United KingdomK1 P4 payment slip

There wont be any payment slip in packet 4...just forms and instructions. But you have to keep Bank Slip when you pay the Visa fees to show and ensure them. Nothing much...not to worry.... :yes:

Bank slip? I do not understand!
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-26 08:42:00
United KingdomK1 P4 payment slip
There was no payment slip in my fiance's P4, which he got this morning. A missing payment slip is something people have mentioned a lot here lately, and I guess the general consensus is that you can pay on the day of the interview.

So has anyone gotten a payment slip in their P4 lately? Maybe London just doesn't use them anymore? And what's the procedure for paying day of?
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-26 08:30:00
United KingdomNVC, packet 3, Packet 4, Interview ?

Your fiance will need your original birth certificate.

I feel quite silly asking this, because I swear I read elsewhere that they don't need the birth certificate this far along. I don't remember why, nor do I remember what topic I read it in, but this has me worried thinking I misinterpreted it or just got some bogus info.

Do they absolutely need the petitioners Birth Certificate? I know they don't need the passport at all, but, If it makes any difference, I did send a copy of it with the original I-129F stuff (along with copies of every page of my passport). If it's often (or even rarely) asked for, I will have to send yet another package over there... which is annoying because I have nothing else to send so it will be the worlds smallest packet ever. But I'd rather know for sure from everyone else while the topic is here than assume I was right before and end up denied at the interview.

To think I almost sent it anyway with the rest of the support papers, just in case, but ended up not doing it... :bonk:

I sent mine - I didn't include it in the USCIS submission, but sent it along for Pigu's interview as proof of citizenship for the I-134.

Send it with a love note. :)

Looking forward to seeing your interview date announcement!
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-28 17:53:00
United KingdomNVC, packet 3, Packet 4, Interview ?
No, you don't need to send passport.
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-26 14:32:00
United KingdomMedical Today

What about that ####### exam though, eh? That metal implement was a bit cold wasn't it? I was walking funny for weeks after!

Pigu seemed to really enjoy his. Maybe you were just too tense?
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-27 09:48:00
United KingdomMedical Today
I'm glad it went well! It seems like lots of people have the exact same experience - the doctor says blood pressure is high due to nervousness then takes another reading later and it's fine. I know my fiance did.
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-26 15:53:00

That would almost be worth the extra 50-100 bucks! I tend to doze on trans_Atlantic flights, and it's slightly annoying to wake up 45 minutes into the final showing of the one movie you wanted to see. (I dope myself up with Dramamine as I tend to be a white knuckle passenger, that and 3/4 one of those bottles of wine and I'm out.)

Hurray for Dramamine!

I'm a puker. :(
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-28 20:29:00
Pigu's booked on Air India, lol. I hope he survives.
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-27 10:42:00
What the hell

Who invited the retard patrol?
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-26 23:13:00

Unfortunately, in the case of going for the "cheaper" AA or UAL--then you will get what you paid for!

A ride to the US?

Yes. :)

On that, you take a chance--you may get a cancellation without notice.

I have never had a positive experience with any US-based airline off of North American shores (one neutral, three somewhat negative, one flight-through-hell).

And that even includes US-based airline's craft used in codeshare!

I've never had cancellation problems or anything (except United gave me some hell in San Fran once, but that was a domestic flight), but some trans-Atlantic carriers have definitely been more COMFORTABLE than others. The worst ever I think was KLM from Detroit to Amsterdam, where the inflight movie was a Dutch dubbed Whoopie Goldberg thing. Shudder. Delta was pretty uncomfortable and I was sitting next to an obnoxious drunk guy, but I did get to England on time.
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-26 10:22:00
Cheapest ticket I found when I went to see my London boy was on Delta. It was so ghetto. :(

But really I just need a place to sit while I ride across the ocean. As long as it stays warm and pressurized, I'll be more or less satisfied.

Man, I took Singapore Air from San Francisco to Korea, THAT was luxurious. There was a Nintendo in every seat!!
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-26 10:06:00

Unfortunately, in the case of going for the "cheaper" AA or UAL--then you will get what you paid for!

A ride to the US?

