything and do everything right the first time..........But thanks so much again :dance:

Here you go:


Hey guys I just saw the 125% poverty lines , and let me tell you I get more than that from financial Aid, and If I were to put my mother as a sponsor even better, and it's a good thing that my future fiancee get's a long with my mom (she considers him as a son) LoL.....I feel a little better now, I have a little more piece of mind.......the only thing is making sure I fill out the form the form correctly, does this site have an example form I can go by to make sure everything is correct? Thanks again to all of you!!!


michellemilitzaFemalePanama2006-09-19 13:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionquestion about I-134
Hey guys I just saw the 125% poverty lines , and let me tell you I get more than that from financial Aid, and If I were to put my mother as a sponsor even better, and it's a good thing that my future fiancee get's a long with my mom (she considers him as a son) LoL.....I feel a little better now, I have a little more piece of mind.......the only thing is making sure I fill out the form the form correctly, does this site have an example form I can go by to make sure everything is correct? Thanks again to all of you!!!



Are you comfortable that you are getting enough money, from whatever sources, to be sure that you can feed, clothe, and house your fiance for a period of time until he can obtain employment? Figure on at least 4-6 months.

If so, document those sources well. Document the amount and document that it is ongoing (not scheduled to end on some specified date or with some specified event that will occur in the near future). Document assets that you may have that can be turned into cash should the need arise, and have your fiance document his assets that he can cash-in and bring the money with him to the USA.

Meeting the public charge provisions of the law to qualify for a K visa is rather subjective. Use that subjectivity to your advantage by painting the best possible picture of your financial situation, putting forward what you've got and not being overly concerned about what others show that you do not have to show.


hey guys I'm new on this website and I'm glad I found it. To make a very long story very short my boyfriend (Panama) and I want to get married, we've been together for 6 (almost 7 ) years now.........we met in high school so this is definetly the real thing he's 22 I'm 23.....

We have everything except what the I-134 (financial info) requests..........I'm currently a student at the college of Pharmacy @ UF (Go gators!) and I'm basically living off of financial aid and the help of my mom, they give me at least 24,000/yr to cover everything: food, housing, expenses, gas etc. I was working but because of school I had to stop. So what do I do to show that even though I'm not working my boyfriend/fiancee will not be a burden to society? I have never had welfare and niether has my mom, and I know that my mom will gladly put her info that she supports me, but beginning 2007 I will be considered an independent student b/c I'll be turning 24, therefore she can't claim me as a dependendent on her tax return........HELP! we want to be together but this is the only obstacle that I've found.......

Hoping to hear from you guys soon...

-Michelle :blush:

michellemilitzaFemalePanama2006-09-19 12:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionquestion about I-134
I mean I get money, it's just not from working it's by financial aid, and I'm not considered to be "in poverty" (or at least I hope not)........ so let's say that my mom is a sponsor, I read somewhere that they have to fill out another form........or is it the same? because I saw the form and it referrs directly to the fiance.... before I actually start the application process I want to be clear on the way thank you sooo much for responding I love how we all can sympathize with each other about our long distance relationships :P

You need a "sponsor" since you are not working.

Perhaps your mother, for example, would be willing to fill out an I-134 on your Fiance's behalf?

For the record, you as the petitioner, must meet the poverty guidelines of income. If not, you need a "co-sponsor". Or more appropriately in your case, a sponsor.

Good Luck!

hey guys I'm new on this website and I'm glad I found it. To make a very long story very short my boyfriend (Panama) and I want to get married, we've been together for 6 (almost 7 ) years now.........we met in high school so this is definetly the real thing he's 22 I'm 23.....

We have everything except what the I-134 (financial info) requests..........I'm currently a student at the college of Pharmacy @ UF (Go gators!) and I'm basically living off of financial aid and the help of my mom, they give me at least 24,000/yr to cover everything: food, housing, expenses, gas etc. I was working but because of school I had to stop. So what do I do to show that even though I'm not working my boyfriend/fiancee will not be a burden to society? I have never had welfare and niether has my mom, and I know that my mom will gladly put her info that she supports me, but beginning 2007 I will be considered an independent student b/c I'll be turning 24, therefore she can't claim me as a dependendent on her tax return........HELP! we want to be together but this is the only obstacle that I've found.......

