PhilippinesIs this too much thinking?

I like to hear your opinion.

My opinion is that you are a very thoughtful guy and the fact you are thinking of her and would do such a thing is more important than this specific act, whether you do it or not.

There are a couple of things at the cabin here that are a little complicated, like cleaning the air filter on the propane water heater. So I post a little card with a diagram and instructions right next to it on the wall. The oil-to-gas mix on chain saws, snow machines, and boat motors is on the refrigerator, with a chart showing how much to add to one gallon or five gallons, etc.

But these are a more complicated than how to use a thermostat or whatever.
rloganMalePhilippines2010-07-21 00:36:00
PhilippinesHow to Deal with your Marriage Critics Effectively

Bob, you started an open thread giving your opinion and criticism of how to deal other people's criticism of your marriage. I gave you mine. I'll even go further in saying that after reading your blog site where you prop your young Filipina wife up like a trophy, you'll get no sympathy from me over whatever real or perceived criticism you've encountered from outsiders. I'm shaking my head in disbelief over your long, drawn out indignation of outside criticism when you openly and unabashedly regard your spouse as if she were a piece of meat. Unbelievable.

"What embitters the world is not excess of criticism, but an absence of self-criticism." ~ Gilbert K Chesterton

Thank you again once more, El Buscador for that excellent covert-aggressive tactic the psychologists call "shaming". Our audience needs to see a covert-aggressor in action.

We are "invited" to feel shame. If the victim falls for the tactic, he is put on the defensive and tries in vain to convince the aggressor that his characterization is unfair.

But no person knows better than the covert aggressor himself the unfairness ofv the accusation. He specifically chooses unfair accusations because the ONLY point is to put you on the defensive. If you react defensively, you'll just get more.

This is a person that has quite a bit of practice at putting other people down while covering his motivations with the pretense of being "helpful". There's a lot packed into a small space. Impressive.

We have the framing we are asking him for "sympathy" for "perceived" criticism. Your aggressor is relentless in putting you in a one-down position. Hence the need to create an illusion that we have come to him asking him for his approval. That's the last thing your aggressor would ever do.

The accusation of hypocrisy was nicely done. This is beautiful because here we have the aggressor practicing the OP topic: trying to push for an empotional, defensive response for your young, beautiful Filipina. Isn't that cute?

The tactic of "minimization" is used here where you are framed has having only one interest in your wife - the meat part. You are supposed to get on the defensive and beg for his approval that she is more than that.

It was cunning to level the accusation of hypocrisy simultaneously. It required framing me as a person "complaining" and seeking "sympathy" in the OP instead of someone who is showing you how to deal with a person like this.

So to put the whole packaged together, our aggressor starts with the false framing that you are complaining and seeking sympathy for marriage critics instead of showing people how to contend with it. Then we have our relationship with our wife minimized to "just a piece of meat". It is capped off with the accusation of hypocrisy. A triple whammy! :)

It is important to jump up and down screeching with terminology like "unbelievable". An aggressor knows how to display different emotions to manipulate. They might feign anger, outrage, disbelief, etc. in order to get the intended victim to question themselves.

Then the finishing touch to it all: a repeat of aggression-denial with the quotation. There's no problem with the aggressor criticising you, the problem is you don't criticise yourself enough.

Thanks again!
rloganMalePhilippines2010-07-21 17:56:00
PhilippinesHow to Deal with your Marriage Critics Effectively

No offense...

Perfect, thank you.

One of the key tactics of covert aggression is to start off by denying what you are doing. So for example, they'll start a lie by saying "to be perfectly honest..." Train yourself to listen for this clue and recognize that a lie is coming. Another would be "I don't mean to sound negative..." followed by a negative statment. Etc.

So when we see someone start off with this kind of denial followed by the thing being denied - classic!

Check out the other tactics used here as well. There's guilt-tripping and the veiled insinuation of mental illness with the "obsession" statement. Dr. Simon and these other authors do almost nothing all day long for decades dealing with manipulative people and the wreckage they cause for others. I could try to frame all these specialists as crazy, obsessed people as you have insinuated with me.

I choose them because it proves beyond question there is no logic whatsoever in the assertion that if someone is speaking about the subject, even a great deal, that they suffer a mental illness from it. This too is a classic put-down you need to recognize. In abusive relationships the abuser often makes the abused think they are crazy. We fear being labelled as crazy so this is a very effective put-down if you don't understand the tactic.

Train yourself to recognize the keywords of your aggressor: in this case "obsessive" and "fretting". This choice of vocabulary is very important to someone trying to put you down by painting you as a neurotic person in need of therapy.

