United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.

Hi all, Im sending my P3 in tomorrow an dhave a medical on the 26th March, do I have to collect P4 from the Embassy or will it be sent to me ? If it needs collecting I may as well try while Im down there .... Heres hoping.

Adrian & Shannon

You can't collect it in person, unfortunately. You have to wait for it to arrive in the mail. If you're obsessive like I was, you can call repeatedly to check on the status of the paperwork, but be prepared to hear frustrating things like "they haven't received it yet" (which actually means they have it and it's in "to do" pile on someone's desk).
heisheFemaleEngland2007-03-14 10:48:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.
Stop calling the embassy! You get the same information calling the State Dept and it isn't a premium line. Or don't stop calling the embasy, that's cool too. :)
heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-23 15:24:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.
Once in a while I briefly think Ohh that wasn't so bad really, I survived and we're closer than ever and everything's okay and I could do it all over again..

Well, and I COULD do it again, but yes exactly.. no tempting fate. I would probably survive, but I'm pretty sure I'd die a lot at the same time. I don't know how the people who have to wait for waivers stay sane.

I'm gonna be here at the office when he lands in Chicago. I'm gonna be so useless to my employer. :D
heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-22 16:37:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.

ps, Heishe... I know I saw you post somewhere yesterday that Pigu is arriving any day now... hm, if I'm this excited about an interview date and my boy's 1-week visit coming up, I can imagine you must be on the verge of spontaneously combusting!! :D

YESSS!! He's coming on Tuesday. TUESDAY!!! Seriously I just wanna run and scream, I don't know how to handle this excitement. Five days!! AIEEEEEEEEE! I stocked up on Marmite and everything!
heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-22 15:59:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.
That is so cool! Congratulations guys!!
heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-22 10:23:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.

YAY!! Just called the State Dept and we got an Interview for March 28th! No idea when p4 is gonna show up, but I'm soooooo excited. lol

Good luck to everyone waiting!

YAY!! Congratulations!!

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

You're almost there now!
heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-22 09:11:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.
Also, I think sometimes maybe the people who get their P4s really quickly according to the VJ timeline are actually ones who sent all the bio and application forms before and just held on to the checklist, then they put the day they send the checklist as the P3 sending date but really London's had WEEKS to enter all the forms. But also sometimes it seems to really just be luck. After all my agonizing I look back and realize I didn't really have to wait very long. It seems like forever when you don't know the end date, though!
heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-20 10:51:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.

UGH! Just called the State Dept number. The guy said they (London Embassy) hadn't received anything, which we sent out our packet 3 on Feb 9th and the postal service said they received it on the 12th. Then he gave me the number for the National Visa Center, which I had asked shouldn't we call the Embassy instead and he said no, contact this number. I called the NVC and they said they don't process those at this point, call the Embassy. I'm tempted to call the State Dept number back and hopefully get someone who knows what they are talking about. This is just frustrating because I've gotten myself all excited looking at peoples recent timelines who received their packet 4 like two weeks after sending in packet 3. I was hoping we'd have an interview date by now (I know I have to wait just like everyone else...) I was more nervous about calling the State Dept and finding out about the visa interview than the interview I have for a new job today... Hmmph.

My fiance had emailed the Embassy before about not receiving packet 3 (after I had called the State Dept number and they had said it had been sent out). Well, he had called a number before hand, got a code to put in the Subject line, so they would reply back. Should he get another code or use the same one?

IGNORE THE ONES WHO SAY THAT! They say the Embassy doesn't have the papers, but what they mean (and what the nice ones tell you) is that the papers are in someone's pile of stuff to process. Be strong! Waiting for the interview date drove me NUTS! But it will come! Don't let State jerk you around!
heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-20 10:44:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.
I'm glad everything went well. :) It usually does!
heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-16 12:25:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.

I have a quick question about this whole cover letter thing. Do you think it would help in my case where we are afraid we will have the interview too soon? We are not wanting to get married until next December, and my fiance doesn't want to come here until after October 13th (His sister is getting married). We can't really have an interview until the end of April or beginning of May if he wants to stay that long. We just got packet 3 the other day and are stressing about trying to hold it too long. We still have to apply for the police certificate and everything, so I know it's possible to hold it a bit, but not for 3 1/2 months. :whistle:

And by the way, how can you guys afford to go shopping there? So expensive with exchange rates! I was just in England for a month and brought back like nothing, aside from loads of chocolate. Mmm.