Hoping to hear from you guys soon...

-Michelle :blush:

michellemilitzaFemalePanama2006-09-19 01:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionquestion about I-134
hey guys I'm new on this website and I'm glad I found it. To make a very long story very short my boyfriend (Panama) and I want to get married, we've been together for 6 (almost 7 ) years now.........we met in high school so this is definetly the real thing he's 22 I'm 23.....

We have everything except what the I-134 (financial info) requests..........I'm currently a student at the college of Pharmacy @ UF (Go gators!) and I'm basically living off of financial aid and the help of my mom, they give me at least 24,000/yr to cover everything: food, housing, expenses, gas etc. I was working but because of school I had to stop. So what do I do to show that even though I'm not working my boyfriend/fiancee will not be a burden to society? I have never had welfare and niether has my mom, and I know that my mom will gladly put her info that she supports me, but beginning 2007 I will be considered an independent student b/c I'll be turning 24, therefore she can't claim me as a dependendent on her tax return........HELP! we want to be together but this is the only obstacle that I've found.......

Hoping to hear from you guys soon...

-Michelle :blush:
michellemilitzaFemalePanama2006-09-18 23:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFinally understand how to fill out I-134
well then I don't know, becuase from what she has told me this process was way easier back then, less paperwork, less time, etc.


Make up your mind - never or not recently. The question is not restricted to recently.


No she has never done this, but my dad was an immigrant and he got his green card because he married her the US citizen, but this happened in the early 70's.......but recently she has never filled out anything like this before

michellemilitzaFemalePanama2006-09-19 23:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFinally understand how to fill out I-134
No she has never done this, but my dad was an immigrant and he got his green card because he married her the US citizen, but this happened in the early 70's.......but recently she has never filled out anything like this before


Your mother should answer the questions according to her circumstances (not according to the circumstances of some unknown example person, which might be different).

Has she previously submitted affidavits of support or visa petitions? You don't say.


ok guys so I finally figured out how my co sponor can fill out this form, now I have specific questions (you can tell I'm a pharmacy student...always asking questions LoL)......... the co-sponsor will most probably be my mother, looking at the form on questions

9:That I have previously submitted affidavit(s) of support for the following persons

10:That I have submitted visa petitions to the CIS on behalf of the following persons

What would the co-sponser answer there? I'm looking at the example forms and I can see how to fill out the form it's just those two questions. Also when putting: "relationship to sponsor" in question 3, it would be: daughter's fiancee or son-in-law?

You guys are the best, I'm sorry about the questions but I want to get everything the first time around

michellemilitzaFemalePanama2006-09-19 19:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFinally understand how to fill out I-134
[color=#000099] ok guys so I finally figured out how my co sponor can fill out this form, now I have specific questions (you can tell I'm a pharmacy student...always asking questions LoL)......... the co-sponsor will most probably be my mother, looking at the form on questions

9:That I have previously submitted affidavit(s) of support for the following persons

10:That I have submitted visa petitions to the CIS on behalf of the following persons

What would the co-sponser answer there? I'm looking at the example forms and I can see how to fill out the form it's just those two questions. Also when putting: "relationship to sponsor" in question 3, it would be: daughter's fiancee or son-in-law?

You guys are the best, I'm sorry about the questions but I want to get everything the first time around :luv:
michellemilitzaFemalePanama2006-09-19 17:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionTOURIST Visa B2-money maker for embassy?
QUOTE (polskiya @ Apr 25 2008, 02:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello everyone!
I love this website, maybe someone can is a story...happened a few weeks ago
A very good friend of mine (Brazilian citizen) recently had an interview in a US Embassy in Brazil for a B-2 Tourist visa to visit the USA, she is a curently employed in her city and does volunteer and paid work for a christian church and very terminally ill children, basically she is an angel, I think so!... smile.gif
Anyway, she was "declined" the visa...

