Mexico, Latin & South AmericaRonaldinho
Come on, people... Ronaldo keeps being one of the best soccer players of the world!

haha If, being overwheight, Ronaldo scored those beautiful goals in this World Cup, I can imagine what he would have done if he wasn't... :whistle:
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-07-03 15:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaJust a simple question...

Santos Dumont

Hmmm... Mas é muito grande a diferença de distância, Carol? Como faço para ir do Galeão para o Consulado? rs
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-07-09 13:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaJust a simple question...
Santos Dumont ou Galeão?

Obrigada! ;)
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-07-09 11:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPacket 4
Don't worry, dear... I didn't receive mine so far! So, I e-mailed them asking about it and they told they sent in the week of June 5th. So, I suppose it simply got lost in the mail!
They sent me all the necessary forms by e-mail... I'm gonna send you!

Beijos!!! :luv:
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-07-05 09:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaÉ isso aí...

Fica calma... Pense só pensamentos positivos. Se seu gatinho estivesse realmente perdendo interesse, ele não ia estar se desdobrando pras coisas acontecerem e terem um final feliz. Eu entendo o stress porque eu senti o mesmo quando minha entrevista foi marcada pela primeira vez.

Quanto aos tax trancripts, se não chegarem, você remarca a entrevista. Não tem nenhum problema!


Melhor ainda, amigas...

Se o seu tax transcript não ficar pronto a tempo, nem precisa remarcar a entrevista! Vá a entrevista normalmente e, se for o caso, envie o documento depois pelo correio e eles liberam o seu visto rapidinho!
E se não der tempo do tax transcript chegar para você pelo correio, peça para o seu love escanear e te mandar por e-mail... Imprima e leve a cópia! Sempre vale a pena... O meu, aceitaram só com a cópia... E apenas do sponsor! B)

Eu sei que essa fase é mesmo terrível! Eu me senti um horror às vésperas da entrevista... Pensava um monte de bobagens, tive fobia... Parecia que ia dar tudo errado! No entanto, quando cheguei lá, vi que o "bicho" não era nem 1/3 do que eu pensava... E cheguei à conclusão de que o stress não compensa!

Acredita no seu amor e no seu direito de ser feliz! Vai dar tudo certo, tenho certeza!

Beijos, amiga! :luv:
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-07-31 20:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaQuem faz depilação???
Obrigada, meninas!! Voces sao umas flores! rs :thumbs:

Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-11-01 20:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaQuem faz depilação???

uh oh here we go again :unsure:

?????? :huh:
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-10-31 14:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaQuem faz depilação???
As minhas unhas eu mesma faco... A virilhas, armpits e pernas eu depilo com gilete, mas a virilha eu gostaria de comecar a depilar com cera, porque de uns meses para ca tenho tido foliculite e e muito desagradavel... :(
Mas nao teria coragem de ir a um salao, por causa do preco... Sei que barato nao e! Acho que vou tentar uma das sugestoes das meninas aqui...rsrs

Tem outra coisa que eu queria saber... Alguma de voces descolore os pelos dos bracos, buco?? Eu costumava descolorir no Brasil com Blondor e agua oxigenada e agora ja esta na hora de descolorir novamente e ainda nao achei nada aqui que pudesse substituir... Alguem conhece?? :help:

Beijos, meninas! :luv:
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-10-31 13:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaFor Brazilian Immigrants

You know my husband has been dying to move the US. He can't wait. He's lived away from his family, (in another part of the country) for 2 years, where he didn't have contact with his family, but maybe once or twice a year. I think more than anything, he's just so excited to be here, or anywhere for that matter, with me....(and not to forget to mention again, the US) and he has several friends here in the US, that he met in Brazil, eventhough he's never been here to the US. So he's excited to see them all again. And maybe in 10 years (maybe less, who knows) or when the time is right, I can't wait to live in Brazil. So, we'll move back at some time, for some time....But where ever we are in the world, whether it Brazil or the US, BOTH cultures will always in our home. We'll celebrate every US and Brazil holiday! (And there are A LOT of holiday's in brazil.) I want my kids to know the country their daddy is from, and their dual citizenship. I want them to pride themselves that are first brazilian immigrant generation US citizens. And Portuguese will be the main language at home, and english outside the home. Although I wasn't born a brazilian, I feel just as much Brazilian as my husband really is. And I want to make sure that I pass that on to our children.

