National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC shortcuts
What about the envelope provided for the I-864, did you guys used it or another one, my wife was telling me that it will be hard to put everything in there? Is it mandatory? Any experience about it?
endlessMaleItaly2007-08-18 00:55:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC shortcuts
Ok, I read through JSC again, and "processing AOS fee" means exactly generating I-864... I swear I had been reading that over and over....



Once the NVC system shows that it has received your AOS fee, it will generate the AOS/I-864 itself. (This may take anywhere from up to a month after you send the fee in.) Note, however, that neither the processing of the AOS fee nor the generation of the I-864 is reflected on the IVR -- you actually have to ask an operator. (An operator can be reached by pressing 1 and then 5 after dialing NVC.) The I-864 is almost always generated the Monday after the AOS fee has been processed. So if it is, for example, a Wednesday, and the operator tells you that your AOS fee was processed that same day, you know that your I-864 will almost assuredly be generated on the following Monday. Check that Monday to make sure that it has in fact been generated (again, talking to an operator), and then go ahead and send in the I-864 package you have already prepared. "

my bad... I just lost a couple of weeks for nothing... if no RFE come up, it's not actually too bad!
endlessMaleItaly2007-08-17 17:08:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC shortcuts

My wife has been calling NVC every tuesday to find out when I-864 had been generated, well, the automated message didn't say anything about it, neither did the operator. Result, my wife received the I-864 package in the mail today and we didn't know it was coming, she could have sent it last week already... my question is, are the messages changing? What's happening at NVC?

Now we hope to receive the IV bill really soon!

The recorded messages that I listened to never said they had sent out the I-864 - they only said 'we sent out the IV fee bill on blah blah blah.

James's shortcuts mention this - I don't know that that has changed?


Once the NVC system shows that it has received your Affidavit of Support fee, it will generate the Affidavit of Support/I-864 itself. (This may take anywhere from up to a month after you send the fee in.) Note, however, that neither the processing of the Affidavit of Support fee nor the generation of the I-864 is reflected on the IVR -- you actually have to ask an operator.

exactly, the operator tuesday said they were still processing the AOS fee and the DS-3032... that's why it was unexpected. So my wife should receive the IV bill any day now...
endlessMaleItaly2007-08-17 17:01:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC shortcuts
My wife has been calling NVC every tuesday to find out when I-864 had been generated, well, the automated message didn't say anything about it, neither did the operator. Result, my wife received the I-864 package in the mail today and we didn't know it was coming, she could have sent it last week already... my question is, are the messages changing? What's happening at NVC?

Now we hope to receive the IV bill really soon!
endlessMaleItaly2007-08-17 16:42:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)question on barcode using james shortcut
Reading JSC, I did notice that there was a step missing: insert your case number (MNL2007xxxx) in the part data to be encoded.

Regarding the Choice of agent, from my experience I would suggest to mail it instead of e-mailing it, they haven't confirmed my e-mail yet, and my wife called a bunch of times so far, still they say, we have to wait.
endlessMaleItaly2007-08-08 13:25:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NEED I-864 help... joint sponsor
No your dad does not fill out the I-864A only the I-864 as joint sponsor. You mark a (i am the petitioner) your dad d (he is the only joint sponsor). In your case that's how I would do it.
endlessMaleItaly2007-08-21 02:04:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NEED I-864 help... joint sponsor
I would say that you are the sponsor so you need to sign a I-864, and your father as joint sponsor needs to file the same form too. You'll always be the main sponsor even if with no income.
endlessMaleItaly2007-08-20 13:16:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Sending in the I-864 and DS-230 together?
For sure you are not going to save any time... and what if you got an RFE on your I-864 for whatever reason. Do you want to save a couple of bucks for the overnight mail? Send it asap and don't worry about the message... only my opinion smile.gif
endlessMaleItaly2007-08-20 13:12:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS230
if you mean the link to JSC, there we go:


use 2.0
endlessMaleItaly2007-08-21 13:22:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)does I-864A need to be notarized?
Maybe used to be, but none of the forms needs to be notarized now. Don't forget that all the sponsors but the petitioner need to send the birth certificate with the form.
endlessMaleItaly2007-08-22 06:22:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Barcode
I made the barcode using James shortcuts and MSPaint, cutting out and resizing simply in the word doc. Worked just fine, no delay, I'm preparing the DS-230 now, slightly more complicated but I'm sure it will work just fine. I doubt we will find some free site that offer the service without putting their name on it.
endlessMaleItaly2007-08-22 17:33:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)ds-230 supplement sheet, lengths of description
In my opinion give them the short form, too many details may result confusing and the DS-230 it's not your resume... I did not write down some colleges I attended to and just went straight to my degree. In my opinion that's what they want to know: educated, not educated...
endlessMaleItaly2007-08-21 13:25:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)864 barcode and address?
NVC never ask via e-mail to send a form, they will send you a letter with the barcode sheet. You need to download the I-864 fill it out and send it with the barcode sheet. If you want you can use James short cuts to prepare your barcode sheet, but before you guys do anything check with the NVC on the phone if your AOS package has been generated already. If it has been than go to: http://www.visajourn...h...cuts&st=150

follow all the instruction to modify the barcode.
endlessMaleItaly2007-08-27 07:12:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC ASSIGNS CASE NUMBER! PLEASE HELP
If I were you I would download the form using JSC and overnight mail it. To process my e-mail NVC needed 16 days! But wait until the message says generated!
endlessMaleItaly2007-08-29 06:31:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I-864
Thanks, I'm trying to organize everything but NVC is taking forever to accept my e-mail with the choice of agent...
endlessMaleItaly2007-08-07 06:41:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I-864
Can we use copies of the W2 or do we need to use original or cerified copies? Which other docs are acceptable?

