PhilippinesIs this a Bigamous Marriage?

i was a single father of my daughter when i got her a passport in 2009. i needed her birth certificate, photo id with her name on it{we used her school lunch card}, a certified copy of the custody papers showing me with sole physical custody, my passport, and i had to take an oath while i was there.

Therefore you satisfied this requirement. "Primary evidence of sole authority to apply."
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-11-11 16:17:00
PhilippinesIs this a Bigamous Marriage?

What??? Good grief. You're encouraging the man to chase a rabbit down a hole. Divorce is expensive and it will wipe him out emotionally as well. Better for him to just accept that the marriage didn't work and move on. Speculating what evidence a family court might find admissible in weighing in on the division of assets and custody of children is futile, IMO. Family Court considers the children's best interest first and foremost, and most family court judges have little patience for spouses who try to play the game of 'gotcha' to each other.

Dude, save yourself a lot of grief and money and go through arbitration rather than divorce court. There are no winners in divorce, no matter what. Focus on a future with your child(ren).

I have to agree with the OP here. If you read the OP's comments and get a good understanding of the magnitude of deception committed by the wife, you'll see what the OP is dealing with is no simple "the marriage didn't work and move on."

By taking steps to strategize for a way to have his marriage be declared "void" or "voidable" and protecting a larger share of his assets is in fact the responsible thing to do for his kid's future.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-11-11 05:50:00
PhilippinesIs this a Bigamous Marriage?

Exactly his problem. I am not sure but I think for a US passport both parents should give the consent. I don't know of any similar rule on Philippine law. I assume any parent can given this case.

Given the woman's background (denying and abandoning her son in the Philippines, the OP may have a chance). And it is MUCH better if the OP tries to get custody of his son while still in the US. He may not be able to do so if the child steps in the Philippines

Yeah for a child under age 16 to get a passport.

1. Both parents must appear and submit the required documents.

2. Evidence of the child's US citizenship.

3. Evidence of the child's relationship to parents.

But if only one parent appears, then.

1. The second parents notarized written statement or a DS-3053 consenting to the childs issuance of a passport.

2. Staement can not be more than 3 months old and must come with a photocopy of the front and back of the second parent's identification, or

3. Primary evidence of sole authority to apply, or

4. A written statement or DS-3053 (made under penalty of perjury) explaining in detailing the second parent's unavailablity.

You wanna bet she would choose to fake #2 or #4?
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-11-11 04:29:00
PhilippinesIs this a Bigamous Marriage?

That might have been true before I found out that she used the wrong name on the Marriage certificate, which is just today. I think it changes the game quite a bit, no?

I have a certified copy of her first marriage certificate

That is the very point I'm making, the woman you married is not the woman listed on the marriage license. You thought you were marrying the person on the license, but the woman you married has a different name and date of birth, her real name is not on the marriage license.

I agree. Even as the victim of this whole thing (albeit not the only victim) I dont think she deserves that.

LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-11-11 02:23:00
PhilippinesIs this a Bigamous Marriage?

Yes but can't he flag that one as well?

That would be done through the nearest Philippine consulate. They have an entirely different attitude about mothers and child custody of Filipino citizen child.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-11-11 01:24:00
PhilippinesIs this a Bigamous Marriage?
The problem with an attempt to block his US passport, she's a Phippine citizen, so she can get the kid a passport as he has dual citizenship.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-11-11 00:57:00
PhilippinesIs this a Bigamous Marriage?

Is she a resident of USA? If she is not... one argument is that she is a filipino citizen and the philippines does law does not recognize divorce unless there is an annulment or the USC is the one that filed for divorce. You could request her marriage certificate from the NSO (though i know you should have the name of her filipino husband, i may be wrong)) 2) request for a certificate of marriage from NSO. If you have these data... possible argument is that succeeding marriages are null and void.

Same time petition to have a full custody of the child for her being an unfit mother.. with all those lies...

Also, try to talk to lawyers who know filipino laws. You might get another viewpoint from them.

But none of this matters now, the lawyers in the US feel he is legally married. It is now best to approach this from the stand point of her true identity being the cental issue and the fraud she committed when she signed her marriage license under a fake identity.