I can't answer from experience. So I think I will just let someone else see if they can help..I would hate to answer incorrectly. But the police certifcate normally takes about a month to arrive at your door. That would seem to buy you some time! Also don't forget that you have 6 months to enter in to the United States. I am sure you know that. :)

How I see it. If you applied for your police stuff Monday..think of it arriving around Feb. 17th. If you then send out your have about a month or waiting consider March. 17th or more. Then you have about a month until your April/May...

BUT again I am not sure how long you can hold on to packet 3. So I guess I am not really a help! :( I CAN BE POSITIVE FOR YOU THOUGH *grin*

Umm about affording things due to exchange rate....I just decide how much money i can take over and I never over spend. Recently Chris and I decided that instead of me buying money to take with me he would just supply me the cash and what ever I spend in England I would put the equivelent back into our savings. Works out for me...not so much for him *grin*. Anyway This time I am not going to buy a lot. Although I want a duvet!

I suspect you can hold P3 for a pretty long time. It might be good to email londonconsular and ask. (Put your LND case number in the subject line.) Just say you won't be ready to send in Packet 3 until April and you want to make sure that's okay. Your NOA2 will expire in the meantime, so the USC should contact the embassy about having that extended. That's pretty routine, though.

And I have a confession - I called the State Dept again today. It was my lunch hour, and I was bored. Our file still isn't updated with P3. It's interesting that State Dept employees use the term Packet 3 - I thought maybe that was just a VisaJourney thing.
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-17 12:36:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.
I just called Dept of State. They say London hasn't received Pigu's P3 yet. Royal Mail says it arrived on the 3rd, but I suppose what State really means is it's still sitting in a pile somewhere at the embassy. I'll try back in a few days, I guess. I'm impatient! But it just two weeks tomorrow.
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-16 12:44:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.

Still nothing. Pjc called the embassy again and we are labelled "eligible for interview" but no interview is scheduled yet. I don't get it? This is VERY frustrating. Everyone else seems to be getting theres and we get put on the back burner. Anyone else having this problem?

At least you know they have all his stuff. :/

Hopefully they'll pull it together soon.
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-16 10:52:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.
Yay, Pigu passed his medical. :D :D :D

(assuming he doesn't come back positive for TB or something)
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-16 09:02:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.
These people sent P3 on 2 Jan and got their P4 this weekend. So yay for them, and hopefully everyone else's is in the mail.
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-15 18:11:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.
Yeah, I wanna see this on your timeline!
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-13 09:03:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.

*drum roll*

THIS MORNING CHRIS GOT PACKET 4....he is prolong-ing my excitement and not telling me when the interview is yet! SOD!

Best news at 7:30 I ever got!!

heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-13 08:12:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.

I am still waiting!


I know! I look at the London timelines all the time, hoping to see someone new with a P4. It will probably come pretty soon for you guys. Be sure to let us know when it does!

Your stateside half can call the State Dept to see if you've been assigned an interview date yet. From DOS website:

For inquiries about visa cases and the application process call: 202-663-1225.

I called the other day, it's pretty painless. Five minutes of menus, maybe, then a couple minutes of holding to get a live person who is helpful. Of course we don't have our interview yet, but once we've waited more I think it will be more useful to call that number. Just be sure to listen to all the menus, because at the end of one of them they say how to get an operator. It's not automatic. Oh, and there's only live people during regular business hours.

*grin* the state side half is me!! So I will call! Thanks :) Can you tell me what kind of information you need when you call that number!? Please!! You are awesome!

All they wanted from me was LND case number and UK fiance's name.

What she said about my fiance's status was that London has the electronic file but not the physical one, and once they receive the physical file they will assign him an interview date. I assume that means they haven't entered his P3 stuff yet, but who really knows? I think it will be a lot more helpful once they do assign him a date, even if they're slow about mailing the P4. Other people have reported getting their interview date by calling State. Since you guys have been waiting a lot longer than we have, I think it might be more useful for you to call!

Edited by heishe, 12 January 2007 - 12:49 PM.

heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-12 12:47:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.