Lastly, there is the ending of your post which repeats what I have already said, only with different wording. With this tactic it is absolutely essential that the previous ground-work be successful: framing the target as a neurotic incapable of seeing that his marriage is legal, common, and based on the same principles as the people trying to put you on the defensive about it.

Despite saying those exact things, the aggressor pretends that his framing of your "obsessively fretting" about something merely "perceived" (I'm delusional) is the reality, then he gets away with repeating what you have said using different words as if it is some great insight of his own. I said it in too many ways to count. Point out that nobody elected them as judge, etc.

When you are a victim of this, all you feel is the fundamental unfairness going on under the surface and you can't articulate why it is so unfair. You just feel the emotions the aggressor intended you to feel all along.

So, El Buscador, you have provided an important service to us by showing us how a covert aggressor operates. We have a seemingly "helpful" post here that is packed to the brim with the very thing you started off denying. It is the exact subject of the opening post.

At one time this kind of post would have really bothered me. I wouldn't have known how to deal with it effectively. Now it's a lot of fun for me. But the most rewarding thing of all is helping other people who are victimized by it: training them to see the tactics for what they are.

Thank you, from all of us.
rloganMalePhilippines2010-07-19 17:18:00
PhilippinesHow to Deal with your Marriage Critics Effectively

For a moment, I thought you were describing some 10K posters here.

Absolute fact. The tactics of covert aggression are utilized by people to put you down subtly no matter what the topic is.

Furthermore, all people use manipulative tactics occasionally, and the most common of these we call "defense mechanisms". When your back is up against the wall, even the most sincere person will use denial, lies by omission, selective memory, minimization, evasion, etc. That does not make them a bad character. The person who uses manipulative tactics in all his dealings with people has a character disorder.

So yes, a lot of people post what superficially passes as an innocent question or comment when they're actually insuling you in an underhanded way.

This may sound silly, but I had to train myself to do this: listen carefully to your feelings. If you feel an emotion like anger or hurt - that is most likely the intent, and the last thing you should do is act on those emotions because this is how they get you off-balance. Once they find your hot-buttons they'll just keep pushing them.

Watch actions more than words. Slow down.

In terms of what you said about the grain of truth in the tactic of cutting down a man who provides security for his young filipina wife, as well as the very relevant comment by Atencio -

Every person on earth "exploits" their spouse, if we are going to use the term a snide person uses when commenting on your marriage. We marry because it is to our advantage. There are things about them we like and it makes our lives better because of it.

Consider how idiotic the converse is, which is what the critic is implying: we should marry to make ourselves worse off, or in the best case - make ourselves no better off. So why marry anyone at all if we are not going to "exploit"?

Note how reluctant a woman from the USA would be to marry a man that lived on less than two dollars a day income. So how is it different that a Filipina desires a man that makes more than that too?

No difference at all. But they have framed it in a way that makes you defensive about it, and remember the most important rule is: do not let them put you on the defensive.
rloganMalePhilippines2010-07-18 18:15:00
PhilippinesHow to Deal with your Marriage Critics Effectively
In Alaska, it is quite common and especially for guys living out in the boonies like me. Invalidators are found far more frequently online, and for two reasons. Normal people feel they can get away with being nasty online because their identity is shielded. In addition, hard-core invalidators constitute about 2% of the population but are over-represented on the internet because they are antisocial. People shun them, so they practice their trade online. That is where I encounter them.
rloganMalePhilippines2010-07-17 15:35:00
PhilippinesHow to Deal with your Marriage Critics Effectively
All of us at some time will encounter critics of our marriages to a foreign spouse and I wanted to share with you some things I learned by doing a lot of reading.

The typical marriage on this page is one of an older US citizen and a younger Filipina, with the Filipina moving to the USA. Me too. So I will direct my comments towards that model but the things I have learned are true regardless of the situation.

There are honest inquiries about your marriage, but most of the time you are going to find that what is really going on is a psychological trick people are playing on you, and it is important that you recognize so, and how to keep from falling into their trap. Because if you don't, you will always walk away feeling bad, which is actually what they are up to.

People are subtly competing with one another in almost everything they say and do. One of the most effective ways to compete is covertly - under the surface, with the real intention disguised with what the books call "plausible deniability". They will couch a question in innocent terms when what is really going on underneath is a sneaky, nasty attack. These are the most difficult things to contend with not just because they are fighting covertly instead of out in the open like honest, straightforward people - but because the kinds of people who choose this tactic are extremely good at it from practicing it most of their lives.

