United KingdomVisa Delivery

Well I offer my humblest apologies to special mail, It just arrived right then....Danced around the house of course Woo

YAY!!! Congrats!!

:dance: :D :dance: :D :dance: :D :dance: :D :dance:
heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-07 11:35:00
United KingdomVisa Delivery
Didn't mags have to wait forever for hers? I can't remember.

If they fail to deliver it, can you go to the depot and pick it up?

Anyway, I'm gonna encourage Pigu to camp out on his doorstep to make sure he doesn't miss the delivery.

ETA - From the SMS website (http://www.securemai...faqscontact.asp):
Can I collect my item from your depot?
Secure Mail Services is a specialist mail company providing secure delivery solutions. To maintain the security of all our consignments members of the public are not permitted to access our depots

Edited by heishe, 07 February 2007 - 11:10 AM.

heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-07 11:07:00
United KingdomVaccine's needed for MN USA
I think you can just tell them you've had it.
heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-07 13:04:00
United KingdomMaterials To Bring To The Interview

heishe, me thinks you will see my wife at the Consulate that day (same interview date). Look for a woman struggling to hold two big'll know her when you see her...she stands out, just like her hubby.

Best of luck to you that day too!!! Any trouble and you both can gang up on the Consulate officers... :devil:


I won't see her, but my boy might! Man, I hope they don't have to stand outside in the cold too long. Have you guys booked a flight home yet?
heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-08 08:43:00
United KingdomMaterials To Bring To The Interview

Extra pretty...yeah...with ribbons and bows, using that special paper with the petals in it... :blink: The wife is a craftswoman. :blink:

This is all the "better safe than sorry" stuff. She is already pretty dejected because she was denied a B2 to go and visit the hubby. So she's more than willing to take all the stuff. Luckily, the important paperwork is organized by a tabbed folder for quick access. This website has helped tremendously in every aspect of the visa process. For all your help, I cannot be thankful enough.

Oh, they'll watch the DVD all right...all bloody 4 hours of it. If I gotta wait months on end to be re-united with my wife, they watch it if they know what's good for them... :devil: :blush: :innocent: :whistle:

Hehehe.. alright, I approve! Best wishes for both of you!
heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-08 08:12:00
United KingdomMaterials To Bring To The Interview
Make sure the binding on your 400 pages of emails is extra pretty, or they might hold up the visa until you get it looking nicer.

Just kidding tho.

Um, that looks good. That's a lot. Maybe too much. They aren't going to watch the DVD of your wedding. But hey why not eh? Cheers.
heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-07 16:16:00
United KingdomPANIC SETTING IN!!!
Oh yeah, and I'm sure you'll be fine. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-09 10:52:00
United KingdomPANIC SETTING IN!!!
Yay, Pigu is leaving tomorrow morning for London for his interview Monday. Yay. YAY!!! I can't believe we're almost there!

Also while he's there I hope he can get me a bunch of those Oyster card folder thingies. I'm using one for my wallet and it's so perfect but it's kinda falling apart.


ETA: You guys are so thorough it's kinda freaking me out! 400 pages of emails WITH flower petals, and now a poem! I just gave my boy a link to my online phone records so he can print out the times he's called me. Most of our chat logs are along the lines of "Wow I really want you pretty bad, OH HEY LOOK ITS A PICTURE OF A DOG DRESSED LIKE PEYTON MANNING <linklinklink> btw I love u kis kis even tho u just want green card and were a concentration camp guard kis"

So yeah, not so usable.

Edited by heishe, 09 February 2007 - 10:48 AM.

heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-09 10:43:00
United KingdomPanic Stations..
Yeah, most everyone panics at about this point. I know I did, and I'm not even the one going to the interview. Keep in mind that the Knightsbridge doctor is used to people being nervous, the London embassy is used to people fretting about their interview date, and you have lots of new friends here on VJ who look forward to seeing your posts about medical and P4 and interview success.

heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-08 12:59:00
United KingdomNot engaged/married but looking to move to upstate NY
You definitely can't go through a family-based immigration process if she's the family and you aren't engaged. You could try to go a student or employment route. If you guys are willing to get married, get a K1. Getting engaged isn't some kind magical thing you have to do on top of the Eiffel Tower or something, you just have to decide you will get married. Lots of people on here have rushed into the legal contract of marriage because it's neccessary for immigration.
heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-13 08:23:00
United KingdomAPPROVED!!!
Yay, visa delivered this morning. :D :D

And now I just have to wait a week and six days for him to fly home to me!
heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-14 07:25:00
United KingdomAPPROVED!!!


