PhilippinesThings You Hate & Love About The Philippines

I enjoy quite a bit about Filipino culture. There is a quiet nobility underlying many of the things I see. I enjoy the time I spend with families and friends. The food. The music. The festivals. Evenings grilling up some fish and drinking Red Horse by the liter or the neighbor's tuba. The beaches and the little things. But I know for me it is a vacation to live that way and by choice.

One thing that I can't stand is the innate deference and preference given to white people. I hate when I am waiting in a restaurant, clearly behind an all Filipino family and the staff offers me a table first. I know part of this is the hospitality of the culture, but there is also an insidious side. I recall one time in Pasay, standing on the corner with associates while we all hailed cabs. The first taxi stopped for an associate, then saw me, and moved up to get me as a fare. I opened the door knowing where my associate was going asking if the destination was acceptable. On approval, I waived my friend over and shuffled him in the taxi. I stood there for ten minutes as taxi after taxi stopped for the "big white guy" only to then pass the taxi off to a friend. It was almost a game.

I also cannot stand the "white tax," the systemic corruption on the business side and the "crabs-in-a-bucket" mentality that creeps in from time to time. It is a hard thing that does not always translate. My fiancée and I have had long conversations on how this will impact her relationship with me and her family when she leaves.

As her family sees her new life, compared to theirs, there will be the anticipated requests for assistance. 1000 php here, 1000 php there. Medicine for a nephew. Money for a fee or payment that was not expected. After all, with Facebook and the like, when her family sees her life here it will be hard to reconcile the familial obligation of the Philippines with her new American life. It will be hard for her to live in two worlds.

And the 'black tax,' but when you combine them, you get the 'foreigner tax.'

The very reason when I need to make a purchase (other than beer and food) I get a Filipino to do it, so I avoid the 'foreigner tax.'

The "crabs-in-a-bucket" mentality is so unfortunate from a people with such a rich culture, incredible work ethic and warm spirit.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-11-11 17:11:00
PhilippinesThings You Hate & Love About The Philippines

1) women
2) women
3) women
4) more women..etc.. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
5) clubs and bars open till morning..
6) the sight and sound of people everywhere!!

:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

Hope my Fiance don't see this post :bonk: :bonk: :bonk:

HATE is to harsh of a word so I'll say dislikes
Fees for public toilets
the lack of toilet paper
Fees to wipe your self clean from toilet :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Lack of public Trash bin

Yes the lines for everything is overwhelming at times..but
Even with the dislike I enjoyed enjoyed it and I find it that's what makes Philippines unique and makes me feel at home!

what's wrong with the Filipinos you meet here? Here as in the your home state or in the Forum?

LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-11-11 15:26:00
PhilippinesThings You Hate & Love About The Philippines

In this forum, I feel the love and the respect. However, the way many Filipino immigrants act here turns me off. They are rude, selfish, conniving, and overly sensitive. I was active in the Filipino community when my wife first arrived, and the meetings always turned out to be drag-out verbal brawls. I can't stand this, "Either you are my ally, or you are my enemy thing," especially among the women. The men are just drunks. Now, I stay away, and just drop the wife off to the get-together's.

Don't forget the incredible amount of envy and jealousy, especially with regards to homes, cars and all things financial.

Filipinos in the US, at least in California are so damn competitive and envious.

But other than that, I love attitude about family and the beauty of a Filipina.

Edited by Leatherneck, 11 November 2011 - 03:23 PM.

LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-11-11 15:22:00
PhilippinesGot the visa!!!!!waiting is all worthy
Congratulations and best wishes!
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-12-09 09:30:00
PhilippinesAnother Manila Approval
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-12-09 15:17:00
Give it a few days, 5 days was not that long ago.
Don't get confused yet, this is a long process, you'll have lots of time to get confused.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-12-10 00:41:00
Philippinesbetter if fiancee attends the interview???

I plan to go back for her interview and fly home with her. This will be her first time on a plane so I think very hard flying such long international flight your first time alone.

That is a great idea to share her first experience of flying. Notice her facial expressions as the plane accelerates down the runway.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-12-10 01:21:00
PhilippinesMy wife is preg!
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-12-10 09:59:00
PhilippinesHelp: Driving in the US?

You can not drive on your PI Drivers License. (And considering the way everyone drives in the Philippines you'll probably need to learn the US driving laws and customs or you will become unfortunately acquainted with the Texas sheriffs. Trust me, it will not be a pleasant experience talking to them after they stop you because you thought traffic signs were just suggestions.) If I remember correctly all you need to do to get a Philippines drivers license is to pay a fee. There is no test.