It may begin with a seemingly innocent question like "why would this hot young filipina love a fat stupid geezer like you?" (They'll word it nicely of course, but I am putting it out in the open). They might make a statement as opposed to a question like "yes of course she is a prostitute that only wants a green card". (Again, they leave out the word prostitute but that is what they are too cowardly to state in the open. Nevertheless it is what you feel you are defending against).

Even if your wife is from a family of high status and income, the tactic is the same but it will be worded more along the lines of "Why are you such a failure with white women you have to resort to foreign colored women..."

Most people are conscientious and grant the benefit of the doubt to the person questioning the marriage. You assume their motives are sincere and so you respond. But inside, you feel like you have been put on the defensive and your emotions are kicking in. Even if you explain to your best ability, you walk away feeling those emotions and feeling like someone has gotten the better of you, whereas the other person seems so cool and smugly satisfied regardless of what you said.

This is an ancient tactic. The tactic is to put you on the defensive and keep you there as long as they can. Of all people, they are the ones who have no interest in the explanation. What they are after is putting you on the defensive, and placing themselves psychologically in the superior position of judge.

If you take the bait and try to defend yourself what will happen is the same exact tactic again: it will lead to more questions or comments that invite yet more defensiveness on your part. Your emotions will rise further and their position as judge is all the more solidified. If you are a total retard like I have been in my life, you will continue to explain and get more emotional to the point where they make you look like a complete emotional fool.

The most important rule is recognizing what they are up to and being prepared for it. Don't take the bait. Don't allow them to put you on the defensive because you've already surrendered if you do.

When you understand that what they are after is getting you emotional and putting you down my making you defend yourself, then you are in the right mind to deal with it effectively. We are never good at battle when we have been ambushed. They have us on the run and in a weakened emotional state already. This is something everyone else watching will see and feel too.

So the instant someone "asks" or makes a comment via a rhetorical question or even a thinly-veiled deeply personal insult: recognize the attack for what it is. Don't fall for it. You will find that this ability alone is a revolution in dealing with manipulative critics. Instead of getting angry you are going to smile and laugh with a twinkle in your eye.

It helps to know that people who are doing this actually feel inferior in some way and they compensate for this inferiority by trying to get the better of you in an underhanded way. People with self-confidence and self-esteem do not fight with dirty tricks. They fight out in the open: everything is above-board and direct.

Once you recognize their tactic, you have a couple of choices. One is to cheerfully ignore. I don't mean look down at the floor with a sullen face and demonstrate you've been defeated. I said cheerfully. Because if you feel bad, you will show it, and they will continue to play this card over and over again. If you are smiling and laughing, they see it didn't work and so will everyone else.

If you respond then there are some general rules but there's so much situation-specific provisions that I can't list them all here. Instead I recommend the book "In Sheep's Clothing" or "Nasty People" or maybe even "Take the bully by the Horns" even though that last one is aimed primarily at children. You are being bullied by an "invalidator". That is the main term of the second book. An "invalidator" is just that: he is saying your marriage is "invalid" because your wife is a prostitute for a green card or money, and you are so worthless you have to buy a colored wife. So you defend yourself by trying to validate the marriage, and they can merely point to this and say "boy look how you try so hard to validate your marriage - there must be a problem you have with it or yourself wouldn't get so defensive over it..."

Generally speaking you have to put the spotlight on them and their behavior where it belongs instead of falling for the trap and getting defensive. You will find that mastering this strategy makes the cowards run for the hills, because that's what they are: cowards.

Sometimes it is good to rephrase their question and expose it for what it is. Sometimes it is good to force them to explain who elected them as a marriage judge. Sometimes it is good to point out that if they have to ask the question, there is no answer that will satisfy them. Sometimes humor is the best response. But in all cases, by far the most important rule is getting your mind right: this person wants to put you down, make you feel bad, embarass you, shame you, guilt-trip you, and make you defend yourself for something that is both legal and very common.

You will never get an invalidator to admit what they are doing. They wouldn't choose this tactic in the first place if they were decent people. The only thing you are capable of having complete control over is yourself. Despite being told here that what they are after is getting you emotional and on the defensive, some people will still compulsively feel emotional and defensive. What you have to recognize then is that you have a personal defect that you must steel yourself to resolve. You must be able to look in the mirror with determination and say "I am not going to let people get the better of me by being emotional and defensive..."

That advice I think is far more useful than listing all the situation-specific responses to a manipulative invalidator.

