VietnamInternational mailing and questions about continuing proof of relationship.

FedEx or DHL

Do you recommend U.S postal service, priority or express?
Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2010-09-29 20:11:00
VietnamInternational mailing and questions about continuing proof of relationship. is probably the best site to check out prices. Recently American and United were coming back with the best prices for travel to the East Coast and both have offices in Saigon. The American Airlines office tried to overcharge me, so be careful. You're probably looking at $800 to $1000 for a one way ticket.

Not asking for flight info. A good quick, reliable way to send a package to my attorney in Saigon.
Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2010-09-29 20:03:00
VietnamInternational mailing and questions about continuing proof of relationship.
I'm a few days from mailing the necessary paper work on my K1 to my attorney in Saigon. she should have her interview around November so the K1 is in Vietnam and she awaits her 2nd letter from Consulate. Whats the best and most economical carrier? I think have everything prepared, please give me a reminder of what papers I might need. I have 200 pages of skype conversations do you think I should include all 200 pages or condense it a bit? My income was 3,000 dollars(Tax transcript) more than 125% guidelines plus my employment letters shows about 13,000 more dollars over the income guidelines, do you think I should list assets also and bank statement of how much was deposited over the last year or leave it blank? thanks for all your responses.
Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2010-09-29 17:54:00

My wife saw this last night and was infuriated at what the family did. Her theory was that the mother shipped off the daughter to hide her from the husband before he came home from the war and now all of a sudden 20 plus years later they all see her as a ticket to take the whole family over to America. Right when she got off the plane the mother asked her to bring her over to America already, my wife was bothered how the mother showed so much fake affection the whole time and that the whole family saw her as a "{:content:}quot; sign. She gave her sister money and then she had the audacity to demand more money. That's like giving a homeless person $20 but he says it's not enough and that he wants more. The journalist lady probably left earlier because she couldn't take the deceiving family anymore. I think in the end it's right for what she did, she just needed to close the door on them. I know I would have done the same thing if all my family did was asked for money all the time.

I didn't really see it in that light. What I didn't understand why her mother would sleep with American GI while her Vietnamese husband was fighting the war. I didn't really think the mother was fake towards her daughter. I Can't relate to the daughter but I wasn't offended when my fiancée would give coffee money to the older family or elders in the Village. I will help my wifes to be family in a heart beat as long as the bills get paid in the states first. Like I said she seemed ill prepared before she went to Vietnam and really because of the way she was raised by a non emotional or loving mother made her incapable of loving her biological mother.
Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2010-09-30 16:51:00

pretty sure i saw part of this on tv. sad story indeed about the different cultures.

you can read more about it here:

you can also read the transcript here

Thanks for the links I will read to see the if they ave any updates since this film was made. It made me angry that the daughter didn't do any research on the Vietnamese culture's, I think a lot of shock and pain she suffered wouldn't have been so great. It also didn't helped that she was raised in a home where there was no love or affection, and control issues by the adoptive mother.
Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2010-09-26 21:17:00
Has any one of you seen this documentary? "Daughter from Danang: American Experience". Really didn't know much about our president shipping over American- Vietnamese orphans(most were not) to the United States, big money for the child brokers. Take a look at it on Netflix, be prepared to shed a tear.

Edited by Sayha or bust., 24 September 2010 - 05:55 PM.

Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2010-09-24 17:55:00
VietnamWhen do you think she will get the interview?
My fiancée received her first letter august 23 from U.S Consulate HCM City. the attorney sent the DS-230's to the consulate on September 17. When do you think she will receive her 2nd letter or interview?
Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2010-10-14 21:54:00
VietnamFiance Pregnant

In the 21st century, people (assuming those who still strictly observe their religious believes) still abstain from having sex until AFTER the marriage. Especially when the family has properly taught and raised their daughters when they were still young.

But again, we're talking about those whose primary interest is to immigrate to the US and having babies is the only sure way to secure their purpose.

How do you no she was not married before? I talk with my fiancee she wants to have my baby because we love each other, granted we wont have one till she gets stateside. Your generalizing a bit when you say they have babies just to immigrate.
Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2010-08-22 09:05:00
VietnamMany thanks to Vj.
Soon my fiancee will be headed to interview, we await the 2nd letter. I know my journey could be far from over but just wanted to thank each and every VJ member who answered to my replies. I also want to thank JeromeBinh, it was so nice meeting you and Binh. Another thanks for the clothes( My luggage was lost for 4 days). I will accept your offer for help and my fiancee will arrive sometime on the 12th of November to your house. Once thanks for all the good advice!
Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2010-11-04 13:55:00
Vietnamanother one approved!
Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2010-11-16 16:49:00
VietnamWe got PINK
Congrats! Wish you well in the States.

Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2010-11-17 21:52:00
Working lots of hours at my job helps me cope with whats going on plus it helps the bank account. My fiancée has been studying English and prepping with friends in Saigon for almost 2 weeks. I have peace in my heart knowing I'm giving her every opportunity so she can join me here in the states. Just think positive and soon your loved one will be with you.

