IMBRA Special Topicscalifornia rfe,,,got mine!!

i was thinking the same that they, USCIS, are making 2 or 3 boxes that they seperated from the way you answered on your 129f , how you met? dont know just wishful thinking. as i met my fiance while working in her country. who knows

Has anyone noticed that the three who have received their RFE's have all not met through a
marriage broker or online? Is this just a coincidence or is the USCIS still trying to figure out guidelines
for those who have met online?

same here jpine! :)
YnaYeBa0808FemalePhilippines2006-06-28 20:25:00
IMBRA Special Topicscalifornia rfe,,,got mine!!

Where do you get the new Form 129F? I know this might be a silly question and you might say go read it somewhere but isn't that what we are all here to help each other out going through same situations. I am going to go look for the new form but if anyone could help it would be appreciated. :help: I start applying for my K-3 visa in August after my wedding and would love to do this right. Thanks and best wishes.

hi there...

the form can be found here;page=k3forms

if you need to follow a sample one that has been filled out, you can download it from her as well

YnaYeBa0808FemalePhilippines2006-06-28 18:30:00
IMBRA Special Topicscalifornia rfe,,,got mine!!
hi blue surf,

there are basically three questions that you need to answer. (this is the gyst form)

1. whether you met thru a marriage broker (this question has boxes to check yes or no) ]
then following it is a line, if you answered yes please provide the name of the marriage broker, and location.

2. have you been convicted of ... check all of the following that apply to you(here there are no boxes to answer yes or no) just three other boxes to check
box 1 - domestic violence.sexual assault...
box 2 - homicide, murder...
box 3 - three or more convictions for crimes relation to a controlled substance...

3. If you have provided infomation about a conviction for a crime listed above and you were being battered of subjected to exteme cruelty by your spouce, parent, or adult child at the time of your conviction, check all of the following that apply to you (again no boxes to say yes or none)

box 1. i was acting in self defense
box 2 i violated a protection order...
box 3 i committed, was arrested for,....

sorry no scanner here at work or at home but i hope i gave a good picture of what the questionnaire looked like.
YnaYeBa0808FemalePhilippines2006-06-28 18:18:00
IMBRA Special Topicscalifornia rfe,,,got mine!!
yes i did the same exact thing. i Marked "no" on number one, then left numbers 2-3 blank because it had no space to check no or write the word no it doesnt apply for me.

Mailed it to the same address as yours. i Mailed everythign that they sent me in the envelope. the blue sheet, the introduction sheet (supplement) as well as the questionnaire... i just made copies of everything.

michelle, questions 2-3 doesnt hve it anywhere to say or check on a box to say "no i have not commited any crimes" so personally i left it blank. If your answer would be yes then you would have to check on boxes which apply to your situation and submit any court orders or reports to clarify your case.

i hope that clarifies it somehow ... :)
YnaYeBa0808FemalePhilippines2006-06-28 18:07:00
IMBRA Special Topicscalifornia rfe,,,got mine!!
Jpine! i got mine in the mail too! i just mailed it out a couple of minutes ago. the stamped date on the envelope sent by uscis CSC division is June 27th. guys you should get yours soon. im hoping that they mailed it out in bulk and we will all hear from them within the week. this has been a long wait for all of us... i hope to see more people posting that they have gotten their RFEs....

BTW, i checked my status online and still havent had any changes done to it. last touched march20th
YnaYeBa0808FemalePhilippines2006-06-28 16:37:00
IMBRA Special Topicscalifornia rfe,,,got mine!!
did you get any email notification jpine?
YnaYeBa0808FemalePhilippines2006-06-28 14:04:00
IMBRA Special TopicsCalifornia Service Center RFEs have been sent out

Got on RFE I am Michigan, and my NOA1 4-17-06. That took a while. For those who have not got their's. I hope you get them soon.
Sent it back out today.

I have a question, all of you that have already got your RFE. Have you been touched when they get the RFE back from you? I have not seen anyone post on that.

