Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrazil: I would like to know which vaccines should I take for my age
-> 2 doses of the Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) vaccination -- aka, Tríplice viral (according to wikipedia, anyway, my medical Portuguese is limited to asking the pharmacist for over-the-counter things!)
-> 2 doses of the Varicella ('chickenpox') vaccation if you have not had chicken pox -- aka, Varicela / catapora
-> a recent (within the last 10 years) booster of the Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis (whooping cough) (TDP/TDaP) -- aka, DTP or Tríplice Bacteriana

My husband got the MMR & TDP (plus a swine flu and regular flu vaccination) at a local health clinic before his medical in Rio -- he didn't need the varicella vaccination as he had had chickenpox as a child. :)

Edited by K and L, 23 November 2010 - 09:29 PM.

K and LFemaleBrazil2010-11-23 21:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaMedical reports
I think this is something that varies by country, because L's doctor told him the results of all of the labs and that he was in great health.

ETA: It could be that the person with whom he spoke isn't authorized to discuss things like medical results, or didn't know that they are his results.

Edited by K and L, 28 November 2010 - 01:48 AM.

K and LFemaleBrazil2010-11-28 01:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaK-1 - Brazil time line
Being denied a tourist visa is not going to be a problem for the K1 if it was due to an inability to show ties to Brazil. (Other reasons, like previous misrepresentation / illegal presence in the US, will of course impact the whole visa process differently).

Like your fiancée, my husband L (the Brazilian half) was denied a tourist visa prior to our K1 application. When you get to the interview stage, one of the forms will ask if she has ever been refused admittance to the US, and the answer is YES - but explain that it was due to a denied tourist visa, and that she couldn't show ties to Brazil. They will look in their records (which they'll do anyway, so don't lie - material misrepresentation can lead to a lifetime ban!) and confirm that it was a denial based on insufficient ties. They may ask about it at the interview -- L's CO did -- and they may not. If your fiancée still has the paperwork from the visa denial, she will want to bring it to the interview. L's CO didn't want it (he had his own copy), but seemed pleased that he had brought it.

Regarding attending the interview: you are absolutely allowed to go to the interview! When L interviewed, most of the people there were couples with both parties. They look favorably on the petitioner being there (after all, what better proof of relationship than a willingness to fly to the interview?), but it is unlikely to hurt your petition in Brazil if you (the American) does not attend. (There are other countries, like Ecuador, where the same cannot be said.) I attended L's interview, and the CO actually asked *me* more questions than he asked L! So be prepared, they will ask you questions as well if you are there. (You can have the interview in Portuguese or English or both, whatever suits your mutual needs - in our case, I knew *some* Portuguese, but not enough to follow and certainly not enough to respond, so L requested it be in English.)

ETA: If you have any questions, feel free to PM me! I don't check my notifications often now that we're done 'til it's time to renew L's green card, but I get an email when I've got a PM. :)

Edited by K and L, 28 March 2011 - 05:50 PM.

K and LFemaleBrazil2011-03-28 17:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaK-1 - Brazil time line
When my husband went through the process last year, there was no packet 3 for Brazil - they just made your appointment.

My husband's timeline went something like this:
  • 80 days from NOA1 to NOA2 approval. This is where it varies by location (CSC vs VSC) and how busy they are and how much they're working on the K1s. I've seen it pop out in 60 days, I've seen it pop out in 7 months, all without problems or AP.
  • 7 days from NOA2 to arrival at the NVC. This is pretty typical, though a bit on the long side (we had a federal holiday, Martin Luther King Day, in that timeframe).
  • 5 days at NVC. Again, pretty typical.
  • 4 days from NVC to receipt in Rio. Pretty typical for Rio.
  • 7 days until they assigned the interview date (by letter) and 11 until electronic notice was given. I really don't know if this one is long or short or average for Rio - I had had the impression from others that within a few days of receiving, you can inquire about an interview date and get one, but they claimed they hadn't gotten it when I emailed the day after my interview date was scheduled. Typical government efficiency, left hand doesn't really know what the right hand is doing.
  • 42 days from electronic notice / 49 days from consular receipt to interview. Fairly typical for Brazil

