US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBRAZIL K1 Process/Experience, Feedback, Concerns, Advise
Oh, L is pretty thrifty - I don't know that he'd want to spend $3 (plus shipping) on, say, Brazilian condensed milk when we can purchase it at the store for $1 or less! Most of the basic ingredients for things he loves is sold here - manioc flour was hard to track down, but I discovered my local megamart has it in the gluten-free flour section of the organic area (though no fermented manioc - but his mom said she never cooks with it, so regular manioc flour will do for our purposes). The only things I really haven't found a good affordable source for are guaraná and dendê, and the fruits (and import rules make pretty much impossible to find pinha, etc). I've even found affordable sources of coconut water and cashew juice (which I really thought would be harder to find!).

BTW, coconut water is muuuuuuuuuuuch cheaper at amazon -- brazilianstore charges $25 for 12 of 330ml Viva Coco plus another $20 for shipping, and amazon charges $23, with free shipping. Actually, amazon has a ton of Brazilian stuff there (though you may have to search for it in Portuguese, English, AND Spanish to find it), and offers a 15% discount for getting a subscription for things you know you'll go through quickly (like coconut water, juices you can't find locally, etc) - and you can always get a longer subscription period for things you don't go through that quickly, but like to have on hand.

More on topic, there's a restaurant across the street from the consulate in Rio - mara mara, I think? The sign's bright orange, and it's between 21 and 31 México, just a few doors down from Duarte's office. They're a pay-per-100g place, and L and I went there after his medical AND after the interview, and the food was just fabulous both times. Menu changes daily. Really really good picanha com alho, and there was this chicken dish that was creamy and had rice (I didn't look at the names of the dishes, just what the food looked like :lol:) and man. Soooo delicious. It was honestly some of the best cheapish food (R$2,30/100g) I've had.
K and LFemaleBrazil2010-05-11 05:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBRAZIL K1 Process/Experience, Feedback, Concerns, Advise
Unluckily for us, L is going to start out in Arizona, land of demanding paperwork for traffic stops and multicultural education being compared with high treason by their state department of education... o.O

Completely unrelated, Carolina, have you had Mexican food yet? A woman from Bahia who was at the medical and interview with us (seeking an IR1/CR1 - oh, and she was on the flight home for L, as well!) was telling me how she thinks the food is very similar to the foods in Bahia (and some Brazilian food in general). I'm thinking of translating some recipes for L's mom, who loved the pork chop and pineapple salsa recipe I sent her. xD

Edited by K and L, 07 May 2010 - 01:22 AM.

K and LFemaleBrazil2010-05-07 01:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBRAZIL K1 Process/Experience, Feedback, Concerns, Advise
Oh, yeah, I don't think that it had anything to do with her being alone! She was in the interview room for a LONG time. Most of the people who were approved were in there about 10 minutes. One was there 15 (but had a kid that was also interviewed). The girl who was denied was in there almost 45 minutes, so there was definitely something else going on with her case.

Anyone who's coming up - I have a detailed review regarding timing and what not in the consular review section. Bring a good book to read!
K and LFemaleBrazil2010-05-05 10:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBRAZIL K1 Process/Experience, Feedback, Concerns, Advise
Our interview was yesterday, and the medical the day before.

The medical with Duarte went very smoothly. I don't know if he's offered the blood drawing before, but the email he gave us implied we'd have to go to the lab. Total price at his office was R$390, and another R$20 at the radiologist's office. We had an 12:00 appointment, but weren't seen until 13:00, but it was really fast. We walked to the radiologist (who was on Rua Araújio Porto Alegre) and back -- we were there about 30 minutes in total, and dropped off the X-ray at Duarte's office before returning to the hotel for a few hours, and picked it up at 16:45 (though it had been ready at 15:30).

