US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 Question
QUOTE (laura819 @ Mar 24 2009, 08:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OK, another question!

My dad kept copies of all of his (sponsor) and my tax returns, forever. So can I use these copies, or do I have to get something directly from IRS? Thanks!

Your father keep your tax papers for your (sponsor)My dad kept copies of all of his (sponsor) , that doesnt make since . Dont you mean IRS transcripts?, if thats what you mean then yes you can use them . But only for the last 3 years 2008 2007 2006 !
AaronMMalePhilippines2009-03-24 09:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 Question
QUOTE (laura819 @ Mar 24 2009, 12:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What exactly are the documents we need? Just W2's and Tax returns? Do we get these from the IRS? Or is it something else that we need? Also, I am going to be using a co-sponsor since I just graduated from college and do not have a job yet. I send the same info for my forms and the co-sponsor, correct? Thanks!

Its simple , all you need is :

(1) The I-134 Affidavit of Support , filled out and sent too your fiancee not too the Usembassy . And she will be asked for it , when she goes too her interview (2) You must prove your annual income for the most recent tax year (2008) at 125% above the federal proverty guidelines ( for household size of two it is $17,500.00 , but as of March 29, 2009 it expires so on April 01, 2009 it will change from $17,500.00 to $18,212.00 ). Too figure out if you meet the federal proverty guidelines . Take the annual income you made for the most recent tax year 2008 * .125 + $17,500.00 or $18,212.00 - Your Annual Income for the most recent tax year 2008 . And if it = a negitive number or if your annual income is greater than your adjusted federal proverty guidelines then you meet the requirement ---- IF YOU DO NOT MEET THE REQUIREMENT ---- You can have a co-sponsor to help you meet the requirement , or you can take the amount you need to meet the requirement for the most recent tax year and * 3 years and that total you need in either asets that dont lose value or saved in bank account in your name . Or you can use the 3 most recent tax years 2008 2007 2006 for each year at 125% above the federal proverty guidelines together in asets or saved in bank account in your name .

NOTE : If you meet the federal Proverty Guidelines for the most recent tax year , you meet the requirement . If you dont meet the requirement for 2008 , you need to be covered for the last three years only : example if your $3,000.00 short this year you would have to have $9,000.00 in either asets or in bank account in your name . Or if you use the last three years of income and you made the same amount of money for the last 3 years , it = the same . Its good to only use your last 3 years if you have good and stedy employment of past years . If you have not had good stedy employment last 3 years , you would have to take your annual income for the most recent tax year *3 years . Which would = alot more , which anyways this if you dont have stedy employment for present years . It doesnt look good to the Usembassy , so it will make it harder for you too prove you can fiancially support her . And they will think she will become a public charge under the law
AaronMMalePhilippines2009-03-24 09:14:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 Affidavit of Support Income Question
QUOTE (carrieandadrian11 @ Mar 25 2009, 08:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
USC makes over $70,000 and has about $10,000 in chequeing account but only $1,500 in "savings" (which is what they ask for on the form).

Will this be enough? I am worried because they don't ask for "chequeing" account info - which is where most of his available cash is.

Will this be a problem???

Also on Block 7, Does the real estate value have to be what he paid, or what it would be now? As all know, home values have dropped, so do we have to get a recent appraisal??



The proverty Guidelines for household size of two is $17,500 going to be $18,212.00 as of april 1, 2009 . So you would have to have an annual income of $20,000.00 to meet the requirement . You are far above that by $50,000.00 , as long as you can prove you made that income in 2008 . Then you have nothing to worry about .
AaronMMalePhilippines2009-03-26 09:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPassport for medical exam??
QUOTE (BelgiumUSA @ Mar 26 2009, 01:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Karin und Otto @ Mar 26 2009, 02:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (BelgiumUSA @ Mar 26 2009, 12:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I was reading through some of the posts about the medical, and I saw something that made me worry a bit...

I have my appointment and everything ready, but I am wondering:do they keep the passport?Or do they just make a copy of it?