Philippine law will have no bearing on this case in a US family law court.

Proving a mother unfit is a very difficult hill to climb for a man, it takes much than lies to prove a woman an "unfit mother."

I know from personal experience how hard it is to get custody of a child from the mother, even when it is obvious she is unfit. And from the experience of a few male friends, I've seen how hard it is to get custody.

The OP certainly did not marry the person he thought he married.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-11-11 00:51:00
PhilippinesIs this a Bigamous Marriage?
Yes teapotgurl, she is a human wrecking ball.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-11-10 21:27:00
PhilippinesIs this a Bigamous Marriage?

As the OP said, his lawyers said that her divorces are valid in the US but if we dig further of how she came in the US in the first place (which is a fake marriage with the American). It's already a bigamy on the 2nd guy for godsake.

We know how she came to the USA, that is not an issue, we also know she committed bigamy when she married the second guy, no one is arguing either of those facts.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-11-10 21:17:00
PhilippinesIs this a Bigamous Marriage?

Ok. People are wondering why I am foucising on a bigamy issue...

I have a divorce lawyer and have spoken with other divorce lawyers. Before we found out that she used the wrong name with one of the divorces, they all have said that her divorces and marriage to me are valid and that out marriage is valid, regardless of anything else she has done.

If we get divorced, she is entitled to half of everything that I have and built towards without anyhelp from her whatsoever. Inlcuding half of my assets, half of the equity on our home and half of my retirement benefits. HALF if not more.

Now if it turns out to be null and void from the beignning, she will not.

And before anyone starts attacking me for being in a marriage for 13 years and leaving her out in the cold without a penny, I have no intention on doing such a thing. But it is not the issue we are discussing here, so lets please leave it at the discussion topic at hand.

I agree with looking at this from the angle of her using an ID/date of birth that was not hers to marry you. Because the use of a different name and date of birth means you did not marry the person that signed the marriage license, therefore you can not be married to this person since discovering her true ID.

LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-11-10 21:07:00
PhilippinesIs this a Bigamous Marriage?

I dunno from what state they are from but there are state that will ask for a court order from the Philippines before you register those divorces. It could easily fly on the 2nd marriage because he's also an American but the first marriage? Big question mark. Again, she's a Filipino citizen at the time of the divorce, it's initiated by her.

Ok. She divorced her first husband in an incorrect channel and used a faked name to divorce the second

Please read this from the Philippine Consulate here in Los Angeles. Scroll down to #9 and read the example that is similar to the divorce/marriage situation we're talking about here. Nt sure why you're having a hard time getting that citizen is not important when getting a divorce in the USA...simply not important.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-11-10 20:58:00
PhilippinesIs this a Bigamous Marriage?

1. If she went on K-1 route, then she has to prove that she's free to marry- she can't because she was still married.
2. If she chose CR-1 route then she has to attach an annulment paper of the first marriage and nullity of marriage for the 2nd marriage.-she can't because she just lied and lied and lied.
3. She is already an illegal immigrant when she married the OP. Not sure if the 2nd husband which is an American discovered how liar she is at the very early stage and didn't push through sponsoring her greencard.
4. The US Department of Homeland and Security wants her out of the US when they found out that she's still married in the Philippines. Meaning, the US is not condoning 2 current marriages even if the other one is from overseas.
5. The first husband is a Filipino, there is no way that he can divorce her. Unless he became a USC or any citizen of a country that recognize divorce. Never heard of someone who just went on vacation in Australia then filed divorce without changing citizenship more so for an illegal immigrant to divorce someone in the Philippines. I stand corrected if I am wrong.

Now to answer if the marriage is bigamy...for those Filipino beneficiaries here that have been married before, do you all think that the CO will approve your K-1 or CR-1 petition if they find out that you are still married to someone else? Of course not!

You have to be cleared on any angle to be not called bigamist or polygamist whether on Philippine or US law.

The divorce may be valid but the marriage isn't because it's all lie from the start.

Ms. teapotgurl, you make some valid points and you're right with regards to the Philippines. Being a Filipino does not prevent you from getting a divorce in the USA, no need to be a citizen to get a divorce here. Understand that 2 rocks can get a divorce in the USA.

