Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Italia
oops, i got sleepy and forgot to log

hey mollyreyna,

We got our MC in the same county where we were married in, Naples. It just took a second for them to get the record, print, stamp and sign another one. At the Consulate at the interview they asked for that and it was just fine. Our other one was from 2004, so we thought we'd be on the safe side and get a more recent one, which was like 8 months ago. While we were in the county hall, they did say that every thing expired except for a BC & Death Cert. Don't ask me.

where are you again, i've totally forgot or have a foggy brain from my needed nap. Where are you and where is he? Not too sure when we will be in the U.S. Hopefully sooon! thanks again for the support you left in the DCF section before our interview, i dont think i mentioned it there.


3sila: did that help any?
breezyNot TellingItaly2007-05-16 10:52:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Italia
oops forgot this:


Passports of those attending the interview, and it must be the kind valid in the U.S.A. and must be valid for at least 8 months after the interview date.

The Birth Certificate: they ask for the certificato di nascita originale o copia autenticata di ciascuna persona il cui nome compaia nella richiesta di visto, inclusa la persona che ha presentato l'atto di richiamo. Il certificato di nascita deve essere presentato per tutti i figli non sposati, di eta inferiore a 21 anni, anche se non desiderano per il momento immigrare. Il certificate deve riportate la data ed il luogo di nascita nonche i nomi di entrambi i genitori, e deve inoltre indicare che si tratta di un estratto dall'anagrafe ufficiale.

So we took my Orginal B.C. and a copy for them, and took my husbands B.C. articolo 3 and an estratto di nascita articolo 3 orginal and copy.

Certificati di Polizia: the origional and the copy, where they lived for 6 months or more in their home country or in the country of their actual residence.

Sentenze del tribunale e rapporti delle autorita carcerarie

Document militari, una copia autenticata di un certificato rilasciato dalle autorita.

Fotografie: 4 foto a colori su fondo bianco, carte lucida. ripreso di fronte, orecchie ben visibili.
(we did ours 5 x 5 and asked for the passport demensions you can check the uscis web site for details)

Garanzie di sostentamento: Form I864 for the petitioner and the joint sponsor if needed.

Certificati di matrimonio: presentare copia autenticata del certificato di matrimonio con il timbro o sigillo dell autorita competente per il relascio. So you need the orginal and a copy. and any divorce papers.

traduzioni: tutti documenti in una lingua che non sia inglese o italiano, devono essere translated into english.

and thanks for the well wishes.

Sorry im so unorganized, long day another long story, going to bed now. lol

breezyNot TellingItaly2007-05-16 08:53:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Italia
We got the Med info and form I-864 one month before the interview date. (after a very long story, too many confusing details.)
I didn't use any of those forms because I printed and prepared them before hand, from the USCIS website.
(The ones they sent in the mail were even expired, another long story)

So that's what I suggest to do. That way you don't have to depend on them to do things right.

Form I864 for me and one for our joint sponsor:

Medical Info: I think in this thread, last page, I've left some details on the Medical.

Also in the packet, it said to fax the DS-230 PART 1 to them, (long story) I talked to them on the phone and they said not to worry about it, so I faxed it anyway. One the interview day, they didnt even have it in our file, thank goodness i was prepared and had copies of it. So you'll have to fax that to them. fax number is:081 583 8394

Also in the packet was a letter to send back them once you prepared all your documents, fax it to them, and they will assign you an interview date. I called them a Looong time before and mentioned we we're more than ready for an interview and somehow shortly later we got an email saying our interview date was set for the 7,and 8th of May.

I hate that this sounds so confusing, they were not organized, and it drove me nuts, but in the end it ddint matter.

I will make a more detailed post about our experience soon, I'll let you all know, just busy at the moment, but if there's anything anyone would like to know just ask, and ill do my best!


breezy :blink: :hehe: :dance:
breezyNot TellingItaly2007-05-16 08:30:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Italia

thank u very much breezy and of course CONGRATULATION

about the fee
they were for wich visa?
i am doing cr1


thanks for the Congrats.