I am still waiting!


I know! I look at the London timelines all the time, hoping to see someone new with a P4. It will probably come pretty soon for you guys. Be sure to let us know when it does!

Your stateside half can call the State Dept to see if you've been assigned an interview date yet. From DOS website:

For inquiries about visa cases and the application process call: 202-663-1225.

I called the other day, it's pretty painless. Five minutes of menus, maybe, then a couple minutes of holding to get a live person who is helpful. Of course we don't have our interview yet, but once we've waited more I think it will be more useful to call that number. Just be sure to listen to all the menus, because at the end of one of them they say how to get an operator. It's not automatic. Oh, and there's only live people during regular business hours.

Edited by heishe, 11 January 2007 - 11:33 PM.

heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-11 23:30:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.

Hey, pjc's other half here. I believe he emailed the embassy but they just sent a message back saying they can't do anything about it or something like that (as in they can't send status info).
Can we call?? How do we do that?

You can call the visa help line:

Operator Assisted Visa Information: 09042-450100 (This is NOT a London number. It does not require any other prefix or dialling code.)
Monday through Friday, 8.00 a.m. until 8.00 p.m., and on Saturdays from 10.00 a.m. until 4.00 p.m.; £1.20/min; only available in the U.K., within U.K. may be unavailable from some business telephones and mobile networks.

I guess people have occasionally gotten good information from that line, but it costs a lot. I also recall that people can call the State Dept. domestically and get their interview date that way, but I don't know what that number is.
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-08 13:19:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.

tick tock tick tock!

In other news....I ordered 6 (let me repeat) 6 pairs of (possible) wedding shoes today from Zappos today! Love that you can send them back!!

What other money should I spend???

Haha! YAY!! I got some wedding shoes which I have subsequently decided I don't like. Most of my spending is going for loose gemstones and silver settings on ebay so I can make my own necklace. That's an excellent way to pad your credit card bills.
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-08 11:46:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.

Good thread!

Sent my packet 3 checklist on 4th December 2006 and still waiting for packet 4....I make that around 5 weeks I've been waiting (ok, so there was Xmas inbetween - no excuse! :hehe: )

Anyone else out there sent P3 before 4th Dec 2006 and still waiting for P4 ?????

That sucks. Have you contacted the embassy to ask about this?
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-08 11:37:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.

We'll be sending our p3 in in a day or two, but my head seems to think that it's completely unfair that we don't have p4 already. I mean, they should know we're sending it in with their psychic abilities. Geez.

Seems like solid logic to me.
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-07 18:58:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.

*grin* no sympathy from me darling! They've had ours for 2 weeks! :blush:

OH MAN!! That's like FOREVER!! /freakout
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-07 18:53:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.
Like omg they're had his P3 for four days now WHATS THE HOLD UP COME AWNNNN LONDON

heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-07 13:58:00
United KingdomFlying into the UK
Hey, you all are probably gone on your trips by now, but I wanted to add that my hubby (UK citizen) and I (US citizen) went through the EU citizen line at Heathrow last May with no problems. He went in front and introduced me as his spouse. This worked fine at every EU airport we visited on that trip.

EU immigration law says "Family members who do not have the nationality of a Member State enjoy the same rights as the citizen who they have accompanied." We interpreted that to mean I could hit up the citizen line, and it went fine.

The law I mentioned:
heisheFemaleEngland2010-09-08 15:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAPPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yay!! Congrats!!
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-18 08:41:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusvisa denied 01-16
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-25 21:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI am moving to Russia
How sad.

Edited by heishe, 09 February 2007 - 07:24 AM.

heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-09 07:23:00
United KingdomWe have to fly to Texas
I don't have any advice, just wanted to say that it sucks to be that scared. I know how much you want to go back to Texas *hugs* :(
jolandaFemaleNetherlands2007-06-08 20:24:00
United KingdomGoodbye
I didn't get the chance to say this in the original thread, but I am so sorry to read what happened to you :( I hope you have a safe trip to Texas and find the happiness you deserve there (F)
jolandaFemaleNetherlands2007-06-22 17:25:00
United KingdomDoing the final flight and POE advice
QUOTE (skparker @ Mar 16 2009, 10:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Damian P @ Mar 16 2009, 10:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You fill in the WHITE I-94 they will hand you on the plane. The green one (I-94W) is only for VWP travellers. And that's the only form you fill in yes.gif . Just make sure you have the sealed envelope they gave you at the embassy to hand, give it to the POE immigration person, and away you go.

