
Hi VJ Family!!
My husband will be coming to America this Thursday from Vietnam under CR1 status!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: He first stop will be at Japan and then fly straight to Houston. I just wonder how long does the immagation process take at POE? Has anyone been thru this process and would you please kindly share your experience in detail? What does my husband should expect? Thank you for your feed back as always :D


Hi Tiff,

the length of time to first clear immigrations will depend on the time of day/evening of arrival, and how busy the international terminal is with other arriving flights. Could be only 15-20 minutes or could be 1 hour or more, just depends. Then he"ll have to clear customs, same applies here. I checked the POE reviews for Houstaon and I only found 1, so that was no help. I hope your hubby has a safe trip and a big CONGRATS to you!
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-10-18 00:11:00
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-10-30 14:17:00
VietnamMarried Life

I'm happy and everyone else is too. The only downside is that my household size doubled overnight. I can hear Ross Perot's "giant sucking sound", and it's coming from my wallet! :blink:

You still have a wallet? :lol:

Edited by Leatherneck, 18 October 2011 - 11:44 AM.

LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-10-18 11:43:00
VietnamMarried Life

How is married life treating you guys? My wife and I are doing very well. There were things that we had to work on but I love my wife and married life. When I get home from work, everything is prepared and I live like a king. I just thought it is interesting to get other people's perspectives.

You lucky devil.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-10-18 01:54:00
VietnamChild died in Vietnam before DNA sample
Condolences to you and your wife. Congratualtions on getting approved for the visa.

Best wishes to both of you...may you have happier times in the future.

LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-10-12 17:01:00
VietnamCriminal Record Help!!!

Thanks we just write the true and detail as they want...but seem like i dont have any chance to be interviewed again...wonder if they think i dont know about my husband clearly...

On interview day..they just looked at our pic a bit...and we have a lot evidence but they didnt look...

we think we will write timeline about relationship and mention about his criminal that he already told me before we discuss about marriage...Hope they will understand...

Thank you again to give me advice...! we just pray..!!!

Thye're looking for the statements/timeline by year as to where you both have lived in the past 10 years.

Not a 10 year statement about your relationship. I gave you an example of a simple format to cover the 10 years of residence they're looking for.

No long explanation about his criminal record, that is not what they asked you for. You will note those years as I showed you because, although your husband was in prison, it was his temporary residence.

They will ask you about his background to see if you are aware of it, then just give them the answers/information they ask of you.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-12-18 15:35:00
VietnamCriminal Record Help!!!

Hi everyone..finally i got the interview day last week..but they gave me blue sheet and require both me and my husband write statement of the residence in the past ten year...But we wonder if we should write the criminal record on my husband statement or not?..
Let me tell u about what they ask me on interview.
1/who ur husband living with now?
- His mother and his sister in the current address since 2010
2/Who ur husband live with before 2010?
- His mother and his step father since 2007
3/Who ur husband live with before 2007?
- before 2007 he lived with his mother and his sister

So..they dont ask the time..but i told them the time..infact my husband live with my sister since 2000 and go jail 2003-2007 but THEY DIDN'T ASK ABOUT MY HUSBAND CRMINAL...
So do u think if my husband need write that on his time line?...and if yes...will they think i wrong answered at interview? so confused and sad...Plz give me some advice..thanks

You did not answer wrong, they asked you "who your husband live with before 2007?" and you gave a factual answer. Maybe they were probing you to see what you would say, however, they could have very well just asked you about the conviction. They did not ask you where was your husband between 2003-2007, so you did not give any wrong answer.

Jim gave you good advice about your husbands criminal record, it is not relevant to approving an I-130 visa. But they can really grill you about it to see how well you know your husband.

Give them the detailed time line they want, in the case of your husband, there is NO way he can avoid noting that he was a resident of whatever correctional facility between 2003-2007. They are already aware of his conviction, where he was and for how long he was there. Make his time line is as detailed as possible with regards to the dates, if possible.

I would write it as such, for example:

May 1, 2003 - May 1, 2007.... In custody at the Orange County Men's Central Jail and later transfered to the California Department of Corrections.

May 1, 2003 - May 1, 2004 ....Orange Country Men's Central Jail - Santa Ana, CA.
May 2, 2004 - Jan 5, 2005 .... California Department of Corrections - Palican Bay State prison
Jan 6, 2005 - Jan 6, 2006 .... California Department of Corrections - Folsom State Prison
Jan 7, 2006 - May 1, 2007.... California Department of Corrections - San Quentin State Prison

May 1, 2007 Released from custody at San Quentin State Prison
May 2, 2007 - Present 123 Happy Face St. Fountain Valley, CA

I would give a full detailed breakdown of the 4 years from 2003-2007, so there would be no way to deny you based on a flimsy charge of misrepresentation.
If they ask you about the details, be prepared to give them ALL of the details about your husbands incident. Make sure he briefs you on the whole story.