As far as I know the fee is 380$ for both types of visas.
When I recieved the information on fees, that was not specified, it mentioned nothing about if you were married for more that 2 years pay this and if you were married for less than two years pay this.
Only immediate relative/spouse visa was specified and is 380$.

Have you got your packet three yet?

MOLLYRENA wanted to thank you too for your post awhile back in the DCF section! Thanks!
breezyNot TellingItaly2007-05-15 14:21:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Italia
:dance: :dance: aw thanks! :dance:

I thought everybody forgot about me! Things went well, :dance: I was all worried for nothing. :dance:

Thanks for noticing 3sila, :dance: and how are things with you? Well I hope.

:dance: breezy
breezyNot TellingItaly2007-05-15 03:24:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Italia

how much is the cost for the doctor visit ?
how much are the fee for the visa cr1 to pay during the days in naples?
they ask all in cash rigth???

thank u

Hi kappa! And how are you?

This info is more specific in packet 3 which will arrive about 1 month before the interview.

The cost of the Medical Exam is 180 Euros. Extra vaccines are anywhere from 7 to 10 to 21 Euros extra each. My husband took 2 extra, tetanus and one for Morbilla if I remember right. And the total was 235 Euros.

The Visa fee on the day of the interview was 380 United States Dollars Cash. I believe it was also possible to pay at the Consulate in Euros also.

Yes, all cash.

Soon I'll leave a more detailed post on our DCF Italy Experience, I'll be sure to let you know when I've completed it.

Hope everyone is well! Things sure are great here now that we have his visa!

breezyNot TellingItaly2007-05-12 17:38:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Italia
DCF Italy Breezy's Checklist for Husband's Interview:

Just wanted to put this in here for any future filers! Hope its helpful!

Link: http://www.visajourn...showtopic=65707
breezyNot TellingItaly2007-04-28 14:56:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Italia
:dance: :dance: churipu :dance: :dance:

That's great! October's just around the corner, lucky you! Can't wait until we arrive at that point!

Hope to still see you around here!

breezyNot TellingItaly2007-04-26 08:49:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Italia
swa- was just wondering how things went? Sure hope all is well, let us know!

3sila- did you find what you needed after churipu's detailed post?

churipu- HI!

TimsDaisy- what about you, what did you find out?

UPDATES PEOPLE, I NEED UPDATES! Need SOMEthing to keep me busy! My husbands DCF interview is coming up on the 8th of May! I'm getting nervous!! :blush:

Breezy :innocent:
breezyNot TellingItaly2007-04-25 09:56:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Italia

Congrats! :dance: :dance:

:star: What language are the documents in? When I recieved Packet 3, it states that "all documents in a language different than English or Italian must be translated into English. The translations must include a signed declaration from the translator which affirms that the translator is competent."

:star: I really do think that he can do his interview in Italian, they might ask how you two communicate if he dosen't speak English well, or something like that. I'm sure that everyone at the Consulate speaks fluent English and Italian. I think I've seen this case in other countries, and I THINK it was fine that they didnt speak English well, you might want to e-mail Naples, I've gotten e-mails back in less than a week sometimes! is their e-mail address.

:star: possibly required vaccinations:

-orecchioni (mumps?)
-morbillo (measles?)
-rosolia (rubella?)
-tetano (tetanus)
-difterite (diphtheria?)
-epatite b (hepatitus B)
-varicella (chicken pox)
-influenza tipo b
-vaccino antipneumotocicco

