Philippinesus embassy fee
No, she does not need to pay any more fees to the U.S. govt. However, she will need to pay for and have her medical, which is paid to SLMCEC, not to USEM.

Btw, Congratulations!

Edited by Leatherneck, 23 April 2012 - 09:37 PM.

LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-04-23 21:35:00
PhilippinesNever Given up before, but its becoming an option
The OP's wife will need to do her part to fix the problem. The OP is being a father to his children and trying to maintain a stable environment for them, I applaud him for keeping the relationship with the ex civil, for the sake of his kids. The last thing the OP needs is for the ex wife to make things more difficult by exhibiting nasty behavior or attitude.

The only variable that changed was the OP's ex moved back to town. The only way the OP's relationship with the current wife will improve, is when she gets her out of control jealousy under control and matures a great deal.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-04-23 21:57:00
PhilippinesNever Given up before, but its becoming an option
You got some good advice here, however, nothing will change until your wife develops emotionally and matures well beyond her current level of maturity. The idea of counseling might be the next best approach, it might benefit her to have a third party professional help her to reason through her feelings and her reactions. It might be worth the effort to seek out a Filipino counselor, that way if she is willing to attend a session or two, she'll be able to talk with a professional from her culture and feel she is not getting the American point of view about her behavior, but a professional point of view from someone she can relate to culturally.

Out of control jealousy is unhealthy for all involved, especially where children are involved. I agree that a man and wife are to put each other first - but not at the expense of a child's well being, both physical and emotional.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-04-23 16:43:00
PhilippinesWhat are the best ways for an old Kano to keep a young Pinay from getting bored on her day off?

Yup we are having a great time! Thanks. Its been 95 here as of late and close to that back in Tucson, of course when I tell her that it will be 5 - 10c higher come summer I get this "look" then I try to explain its a DRY heat.... LOL!!

Amy likes tacos and burritos as I have been making that stuff here, I am not crazy about Mexican food so that is close to the extend of what I make. Luckily she likes Italian food as much as I do.

Oh you sweat right out of the shower without AC, but it evaporates so fast you don't notice.... :rofl: Of course the other issue in summer is why some hotels put signs on the cold faucet that reads - This IS the cold water.

Ya getting up in the mountains is very nice alpine type weather, usually no more than 85F, I usually run up into the White Mountains so its a 3 hour ride across the desert before getting to the mountains. Sometimes I run up Mt Lemon in Tucson or an hour ride out to Kitt Peak where the observatory is, but those are ride up them, take a walk and ride down whereas the White Mountains you can ride from one end to the other.

White Mountain sounds like a better ride -- at least for the cooler weather.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-04-21 02:31:00
PhilippinesWhat are the best ways for an old Kano to keep a young Pinay from getting bored on her day off?

We went to an airshow, a couple years ago, and spend several hours out on the tarmac. When we got home later, I hear a scream of terror coming out of the bathroom. Running to her aid, I asked what happened. She was in the shower, vigorously scrubbing her upper arms.

"It won't come off!"

"Those are tan lines. You can't scrub them off."

"I hate it!" as she scrubs even harder.


BTW: Going to the airshow was her idea. After a couple hours, she left me and another Kano husband frying in the sun, while the Filipina wives were hiding from the sun under the wing of a large aircraft.

She was being smart.

LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-04-21 02:20:00
PhilippinesWhat are the best ways for an old Kano to keep a young Pinay from getting bored on her day off?

Over the past year I have tried to tell her about DRY heat but until she lives it she won't understand. I tell her in the summer we get up early so we are done riding by 10AM in the winter we sleep in and don't go out riding until after 10 AM. Of course a weekend end run up into the mountains is always great.

It will be interesting.

She will appreciate not sweating immediately after a shower. Would those mountains be the cool alpine climate of Flagstaff?
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-04-20 10:05:00
PhilippinesWhat are the best ways for an old Kano to keep a young Pinay from getting bored on her day off?

:rofl: yes they do for sure!!

I am from Arizona and I find the Phils (Manila area) to be cloudy a lot more often, sunshine will take on a whole new meaning when we get home.