So, usually, it takes 3-5 months to get to the NOA2 approval. And with Brazil, the interview will be normally be around 9 and 11 weeks later. The consulate's pretty good about letting you reschedule (we rescheduled from our original interview twice), though it's got to be for a pretty special reason to go past 4 months of approval.
K and LFemaleBrazil2011-01-13 10:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBest/cheapest way to mail things to South America?
We use USPS all the time for small things (letters, photos, documents) to go to Brasil, but for packages and what not? There's nothing quite as special as being charged 3x in taxes what the sender spent to buy it, even when there's a receipt ... so we just bring 'em with us when we visit :P
K and LFemaleBrazil2011-03-30 19:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaAmerican Obtaining a Brazilian Passport/Duel Citizenship
@JustBob: in theory, yes. But in practice, just like in the US, citizen births abroad must be registered to have the citizenship recognized, and if it's not registered, Brazil does not consider them a citizen. And if you cannot prove that one (or both) of the parents was Brazilian, they will not allow a registration to happen.

@Fetta: Did your mother register your birth with the consulate? If so, you are done. You're already a citizen. And you may be in a little trouble, because you haven't registered for the military, filed taxes, or voted, but that should be readily fixed (but may cost some money to regulate your siutation).

If not, do you have your mother's Brazilian documentation?

Since you are over the age of 18, you may self register (or at least, that's what the Chicago consulate says), with your mother's documentation.

You will need to fill out the application for the registry of your birth (which would be signed at the consulate). You would need a certified copy of your American birth certificate. You would need your American passport. You would need the ORIGINALS of two Brazilian documents proving your mother's identity and nationality (passport, national driver's license, ID card, birth certificate, state ID card). You would need a certified copy of your father's birth certificate and either a passport or driver's license. If either parent changed their names at any point in their life (including their marriage, subsequent divorce, and/or remarriage),you'll need the documents pertaining to those as well.

If your mother is alive, and is lacking her passport or what not, she will have to go to the consulate and procure a new passport and attempt to procure a new birth certificate from Brazil (family in the area of her cartario may be able assist - L's father procured his 2a for his birth certificate for us), as well as regularize her situation if she's not been voting and what not.

If your mother is dead, you will need to go to Brazil, to her cartario to procure her birth certificate. I do not know how you can procure any ID if you no longer have her Brazilian ID and she's passed away -- you may be unable to register yourself in that case.

Edited by K and L, 05 April 2011 - 12:29 AM.

K and LFemaleBrazil2011-04-05 00:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaInternational Vaccination Card & Drivers License from BRAZIL?
Has your noivo had his medical yet? If not, he's got to get a copy of his vaccinations for that anyway. IMO, it's not a bad idea - you may need to provide proof of vaccination for your vaccination transcripts (for your AOS) if the Brazilian civil surgeon doesn't give you a copy of the medical or if the American civil surgeon won't take it. (My husband got his vaccination records from the Red Cross - and I don't know if that's the same thing, I haven't seen it for about a year!)

As for driving, getting the Inter-American Driver's License should suffice until his green card arrives. Once his green card arrives, he'll need to apply for an American license. (Depending on your state, he may be able to get one while he's on the K1 or while AOS is pending.)
K and LFemaleBrazil2011-06-20 00:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrazilian mother-in-law to visit
One thing that you may want to make sure you have is that your trash can in the bathroom has a lid. If your wife's mother's from a part of Brazil with bad plumbing, the standard care with TP may be the trash can, not the toilet. Your wife should know if this is an issue.
K and LFemaleBrazil2011-08-07 13:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrazil: Simple Questions about filling out the I-129F Petition
This is how we wrote L's for his G325A without problems

Street And Number: R. Seasame Street, 20
City: São Paulo
Province or State: SP
Country: Brazil

And on our I-129F:
Number and Street: Rua Seasame Street, 20
Town or City: São Paulo
State or Country: SP, Brazil
Zip/Postal Code::01103-050

Number and Street: Rua Seasame Street, 20
Town or City: São Paulo
State or Province: SP
Country: Brazil

ETA: No problems at any stage of the K1. The consulate/postal service can figure out the neighborhood from the CEP.

Edited by K and L, 31 August 2011 - 08:46 AM.

