K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC can't find our file!?

interview date not set till after you return packet 3 - you have 'some time' to return packet 3.

Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-06 10:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC can't find our file!?

ha ha ha, and ha
'it gets out in the next pack o files'

at least you have some closure - you found out exactly where the casefile is.

Thats true.

I'm planning a trip to the States to visit, from Feb 2nd to 11th. I'm fairly confident my interview won't be scheduled 'til after those dates anyway... I mean, by the time NVC get it, enter it, send it to Dublin, they send me Packet 3, I send it back, they send me packet 4, interview date received... what you think?
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-06 10:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC can't find our file!?

could be 'found in the post room'.

Refer to my prior post, see which category fits, aye?

:thumbs: :thumbs:

Hopefully they get it sent to NVC this evening.
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-06 08:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC can't find our file!?
Ok, so the NVC got back to me today:

Please be advised that the National Visa Center (NVC) contacted U.S.
Citizenship Immigration Service (USCIS) in regards to your approved
petition. USCIS has informed us that your petition is currently located
at the (VERMONT SERVICE CENTER - VSC). The petition has not yet been
sent to the NVC as USCIS (VSC) is still performing clerical functions to
date. USCIS will forward the petition to the NVC as soon as the review
is complete. Please allow ample time to USCIS to process your petition,
and the NVC will provide another email when the file is

What's takin' so long!? Anyone had this happen? :bonk: :bonk:

Is that their way of saying; "USCIS just found it in the post room, they should have sent it weeks ago, it should be here in a few days. Sorry!"

Or is it something else?

Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-06 07:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC can't find our file!?
The NVC replied to me today, the scanned copy of the NOA2 that I sent them couldn't be opened on their computers...

I have to convert it to a PDF and send it again.

Hopefully they were able to contact USCIS and they were able to locate the file.

I don't expect the NVC to keep me posted, they'll most likely let me know about it when they received it and sent it to the Embassy.

Here's hoping they actually did locate it! :thumbs:
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-04 18:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC can't find our file!?

This happened to me. It was actually still at USCIS. Waiting to go out from the mail room. NVC likely doesn't have it yet. Took around the same amount of time, and I felt much like you did. Don't worry. It will go out soon.

You made me feel much better! Thanks... :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-03 22:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC can't find our file!?

I've heard of:

1. USCIS keeping the caesfiles in a stack, next to the mail room, as there's some backlog
2. USCIS keeping the casefiles in a stack until they MAKE a big enough stack to send out to NVC
3. NVC Mailroom OPS being bogged down, where the casefile hits the door but takes 6 weeks before it's reviewed by a human or a Consulate IV Casefile number assigned
4. Casefile lost between shipment, between USCIS and NVC.

So, if you emailed off a scan of the NOA-2 postal letter to NVC - give them a breath of time to do some research, aye? Start calling again on Wednesday evening, after 6 PM EST (IMO) as that'll give them fed workers some time to catch up from the backlog generated over the holiday break.

Bear in mind, humans you speak to at the front line - are contractors with SERCO - they be clueless on physical casefile contents - all they see is a terminal in front of their eyeballs - you may need to engage with a supervisor to get actual, pointed info.

Thanks for the info! I emailed them all that stuff, but I suppose they haven't gotten around to it yet.
I also emailed Vermont and asked if they sent it/still have it. Not expecting a reply from them for a while though.

Does anyone know what happens if it is, dare I say... lost in the mail!? :dead:

Today is a holiday. :bonk:

Tuesday bright and early.... okay may be stretching it with the bright and early.

Thanks for the reply! :thumbs:
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-02 15:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC can't find our file!?

Not the NVC AVR, at all. There's no record of any K-1 traffic on the AVR at NVC.

Today is Federal Holiday.

Welcome to the USA !


Darnell, you have clearly been around these forums for a while. Ever heard of USCIS losing the file AFTER they have sent the NOA2??

I'm probably overreacting, they probably just haven't sent it yet, but it's hard not to overreact when you hear some of the stories on here. :bonk: :bonk: :bonk:
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-02 14:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC can't find our file!?

I received my NOA2 on December 7, 2011 and just e-mailed NVC on December 24 asking them if they received the petition and processed it. On December 27, they sent me an email saying that they have completed its process and forwarded the petition to the U.S. Embassy/Consulate General in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. I always think emailing could yeild a better result.


I did email them, they replied telling me they don't have it...

Which either means:
A)It hasn't left USCIS yet
B)It has left but it's lost

I'm startin' to get worried!

Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-02 14:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC can't find our file!?
Anyone know what happens when you get your NOA2 in the mail but the NVC don't receive your file? It's been 4 weeks now.
By the way, sorry to keep bumpin' this topic up, it's just I'd rather do that than start a new topic on the subject.

Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-02 11:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC can't find our file!?
NVC is closed today, anyone know when they reopen?
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-02 08:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC can't find our file!?
In all seriousness, I actually think it's impossible to talk to a human at USCIS...
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-02 08:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC can't find our file!?
Does anyone have a number for USCIS that doesn't involve pushing buttons when prompted by a computer!?