Her divorces are legal in the USA, however, she is not divorced in the Philippines under Philippine law.
Again, anybody (I say that loosely) can get a divorce in the USA.

I hope that helkps you.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-11-10 12:57:00
PhilippinesIs this a Bigamous Marriage?

I know some can be illegal in country and another can be legal in another country. I do understand that very well. I know, the only state, my guess, that allow prostitution is Nevada. Is it correct? Another states in US have law that not allow prostitution. My point is, if you bring an abortion for this case, I can't see why it is relate. If people can use what illegal and legal such these things,there are many contradiction to each others by then. As far as I know, Indonesia not accepted mixed religion marriage. It has never been happened otherwise the govt reform marriage law. But USA jurisdiction law accepted it. That's what legal and illegal by example. Or, you can living together in US without a marriage is legal (as far as I know) but in Indonesia is illegal and subject to be a crime. There many things about this we can brought up about what a legal and illegal from different countries. Billions example.

My point to talk about papers and showing paper is that if we are talking about complicated case like this , we are talking about legal papers to put as a proof. This case is not simply saying oh okay it is legal or illegal and just moved on and forget about it. We need legal papers to proved it. If it is involved people break the rules, it is not just saying whether it is legal or illegal to do that.

Some people avoid what illegal in their country can be legal to another country, which I've seen them in person. What I spesifically saying about this case, THAT she was lying at very first place, and all the process (involved the legal papers that obtained with a full of lies) that she's been through is illegal whether the marriage, the divorce, living in USA etc. etc. When you caught lying about legal papers, you are really in BIG trouble and no one will say that it is illegal but oh okay I can forget it.

Yes in some counties in Nevada, prostitution is legal.
Ok, I call a truce on this issue... she was very wrong, what she did is illegal in the Philippines, she made a big mess and affected of many lives with her actions.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-11-10 02:05:00
PhilippinesIs this a Bigamous Marriage?

From what I understand, Filipino citizens cannot get a divorce legally anywhere in the world because they are subject to Philippine laws. If they have somehow gotten a divorce decree WHILE THEY ARE BOTH PHILIPPINE CITIZENS, it is not and will never be considered valid.

I hope this will help you better understand that a Filipino can get a legal divorce in the USA, however, it is not recognized in the Philippines.

Read what the Philippine consulate in Los angeles has to say about divorce.

Click Here then scroll down to #9 and read the question and answer.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-11-10 01:38:00
PhilippinesIs this a Bigamous Marriage?

Don't worry, I would ask some expert about your case. I know it will long way home, but no matter how long it is, we cannot let this scammer wins over the case. It is a setback Posted Image

Thank you for brought me up this matter. I will learn about the Family law in US.Posted Image


Family law in the USA is different in all 50 states, but some basic things they all share in common.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-11-10 01:34:00
PhilippinesIs this a Bigamous Marriage?

It is true. But, if they did crime in their country and then runaway to another country, they are still subject of the law where they did a crime. We called it locus delicti. Read about Julian Assange and what happened to his last appeal. You might be surprised that he will sent back to the country where he get accused for a crime. By means, if the marriage granted first in Philippines, they have to dissolved it by use law of marriage on this country.

You give very absurd example about an abortion relate to this case. Do they five a paper when they have abortion in US? Do they need to show the paper of abortion when they wanted to file for job? marriage? anything? I guarantee, when people wanted to marriage, they need to show divorce or annulment decree. I never heard, they asked for an abortion paper.Posted Image

Not true, I have said it and I will say it again. Citizenship, nationality or national origin is not taken into consideration when one seeks a divorce in the USA. She islegally divorced in the eyes of the court and the state that granted her the divorce. As evidenced by having the divorce decree, not one but two divorce decrees.

Again, I understand the divorce is NOT legal or recognized in the Philippines, but it is both legal and recognized in the USA.

It really is not that hard to understand!
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-11-10 01:31:00
PhilippinesIs this a Bigamous Marriage?