All in all, the interview was basically the same as expected, though there was MUCH more waiting than I had anticipated. I thought we'd be out of there by 10:30, but we barely arrived at the hotel at 12:00. The only thing of note (besides "bring a book") is that the document order form on the consular website is NOT what's being currently used. The website has the Nov 09 version of the document list, and they're using the July 09 version still. There are two differences in the forms: July 09 switches the order of the DS 156K and DS 157 forms, as well as the order of the I-134 and medical envelope.

They didn't ask to see any proof of relationship/etc. Either the photos they saw in the original petition (combined with the fact that L previously applied for a tourist visa specifically to visit me and meet my family) or my presence was sufficient to convince them it was a valid relationship.

The TNT counter has a R$5 surcharge that's NOT listed on the paper on the wall -- the sign said that Bahia would be R$45, but they charged us R$50.

Of the 6 groups (2 families, 3 fiancées/wives, 1 fiancé/husband) that preceeded us, only one of them (a fiancée/wife, and the second person to be interviewed) was denied. Only she and two others were alone of everyone, the rest had their petitioners present.
K and LFemaleBrazil2010-05-05 04:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBRAZIL K1 Process/Experience, Feedback, Concerns, Advise
Oh? The document order list aside, I haven't heard anything from them, and my interview's in a week and a half... They're not using the DS-160, so it's still the same DS-156/156K/157/230ptI forms.

ETA: They're still using the Oct09 fiancé(e) instructions and Nov09 document order list, and I see they've updated the authorized physicians list...but not seeing any changes in the instructions or anything like that...

Edited by K and L, 23 April 2010 - 02:06 PM.

K and LFemaleBrazil2010-04-23 14:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBRAZIL K1 Process/Experience, Feedback, Concerns, Advise
Pretty much the consulate just wants to see some verification of the claims you make on the I-134. If you say you make $20k/yr, they want to see your taxes/w2's that you make that, and a recent pay stub or a letter showing you're still making that. If you say you're a student, but wholly own a $60k townhouse, they want to see the assessment and some sort of validation from the bank or dealer that there's nothing owed on it, and so forth.

IMO, it's kind of like the 'proof of having met' - the threshold is pretty low, but nobody wants to get a RFE for not submitting enough evidence, so they overshoot and advise the same.

ETA: like our evidence of meeting from our petition, we're somewhat lowballing - I'm bringing my taxes/w2s from 08 and 09 and tax transcripts from 07, one not terribly impressive pay stub (as I'm on academic leave until May), and my job offer letters. Maybe I should bring my diplomas and say "if I wasn't in grad school, I'd make twice what i do!" :lol:

Edited by K and L, 12 April 2010 - 04:27 PM.

K and LFemaleBrazil2010-04-12 16:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBRAZIL K1 Process/Experience, Feedback, Concerns, Advise
Our interview is Thursday, I'll be happy to tell you about it afterwards :)

We're all set up, I think. I've got cosponsorship ####### set up (if it's needed - I don't think it will be, but since I lack a 9-5/5 days a week/52 wks a year kind of job, I figured it couldn't hurt), along with my I134/07/08/09 taxes (to demonstrate that while atypical, my income has been steady this way for years). L's got the various forms he needs (birth certificate, etc), as well as his medical all scheduled and confirmed that it'll be done by 3pm Wednesday.

Incidentally, the list of documents posted before is outdated now - they updated it in November. It's mostly the same, but they added two more things - court cases and previous USCIS/DHS proceedings.

STOP! Failure to present valid passport, pictures, Citibank fee and electronically filled DS-156 form, at the time of your interview will result in an appointment rescheduling to a later date. This procedure may take, in some categories up to two or three months.


On the day of your fiancée visa (K1/K2) interview please provide the list of documents below completely and all the forms listed carefully filled out.

Please provide original or notarized copies of the documents listed below.