K and LFemaleBrazil2011-08-31 08:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrazilian Recipes (Help!)
One thing you could do is make a variety of traditional milk caramel candies -- brigadeiro, beijinhos, camafeu de nozes, etc. They're all about the same procedure (put a pot on medium heat, melt a tablespoon of butter, dump in a can of sweetened condensed milk, and dump in the flavoring -- 1/4c of grated chocolate/chocolate chips for brigadeiro, 1/4c c coconut flakes for beijinhos, 1/4c crushed pecans for camafeu -- and stir until it's thickened to the point that it sticks to the spoon and you can see the bottom of the pot, about 15-20min. When it's done, let cool for an hour or so, and then make quarter sized balls. Roll beijinhos in white sugar and put in a whole clove[take it out before oyu eatthe candy though!], you can roll brigadeiro in chocolate sprinkles, and typically, you coat camafeu with melted chocolate ... search youtube for videos for making brigadeiro), At least in my husband's family, that's what they do on birthdays.

My husband's from Bahia, and he loooooves moqueca. It's a really easy dish, though if you do not have dende on hand, it will not taste the same. (Dende is red palm oil, and it's got a bit of a nutty flavor to it. You can use olive oil as a substitute, but it will be missing something. You can buy dende online - and if you happened to slip some other treats in the cart, she'd probably be over the moon.) Heat 3-4 Tbs of dende in a large skillet. Dice 1 an onion and 2 green peppers and put in the skillet and stir until it's softened. Add 1 16oz can of coconut milk, 1 16oz can of tomato sauce, and let simmer for about 10 minutes. At this point, add your favorite meat (shrimp, clams, crab, lobster, white fish, chicken, pork, beef, eggs -- seafood is traditional in Bahia), and if it's seafood, add a tablespoon of lemon juice. Cover, and let it simmer until the meat's cooked through. Add about 2 handfuls of chopped cilantro, and serve with rice.

I recommend buying the dende online if you don't have it. has dende, Sonho de Valsa & Garoto bon bons, Lacta chocolates, pão de queijo mix (as well as manioc, so you could make some farofa as well), cookies, and a ton more. Haven't bought from them yet, but we'll probably grab some dende there soon,as our last bottle is almost gone.
K and LFemaleBrazil2011-05-24 15:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaMarrying in Brazil: Where to get a certificate of freedom to marry?
When my husband and I looked at getting married in Brazil in 2009, the process/costs looked something like:
1) My birth certificate & its translation (translated by a sworn public translator) authenticated by the US consulate in the US ($20 + the $25 translation fee)
2) A sworn statement made at a US consulate stating that I was single and eligible to get married ($50)
3) A CPF (available freely in the US at the consulate or in Brazil all over the place)
4) Get the sworn public translation authenticated by a tabelião (R$20 IIRC)
5) Registered intent of marriage at the cartório (R$75)
6) 30 day waiting period (which, for us, was the problem, because I couldn't go back to Brazil within the valid 3 mo period or stay long enough for it)
7) Get married & register the marriage with the cartório (R$20x a bunch, because there's a fee for each and every page they needed)

We ended up talking to both the Brazilian consulate and his local cartório to get this info, and as sorchaine said, varies by cartório.

At the end of the day, with the travel necessary (both within the US & in Brazil, to hit the consulates), it just wasn't practical for us, so we went the K1 route & paid a small fee to our photographer to add videography, and made subtitles of our wedding in the DVD we burned for his parents ^^

Edited by K and L, 10 September 2011 - 07:46 PM.

K and LFemaleBrazil2011-09-10 19:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaInterview Language
Thanks! We're actually just starting to get ready to collect all the paperwork for his ROC. I will be SO glad next year, after his citizenship stuff's over!

Break a leg with yours :)
K and LFemaleBrazil2012-01-26 01:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaInterview Language
When L had his interview in Brasil, the CO asked (in Portuguese) if L preferred it to be in Portuguese or English, and so L had his interview in English (mostly because I was there and my Portuguese was not at all good).

That said, they may ask him how you communicate, since he doesn't speak English. ^^
K and LFemaleBrazil2012-01-22 13:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaAirline prices to South America
That's not so bad, L's last trip to Brasil was $2025. Suffice it to say, he doesn't get to go back often :(

Edited by K and L, 14 January 2012 - 09:56 PM.

K and LFemaleBrazil2012-01-14 21:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaMarriage Registration - Brazil
We went through the Brazilian consulate in Chicago to register our marriage as well.

For your husband (the Brazilian spouse), you will need:
1) IF HE HAS NEVER BEEN MARRIED: a certified copy of his birth certificate ("Certidão de Nacimento de 2a Via") that is less than 6 months old.