Way to go, girl!!!! That's exactly what I would like to happen to me and Chris... I still hope so! :thumbs:
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2007-01-28 17:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaFor Brazilian Immigrants
I've been here for 6 months now and I miss my family and country very very much! I confess to you that sometimes I think I won't be able to live in here for many years... Besides the fact that my family is very close, what hurts me more is that I miss the cheer and informality of brazilian people. Man, these festivities in the end of the year in here were so depressing for me... People doesn't celebrate!
I keep closing my eyes and I can hear people playing songs and dancing in the beach in a warm night... :crying:

And what makes me feel very sad too is that my husband doesn't show he's interested about my culture... Sometimes the idea that maybe he would never live in Brasil makes me go crazy! I love him too much and I want us to always be together, but my heart gets divided.

Well... I just hope I can deal better with this pain with some time. But I can really say for sure that it's not easy for many brazilians to get used to the life in here. Cultural differences use to have a great weight and many times for us it doesn't matter if we can have a better financial situation or a more comfortable life by living in here... In Brasil, we have things that money can't buy.

Sorry... I'm not saying that USA is a bad place to live or that Brasil is better. I'm just trying to show how we brazilians feel when we are in here!

I wish your future husband to get adapted easily, dear! (F)
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2007-01-28 01:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaOI Voip phone line
Pessoal, alguem aqui sabe exatamente como funciona o OI Voip? Alguem ja tem instalado?

Pelo que entendi e instalado um aparelho na sua casa com um numero brasileiro, que seria da cidade que a gente escolhe, de acordo com a disponibilidade deles. Assim, a gente pode passar esse numero para a galera da nossa cidade no Brasil e eles podem nos ligar a preco de ligacoes locais. E a gente pode ligar para eles ilimitadamente. O preco e de $ 24,99 ou $ 34,99 (esse segundo e para quem quer ligar ilimitadamente tambem para os EUA e Canada).

Mas quero mesmo saber se alguem ja tem e pode me explicar melhor...

Beijos! (F)
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2007-02-11 19:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaOur review - RJ Brazil
Hi, Meredith!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Well, this picture thing depend on the person that is interviewing you... There are some of them that don't like pictures and others that love it!! I was asked for mu pictures and to explain them too... But the woman was very nice, anyway! Totally diferent from the one that interviewed us in our AOS... She was nasty!

Beijos! Good luck with everything in there! (F)
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2007-03-21 13:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaNeed advice on a tourist visa for my mom...

Thank you, guys...

I guess the embassy website wouldn't help in this case, because my doubt is regarding to how to show reliability during the interview, what's the best way to make them believe she's not coming here to stay... I thought about this letter, but sometimes I'm afraid that would be worst if they knew she's coming to visit me... I've heard of a lot of cases of people that had their tourist visas denied right away after saying they were coming over to visit relatives in the US... :(

Yes they can think since you're an immigrant she's going to stay, but it is a risk you're gonna have to take, I still think you should try. They ask for evidence that she's coming back to Brazil, like I told you, proof of job, properties, etc. If you can provide that she's going to have a chance to obtain the visa. I've heard a lot of stories that it depends on the mood of the interviewer. The reality is, you came to the United States to stay, you're completely legal, if you bring someone to the States to stay here illegaly they know where you are, they'll find you and deport both of you. So that can help you in a way, since you'll be telling the truth, that she's coming to visit you. What makes them deny is if they think you're lying. For example your mother instead of saying she's going to visit you said she's going to spend a week wherever city you live, and didn;t associate you to her visit, you know what I'm saying?
Click on that link, put your passport number and DOB and read all the info they give. She has a chance to be approved if she can provide the proof they ask for.