Good luck. You are a good and decent person that has value. Chin up and smile. When you smile, the whole world smiles back at you.
rloganMalePhilippines2010-07-17 14:22:00
PhilippinesDating Scam Stories
One thing I've learned the hard way: when you see people close to you enjoying the misfortune of others, indeed taking the side of the criminal in these stories, then you absolutely must wake up: that's what is in store for you, too. Because you love them, you will make excuses for them when they show their true colors in celebrating the pain of others. You will tell yourself that it is out of character for them, or even convince yourself of their logic: that there are classes of people beneath us who deserve our contempt. They deserve to have crime perpetrated upon them.

They are thinking exactly the same thing about you. Right now.

Later in life in the midst of wondering how they could treat you with such cruelty and callousness, it will strike you: They are treating you the same way you saw them treat others. You will suddenly realize the way they looked down upon the poor, upon those with menial jobs, how they treated animals, family members, etc. relects on their character generally: they look down on everyone. So long as they see you serving your interests they are cunning about manipulating you with flattery and demonstrations of "love". They know where their bread is buttered at work so they can play up to the supervisor with charm and deference. There are other co-workers who do not serve their interests and they are treated much differently. Open your eyes to this.

Con-men have a big advantage over simple and sincere people because they understand two playbooks, not just one: they understand and take advantage of how sincere people think. But they also understand how con-men like themselves think. The sincere and trusting simpleton is operating with one playbook, thinking everyone else is honest and compassionate like themselves.

When the government or the larger society sanctions bigotry and cruelty towards any particular class you will see them in full flower. The Roman Ampitheater was packed with them screaming in delight when it was OK to throw Christians or foreign captives to lions and tigers. In more recent history it was slavery and lynching of blacks and more recently still it is the treatment of Arab peoples. You need to dis-associate yourself from the people approving of sadistic acts whether the government sanctions it or not.

There are heartless girls all over the world pulling scams and the only advice I can give is that you will sense there is something wrong, but you will listen to the lie covering it up instead of listening to your instincts. If you sense there is something amiss - then there is. If you caught them in a lie, then there are more. They are a liar. You are the most important person to never tell a lie to if you are important to them. If the story changes, head for the hills. If they show callousness or cruelty towards anyone or anything - they are callous and cruel.

They have had practice all of their lives at lying, cheating, and getting away with murder. The research is emphatic that this kind of person adopts this behavior in childhood, learning by example. So by the time they are even 16 they can reel off the lie, the cover to the lie, the answer to the questions about the lie and its cover, and the lie to cover the lie to cover the lie. You will mistake this glib capability for truth, because truthful answers need no thought. But what it actually reflects is practice, practice, practice.

That is why, with a professional con-man, you need to really pay attention to your instincts.

Waste none of your precious time trying to change them. Waste no time wishing for retribution or revenge. The only thing you have control over is you. Focus on yourself and how to better equip yourself to avoid being harmed again.
rloganMalePhilippines2010-07-19 15:48:00
PhilippinesFraud Prevention Unit
Folks, we can't put the board mods and admins in a position where they have to lock the thread, delete comments, or otherwise protect themselves from the immigration thugs that would love to beat up on them for allowing comments that approve of felonies.

Obviously, the government lies about just about everything. They murder with impunity, tyrannize the innocent, and shovel billions to the banks that caused the derivative and housing crisis in the first place. Hypocrisy to the max. But they're the ones with the tanks, atom bombs, black ops prisons and a hundred thousand lawyers to drain you in the so-called justice system.

So therefore we have to walk a tightrope between sharing information, yet not putting the board in jeapordy.

I've had a pretty rowdy life and am lucky to be alive. My instructions to my wife were to answer no to every question that would get us in trouble. Because that's the truth, baby.

Got it?
rloganMalePhilippines2010-08-02 00:49:00
PhilippinesFraud Prevention Unit

I don't know if i have still chances to get approve. My fiance and I still hoping and praying for my case.

This has to be so devastating to go through. I am so sorry for your situation.

No advice to give. I just feel awful for you. We had some immigration trouble (minor compared to this) and if it hadn't worked out I would have moved to the Philippines to be with my wife. I just hope the two of you can be together, regardless of where.
rloganMalePhilippines2010-08-01 01:44:00
Philippinesmy divorce

I was a Filipino citizen when i got i am a US citizen...

I just want to avoid two filings...annulment in PI and divorce in US... as much as possible i want it to be one time save time and of course money.

I don't see how being a Philippine citizen in the past makes any difference. The state you are in governs the divorce laws, and you are a U.S. citizen so just simply follow your state law like every other U.S. Citizen in your state. They aren't going to say hey wait a minute, you were a Philippine Citizen in the past so we're going to treat you differently and make you go get divorced in the Philippines first.