You could drive on an international drivers license, but since you don't have one, you'll need to go to your local DMV and take a written and physical driving test. You can also pick up study material there for the test. If your fiancee has a drivers license you can get a learner's permit and drive while she is in the car with you in order to practice. Otherwise if she does not have a license, you may need to pay to have a driver's education class.

As for questions #2 & #3 what do you want to know about marriage? I don't see any details on your situation so I can't really offer much help. It appears that you are a male Philippines citizen who is marrying a female US Citizen? If that is the case, are you both Catholic, and if so do you want to get married in the Catholic church? I'll just need more information to help you.

:lol: well, that part was funny. The sign does say "Don't Mess With Texas."
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-12-17 17:19:00
Philippineslooking for Pinay Friends in the US

hello, been in the US since May 2008, I worked full time but I still miss talking to our kababayans, would love to hear from all, please email me.

thanks and I look forward to meeting new friends (L) ^_^

After 3 1/2 years, I hope you make a few new friends here.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-12-09 23:04:00
Philippineslooking for Pinay Friends in the US

Hi im from las vegas need some friends too

My God, who needs friends when you live in a fun place like Vegas! :D

I'm only joking with you, there are tons of Pinays/Pinoys in Vegas, go to any
casino and walk over to the "cage" (the cashier) or walk over to a blackjack
table. Not to mention the Filipinos that arrive there from California every weekend.

I understand what you mean. Have you been getting out and about around Vegas?
Is your husband showing you around the place?
Have you attended mass at the nearest Catholic church?

How long have you been in Vegas?
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-12-09 16:17:00
PhilippinesCO said he can't confirm approval as of the moment
Congratulations... have a nice trip!
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-12-09 09:25:00
PhilippinesVaccination Done in other clinic (Chong Hua Hospital Cebu)before Medical Exam @ SLEC
Why would you guys pay extra for the vaccinations that are included in the fee you'll pay for the medical at St. Lukes?

So what was his logical point for wanting to pay for something that is included in the medical fee?
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-12-19 11:47:00
PhilippinesPray for flood victims in Northern Mindanao
Another incredible natural tragedy for the poor people of the Philippines.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-12-17 16:48:00
PhilippinesQuite confused about the outcome of interview, help please?

It's good to hear that. I feel like all that questioning was just some ploy to confuse me. Thanks so much!

Well, they would be derelict in their duties if they saw the discrepancy as in your case and not questioned you about it.
But I guess the CO felt it was no big deal, since he approved you despite that.

Did he notice the issue with the name before he approved you or after?

PS. Sorry I overlooked the part in your initial post about this issue, I was not trying to be a jerk.

You're welcome and best wishes to you!

Edited by Leatherneck, 18 December 2011 - 12:05 PM.

LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-12-18 12:03:00
PhilippinesQuite confused about the outcome of interview, help please?

Actually, this is my only question: Is it possible that a visa issuance is delayed because they need to review a case although I didn't receive a form?

Just that. Have you ever heard of a situation where things looked fine and no 221(g) was given BUT the visa didn't arrive within the expected date and when the applicant inquired about it apparently the case is still under review...

Or actually, never mind. I'm just gonna wait until January 2012.

There is no expected date to receive your visa, there is a window or range of days that is, I guess reasonable when you are approved.
But, as an example, the visa could arrive in 5 days or 20 days after your interview.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-12-18 11:52:00
PhilippinesQuite confused about the outcome of interview, help please?

Hmm... in the 3rd sentence of the 3rd paragraph of my post, i did say that the CO and pre-screener kept asking me about it. You're right, why would I be worried about a non-issue if it was never mentioned. However, that issue was half of what they kept questioning me about. Thus, my worries. I'm just being cautious-- i know my visa will come. But I'm trying to find out if I may have to wait longer for it. I still have 1 more year of college to finish and I'm planning out which months I should be in the US to avoid being out of there for more than 6 months.

You did not get the dreaded 221(g) then you are ok, especially considering the CO told you that you're approved.

Edited by Leatherneck, 18 December 2011 - 11:48 AM.

LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-12-18 11:48:00
PhilippinesQuite confused about the outcome of interview, help please?
The CO told you that you're approved and you still have worries about an issue the CO never brought up?

Not sure why you would be worried about a non-issue the CO never mentioned.

Relax, the CO gave you the magic words, "approved."

Edited by Leatherneck, 18 December 2011 - 10:38 AM.

LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-12-18 10:37:00
Philippineslost in space

Those vows only matter when marriage is bliss. :whistle: I mean...c'mon..."better or worse"?? :wacko: That BS vow only applies when everything goes the way I want it... and only...if...I get EXACTLY what I want. Compromise shmompromise. Work it out?.. :wacko: to find a resolution? :wacko: NO WAY JOSE! :bonk: ....and besides.... That's what marriage is all about!! right? ME!! :girlwerewolf2xn: and...whoever said marriage is "work"? I say...poppycock!! My marriage came with a satisfaction guarantee warranty! Didn't yours? :blink: I bought the extended red carpet maintenance agreement. Didn't you? :blink:

JUMP! JUMP! JUMP!... :lol:

Too many wussies enter into marriage. :yes:

"Everyone's got to face down the demons"

After reading that... I need Tylenol or a few shots of vodka, or both!
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-12-20 16:02:00
Philippineslost in space
"thanks leatherneck, the problem is i cant leave him,and you are right,we just make ourselves miserable,and i am jealous of the ex-wife, he do everything for her and never dare to risk with me,it hurts me the most. i think this is why mostly second marriage never works. i dont know, i dont know what to do about my situation. im praying for God's guidance and heavenly wisdom."

"Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, be faithful to her as long as you both shall live?"

The vows your husband took when he married you, did they include those words above or similiar? Those 3 words have a powerful meaning and serve as a command of sorts for a man to make his wife his priority and allow no one, not even his own children to come between or before his wife.

You certainly seem to have taken your vows seriously. You have but two options here, to stay and accept the status quo and the misery that comes with it or, well, you know what the only other choice is. Which I understand is extremely difficult to even consider.

You have every reason to be jealous of the ex-wife, but guard your heart with your head, jealousy is a poisionous and dangerous emotion.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-12-20 00:31:00
Philippineslost in space

Additional: We dont have time with each other, he leave house to work 3am,and back home 2pm and pick up son at school 3pm and stayed with us earliest 6pm,late 9pm per ex-wife request sometimes stayed with us and ex-wife pick up in the morning to send to school , 9pm go to bed ready for tomorrow. and on the weekend he stayed with us till sunday pm ,sometimes late as per x-wife request. we dont have time for ourselves, lucky if he and his mom has something to do on the weekend, that's the time we can have time with each other. we are lack of intimacy. and he is ok with that. and i am not. so sad. very sad. He doesn't want to make love with me anymore. since i insist to have a child. (life is unfaire)

Your husband has told you that he will not give you a baby and he makes it pretty clear that you are not very important or high on his list of priorities based on the way he treats you.

What is it that you really want? He has told you what he wants.

Are you willing to remain as miserable as you are now and try to just deal with it? And for how long are you willing be miserable the way you feel now?
How long can you deal with being the 3rd priority and not the 1st priority of your husband?

Your strong desire to be a mother will not just fade away as a distant memory. Everytime you hold someone else's baby, see children running around playing, see the cute little baby stroller with an adorable baby/child inside or see a pregnant woman, you might start to feel anger and resentment about your situation.

Ask yourself, how important is what you want and desire? What will be the reward for sacrificing your chance to be a mother?

Like they say-you can be miserable by yourself, you don't need any help to be miserable.

Good luck.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-12-19 01:01:00
Philippineslost in space

if you told him you want to go back home and he is ok with that then go back home. it sounds like you couldnt possibly be any unhappier than you are now so why stay anyway??

LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-12-19 00:34:00
PhilippinesHere's a little humor for everyone...
I'm sure the little guy will be so thrilled with the need for his new heavy coat, boots and gloves.

Kids say the funniest things out of innocence.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-12-17 15:42:00
PhilippinesNSO sent me the wrong document

Thanks again friend:) I am encouraged with your inputs. God Bless!


This could take 7 days or 30 days to get an approval, so being patient is your best way
to cope with the wait. If after two weeks and no word, then call or email the embassy.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-12-17 23:04:00
PhilippinesNSO sent me the wrong document

Thanks for the reply, Yes really pain the @$$!Do you think the CO will consider that a miscorreceted document?

You mean a mistake in correcting a previous mistake.

Well, who knows what the CO will think, but the updated CENMAR is what they're looking for
and that has now been provided to them from NSO.

So all you can do is sit back and wait for them to examine the updated version and be approved
for the visa.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-12-17 22:34:00
PhilippinesNSO sent me the wrong document
What a real pain in the @$$ that mistake has caused you and your petitioner.

Be patient now, you're in the holiday season and in line with other 221 (g)'s,

just enjoy the holidays with your family and look to the new year with your future hubby.