Edited by Sayha or bust., 24 November 2010 - 03:52 PM.

Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2010-11-24 15:51:00
VietnamConsulate receives Ds-230, whens my second notice for interview?
The consulate recieved my DS-230 from my attorney on September 17. My fiancée has yet to receive second letter for medical and interview date. I email the consulate on weekly basis. Here's the response I get.

" Dear Sir:We have already received the beneficiary's completed DS-230 Part I. Our office will schedule an appointment at the earliest opportunity. As soon as a date has been set, our office sends out notification by mail known as Appointment Letter. Appointment Letter indicates the date and time the applicant must appear at the Consulate General for the visa interview, as well as a link to our website with instruction on how to obtain the medical examination and information on document requirements. Please contact us at the end of each month for further information about the appointment date."

It's very frustrating, I have yet to send my attorney the second set of proof of relationship such as letters, pictures,money transfers,emails etc. Should I fed ex immediately?

Edited by Sayha or bust., 04 December 2010 - 06:00 AM.

Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2010-12-04 05:56:00
VietnamInterview date set at HCMC
Good luck. I await for my second letter from U.S Consulate. I'm undecided if I can make it back for interview because of work.
Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2010-12-01 06:01:00
VietnamWhat medicine did you bring to Vietnam?
List of the meds I took. Advil, Tums, cold medicines, icy hot( for all her older relatives), Off, for mosquitoes, triple antibiotic cream( alot people had some nasty looking sore's on there feet. flip flops are optional over there,lol. Buy the large bottles and leave them over there. The family will be very happy you did. If she has a grandpa he would really appreciate a hearing aid( i bought an inexpensive one off Ebay he loves it. Good luck on your travels. Don't forget the Eagle brand Medicine they rub on their nose and bellies!

Edited by Sayha or bust., 03 September 2010 - 03:37 PM.

Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2010-09-03 15:36:00
Vietnampay for interview
ABC money transfers cost me 4 dollars per 100, sent 600 dollars last night and they gave a bit of a discount a fee of 22 dollars. This service is availble at one of our Asian markets. What I like about this service that it's fast usually within 12 to 24 hours and she recieves U.S dollar. I've used this money service for the last 2 years and have'nt been dissapointed. i will send the $1050 via this service, I was just a bit lery beacause i've never sent it to a Saigon adress , always her residence down south.
Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2010-12-17 13:11:00
Vietnampay for interview
Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2010-12-16 05:58:00
Vietnampay for interview
So my fiancée has to pay it in person or myself if I go back before the interview? Very limited options I think. Thanks for the response.

For clarity, this is a visa application fee, not an interview fee. It must be paid exactly according to the instructions given by the Consulate but usually, it must be paid in person, in local currency equal to $350 each, so forget about your credit card unless you're taking a cash advance before heading to Western Union.

Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2010-12-15 06:20:00
Vietnampay for interview
I need the link to pay for my fiancées interview along with her 2 minor children. I want to uses my debit/credit card. How much will it cost me for 3 people to interview in HCM?
Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2010-12-14 21:49:00
VietnamK1 Interview: 12/20/2010
Best wishes so this part of the journey ends and the one you been waiting for begins.
Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2010-12-19 20:17:00
VietnamRed Flags K1 Visa- Vietnam Forum
You sound like a smart guy. You have Red flags, you address them like you are here. You have plenty of evidence and trips. It is what it is. You will be with her one day stateside. Best of luck.
Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2010-12-28 18:52:00
VietnamWhat food did your SO dislike when the first arrived
Took my fiancée to eat some American cuisine in Saigon. She didn't like pizza or lasagna but she did favor the spaghetti. She's a vegetable and fish eater,she also loves shrimp and crab. Her family are Fresh water Shrimp farmers plus she's about 45 minute drive from the ocean so it's plentiful. I like all the food she eats so if she wants to cook traditional food everyday so be it,if I get hungry for american food I can sneak a burger on the way home from work. A good chance I might loose some unneeded pounds eating my future wife's food. Posted ImagePosted Image

Edited by Sayha or bust., 30 December 2010 - 05:57 PM.

Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2010-12-30 17:54:00
VietnamVietnamese women are bossy
Since we do not live with each other yet. My fiancée is involved and has allot of say so, We discuss daily our itineraries. She expects me home after work,take
care of my children and my ailing parents. I'm ok with that,since this journey began i've changed my lifestyle for the better and want to continue living a wholesome life. I will wait to bring my social life back after she arrives so she can be a part of it.

Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2010-12-25 05:53:00
VietnamEmailing the HCMC consulate
I would send an email once a week about a month after my fiancée received packet #3. If I didn't get an auto response I would simply forward it again. Sometimes I wouldn't get a actual response till 7-10 days. We eventually received notice of interview through my weekly
not monthly emails as they instruct you to send,if you fail to hear anything about your case. I did not trust the mailing system in her part of Vietnam she only received about half the mail I ever sent. To this day she never received the letter. I emailed their response to my lawyer in Saigon and they were able to start the medicals and pay for the visa processing fee's. Keep on them and Good luck.
Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2011-01-08 08:34:00
VietnamWrong address of X wife
On my time line and 10 years list of residency, I was told by my Lawyer to include my x wifes address and telephone number. I have been divorced over 7 years and haven't spoke or really knew her where abouts, so i did a white book search on the internet and found her address. Some how I must of put it down wrong because the lawyer caught it. Heres the problem,the original document was notarized and is in his posession. I emailed him the correct address. My fiances interview is Jan 18th. He made it sound that he can fix but i don't know how when I wont be able to give another notarized letter before the interview.