2) IF HE HAS BEEN MARRIED AND DIVORCED: his previous marriage certificate with divorce certificate (?averbação de divórcio?). If the divorce did not take place in Brazil, the Divorce Certificate must be ratified by the Superior Tribune of Justice before the new marriage can be registere

3) IF HE HAS BEEN MARRIED AND WIDOWED: Marriage Certificate with Death Certificate (?certidão de óbito?) of the deceased spouse

**NOTE** that marriages between two Brazilians would need the above; the below is only for non-Brazilian spouses

For yourself (the non-Brazilian spouse), you will need:
1) IF YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN MARRIED: a certified copy of your birth certificate

2) IF YOU HAVE BEEN MARRIED AND DIVORCED: a certified copy of your birth certificate, a certified copy of your previous marriage certificate, and a certified copy of the divorce decree

3) IF YOU HAVE BEEN MARRIED AND WIDOWED: a certified copy of your birth certificate, a certified copy of your previous marriage certificate, and a certified copy of your late husband's death certificate.

**NOTE** If you (the non-Brazilian spouse) are not a US citizen, your documents will need to be legalized by the consulate for an additional fee ($20/ea if I recall correctly).

In addition to the applicable documents above, you will need a certified copy of your marriage certificate, the registration form ("Formulário para Registro de Casamento"), and a money order for $20 (plus $5 for any additional copies).

If you do not live in the Chicago area, you may mail photocopies with your application and present the originals/certified copies when you go to Chicago for your appointment to sign the marriage registry.

ETA: In either case, as menina said, you have 6mo from the next time you go to Brazil to get it registered there as well.

Edited by K and L, 28 January 2011 - 10:06 PM.

K and LFemaleBrazil2011-01-28 22:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaInterview Language
My wifes Interview was held in English and Vietnamese. Me being American they expect you to answer some questions in your Petitioner's Native language. My wife had a double whammy because her English was poor and Vietnamese fair. Her main language is Khmer and they wouldn't interview her in that language which I thought was a bunch of #######! Granted there's over 50 different languages spoke over there but last time I checked I paid good money for the Visa Process, I would think enough to hire a few diff translators.
Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2012-01-22 13:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies
QUOTE (Shemmy @ Sep 11 2009, 09:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Lesly - your daughter is adorable. Have you started the process?

Yes...I just sent our ds 230 via DHL to the embassy...hoping to get our interview date soon...and thank you for the compliment...she looks just like her daddy!!
leslyjo85FemaleJamaica2009-09-12 07:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies
QUOTE (Chiney*Eyes @ Sep 11 2009, 03:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
LESLY...UR GOOD..DON'T THINK I COULD DATE ANYONE SO MUCH OLDER THAN ME OR YOUNGER first I was very put off....he is only 5 years older than my son...but he stepped up and took care of my three kids better than their dad ever a matter of fact...they call him Dad....he is a terrific man...and those are hard to I let the age be a "non issue" ...i mean seriously, I have never sent a dime to Jamaica but he sends me support for our daughter every month...he is responsible, intelligent and driven to succeed. I feel blessed to call him my king!!
leslyjo85FemaleJamaica2009-09-11 19:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies
QUOTE (Hotlegz @ Aug 8 2009, 06:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jawi876 @ Aug 7 2009, 07:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
900 years...13 months...53 weeks...366 days....25 hours...61 minutes and 61 seconds. devil.gif good.gif whistling.gif

rofl.gif headbonk.gif
QUOTE (acrow @ Aug 7 2009, 07:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
one year


hubby 2yrs older

KK headbonk.gif

My fiancee and i are 19 1/2 years apart....i am older....he is wiser and more mature!!! LOL!!
leslyjo85FemaleJamaica2009-09-07 21:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies filing for K-1 Visas
QUOTE (jawi876 @ Sep 16 2009, 11:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't want to confuse you Lesly...Lawny your method is the one all the yardies have been using for years...but you were lucky to get through that fast with the process...others have not been so lucky. It took over a week for them to even reply to my email...

Lesly I would suggest you look at timelines and gauge which way is better for I way worked for me...but it was only a $40 gamble that paid off big for us. I got an interview scheduled within 6 days of mailing off the DS-230 Part 1...if memory serves me correctly...I beat you Lawny in this part of the time line (naanie naanie boo boo) LOL

6-8 days to an interview date or 6-8 days/possible weeks to drop off the DS-230, then wait more days/weeks for interview...