I'm not sure why you would want to have anything additional at all done in the Philippines. Marriage and divorce of U.S. citizens (you) is recognized by the Philippines and numerous other countries by treaty. So you would not need to go to Mexico or Canada or Great Britain or wherever and file for divorce in any of those countries either.
rloganMalePhilippines2010-08-05 23:57:00
PhilippinesDoes anyone know any online dating sites where you can meet Americans looking for a wife in the Philippines.

rlogan, please drop it. P&K has already apologized.

Pinay Wife

VJ Mod Team

Could you please clarify what you mean by drop "it"? I am most happy to be the only person banned from discussing the topic, if that is what you mean. Because the discussion has continued on without warning to others. So I assume you don't mean that.

If what you mean is strictly with respect to the apology of one person then I shall not name them nor quote them, nor discuss with them further, and instead point to this:


in which the key part is to look for when:

you are blaming the other person and is not a real apology

I apologize too, for misreading things as blaming the OP for poor english. I see now the responses I reviewed were written poorly, and I have misunderstood it as blaming the other person.

In all sincerity being a mod is a thankless task. Even if you sanction me, thanks for being here. If you think I am a jerk now, just think what it would be like with no moderation.
rloganMalePhilippines2010-08-07 14:42:00
PhilippinesDoes anyone know any online dating sites where you can meet Americans looking for a wife in the Philippines.

I figured, and I apologise. Again, I did not mean to be condescending.

This has been a relentless campaign to dodge what the condescention is all about:

I hope their intentions are pure

Your promotion of "purity" is pure, unadulterated horse manure - not to mention hypocritical.

There was no poor choice of words. It has nothing to do with English as a second language.

We have legal and social sanctions against fraud, abuse, lies, deception, failure to fulfill promises and other matters that center generally on the immorality of causing harm to others.

So now, P & K I want to ask this in the most direct way possible, and don't dodge it again:

Beyond this (harm to others) who are you to judge other people's marriages or relationships. Come on buddy - stop pretending this is about the OP choosing words poorly and tell us whether you have the right to pass judgement on other people's relationships.

Do you or don't you? If you do, then tell us what this stems from: The law? Your education?
rloganMalePhilippines2010-08-06 14:19:00
PhilippinesDoes anyone know any online dating sites where you can meet Americans looking for a wife in the Philippines.

I did not accuse you of fraud or any other illegal activity, did I? I'm just saying you should take it into consideration. I understand that you, your best friend and your sister are close, but you do not share the same mind or subconscious as they do, which is to say, I hope their intentions are pure, as much as yours are.

I applaud you for being with the person who truly loves you, don't get me wrong. I mean, isn't that the reason why most of us are here, climbing our way past over the mountain of bureaucracy and swimming through red tape, just to be the one we love and who loves us back?

Just... next time choose your words and intent wisely, it may lessen misunderstanding. :thumbs:

And I in turn applaud this marvel of dripping, rancid condescension.
rloganMalePhilippines2010-08-06 00:30:00
PhilippinesDoes anyone know any online dating sites where you can meet Americans looking for a wife in the Philippines.
Quite a lesson in this thread on how many people take the opportunity for a put-down when they think they've got good enough cover.

In all of the attacks lies a stupid premise: that "love" is some concept that prohibits marrying to improve your life.

So, we are ideal if we marry some ugly stinking pig living in a mudhole in a country where you are likely to be raped, killed, or made a political prisoner in the middle of the night.

Hey yea - go for it! Then you'll have proven yourself worthy in front of anonymous internet keyboard warriors and your children can have pride as they sit in their dilapidated school without books, chalkboard, pencils, or notebooks.

Of course on the other hand you could be a really bad person and have your children and your sister's kids grow up in a school with computers, jobs that pay a thousand times as much per year, better health care, security against crime, etc.

But who would want to do such a horrible thing?

Sarcasm now aside, pay no heed to hypocrites. Who are they to judge.
rloganMalePhilippines2010-08-04 18:03:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionPossible Tax return problems and REF
Well the RFE tells you what evidence they are requesting, so that should answer what they're looking for and why.

I can't see how a debt to a social service agency would show up on a background check. You have no charges against you for tax fraud at this time from what you have said so even if they were pending I'm not sure how a background check would catch that.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-05-15 17:09:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 - Insufficient Evidence Letter
Looks a lot better. If you get a second interview, just go and do it. The truth is your greatest asset in there because there is nothing you have to remember about the truth.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-08-02 23:18:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionPictures

You'll notice that it doesn't actually specify anything except the form or money is REQUIRED, it SUGGESTS stuff and photos are proof of relationship so most people would include them as proof of relationship as pics from events together etc. Obviously alone it's not much but I certainly will be.