Why would you think you'll get a hard time at POE, btw?

So the white form is the only form i will fill in?? ok that works. well i havent got my sealed envelope yet, the only thing they gave me back at the embassy was my chest x-ray which the interviewer opened in front of me. I will be getting my Passport (envelope as well im assuming) tomorrow morning between 8am and noon.

Im not expecting to get a hard time at POE, all i said was i bet its quite nerve racking, im just not taking for granted that it will all go smoothly, so if it doesnt, i will not be disapointed, you know? just the way i work i guess.

The envelope that the Usembassy gives you , you need that . If you don't have that envelope Immigration will not let you enter , at the poe . It will be an envelope that is written on it Do Not Open can only be opened by Immigration Officer at Port of Entry . And it's a sealed envelope , with it sealed twice , and if you open that envelope . They will deny you entry into the United States , and send you back too the country you come from . What is inside that envelope is only government documents of your visa and the original petition send too Uscis , and posibley your medical exam papers . And a CD with copy of all the documents in it . It is not worth opening that package , and if you do you will be very sorry , you will not be able to enter the USA . And the chances of you and your fiancee being together will be over , many people have open the package before .
AaronMMalePhilippines2009-03-19 08:20:00
United KingdomPassport renewal during K-1 process
QUOTE (LMB @ Mar 27 2009, 08:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Does anyone know if it's a problem to renew a (UK) passport after the K-1 application process has begun? ie is it a problem that my current passport number was provided in the application, but a new passport would have a different number (even though I could/would have both passports in my possession at the interview)?

I have received the NOA1 and now waiting for the NOA2. My new passport would arrive before the post-NOA2 requirements commence.

My current passport is still valid for 3 more years however it is very full. It has just enough room for a US visa and a couple more country entry/exit stamps, BUT I would like to do some more travelling in the months before the visa process is completed which may mean there is no more room for a US K-1 visa or entry stamps when the process is finalised (and obviously I do not want to risk that!).

Thanks for any advice...

I dont believe that is a problem , if UK is anything like the Philippine which i think it is . After you receive your k-packet from the Usembassy , you will have a list of requirement you need for your Visa Interview . Which im sure your Passport is one of those requirements ,( allso your passport needs to be valid for 6 months beyond your visa interview ) For the requirement of your passport , cause you visa is only valid for 6 months from the issue date of your visa .
AaronMMalePhilippines2009-03-27 09:08:00
United KingdomTax Return Question
QUOTE (laura819 @ Apr 2 2009, 10:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mr and mrs @ Apr 2 2009, 10:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i try to scroll through a few pages of the UK threads to see if i see any titles that might answer my question. then a do a search, and then i post a question.

im guilty of frivolous posting at times. : )

ooh look! im now a 'senior member'. that why i've gotten so mouthy lately!

Sorry sad.gif When I've seen questions about notarization for the tax things, I have only seen questions regarding notarization of the i-134, not the tax returns! And I didn't know that since copies are accepted, it means you don't have to get them notarized..sorry sad.gif

NO, the I-134 is no longer required to be notorized . The reason is because the I-134 is unconstitutional to Us american citizens , only for the reason its filled over seas . And anything you put on the I-134 they cant hold you too that , so they cant attack your income , if your fiancee becomes a public charge while in the united states . When you have a document notorized , you agree that all the information you supply is true and correct to the best of your knowledge and belief . And if you make any false statements with in the document , you can be charged for fraud ( that can be a fine of thousands of dollars and decades in prision ). The I-134 is very old , and so much out of date , and recently the legislation has deemed the I-134 as unconstitional . You can do a search like in altavista , this is where i found this information . But on the other hand the i-864 has to be notorized , and if you knowingly make any false statements on the i-864 , it will be held against you . And the united states federal government will do what ever they want too , to make you pay for commiting fraud against the usa government .
AaronMMalePhilippines2009-04-02 10:22:00
United KingdomTax Return Question
QUOTE (laura819 @ Apr 1 2009, 11:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Does the 2008 tax return (or the older tax returns as well) need to be notarized? If so, this is not a problem for me, but can someone confirm this, for London (putting this incase the topic gets moved!)? Thanks!