Thanks, Nessa!

I actually already knew about the information provided in the Embassy site... As I told, my mom doesn't own a house or a good car and is divorced. So, this wouldn't make it easy for her to get a visa. The only reasons why she wouldn't overstay her visa is first because I wouldn't do anything illegal and second because we still don't have financial conditions to support her. She is certainly better living in Brazil right now!

That sucks because unfortunately we don't have how to prove them that we are honest, but, as you said, I've heard that it really depends on the mood of the interviewer. That's so sad to think that my mom couldn't come over to see the place I live and everything...

I think you're right... Probably I should write a letter "inviting" her to visit me, with my Green Card number (when I have one) saying that she won't stay, etc. In case they deny the visa, I'll try to see if I'm lucky and find a helpful Congressperson in here. I know that they don't use to be very helpful, but I know about few cases of people that found a nice one. Doesn't hurt to try, anyway...

If someone else has any good experience, I would appreciate if you could share!

Beijos, galera!
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2007-04-22 02:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaNeed advice on a tourist visa for my mom...
Thank you, guys...

I guess the embassy website wouldn't help in this case, because my doubt is regarding to how to show reliability during the interview, what's the best way to make them believe she's not coming here to stay... I thought about this letter, but sometimes I'm afraid that would be worst if they knew she's coming to visit me... I've heard of a lot of cases of people that had their tourist visas denied right away after saying they were coming over to visit relatives in the US... :(
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2007-04-21 16:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaNeed advice on a tourist visa for my mom...
Hello, guys!

I was hoping to go to Brazil this year to visit my family, but I don't think it's going to be possible because of my job. So, I'd like to know if you guys think that it's possible for my mother to get a tourist visa to spend Christmas with me....
Her situation is: She is divorced and lives alone. Doesn't own a house in her name, but doesn't pay rent as well, since she is "zeladora" of a small ranch. She has been working as an operator for 6 years in the same place and makes about R$ 1000 per month.

Based in your personal experiences, do you think that she could get this visa? That would be a dream for me if she could know the place I live...

Thanks in advance! ;)
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2007-04-21 13:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBRASIL - quanto tempo demorou o K-1 visto p sair?
Cinco meses e meio! ;)

Meu Green Card foi uma certa... Pain in the butt! Mas o K-1 foi simples! rs
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2007-07-19 23:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrazil's kitchen

a pizza da Pri ficou otima !! :yes:

Aiii, que tudo! E eu vou tentar fazer nhoque esses dias tambem... :P

Fiz risoto de camarao e torta de limao hoje na casa da minha amiga Mari. Ainda bem que tem ela e o marido dela que adoram comer o que eu cozinho porque meu marido nao gosta de nada, so de sanduiche e macarrao! lol
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-12-09 23:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrazil's kitchen
Ahhhh, eu querooooooo!

Carol, minha flor... Tu e demais!

Mas vou ter que mandar e-mail pra esse povo do site, porque parece ate que eles so vendem para empresas...

To achando que se encontrar nao vai ser em lugar proximo, aqui nesse interioRRR! Mas vou tentar... A esse ponto, ja to ate pensando em colocar uma gaiola com um pedaco de carne salgada pendurada sob o sereno para ver o que vira! :blink:

haha Beijos!!
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-12-06 12:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrazil's kitchen

Oiiii, galera! Meu primeiro post aqui nesse topico :D

Gente, eu dei uma repassada em todos os topicos e fiquei meio espantada por nao ter visto voces falarem de uma coisa tao tipica, tao gostosa, e tao comum no Brasil... CARNE SECA!

Eu to aqui doidinha pra achar carne seca para fazer uma feijoada completa e ate agora, nada... Ontem eu e a minha amiga Mariana improvisamos uma feijuca com smoked pork shops cortados em retangulos e uma linguica maravilhosa chamada Polska Kielbasa, que substitui perfeitamente a nossa calabresa! O feijao tava novinho e a feijoada ficou cremosa, maravilhosa... So tava faltando a carne-seca mesmo!