Wishing you the best in whichever way you go! good.gif honey and I talked last night and decided....I am sending the forms to him via DHL from the states...he has to go all the way to Montego Bay to get them as that is the closest center to pick up packages for him....he is going to sign the papers...add the additional items such as his photo, and then resend the items via DHL 2 day to the embassy....I assume we can track this package via DHL and know when the embassy receives it. I have no idea if we will get through quickly or not....I just want him home by my birthday if possible...Nov. 27th.....or by Christmas for sure....these are my hopes....thanks for all of the advice everyone!! Now I just dont know if I follow the embassy's directions of writing "not applicable" in the blanks or "N/A" as it says on the form....or if they really wont!! You all are so wonderful to help me!! I have added everyone who has helped me to my prayer list and hope all of your wishes and dreams are fulfilled!!

leslyjo85FemaleJamaica2009-09-17 06:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies filing for K-1 Visas
QUOTE (leslyjo85 @ Sep 16 2009, 10:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (leslyjo85 @ Sep 16 2009, 07:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jawi876 @ Sep 15 2009, 11:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I sent the signed copy of the DS-230 Part 1 from the USA using DHL...for that $35-$40 it got there the very next day even though they quoted 2 day service. USPS lost a package with our supporting evidence and refused to do anything about it and it cost me $45-$50 to get to got to Canada in about 4 days but sat in Customs for over 2 weeks. They were supposed to send it back to me since the person that needed to sign for it was no longer in Canada. They delivered it to the address anyway.

I will NEVER recommend the USPS for this process...too much to risk to save a few bucks.

I figured I would answer since I was the one that told people to do it. I don't think using DHL in Jamaica to deliver the form has been very reliable.

Thank you for the info!! I will definitely use DHL from the states to get the package to Jamaica. We want this to go as quickly as possible though and if we wait for an interview to drop off the form at the rmbassy we could be talking 3-4 weeks from what I have read. Is there a way to just go in and drop off the forms without an appointment? Otherwise, I figure DHL in Jamaica HAS to be more reliable than regular mail in Jamaica. Any ideas??

Thanks so much!! I will email them immediately!!

Hi Lesly, you can do as Jawi suggested. We asked for an appt to drop off the DS-230 on Tuesday, they told us to come at 12:30 on Thursday (I was in Jamaica at the time), we did that. I got an e-mail from the embassy on Monday informing us of our interview date. I don't know why it takes some time for others, we had no problems...that was in April 2008.

Can you please tell me the number you called to set up the appointment to drop off the form DS 230? We can certainly try that route if it is more reliable....I just want everything to go as quickly as possible!! Every day is a missed opportunity for him and our daughter to be together!!

Lesly, mi nevah call -- I didn't make a call I sent an I've only communicated with the embassy by e-mail.

leslyjo85FemaleJamaica2009-09-16 18:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies filing for K-1 Visas
QUOTE (leslyjo85 @ Sep 16 2009, 07:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jawi876 @ Sep 15 2009, 11:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I sent the signed copy of the DS-230 Part 1 from the USA using DHL...for that $35-$40 it got there the very next day even though they quoted 2 day service. USPS lost a package with our supporting evidence and refused to do anything about it and it cost me $45-$50 to get to got to Canada in about 4 days but sat in Customs for over 2 weeks. They were supposed to send it back to me since the person that needed to sign for it was no longer in Canada. They delivered it to the address anyway.

I will NEVER recommend the USPS for this process...too much to risk to save a few bucks.

I figured I would answer since I was the one that told people to do it. I don't think using DHL in Jamaica to deliver the form has been very reliable.

Thank you for the info!! I will definitely use DHL from the states to get the package to Jamaica. We want this to go as quickly as possible though and if we wait for an interview to drop off the form at the rmbassy we could be talking 3-4 weeks from what I have read. Is there a way to just go in and drop off the forms without an appointment? Otherwise, I figure DHL in Jamaica HAS to be more reliable than regular mail in Jamaica. Any ideas??


Hi Lesly, you can do as Jawi suggested. We asked for an appt to drop off the DS-230 on Tuesday, they told us to come at 12:30 on Thursday (I was in Jamaica at the time), we did that. I got an e-mail from the embassy on Monday informing us of our interview date. I don't know why it takes some time for others, we had no problems...that was in April 2008.