Thanks, I swear I can't find this info...
endlessMaleItaly2007-08-02 22:39:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Thats just typical! Advice / Thoughts - re: CR1 / K3
You guys are so close to the CR-1 visa, it is just a matter of a couple of weeks for you and the way NVC is going right now they might end up sending both your petitions at the same time to the embassy... it's not even going to be a month difference and as I recall from other threads some suggested when you will be contacted for the interview for the K3, to ask to be interviewed for the CR-1... at least try that way.
endlessMaleItaly2007-08-30 08:53:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)James's Shortcuts: What dates to use on cover letters
Yeah Stabu, your post is the one I look at everyday... I really appreciate what you are doing with that! It helps a lot!
endlessMaleItaly2007-08-23 13:42:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)James's Shortcuts: What dates to use on cover letters
Hi, I already posted this question but maybe you guys can help me... I'm preparing the DS-230 form, I noticed some details that are different on the form you can download on James shortcuts and the letter that NVC sent me with the choice of agent: the statue of liberty is not very good defined, the address on the form is written in black... stuff like that. I was just wondering what you guys used to send your form... thanks for your help
endlessMaleItaly2007-08-19 13:39:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)AoS Fee Processed
In my understanding they will not accept the e-file ones, contact the IRS, that's what we have done. It won't take too long to get the IRS official docs.
endlessMaleItaly2007-09-02 13:51:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS3032 sent by both email and postal mail !
Ok, what you are asking is what happened to me. Following the shortcuts I e-mailed the choice of agent, but NVC is getting slower with e-mails. They did not process my e-mail when I actually received my hard copy in the mail so I filled it out and mailed it back with express mail. A day or two later I received the confirmation to my e-mail and some days after they must have received my hard copy. So no confusion my process kept going, but my advice is not to e-mail anything as they are pretty slow right now, if you want to use the shortcuts print it out, modify it using James shortcut 2.0 and send it. In my case e-mailing the choice of agent didn't save me any time.
endlessMaleItaly2007-08-30 08:58:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)IV Bill Question
On the IV fee bill the address will be printed on, just leave the money to the person that will pay it for you. The instructions are not that hard.
endlessMaleItaly2007-09-15 14:01:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)IV bill payment
IV fee bill generated 8/20 received 9/10... paid today!! It took them forever!
endlessMaleItaly2007-09-10 16:54:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)IV bill payment
In my opinion the e-mail from the NVC sounds more like a general statement, like the once USCIS gives. They tell you it's gonna take more time than they think just to be on the safe side and have you off their back for a while.

NVC has been slower lately, it has been really slow with my choice of agent (sent via e-mail), it would be interested to have more experiences on this topic to see if the problem is general or related to few cases.

endlessMaleItaly2007-08-28 06:54:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)WTF! It all changed on Monday!!!
i'm on the same boat, my embassy changed to appointment post sept 19, my wife received a letter with a checklist that was dated I guess sept 20 listing only DS-230 part I and bio page - and that's what we sent, now I'm waiting for a reply from NVC to see what happens... It takes time to get the police record that change got me totally unprepared...
endlessMaleItaly2007-10-04 17:09:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Standard or Appointment processing?
Regarding the translation for NVC, really all the info I found don't talk about a third party or notarized translation. I cannot find the link to the info page but all they talk about is a certification that the person that translates is able to do it. They have plenty of time at the interview to review the translation or the original docs if they have a problem.

But anyway this is only for general info. When my wife told me about the checklist I was so happy, they basicly gave me the official answer... rule #1 never send in stuff that is not required, they only requested standard processing but my letter was dated september twenty something... so I guess the October 1st rule might apply.

endlessMaleItaly2007-10-03 15:34:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Standard or Appointment processing?
Today my wife found the request for the DS-230 in the mail with a check list saying that we need to send only part I + passport. And well, that's what we decided to do... I'll keep my finger crossed hoping not to receive any RFE, but hey I'm just following what they asked for... I'll keep you posted. My pack leaves today with overnight mail to NH.
endlessMaleItaly2007-10-01 16:03:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Standard or Appointment processing?
This is a ridicoulus situation. Chris, you gave us some pretty good info. I think I will follow your steps. Instead of using JSC, I will use the time to get all the docs and translate them.

NVC operator, told us that anybody can translate the docs, you only need to write at the bottom of the page that the person is fluent in both languages and is therefore able to translate it, and of course that the translation is accurate. No need to certify anything.