Alguem sabe onde comprar, como fazer (to ate apelando haha)??

Beijos miguxas! :luv:

Não sei se vai ficar igual, mas tenta procurar por jerky.

Hmm.. Nao e esse, nao.... Eu tambem ja tinha ouvido falar nesse nome "jerky" ou "jerk beef", mas esses pelo que vi aqui sao "tiras" de carne seca, mas nao do mesmo jeito que a gente tem no Brasil... Eles costumam ate consumir isso como snack.

Gente, me salva... Cade a carne secaaaa??? :P
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-12-05 19:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrazil's kitchen
E... Falando em pizza, deixa eu dividir essa maravilha de receita de PIZZA FRITA com voces! Sempre que eu faco e sucesso total! A massa fica leve e crocante! Hmmmmm!


20 g (2 colheres de sopa) de fermento para pao seco (dry yeast)
1 kg de farina de trigo
2 copos de agua morna
2 colheres (cha) de sal
2 colheres (cha) de acucar
2 colheres (sopa) de cachaca (ajuda a deixar a massa mais sequinha)
4 colheres (sopa) de oleo
azeite para "fritar"


Misture o acucar, a agua morna, o fermento e cerca de 1/2 xicara de farinha numa vasilha pequena e deixe descansar por 10 minutos (ou ate a mistura crescer um pouco, tipo uma esponja).
Depois, misture o oleo, o sal, a cachaca e va acrescentando a farinha aos poucos e continue sovando, ate que a massa desgrude das maos. Deixe a massa descansar com um pano por cima (eu sempre deixo dentro do
Forme pequenas bolinhas com a massa e abra com o rolo.

Coloque um pouco de azeite numa frigideira e um disco de pizza. Espere a massa cozinhar um pouco. Coloque o recheio de sua preferencia por cima, tampe a frigideira e espere mais uns minutos, cozinhando em fogo bem baixinho, e pronto!!
Geralmente e bom ter umas 3 frigideiras para fazer essa receita, senao a galera fica impaciente! haha

Eu sempre faco o molho com tomate fresco e molho de tomate pronto misturados... Coloco muito oregano e azeite! O recheio nao deve ser algo de dificil cozimento... Eu prefiro fazer de mussarela ou pepperoni, bem fininhos... As vezes faco umas "Portuguesinhas" tambem: coloco ovo cozido, mussarela e presunto fininhos! Ai, que delicia... Nao tem quem nao ame!

Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-12-05 16:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrazil's kitchen
Oiiii, galera! Meu primeiro post aqui nesse topico :D

Gente, eu dei uma repassada em todos os topicos e fiquei meio espantada por nao ter visto voces falarem de uma coisa tao tipica, tao gostosa, e tao comum no Brasil... CARNE SECA!

Eu to aqui doidinha pra achar carne seca para fazer uma feijoada completa e ate agora, nada... Ontem eu e a minha amiga Mariana improvisamos uma feijuca com smoked pork shops cortados em retangulos e uma linguica maravilhosa chamada Polska Kielbasa, que substitui perfeitamente a nossa calabresa! O feijao tava novinho e a feijoada ficou cremosa, maravilhosa... So tava faltando a carne-seca mesmo!

Alguem sabe onde comprar, como fazer (to ate apelando haha)??

Beijos miguxas! :luv:
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-12-05 16:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBons Antecedentes

Bom... resolvi a epopéia...
já que não conseguia acessar de jeito nenhum, fui até o perdetempo, a moça imprimiu uma cópia para mim ... tudo durou dez minutos... o consulado disse que no problems em levar essa cópia.. então... estou ok :D

Eu ia tirar o meu atestado de antecedentes pela internet... Só que como estou sem impressora e estava de bobeira na rua, resolvi ir até o poupatempo... E lá, a moça emitiu o meu atestado de antecedentes criminais... PELA INTERNET! hahahahaha :lol:
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-07-28 22:13:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC contact number
Well.. .I'm freakin' concerned as well, because haven't received NOA 2 in snail mail yet... Would they tell me what is happening if I e-mailed them? :unsure:
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-04-27 16:37:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC is taking too long to receive the cases!