Thanks for your replies!

They (the doctor's office) do not keep your passport - they may make a copy but that's it. Not to worry. good.gif

Oh thank God!
Thanks a lot for your super fast reply!
It's just that I saw people saying that the hospital in the phillipines do keep the passport, so I was wondering if that was the case in Europe too.

Thank God it's not! I need to leave 4 days after the exam!

Yes in the Philippines , they do take your Passport when you go into Saint Lukes for your medical exam . And your passport gets put with all of your Medical Papers and test result in an envelope , and sealed . Then fowarded to the Usembassy using currier service , ours was Delbros . But i think its Air21 . And its stamped on the envelope , can only be opened by Usembassy counsel at the time of interview ( this is for privicy purposes only , of the Visa Applicant ). You can try looking on the embassy website , thats going to do your interview .
AaronMMalePhilippines2009-03-27 09:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 Please Help!
QUOTE (jOHnLei @ Mar 28 2009, 04:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Need Help!

My concern is in the #7 of I-134 form .. my fiance was laid off from his recent job 3weeks ago and he has no work for now.. the Noa2 just arrived this week and sooner or later we are about to fill-out that form. What will we write to the #7? Does it affect our K1 application?

thank you for reading and for thos who will post.

It may effect you ability to get your visa approved , even if you meet the federal proverty guidelines for 2008 . You currently need a job too support your fiancee , and soon to be wife . And this may , cause them too delay your visa . I wouldnt give up keep looking for work , things will turn out good , just dont give up . With the gap in your employment , from the time you got laid off of work . To the time you find your new job , i recoment writing on paper your explaination , to why you were out of work . And draw attention to your new job , so the CO can see you have employment now . Wonce you have your file in the Usembassy you can contact them and explain what happened , they will let you extend the time to get things straighted out if you dont have work yet . And they wont hold it against your fiancee in the interview
AaronMMalePhilippines2009-03-28 07:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDoes passport need to be in married name
QUOTE (EricN @ Mar 31 2009, 02:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Has anyone recently completed their interview and use their old passport with maiden name or do you HAVE to have a new one with your married name?

- EricN

It has to be in your legal name , if you were married . At the time you meet him , which made you name change due to marriage . Your passport needs to be in your new married name , cause the name you were born with is no longer your name . Its called your maiden name . And allso if your passport is 2 years old from when its issued , you will need to get a new one anyways , cause of the machine readable passport . From about 2 years the Philippines started using the machine readable passport instead of the non machine readable passport . So if you have an old passport , about 2 years old . You will still need to get a new passport , for it too be a machine readable type . Thats what my fiancee needed to do .
AaronMMalePhilippines2009-03-31 14:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionIs it really needed to have a letter of intent to marry during my interview?
QUOTE (MMYJ @ Mar 31 2009, 11:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> me do i really need to have a letter of intent to Marry for my interview? I forgot to have this one and my interview is gonna be on friday,April 3,do i have to make one? and what about for my fiance?
He is currently in US and we dont have a time to make one and send it to me with his sign/signature.Im it really needed?

Yes , it is nessasary for the letter of intent to marry . My fiancee was asked for it in her interview , and others were never asked for it . Its in the usembassy website , under documents needed for visa interview . The letter isnt just for saying you want to marry her ( they allready know that from you filling the petition ), its mostly telling the usembassy you are aware you have only 90 days to marry your fiancee . And it should be in writting , not typed then printed
AaronMMalePhilippines2009-03-31 21:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPROOF OF INCOME: TAX RETURNS
QUOTE (poprocks @ Mar 31 2009, 10:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My fiance is self employed. During the initial app, we filed a copy of 2007 return, and we got our NOA2 approval.

I am preparing for my interview in Montreal.

I have copies of his 2006, 2007, & 2008 returns. I also have a copy of a recent pay stub, showing what his biz pays out to him.

As he is self employed, he does not have any W2's? Is this a problem? Will I need more proof of anything? I hope what I have is sufficient.