It is true. But, if they did crime in their country and then runaway to another country, they are still subject of the law where they did a crime. We called it locus delicti. Read about Julian Assange and what happened to his last appeal. You might be surprised that he will sent back to the country where he get accused for a crime. By means, if the marriage granted first in Philippines, they have to dissolved it by use law of marriage on this country.

You give very absurd example about an abortion relate to this case. Do they five a paper when they have abortion in US? Do they need to show the paper of abortion when they wanted to file for job? marriage? anything? I guarantee, when people wanted to marriage, they need to show divorce or annulment decree. I never heard, they asked for an abortion paper.Posted Image

It is not an absurd example, you did not understand the example, therfore, you simply missed the point. Which was, what is illegal in the Philppines for a filipina is perfectly legal in the USA for the same Filipina.

Filing papers and showing papers was not the central point I was making. It was simply about what a Filpina can not do in her country can be done in the USA, even if she is still a citizen of the Philippines.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-11-10 01:24:00
PhilippinesIs this a Bigamous Marriage?

Lex specialis derogat legi generali. The doctrine states that a law governing a specific subject matter (lex specialis) overrides a law which only governs general matters (lex generalis). is a doctrine relating to the interpretation of laws, and can apply in both domestic and international law contexts. By means, on this case, Philippines has spesific law about the marriage and no law can overrides it even US Law whatsoever.

Marriage law is about jurisdiction too. Where the married is granted, another jurisdiction can't overruled it. Example, A married to B in C Place. The marriage granted on the law jurisdiction of C. Another place like D, E, F, can't granted a divorce if they choose to dissolved the marriage. By it means, if the marriage granted in Phillippines, the only way to dissolved or annuled the marriage is the place where the marriage was granted at first.

Another example. Indonesian woman married to Indonesian man. If they are living in US for many years and when they wanted a divorce, US jurisdiction law cannot granted it. Because the marriage was never happened in US law jurisdiction. It is in Indonesia. They have to go back to Indonesia to divorce at first by local law where they signed the papers of marriage. I might not give you more details and deeply insight though I was graduated from law school but never use my background education. So, practically I am not the lawyer. I chose to be a journalist instead.

That is true in some circumstances, but with regards to family law in the USA, not true. The woman has not one but two legal divorces granted by judges sitting on the bench in a family court of law in the U.S.

If an Indonesian man and woman wanted a divorce in California, as long as they meet the state and county residency requirements in the county where the dissolution petition is filed... that divorce will be granted.

That divorce might not be legal in Indonesia, but it will be legal in the U.S. Two rocks can get a divorce in California.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-11-10 01:17:00
PhilippinesIs this a Bigamous Marriage?

From what I understand, Filipino citizens cannot get a divorce legally anywhere in the world because they are subject to Philippine laws. If they have somehow gotten a divorce decree WHILE THEY ARE BOTH PHILIPPINE CITIZENS, it is not and will never be considered valid.

Philippine citizens are subject to Philippine laws when in the Philippines. Yes I fully understand a divorce between two citizens of the Philippines will not be recognized in the Philippines, but here in the USA, they can get a divorce and it will be as legal as any other legal divorce in the USA.

For example, abortion is illegal in the Philippines and no woman in the Philippines can get that procedure. However, any Filipina can get on a plane and travel to the USA and get an abortion here... illegal there, very legal here.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-11-10 00:13:00
PhilippinesIs this a Bigamous Marriage?

I dunno in the US law but annulment here means there's no marriage ever happened. The OP shouldn't have married her. She may not be legally bigamist in the US but still she shouldn't have stayed this long in the US and remarry for the 3rd time.

It's more of her immigration status, deportation and dissolving the marriage on the basis of fraud not bigamy or polygamy.

Oh yeah, she is a bigamist in the U.S. also. There very first reason USCIS wanted her removed.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-11-09 21:39:00
PhilippinesIs this a Bigamous Marriage?

She can't get divorce legally from her first husband, unless she or her husband naturalized BEFORE they filed for divorce there in the States. If the divorce decree is invalid, then so are her second and third marriages. If they have gone through divorce legally, they are both free to remarry, under both US and Philippine laws.

You mean under Philippine law, right? Because under U.S. law, she is legally divorced from the first husband.