1. Two frontal photograph showing both ears (5 X 5cm or 5 X 7cm);
2. Valid passport (at least eight months validity remaining);
3. Visa fee previously paid at Citibank;
4. Application for Immigrant Visa?form DS 230?I (duly completed and signed);
5. Two DS?156 Forms (electronically filled out with bar code and signed);
6. DS?157 Form (for those over 16yrs);
7. Sworn statement (for fiancées only);
8. Birth Certificate (even if previously married);
9. Termination of previous marriages (if applicable) with a simple copy;
10. Police Certificate(s) – In Brazil you need two: from the Federal Police and the State Police (Secretaria de Segurança Pública) with a simple copy;
11. Financial Support – E.g.: Affidavit of Support (I?134 Form) including supporting documents. (see form instructions for attachments);
12. Sealed envelope of Medical Examination Report;
13. Complete Court Records, judicial situation, including processes in Brazil and in the U.S. (if applicable) with a simple copy;
14. USCIS/DHS processes/records (e.g. deportation proceedings, voluntarily removal, change of visa category processes, petitions or hearings before immigration judges, asylum papers, etc.) with a simple copy.

K and LFemaleBrazil2010-04-05 13:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBRAZIL K1 Process/Experience, Feedback, Concerns, Advise
The CIS standards for both the K1 and AOS are based off the CDC standards. Unless you've got an incomplete series (MMR has 2 and Varicella has 2 *if* it's not contraindicated), or you've hit 50 in the time between the K1 medical and the AOS, you shouldn't need additional shots. If your wife had had MMRx2, Varicellax2 (or had chicken pox), and TDP, she shouldn't've needed any more vaccinations. I'm curious what they vaccination they told her she needed. (I'm guessing that it was probably completing the HPV -- the DoS was allowing women to come before the HPV series was complete and requiring it to be finished before AOS, but HPV's no longer a required vaccination.)

Posted Image
Better highlighting of the table from the 2009 CDC instructions for vaccinations for immigrants. Most of our fiancé(e)s just need the MMRx2 and TDP, and Varicella if they haven't had chicken pox, and they'll be good for the K1 and AOS.

Edited by K and L, 24 March 2010 - 12:57 PM.

K and LFemaleBrazil2010-03-24 12:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBRAZIL K1 Process/Experience, Feedback, Concerns, Advise
When you say complete, do you mean more than just MMR (x2), TDP, and Varicella? (I say x2 for the MMR because while it appears that only one is required for immigration, I know for my graduate studies, I had to have a second MMR vaccination. I also had to get a ton of other vaccinations - Hep A/B, typhoid, meningococcal - when I started my thesis research, due to my lab's affiliation with the hospital, but they're really not standard.) L took a second MMR and TDP and wasn't planning on taking Varicella, as he had chicken pox as a child.
K and LFemaleBrazil2010-03-24 09:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBRAZIL K1 Process/Experience, Feedback, Concerns, Advise
Just go to the free clinic with the list of vaccinations he needs (which will probably just be MMR x2, TDP, and possibly varicella if he's not had chicken pox). He will need to return in about a month to finish the MMR series.

Once he's had the vaccinations and you've got the RDJ number, make the appointment in SP whenever. He lives there (as I recall from reading your profile), and it's way easier to have the medical completely done before the interview than do what we're doing (the day before).

Edited by K and L, 23 March 2010 - 11:54 PM.

K and LFemaleBrazil2010-03-23 23:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBRAZIL K1 Process/Experience, Feedback, Concerns, Advise
It's not updated because they aren't requiring it for the K visa, just the other NIVs (tourist visas, temporary visas, the like). I think the DoS is in the process of converting the K visa into actually being an IV. The proposed fee change would support that, as it's consistent with the present fees for the IR1/CR1 visa.

ETA: Not that it matters, I'm pretty sure he just went ahead and filled out the form when I told him about it. L's good that way. Has all his other paperwork done, and my I134 is on its merry way because he insisted I mail it so he can finish assembling the file. Damn engineers. xD

Edited by K and L, 23 March 2010 - 11:08 AM.