Any advice is appreciated smile.gif

If your fiancee is self employed he wouldnt have W-2 he would only have 1099's . That he gets issued from other bussinsses he does his own bussiness with . So no w-2 only 1099's he has , IRS Transcripts will be good and you can order them from Information of his net worth for the whole year , and a copy of his tax stamp , and bussiness license . Will be very helpfull in the visa interview
AaronMMalePhilippines2009-03-31 18:36:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionquestion on DS-156
QUOTE (mahal007 @ Mar 31 2009, 07:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Leave it blank , don't answer the question . If the CO has a problem with that . They will tell you too answer the question , and what to write in its place .
AaronMMalePhilippines2009-04-01 09:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat is the chance of getting denied at the embassy?
QUOTE (bikozu @ Apr 8 2009, 02:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was under the impression that once I get approved in the NOA2 that it's pretty much a guarantee to get the visa unless we lied about something or there's any reason that we know we should be denied. Is that right?

My fiancee doesn't want to put her 2-weeks notice in at her job until she has the visa in hand, but I'm trying to convince her to put it in as soon as we get the interview date. But she doesn't want to be left without a job in case she is denied... But there's virtually no chance of that happening, right?
-Low-risk country (Japan)
-My parents are my co-sponsor and are way above the poverty line, I'm a student (legitimate reason to have co-sponsor)
-No prior marriages, criminal history, or anything for either of us.

Once we get an interview date it's pretty much done, right?

What are your chances of being denied at the embassy ? VERY HIGH . IF YOU DON'T HAVE A REAL RELATIONSHIP , THEY CAN SEE RIGHT THROUGH IT , and you will receive no visa , and your case will be sent to fraud . And petition will be sent back to USCIS , saying the visa is denied . So i would'nt do anything with your personal things you have , untill you are sure you received your visa ( in hand ). Just to be safe , NO . Your not pretty much done if you get interview date you are guarentee a visa . You will only get your visa , if you can prove you both have a guiniun relationship . And in no way is it easy to prove it , it is going to be hard for your fiancee in the interview . My advice is too help her the best you can , by going to the interview with her . Or if you can't make it too her interview . Go through the interview with her , write statements of your relationship with her so the CO can read it at the interview . And this did somewhat help us . With alot of the questions , and it helped her in the interview .
AaronMMalePhilippines2009-04-09 12:24:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionaffadivit of support
QUOTE (lovica_l @ Mar 31 2009, 01:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (YuAndDan @ Mar 31 2009, 11:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lovica_l @ Mar 31 2009, 02:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
oh im using i864 for co sponsorship

Co sponsor will also fill out an I-134, NOT I-864 for a NON-Immigrant K-Visa.

I-134 is for NON-Immigrants. (K-Visas)

I-864 is for Immigrants (Green-cards and IR-1 CR-1 visas)

MORE: http://travel.state....o-FAQ-Final.pdf

Its I-864 EZ, my lawyer filled it for me

It will eventually lead him into green card, and its sponsorship until my fiance will become citizen

No if you are ingaged to be married to an non american citizen , you have to file the I-134 not the I-864 . Like everyone is telling you , i-864 is for you being married to someone from another country , and the I-134 is only to be filed for a non family based visa . Which a fiancee of an american citizen is not legally your family yet . Not untill you are married , then that person you marry becomes your family due to marriage . If you file the wrong affidavit you will be denied your visa , and you will not be able to get one . You have to file the I-134 do not file the I-864 , lawyers are stupid and all the care about is money . And if they can tell you something that is wrong , then you have problems they know you will come back to them . Thats how lawyers make money . If you dont listen to what iam telling you , then its your own fault . I have gone through allready this in our visa , Co-sponsor use the same i-134 you just print out another copy of the I-134 , and you answer the I-134 as a co-sponsor of your fiancee . And you allso fill out 1 I-134 , as the main sponsor for your fiancee . And send both of those I-134 to your fiancee , so she can take it too the Usembassy at the time of your visa interview .
AaronMMalePhilippines2009-03-31 14:13:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAOS in Process, Leaving Country?
Hi All,

Ok, so we have filed for AOS. My now wife came as a visitor for a few months. We had an unplanned pregnancy (very happy about it, but still unplanned). Got married legally in front of a judge. Filed AOS. Now here is the kicker, I got offered a good job in the Cayman Islands.