Good lucky!
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2011-12-17 21:51:00
PhilippinesFraud wife being removed from US

Some of you might remember my topic from a couple months ago but here it is: http://www.visajourn...amous-marriage/

Basically, she was married in the Philippines in 1982, hid that marriage, married US Citizen#1 in 1991, came to the US. Divorced both Philippine Citizen and US Citizen #1 and married me, US Citizen #2. I never knew the facts until 2010.

Well, on January 13, the immigration judge ordered her removal. We are still in divorce proceedings and I am now wondering if once she goes back to the philippines, and since the Philippines does not recognize divrce, does her original marriage to the Filipino supercede our US marriage? How can she be both married to the Filipino in the Philippines and to a US Citizen in the US? Do I even need to obtain a divorce? Yes, I have a lawyer.

Now that she's been ordered removed from the country, what are your plans to protect your relationship with your son? I know you had concerns about your military retirement and other assets, your son is the most valuable result of your relationship with her. What are the chances of being able to maintain your relationship with your son once she's removed?
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-01-24 09:03:00
PhilippinesStudent Loans and Grants
Sure your wife can get grants and loans for school.
No worries about the Affidavit of Support unless she
gets government benefits such as welfare or other social services.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-01-26 12:58:00
PhilippinesMedical at St. Lukes

You dont need to to go to St Lukes early in the AM with all the other early birds there. You can go late in the AM there and get out sometimes sooner than the ones that have been there long before you in the AM. What a friend that went through the medical told me, the Guard there says its best to go on a to go in late AM before lunch or early Afternoon. you will be on and out in no time! Good Luck!:thumbs:

LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-01-26 19:11:00
PhilippinesInterview [paperwork}
If you made a complete copy (I hope you did) of the documents you sent to USCIS with the I-129, then provide your fiancee with the exact same documents so that she has a copy and is on the same page as the CO just in case there is a document (s)

Put all the docs in a binder/folder with labels/tabs so she can easily access the docs she will need.

Then go here and read/learn about the other documents your fiancee will need to have with her.

Below is directly from the "Guides" you and your fiancee should spend some time reading the guides
so you have a better handle on what is needed. I am not trying to be a jerk by making this suggestion
so please do not feel that way, just trying to kelp you get locked on to what your fiancee will need
and you get to read it with your own eyes.

The "Guides" can be found here or just look along the top of the page (in the header) and click "Guides"
I hope this helps.

What to send to your fiance(e) once the I-129F is approved (Receive NOA2):
1. A copy of the entire I-129f package (that you made when you sent the petition in) and a copy of information that you sent back due to an RFE (if you received one). 2. Send all originals of the documentary proof that you submitted for the I-129F to your fiance(e) for their interview at the embassy. 3. Send an original letter affirming your desire to marry your fiance(e) and your continued support of the K-1 Visa. Sign and date the form. This will be similar to the letter you provided with the I-129F, but dated much closer to the interview (it will have most likely been several months since you submitted your I-129F). 4. I-134 Affidavit of Support form. Ensure it is signed, with all required supporting evidence. Begin collecting the required information ahead of time, as it can often take several weeks to collect it all. 5. You will likely need at a minimum (for the above form) two to three of your most recent pay stubs and a signed letter from your employer listing you job title, start date, your salary, and the status (full-time) of your position. Begin collecting these ASAP after your NOA2 arrives. You will also probably want to include other evidence such as your banking information and other assets as required by the I-134. Specifically you will need at least 2 of the 4 options mentioned in Section II-Supporting Evidence of the I-134. See this FAQ for more tips and ueful information on the Affidavit of Support Form. 6. A copy of the NOA2 that you received in the mail. 7. Proof of your ongoing relationship. This needs to be taken to the interview! Include photos, travel documents, emails, etc from between the time you filed and present (NOA1 date-now).

Examples: Copies of phone bills, cell phone bills, emails (you can edit personal info with a marker), letters (edit personal info also), stamps on the letters (to document the date they were sent), and other written documentary proof. Provide a reasonable amount; two to four of each type. Pick a range of dates up to and including the present. You can also include a copy of engagement ring receipt (this is something that is a big optional - do not worry if you do not have a ring yet!)

Edited by Leatherneck, 03 February 2012 - 09:25 PM.

LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-02-03 21:21:00
Philippinesquestion for a friend w/ k3 application

as far as i know, its just the same process, the difference is that k1 is getting married but k3 is married already,same here, still waiting from the embassy letter and we can set an appointment for interview and medical afterwards..

There is no need to wait for an appointment letter for your interview.

Go to any branch of BPI, pay the visa fee, (have passport with you) get
the receipt, then after a few hours attempt to make the appointment
at USEM. Keep trying often until you are successful setting up the interview.
Then go to St,Lukes website and register for the medical, that will save your fiancee
time on the day of the medical.