Not a big deal. I think walking in there with two kids along with the record we have is good enough. If we didn't have kids maybe we would worry about it.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-08-02 23:28:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionPictures
I don't see anywhere that pictures are mentioned in the I-751 instructions. I don't think there is any harm submitting them, but we aren't.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-08-02 22:10:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHow to Contact USCIS - Still No Biometrics Appointment
Mystery solved!

It was the TIME ZONE differential. There's no option to press when there's nobody in the office. I may have called once on a working holiday too once.

But we finally got a person who spoke HORRIBLE english extremely fast - my God how stressfull to press the phone up so hard against your ear and try to decipher every syllable. Asking her to please slow down, repeat herself. We knew about making service requests, so I would not have understood what she was saying about it otherwise. Then we got a case officer who said we had not been mailed biometrics appointment yet - so we know we did not miss an appointment - and she made a service request for biometrics.

Thanks everyone.

Edited by rlogan, 03 October 2011 - 02:43 PM.

rloganMalePhilippines2011-10-03 14:39:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHow to Contact USCIS - Still No Biometrics Appointment
We have some things to try now, thanks. We'll try on Monday.

This site is great for just this sort of thing.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-10-02 19:35:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHow to Contact USCIS - Still No Biometrics Appointment
We're worried now because it has been a month and a half since our NOA for our application on removal of conditions that said to wait for a biometrics letter. No letter biometrics letter has arrived. We cannot check case status because we need the case number on a biometrics letter to check our status.

We tried calling the information center 800 375 5283 and there are three options, only one of which pertains to us and we have to enter the number we have not received yet so it is impossible to reach a person to help.

An Infopass appointment is almost a 900 mile round-trip. There is no number we can find for a field office. We had someone in the August filers for removal of conditions tell us they called USCIS - but we did that and already and found it impossible to reach a person. Is there some other number to call? Our mail may have been stolen because at about the time other people were getting their biometrics letter appointments there was a rash of mail thefts on our road. The theives threw away what they did not want to keep, so it is possible we were sent a letter and did not receive it.

If we have to travel nine hundred miles for an INFOPASS appointment to find out we are on a waiting list for appointments it is just too incredible to believe what hardship they are imposing when we ought to be able to call someone fer crying out loud.

Anyone have a suggestion?
rloganMalePhilippines2011-09-30 13:25:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMy mother in Law & her sister ruining our Marriage

they always keep on telling him that Mother is only one & wife you can have as many as u want"

God what a loser. Tell him he can sleep with his mother.

I'd leave him. He isn't a man.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-09-10 19:15:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMy mother in Law & her sister ruining our Marriage

Since i came here, me & my husband live in her Aunt's house together with her parents and her aunt's husband. All our decision should be based on them even our time alone, one time we went out to watch movie(a date) & her aunt call to pick her up me are late for 30 mins & so and she start to tell things that are very hurtful, the thing is my husband say sorry i know he is respectful but we also have the right we pay montly for the house and her aunt only accept cash, so i decide to sometimes when my husband's away to go out to see the nighybor but thy dont allow me and keep on calling me its nice if they call( my mother n law n her aunt) for concern but they will only wants me to go home early to clran the house and prepare foods, many times my husband saw me husband and told him but he doenst do anything until i lost all the love for him vecause he cannot defend me, he dont even put my nameas a benificiary on his health, auto insurance its her mother. He dont know what to do , he cant decide on his own .. He auny sometimes open my mail.

Im losing hope if i can ever remove my conditon since im not in good term in her mom & aunt..i don have any relative here in the us..and he knows short i think he doesnt lOve me anymore and maybe i just enjoy myself here while im here..we are married in our country and its not easy to file for annulment..

Do i have any option if i have..i still live with my husbnad in his aunt house because i dont have a choice..Pleaseeee some one help me what to do...Thanks you so much

If you are paying rent anyway, then why not move to a different rental place?
rloganMalePhilippines2011-09-08 21:11:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 DENIED !! :(

This is a good example why one needs to treat important documents with a certain level of respect. When you have a three-month window to file, it makes no sense to send it on the day before it's due. No offense, but being prepared is a huge part of the entire USCIS process, and is generally a major life skill as well.

Excellent response from a dutiful slave of the State: yes, Master: I leap instantly in obedience to your every command, no matter how asinine or redundant or unfair or counterproductive or tyrannical.