I have even selected the 'I can't find my receipt number' option andit tells me to call back between 8am-8pm Monday to Friday. IT'S AFTER 8AM ON A MONDAY! WHATS THE PROBLEM!?!
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-02 08:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC can't find our file!?
Happy New Year to everyone!

Also, anyone had this happen;

Get NOA2 in the mail
Wait to hear from the NVC only to find out they never received it

It's been almost a month

What happens if USCIS have lost it!?
:wacko: :wacko: :wacko:
Widsy97MaleIreland2011-12-31 10:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC can't find our file!?
So, to be clear;

The NVC never received my case.
It's either still at USCIS or got lost.

If it's been lost... what do we do? Please don't tell me we have to strat again!
Widsy97MaleIreland2011-12-30 16:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC can't find our file!?
So, your file that the USCIS sent to the NVC got lost?
What happened then? Was this a big problem for you?
Widsy97MaleIreland2011-12-30 14:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC can't find our file!?
I emailed them. They said they don't have it.

Now they want me to scan a copy of our NOA2 and they will contact the USCIS on my behalf.

I would have more faith in contacting the USCIS myself, to be honest. Also, I'm NOT going to the trouble of scanning the Noa2! I have the Case number, our names and dates of birth, that should be enough for them!

It's pathetic.
Widsy97MaleIreland2011-12-30 13:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC can't find our file!?

It took four weeks between NOA2 and case arrival to NVC for my case.
Some cases arrive to NVC next day, some next moth. Go figure.

:bonk: :bonk: :bonk:
Widsy97MaleIreland2011-12-28 17:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC can't find our file!?
Called again and The Voice told me that they sent me the approval and follow instructions on it.

Widsy97MaleIreland2011-12-28 09:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC can't find our file!?

The AVR will say your file has been transferred to the embassy if USCIS sent it.

Wait, the auto response will actually say; it has been sent to the Embassy..or something to that affect!?
Widsy97MaleIreland2011-12-28 09:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC can't find our file!?
I just called USCIS, but didn't get through to an actual Human Being.

I did enter my case number and it said that it was approved and they mailed me the hard copy etc.

How does one talk to a person there!?!
Widsy97MaleIreland2011-12-28 09:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC can't find our file!?

Have you ever thought that maybe USCIS still has your file? Happened before. Give them a call and check the status.

Hmmmmm, I was under the impression that they would have sent it right when they sent us our approval notice.
Widsy97MaleIreland2011-12-28 08:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC can't find our file!?
Thanks for your replies.

I emailed them the notice we got from USCIS.

I got one of those Automated responses, hopefully it will get resolved soon!

Widsy97MaleIreland2011-12-28 08:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC can't find our file!?

We were approved for the I-129f on Dec. 5th.

I called the NVC numerous times since then to see if they received our file. I was told that it takes X amount of days for them to receive it, etc. etc.

I called again today, the woman (rude b**ch) told me that she can't find the file and to forward the email that we got from USCIS, to them (NVC).

What is going on?

Anyone had to do this before?

Widsy97MaleIreland2011-12-28 08:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 no NVC?
I've been waiting since December 5th 2011 for ours to get to the NVC...


Going... insane...
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-24 05:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPetition Doubts - Your Input Requested Please
Where did you buy this 'Guide' from!? 'Cause whoever sold it to you clearly didn't give you the proper advice you needed!

If you don't mind me askin', how much did you pay?

I would go lookin' for my money back!

Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-26 11:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPacket from Embassy Received

Hello Everyone,

My fiance (Italian citizen living in Spain) received a packet from the US Embassy in Madrid saying they can begin processing the K-1 Visa. We are a little confused about the forms included in the letter. Any advice/answers to our questions would be greatly appreciated!

- They said that the first thing he has to do is to return the enclosed DS 230 I form "immediately" but we noticed that it's different from the one you find online. Plus, the packet included only has pages 1,2,3 of 7 total. Is that normal? 4 pages are missing?

Don't know what the answer to this is. Would like to know though, my packet should be comin' soon.

- Since I recently moved to a new address in same state (California), is it best if he writes the new one even though it's different from the address filed on the original 1-129 F? Or should I petition a change of address from USCIS in California? I just don't want it to delay/interfere with the process.

Would also like to know the answer to this!

- How much money is required to not have to file an Affidavit of Support? He has his own bank accounts and money saved as do I, but how much is required by both parties? Or is it best to get a sponsor just to be safe?

1-134 has to be filled up and proof of income etc is required from the US Citizen.

Can you tell we need some :help:? THANK YOU!!!
- Lana & Mauro

Widsy97MaleIreland2012-01-28 18:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-230

Hi there,
I am a Canadian resident and had a question about the DS-230...It asks the question "What occupation do you intend to work in the US?" Do you answer that question?

I just wrote; I am free and willing to take up any line of work.

I hope that's acceptable!
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-02-06 12:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-230

For what it's worth, the VisaJourney Dublin embassy info page also says Part I of DS-230.