Applicants should consult their family physicians for their "libretto di vaccinazione", and that only a doctor is able to determine which vaccinations of those listed are appropriate for a person depending on age, etc. Those who do not have their libretto can be obligated to be re-given these vaccinations. The cost will depend on the type of required vaccination as listed below:

costi amministrativi 15 euro
anatoxal (tetano, difterite) 10 euro
energix (epatite B) 24 euro
morupar (morbillo, orecchioni, rosolia) 20 euro
pneumo 23 (antipneumotocicco) 21 euro
difteral (dtp bambini) 7 euro
hiberix (Hib) 21 euro
varilrix (varicella) non disponsibile
imovax (polio) 10 euro

If your husband is between 18 and 64, it seems to me that according to this chart, he would only need to show proof of having been vaccinated for: Td (tetanus and diphtheria), MMR (combined measles, mumps and rubella) and Varicella (chicken pox).

Hope all this helps, don't forget to leave what you've learned for others!


Edited by breezy, 22 April 2007 - 07:43 AM.

breezyNot TellingItaly2007-04-22 07:40:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Italia
Yes, Italy does allow DCF to USC's who have a Permesso di Sorgiorno in Italy! So far it's been real quick for us!

In our case the Adam Walsh Act didn't affect us filing in Italy. Ours was already in Rome when that happened, don't know exactly if it affected following filings, just to be sure, contact the Rome Embassy (where the US citizen will file the I-130) at 06 46 7421 90 between 8.30 am and 12.00 pm. They speak Italian and English and are always helpful and polite.

There are very few cases of Italy DCF here on VJ, don't hesitate to ask, I'll do what I can to help.

Here is a link to the Florence Website:

First find out if you may file, then let me know!

Good Luck!

breezyNot TellingItaly2007-04-20 10:38:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Italia

So where did he go for the Medical Exam? What was the name of the building? Did he fill out a form when he got there? Leave me some more info would ya, thanks.

Well, it's 12.10 am thursday...
I just wanted to wish you two GOOD LUCK,
let me hear the news as soon as you get it, :thumbs:
and all i know is that i wont be able to sleep the nite before my husbands interview. :blush:
How nerve racking this whole process is...sheesh... :wacko:


p.s. nag nag, dont forget to go to the Embassies and Consulate section and leave some info! There's not much on Naples...

HI THERE KAPPA, and welcome to our lil bunch!

Edited by breezy, 11 April 2007 - 05:17 PM.

breezyNot TellingItaly2007-04-11 17:13:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Italia

One thing I just learned,

I just called the Naples Consulate to confirm some mixed up info.

I had always thought the Medical Exam would be held in the Consulate by their Doctors.

Time went by and I never got anything about the Medical from Naples.

I called last week and was told that they no longer did Medicals IN the Consulate, and that when/if my packet three did arrive, it would give me the details...

It FINALLY got here, and wouldn't you know it, the LITTLE info i did get on the Medical, says that it's held in the Consulate.

I just now called Naples, again, and was told, NO, it is NOT held in the Consulate. A designated doctor is located at Via Conellia Dei Grachi 5160 Naples tel: 081-767-2202.


Sorry about being so vauge, just thought I should pass this along.
breezyNot TellingItaly2007-04-10 07:26:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Italia

Aha! So I see you convinced him to get a hotel in Naples....(Good work! lol)

Don't worry, you'll see that if he's got all his papers in check, things will go smooth in Naples.

Leave us any bit of info!

I'll be camping out here to hear how things go!



A BIG Hello j-manu, looks like things are well for you two!
breezyNot TellingItaly2007-04-10 06:22:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Italia

Interview is coming up isn't it? Wishing you two the best!



Hope the rest of you had a good Holiday!
breezyNot TellingItaly2007-04-09 17:41:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Italia
mollyreyna I've seen you around! Finally able to say hello! Your husband's from Italy? Which part?

Good Luck sila3, keep busy, and try to get ahead of things so your ready for the interview!

Have a great day all,

glad to see you here!

breezy :innocent:
breezyNot TellingItaly2007-03-31 04:17:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Italia
Hi and Welcome 3sila! Congrats on your Interview date! When is it exactly?I too am glad you've found your way here. There's not too much traffic on this thread these days....I'll do my very best to help you with anything I can!