So here is my question:
I realize that it will be abonding the AOS process, BUT will we have less time to wait if we decide to come back in three years, since they got our info, AND more importantly she has had a biometrics appointment?

If not, can I apply for the K3 while we are still in the Cayman islands AND how long does the K3 typically take?

I just don't want my wife and young child in another country for an extended amount of time alone, since I am the sole bread winner.

David and MarinaNot Telling02006-12-11 21:57:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFile K3 while with spouse in her country?
Ok, dumb question.

Can I file for a K3 while I (USC) am in the country of my wife?
David and MarinaNot Telling02006-12-11 23:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionQuestion about Interview?
Ok, I am sure there are going to be a few negative responses to this, but I want to know IF it is possible or IF anyone has done it.

Can you request your interview for the I-129F to take place at a local USCIS office? My fiancee's embassy is located in another country because they don't have one in her own country. She is currently on a visit here legally. Since she is 5 months pregnant (at this time and probably closer to 7 months for the interview) I would prefer we don't have to travel to her own country, then travel again to another country to the US Embassy.

I am just asking if it is possible?
David and MarinaNot Telling02006-09-11 13:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHow do I set up the interview date with the Jamaican Embassy?
I have my packet sent from the embassy with all of the forms including the affidavit of support and the medical forms etc...(by the way...I thought these would be sent to him) but it doesnt tell me how to get an interview says to pay a fee at Paymaster but not to listen to what Paymaster says about an interview but to use their date...but I do not see a date in here anywhere. Please help!! I dont want any more delays!!
leslyjo85FemaleJamaica2009-09-05 17:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDoes the DS-230 part 1 need to be signed?
QUOTE (payxibka @ Sep 11 2009, 02:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
don't sign it... typically for a "K" visa they only use part I.... it will be signed in front of the CO at the consulate

moving thread to consulate forum

Thank you so much!! I will DHL deliver it straight to the embassy then!!
leslyjo85FemaleJamaica2009-09-11 19:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDoes the DS-230 part 1 need to be signed?
I am filling out the DS 230 part 1 for my fiance for our k1 visa application. It says in the directions in the packet I received from the embassy that as a fiance I only need to fill out part 1...the directions in packet 3 say not to sign the ds 230 but I wasnt sure if this was part 1...part 2....or both. Can someone please let me know? THANKS!!!
leslyjo85FemaleJamaica2009-09-11 14:13:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresquestions about k3
Hello everyone! Please excuse me if this is the wrong place to post! I am very happy to find this site! I just have a few questions that hopefully someone will be able to help me with. Me and my husband met online a couple of years ago. He finally got here in January and we were married in March. We are very happy but have been seriously confused about this paperwork! He is from Ireland and I am in the U.S. He is here with me and we were married within the 90 days. Do we have to file a I-129 at a later time? What does biometrics mean? We were told by a lawyer that this process should be relatively simple compared to others, but we are SO confused still. We have filed all the paperwork she suggested which did not include the I-129. We just sent the paperwork a few days ago but I will start the time line. We did not send a personal check we sent a cashiers check, which I am finding out now was the wrong thing to do. :bonk: I also do meet the income requirements and he is not working. I want to return to school but would have to rely on loans to supplement and would have to go to part time work. Can I even do this if my income falls below the guidelines? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you! good luck to everyone !
mcsherryFemaleIreland2010-04-14 19:08:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-129f
Hello everyone. I have been looking at the spousal k3 visa. If anyone can clear up my question on this that would be great. From what I am reading we need to do this form. My husband came to us on visitor visa. We got married during the 90 days here in America. Do we still need to do I29f? It seems as if we must, but we are confused. I've been looking at the procedures and it says we do. Does this form only apply if he was abroad and engaged first? Please help! Thank you very much.
mcsherryFemaleIreland2010-04-23 00:15:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduressubmitted original documents