I also got 2 e-mails from them today as well. hmmmmm

i got touched when they sent me an email of receipt of the RFE (june 30). i sent mine back on the 28th when i received it, they got it on the 29th but i didnt get touched that day. and after that i got touched again.(july3)
YnaYeBa0808FemalePhilippines2006-07-03 21:05:00
IMBRA Special TopicsCalifornia Service Center RFEs have been sent out

Nothing in the mail for me today. :cry:

did mister postman arrive already? aww devilette... HUGGS.. i went to church this morning, i prayed for all of us... especially those who have been stuck waiting for the RFE... let's keep supporting each other on this... i hope it will come sooner rather than later.
YnaYeBa0808FemalePhilippines2006-06-29 13:17:00
IMBRA Special TopicsCalifornia Service Center RFEs have been sent out
devilette just an update, i got my rfe. the notice date says June 23 on it. but it was mailed out (stamped by the post office of laguna niguel) on June 27. im hoping you get yours soon! it should come!

i checked my online status and it's last touched date is still on march 20. i havent gotten any touches nor emails from uscis since that date that i got the online account to USCIS.

dont lose hope... its going to come soon. i hope within the week.

Edited by YnaYeBa0808, 28 June 2006 - 06:11 PM.

YnaYeBa0808FemalePhilippines2006-06-28 18:10:00
IMBRA Special TopicsCalifornia Service Center RFEs have been sent out
hi guys! i just wanted you to know that i got my rfe in the mail today. i mailed it back out. CSC mailed it out on June 27. so yours should be there soon. im hoping within the week. Kitkat... maybe you will get yours before you leave to visit your hunny!!!! keeping my fingers crossed for the rest of us....
YnaYeBa0808FemalePhilippines2006-06-28 16:18:00
IMBRA Special TopicsCalifornia Service Center RFEs have been sent out
YnaYeBa0808FemalePhilippines2006-06-28 14:05:00
IMBRA Special TopicsCalifornia Service Center RFEs have been sent out
hahah talk about torture you guys.. T-O-R-T-U-R-E ... just came from my long lunch break. went home to check my mail.... NADA... only thing there were those grocery store thingies that stuff your mailbox. argh.
YnaYeBa0808FemalePhilippines2006-06-27 16:13:00
IMBRA Special TopicsCalifornia Service Center RFEs have been sent out

No snail mail for me either... nor did my online case status change.... last touch was on the 17th.


This sucks pond water.

Yeah, I know... childish. I'm in a whiny, foot stomping mood today.

** Whines **
**Stomps foot**
** Stomps other foot*

sniffffff......... i think im about to throw up... uuuuuuuughhhhhhhhh... BREAKDOWNNNNNNNNNN

i just read at some thread that people who have sent back their RFE in vermont are being touched already. and yet here we are...

Ignore those people. They're losers.


**Stomps BOTH FEET**

hahahah that was funny! ahhahha :lol: :whistle: thanks jen that made me smile... i was hyperventilating here in my cube then i started to chuckle. my co workers must think im going coo-coo :wacko:
YnaYeBa0808FemalePhilippines2006-06-27 14:14:00
IMBRA Special TopicsCalifornia Service Center RFEs have been sent out
sniffffff......... i think im about to throw up... uuuuuuuughhhhhhhhh... BREAKDOWNNNNNNNNNN

i just read at some thread that people who have sent back their RFE in vermont are being touched already. and yet here we are...

Edited by YnaYeBa0808, 27 June 2006 - 02:02 PM.

YnaYeBa0808FemalePhilippines2006-06-27 14:01:00
IMBRA Special TopicsCalifornia Service Center RFEs have been sent out
to the tune of the Toyota commercial released a couple of months ago....

i want my... i want my... i want my R-F-E...

im about to lose it!!!!!!! ackkk... hahahahahha... im going home for lunch to wait for the mailman yet again. ackkkkkkkkkkk.... seriously i can drive 15 minutes to get to the CSC in laguna niguel... ugh!!!!!!

okay im done releasing my stress now. thanks for bearing with me
YnaYeBa0808FemalePhilippines2006-06-27 13:52:00
IMBRA Special TopicsTouched July 4th CSC

just got my status to change stating they received my rfe, same status as everyone else

On July 5, 2006, we received your response to our request for evidence or information. However because preliminary processing was complete, the remaining processing time will be less than the maximum stated in this message. You will receive a written decision on this case. You can use our processing dates to estimate when this case will be done. Follow the the link below for current processing dates.

im happy,,,humm i guess i will have a few drinks tonight to celebrate.