Can you please tell me the number you called to set up the appointment to drop off the form DS 230? We can certainly try that route if it is more reliable....I just want everything to go as quickly as possible!! Every day is a missed opportunity for him and our daughter to be together!!
leslyjo85FemaleJamaica2009-09-16 09:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies filing for K-1 Visas
QUOTE (jawi876 @ Sep 15 2009, 11:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I sent the signed copy of the DS-230 Part 1 from the USA using DHL...for that $35-$40 it got there the very next day even though they quoted 2 day service. USPS lost a package with our supporting evidence and refused to do anything about it and it cost me $45-$50 to get to got to Canada in about 4 days but sat in Customs for over 2 weeks. They were supposed to send it back to me since the person that needed to sign for it was no longer in Canada. They delivered it to the address anyway.

I will NEVER recommend the USPS for this process...too much to risk to save a few bucks.

I figured I would answer since I was the one that told people to do it. I don't think using DHL in Jamaica to deliver the form has been very reliable.

Thank you for the info!! I will definitely use DHL from the states to get the package to Jamaica. We want this to go as quickly as possible though and if we wait for an interview to drop off the form at the rmbassy we could be talking 3-4 weeks from what I have read. Is there a way to just go in and drop off the forms without an appointment? Otherwise, I figure DHL in Jamaica HAS to be more reliable than regular mail in Jamaica. Any ideas??

leslyjo85FemaleJamaica2009-09-16 06:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies filing for K-1 Visas
QUOTE (leslyjo85 @ Sep 14 2009, 06:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JAPrincess @ Sep 14 2009, 01:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (leslyjo85 @ Sep 13 2009, 08:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Did you send the DS 230 Part 1 via DHL from America? Does it have to be signed by my fiance? I could send it to DHL as it is completely filled out but I am in the US and my fiance is in Jamaica so it would not be signed. Would it be better to DHL it to him and then have him drop it off at the embassy without an appointment? Please help!! Thank you!!

It MUST be signed by him.
I believe for all intensive purposes DHL is out of business in America.
Send it to him USPS Express (takes 6 business days and MUCH cheaper than Fed-Ex) you can track it on-line.
Have him sign it and then send it DHL to the embassy.
Otherwise, he will have to have an appointment to physically drop it off at the embassy.

God bless you and thanks for the quick response!! Can he Fed-ex it to the embassy? I dont believe there is a DHL in St Anns Bay where he lives....We do have DHL here and they said they can get him the letter in 3 business days for 40.00 US but if the express via USPS is less I think I will go that route as there isnt much of a difference in time....I know every day counts....but at this does every dollar!! Thank you and I wish you the brightest and happiest future!!


One more question please...actually two we are not married I filled in the spouse info as not applicable...was that right? Also...the embassy directions said to write in not applicable wheras the directions on the sheet say to put N/ you know which one to do? Thanks again!!!


leslyjo85FemaleJamaica2009-09-14 06:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies filing for K-1 Visas
QUOTE (JAPrincess @ Sep 14 2009, 01:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (leslyjo85 @ Sep 13 2009, 08:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Did you send the DS 230 Part 1 via DHL from America? Does it have to be signed by my fiance? I could send it to DHL as it is completely filled out but I am in the US and my fiance is in Jamaica so it would not be signed. Would it be better to DHL it to him and then have him drop it off at the embassy without an appointment? Please help!! Thank you!!

It MUST be signed by him.
I believe for all intensive purposes DHL is out of business in America.
Send it to him USPS Express (takes 6 business days and MUCH cheaper than Fed-Ex) you can track it on-line.
Have him sign it and then send it DHL to the embassy.
Otherwise, he will have to have an appointment to physically drop it off at the embassy.

God bless you and thanks for the quick response!! Can he Fed-ex it to the embassy? I dont believe there is a DHL in St Anns Bay where he lives....We do have DHL here and they said they can get him the letter in 3 business days for 40.00 US but if the express via USPS is less I think I will go that route as there isnt much of a difference in time....I know every day counts....but at this does every dollar!! Thank you and I wish you the brightest and happiest future!!

leslyjo85FemaleJamaica2009-09-14 06:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies filing for K-1 Visas
QUOTE (jawi876 @ May 21 2009, 10:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You do not have to schedule a drop-off date for your DS-230, Part 1. As you know it currently takes about 2-3 weeks just to get an appointment to drop off the DS-230 Part 1...then another 3-4 weeks to get an interview date.