The US Embassy will most likely get everything you sent to the USCIS but it's not guaranteed and you will need to show the documents they're requesting. You can try to get another set of documents just in case, or take your chances and hope that they do have them, which many times they do.


do i contact the uscis to get copies? I'm afriad now we will not have enough time to get them? we have about 3 weeks before our interview.
mcsherryFemaleIreland2010-06-15 19:36:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduressubmitted original documents

There is slight chance that the beneficiary can talk with the Visa Officer on Interview Day, to GET the originals OUT of the casefile, make copies outside of the Embassy, return to Embassy with the copies.

If you get any hassle prior, from the pre-screener, always tell them - the ORIGINALS are in the casefile.

thank you for your reply not getting too much info from the "customer support" line...god what a joke. they say just go to the interview. like we have a choice.
mcsherryFemaleIreland2010-06-14 16:21:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduressubmitted original documents
As life would have it we submitted original documents. Our interview is comming up and do not have copies. Needless to say I a pretty worried. On the paperwork (797) it states we need 2 copies of supporting documents, OTHERWISE the originals will be kept for records. does ANYONE know what we need to take or atleast if we will be denied if we dont have original copies??? PLEASE HELP feeling really helpless here? ??? I'm sure everyone knows how helpless it feels to have your whole future wrapped up with paperwork. Thanks!
mcsherryFemaleIreland2010-06-14 14:07:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIf denied what next?
Okay I recently made a post regarding the fact that we submitted original documents. I'm afraid we have seriously screwed the process up. Considering the time, energy and hassle it was to even get the paperwork in this has now become a serious worry. Here is the situation. We met online, my now husband came to the us on a visitor's visa. WE fell in love and were married within the 90 days of his vistors visa. We saw a lawyer briefly who explained the very basics of what forms to fill out and said our case was pretty much open and closed and thought we would not have any problems. Of course she offered to do all the paperwork for us for 3000 in which we declined. WE should have taken her up on this. Once we did the was ultra confusing, we could not get through to the customer service line so we went back to lawyer for about a half an hour of questions about forms. She acted irritated and was short with us. WE are now in a situation where i fear we could be denied. IF we have to apply again, so be it, as i'm CONFIDENT there wont be any screw ups. However, does this mean my husband has to leave the country? I want to prepare myself for what may or may not happen at this point. WE have our interview in a few weeks and I'm not exactly feeling confident. I'm wondering if anyone out there knows what to do next if denied. I'm really hesitant to go back to the same lawyer but might be consulting another one. The only problem with that is that there are only like 5 immigration lawyers in this state. She just happens to be in our town. She also took the time to offer up the information that she is the cheapest lawyer in the state as well. I'm hoping for the best but I think it's time we start comming up with a plan b if neccessary.
mcsherryFemaleIreland2010-06-16 01:44:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Yay, we're sprung!

I think we tied the race out of NVC. I got a letter from the State department today that were were approved and going to the consulate! :dance: :dance: :dance:

Now I look forward to seeing your post that the visa in in hand! (F)

Yay :D :D :D
heisheFemaleEngland2006-11-30 19:51:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Yay, we're sprung!
Yesterday NVC said they'd just gotten my application and assigned it a number and it would take four weeks to process. Today I called again and they said it's been sent on! YAY! Oh man! Oh man! My boy is going to come to me and we're gonna get married and make teh cute chubby babies and oh man oh man oh man /dies

[ :dance: ]
heisheFemaleEngland2006-11-30 18:40:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Through NVC in 7 days
Congrats! Feels good, huh?
heisheFemaleEngland2006-12-01 12:46:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)case number and waiting time

I want to join in this race-- heishe, you keep pulling ahead of me by a day or so each step of the way! At this rate Pigu and Adam will be fighting in line to see who gets their interview first. :P

I'll have to give them a call tomorrow and pray we don't have to go through any AP!