I fully understand she is not divorced under Philippine law, I'm asking you if that is what you mean also?
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-11-09 21:36:00
PhilippinesIs this a Bigamous Marriage?

Thanks again for all the answers so far. Her individual removal hearing is scheduled for January. I filed for divorce and also a motion for Pre-Decree relief asking for full custody of our son. She responded that, among so many other things, that she also wants full custody of our son.

After all she has done, still this.....

As I stated, "If I was the OP, I would be making plans to grab my kid." She wants to stay here, therefore she will be here until the last minute. Start making plans now to grab your son and care for him, then she will have to fight you for physical custody. Then in court, you can introduce the fact she has been ordered removed to help you get awarded physical custody.

He SHOULD/MUST/OUGHT to be worried about the possibility of this woman being able to obtain Philippine passport (very easy) for the kid and fly to the Philippines with him rather than divorce or annulment papers because IMO that is the BIGGER problem if well the woman gets deported and decided to take the kid with her. I am sure he does NOT want to end up like this guy.

He can worry about divorce/annulment later.

Remember, the Philippines is NOT a Hague Convention signatory in Parental Abduction so having results like that father whose son was taken to Brazil is ZERO. It does not help that you are a "foreigner".

Yes you make a very valid point.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-11-09 16:31:00
PhilippinesIs this a Bigamous Marriage?

I dunno why you want annulment. The Philippines will recognize your divorce. But she is screwed since she is a Philippine citizen, the Philippine will not likely recognize her divorce papers in the US (as far as I know)

Chan Robles has a very rich information on Philippine laws. I suggest you go read there.


I think you better worry about your son. She can get him a Philippine passport anytime and go to the Philippines. Unfortunately for US fathers, the Philippines is not father-friendly either. While you may not be pressed with child support if they go to the Philippines, you may not see your son either. You CANNOT file for parental abduction since the Philippines is NOT a signatory of the Hague convention.

If I were you, focus on the kid. Get him before she flies to the Philippines with him

If I was the OP, I would be making plans to grab my kid, since she is likely to be removed from the U.S. Then she'll have to pursue him in family court for physical custody.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-11-09 14:45:00
PhilippinesIs this a Bigamous Marriage?

So then my question is this: If the US recognizes other country's marriages (Her Philippine marriages) and also recognizes divorce, how can it recognize both the Phillipine marriage and the US divorce at the same time?

Family court judges do not inquire as to the national orgin of the parties to a petition to dissolve a marriage. For example, a court (family) will not determine since one is from the Philippines, thereby refuse jurisdiction in the case and not grant a dissolution based on Philippine family law. Once a court has jurisdiction over a matter (family law/family court), it will be adjudicated based on the laws of that state, regardless of where one or both parties to the matter orginate from.

Even you have conceded that her divorce is legal in the U.S. but not legal in the Philippines.

As far as the judge caring nothing about Philippine law, wouldnt the Nationality Principle Apply here?

A Filipino citizen will get "equal protetction" under the law while in the U.S. When she gets back to the Philippines, her 1st divorce will not be recognized and 2nd fraudulent marriage falls under the criminal laws there. Nothing she did while in the U.S. was illegal under Philippine law (as far as I can tell... with regards to her divorces/marriage) except for the 1st divorce.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-11-09 14:38:00
PhilippinesIs this a Bigamous Marriage?

Thanks. I am aware that she would still be married in the Philippines. However, a spoke with a few lawyers here and they told me that since she obtained the divorces in the US, then her divorces are valid. Doesnt matter what the Philippines laws are ("When in Rome..."). I am trying to track down a law. I have read about the Nationality Principle and the Philippine law that says their law follows them, but I havent really been able to find any law that states the US must follow other countries laws regarding family (ie divorce)

Everything I said has been accurate. Unfortunately, this situation is extremely complicated. If you would like to know the story, go here:

I wonder why, too.....She was able to pull a real good one on me, the Government and everyone else involved. Here is my story: http://www.visajourn...ds-of-approval/

I know it is Polygamy in the Philippines, but is it Polygamy in the US?