She is the following: is 30 yrs old,is engaged to be married to a wonderful christian man from Brazil..
a good job full time,makes above average pay in Brazil, a middle class citizen-good bank accounts/savings account-owns her own home-cares for her sick father-attends a university-
she brought all her documents to interview.....medical exams,title deed for home/property ownership,police report,background,the above mentioned documents....etc,etc,etc

She waited 3 months for interview,she paid for plane ticket to embassy, 400 miles,hotel stay, medical exams,police background,Citi bank deposit to Embassy for interview,various documents from her lawyer, spent about $1200 US total...
she shows up at 9am for 10am interview, did not get called until 12 o'clock, sat with about 150 other people in waiting area....interview officer was behind a glass barrier when her name was called..all for a 90 second interview that went like this..
..."what is your name" "how many times to USA" "you have relatives in US?" "who are you going to visit in US?"
answers ...she stated her full name-said,never been to US-said,no relatives in US- just friends/collegues in church, said,wants to see the country for vacation in US- all short,basic answers

embassy officers response after about 20 seconds, hesitates,---
"ok, here is a paper for you to read, your visa is declined"
my friends response to embassy officer was---
"sir, would you like to see my documents I have brought for interview?"
officer response--- "no, take this paper and go sit in your seat"
friends final response---- "may I ask why my visa was declined"
officer ---"no, please take this paper and go"
document from officer basically said---
"you may re-apply for tourist visa in 90 days" thank you .....

DOES ANYONE HAVE A CLUE AS TO WHY THIS HAPPENS? I have heard some similar stories.....this sounds awfully corrupt to me!!!!.is this a scam??? money maker????....ANY HELP/INPUT would be muito appreciated....
....thanks Polski...

I hate to say this, but when it comes to visas, especially tourist visas, fate lies in the hands of the consulate officer giving the interview. I applaud your friend for being so prepared but from what I saw in your post the officer at the embassy thought she really didn't have a "good reason" to visit the US. Granted she has a lot of obligations tied to Brasil, (ie: her job, father, fiance etc) but in the end it's up to the officer to decide. I think she can file for an appeal, but since it's a B2 visa, I'm not sure. Does she have a "better" reason to visit the US? for example: go to a wedding, or visit a family or friend who is ill? I wish her the best......... some would say it's corruption, other would say it's just luck who interviews you, but tell your friend to try again in 90 days....

I wish you the best

-Mich wink.gif
michellemilitzaFemalePanama2008-04-25 14:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134
I have a question, I'm currently in School and I recieve financial aid every semester, plus I work as an intern twice. Now with my financial aid, savings and my earnings that puts me above the 125%. How soud I state that my financial aid is my income? either way to be on the safe side I'm asking my mom to be the co-sponsor just in case.

So basically, my main question is: How would I show proof of my financial aid? does the school need to send me a special letter? thanks!
michellemilitzaFemalePanama2007-09-23 23:55:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionLeaving US to go back to school while on Conditional Green Card
QUOTE (rika60607 @ Nov 4 2009, 02:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My guess would be that you will be OK in terms of being let back into the US.
They will ask you - what was the purpose of your trip?
You will have to say, to go to school.
They might question whether that means you abandoned your residency. You could defend yourself with the fact that it is only for one year. You should though get a re-entry permit before you leave the US to go to school. That'll make things easier at the POE.
Another consideration, time comes for removal of conditions, you will be likelier interviewed, because of living apart from your husband for significant amount of time.

I agree with rika60607, did you read the previous post that I wrote about getting a PharmD. ? it's just that, it seems that staying here to get your PharmD is more convenient and less of a hassle with respect to your immigration status here in the states. Not no mention the hubby will probably be happy that you won't have to be apart. Let me know if you have more questions about that, I can get you the info.
michellemilitzaFemalePanama2009-11-04 18:30:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionLeaving US to go back to school while on Conditional Green Card
QUOTE (Ann 26 @ Nov 3 2009, 08:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ann 26 @ Nov 3 2009, 09:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (*Len* @ Nov 3 2009, 03:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mozplay @ Nov 3 2009, 10:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (*Len* @ Nov 3 2009, 02:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mozplay @ Nov 3 2009, 10:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
A 2 week visit is just that .. a 2 week visit. Or a vacation, if you will. Taking a vacation does not indicate that you are not maintaining permanent residence.

The 2 week visit would be in the US. And that is not enough to maintain permanent residence.

No, the person who asked the question asked if the same rules applied if she were to go to visit her family overseas for 2 weeks.