I mailed the completed DS-230 Part 1, with a cover letter requesting an interview date via DHL. It took approximately a week to get Packet 4 mailed out from the date the Embassy got the hardcopy file from the NVC.

We received our interview date for June 18, 2009 at 8:30 AM!!! Thank you Jesus! You are so worthy of all my praises! GLORY!!!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif

We may be able to get this pinned if you guys find it useful in any way. I can also provide a copy of the cover letter if any one is interested. good.gif

Did you send the DS 230 Part 1 via DHL from America? Does it have to be signed by my fiance? I could send it to DHL as it is completely filled out but I am in the US and my fiance is in Jamaica so it would not be signed. Would it be better to DHL it to him and then have him drop it off at the embassy without an appointment? Please help!! Thank you!!
leslyjo85FemaleJamaica2009-09-13 22:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies filing for K-1 Visas
QUOTE (jawi876 @ May 21 2009, 10:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You do not have to schedule a drop-off date for your DS-230, Part 1. As you know it currently takes about 2-3 weeks just to get an appointment to drop off the DS-230 Part 1...then another 3-4 weeks to get an interview date.

I mailed the completed DS-230 Part 1, with a cover letter requesting an interview date via DHL. It took approximately a week to get Packet 4 mailed out from the date the Embassy got the hardcopy file from the NVC.

We received our interview date for June 18, 2009 at 8:30 AM!!! Thank you Jesus! You are so worthy of all my praises! GLORY!!!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif

We may be able to get this pinned if you guys find it useful in any way. I can also provide a copy of the cover letter if any one is interested. good.gif

I would appreciate a copy of your cover letter!! I just got packet 3 and did not know how to get an interview established. Thank you for any help you can give to my fiance and me!!
leslyjo85FemaleJamaica2009-09-04 19:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaVisa in hand....
QUOTE (sus @ Dec 13 2009, 09:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congrats Lesley!

Thank you so much!! I cant remember when I have been so happy!!
leslyjo85FemaleJamaica2009-12-13 10:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaVisa in hand....
QUOTE (Jo & Danny @ Dec 9 2009, 04:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (leslyjo85 @ Dec 4 2009, 08:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (MsSheka @ Dec 3 2009, 12:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (leslyjo85 @ Nov 28 2009, 08:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Orville and I had our visa interview on November 18, 2009 and we were approved!! The thing is...they said it would take 2-14 days to get the visa via DHL...I was told the average is 3-5 business days...but we still dont have our visa in hand. Should I be concerned?

CONGRATS!!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif you can track it through DHL be sure he gave them a good phone number because they will sometimes call you ahead of time...i say you'll get it by Monday good.gif

Still no visa!! We call DHL every day and hear the same is still inside the embassy. I don't know if the holiday slowed them down a lot or what....tomorrow from 1:30-3:30 the visa people who answer the phone will be in the office so I think I might call and see if they can tell me anything. DHL says they have no idea when the embassy will send it. I think the DHL lady is sick of me calling although she is very nice...LOL. Keep praying for isn't me that I feel bad's our daughter who cries for Daddy every day since we left almost two weeks ago....and my other kids who havent seen their "smiley daddy" for three years...they are the ones who need him here now....thanks to all of you for your support!!!

We received the visa on Tuesday and Orville got here on Thursday night!! HE IS HERE!! I just keep staring at him...I cant believe e is really on my couch!! LOL!! Thanks to all of you for your support!!
We picked up our visa today, if you haven't called you should do it today, I called yesterday and it was ready. Good Luck.

leslyjo85FemaleJamaica2009-12-13 03:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaVisa in hand....
QUOTE (MsSheka @ Dec 3 2009, 12:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (leslyjo85 @ Nov 28 2009, 08:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Orville and I had our visa interview on November 18, 2009 and we were approved!! The thing is...they said it would take 2-14 days to get the visa via DHL...I was told the average is 3-5 business days...but we still dont have our visa in hand. Should I be concerned?