I am not sure if we were touched yesterday or not because I haven't been checking. We were touched today though! :P

yay jpine... thats good news :) :D CELEBRATE CELEBRATE!!!!!
YnaYeBa0808FemalePhilippines2006-07-05 13:40:00
IMBRA Special TopicsTouched July 4th CSC
hahahahah gary. touch machine gone wild!!!! well youd imagine after not touching anyone since MARCH, maybe it went insane... finally remembered that touching people felt good! hahaha! i got touched today as well... at least we dont feel ignored... i wish the next touch for us , they would say something like OKAY YOURE APPROVED!
YnaYeBa0808FemalePhilippines2006-07-05 11:35:00
IMBRA Special TopicsDid anybody return CSC RFE using certified email with return receipt?
i got my return reciept a couple of days after i got the email notification that they have received my petition. :)
YnaYeBa0808FemalePhilippines2006-07-10 17:38:00
IMBRA Special TopicsHow many CSC IMBRA RFE's have been accepted?
guys i hope you come across this, it was posted in another thread but just to be sure everyone gets to share in the almost good news!

YnaYeBa0808FemalePhilippines2006-07-11 16:04:00
IMBRA Special TopicsHow many CSC IMBRA RFE's have been accepted?
i hope gary had the most accurate predictions. i havent been touched since 7-5. still no touches today as well..

i think ill just hide in the rabbit hole today... SIIIIGH
YnaYeBa0808FemalePhilippines2006-07-11 11:47:00
IMBRA Special TopicsHow many CSC IMBRA RFE's have been accepted?
oh gary! dont get me excited! hahahahahahaha wahahhaha... lets see this makes it the third day so would it be safe to say tuesday???

william, i truly dont know the adjucation thing... im not sure where that date came from. it used to be july... when i first started. i hope to god it's not in september... :( thats too long of a wait.

:ot: guys im really nervous about something. i need to vent out for abit otherwise ill go crazy thinking about this not knowing what to think. There were a couple of posts asking what A# was and if it was to be filled out when submitting your petition. I was naturalized and when i ws filling out the fields, i was stuck on these portions of both the I-129F and then the G325a. I called the USCIS customer service line asked them if i should put in the A number since I was naturalized. they said to leave it blank. then again after reading some posts some people filled it im all nervous about my application thinking that i will be getting another RFE... IM praying that i wont... ugh... okay im done venting... no use worrying now... i just needed to let this out of my chest

but gary i do hope your predictions are for reals! :)
YnaYeBa0808FemalePhilippines2006-07-08 22:03:00
IMBRA Special TopicsHow many CSC IMBRA RFE's have been accepted?

hi guys! I got the email that they have received the RFE on the 30th of june. after which i was touched on july 3, 4 and 5. no touches since then.

hmmmm.... should we make like a timeline thing again? like who has RFE's and who has received NOA2s from CSC?

go ahead! :D

NOA1 May 8
RFE 7/6
NOA2 7/10 (just kidding!)

yeah why not? hahaha... i hope we do get news of it soon!

hi guys! I got the email that they have received the RFE on the 30th of june. after which i was touched on july 3, 4 and 5. no touches since then.

hmmmm.... should we make like a timeline thing again? like who has RFE's and who has received NOA2s from CSC?

when did you mail in the RFE? did you send it overnite delivery?

hi there! i got my RFE on the 28th and returned it the same day. I just used standard mail but then again i think the fact that i live super close (10 mins?) to the CSC has something to do with getting the email that they hve recieved it on an earlier date. Post office said that CSC received my RFE response on the 29th. and it was acknowledged by CSC on the 30th.
YnaYeBa0808FemalePhilippines2006-07-08 19:56:00
IMBRA Special TopicsHow many CSC IMBRA RFE's have been accepted?
hi guys! I got the email that they have received the RFE on the 30th of june. after which i was touched on july 3, 4 and 5. no touches since then.

hmmmm.... should we make like a timeline thing again? like who has RFE's and who has received NOA2s from CSC?
YnaYeBa0808FemalePhilippines2006-07-08 16:03:00
IMBRA Special TopicsPost IMBRA RFE "Touches"
im on the "nothing state right now" got three touches after they ahve received my RFE response. :(
YnaYeBa0808FemalePhilippines2006-07-17 17:43:00
IMBRA Special TopicsService Centers are making headway on processing times
i agree... the wait is bad enough but not not knowing whats going to happen next really sucks.... :( im hoping it will be good news soon
YnaYeBa0808FemalePhilippines2006-07-27 13:02:00
IMBRA Special TopicsService Centers are making headway on processing times