Let's make them cuddle instead! It would be so cute!
heisheFemaleEngland2006-11-30 18:43:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)case number and waiting time
Um actually so our petition was sent to the embassy today.


I'm so happy, hehehehehe.
heisheFemaleEngland2006-11-30 18:14:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)case number and waiting time

Thanks :D She said they just got it today, so I won't worry too much yet! I'm gonna keep calling, though.

YAY! Okay this time I'll race you out of NVC :P

No fair! You got a head start!
heisheFemaleEngland2006-11-30 06:21:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)case number and waiting time

yes that number is your case number. 4 weeks is too long for normal processing of K1, so i would assume you are in a little bit of AR, or that person didnt know what they were talking about. Congrats! I remember I was more excited when NVC sent our case than i was when my fiancee got her visa approved... haha take care

Thanks :D She said they just got it today, so I won't worry too much yet! I'm gonna keep calling, though.
heisheFemaleEngland2006-11-29 21:55:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)case number and waiting time
NVC responded to my inquiry email today to say they have my petition and are in the process of giving it a case number. I called tonight and they gave me the number. I got LND 2006 XXX XXX - is that the right formart? Embassy code followed by year followed by six digits? I might not have been listening well! Also, she said they will send it to the embassy in about four weeks. Is that the standard response, or does that mean they've pulled mine out for administrative processing or something?

Also, yay. :)
heisheFemaleEngland2006-11-29 21:39:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)CASE COMPLETED!!!!
Yay!! Congrats!
heisheFemaleEngland2006-12-19 13:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaColombia Club Part IV

Thanks. Good luck to you too! Looks like you are waiting for NOA2. I'll recap my process so this might help you:

Took us 4 months to get the NOA2, then 5-7 days more to get a case number (BGTXXXXXXXXXX). After we got our case number, I sent the embassy an e-mail. They replied with packet 3/4 instructions. The instructions contain a website where you register and schedule your interview date -- the closest appointment was 2 weeks from the date we registered. This is also where you pay the $240, and you will immediately be able to schedule your appointment. ***When you register, remember that PASSPORT NUMBER is the number in red dots (my fiancee's number started with 2 letters, AJ), not that number under "passport number". Yes, this sounds confusing, but I made this mistake and had to call in to change it.***

There are 3 panel physicians that are listed in the packet and we chose Dr. Dennis. He was very professional according to my fiancee. He also accepted the DPT, MMR, and varicela vaccines she received 12 days prior to her doctor's visit in Palmira. The only vaccine she needed was the flu vaccine which costed 40.000.

This morning, she had her interview at 7:30 am and she arrived at 6:30 am. She went to line 3 and was the only person. All the line 1 visitor's visa applicants were definitely envious of her position in line. She had all of the papers organized in the order specified in the packet. Consulate was definitely pleased with her organization, which made their job easier. I think organization is key to getting a pleasant interview. She remarked that others applying for nonimmigrant visas were fidgeting for papers because they were not organized. One woman didn't even have her passport pic glued to her DS-156 form and the consulate seemed bothered that she couldn't follow simple instructions. She had her interview at 8:15 am and was out by 8:20 am!!! She called me about the great news at around 8:30 am her time and I thought, "no way that's my fiancee and if it is, that's record time".

Wow thanks so much for that! Are you saying you scheduled your interview within 3 weeks of receiving your NOA2? That would be awesome to get an interview that quick. Yes I am still waiting for my NOA2 but since the CSC is moving so fast it could be any day now--they are already approving July petitions. And a question...what is the number under passport number, if it isn't the passport number? I am sure that would have confused me too.

