US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical
:huh: So, didn't understand anything now...

I called one of the doctors in the list of Rio de Janeiro Consulate and his secretary told me the required vaccines are (in portuguese):

- SCR (Sarampo, Caxumba e Rubéola)
- TD (Tétano e Difteria)

So, only two shots and the first one, most of us have already taken when were kid...
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-04-26 15:58:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPoverty Guideline for co-sponsor
I don't think you would have problems, but just make yourself sure that your father-in-law does this $ 33,500 amount taking into consideration all the taxes or else, in the day of the interview, they could ask you to find another co-sponsor, and you'd have to schedule a new interview, as happened to a friend of mine at Rio Consulate!

Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-05-02 09:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPoverty Guideline for co-sponsor

That's it... But just in another words:

Your co-sponsor must follow the poverty guidelines in the following way: Example: If he has a family with three members to support (counting him), he must do 125% of the poverty guideline for a family with 4 people!If his family has 2 members, he must do 125% of the poverty guideline for 3 people... And so on...

Hope it helped! :thumbs:

This confused me a bit. So if his family has two people you have to do 125% of poverty line for THREE people because you would than include yourself, the fiance, as that other person right? So three total people for 125% for three people? right?
It's just me and my fiance so our family is 2 and 2 is about $16500 based on 125% of poverty line. i think....

Hummm... In this case, it's considered the CO-SPONSOR family, not you and your fiance! Your co-sponsor must do 125% of the poverty guideline for those ones that he supports (including himself) PLUS the beneficiary of the petition. So, one person more!
In my case, my father-in-law lives alone and supports only himself... So, he'll need to do 125% of the poverty guideline for two people! It would be to himself and ME (the beneficiary)...

Got me, dear!? :)
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-05-02 09:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPoverty Guideline for co-sponsor
That's it... But just in another words:

Your co-sponsor must follow the poverty guidelines in the following way: Example: If he has a family with three members to support (counting him), he must do 125% of the poverty guideline for a family with 4 people!If his family has 2 members, he must do 125% of the poverty guideline for 3 people... And so on...

Hope it helped! :thumbs:
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-05-02 08:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDoes this mean an interview soon?
Yeah, maybe you could call them again to see if they have your interview date! As far as I'm concerned, they generally schedule the interview in the same week they receive the papers... At least here in Brazil...hehe
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-05-04 08:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHow Long does it takes?

Hellow all. My case was approved on the May 1, 2006. I have called the NVC today, but they said that they have no history of the case yet. I would like to know that how long does it take for the NVC to recieve the case? PLEASE ADVICE......THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH...

The period you have been waiting seems perfectly normal, comparing to the others' cases... Mine was approved in April 17th and was received by NVC on May 5th... So, 18 days later!!! And I've seen many cases that arrives in NVC in about two weeks and half later, like mine!
I think you'll be hearing something from them within one week or so... Just relax, your process has been done in a smooth way so far, and hopefully you'll have your interview date soon!

Good luck!! :luv:
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-05-11 19:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionINTERNATIONAL MARRIAGE BROKER

INTERNATIONAL MARRIAGE BROKER..What does it means??? I know we have this new law...but also the other news is that i have called the USCIS customer service this morning and asked them what was it and the rep. said she don't know anything about it. Please tell me what does it means...This i my first time being a petitioner....Please advice...Thank You

I also think all this thing is difficult to understand... But from what I've been reading here in VJ so far, I understood that these IMB refers to those dating websites... So, people that have met over these international dating websites would have their criminal backgrounds investigated in a more accurate way! I think that once they find out the petitioner have any sort of criminal background, they will communicate the beneficiary...