My question is how is important is that address? I answered to the best of my knowlege the information about residency, I'm not even sure if the x wife's address is current. Do you think this could be a big Red flag or blue slip comming my way?

How much English do you think her interview could be in? She's khmay Krom so her Vietnamese is her second language and her pronunciation of English is not that well. Why no khmay translater's in HCM?
Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2011-01-11 13:33:00

The day Jerome posted this thread, I saw myself SayHaorBust was ACTIVE browsing threads in here. How come he/she didn't bother to post the "good" news or even say thanks to the folks who congratulated them?

Oh that's right, like most ppl, once getting the Visa, who cares.

Yes , Da que , I want to thank many people that helped me along the way. I didn't know you sit around and monitor the Vietnam threads! I'll post more when the visa is in hand and when I choose, not you.

Edited by Sayha or bust., 21 January 2011 - 10:56 PM.

Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2011-01-21 22:52:00
VietnamEvidence question
Bring them all and translated if your an American. The consular officer looked closely at our pictures also asked alot about my kids, I had sent her pics of my boys and he quizzed her on there ages,birthdays, and names. Also include pics of her family with you, we did't include alot of pics of me with her children and the consulate officer asked why, she answered honestly and said, " the kids were in school when we took some of our day trips, he was satisfied with her answer. Also note, please include a list with addresses of her family in the USA if she has them. My fiancée was asked 3 times during interview. She did not and said no. Sorry for all the extra information you didn't ask for just be prepared, my fiancée interview lasted over 1 hour, hopefully your lady will be quick and easy. Posted Image
Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2011-02-22 20:24:00
VietnamPink !!
Congrats!!!Posted Image
Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2011-03-22 18:07:00
Vietnamany fees @ interview day?
If I remember right it was 350 dollars per person.Processing fee of the Visa.
Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2011-03-23 22:10:00
Great News!!
Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2011-03-23 22:08:00
VietnamGot the PINK!!!!
You have to wait certain amount of. time in between shots. I'd say this is true, I immunized her kids febuary 28 over here in the states and they have to wait till April 28 to finish the shots. Immunization shot are not expensive to my knowledge. A VNA(Visiting Nurse Association) will do it rather cheap. Good luck. Depending on her age she may need only a few more. PM me and I will tell you exactly which ones she needs. Good luck
Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2011-03-24 05:33:00
VietnamGot the PINK!!!!
Was told by my attorney getting more immunizations in HCM could delay her arrival to the United states. I wanted her to get all her shots over there too but not after I heard that news! My private insurance picked up the cost of her shots. You have plenty of time to get her up to date on her immunizations before the AOS.

Congrats on your pink.Posted Image

Edited by Sayha or bust., 23 March 2011 - 10:19 PM.

Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2011-03-23 22:18:00
VietnamI-134: Income Question
He will put the 2010 wages from line 22 of tax return, there not interested in 2009. You will have to show 3 years of income taxes when you apply for AOS(I-864)
Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2011-03-28 22:21:00
Didn't notarize my 10 years residency or my timeline. HCM didn't look at them. My personal experience is a bit of luck of the draw and the mood of the Consulate officer determines the future of your life.
Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2011-04-10 06:44:00
Vietnamgot pink
Congrats!! Mr. Nam knows the interview process very well ! A new chapter in your life is about to begin.
Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2011-04-28 22:24:00
Vietnammarriage certificate

one inappropriate post removed, 1 quoting that post. additionally, various other posts removed for troll calling and other insults.
one members access to this thread removed.
let's be civil and not engage in a flame fest.

Modding at its best...Posted Image
Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2011-05-14 21:46:00
VietnamPolice Record Translation
My wifes birth certificate was translated by a professional and had some type of official stamp. I would do it professionally. Don't risk another blue slip.

Edited by Sayha or bust., 25 May 2011 - 10:23 PM.

Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2011-05-25 22:22:00
VietnamOK, here's my situation.
Take the the advice of Jim, Scott,and Lucky, they know the process and will give you great advice. You got a good attitude and she will receive her visa in due time. Best of luck on your Visa Journey!
Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2011-05-27 08:23:00
VietnamFirst time flying?
My wife never flew, until she came over here. She 's never been to Saigon before she met me either. I thought for sure she would get sick on the plane but didn't. She would always get sick on the van's we rented because she wasn't accustomed to driving in automobiles. .
Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2011-06-10 17:16:00
Vietnamwhy so slow?
Cashed our checks. Never so happy that the government took 2775 dollars.
Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2011-06-14 20:09:00