This is something you two will have to decide, considering your financial situation, the "worry factor" and so on.....

:star: Arrival times of trains are not would be a real shame to miss the interview because of something out of your hands.

:star: I have learned out of experience, (living in Naples) that nothing works as it "should" here. You can't rely or trust anything to go as planned. You can always get lucky though and things go smoothly.

:star: Remember that he needs to be present for the Medical and Interview at 8:15 a.m., he'll need to catch a real early train to get to the station, then find a cab, or bus to get to the Medical and Interview. And again, nothing is promised.

:star: In case you haven't seen, here is a link from the VJ Guides about hotels near the Consulate:


:star: If you look around on this site, you'll find info on the interview too.

Double check and triple check all the documents and picture and payment requirements needed. Start getting your Evidence of Relationship ready if you haven't already.

Good Luck with whatever you decide, and keep us posted so others can learn from your experience!
breezyNot TellingItaly2007-03-30 06:33:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Italia

How's it going? Everything ready for the upcoming interview? :dance:

A big hello to the rest! :thumbs:

Let me hear from you Paola! :unsure:


breezyNot TellingItaly2007-03-22 18:05:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Italia

:blink: As far as taxi's go, they charge you by distance AND minutes if I'm not mistaken. If he needs to be taken a far distance, it could be expensive, maybe even $100. Sorry I'm not much help there. Maybe if you could tell me more or less where his hotel is located, I might be able to give you a better idea.

:star: There is a Banca Nazionale del Lavoro is located in downtown Naples, I think it's even walking distance from where his interview will take place, might even be a thirty minute walk, or more, or less...My husband can't remember exactly where it is located. But the address is:

:star: Banca Nazionale del Lavoro 14 Via F. Caracciolo (which is the main street he will see running along the sea. The street signs are written in the stone on the sides of the buildings.)
That office's telephone number is 081-668-858.
The toll free number is 800-900-900 (When dialing in Italy no need to add 1)

;) Just wondering if it is possible to pay the fee with a money order, Western Unions are also easy to find, and it might be easier, he could even get that before he arrives in Naples?

:yes: Let me know if anything else comes up!

breezyNot TellingItaly2007-03-10 13:35:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Italia
Hi swa!

Congrats on the interview date!
Is there anything in particular your wondering about for the upcoming interview?
Not much traffic in here latley, if there's something I cn help with, let me know!



Hi Angela!
breezyNot TellingItaly2007-03-09 14:10:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Italia

Sure am missing the 3 A's round here.....
breezyNot TellingItaly2007-02-04 16:22:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Italia
Well.......we finalllly did it. We sent the I-130 to Rome...!!!

:lol: :yes: :dance:

Looks like I'm the only one here to cheer us on.....bummer... :hehe:

breezyNot TellingItaly2007-01-18 14:09:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Italia
Hi Paola, how's it going with you? How's good old Missouri? Hope all is well with you and yours.

I've dusted off the Christmas decorations, can't wait for Thanksgiving to roll around.....I just can never wait to put up the tree! I don't know if I'll be able to wait till after Turkey Day!

:luv: Bree
breezyNot TellingItaly2006-11-16 17:26:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Italia
WHOA.....we're going to have to put an end to this...and quick! Today, to get to our thread, I had to go to PAGE TWO!! BAD!

After pondering, guessing maybe thats good, might mean that all is well with everyone....