Well, can anyone complete or correct my conclusions? hehe
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-05-12 08:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionRio Consulate Interview / Medical Exam

Thanks Priscila!
I did received a letter from NVC stating they were forwarding our papers to the consulate in Rio, but it took so long to get here that I had called NVC prior to the letter. I gave them my USCIS case number and they told me the date they had been sent. I hope this next part goes quick :star:

Humm... Didn't understand it yet... So, you received a letter with your new case number and saying they would send your papers to NVC in one week, like mine? Why did you provide USCIS case number instead of the new RDJ number to know when they sent your papers to Rio? :blush:
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-05-12 19:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionRio Consulate Interview / Medical Exam

Hi Everyone!
I received my NOA2 on April 11 and now I am waiting on the packet 3 to be sent to the consulate in Rio to my Fiance Lucas. I was wondering if anyone here knows about the interview process there? Also when they say "pass the medical" what do they mean? What are they testing and need to know?
:blink: Thanks Jenna

"pass the medical" means that the beneficiary has no health problems concerning to what's required by the immigration doctor and that has all the vaccines updated!

I am in the same situation as you, so I don't know exactly how the interview is in Rio de Janeiro! But I've been hearing that it's quite simple and that they don't use to do so many questions! "Carol and Marc" have detailed Carol's interview experience... But I do not know the link... CAROOOOL!! rsrs

Anyway, how did you get to know when NVC sent off his papers to Rio?! Did you receive a letter?

Chris received a letter by them with the case number and saying they would be fowarding the papers to Rio in one week or so, but I haven't heard anything else about the date when they sent the papers to Rio.... :unsure:
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-05-12 16:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionApproved K1 Applications Being Recalled!
#######??? :blink:

I've been noticing that most petitions that are being "recalled" belongs to couples whose petitioners are women! I still couldn't understand wich extra background checks this IMBRA talks about...
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-05-11 19:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionTrying to contact Rio de Janeiro Consulate...

I have never tried to call the Consulate so I am not sure what the normal wait time is.

I have been e-mailing the Consulate over the past 8 weeks (the last time was 10 days ago) and they have answered in as short as 2 hours and as long as 8 days (which happens to be the last time I wrote). Did you receive their auto response saying they will respond in 7-10 days?

Hopefully this helps a little. They should get back to you in the next few days.

Yes, I received the auto-reply only for the second e-mail I sent and they said they would respond this within ten business days... Damn! It's too long!

Thanks anyway, dear!


They usually make you wait for about 30 minutes before talking to you.
It´s always like that. I know because I have been calling them in a daily basis.

I doubt that they are not answering your email because of the IMBRA delay.
This has nothing to do with them since the only thing they did was send the petitions back and inform us.

They are usually pretty nice at the phone and if you wait for 30 minutes will have your issue solved.

Please, also if anyone has news on this recalled petitions send me a message.
I had my interview cancelled and I´m totally holpless.

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear this... :(
I hope they can take the necessary procedures ASAP and you have your interview scheduled soon.
Could you please update your timeline for us to know how your process is being done?

Thank you! :thumbs:
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-05-19 15:24:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionTrying to contact Rio de Janeiro Consulate...
Hiya, guys!

I'm getting frustrated... I tried to talk to a person in Rio de Janeiro Consulate and it's taking too long for them to answer... I couldn't wait more than 30 minutes in line, because the call would be too expansive!
Anyway, I tried to contact them by e-mail to check if they already have my case... I e-mailed them twice: last friday and this tuesday and got any response so far... :unsure:
Is it because of this IMBRA thing that they are getting crowded with petitions and don't have time to answer the e-mails and people enough to answer the phone calls?
Have any of you tried to contact them lately? I'm getting desparate already... :crying:
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-05-19 14:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionConsulate in BRASIL: Anyone else got interview canceled?

My interview was scheduled to June 6th, but on My 17th I got a call from the Consulate in Rio saying USCIS recalled all pending aplications due to a new request.

After researching and calling the whole world I found out that this was a worldwide thing.

Anyways, anyone else in Brazil had the same problem?
I was told we are 20 cases in Brazil.

Let´s exchange informations.


As far as I'm concerned, that's not true that ALL pending petitions were recalled! I know about some cases that are being processed normally there...
I guess the major problem is in relation to Vermont SC.. Because most of these petitons were applied after March 6th, when the IMBRA law started to be applied... So, they didn't have avaiable time to do the necessary background checks required to this new law in these Vermont cases... That's why they had to take them back!
But as I've been noticing, all the other petitions were delayed a little bit because of this! I hope everything to be okay for all of us as soon as possible!