CONGRATS!!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif you can track it through DHL be sure he gave them a good phone number because they will sometimes call you ahead of time...i say you'll get it by Monday good.gif

Still no visa!! We call DHL every day and hear the same is still inside the embassy. I don't know if the holiday slowed them down a lot or what....tomorrow from 1:30-3:30 the visa people who answer the phone will be in the office so I think I might call and see if they can tell me anything. DHL says they have no idea when the embassy will send it. I think the DHL lady is sick of me calling although she is very nice...LOL. Keep praying for isn't me that I feel bad's our daughter who cries for Daddy every day since we left almost two weeks ago....and my other kids who havent seen their "smiley daddy" for three years...they are the ones who need him here now....thanks to all of you for your support!!!

leslyjo85FemaleJamaica2009-12-03 14:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaVisa in hand....
QUOTE (LadyC @ Dec 1 2009, 12:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (leslyjo85 @ Nov 30 2009, 07:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (*JG* @ Nov 29 2009, 05:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Regardless of what they tell you, it's just a guess. People get it sooner. People get it later. I wouldn't worry just yet. It's coming.


STILL NOTHING!!!!! Could they have lost it??? What do I do if it's not here by Wednesday??? Any ideas???

Dont Panic girl...It will get there. Mine to 5 business days but that was before the Thanksgiving Break.

Still has been two weeks as of today....I hope they didn't lose it somehow.....oh well...sick at home with a stomach virus...I'm glad he isn't here to catch it....there is always a bright

leslyjo85FemaleJamaica2009-12-02 06:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaVisa in hand....
QUOTE (*JG* @ Nov 29 2009, 05:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Regardless of what they tell you, it's just a guess. People get it sooner. People get it later. I wouldn't worry just yet. It's coming.


STILL NOTHING!!!!! Could they have lost it??? What do I do if it's not here by Wednesday??? Any ideas???

leslyjo85FemaleJamaica2009-11-30 19:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaVisa in hand....
QUOTE (VJnCaramel @ Nov 28 2009, 10:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have been looking at the average on this site and it seems just around 7 working days for kingston. My fiance and I did our interview on Nov 16 and we got the visa in hand on the 23. That is 5 business days later. Your first business day started on Thursday the 19th. That is 19, 20, 23, 24. I wouldn't count 25 and 26 because they are thanksgiving days (US Embassy). If DHL picked up the package on 27th Friday, then you wouldn't get it until Monday. Sometimes the DHL system is not updated ontime. So they might have your package already and you might have it on Monday star_smile.gif

Thank you!! I hope you are right!!
leslyjo85FemaleJamaica2009-11-29 10:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaVisa in hand....
Orville and I had our visa interview on November 18, 2009 and we were approved!! The thing is...they said it would take 2-14 days to get the visa via DHL...I was told the average is 3-5 business days...but we still dont have our visa in hand. Should I be concerned?
leslyjo85FemaleJamaica2009-11-28 08:33:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian shopping NW Chicago
Not near OHare but Google the location of the Ukrainian Village neighborhood. It is on the NW side... can't remember the name of the market though. Restaurants are in the neighborhood too.
Mike&LudaMaleRussia2013-01-15 19:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlight tips
Sounds great! I love cheap summertime fares through Houston on Air Singapore. Last year we were able to fly down to Houston and stay over night on credit card points before taking the cheap flight over! Have fun!
Mike&LudaMaleRussia2013-03-15 16:41:00
United KingdomK1 P4 payment slip

Hey those embassy reviews are useful!! I should have read those before!

And it looks like you can pay $100 USD instead of 63 GBP and save a few bucks. Awesome!

Edited by heishe, 26 January 2007 - 03:12 PM.

heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-26 15:10:00
United KingdomK1 P4 payment slip
Pigu, you're hot. Let's make out.
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-26 15:05:00
United KingdomK1 P4 payment slip

In Packet 4...its just DS-230 Part 1 form, DS-156,DS-156 k forms...checklist,informations about Prescribed Doctors for Medical Test, Info about Photos...

Oh, that was in Packet 3. Packet 4 has interview appointment, directions to embassy and fee payment information. It's supposed to have the payment slip for the bank, but ours didn't.
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-26 08:48:00
United KingdomK1 P4 payment slip

There wont be any payment slip in packet 4...just forms and instructions. But you have to keep Bank Slip when you pay the Visa fees to show and ensure them. Nothing much...not to worry.... :yes:

Bank slip? I do not understand!
heisheFemaleEngland2007-01-26 08:42:00