I know that a 2 week visit to the US is not considered residing in the US, lol.

oh lol --- i thought you had lost your mind laughing.gif --- it was me!!! tongue_ss.gif

I am sorry my question caused some confusion.To make it clear- I am the US resident-conditional 2 year green card holder. I am in the States. Never went anywhere but I want to see my family .If I go to visit my family overseas will I have any problems coming back ? My card is good until 2011

No you won't. My hubby is going to visit his family in Panama next week, he's staying for a week. As a resident you and go in and out of the country, but they will ask you more questions as to why you left the states at the POE into the US. But then again, even as a citizen (me), when I travel out of the country I get asked a whole bunch of questions when I come back too. But as long as your card is vaild, not expired, and your trip isn't for a long period of time (I'd say more than 1 month) then there should be no issue with you leaving or coming back. hope this helps.
michellemilitzaFemalePanama2009-11-04 11:53:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionLeaving US to go back to school while on Conditional Green Card
QUOTE (shey @ Nov 2 2009, 12:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey guys!

I just want some clarification:

Status: Conditional Green Card 2 yrs expires on early 2011 (file for I-751)

Problem: I want to know if I can go back to the Philippines to study for 1 year, well I prolly would be gone for june -october then maybe do a short trip to see my hubby here in the US then go back from Nov to March. Would that be fine or would that hinder or affect when we file for the Removal of Condition? My hubby supports my decision because this is for the betterment of my career here. I needed that in order to take the Foreign Pharmacist Exam. Would they suspect something if we do that? Or would that be alright?
OR Do we just have to wait until we file for the I-751 and get the 10yr GC?

I need your opinions please. smile.gif

Hi shey,

My hubby also has a conditional green card and we went through the K-1 process. I don't know much about the Green card conditions per say, but I noticed that you mentioned "Forgein Pharmacists Exam". I'm a current 4th yr PharmD student at the University of Florida (I graduate in May 2010 smile.gif) and I know that for forgein grads you basically have two options: start from scratch, or do the forgein grad requirements which takes approximately 2-3 years. The downfall of doing the Forgein grad requirement is that you don't get a PharmD title, just an RPh. To get the PharmD. you have to do a work-study program which lasts another 2 yrs and then you are a PharmD.

So all in all it'll take you about 4 yrs, the same as it would if you were to go to pharmacy school. Also, when it comes to doing the forgein grad requirements, you have to prove that you know english by taking the TOEFEL before you even apply for it. Since you mentioned that you have to go back to finish school in the phillipines, maybe you're better off starting from scratch over here. What state are you from? I can send you a few websites that are helpful, and there is a Pharmacy school that is fully online, you can do it anywhere, and you would complete your clinicals and practicum experiences in affiliated hospitals in your city. here's there website: http://spahp2.creigh...cy_Distance.htm

since you mentioned that your hubby supports you going to the phillipines, I'm sure he would like it even better if you were here to do that. Since you're a resident you qualify for financial aid. If you have any questions PM me, and I'll gladly give you more info. and if you're wondering if it'll take too long, no worries, I have classmates that this is their second or third career, they have kids, I got married while in pharmacy school, and here I am 6 months away from graduation, so yes it is worth it and yes you can do it. You've already been through the immigration process and all the craziness that comes along with it, you can handle pharmacy school. Hope this helps. take care smile.gif
michellemilitzaFemalePanama2009-11-02 21:12:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionQuick question
Hi everyone,

we probably won't be filing until Jan, but I have a question. We have never been called for an interview for any part of the process. The only time Ricardo had to do an interview was at the very beginning to get his fiancee visa at the US embassy in Panama. I just wanted to know if we will be called for an interview since we're not sending any joint tax return papers. You see, I was a student when we got married and he had an online business so he never filed taxes. I graduated in May 2010 and working and he also has a job but we won't be able to file jointly until we get our W-2's for 2010. You think that will be a problem? We're sending everything else with our names on it: Bank statements, insurance cards, car insurance cards, 401K docs w/him listed as a beneficiary, lease agreement, as well as pictures of us with family. Also, does anyone know if there will be a new I-751 form will be coming out? the current one that is posted on the uscis expires 12/31/10....anyone know of any updates? thanks for all your help. :thumbs:
michellemilitzaFemalePanama2010-12-29 20:28:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 December 2010 Filers
Hi everyone,