So will the feeling of being inside an oven. Amy has no idea that she's going from the frying pan -- directly into the oven.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-04-20 01:31:00
PhilippinesWhat are the best ways for an old Kano to keep a young Pinay from getting bored on her day off?
Explore what interests her, any hobbies she might be interested in? Buy two very nice bicycles and start going for bike rides in the park, around a lake, strap the bikes to the car, drive to the nearest wilderness park, enjoy a bike ride and enjoy nature. You kill three birds with one stone; you get exercise, you get to bond and you get to take in a bit of nature -- and not very expensive. Outside of the initial cost of the bikes and safety gear, that activity won't cost much.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-04-19 20:24:00
PhilippinesMixed family or blended family advice

Well I tryed, but I don't think anyone got it?

Yes you did - you were being nice and diplomatic about it, I just let it rip. :)
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-04-25 03:08:00
PhilippinesMixed family or blended family advice

Thank you so much for taking time. About the his and mine, I used that one for the everybody to understand easily since I don't want to mention their names. The thing is, we got here last year and all our visa are still in process.. I still don't have SSN and drivers license. So, after school we are stuck in the room and week-ends too. My husband works on saturday and sometimes sundays. I know they are bored or something but there's nothing I can do. I even feel depress just staying home. I have a different life in Philippines and Thailand. I'm more of an outgoing person and not just a stay home one. And staying the whole time at the house drives me crazy how much more hearing them fighting after minutes or hours. It's not an easy road for me too. But this is what I chose to live and no regrets, just little sacrifice. And so with my daughter. She used to play with kids after school (we live in a private school campus) go somewhere with no problems. In here, they don't have friends. Even his daughter have friends but can't play with them. Both of us are having this adjustments too, not only them. They were able to make it with their moms step-daughter. What I thought why they are acting this way because they used to have 50/50 but their mom has alcohol problem and psychology. So now, their dad has the full supervision not unless their moms husband or their oldest sister will be with them. The court just ask her to see a psychologist (did I spell it right) and have an alcohol test just so she can see her kids again but she never did it. Their dad just wanted their safety because their mom did many things already that isn't safe for them. Sometimes, on Saturday, my daughter and I could go to church by bus but when his daughter is here we can't coz he doesnt like them riding the bus. (my husband doesnt like me to ride too but i forced him just so i can go somewhere).. If it's not easy for them us here, it's never easy for us. They had their life like the same except having us but for us, everything, place, food, culture, them..

And I know sending her back to Philippines will never resolve the problem and now I understand more I shouldn't coz then his daughter will think she wins. That's what my husband tells me too. We are a family we will be together no matter what. It's too much for me sometimes and seeing my daughter hurt hurts me more. We just had a family talk, my husband trying to asked them to make things easier here at the house but not even 24 hours, it's back to normal. they tell my daughter stupid so she goes away and cries and both play, laughing, chasing, eating.. they go inside his room and play there.

But maybe time will come when things will be better. Thanks for taking time to read and share your opinion.

Here lies the root of the issue, highlighted in the bold text. Your husband is the one that sets the tone, your husband is the one that makes it fully understood to his kids what will be acceptable behavior and how he EXPECTS for your daughter to be treated. I lay the blame solely at his feet - he's the man of the house. Your daughter is not a mere visitor or a short term guest, your husband is as much responsible for your daughters physical and emotional well being as he is for his kids. After being here for a year, this should not even be an issue, your 7 year old should be fully settled in and feeling like she's at home. No one else has said it, but I will, your husband needs to man-up and deal firmly with his 11 year old daughter.

And what is a 14 year boy doing playing with two girls? Guess they don't make 'em like the days of past - at age 14, I had my drivers license and had a job, playing with girls was on my mind, but those girls did not include my sisters.

Your husband is responsible for the behavior of his daughter (both of his kids), a strong parent would not tolerate such, a strong parent would've been all over this from day one. Being here for a year - this should not even be an issue. A strong father does not ask his 11 year old daughter to make things easier. So many folks want to be friends with their kids - rarely does that approach work and only with kids of a certain character. Kids need guidance and discipline, where there are half hearted efforts to address behavioral issues, a child will fill that void with more bad behavior.