In the meantime tens of millions of illegal immigrants smile with the satisfaction that they paid no fees, filed no forms, and bowed down before no man, like a free people. The federal government does not even know their names or their home address - which is the status our country's immigrant founders left to their immigrant posterity: no identification, registration, taxes, etc. Over three million received amnesty green cards in 1986, but many more figured "why bother?" Because it is just too easy to get away with, and once you start obeying by telling them who you are and where you live - now they can come after you.

The respect our forefathers gave to stamp taxes was to burn them and run the stamp officials out of town on a rail. The respect they gave to the soldiers on Lexington Green was to shoot them with longrifles. Look at what they've done to us: they have us shaking in our boots for fear of the slightest paperwork error in a huge mountain of it. My direct immigrant family members filled out no applications to come here, no forms for permanent residency - nothing. They just paid passage on a boat. There was a citizenship requirement, but absolutely nothing prior to that. All these lengthy and expensive multiple steps of temporary status is new, beginning with my parents' generation, and it makes no sense in light of the tens of millions here who do nothing at all except crossing the border. If you were a mon-citizen before that there weren't agents making demands on you under threat of deportation: you just weren't a citizen.

Don't get me wrong, I've complied with it all too, and I bring shame to my ancestors for being such an obedient serf to this government. But the one thing we have resolved ourselves to do is leave. Money is what keeps us here for now, not freedom because what little there is left is vanishing before our eyes.

So I do have compassion for the OP - it's not much of a life learning the "life skills" of a serf.
rloganMalePhilippines2012-01-27 23:30:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 biometrics pending
We have requested assistance from our Congressman to get our fingerprints, called "biometrics" from this impervious bureacracy.

This country is on its way to third world status in a hurry.
rloganMalePhilippines2012-05-11 18:19:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 biometrics pending

I'm so sorry to hear this, I can't imagine how frustrating that is for you. If you have been waiting this long already, would she be able to apply for citizenship soon?

That's the nice thing about Visajourney: people are human and have empathy for others. Thank you, and other people have it worse so we can't be martyrs about it. I am not sure how this impacts citizenship. But at this point we are leaning against her applying for citizenship. We want the kids to grow up in a free country.

I am aware of no other agency on the planet that refuses to accept its own perfectly good fingerprints. When your lives depend on people that have this much power and this much depravity, it is the wrong country to be living in. A lot of immigrants think that you just need to get through this ghastly immigration process and then in the end you'll get the mythical freedom of the USA. But that USA is no more, and what it has become is this right here. My immigrant forefathers bought tickets on a ship. That was the ONLY immigration requirement - just come here. The Statue of Liberty has an inscription telling us how easy it is, especially for the wretched poor:

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses, yearning to breath free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless, tempest tossed,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.

What a monstrous lie! It would be hilarious if it weren't so horrible to contemplate how a country can lose so much freedom in so little time. That's what my immigrant forefathers were: poor. So they came hoping they could do better for their families. All they had to do was get here. None of them could do proof of income or sponsorship. That's why they came! They had no money or sponsors!

Once they got here there was no army of government officers forcing them to have and pay for permits, licenses, bonds, insurance, mandates, ad infinitum. Our family gravesight was purchased by a simple man who made bricks and shipped them to New York City to construct buildings with. Some of which are still standing. They called it New Amsterdam at first. The only requirement was that he make bricks worth paying for. Not one government agent stood in his way. Nobody had ANY power over him. What if I tried to start a brick factory now? MSHA, OSHA, EPA, IRS, FTC, US Corps of Engineers, etc. on the Federal side, plus all the state agencies and then all the local ones.

Even with the King of England nominally their Sovereign, they elected local councils and did whatever they wanted because the King was an ocean away. They had more freedom and power as colonists than we do now. It isn't just immigration. Read straight down the Bill of Rights. Most of them have been suspended in whole or at least in part, always for a "good idea" but usually for almighty "security". Immigration is exactly that story: Security. So there are tens of millions of illegal immigrants in the USA, which outnumber the legal immigrants! And in the name of security the USCIS refuses to accept the fingerprints of my wife they have already taken themselves, and won't let her take new ones. If she tries to force her way in to the fingerprint service center, they will take her fingerprints immediately because she'll be arrested.

We will be good little serfs and show joy and gratitude to these petty tyrants when they FINALLY let her have her fingerprints. And get that precious card. For now. You don't hear immigrants saying they want freedom. They say they want a green card. Exactly! Create a permit they must have, and they'll do whatever you ask to get that card. The card is not freedom: the requirement to have a card is what takes your freedom.