K and LFemaleBrazil2010-03-23 11:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBRAZIL K1 Process/Experience, Feedback, Concerns, Advise
He was told that it would be ready at 4pm and he could not get the blood tests or x-rays done at home. Maybe he misunderstood. I'll have him ask again.

Brasilia, March, 2010 ? As of March 15th, the State Department will be using a new form in Brazil for visa applications. DS-160 is completely electronic and will replace the forms DS-156, 157 and 158. The new form, which will be mandatory as of April 5th, will also allow photographs to be uploaded. Even with the implementation of this new form, applicants still need to schedule an interview and pay the fees.

I asked hte consulate about the DS-160 form, because we had already finished the DS-156/156K/157 forms.

Dear Madam:

This form is not applicable on K visas.


This email is UNCLASSIFIED

Immigrant Visa Unit
United States Consulate General
Rio de Janeiro - RJ -Brazil

Was our information useful? If you have any complaints or suggestions, please send us an e-mail.
Essas Informações foram úteis? Se você tem alguma crítica ou sugestão, por favor, envie-nos um e-mail.

Boa tarde,

I saw online that there is a new online form, the I160, and that it's mandatory for interviews after 5 April. Does this replace the I156 and
I157 for K-visas? If so, is the I156K still required? If my fiancé has already filled out the I156 (because our interview was originally scheduled for next week), do he still need to fill out the I160?

Muito obrigada,

Edited by K and L, 23 March 2010 - 10:48 AM.

K and LFemaleBrazil2010-03-23 10:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBRAZIL K1 Process/Experience, Feedback, Concerns, Advise
1) It is fine to get the online FP report. I don't know if you have to validate it or if they do.

2) It is fine to get the online state police report, if your state offers it. I know Bahia does, and L wasn't in PE long enough to have to get a certificate there.

3) L's never lived in Rio, so I dunno.

4) His medical is the day before the interview, on the 7th. He lives in Bahia and the closest medical is in Recife and why pay for a second air fare when he knows he doesn't have TB or STDs (two of the major things they look at)? But if there was a medical in his city, he would have done it already. We talked to one of the doctors in Recife about doing the medical while we were waiting for ou NOA2, but they said without the case number (the one that starts with RDJ yyyy), they could not give it.

5) L double checked his vaccination records against the list Duarte's office gave & got the last ones that he needed for free up in Bahia about two weeks ago -- why pay R$70+ for something he can get for free back at home? He did them in one day, but only had two to get (a second MMR and a TDP booster).
K and LFemaleBrazil2010-03-23 09:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBRAZIL K1 Process/Experience, Feedback, Concerns, Advise

If you are sending the G325A, you only need on copy.. but if you feel better sending 4 is all up to you..

Thanks for finding my typo! :whistle:

Not sure if this will help any of you. My wife called the doctor's offince indicated by Beinha and got an email response from them (below)

Changes since then:
- 3 photos instead of 1 are required
- The consultation is now R$220 instead of R$200
- Blood test does NOT test for HIV (as per change in policy)
- HPV vaccination is not listed (as per change in policy)

And adding to the list of things to know about... while I've not yet done it, we plan to, and as you can tell (by us already having our AOS paperwork done except for POE / A# / photocopies of the I94/K1/passport), I've been coping with the wait for the rest of the K1 by planning wedding and post-wedding stuff :P

Registering your marriage in Brazil
Registering your marriage with Brazil varies slightly by consulate. All of them require you either bring the papers in personally or pick them up personally. Most of them only have information about registering marriages (and births) in the Portuguese side of the consular website.

The required documents, according to the Chicago consulate, are:
? You will need to fill out their registration form (as it is not the same consulate to consulate).
? The Brazilian party(parties) will need a copy of their birth certificate that is no more than 6 months old OR (and forgive my poor Portuguese and lack of understanding of the intricacies of Brazilian documentation) a marriage certificates showing the death of the previous spouse or divorce OR a notarized statement from 2 Brazilians testifying s/he was single prior to the marriage.
? The non-Brazilian party will need their birth certificate and if they were previously married, a death certificate or divorce decree.
? A certified copy of the marriage certificate
? A money order: $20 for the registration, plus $5 per copy, paid by money order

Other notes:
? Chicago allows you to mail the documentation the week before and have you finish the paperwork (you must sign it there to be properly notarized) when you pick it up
? You will need to submit the document to a cartório in Brazil (either to D.F. or the one for their birth city). It will not be finalized until you do so.