we probably won't be filing until Jan, but I have a question. We have never been called for an interview for any part of the process. The only time Ricardo had to do an interview was at the very beginning to get his fiancee visa at the US embassy in Panama. I just wanted to know if we will be called for an interview since we're not sending any joint tax return papers. You see, I was a student when we got married and he had an online business so he never filed taxes. I graduated in May 2010 and working and he also has a job but we won't be able to file jointly until we get our W-2's for 2010. You think that will be a problem? We're sending everything else with our names on it: Bank statements, insurance cards, car insurance cards, 401K docs w/him listed as a beneficiary, lease agreement, as well as pictures of us with family. Also, does anyone know if there will be a new I-751 form will be coming out? the current one that is posted on the uscis expires 12/31/10....anyone know of any updates? thanks for all your help. :thumbs:
michellemilitzaFemalePanama2010-12-19 16:47:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 January filers
I guess the holiday weekend didn't effect delivery of the hubby's GC.....Ricardo got his card in the mail today May 31st. :D very excited, happy and relieved. Good luck to those still waiting, last week we were in your shoes.

Edited by michellemilitza, 31 May 2011 - 09:05 PM.

michellemilitzaFemalePanama2011-05-31 21:04:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 January filers
I guess VSC finally woke up.....Ricardo got his card ordered today May 25!! :)

I couldn't believe it, when I got the update text I was thinking it was an RFE!!! Thank God it wasn't :)

Good luck to the rest of you waiting
michellemilitzaFemalePanama2011-05-25 16:58:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 January filers
VSC sux :angry: :(
michellemilitzaFemalePanama2011-05-19 20:58:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 January filers
Woohoo! Ricardo got his Bio appt today!! it's 02/11 and its already updated on the list..:dance:

California Service Center (22 applicants)

VJName.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
MRS D..............01/11/11..........01/13/11.......--/--/11........--/--/11....

Vermont Service Center (26 applicants)

VJName.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
GERRY AND DEBBIE...01/04/11..........--/--/11.......--/--/11........--/--/11....
LIAM AND SAM.......01/05/11..........01/07/11.......--/--/11........--/--/11....
MATH MAN...........01/08/11..........01/11/11.......--/--/11........--/--/11....
FRANCIS ROHAN......01/10/11..........01/14/11.......--/--/11........--/--/11....


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Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

* Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list.
* When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly
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michellemilitzaFemalePanama2011-01-28 18:00:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 January filers
Hope I did this right...We FINALLY got our NOA1 :dance: I updated my was probably b/c of MLK that it took so long to get here, and now the real waiting begins LoL:whistle:
Good luck everyone

California Service Center (15 applicants)

.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
MRS D..............01/11/11..........01/13/11.......--/--/11........--/--/11....

Vermont Service Center (18 applicants)

VJName.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
GERRY AND DEBBIE...01/04/11..........--/--/11.......--/--/11........--/--/11....
LIAM AND SAM.......01/05/11..........01/07/11.......--/--/11........--/--/11....
MATH MAN...........01/08/11..........01/11/11.......--/--/11........--/--/11....
FRANCIS ROHAN......01/10/11..........--/--/11.......--/--/11........--/--/11....


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Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

* Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list.
* When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly
* If you cannot add your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.
michellemilitzaFemalePanama2011-01-20 22:22:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 January filers

That OMB expiration date is an internal review date and has nothing to do with the form being accepted. Look at the bottom of any form to see the Form Date. If yours says 11/23/2010, you are using the latest form, but two previous ones are accepted according to USCIS.

Thanks JeroenandMichelle, thanks Nich-Nick, now my husband and I have peace of mind :D ....sending our paperwork today and I'll be letting you guys know when they receive it at Vermont!! :)
michellemilitzaFemalePanama2011-01-08 11:07:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 January filers
Hey all

We will be sendong our paperwork tomorrow, but I had a question: is there an updated version of the I-751 form? b/c the only one I could find says "expires 12/31/2010" I know on the USCIS website it says previous forms accepted but I just want to triple check before sending the paperwork. Thanks in advance! :)
michellemilitzaFemalePanama2011-01-07 21:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhat is the news bszoom42
WoW! I'm truly happy for you and you are probably celebrating right now! congrats and I wish you the best on your new life together smile.gif
michellemilitzaFemalePanama2007-09-12 01:51:00