Yes. :)
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-26 09:44:00
Man we're too poor to fly BA.
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-25 19:25:00
United KingdomWoo Hoo!!!!!

Got my packet 4 this morning in the post :thumbs:

:) :) :) :) :)

February 12th at 10 AM! I guess they didn't lose our papers afterall. :)


That's brilliant!! Congratulations :dance: :dance: :dance:

Hey man, thanks! :)

Pigu got his P4 this morning too. It didn't have a payment slip. Did yours? Searching here, it looks like there's been a lot of P4s lately without payment slips. He's going to email embassy, but I suspect they'll tell him to pay day of.

Anyone have experience with paying at the embassy? Do you go through a cashier or pay the officer directly or what?
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-26 06:54:00
United KingdomWoo Hoo!!!!!
I was really insisting Pigu go through JFK for the stamp, for a while.. but I got a promotion and a big raise at my office so it's not that important he have a job anymore. So he's gonna come to Chicago on Air India and connect to Indy. He's buying tickets right now! I can't even believe it. The ticket is refundable except £50 should anything go horribly wrong, but it's for a couple weeks after his interview so probably everything will be fine. Yay. :) :)
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-25 17:54:00
United KingdomWoo Hoo!!!!!

And we have to figure out what'll be the cheapest flight to get him here. I have Delta miles to buy him a ticket from any POE to Indiana, so he can basically just fly wherever's cheapest. Within reason. I suppose I wouldn't make him go to California just to save money.

Have you thought about flying into Cincy? It is a good POE and only about 2 hours from Indianapolis. Add on whatever it would be to get to Bloomington (hour?). I flew into there in December. Delta do a direct flight from Gatwick too.

I got a super deal on Delta and flew out of Cincy to visit him last year. It's only 2.5 hours driving from Bloomington and a really pretty route, so better to just drive there than connect from Indy, imho. I would love to fly him in there, but so far all the late Feb prices I've found for Cincy are really high! And my Delta miles aren't enough to get him an international ticket. :(\

So far a $410 Air India ticket to JFK is the best we've found.

I think I paid 320 quid for mine ($500 or so). Actually, pretty cheap for mid December. Larry just picked me up from Cincy and we drove to Greencastle. Took about 3 hours.

When Pigu came here this summer I picked him up from O'Hare. That was a good 5 or so hours each way, a lot of that stuck in traffic on the Ryan/Kennedy. It was a long drive on my own, but a fun road trip once I had him in the car. :)

He just found a good Air India ticket to Chicago, so I could conceivably save my Skymiles and do the road trip again. There's also a Megabus to Indy, but I don't think I would make him do that.

It's gonna be so much better this time! I get to keep him! YAY!
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-25 16:39:00
United KingdomWoo Hoo!!!!!

And we have to figure out what'll be the cheapest flight to get him here. I have Delta miles to buy him a ticket from any POE to Indiana, so he can basically just fly wherever's cheapest. Within reason. I suppose I wouldn't make him go to California just to save money.

Have you thought about flying into Cincy? It is a good POE and only about 2 hours from Indianapolis. Add on whatever it would be to get to Bloomington (hour?). I flew into there in December. Delta do a direct flight from Gatwick too.

I got a super deal on Delta and flew out of Cincy to visit him last year. It's only 2.5 hours driving from Bloomington and a really pretty route, so better to just drive there than connect from Indy, imho. I would love to fly him in there, but so far all the late Feb prices I've found for Cincy are really high! And my Delta miles aren't enough to get him an international ticket. :(\

So far a $410 Air India ticket to JFK is the best we've found.
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-25 16:20:00
United KingdomWoo Hoo!!!!!

Yay..I am getting married too.
Went to have a taste testing with our caterer last night!
Tasted our wedding cake...well I tasted Mine and Chris' wedding cake.
We are actually having 16 different cakes.
Tasted all the food!!

It made me so excited! 5 months and I will be a married girl to the man of my dreams.

I also got my veil and sparkly head thingy majig....

I am so excited!! For all of us!

alright my mood is better. Thanks guys!

Oh my god, 16 cakes!!