Read the very informative post about the SLMCEC walk through so you will have a
heads up as to another VJ members experience. Found here

This is the link to SLMCEC, you can read the requirements here as to what is needed
on the day of the medical and you can register there also.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-02-03 21:44:00
PhilippinesNBI Clearance

My fiancee insists on getting NBI clearance from every place that she has lived in the Philippines. She is saying that her friend just went to the interview and delayed the visa because she didn't have multiple NBIs.

If I am not mistaken, you only need a NBI per country visited longer than a year since the age of 16. Anyone that has just been through a recent interview, can you please shine some light on this subject?

Tell your 'sweetie' to relax and not to complicate this process anymore than necessary. :)

Tahoma and others (including me) have given you the 'scoop' about the NBI Clearance issue.
If she has not lived in any other country more than 6 months since age 16, you have Zero
need for any other police clearances.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-02-04 13:58:00
PhilippinesNBI Clearance

She just got them within the last two days. She thought she had to get an NBI per city she lived in since 16. I think i found that you only need to supply multiple NBI if and only if you have lived in additional countries since 16.

Your fiancee only needs one (1) NBI Clearance, not one per each city she has lived in within the Philippines.

I think she might have that confused with getting a police clearance from each country one has lived in since age 16.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-02-03 07:15:00
Philippinesstep by step medical at saint lukes

Please post any info about step by step medical at Saint Lukes. Thanks!

Have you read this review yet? As experienced by a VJ member.

Edited by Leatherneck, 04 February 2012 - 03:37 PM.

LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-02-04 15:36:00
PhilippinesMNL case number

Hi everyone! , I am newbie here. My fiance called the NVC last night. the man he spoke said our case already forwarded to USE manila in January 31. the man gave my fiance our case number as well. Is there anyway for me to know online if they got our case using the case number? and we are expecting they should call me soon. thanks a lot for any help.

No one will call you, so do not expect such. Your case is probably well on its way to Manila.

Now that you have your MNL case number, you and your fiancee are ready to move forward with paying the visa fee at any BPI branch and getting her medical at SLMCEC (St. Lukes Medical). Have you read the "Guides" yet? Look along the top of this page in the blue header and click "Guides."

Have your fiancee go to any branch of BPI and pay the visa fee ($350.00) then she (or you) will be able to set up the interview online at the USEM. Click here for the page to set up the interview. It will take a few hours or more before you will be able to set up the interview, just keep trying and eventually you will be able to do so. The receipt she'll get at the time of payment of the visa fee is so very important, you'll need that to schedule the interview online. She'll also need to have her passport with her at the time of payment.

Once she (or you) has completed that, now she can register online for the medical at St. Luke's, registering online will save time on the day of the medical. This is the link to the page where you can read about what is required for the medical. Also click here to read a detailed medical exam review as experienced by a VJ member.

The entire package you put together with the I-129F petition that you sent to USCIS, make a copy of that package and send that to your fiance(e) along with a copy of your NOA2, so she will have exactly the same documents as USEM.

Good luck, I hope some of this info will help you and your fiance(e).
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-02-04 15:31:00
PhilippinesFiance/e visa application
You bet!
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-02-05 02:13:00
PhilippinesFiance/e visa application
The fact that you just met is not a problem, plenty of petitioners/beneficiaries have been in the same boat as you.
USCIS and USEM have seen this before, what's important is that you both be "legally free" to marry
and that you met within 2 years of filing the petition.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-02-04 19:43:00
Yeah, I think you're gonna need someone from the Embassy to un-F that one, considering it was one of their own that did it.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-02-04 17:35:00
PhilippinesCFO's guidance and counseling seminar

What I have read over the past 6 months, it seems like you can attend the CFO's guidance and counseling seminar and receive a certificate. Then you can return at some point with your original CFO certificate and get your passport/visa stamped before exiting the country ?

Thoughts ????

Yes you can attend the required CFO (the-give us several hours of your time so we try to change your mind about marrying that foreigner, and oh yeah, thanks for paying us to do so) session before or after you have the K-1, IR-1/CR-1 visas.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-02-07 18:30:00

Can you tell me if they will take my fiancees passport after the medical and send it to the embassy for her interview or will she keep her passport after the medical and bring it to the interview herself? Im confused cause i hear two different answers..and dont want to give up passport if i dont have too...afraid it may get lost in transit...Thanks

St. Luke's will not keep your fiancee's passport, it was the old protocol for SLMCEC to keep the passport and forward it to the USEM.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-02-07 18:52:00