Processing time:
? Miami offers same-day service.
? Chicago and New York requires a minimum of 5 days.
K and LFemaleBrazil2010-03-09 19:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI need your help

It does not matter for family size if you claim your son or not. he is your son. Unless he is of age (he is) and emancipated (sounds like he isn't) then he counts in family size. I do not know where this compelling reason to mention income tax comes from, the USCIS is not the IRS and they do not care what breaks the IRS gives or not. A child is a child and unless the child is over 18 and self supporting, they count on your family size. As you describe the situation you family size will be 7. You, your fiancee, her TWO children and yoru THREE children.

401 K and life insurance helps little if any. As assets the 401K would count for 1/3 it's value AFTER penalties for early withdrawl. Only the cash value of a life insurance policy would count for 1/3. Check the povety guidelines for a family of 7. I think you are cutting it close, but $39,000 per year just may do it.

A Co-sponsor (not a co-signer) would need to be able to support a family of 3 PLUS whatever family he or she had.

How do you emancipate a child that's going to be 20 years old soon and who receives his own money from the government(ssi disability). I'd say he's self supporting unless USCIS counts that income towards my household size which if applicable puts me comfortably over the guidelines. Thanks for your response.
Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2010-01-16 15:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI need your help

This is the poverty guidelines: The I-134 uses the same poverty line as the I-864 which is needed for AOS later.

As you said your fiance has 2 children that's 3. Plus you, plus your 3 boys, making a household of SIX. That means you need to have earnt: $36,912.

This form: page 7 (start bottom of page 6 actually) explains the "household" thing much better than the I-134 does and should help you determine WHO is exactly in your "household" and who isn't.

Hope that helps :D

To re-iterate. When applying for K1 you use form I-134 so you are filling in the correct form. The 864 is the one for AOS and is AFTER your fiance and her children have arrived in the US and you have married. I'm using for examples it as it's instructions are much more clear.

Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2010-01-15 19:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI need your help

im trying to sponsor my fiance and her 2 children from Vietnam. I'm a single father of 3 boys. My oldest is 19 and receives ssi approximately 7,000 dollars a year. I can include him in my taxes if needed or not if it helps me with income guide lines. So if I I claim him that would be 4 dependents on my taxes. Imade close to 39,000 dollars and will continue to make more each year because of our union contract. Will I qualify or will I have to have a consignor? Ihave a little 401 k plan and life insurance policies if that helps. Please help me. Rich