Am so pleased for you both!!

x chloe

Thanks chloe! I hope to see your situation resolved soon.
heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-12 19:08:00
United KingdomAPPROVED!!!

Congrats ms514 & heishe!!

Hey, I hadn't seen your wedding pictures before. Nice dress. :)
heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-12 10:32:00
United KingdomAPPROVED!!!
Apparently the only problem with Pigu's interview was that they started filling in the forms for some woman with the same last name. He pointed out it was the wrong person and they got his proper forms. I'll be sure to have him write up a review. They asked him some basic questions about me that he seems to have answered correctly. I told him to look for ms514's wife, but she was probably in and out before he got there. He says there was a huge crowd, and they all had to wait in the rain.

Anyway, I'm so freakin proud of him for passing his interview and like WOW OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG etc, I'm sure you all understand. I MEAN HOLY SHIOT!~!!!!!!JAEFLKJ 2kj!!Jgkljl I can't believe we made it to this point. I wanna run around screaming or something, except I also kinda forgot to sleep last night so maybe just run screaming to the coffee pot. I am a happy happy girl.
heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-12 09:35:00
United KingdomAPPROVED!!!
We got approved. :D


Apparently the officer told him he can check the x-ray in his luggage when he flies here. Do you think that's true?
heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-12 07:00:00
United KingdomAPPROVED!!!
Congrats :D

I'm still waiting to hear about mine!

I think seal envelope o'magic comes with the passport.
heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-12 06:26:00
United Kingdoma thak you to my fellow UK VJers
VisaJourney RULES! When me and Pigu decided we wanted to be together on the same continent we really had no idea how to proceed. Someone directed us here, and six months later it's really about to happen. Wow!
heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-13 13:36:00
United KingdomAJames79!!! Good luck!!

WE GOT IT! Chris just called! Expect the visa in 2-3 days!! Awesome! I can finally believe that our wedding will be in JUNE! Thanks again guys and good luck for everyone for the future! Time to pack and fly out!



YAAAAAYYY!!! Hurray!
heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-07 09:55:00
United KingdomJokes

Charming mollification what! I'd say! Good show.

eh, sorry you were offended...that was not my intention. really. I'm not even a ManU supporter nor a Liverpool 'hater', so try not to make a bigger deal about it than what it was....a mild footy joke.

And yeah, it's a mild one as far as footy jokes go....

But whatever...I still thought it was cute! Tomato to-mah-to! :thumbs:

He wasn't offended :D I wasn't offended!!

Okay let's all hold hands
heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-13 15:31:00
United KingdomJokes

aww :( I didn't mean to offend anyone :/

Naw, I'm just making fun!
heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-13 10:28:00
United KingdomJokes
/blank stare
heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-13 09:55:00
United KingdomLondon Appointments (Medical & Interview)
We didn't put a date for travel/wedding, and our interview was scheduled fairly promptly.
heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-20 07:19:00
United KingdomOUT OF MY MINDER
Eh yeah, that was supposed to be irony or something. I don't really think it's funny they couldn't escape the Nazis. I'm bad at making jokes on here. :(
heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-19 16:44:00
United KingdomOUT OF MY MINDER
There was a news story last week about how Anne Frank's father tried to get US immigration for his family too and was denied. HAHA, all these celebrity beetchez WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD!

heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-19 12:49:00
United KingdomNot a good night
Poor Lisa. :(

My wait is almost over, Inshxenu. Back when it was extra bad because I didn't know when it would end, and when it was extra extra bad because that's just how I felt, I thought about a couple in a book I read about Chinese labor migration. This guy in Shandong married a woman, then went to Manchuria to work. He was gone for 30 years or something like that, and she stayed his wife and never got knocked up by anyone else and eventually they got back together and like got old and died or something right after that. It was probably an arranged marriage, she probably never really knew him that well before he left, and for all I know he was a real jerk. So I would think on this and decide it was awful and not a good story and then go bang my head on the wall for a while. Um. Cheers.

Edited by heishe, 19 February 2007 - 09:37 AM.

heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-19 09:35:00
United KingdomMMMMMMM Marmite!