We're gonna have a pretty low-key courthouse wedding and a nice party at my mom's house. I'm still putting lots of thought into my outfit and jewelry, but there won't be a veil or traditional foofy wedding dress. My mom had kinda decided we would order a couple cakes from a bakery, but, over Christmas when I was there I made a chocolate cake with raspberry filling and cinnamon cream frosting that was basically the best thing any of us had ever put in our mouths, so we're gonna go with that instead.

I got a new apartment a couple weeks ago and my mom bought me a totally fantastic queen sized mattress as a wedding gift, so that's just peachy, and it looks like I'm not gonna be alone on it for too much longer. (L)

Now I gotta make up a list of people getting wedding notifications/invites and think about what'll be a good date! And I have to get pearls and silver settings for my necklace, because all I have right now is the loose gems and lots of sketches. And I have to keep looking at shoes, because I'm not sure I've found the right pair yet.

And we have to figure out what'll be the cheapest flight to get him here. I have Delta miles to buy him a ticket from any POE to Indiana, so he can basically just fly wherever's cheapest. Within reason. I suppose I wouldn't make him go to California just to save money.

Basically, what I'm trying to say is..


Oh yeah, we met online, on an IRC channel associated with a general discussion forum.
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-25 15:10:00
United KingdomWoo Hoo!!!!!
My Piglet will probably stay with his sister in London for the interview. God it's so hard to wait to buy his plane ticket, but thankfully he has more restraint than I do. I just can't wait to get my hands on him again.

Yay I'm getting married. :luv:
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-25 14:06:00
United KingdomWoo Hoo!!!!!
Thanks guys :D

I was feeling so whiny about it, but really I didn't have to wait too long. I found out about this by calling the State Department, Pigu hasn't gotten his P4 yet but State said it was mailed out yesterday. We're so excited! End in sight! YAY!
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-25 13:10:00
United KingdomWoo Hoo!!!!!
:) :) :) :) :)

February 12th at 10 AM! I guess they didn't lose our papers afterall. :)

heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-25 12:34:00
United KingdomWoo Hoo!!!!!

That means your next Heishe!!! :D

I sure hope so.
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-24 13:22:00
United KingdomWoo Hoo!!!!!
YAY!! This is great news!
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-24 10:45:00
United KingdomWondering which is faster?
Yeah, you send back the visa forms, you send back the checklist (either with the visa forms or separately), you keep the police record and financial stuff and whatever other documents you have to show you're a good person with you and bring them to the interview.
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-30 06:50:00
United KingdomWondering which is faster?
My impression is that people who send the forms and checklist separately (by a few weeks) often get P4 pretty quickly after they send checklist, because the P3 forms will have already been entered in the computer, whereas people who send them together wait a bit longer from sending. However, sending them together saves time because you don't lose weeks by holding onto the checklist.

Um, if that makes sense.
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-26 07:01:00
United KingdomSponsorship Question

Oh of course, definately. I hate not working. It bores me to tears. Perhaps I'll bring my last few tax returns to show normally I'm working fulltime, all the time. Couldn't hurt.

Yeah, that will be helpful. Really, as long as you have a reasonable excuse for not working lately (hint: being abroad is a reasonable excuse for not working) and a competent co-sponsor, this isn't something to worry about overly much.
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-30 16:52:00
United KingdomSponsorship Question
Should be okay, as long as you express that you are willing to work.
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-30 06:52:00
United KingdomWhat's everyone doing today?
I'm working customer service in our department today, so I don't really have much time to surf the web. So sad. But I get to write all the official sounding email responses to people's inquiries. It makes me feel powerful. I like to pretend I'm actually working for the London Embassy.
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-31 12:17:00
United KingdomInterview date
Yay, congrats!!
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-31 08:28:00
United KingdomLet me know if I have this right..
A lot of people's first P3s go missing. I think it's totally fine for you to request another one. It doesn't matter if you send the forms back separately or together. If you don't have the checklist stuff ready, keep the list until you do and send the forms on ahead. If everything's ready to go together, send it together.
heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-01 06:27:00
United KingdomMail order brides GRRRRR

How did I miss this jewel? :lol:

Tsk tsk..if this topic was in MENA it would be 20 pages long by now. :lol:

No truer words spoken, JP :thumbs:

If ya'll need assistance, I'll see if I can get the MENA crew in here tomorrow. :lol: :lol: :lol:

heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-31 07:17:00
United KingdomMail order brides GRRRRR
Oh man, I saw this this morning and was hoping it would scroll down off the front page before anyone else noticed. Not a good topic, Ariana! Offended visitors please move right along, nothing to see here! She didn't mean it!
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-30 11:52:00
United KingdomLosing My Mind One Day At A Time
Yay!! Congrats!!!
heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-01 15:06:00
United KingdomLosing My Mind One Day At A Time

So close yet so far. Here's my story/rant. I was overjoyed when I received notice from the NVC that the case (k3) has been forwarded to the London Consulate on December 13. Up to this point, the immigration process had moved along well, as I had filed the k3 october 13th. That's the point where I slowly began to lose it. The Consulate supposedly sent the Packet 3 on January 8. Ok...not bad, except that it was NEVER received. They finally, after our request, re-sent it on January 19th. We had sent the Ds-230 and Ds-156 on the 15th (couldn't keep waiting) and then, upon receiving the "k3 checklist" (it is actually the K1 checklist with a couple of words crossed out and k3 written in ink?!?!?). Never thinking that the Ds-156k would be required for my wife, we never sent it with the Ds-230 and Ds-156. So we filled it out and sent it with the checklist on January 19. And of course, since then, silence. And what makes it worse is that you are so close and yet, still in limbo (kinda in limbo until you get the visa in hand).

So a question after all this ranting. How long should I wait before I consider the forms and checklist lost and resend? Yes, I am getting impatient, but just so I don't sit on some useless hope, what is a good time to consider re-sending the entire packet 3 (forms and checklists) again? Mind you, my wife and I are going through plenty of mental anguish due to this. It may be just a job for the Consulate, but darn it, this is making us crazy!!!! :crying:

Thanks for your help and hope you pray for this poor guy and his gal.

My fiance's first P3 never arrived either. They resent the packet when I wrote to enquire, and he got it shortly. He returned all the P3 forms and checklist together on Jan. 2 and only got his P4 on the 26th. I think you are still well within normal processing time. That doesn't mean you can't freak out, god knows I did, but hold off resending for now.

You can call the State Dept in Washington DC to enquire about the status of your case. They tend to be really reasonable and nice. They will probably say it shows you haven't returned your P3 stuff yet, which is normal, because London takes a long time to enter stuff into their computers. Call (202) 663-1225, then hit 1, 0, 0. That will put you in the operature queue, hopefully. I found out the date of my fiance's interview just one day before his P4 arrived in the mail by calling State.
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-31 08:26:00
United Kingdoma few questions on packet 3
Date arrived at embassy is a guess based on DHL website. You'll notice I'm one of three claiming the ONE package that arrived at London on Dec 4th. It's fun. :D

We requested London resend the P3. I dunno what to recommend about that. You can problably get all the forms from the website, but P3 has instructions for the medical and I think it's just nice to get a physical thing, at least to make sure they have your address right for the more important stuff later. You schedule your own medical, you can do that at any time.
heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-02 16:13:00
United KingdomHelp!!! Regarding K3 Payment...Before Or On Interview?
Yep, pay at the embassy now. Change of policy.
heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-04 15:44:00
United KingdomI need some good thoughts please
YAY!! On to the interview!! :dance:
heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-05 09:58:00
United KingdomQuick question about barcode on DS-156
Pigu says: they sent me the DS-156 on paper, and i filled it in. It has a box with BARCODE written on it.

He filled out the paper form, didn't sign it, and sent it back. He left the barcode box blank. They processed his papers and scheduled his interview.
heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-07 10:12:00
United KingdomQuick question about barcode on DS-156
No, it doesn't have to be done online.
heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-06 13:26:00
United KingdomVisa Delivery

Well I offer my humblest apologies to special mail, It just arrived right then....Danced around the house of course Woo

YAY!!! Congrats!!

:dance: :D :dance: :D :dance: :D :dance: :D :dance:
heisheFemaleEngland2007-02-07 11:35:00