Christi....nother ponder....U hear anything from Rome yet and will your hubby do his medical at the consulate the day before the interview and not need a list of doctors, you got that far in looking into next steps yet...

a big hello to all, :thumbs:

breezyNot TellingItaly2006-09-01 15:36:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Italia

So more or less that's how the form goes, you'll find it in you PM's.
I forgot one thing though that might be helpful:
ANAGRAFE means Office of Civil Status.
Have fun with the translations.

breezyNot TellingItaly2006-08-14 02:32:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Italia

Thank you for the much needed praise! :blush: I've been preparing/researching DCF for over two years now, finally getting the real hang of things. :wacko:

:star: The form NOTICE I recieved was in the I-130 packet, sent to me from Rome about 6 months ago...wonder why you don't have one? I'm sure they'll send it to you, if not you'll be fine without it, just do your own, I'll tell you exactly what mine says if you need.

:star: If you pay for the I-130 filing fee in cash, just make sure you get that documented by them when you turn it in.

:star: After your husband attends the interview in Naples and the visa is issued, he will recieve a "The Big Brown Envelope" (do not open, contains stuff for the POE when he makes his first trip to the US to get the visa stamp/activate visa, do a search on brown envelope on here if you want more info)

:star: Trips outside the U.S. to visit family in home country and trips to other countries are perfectly normal, no special visa needed (of course if you go to a country that requires a visa to entry, thats diffrent) Only if he will be outside the U.S. for more than one year at a time he will need a re-entry permit. That's not the case if your only talking about vacations, even a few months in Italy, no big deal.

Anything else, just let me know! One thing you want to start thinking about is your husband's police record, (easy to get n cheap) and vaccination list from family doctor, if you look around in Embassy / Italy here, there is some great info others have left about those things. Those are just a few of the next steps youll be looking forward to. Just ask if you need anything.

Let me know when you have everything together for the I-130 and when you plan to send it in! Thanks, Bree
breezyNot TellingItaly2006-08-11 18:19:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Italia

I'm glad you had ran into my cover letter and documents needed, just to let you know I STILL haven't submitted the I-130, so anything you get from me hasn't been proven correct yet.... :whistle:
I'll try to be the best help I can though! You'll have to keep me updated on how things go for you two! And a congratulations to you two for finally starting the process, we've waited 3.5 years now, and finally seem to be getting closer to putting the darn thing in the mail!

:star: Yes, you can translate the documents yourself, in the First Packet, along with the I-130, there will be a form "NOTICE", which says that you are competent to translate, and all the docs you sent are copies of the origionals and that the org's may be requested by an officer, and so on. Or, you could go for overkill, like I am tending to do...and add something like this at the end of each translated document...(example from visa journey guide)

:star: The check...I'm sure there are other/better ways to do this. I don't know how we will be able to "track" this check, for timeline purposes, so we will just rely on the posta raccomandata. Anyway, if I am correct, the "certified check" in Italian is called an Assegno Piazzato, (assegno a pagamento garantito su una banca USA,)We found a Monte dei Paschi di Siena, you don't have to have an account with them to do this, and it took one day. Make sure the fee hasen't changed before you do this, I think the fee changes usually in Sept or Oct.

:star: When your husband does the interview and is issued the visa, he will then have 6 months to go to a POE (Port of Entry) in the U.S. to activate the visa. The same day the visa is activated and the Brown Envelope is turned in, he may turn around and go right back to his home country to finsih up there. He shouldn't stay out of the U.S. for more than one year without a re-entr permit. And it is a good idea to always have proof of his intent to reside permenatly in the U.S. with him when he travels to Italy for longer stays.

Hope this organizes your thoughts and worries a bit, let me know how things are looking now! Bree
breezyNot TellingItaly2006-08-09 18:06:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Italia

Welcome to VJ, also glad you've found your way here! Here's my cover letter, hope it'll help you get organized for the I-130, we STILL havent filed DCF, so I'm not much help on dates, but if you need anything just let me know! Hello to ALL! :luv: B

U.S. Immigration & Naturalization Services
C/O American Embassy

Respectively to the Immigration Office in Rome,

I am an United States citizen, married to an Italain citizen, residing in Italy, and I wish to build our residence in the United States. Please find enclosed my I-130 Petition for Alien Relative, on behalf of my husband, and a summary of our supporting documents:

:star: Introduction letter listing supporting documents

:star: Filing fee, payable to the U.S. Embassy Rome, in amount of $190.00 USD

:star: Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative

:star: Form G-325A, on the Petitioner’s behalf

:star: A copy of the Petitioner’s Birth Certificate

:star: A copy of the Petitioner’s U.S. Passport

:star: A copy of the Petitioner’s Certificato di Residenza

:star: A translation of the Petitioner’s Certificato di Residenza

:star: An ADIT style photograph of the Petitioner, named and dated

:star: A copy of the Petitioner and Beneficiary’s recently issued Marriage Certificate

:star: A translation of the Petitioner and Beneficiary’s Marriage Certificate

:star: Form G-325A on behalf of the Beneficiary

:star: A copy of the Beneficiary’s Birth Certificate

:star: A translation of the Beneficiary’s Birth Certificate

:star: A copy of the Beneficiary’s Italian Passport

:star: An ADIT style photograph of the Beneficiary, named and dated

:star: Form “NOTICE” with the Petitioner’s signatures

I understand that if the I-130 petition is approved, it will be sent to the American Consulate General, Naples. The Consulate will then inform the Beneficiary of the proper procedure to follow in order to obtain the visa. I also understand that if my petition is denied, I will be notified directly by DHS-CIS.

Please do not hesitate to contact me for any questions:
(my info here)

Your review and consideration is appreciated,
(my name and signature), Petitioner
breezyNot TellingItaly2006-08-07 12:26:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Italia
I guess the excitement got the best of me.....I'll quit being sarcastic..

My husband has been hired by a new airline, based in Napoli. There really are LOTS of positive aspects about the move...We will be living with his mom, saving us money on rent and bills, all kinds of other good things, also getting us closer to our move to the U.S. This job will give my husband the choice to stay in this new company or continue the perm res. process. Choices are always a great thing to have...

I'm blabbering on. I've never packed up three years of a life so fast. :help: I need a bubble bath and a massage. :luv:

Plan to be in Napoli by Wed. You all take care 'till you hear more outta me.... :hehe:

Wish us luck! :thumbs:

Hello agatha! Don't know if your just passing through but, if you need anything just ask! Helpful bunch here!

Edited by breezy, 15 May 2006 - 02:33 PM.

breezyNot TellingItaly2006-05-15 14:30:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Italia
Guess whaaat everybodyyyyyyy.....



are you ready..........


to Napoli....


Actually I'm thrilled. It's really a blessing from Heaven....


Every aspect is soo positive for us. It was such a surprise. I've got verrry little time to pack....

Hope all is well with everyody, you'll hear more from me when we get settled...

A big hug for Paola.

And a kiss for that cutie Sean.
breezyNot TellingItaly2006-05-13 08:42:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Italia
Sending sorries, prayers and love Paola.
breezyNot TellingItaly2006-05-06 10:07:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Italia
Hope you all are well, Good luck d on your upcoming interview! We taking off to see my family in like FIVE HOURS! I need to try to fight the excitement and sleep! TC all, baci, bree
breezyNot TellingItaly2006-03-27 17:47:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Italia
D- Goodness that's horrible, sorry about your setback. Your almost there though!

Ciao Paola!

noemij-Sorry it has taken me FORever to get to you, computer dosen't want to keep a connection...I've been having to send e-mails by word pad copy n pasting! Darn wireless junk!

Anyways, we live in Verona, and I LOVE ITALY! :thumbs: At the begining I did have a hard time adjusting, I didn't speak the language, no drivers licence, no independence, no self-confidence, blah blah. Quickly those things were over come, and I almost hate to leave! There are lots of things we are considering, there are pro's and con's about every place on this greenish Earth.