Now, the opposite of a strong parent would be what?
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-04-23 19:18:00
PhilippinesMedical & Visa Expire 5/2 -- need advice please

The validity date of the visa is stamped right on it, be in the USA before it expires..................... PERIOD.

And not a mere 4 hours before! :no:
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-04-25 21:05:00
PhilippinesMedical & Visa Expire 5/2 -- need advice please

The doctor in SLEC told me the medical has only 2 months validity. But i read here it is 6 months. Which is true?

Please examine your visa when you receive it to determine the exact date it expires. You've been through the dreaded sputum nightmare -- therefore your visa will not be valid for anywhere near six months.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-04-25 20:50:00
PhilippinesMedical & Visa Expire 5/2 -- need advice please
Link -- the below statement is found just about the visa fraud warning on page 4 of 9 on the USEM site.

Do not finalize arrangements for travel to the United States, dispose of properties, or resign from your job until a visa has been issued and delivered to you. Generally, a one-entry fiancé(e) (K1) nonimmigrant visa is valid for six months from the date of issuance, unless its validity is limited by medical or other restrictions.

The important issue is the visa's expiration date -- which happens to be the same as the medical. If it was ok to enter the USA on an expired visa -- there would be no need for visas to have an expiration date.

OP, you're smart to factor in a delay, but think worst case scenario. Suppose that 10:30 pm flight is delayed in Manila by 2-3 hours, then later that same aircraft experiences weather issues or has to fly at a reduced speed due to engine issues, then finally approaches SFO only to be delayed due to issues on the ground or worst, the airport is closed due to a bomb threat or an accident on the runway then diverted to OAK (Oakland) behind many other flights.

Is this really a question "Is there any chance customs would just let her slide, since she started the journey on time and... should have arrived while the medical was still valid?" you want to risk finding the answer to the hard way? Four hours is cutting it too close -- you have the power to prevent your fiancee's POE experience from being a disaster.

Edited by Leatherneck, 25 April 2012 - 06:31 PM.

LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-04-25 18:30:00
PhilippinesMedical & Visa Expire 5/2 -- need advice please
So basically you want to know if your fiancee will be allowed to enter the US on an expired visa? Remember, the visa will expire the same date as the medical.

You have to ask yourself, is a few more days of preparing and saying goodbye worth the major headache of risking your fiancee arriving at the POE with an expired visa? Just imagine the stress and drama of such a situation.

Edited by Leatherneck, 25 April 2012 - 03:32 AM.

LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-04-25 03:31:00
PhilippinesProblem with NBI

can you explain what exactly is an AP and how long a delay would be expected?

AP = Administrative Processing.

If your fiancee proceeds to the interview and the NBI becomes an issue, it's very simple, she will be given a 221(g). The Embassy will get a new NBI, review it, if it is acceptable, your fiancee's visa will be printed and delivered. This same process as described has been repeated a million times - just have your fiancee attend the interview with the NBI she has if the updated NBI is not available.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-04-24 13:19:00
PhilippinesGuam POE

Anne wants to be with me as soon as possible. I am worried of her traveling alone because I work for a major airline and she will be pass traveling. Is a one hour and 20 minute connection enough time to connect to HNL to clear immigration in Guam? If she got stuck till next day is there a reasonable hotel nearby airport? Will they allow her to stay in airport? Anyone with experience of length of time spent at immigration and ease in Guam?

If you're worried about her traveling alone, a POE coupled with a connection is a pain unto itself, so you want to avoid 2 connections if possible. That's just more opportunity for things to go wrong. I agree with Bob about Korea or HK. I personally would take a MNL-ICN (Incheon, Korea) connection any day over just about any other place. There are plenty of shops for her to roam around and plenty of choices regarding food to eat, certainly enough to keep her busy and endure a connection with ease.

Maybe someone with Guam experience will chime in.

Then disregard my post - as I was in the process of posting at the same time as you, note the time stamp.

Edited by Leatherneck, 14 April 2012 - 11:37 AM.

LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-04-14 11:36:00
PhilippinesLocal Woman Shots Attacker

I totally agree, availability of ammo is a major consideration also.... never know when the next Katrina will strike

LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-04-29 05:48:00
PhilippinesLocal Woman Shots Attacker
A good video featuring a female giving advice to other ladies about technique and recoil using a big ole 1911. This lady is spot-on @ 1:00 - 2:54.

LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-04-28 11:58:00
PhilippinesLocal Woman Shots Attacker

Recoil is the issue with the .45 and I don't think even a subcompact will be small enough. The .40 is a good consideration, but need to see how she will handle the recoil, which is why the 327 interests me, has hitting power like a .357 but not the recoil. Time will tell... 12 days until we head home.

I get your point -- recoil is personal and so is caliber selection. Personally, I approach caliber selection for defensive purposes (among other things also) from the point of availability -- if I find myself in a small town in the middle of just about nowhere, with a population of next to nothing, what ammo would I most likely be able to find or, can I get it at Wal Mart?

Arizona, treats its adult citizens like adults with regards to the 2nd Amendment.

Recoil -- not an issue for this 12 year old kid, even with one hand.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-04-28 11:04:00
PhilippinesLocal Woman Shots Attacker

My wife is pretty efficient with a lever action Golden Boy 22 mag. rifle and I bought her a Ruger .380 that fits her small hands nicely. She also likes to shoot a Ruger 357 mag. revolver (speed six) loaded with 38's but is not strong enough to use the double action trigger, so she has to ####### it before fireing. Any higher caliber pistol and she flinches before firing because she cannot comfortabbly handle the recoil. We live on 35 acres in the piney woods and shoot guns alot. Gun safety is the most important thing to teach, then practice, practice, practice. We go through scenarios of what to do in case of home intruders so she will be prepared if I am not home. We also have situational awareness discussions when we are away from home. Texas is a permit to carry concealed state and I am always armed.


"Its better to have a gun and not need it. Then to need a gun and not have it." Capt. Woodrow F. Call

Yes the DA trigger can be a challenge for some small women... and not really ideal for a self defense, stressful situation with the need to ####### the hammer to get off a first round. My ex wife was a 5'2' 100 lb. (with rocks in her pockets, maybe) Pinay, I taught her to shoot using a .45 ACP, she too was concerned with recoil, I stepped down from a 230 grain to a 165 gr. bullet -- problem solved. The last time I talked to her, (10years ago) the .40 was her caliber of choice. Look at the video I posted and note the very little muzzle flip each time 14 yr old Tori fires, I think the fear of recoil can be over come with some adjustments and practice.

I agree, safety is the foundation and practice reinforces the importance of safety. You must have had some training, rarely do I hear anyone mention "situational awareness." Running through drills, scenarios and situational awareness makes for a more confident and better prepared partner.

I'm jealous of your 35 acres of rural living. :yes: If CA. keeps taxing me to death -- I'll find myself on a few acres, somewhere, and hopefully near a lake.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-04-28 02:56:00
PhilippinesLocal Woman Shots Attacker

Last summer was a bad summer for immigrant shopkeepers. There was a rash of armed robberies targeting immigrant owned stores resulting in several immigrant shopkeepers deaths. The immigrants joined together, bought guns and went to the firing ranges. And for those that are wondering how they legally accomplished that, Georgia allows legal permanent residents to apply for and receive concealed weapons permits! After the storekeepers capped a couple of would be robbers, the amount of robberies targeting immigrant stores was reduced dramatically. :thumbs:

"Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional."

Thugs are many things -- stupid is not one of them, they fear being on the business-end of a large caliber handgun. They got the message.

Good job to the store owners!
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-04-27 23:14:00
PhilippinesLocal Woman Shots Attacker

Thanks for sharing this and the tips. Will try practice shooting outside when the weather gets nice. I am imagining my husband's reaction when i ask him to buy me my own gun coz he knows im not interested in his other guns (just needed for self defence, just like to play with the BB gun. hehe

When i started shooting in the basement, he told his friends about it and they were happy coz it reminds them of their younger days ---- having beers, getting drunk then they gonna compete shooting the beer cans and bottles. I can imagine them shooting in the air only, not hitting any but of course they told me a different story. They said they hit all. hahaha

You're welcome, anything to encourage women to learn to shoot. He'll probably be both very surprised and happy. If you go to a gun show or a gun store with a large assortment of handguns, research online the various major brands/models, then decide on something you like, that fits your hands comfortably and it feels good -- then hopefully you'll enjoy the fun of shooting. I would recommend a weekend gun safety course also.