This is such a pain in the butt though!
endlessMaleItaly2007-09-30 13:35:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Standard or Appointment processing?
I'm having my wife try to talk again to NVC and ask about the documents that I need to send in.

She talked to an operator and she told her that the IV-bill had been processed and the DS-230 sent out (I don't believe this, I think it has only been generated)

If I get a good enough answer I will try using JSC... I'm sick and tired of being at NVC with my life on hold!!

I will follow up asap!
endlessMaleItaly2007-09-26 16:18:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Standard or Appointment processing?
I have the same problem, Italy is now appointment post, well, my wife called NVC yesterday and the operator told her...(here comes the masterpiece)... that he didn't think that they would change the requested docs during the process but if that was gonna happen they would send us a letter with the modified request. #######, so basically I have to wait for the DS-230 to come in the mail to see which docs they want, knowing that most likely they will only ask for the "standard processing" - I just don't feel like risking an RFE

endlessMaleItaly2007-09-26 15:20:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)when is DS-3032 form generated?
Same for me... the average of our timelines seems to be a fairly accurate estimate.

by the way, if you want to use the shortcuts in the process I suggest you not to e-mail the choice of agent, we did and NVC decided to start taking more than 2 weeks to process e-mails...
endlessMaleItaly2007-09-10 16:52:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Don't send NVC emails from hotmail
According to my experience don't send e-mails with the choice of agent, follow JSC and print it out! Mine took forever to be processed
endlessMaleItaly2007-11-28 06:22:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)HELP: Administrative process for CR1 case
My case went through the processing... first they told us it was complete and than told us about the processing... but it took only 10 days... maybe I've been lucky... try to talk with an operator again as trailmix suggested that's all you can do

good luck
endlessMaleItaly2007-12-16 06:46:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Hard to believe, but apparently true
Hey, thanks for your reply... I've been gone for a couple of days smile.gif

Well, friday Dec 7, my wife called and they said that the case had been finally completed on Dec 5th. I hope this time they will not change their minds again...

Well, they also said to call by the second week of december (this week) to see if the interview has been scheduled for dec ( I doubt it will be). Does anyone know on which day exactly they decide the interview date?

Man, I'm so depressed lately, it looks like we are not gonna spend Christmas together and not even our 1st anniversary... our kid is getting so big and I'm missing out so much... I really hope the end is close 'cause I'm going nuts!
endlessMaleItaly2007-12-10 18:56:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Hard to believe, but apparently true
Hey, how long has your case been in the review process? They are doing this to my file too. First they said it was complete and than when my wife called to see if they sent it to the embassy they said it was under review... I don't know what to expect when she will call again tomorrow!
endlessMaleItaly2007-12-02 07:25:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Time Savers for NVC, plus Knowing your Case #
Hi everybody, I'm preparing the coversheet for my DS-230, I printed out the NEW form on James' post, changed the barcodes and names... than I compared it with the letter I got from NVC and I noticed that there are some differences. The picture of the statue of liberty is much more defined on the original, the address of the dept. of state is printed blue and not black and the **** are not there. Now did you guys fixed these differences or you didn't care? Thanks, I still have a couple of days to do it, but it's sunday and I'm bored...
endlessMaleItaly2007-08-19 08:58:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurescountry of residence

in the last 5 years I always kept my main residence in my country but for college and jobs I had an appartment in another country too. It was never my main residence and in the biographic forms they ask for addresses in time order. For a while I had two, should I put them both?

endlessMaleItaly2007-03-20 10:50:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow fast is Missouri Service Center?
About the processing time on the service centers I read on the forum that they show the oldest case they are working on, but obviously there is not only one person working on a case... this explains the differences. I think that the timelines on this forum should be quite accurate.
endlessMaleItaly2007-04-02 15:16:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTraveling while Visa is pending
Hi I assume you are the foreigner, you are outside the US and with travel you mean to the US. There is no law that prevents you from trying. It is not illegal, on the forum there are planty of examples of people that did it while waiting for K1, K3 or IR1 visa. You only need evindences that you will go back to your home country and that you are not immigrating to the US. So according to other experiences, a home, a job, a bank account a phone bill is what you need to have with you. I personally know people that went back and forth from the US on WVP while K1 pending and they were asked about their job, nothing more.

Hope I have been helpful
endlessMaleItaly2007-04-18 07:36:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 timeline

If your case in not in the system yet then I don't know what to tell you. What I find odd is that you already have a receipt # so that should indicate that you should be in the system, or else how would they have generated that number in the first place?

You can check out my timeline and see what I've had to go through with CSC to mail me the NOA1 for the I-130. It's been almost 3 months and I still don't have it, BUT they did assure me that I was in the system. :huh:

I don't have a receipt number, I wish I did, I have the receipt from the USPS because I sent the package with express mail and I have the post money order because I asked the post office to track down the payment to see if they cashed it. I don't have any receipt number from USCIS... I wish I did... I don't understand why everybodyelse gets it within days. I'll have my wife try to call them again, she said they are really rude to her though.
endlessMaleItaly2007-04-25 13:49:00