But Pigu likes it. :D
heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-18 09:30:00
United KingdomHow Did You Move Your Stuff?
I share a birthday with Liza Minelli, James Taylor, and Ron Jeremy. Among others. Anyway, yay shipping! Pigu's going to bring everything on the plane with him. Two suitcases and a carry-on. That's all!

Edit: OMG I just posted and saw my tickertag, it says six days now. SIX DAYS!!! O M G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111111111111111 /runs around in circles

Edited by heishe, 21 February 2007 - 12:05 AM.

heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-21 00:05:00
United Kingdomwhat do i do before leaving the UK????

Get copies of BC and stuff. Easier to do whilst in the UK.

Oh yeah, good idea. I hope Pigu did that! Too late now. :)
heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-27 10:15:00
United Kingdomwhat do i do before leaving the UK????
Buy a plane ticket, pack up all your #######. Get a bus to the airport.
heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-27 08:13:00
United KingdomPancake Day
Man I want some pancakes
heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-20 16:51:00
United KingdomAnother interview approval!
Yay, congrats!
heisheFemaleEngland2007-03-06 11:49:00
United KingdomWoohooo!!!! Im online AND they came!!!! (Visas...ahem)
Hurray!! Congratulations!
heisheFemaleEngland2007-03-17 10:26:00
United KingdomGot Email Notification Of Interview!!!
yay! Congrats!! There will be a naked man trashing your house and changing your radio presets before you know it!!

Edited by heishe, 19 March 2007 - 01:51 PM.

heisheFemaleEngland2007-03-19 13:50:00
United KingdomOne more milestone
heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-23 22:11:00
United KingdomOne more milestone
Yep, I'm watching for your NOA2. Any day now!
heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-23 14:41:00
United KingdomFreaking Finally for TracyTN
Oh thank goodness!
heisheFemaleEngland2007-03-22 12:16:00
United KingdomBlueRain77 and PJC1973
Yay!! Congrats!!!
heisheFemaleEngland2007-04-02 11:07:00
United KingdomHot Plane Deals

I'm blessed that theres like 4 or 5 airports all within an hour or two's drive from here. That being said, we tend to go with Dayton or Cincinnati depending on the price.

Adam's just got his interview date so we're finally setting things in line. Looking for a deal in early/mid May didn't do so well, but we came across some decent ones on April 30th, nearly 100 quid difference from the dates we were looking at in May! Now we just need to decide if saving 20 quid is worth him traveling to Newark then Dayton, or if we should just go direct to Cincy.

Thanks to whoever provided that link to Never heard of it but it's so much easier than checking every one of those sites seperately!

YAY, congrats on the P4!! :dance:
heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-06 16:50:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.

packet 4 is just a confirmation of your appointment date and a map showing the location of the embassy.. you can call and find out the interview date from the state dept a few weeks after sending in your packet 3.. ( i waited a week then OCD took over :wacko: )

Oh, who am I kidding? :wacko: Now, where did I put that number for the State Department...

(rings SD, waits for a bit, talks to nice woman)

Right, now I know at least that they received packet 3 and put Gary's paperwork into the system as of March 12th. :)

Congrats :D

See, sometimes our OCD pays off.

Email to London Embassy worked ... got email this morning with interview date of April 18!!! Who knows how long it will take for actual Packet 4 to get to my husband.

Our Packet 3 was received by the Embassy on Feb. 28 but was not recorded as received until Friday, March 9. Sent an email concerning how to change my husband's address on Monday, March 12 and received a reply with appointment date on Thursday, March 15.

I used a lot VJ timeline data for the London Embassy to estimate when our interview date and it estimated April 16 or 17. VJ data is so much better than what the Embassy will tell you! Thank you all so much for keeping your timelines updated!

Hope everyone gets their appointment date soon ... many of you are right behind us so it looks good.

And mucho congrats to you too!
heisheFemaleEngland2007-03-16 11:23:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.

Hi all, Im sending my P3 in tomorrow an dhave a medical on the 26th March, do I have to collect P4 from the Embassy or will it be sent to me ? If it needs collecting I may as well try while Im down there .... Heres hoping.

Adrian & Shannon

You can't collect it in person, unfortunately. You have to wait for it to arrive in the mail. If you're obsessive like I was, you can call repeatedly to check on the status of the paperwork, but be prepared to hear frustrating things like "they haven't received it yet" (which actually means they have it and it's in "to do" pile on someone's desk).
heisheFemaleEngland2007-03-14 10:48:00