Good luck and let me know how your husband reacts to the idea of you having your own firearm or if you actually make a purchase.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-04-27 22:52:00
PhilippinesLocal Woman Shots Attacker

Very cool!!! Have gun ... will travel!

Amy has reminded me a couple times that I need to take her out shooting, teach her how to use a handgun. She has seen my Kimber 1911 and my 629 S&W on Skype and I have told her I will teach her to shoot, plus she will get her CCW. Trick will be finding a handgun that fits her hands yet has good knock down, thinking maybe the Ruger 327, haven't looked at them yet.

Or a nice sub-compact in .40 or .45 ACP with hollow points would fit the bill and her small hands.

GO AMY!!! :yes:
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-04-27 21:22:00
PhilippinesLocal Woman Shots Attacker

i always locked the door when my husband leaves for work. He taught me what to do incase of accident, fire or someone trying to get in the house. We have 6 in his gun cabinet here since most of the people here in iowa are into hunting, he said i should always be ready and show them that i am not scared and can shoot. I said yeah but im really scared thinking shooting a person. Im practicing using his BB gun and shooting soldier toys. its fun and sometimes we have competition in the basement. shooting beer cans and beer bottles. hehe

I applaud you for taking an interest in firearms -- just as it did for the Pinay in the story, it might save your life someday. It's normal to be scared at the thought of shooting someone -- even up to the moment of squeezing the trigger.

"Fear is the true opiate of combat" and "Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional." -- both Unknown.

The BB gun is fine as an intro, at some point, you'll need to transfer the basement skills to an indoor or outdoor range. Nothing and I mean nothing can take the place of actually spending time on the range and getting the feel for a real weapon in your hands or shoulder. You need to experience the feel of the recoil, know the performance characteristics of your weapon, gain a healthy respect for its awesome power and you need to become very intimate with your weapon so even in darkness, you know how to operate all of its functions.

Your husband is lucky you have an interest in defending yourself, consider purchasing a handgun just for you, your very own. There are handguns designed for the smaller hands of women, then practice, practice, practice. Dry fire, live fire, reloading, unloading, learn how to take your weapon apart, put it back together. When handling it becomes second nature, your skills and technique have developed -- now you just go to the range and shoot on occasion to maintain your marksmanship skills, in other words, your ability to hit the bad guy.

Check out this video of Tori Nonaka, she was 14 yrs old in this video, she's now a 16 yr old USPSA junior champion. You certainly don't need to train to compete as she does, but self defense with a firearm starts with gaining a level of proficiency through practice on the range, which will build your confidence. The day you need your weapon, muscle-memory, the skill & technique you developed through practice and your confidence will make a perp regret he choose you as his victim. I included the video to inspire and encourage you and so you can see that women are just as good and better than men with firearms -- with proper training. Pay attention @ 1:17 and @ 1:27 in the video, Tori is deadly accurate.

Edited by Leatherneck, 27 April 2012 - 06:27 PM.

LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-04-27 18:19:00
PhilippinesLocal Woman Shots Attacker
She refused to be a victim! Unlike the girly-men that refuse to protect themselves or their families, this lady has a brass pair.

I love this lady! She was determined to get that worthless piece of sh!t.

"I thought that the only way to protect myself was to run him down," she said. "Otherwise, he would have gotten away."

She means business and is not afraid to back it up.

"When she talked to The Telegraph on Monday, the 4-foot-11-inch Campbell answered the door holding a .357-caliber revolver."

Yet she's kind, forgiving and shows compassion for her would be robber/killer.

Edited by Leatherneck, 27 April 2012 - 05:32 AM.

LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-04-27 05:31:00
Philippinesvisa approved at last
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-04-24 05:52:00
PhilippinesCFO PDOS - Before or After Visa?

ya that "other documents" is there rabbit in the hat card to request... ANYTHING

For Amy under "other documents" they requested a copy of her CENOMAR, certified birth certificate, bio page of her passport, and visa page (two of all) and multiple pictures of us together, copies of my birth certificate, my passport bio page, then asked for divorce decree (in my case they got a death certificate), and always the maiden name of my mother.

People at PRISM were very good to deal with, even the guard. While Amy was doing her seminar I sat out front and BS'd with the guard... he was a comic.

Seminar and interview burned 3.5 hours almost to the minute, the a quick ride over to CFO just around the corner and down the street and another 30 minutes and we were on our way to lunch.

Yeah, that is the good ole 'gotcha' followed by one of these -- :D aka = a sh!t eaten grin, when they ask for a document they know a fiancee is most likely not to have at that moment.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-04-26 11:42:00
PhilippinesCFO PDOS - Before or After Visa?

No problem...and thanks for posting the relevant info straight from the CFO website regarding "other documents that may be required...". You hit the nail on the head. :thumbs:

You bet -- much respect!

Anybody else and there wouldn't have been an apology... :no: :) well ok, I'll include Hank also. :yes:
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-04-26 11:14:00
PhilippinesCFO PDOS - Before or After Visa?

Complete the seminar before receiving the visa.

There have been an unfortunate few who have had to return to the seminar with a required document. Play it safe. Allow time for this possibility.

When the seminar is completed, getting the sticker is a simple procedural matter which can be done anytime after you receive your visa.

Hey buddy, I did not mean to step on your post -- I was in the process of posting while doing laundry and making breakfast.

When I hit "Add Reply," you had already posted.

I totally agree with you! :thumbs:
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-04-26 08:51:00
PhilippinesCFO PDOS - Before or After Visa?

Thanks for the advice everyone. Seeing as it only takes 3.5 to 4 hours I'm now wondering at the wisdom of doing it first. Think it's probably better to just knock it all out in one shot after the visa is in hand. If I am correct most people receive the visa about 1-2 weeks after approval at the interview. Is that correct?

Maybe the option of getting the CFO counseling out of the way offers a bit of convenience and piece of mind -- especially to those traveling to Manila from the provinces, they can get CFO, medical and interview all done in one trip.

Also, number 4 as highlighted below might be less of an issue when time is plentiful while waiting for the visa.

Requirements for Attendance to Guidance and Counseling Program
  • Two (2) valid identification cards (IDs) with photograph;
  • Duly completed guidance and counseling form;
  • If married, certified true copy and photocopy of marriage contract on security paper from the National Statistics Office, or Local Civil Registry Offices; or original and photocopy of marriage contract duly authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/ Consulate (if married abroad)
  • Other documents as may be required by the counselors; and
  • Payment of P250.00 counseling fee.

LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-04-26 08:45:00
PhilippinesHow TO REPORT Corruption at St Luke's?
:unsure: back at St. Luke's?
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-02-15 20:38:00
PhilippinesReceived our IR-1 Visa
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-04-19 01:25:00
Philippinesmedical examination . .
Your interview (s) ( I think you have a son involved also) will be scheduled by NVC. If I were you, I would at least wait until NVC declares 'Case Complete' before doing the medical. It is wise to keep the medical relatively close to the interview date, considering the visa validity and medical expiration are related.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-05-05 17:44:00
PhilippinesPassed Interview
:dance:Congratulations Tom & Grace!:dance:
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-04-20 22:21:00
PhilippinesGetting SSN for K1 before or after married?
SSN is a federal issue, nothing to do with the state where one is located. When you get your SSN is entirely up to you -- however, you won't be issued a SSN if you're within two weeks of the I-94 expiration. The sooner you get it, the sooner you can start to move forward with other matters, e.g., getting a state ID.
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-05-02 08:54:00
PhilippinesNeed filipina Advice