Have you tried calling them? That seems to be the best way to get info from NVC.

Ours was March 20, and it is not at the NVC yet :( . We had our lawyer call them and they said they would investigate why the papers aren't there yet.

WHOA! It's such an atypical delay... You really must check what's going on ASAP! I wish they can find out the problem and send your papers real quick to your Consulate! Good luck! :luv:
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-05-03 13:27:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC is taking too long to receive the cases!
Well... I've got my NOA 2 on April 17th and haven't heard from NVC yet... I've seen I'm not the only one, though! I sent an e-mail to them yesterday and had no reply...

Only Vermont cases have been fowarded faster to NVC... :unsure:

Who is still waiting and who have already had the papers sent to NVC?
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-05-03 12:55:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)aNYone who email NVC ?
:unsure: I e-mailed them yesterday and had any reply so far...
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-05-03 19:17:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)TO EVERYONE WAITING TO HEAR FROM THE NVC

For us, it took 3 weeks from NOA2 to receiving Packet 3 from Vancouver Consulate.

Good luck for a speedy rest of the process and a successful interview.

Does NVC send an acknowledgement when they receive the NOA2 and forward to consulate, or do I have to ask for it?


I happened to phone but yes they will send you out an acknoledgement by mail stating that it will now go to the consulate that is in your application.

As I could notice, it seems that most people receive this letter from NVC when the papers are on their way to the Embassy or even there already!
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-05-04 16:05:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC phone lines always busy!
Nothing! It's already driving me nuts! Mainly because I see some people that were approved up to 5 days before me and didn't hear anything from NVC yet! :protest:

Oh, that's too hard to wait! I miss my baby! :cry:
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-05-08 16:41:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Anyone Called NVC lately?
YEAHH! Chris received the letter from NVC with the case number in snail mail yesterday!

They received our papers in May, 5th... And they said it's being delivered to Rio de Janeiro! :D
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-05-09 09:35:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Anyone Called NVC lately?

I've been calling but my case is not there yet..,, they keep telling me that it takes from 90-120 days :angry:

Hmm... As I could notice, a lot of cases are "delayed" to be sent to NVC... But the waiting time is only up to 4 weeks... This 90-120 days period is to get the NOA2! :whistle:

The only thing that stops me from going crazy with this almost three weeks waiting is the fact that I see that we're all in the same boat! hehe Let's keep our fingers crossed and keeeep calling! We're probably hearing something from them until next week! :bonk:
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-05-05 20:13:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Case already fwd to Ciudad Juarez

Hey There!
I got word from NVC on May 2 that my and Lucas' application will be forwarded to Rio de Janeiro as well! It's nice to see someone on here in common with me ;)

Good to know ya, Jeena!

Did you already call Rio's Consulate to find out if they already have your papers? I'll start calling and e-mailing them tomorrow and I tell ya about the results, okay!?

Kisses! :luv:
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-05-11 19:06:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Case already fwd to Ciudad Juarez

thank you, thank you, thank you!

Well,,, a few weeks ago i had emailed them regarding my case, I wanted to know if it was already there but i never heard from them until now... I was planning on calling them this coming friday to see what was going on... but I guess i dont have to any more....

i dont know what else we need to bring to the interview besides packet 3... i will start researching... and any comments or advices will be greatly appreciated......


Ahhh, gotcha!

Well, I already e-mailed them three times and no answer too... hehe

But, fortunatelly, Chris received their letter yesterday with the case number and it said they received the papers in May 5th and that they would be fowarding them to Rio de Janeiro at maximmun in a week after that! :)

Good luck for us!
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-05-09 11:49:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Case already fwd to Ciudad Juarez
Congratulations!!!!! (F)

But how did you get this e-mail?? :huh:
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-05-09 11:29:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC

Hi i have just called the NVC and they have received our case this morning...NOA2 date 4/ might be worth all april people still waiting giving them a call...good luck






:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :D :D :D :D :D :D

Congratulations for both GYM and Bill!!! :dance:
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-05-11 16:14:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC has it but hasn't processed it?