Edited by Priscila and Christopher, 21 May 2006 - 03:22 PM.

Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-05-21 15:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionRio Consulate / Packet 3
Well... We're in the same situation, then! And for us to know where our papers are we can do two things: call NVC and talk to an operator to find out when they sent our papers to the Consulate or call the consulate to find out if they already have our papers... Anyway, it's necessary to have patience because you may need to wait for about 40 minutes to talk to someone, either in NVC or in the Consulate!
I've been pretty upset these days, because Chris doesn't want to call NVC! He says I'm being impatient!
I e-mailed NVC and Rio Consulate twice more than one week ago and didn't get any reply so far.. Can't call Rio because the call would be too expansive for me to afford! I don't know what to think anymore... If anyone knows something, please tell me! I'm pretty frustrated with all of this!:(

Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-05-21 12:06:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionquestion on income for aff. of support
The thing is: if you didn't make the minnimun income during all the year, yes...

So, you'd better go find a sponsor... Or else they would probably reeschedule your interview AGAIN for you to have avaiable time to find one!

Good luck! :thumbs:

Edited by Priscila and Christopher, 29 May 2006 - 04:19 PM.

Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-05-29 16:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionGOT MY INTERVIEW DATEEEE!

That's Awesome!!! Congrad's and The Best to Ya!......Hopefully we're not too far behind you :P !!!!

Heyyy, dear!! Your interview is probably in the same day of mine! :D

Did you call or e-mail them already? I got a response by e-mail... Didn't receive package 4 yet!

Good Luck! :dance:
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-06-08 20:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionGOT MY INTERVIEW DATEEEE!
I'm so very happy! :D
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-06-08 16:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionRio Interview Date Finally Received!!!
[quote name='Luis&Laura' post='284734' date='Jul 1 2006, 03:44 PM']
Oooooooh, I had the impression hers went before. :P Now everything is clear. :D

I wonder if I can send packet 3 back before I receive it.

Yes, you can dear!!! As soon as you know your petition is already in Rio, you can already send the forms back! I did this, but by coincidence, I sent the packet 3 back and, when I arrived home, the packet 3 was in my mail! haha I could have gotten my interview date sooner if I had sent before, but I couldn't call them and they took too long to reply my e-mail saying that they already had my papers... *hugs*


It's a pity your interview is not the same day as mine, though!

Is there anyone who is having the interview in July, 11th????? :P

Ahhh, just to add: I didn't receive my package 4 so far... They said they sent it in the week of June 5th... So, it got lost for sure! :huh:
Anyway, I e-mailed them and they sent me all the instructions and the forms by e-mail... So, no problems with this!


Edited by Priscila and Christopher, 01 July 2006 - 05:17 PM.

Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-07-01 17:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview is on Tuesday!
Thank you guys... I'm just insecure because Chris' mother is gonna be the co-sponsor... So, it would be another proof that our relationship is real! That's why I wish I could already be with these documents in Rio.

But I'm trying to keep calm...

Kisses, babes!
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-07-09 09:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview is on Tuesday!
Hello, guys!

Well, my interview is coming and I'm going by bus to the consulate and staying at a friend sister's house!
Besides the natural nervousness and anxiety, I'm also even more insecure because I won't be bringing the Affidavit of Support... Chris didn't send this in the appropriate time and it's still stuck in mail (I guess I'll be receiving this on Tuesday or Wednesday).
I've called the Consulate in Rio and the lady told me I can go to the interview normally and send the documents later... Please, friends: pray for me! I'm really feeling insecure because of this.... :(
Just wanted to share...

Kisses! (F)

Edited by Priscila and Christopher, 08 July 2006 - 09:48 PM.

Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-07-08 21:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK1 approved - Warsaw Embassy
That was not that hard! hehe

Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-07-16 16:47:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK1 interview in Montréal - July 13th
That's an awesome feeling!! Congratulations, dear!! :dance:
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-07-16 16:41:00