Good luck!

Edited by Leatherneck, 18 December 2011 - 12:54 AM.

LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-12-18 00:51:00
VietnamWife had interview today
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-02-16 01:35:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsRevoked but approved!!!
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-11-15 14:43:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHappy news! August file APPROVED!
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-02-17 21:42:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHusband growning impatient with the process
This part of your journey is in the final stretch and the prize is within sight. The time from the start of this process to 'visa in hand' will test a couple's love, stress some relationships to perilous degrees and solidify others as hard as a precious diamond. Survive this separation and a long happy marriage, "till death do us part" will be the real challenge.

Hang in there OP and tell your husband to steady-the-course.

Edited by Leatherneck, 01 March 2012 - 07:38 AM.

LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-03-01 07:32:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNot married yet and having a baby soon. Which is best K1 or K3. PLS HELP

Submitting the I-130 Petition to put you on the track towards an IR-1/CR-1 visa (spousal) minus the added paperwork of submitting an I-129F for a K-3 which would administratively get closed anyway -- would mean one less document to fill out.  K-3s were done at a time when IR-1s were taking more than a year to complete -- that's no longer the case, especially for an applicant in the Philippines.


The advantage to getting married (IR-1 visa) is you'd get your Green Card shortly after arrival vs having to wait months in the case of a Fiance(e) visa.


Whichever way you decide -- good luck!

LeatherneckMalePhilippines2014-05-30 08:55:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWorking On K-3 Visa For Wife/Son in Philippines




 My wife is Filipina.  We have a 5 month old son and we started our K-3 process a few months ago. 


I am stuck in the U.S. working, due to this long confusing process we have been away from each other for almost 2 years.


If anyone is available to help us through the process it would be much appreciated.


I was going to ask why K-3 instead of an I-130 Petition?  Reading the bold type answered my question.


The I-129FPetition will be administratively closed and the I-130 Petition will be processed so your wife and son can apply for IR-1/CR-1 visas.


Click the below link to the Guides, those will help get a better understanding.



LeatherneckMalePhilippines2014-05-28 23:22:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA Waiver for second K1 is less than 2 years

Love The City of Gentle People. I have a really good fiancee now, unlike the last one who was materialistic, selfish and had a meddling American Kano Brother-In-Law, who convinced her to leave and take care of his sick mother in Redwood CIty, CA. I believe is was planned all along. What goes around comes around. I put information in her immigration packet and witness statements from friends who lived in my house. Her card expires on November 2, 2012, so I hope USCIS does the correct thing and realize she used me for a green card and send her back to Makati City. She doesn't deserve to live in the U.S. My Jovi is so much better and I am happy I suffered in order to get her. I would do it over a 1,000 times if it meant being with her. She was a personal reference from a coworkers nephew's wife who is from Dumaguete also. Take care.

Like I said, "Sounds like you have it under control." The new lady sounds like the medicine you need and that which soothes your painful past relationship. Dumaguete and Makati are worlds apart in miles and where people are concerned.

Good luck with the new I-129F.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-03-01 19:28:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA Waiver for second K1 is less than 2 years
Sounds like you have it under control. My ex gf lives in Dumaguete, that's a nice area.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-03-01 00:53:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA Waiver for second K1 is less than 2 years
Your answer is here, per the I-129F instructions;

"If you have ever filed two or more petitions at any in the past or previously had a K-1 visa petition approved within two years prior to the filing of this petition, you must apply for a waiver."

When your petition is adjudicated has no bearing on the need to apply for the waiver. You had a K-1 petition that was approved within two years of when you filed the current petition, so you need the waiver.

Had you filed the current petition after March 2, 2012 -- then no need for the waiver. The need for a waiver is not determined when a petition is adjudicated, but when a petition is filed.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-02-29 18:04:00
USCIS Service CentersNo NOA2 yet

I filed I-130 petition for my husband in Aug 2011 and a week after I received the notice of receipt. But since then I haven't got any in the mail regarding update. I've been calling USCIS and they just tell me that the petition is within normal processing time. It's taking so long and I feel so sad. Anyone who is in the same situation?

This is s very process, your situation is not abnormal.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-02-15 04:34:00