I brought a girl here who I love very much and love her family on a k-1 Visa. But she seems to always have a negative attitude since she has gotten here. Everything is about her. All I here is me me me I I I. She seems to think the world revolves around her and that everyone else is her to serve her. My family has been very nice and loving and accepting to her, But in return she is very rude and ungrateful to everything. I have helped her family so much and done so much for her and now I am full of sadness and regret. Her family is so nice and very grateful, they advise her all the time to not be jealous and to be nice and try to listen to me and do what I advise her since she is much younger.
There are many good times but then more and more these times that just pop up with her having a bad attitude and is rude to my family. She says things like no one likes her she misses her family that my family is not her family that I don't love her and care about her. I just don't understand how she could ever say this or think it after all I have done for her and her family and my family has done for her. She just wants to get up eat, play on Facebook games talk to her friends take long naps eat again and sleep. Between going to Disney and all the other fun things we have done for her. She has bad attitude about cleaning or doing anything to help out. She does not want to better her English or study in college. Which was all agreed to before moving to the USA.

I just don't know what to do. I feel so heart broken. I don't know how I managed to fall in love with the only Filipina who refuses to do anything by herself and does not want to do anything to better her life or to even help be in a partnership in marriage. I just wish she could take her family's advice and things would be so much better. I had to take off time from work to go to manila to bring her home because she could not even do her medical and interview or anything on her own. Everyone has had to do everything for her. When I was in the Philippines I felt she loved me and I was so happy and did not mind doing so many extra things for her and her family. But now it has taken a toll and when she is rude to my family I just feel hurt and regret.

I am desperate for any advice if there is anything that can be done to fix this, at times she acts very happy and loving and just says everything is a big misunderstanding and I do not understand her. But she either does not understand how much she hurts be or does not care when she acts this way. At this point I am very close to giving up and sending her back to the Philippines.

One can not ignore the Red Flags and glaring character issues when dating and expect a change once married.
There is no way your wife entered into a marriage with no idea what her role as a wife would be, you got a defective model.

There is nothing YOU can do to fix your situation, outside of buying a one-way coach ticket to the Philippines, complete with divorce papers in her carry-on bag. SHE has to want to "fix this." You can lead a horse to the water, but you can't make the horse drink the water.

Simply put, you managed to find a Pinay that needs to do some serious maturing, developing and growing-up. There are way toooooooooo many lovely, mature, motivated to self improve, selfless and appreciative Filipinas that want to be married. Why try to push water uphill?

If she gets pregnant, you have a boat anchor (her and child support) around your neck for 18 years, or 22 years if the kid goes to college.

Edited by Leatherneck, 09 March 2012 - 05:08 PM.

LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-03-09 17:03:00
PhilippinesIf you have doubt I suggest going to the interview with your fiancee
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-05-02 06:51:00
PhilippinesBig surprise for my wife and I
Congratulations! :dance:
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-05-07 20:50:00
Philippinesk1 noa2 approved! whats next?!
Don't count on getting anything from USEM in the form of instructions. Here are the documents you'll need. Also, don't forget to have your fiance attend the CFO counseling session.


Edited by Leatherneck, 08 May 2012 - 11:45 AM.

LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-05-08 11:44:00
PhilippinesShe's doing it again.

It could be worse, If a female entity from the Philipines marries a male entity from the Philippines, neither one of them can ever get divorced :crying:

He is trampling out the vintage

where the grapes of wine are stored

He hath loosed the fateful lightning

of his terrible swift sword

Defender of the tos

alert for violations

Charles reigns supreme with

fair and balanced moderation

from the halls of Malacanang

to the shores of Mindanao

He rules the Philippine forum

With the wiseness of an Owl

Today the Philippines

Tomorrow Bhutan

Now Charles is "The Man"

His truth goes marching on

Oh say can you see

By the dawns early light

The threads that he's banned

Or the posts he's deleted

Nooo says I

He can't be defeated

He is world renowned for

the justice he's meted


Even Obama called Charles to ask his advice

Resign said Charles not once but twice

Throw in the towel and cash in your chips

That's when Obama quit calling and

asking for tips


He basks in the glow

of Mass adulation

someday he will lead

the whole VJ Nation

A Beacon of hope

Like the rockets red glare

He shows us the way

He shows us he cares

On the blackest of nights

the poor huddled masses

can see for miles when he lights

the gases he passes

So 6 people didn't like it Dan -- I had a good chuckle. :lol:
LeatherneckMalePhilippines2012-05-06 02:30:00