Please read this:

Yes, what she did is considered bigamy in the U.S., even though that second marriage took place in the Philippines. That is why USCIS wants her OUT, because she gain an immigration benefit based on that marriage that never should have taken place.

If I were you, I'd seek an annulment. Which differs from a court order that terminates a marriage, since it is a judicial statement that there was never a marriage. A divorce, which can only take place where there has been a valid marriage, means that the two parties are no longer husband and wife once the decree is issued. An annulment means that the individuals were never united in marriage as husband and wife.

But considering she had a divorce decree from the second fraudulent marriage, that might make an annulment a long shot.

LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-11-09 13:01:00
PhilippinesIs this a Bigamous Marriage?
The sad part of this is the child involved. Men have a helluva a time getting custody of their kids, even when the mother is a worthless piece of #######.

I don't think her committing immigration fraud is enough on its own to get custody of the child, he'll have to prove her an "unfit" mother before the court to get custody of the child.

Or get a lawyer that plats golf with the judge hearing the case.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-11-09 12:42:00
PhilippinesIs this a Bigamous Marriage?

Is he OP's marriage to the woman legal even if they didn't go through the right channel? They should have never been married in the first place if they followed the rule.

She was able to obtain two (2) legal divorces from her previous husbands. When she presented the legal divorce decree to obtain the marriage license for the 3rd marriage, it gave the appearance of a legal marriage to the current guy. That's why that marriage was allowed to go forward.

If I was him, I would file for an annulment on the grounds that my marriage to this person would never have happened if I had knowledge of the second fraudulent marriage.

Granted she committed bigamy with the second marriage and it is because of that marriage she is being deported. Boy she is a human wrecking ball!
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-11-09 12:36:00
PhilippinesIs this a Bigamous Marriage?

1. The wife stayed in the US illegally.
2. Got another kid that's staying in the US illegally.
3. Was married to the 3rd husband in an illegal status.
4. Marriage was bigamous in the Philippines.
5. OP didn't know that his wife abandoned a kid in the Philippines.
6. Wife lied in the USCIS that her b-day was incorrect claiming she's born in 1970 but it's really 1964.


Yeah, that woman is a MESS!
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-11-09 11:55:00
PhilippinesIs this a Bigamous Marriage?
I just read the OP's first post. The way the OP wrote the post was not very clear.
That marriage to the Air force guy (2nd husband) was not valid because she was married alread.
My first post was predicated on the wife being here in the U.S. and getting legal divorces, which I see now she never had a valid marriage to the first husband from the start.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-11-09 11:55:00
PhilippinesIs this a Bigamous Marriage?

The filipino husband is stupid enough to recognise that divorce is valid in the Philippines.

This case happened to my filipino friend and he was left to believe that it is valid. I did a research on the matter and told my filipino friend that if he wants to get even with her wife in the US, this could be done legally coz the divorce is not valid

How is his divorce not valid in the U.S. under the laws of the state where the divorce was granted?

That divorce is not valid in the Philppines, but it is valid here.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-11-09 11:42:00
PhilippinesIs this a Bigamous Marriage?

No one's gonna draft a divorce paper if the guy didn't change citizenship. My theory is that, first husband became a USC then filed for a divorce. It will really entitle him to remarry but the wife won't because she's still a Filipino citizen.

Citizenship and legal status are not considered when getting a divorce in the U.S., you can be from mars and get a divorce in the U.S.

Most states and counties have residency requirement before you can file a "Petition for Dissolution of Marraige" meaning you must live there for a certain number of months prior to filing a petition to dissolve a marriage.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-11-09 11:39:00
PhilippinesIs this a Bigamous Marriage?
I think there is a lot of mixing of apples and oranges here. US citizenship and legal status are not considered when getting a divorce in the U.S., when you file the divorce papers and both parties acknowledge of having been served of the pending action, you give that court jurisdiction over the matter, regardless of what country you're from.

Now, that first marriage is still valid in the Philippines under Philippine law, but in the eyes of U.S. law, she was granted a legal divorce, therefore, she is divorced here.

So that 2nd marriage was valid under U.S. law, because she obtained a legal divorce in the U.S. under U.S. law from the first husband. But under Philppine law her second marraige is not valid there, but she is not living in the Philippines, so it does not matter.