Okay..... I'm trying to be positive... so let me think this way.... if I sent my RFE back two weeks after the ones that were aproved this week, my NOA2 shouldn't take more than a month..... right? Who am I kidding... nobody knows....
I just want to hear something positive really. :unsure:

Well, by that logic, I should be approved by Aug 6. They better hurry! I can';t take it anymore................. :crying:

awww dont cry devilette... huggs :) it will come soon... it should!!!!!!!!!!!
YnaYeBa0808FemalePhilippines2006-07-27 12:46:00
IMBRA Special TopicsSpecial envelopes for IMBRA RFEs?
i didnt get a special envelope enclosed in the RFE. you may want to take zethris' suggestion into consideration
YnaYeBa0808FemalePhilippines2006-07-27 13:46:00
i hope this means your next touch would be that of getting your NOA2. goodluck. let us know if you get it...
YnaYeBa0808FemalePhilippines2006-08-03 01:08:00
thought youd guys like to add kurtwwalters' info as well. ijust found it

NOA1 received 6/9/2006
RFE received 6/29/2006
RFE mailed 6/30/2006
RFE arrived at USCIS 7/1/2006
RFE arrival notice email (and a touch) from USCIS dated 7/6/2006
NOA2 Approval on 7/25/2006
YnaYeBa0808FemalePhilippines2006-07-27 17:19:00
march 16 - NOA1
RFE received - June 28
RFE acknowledged by CSC - june30
YnaYeBa0808FemalePhilippines2006-07-23 05:49:00
IMBRA Special TopicsPBJ considered conviction
YnaYeBa0808FemalePhilippines2006-06-16 17:48:00
USCIS Service CentersVermont

Hi, I'm new to this all, so apologies for repetitive questions. I can't keep track of all the other Imbra threads.

I submitted my package to Vermont (received June 12), just before the new form came out. Although the date on the form is May 23, when I mailed the package there was no new form posted. I'm awaiting the RFE.

Can you tell me how to check if my case has been "touched"? I would like to track it to see... Gomez your case seems to be moving really fast.

thank you!

you may want to register with to check your status online. It will allow you to check your status as well as receive email notification for any major changes to your visa application. Touches are good, that means that they have looked or accessed your file, as well as any current update. I hope this helps.
YnaYeBa0808FemalePhilippines2006-06-19 12:10:00
USCIS Service CentersVermont
Congratulations. vermont is working extra fast, not like they havent been prior to imbra... someone pleaaaaaaase send over some coffee to CSC.... :D keeping my fingers crossed that this is going to be a good week for the rest of us who are still waiting...
YnaYeBa0808FemalePhilippines2006-06-19 11:23:00
USCIS Service CentersTalked with Vermont
wow! thats certainly good news! :) i havent had any thouches since march but im hoping to hear good news soon!
YnaYeBa0808FemalePhilippines2006-06-15 13:43:00
USCIS Service CentersEmailed CSC AGAIN
hi guys i guess youd be interested to read this... i hope this is good news to all of us who are patiently waiting


thanks for the news devilette
YnaYeBa0808FemalePhilippines2006-06-20 18:48:00
USCIS Service CentersNebraska is much faster than CSC
yes i belive that they are all in the middle of trying to move over 129-f petitions to both vsc and csc.
YnaYeBa0808FemalePhilippines2006-06-21 20:49:00
USCIS Service CentersRFE's from CSC
no touches, no rfe's... last time i heard from them was when they put in my NOA1... my paperwork was said to have been recieved march 10th.

ugh can we send them some coffee so they can wake up and get moving? siggggggh
YnaYeBa0808FemalePhilippines2006-06-20 16:49:00
USCIS Service CentersOUR PETITION GOT APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
congrats!!! i totally missed out on this one... party party! :)
YnaYeBa0808FemalePhilippines2006-07-26 16:58:00
USCIS Service CentersThe official CSC "touchline"
no touches today :(
YnaYeBa0808FemalePhilippines2006-07-24 22:29:00
USCIS Service CentersThe official CSC "touchline"
hi william i think csc touchbot is mad at me! hahahah... wow look at your touchfest! i hope that they not touching me is not a bad thing and i do hope your end of the week special comes true!!!!!!! :)
YnaYeBa0808FemalePhilippines2006-07-13 19:32:00