That would be a total of 7 dependents if I claim my 19 year old son on my taxes. If 6 dependents puts me under the income guidelines I wont claim him. Is life insurance and 401 k considered a asset?
Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2010-01-15 19:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI need your help
im trying to sponsor my fiance and her 2 children from Vietnam. I'm a single father of 3 boys. My oldest is 19 and receives ssi approximately 7,000 dollars a year. I can include him in my taxes if needed or not if it helps me with income guide lines. So if I I claim him that would be 4 dependents on my taxes. Imade close to 39,000 dollars and will continue to make more each year because of our union contract. Will I qualify or will I have to have a consignor? Ihave a little 401 k plan and life insurance policies if that helps. Please help me. Rich
Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2010-01-15 18:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK1 fees Ho Chi Min
My K1 application will soon be in Vietnam, I'm petioning for my fiancée and her 2 children under the ages of 16. What are my total fees I need to pay for.
Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2010-08-28 15:53:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionSputum Culture Result Not Given Over Phone---Bad News Coming???
Reading this thread, I could feel your pain, glad the wait is nearing. God Speed.
Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2010-03-04 23:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhy no sputum test?
Fiancée and her children went through the medicals quite fast, a bit of a problem with her(blood pressure was a bit high,was told to come back next day and she tested fine) my question is why weren't they administrated a sputum test? I thought Vietnam was a breeding place for TB? I'm not complaining, actually relieved.
Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2010-12-21 17:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionOriginals or Copies
i'm doing the K-1 and my attorney said he wanted all originals, include original birth certificate any certified divorce papers if it applies to you, any proof of x wives addresses again if it apply to your case.. I hate to send it but I have to put some trust in the delivery service, I will use Fedex,the cost about $113 dollars(4lbs) 5 day delivery time from my midwest address. Good luck.
Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2010-12-22 20:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionIncome Requirements
You should have plenty of time to include your 2010 income taxes plus you will have a letter from your employer along with several pay stubs before the interview that will show your above the 125% poverty levels. All the best!
Sayha or bust.MaleVietnam (no flag)2010-12-30 18:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMontreal Consulate
K...and the NVC would be like California Center right?! .....Whats the difference between USCIS.....NVC....and the US Consulate/Embassy.....

2 - 3 months after your petition is received from NVC

sadly, it is one of the slower consulates


julesroseNot TellingCanada2010-02-18 13:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMontreal Consulate
Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew the current wait times for an interview @ the Montreal US Consulate...??!

Thanks (feb18/2010)
julesroseNot TellingCanada2010-02-18 13:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPaper Fee

You'll also pay some DHL fees for them to send you the visa stamped in your passport (I'm not sure how much in Canada but not a lot)

Best wishes!!

Are there any filing fees for the forms in the Packet 3 I send back completed?
julesroseNot TellingCanada2010-03-26 09:32:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPaper Fee

You'll also pay some DHL fees for them to send you the visa stamped in your passport (I'm not sure how much in Canada but not a lot)

Best wishes!!

LOL...hold mean I have to pay for my OWN visa to be shipped too me?! HAHAHAHAHA....that's the sadest
julesroseNot TellingCanada2010-03-26 09:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPaper Fee
So I'm waiting for my Packet 3 from the Montreal Embassy....other then the $131 interview fee and the medical and police check....are there any other fees I'm not aware of?!

And how long is it taking to get a Packet 4 back in the mail once the Packet 3 is complete and sent?
julesroseNot TellingCanada2010-03-23 13:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMontreal Consulate

We actually had a short timeline compared to other timelines with no request for additional information and it took 4 1/2 months to schedule the interview. You can call the number I sent to you everyday (they don't mind) and they will tell you what infomation has changed, etc. (i.e. your file is eligible for interview and waiting to be scheduled, or when it is approved and an interview date has been scheduled or when they mailed the packet 3. This is really all that you can do after they have the NVC file.. Slow!!!!! You should start getting the other information together during this time. Just read the portals as to what they will ask for you to have for the interview when you eventually are scheduled.

Ya I called that # you gave me this morning, and I talked to someone. They mailed out the Packet 3 March 23rd, but I haven't gotten it yet. She said it takes 3-4 weeks sometimes?! .......anyways, hope it comes soon!!!!
julesroseNot TellingCanada2010-03-30 08:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMontreal Consulate

FYI: Call 202-663-1225, hit 1 then 0 and when they answer give them your MTL number and they will tell your status from Montreal. You should prepare for a very slow process from Montreal....

Seriously?!?! Like how long? And thanks for the new #
julesroseNot TellingCanada2010-03-29 18:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMontreal Consulate
I called the Montreal Consulate since the NVC said they sent the approved package! (March15th) According to the Shipping service the NVC uses, it takes a day to get to Canada. So, lets just say the Consulate got the approved package March's been 9 days and I haven't heard ANYTHING from the Montreal Consulate...I called them line said "connected" but it was just silence.....

What's going on and why isn't the phone working?!
julesroseNot TellingCanada2010-03-29 17:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPassport Book Number?!