GO TO THE LONDON USEMBASSY WEBSITE . it would be in the k packet you recieved from the usembassy , when they receive the case . All your answer are there .
AaronMMalePhilippines2009-04-02 10:13:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCalling card to Russia
QUOTE (Ruemonst @ Feb 11 2009, 09:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I have been calling to Saint Petersburg for 3 years. I am using Peanuts LD.
With peanuts you can print out a record of your calls. But, the quality is awful.
It wasn't always that way. I call to a mobile phone.

Is there a calling card that has very good quality?

I don't really care about the price anymore. I just want to get and keep a good
clear connection.

Slim is right , there is no reason you need to have a print out of the calls you have made . Usembassy really doesnt care , about your relationship . The only thing they want to see is evidence of a guinun relationship , and its ongoing . If you are that worried on calling cards , this is what i did sent the original calling cards . Along with the receipt for proof of purchase . With a piece of tape to attach both together . If you are really in a genunin relationship with someone , and the usembassy can see it by other evidence . Just having a calling card with proff of purchase , is enough for them to believe you used it to call the person you are in a relationship with .
AaronMMalePhilippines2009-02-12 19:26:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStill waiting for info on Interview
I certainly agree it is a definite downer to take so long! Our lawyer originally told us that Luda could come by Xmas, then New Year, then Feb.... you get the picture. But in your case all may not be lost... you should be coming up FAST on your approval (assuming everything is correct). The giant bulge in visa applications must be working its way through the system finally too! It has been my impression that your application date is still taken into consideration when prioritizing because we jumped ahead with our NOA1 and then fell back into the pack at NVC and beyond and had to slow down and wait our turn! Take heart !! By the way, we "jumped the gun" too on our engagement... to start this whole marathon of a process! Luckily it has worked out! biggrin.gif
Mike&LudaMaleRussia2007-12-13 17:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStill waiting for info on Interview
ABSOLUTELY it feels good!! I would be much more explicit except I am on a work computer! Thanks for the congrats, good luck and tip on the mail. I will check to make sure Luda has received an Xmas card that one sister sent... even though it should have fit in the mailbox.
Mike&LudaMaleRussia2007-12-13 15:16:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStill waiting for info on Interview
kicking.gif SUCCESS!! My advice to anyone is find the DHL delivery date to the embassy, send an email inquiry at least one week (2 is much better) after that date including petition #s, fiancee's full name and DOB and then WAIT for the response. WAITING was certainly the hard part. I am surprised how far into the future the interview is (Feb. 20th!) based on our approval date (Nov. 1st) but at least we have a date to plan from! AT LAST!! kicking.gif
Mike&LudaMaleRussia2007-12-13 12:36:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStill waiting for info on Interview
QUOTE (DKM @ Dec 12 2007, 08:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Can someobody point me to the website that shows the interview schedules?

Good Luck!
Mike&LudaMaleRussia2007-12-12 22:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStill waiting for info on Interview
QUOTE (Jason-Sasha @ Dec 12 2007, 02:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Mike&Luda @ Dec 12 2007, 09:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
FYI - New interviews until Feb. 12th show on the site the embassy this morning! A Wed. even! Luda tells me that on a Russian site one woman knows her interview is scheduled on Feb. 16th! How do others get this info? I called Moscow embassy phone service and NVC again this morning. Both places say they can not even tell me our petititon was received in Moscow. NVC person denied they have ANYTHING to do with interview dates. Jason, if you see this... How did you find out that yours was delivered to the embassy? I was told again to wait at least a month before trying the embassy paid phone service...

I got the shipping date from NVC. the date they sent it to Moscow. I tracked the package through DHL. Its a really neat trick that a couple of guys came up with. Worked beautifully. Its in the NVC forum. Listed as something like "how to track your petition from NVC to Embassy".

Thanks Jason! It took a lot of tries and a lot of patience but it finally worked. Lots of error came back at first. whistling.gif At least I feel reasonably comfortable that it was delivered! smile.gif Keep warm on your trip to Moscow... November there was no cake-walk!
Mike&LudaMaleRussia2007-12-12 20:22:00