Just as a family court judge in the U.S. cares nothing about Philippine law with regards to child support and child custody, nor does any judge look to divorce law in the Philippines or any other country before granting a divorce here in the U.S. If you're in the U.S., you are subject to the laws of the state where you reside.

So OP, under the laws of the U.S., your marriage was/is valid. Your wife obtained legal divorces from both men. Now if she goes back to the Philippines, she has a problem and a mess on her hands.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-11-09 11:31:00
PhilippinesLegal Matters

I am trying to find out if anyone can tell me if I can travel to, and enter the Pilipines with a valid US Passport, but having a previous felony convition. My offense occured about 18 years ago. I'm hoping to travel there for less than 21 day stay. If possible to do so. Where do I find out the proper steps in taking my trip.

The proper steps in making the trip are to buy a ticket, pack your shorts and sun tan lotion and be ready to have a great time.

No visa is needed to travel to the Philippines, but if you want to stay longer than 21 days, you can read here as how to extend your stay.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-11-15 01:02:00
PhilippinesFavorite Foodspots Near US Embassy In Manila?
I'll second that recommendation of Harbor View Cafe, been there a few times. The last two times I was there I had the lobster in chili sauce and lemon butter blackfish, both very good.

Also the Emerald Green has pretty good food and is near the Embassy just across Roxas blvd.

You can't go wrong with Harbor View Cafe on the water and the view.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-11-15 08:20:00
Congratulations... best wishes with the rest of your journey!
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-11-16 06:37:00
PhilippinesGot my 1st Job here in US
Congratulations Tina!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-11-15 14:13:00
PhilippinesGot my 1st Job here in US

hi all, just confuse...what is the difference between a green card and an EAD? Will I be needing it as well? I already have my green card. Does it mean that though I have my green card there is a possibility that I am not authorized to work? I am a CR1 category. Thanks for the reply. Been here in CA for 3 weeks only.....just want to make myself ready....:)

You are aurthorized to work.

The EAD is used to gain employment while you wait for the GC, now that you have your GC, no need to use the EAD to seek are gain employment.

Now that you have your GC, you use that to gain enter back into the USA should you need to travel internationally.

Edited by Leatherneck, 15 November 2011 - 02:09 PM.

LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-11-15 14:08:00
Philippinesproofs of a bonadife marriage & ongoing relationship

Thanks for the prompt reply and suggestions. :) I just heard somewhere that consular officers aren't asking/looking for such types of communication (facebook, YM, skype) during the interview. But yeah, that's how we communicate. So I was just confused of what evidences will I provide them. :wacko:

I have pictures with me, us hubby & wifey together, with my family and his family, wedding pictures and other pictures through out the relationship. But we don't have letters & cards with postmarked envelope (almost all were done electronically :P ). We weren't able to go in trips coz I was working as a nurse during the time he was here. I'm afraid that what I have will not be enough to satisfy the consular officer. :crying:

I wouldn't put much faith in the facebook stuff, but Skype and Yahoo Messenger is good, along with emails and the phone call logs and cell bills or how ever you communicate, as long as you have a record of it.

You have what you need, no worries OP.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-11-04 06:09:00
Philippinesproofs of a bonadife marriage & ongoing relationship
Op, not sure where you heard the CO isn't interested in the evidence you have to prove a bona fide marriage. The some things you have are what they are looking for. You're doing fine with what you have.

Consider these also.

Photographs that show both of you together and with family and friends. Photographs taken at the wedding, trips, at other functions or events, and throughout the relationship.
Letters, birthday cards, get well cards, sympathy cards and graduation cards between you, with their postmarked envelope.
Evidence of trips you and your husband have taken together, hotel receipts reflecting both names and plane tickets.

LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-11-04 01:49:00
PhilippinesWhat is Your Favorite Airlines To Fly To Philippines?

You got that right Beejay! Nothing!!:thumbs:

And I also agree with you about Mactan Int! they got shops all in the middle of the Airport!

I see the love for Incheon airport is growing, not a bad place to layover.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-11-13 14:50:00