It's the number printed on every page of your passport. It should also be listed on your bio page of the passport - right hand corner.

See the image on the web: http://www.cbsa-asfc...023/2cppt93.jpg

I assure you that the bar code # on page that picture I have also on page 3...but ONLY on page 3. but thanks!! that's helped! questions solved :D
julesroseNot TellingCanada2010-04-03 18:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPassport Book Number?!
Hi, I'm trying to fill out DS- ....something online...and they're asking for my passport book number. I have a canadian passport...what on earth is that number? where do i find it? ...i know my passport number! and that's also required.....HELP!!!
julesroseNot TellingCanada2010-04-03 18:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionA few Form issues!

Montreal is Quebec not Ontario! Be careful when mailing

Ya I know, I made a mistake while typing, I was talking to someone out loud about Ontario, lol and I typed that instead of QC. Thanks though
julesroseNot TellingCanada2010-04-04 08:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionA few Form issues!
So I've got my Packet 3. My Embassy is Montreal, Ontario.

I've printed and filled out the following:


Where do I access

for the Montreal Embassy?! And how do I know they are using the online process? According to:


K1 visa applicants are excluded from online?!

ARG...I'm so confused
julesroseNot TellingCanada2010-04-03 18:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDS-156 Question
So I'm filling out my DS-156 for my Packet 3 online....the question has been asked:

Has anyone ever filed an Immigrant Visa Petition on your behalf?

my fiancé did do the NON-immigrant visa for the K1 do I answer yes or no?

...what's the difference between a NON-immigrant visa petition and a Immigrant Visa Petition??
julesroseNot TellingCanada2010-04-05 11:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical
OK, so my medical is booked.

I've sent my packet 3 back it's completed w/ the check-list and I've done the online forms etc.....

So I get looking at the specifics for my medical appointment, they ask for a letter from the US embassy w/ my case # on it......the only thing I ever gotten was the check-list (which stupid me didn't take a photocopy of) and you guess it!! It's sent back to the embassy w/ my completed Packet 3.

My medical is in 2 weeks....I have my case # from verbally over the phone calling DOS......and it was on the check-list but obviously I don't have it in written form on embassy paper since the check-list is on it's way to the embassy.... I've kept all the other "in-depth" instructions of what's required to gather while I wait for my interview.

What should I do?!
julesroseNot TellingCanada2010-04-06 23:11:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionSO CONFUSED!!

One of the two people you spoke to was probably being lazy, and didn't want to be bothered looking up your case in the computer.

What should you do? You should relax. It's only been a week since you sent it. :blush:

ya thanks! :) ...I've been working on that! lol
julesroseNot TellingCanada2010-04-14 10:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionSO CONFUSED!!
I called DoS yesterday morning....lady tells me Montreal received my Packet 3 and it was in the system...PREFECT (and makes sense I sent it April 6th). But no interview date yet.

So I called again last night when I got home from work for the fun of it to see if MAYBE I had an interview date now...this new lady I talked to said it wasn't even in the system that they had received it...


How does that happen? Same day...a few hours difference..and 2 extremely different answers!?

What should I do?

Edited by julesrose, 14 April 2010 - 07:39 AM.

julesroseNot TellingCanada2010-04-14 07:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical

I arrived at the clinic at about 6:50 and was the 2nd or 3rd person in line. I was out of there by 9am (2 hours total).
The waiting room was completely packed by 7:10 (people were even sitting on the kiddie-sized chairs), so make sure you get there early and plan for it to take at least 2 hours.

At 7am, there won't be much open, but I would suggest that your Dad check out the St. Lawrence Market, located at Front and Jarvis. There's lots to see (and eat) there. It's open at 8am (closed Monday).

There's also a Tim Horton's just east of the Market on Front Street and a Second Cup at Jarvis and King.

ok thanks! :)
julesroseNot TellingCanada2010-04-15 11:13:00