Other simple questions I said the passport photo needs to be glued to the DS-156 form? Or could it be stapled? And another confusion I have is the number of photos required. In the packet it says 6 photos required, but 2 are needed for the DS-156 forms, and you need 2 for the medical and lab right? So that only leaves 2 photos left. Does it mean they want 6 photos IN ADDITION to the photos already glued to the DS-156 and the ones given to the doctors for the exams (meaning 10 photos)? Sorry if I am overthinking this, just want to be well prepared for the interview, in fact over prepared.
aws&nddMaleColombia2012-09-21 14:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaColombia Club Part IV
That's great news congratulations!!
aws&nddMaleColombia2012-09-21 10:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaColombia Club Part IV
I also read that she will need both sides of her birth this true? She only has a copy of the one side because the other is blank. Also, does she need to go to a notary to get it certified, or is the copy she receives good enough?

Thanks for your help, just want to make sure we are doing everything right.
aws&nddMaleColombia2012-09-11 14:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaColombia Club Part IV

It shouldn't matter. The information they mainly look at is her name and status. They need to know if she's currently single and if she had been married before.


Is her birth certificate supposed to say that she is single and never married before? From what she told me, it doesn't have this information. When she asked for a copy of it, she told them it was for a visa, specifically for the K-1 visa. She said there was another one that you can ask for if you are going to get married, and that one actually states her status from what she tells me. I don't want her to have the wrong document at the interview, so does she need to go back and ask for the other one that has her status information? I'm so confused by it.
aws&nddMaleColombia2012-09-11 01:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaColombia Club Part IV
My fiancee went and got her birth certificate already, and she told me her birth certificate doesn't have her father's cedula number on it but it has her mother's. Will this be a problem? What information do they need to see on the birth certificate?
aws&nddMaleColombia2012-09-08 15:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaColombia Club Part IV
Hi, I just received my NOA1 last week so there is a bit of a wait for NOA2. Is it too early to start gathering some of the documents like the certificado judicial and registro civil de nacimiento? I mean do the copies need to be recent copies? Is it best to wait until NOA2 to get everything we need?
aws&nddMaleColombia2012-07-19 14:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas
It's not abnormal. They're super backlogged in Rio right now, from what I've read, and when we were waiting for my husband's stuff to be processed by Rio it took about two weeks then - and the only reason I got the information as soon as I did was because I began emailing them and following up. (It took about another week and a half for us to receive the paperwork.)

When it's been processed, you both should receive paperwork with the date of the interview.

Have you (or your fiancé(e) called the NVC to get the date that it was sent and tracked it to see if it's arrived? If so, a form letter like this (from the petitioner) should get the date (or at least a straight answer):

Yesterday, I called the National Visa Center to verify the date that our I-129 fiancé visa petition (case# RDJ xxxx xxx xxx) was sent and that it had been sent to the consulate in Rio. They verified that it was sent to Rio and told me that the petition was received by DHL on [date received by DHL]. According to the DHL tracking reference I was given by the NVC, [tracking#], the package was received by the Consulate on [date] at [time] and signed for by [some consulate worker].

As you can see in the e-mail sent on Monday, we were told by the Consulate that there is no record of our petition. This concerns me greatly -- beyond the obvious delay in the immigration process that this will cost, the plethora of information about myself and [beneficiary] could lead to identity theft. I would appreciate it greatly if you could confirm that the petition has arrived.

If the petition has not arrived, what steps need to be taken? Would I need to contact USCIS or the NVC? I can easily send you a copy of our petition, our approval notice from USCIS, and the notification letter that the NVC sent me, but it wouldn't have the photographs that the original petition had or anything that USCIS or NVC would have added.

Thank you very much,
[my name]

Every time my husband emailed them, he got the run-around. They were always up front with me, but I probably sounded less nice :P

Edited by K and L, 18 February 2012 - 05:34 PM.

K and LFemaleBrazil2012-02-18 17:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBrasileiritchas
Ele deva enviar sua aplicação para Chicago. ^^
K and LFemaleBrazil2012-01-26 01:05:00