Unless things have changed, they do not enter K-1 visas in the system. You just need to talk to the person and give them your number now and ask for the new case number. At least that is how it worked a year ago. Good Luck.


Actually, It seems they generate a case number in the system... But they don't put this in the automated service system, that's why you can't get it just by calling if you don't talk to an operator!
Anyway, I've seen some cases of people that kept calling and talking to operators and were told everyday that their cases were not there yet.... And in about one month or one month and half after they had received their NOA 2, they had their packet 3 in the mail at home! :blink:

So, the way NVC works is simply crazy and maybe we'd better don't try to understand, just to keep calling untill get a response! hehe
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-05-12 09:21:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC has it but hasn't processed it?

We've been waiting patiently since our 4/17 NOA2 for NVC to receive our case, calling and emailing them regularly. This morning I got an email saying they had received it and was ecstatic! I just called, though, and the woman (who had apparently not had her 'be nice to callers' coffee yet this morning) told me the email only meant it was there but not that it was in her computer. She said it takes another 2-4 weeks to get entered into the system for me to get the alien number and eventually tracking information. If this the case for all visas? I thought K visas went in and out of there so fast they didn't bother putting them in the system?

I need to talk to someone before it leaves NVC because I want to see about transferring it to another consulate. If I should call back and get someone friendlier, someone tell me.

Hmm, this information sounds weird (as most of things in this american immigration service)... If they had received it, it should be in the system and have a case number (that has nothing to do with the Alien number - this one will be useful for the AOS process and you have already received this with your receipt number NOA 1)...

Anyway, if it didn't generate a case number yet... Just keep calling because they can generate this number any time soon! ;)

Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-05-12 07:53:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC does not have our case
Hm.. Me too! I don't know if they had already actually fowarded my case to Rio de Janeiro yet... :unsure:
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-05-14 21:43:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)It may be redundant at this point

WE'VE BEEN FORWARDED TO PARIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They sent it out yesterday! I called this morning (paranoid as I am) and it was sent yesterday. I confessed my undying love for the woman on theother end of the line at NVC lol. GOOD LUCK to everyone still waiting.

Congratulations!! If you want to make things faster, contact your embassy within few days to see if they received your papers and if you can send the package 3 before you receive it at home.. Well, at least here in Brazil we can....hehe

Best of luck to you, dear! :luv:
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-05-25 14:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical

:huh: So, didn't understand anything now...

I called one of the doctors in the list of Rio de Janeiro Consulate and his secretary told me the required vaccines are (in portuguese):

- SCR (Sarampo, Caxumba e Rubéola)
- TD (Tétano e Difteria)

So, only two shots and the first one, most of us have already taken when were kid...

hmm i don't think it's only that. You should double check that.
Btw any brazilians know what's the doctor's cost? I think i read somewhere it can't exceed US$ 100.00 is that right?

Yes, dear... These vaccines are the obligatory ones for those that live in São Paulo state (I guess it changes for those who live in Amazonas)! At least, it is what his secretary told me and she works with him since a long time ago. One of my friends that already got the K-1 visa had her medical with him... The doctors can charge up to $ 100 for the appointment, and this one I called charges R$ 200...

Anyway, it doesn't hurt to double check... But this is the information I have so far! :thumbs:

Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-04-27 08:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical
:huh: So, didn't understand anything now...

I called one of the doctors in the list of Rio de Janeiro Consulate and his secretary told me the required vaccines are (in portuguese):

- SCR (Sarampo, Caxumba e Rubéola)
- TD (Tétano e Difteria)

So, only two shots and the first one, most of us have already taken when were kid...
Priscila and ChristopherFemaleBrazil2006-04-26 15:58:00