Widsy97MaleIreland2012-02-06 11:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-230

Follow the instructions you received from the Embassy. That said, the Dublin embassy's page on K-1 visas says "DS-230 Part I."


Haven't received the Packet 3 from Dublin yet, just trying to get everything together in advance.

Widsy97MaleIreland2012-02-06 10:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-230

K visa applicants generally only fill out Part I of the DS-230. The questions you mention are on Part II. In any case, they don't apply to a K visa applicant. Even if you answer "yes," you won't automatically be issued an SSN. You'll still have to go apply in person.

Thank you!

I only send DS-230 part 1 back to the Embassy, right?
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-02-06 10:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-230

Quick question!

In form DS-230, Q. 43b...

'Do you want the Social Security Administration to assign you a SSN and issue card?'

Yes, or, No???

I have heard that people go and apply for SSN's IN PERSON when they arrive in the States.

Should I check yes or no in this one??

In the same form it has another 'yes/no' question...

'I authorize disclosure of information from this form to the Department of Homeland Security, The Social Security Administration, such other government agencies as may be required for the purpose of assigning me a Social Security Card, and I authorize the SSA to share my SSN with the INS.
The applicants response does not limit or restrict the Governments ability to obtain his or her SSN, or other information on this form, for enforcement or other purposes as authorized by law.

Now, does that big long paragraph basically say; 'it doesnt matter which box you tick, we can look up what we want, when we want anyway!'???
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-02-06 10:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-157 & DS-158

Embassy's can have different requirements. The packet will tell you what they need. Just follow their instructions. It may also be possible to go to the US Embassy site for Ireland ( city?) and see if the requirements are on line.

Any idea, with the DS-156, the one with the Barcode on it..... Do I HAVE to use the one the Embassy send me, or can I use one I filled online and printed? It has a barcode on it, it generated it's own uniques barcode.

Any ideas??
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-02-08 11:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-157 & DS-158

I don't think you need DS-158 form........... check very well , the only forms you have to fill are DS-156K, online DS-156 , DS-157 and part one of DS-230 , so I think you should check very well in other to do the right thing before your interview, good luck.

Thanks for your reply.

Just called the Department of State. The Embassy received our file on Feb 6th and sent Packet 3 ON THE SAME DAY. Very efficient!

Hopefully I will get Packet 3 soon and it will tell me what forms I need!
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-02-08 09:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-157 & DS-158

I have my DS-156, DS-156k, DS-230 and I-134 ready to go for the K-1 interview.

My question is when do I need DS-157 and DS-158??

Any ideas?


Widsy97MaleIreland2012-02-08 08:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTravelling to see Fiance during K1 VISA PROCESS!
I am currently on my SECOND Visa Waiver visit to the States while waiting for the K-1.

First time, I was asked business or pleasure. I replied; 'Pure pleasure'. No problem.

Second time, I was asked who I was visiting. I replied; 'My fianceé, she lives over there'. No problem.

Was never asked anything other than the above. Was never asked for proof of anything (even though I did bring our entire copy of the I-129f and NOA2 with me, just in case!)

Moral of the story; Answer their questions truthfully and you will have NO PROBLEMS!

Widsy97MaleIreland2012-02-05 16:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolice certs and medical for AOS

Do I need copies of my Police Certs and Medical for AOS after K-1??

If yes, how do I get extra copies of my medical!?

Don't they keep your medical results at the interview? Do you get them back?

Surely I wouldn't be in a postion to Adjust Status if the Police Certs and Medical were already accepted!? Right??

Edited by Widsy97, 15 February 2012 - 05:37 PM.

Widsy97MaleIreland2012-02-15 17:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresis it ok if a abrriviate my employment state and our country
I wrote it on every line just to be sure!

ATTACHMENT to G-325A, Q: Residence last five years.

This is the attachment that states my residences from the last 5 years.
I am attaching these addresses on this page as they are too long to fit into the spaces provided on form G-325A for 'Your Name'.

Current Address: FROM:mm/yyyy TO: Present

Thats how I laid mine out.
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-02-15 17:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresis it ok if a abrriviate my employment state and our country
Also, chances are your foreign fiancee will have much longer, more complicated addresses than you. Again, use an attachment.

We each used one for that question, and the past employer question, AND later on in the process you will need to provide that info again, at which point you will need to do ANOTHER attachment. But you're a few months from that, yet.
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-02-15 16:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresis it ok if a abrriviate my employment state and our country

Am an american citizen and is it ok if i write my employment history as in the example below? reason i ask is because it will not fit on the line on the g-325 application, if i were to write out, new jersey and united states. lots of thanks

"Middlesex county college" Edison NJ, USA

Very common problem.

In this case you would write 'Please See Attachment' in the space provided, then type up a separate sheet;
'Attachment to G-325a, Question __, for 'Your Name'.

Then write it in their.

They are VERY strict on the G-325a!
Widsy97MaleIreland2012-02-15 16:33:00