I could go on and on about why I prefer one place to the other. In our case, Italy is not an easy place for my husband to find work in his field, as an airline pilot. It is likley we will be forced to live somewhere else in Europe, and we would prefer to be in one country or the other, U.S. or Italy. This is one of the main reasons we are considering moving to the U.S. On the other hand, in my husbands case, pay is better here, more vcation days, etc. My only advise to you is this, have husbands citizenship in hand or close to it, before starting your life abroad. If things don't work out you won't be spending money and stress keeping his status.

I could go more in detail about why we are thinking about moving. I prefer Italy for a million reasons, when it all comes down to it, I like the people's way of being. No offense to any Americans now! And I, not having a college education, have advantages here, but in the U.S. I don't....but my husband does....ugg,it's a hard decision to make. I could go more in detail, if you'd like more ideas/pro/con's IMO, let me know! Good luck deciding what's best for your family! ;)
breezyNot TellingItaly2006-03-18 08:32:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Italia
MY COMPUTER IS freaking out! I'm trying to post but can't!! UGG! You'll all hear from me soon as i can get a word in! :angry: :blush: :crying: :help:
breezyNot TellingItaly2006-03-16 11:06:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Italia
breezyNot TellingItaly2006-03-15 08:02:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Italia
Try 081 583 8221 or 081 583 8220.

Its someones desk...don't ask how I got them....i think its from 3-5 though...sorry I'm so late getting it to you...don't evn know if it'll help, hoping so...good luck!

Got a favor to ask of you, would you mind looking in DCF section for my might be able to give me a hand...GO MAKE THAT PHONE CALL!

Edited by breezy, 10 March 2006 - 11:38 AM.

breezyNot TellingItaly2006-03-10 11:35:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Italia
Had computer problems yesterday, I couldn't post! Anyways, here's what I had to say....

To all of you wonderful Ital/American ladies.....I hope you had a great Feste delle Donne Day! (F) (F)

and Alex......wondering where you didn't post after your doctor's visit....hmm? Has baby Sean arrived!!!?? Hope your both well, looking forward to hearing from you! :luv:

Paola....Ciao! Your husband only knows how to say Good Morning in italian?! Che vergona! I'm sure he learned some bad words? Parlo abbastanza bene in italiano, solo scrivendo trovo GROSSO problemi, come poi vedere... :blush: Devo scrivvere pui spesso, sono pigra, che posso dire. :blush: Dove sei in Missouri, Io vengo da una città viccino Kansas City, poi ho visuto in Springfield per tanti anni, mi piachutto...(si scrivve cosi?! :blush: ) Hai passato un estate in Missouri ancora? Fa caldo! Adesso andiamo per trovare mei fine Marzo...non vedo l'ora! :D Oggi sto pagando per il bigletto (! come si scrive?! BIG-LETTO ho scritto ! :help:
I need more take care, and have a good day, Bree

Congrats on the AOS noemij :thumbs:
breezyNot TellingItaly2006-03-09 05:33:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Italia
Ciao Paola! I'm from Missouri.. :blush: :whistle: :help:

Hope their treating you well there! I was born and raised there, then I met my husband and have now been in Italy for almost FOUR years now. Time really goes by. Nice to meet you, glad your here! :thumbs: Bree

Alex, sending belly rubs full o' love to Sean (IS HE HERE YET!!) along with a hug and a back rub to you, and thanks to you for posting the great site! Found EXCELLENT $$!! :no: Bree

breezyNot TellingItaly2006-03-01 05:23:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Italia
oh and for anyones FYI.....I'm looking for tickets to the U.S. and am finding low fares on
One way is $$$, but round trips are 500 E and under!

Hope all is well with everyone here, a big belly rub full of love to Alex and Sean,

and a big hello to Angela and Ace! TC all! Bree
breezyNot TellingItaly2006-02-11 04:51:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Italia
:D :dance: Sending Congrats to Kaalyx on Antonio's visa!! :D :dance:

:yes: Bree
breezyNot TellingItaly2006-02-11 04:36:00