So going abroad and opening up a simple export company for knock-down furniture or whatever - that's starting to sound more like freedom to me.
rloganMalePhilippines2012-05-03 14:47:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 biometrics pending

900 miles! :wow:

I guess an infopass appointment is out of the question then. 9 months is way too long! Have you tried contacting a senator/congressman about this?

Infopass will gain us no information and cost us 900 miles of travel. Communication with the so-called service center is prohibited. If you call California USCIS you get an attendant who will eventually transfer you to an officer who will write a letter to the service center. You cannot ask anything except pre-approved questions. You get zero information in return. For God's sake why isn't there just a telephone number where you can CALL THEM!? This is like bronze-age Byzantine nightmare, not a first world 21st century enterprise. Incredible, really. No private sector "service" place refuses to give out their phone number, email, or have business hours where you can go in and ask them something.

I know they came up to Fairbanks and did a field processing for some people, but not us. Supposedly they come through here every year or whatever - but we want to tell them to please let us just GET IT OUT OF THE WAY. We'd drive a thousand miles this instant if they would let us come down there and do it instead of waiting for them to come up here again, if that is what they are doing. But that is not an approved question. You are only allowed to say "failure to deliver biometrics appointment", which has only one response as far as we can see. You cannot ask how long it will be before they will turn their attention to making an appointment. Who cannot look at a schedule and see when the next available time is? Who cannot say what the reason is they won't look into their appointment book? There has to be an explanation, but they don't have to give one.

They came to Fairbanks for our Adjustment of Status. Their fingerprint machine was broken. We had to drop what we were doing and immediately do the round trip to Anchorage. So we have already done this trip! To do the fingerprints they already have!

We have already been to a senator and congressman so that the Social Security office could tell them to go pound sand. Maybe in two weeks after they tell us again that there is no appointment available we will go in to their offices, and at least keep complaining about it. The guy in charge of it when they came through here was a major #######. No empathy whatsoever. He was so smug. That's what you get when they are behind steel and concrete walls, with two layers of security you have to go through to get to them. The bunker mentality of US Government bureaucracy. I'll bet my Congressman is incapable of reaching this so-called service center directly.

Just another reason to move to Philippines. It is a one-page application for permanent residency, done one time. Permanent means permanent - no multiple levels of temporary "permanency".
rloganMalePhilippines2012-05-02 21:26:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 biometrics pending
We have been waiting NINE MONTHS for a biometrics appointment. We have made three service requests through USCIS officers. Every one of them: no appointment available, we will tell you when one is available.

Waiting another 15 days for another USCIS officer to contact us. There is no way to communicate with the service center itself. It is a 900 mile round trip but you cannot get in without an appointment, and they do not have to answer your question.

Edited by rlogan, 02 May 2012 - 04:11 PM.

rloganMalePhilippines2012-05-02 16:10:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionContacting the congressman on I-751 - please help

Hi everyone,

I'm a I-751 waiver case and I realize that those take longer than usual, however, even though I filed for removal of conditions in april 2011 they havent sent me an interview notice yet,
only a RFE which was over two months ago and I responded right away. It will soon be 14th month since Ive been awaiting any notice of USCIS action, it seems like my case hasn't been touched since april 2011 either. I want to contact my congressman and see if this will speed up things a little. I found my representative via the House of Representatives website, do I contact his DC or a district office? Also... has anyone contacted his or her congressman before and could share the email as an example? It's going to take me forever to put together that message, what exactly should I include in it?

Thanks for your input

I had to use my congressman to get our biometrics appointment after ten total phone/written requests with USCIS. NOT ONE of the communications got through to the Support Center that does the biomentrics. With one phone call, my congressman got us in there the next business day.

Your congressman is going to be familiar with immigration cases because this system is so broken. I would call their office first and explain to the assistant what is going on with your case and they'll tell you what they need in writing.
rloganMalePhilippines2012-05-23 14:36:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWhen your biometrics fingerprints fail

How soon after you completed your biometrics did you find out that they were bad? And through what communication channel? Did USCIS or the FBI call you?

Three business days later I got a call from the manager of the Service Center. I can't say that would have happened (the call) for anyone else.

Prior to that my congressman's office had contacted him to ask why I had not received a biometrics appointment after so many requests for service. The manager called us at home and we drove straight down the next day, meeting him personally. But he did not do the fingerprints. A technician did. Since our Congressman's office had gotten involved, I am sure that motivated him to call right away when they were rejected.

They do not have much business at that office. They are not open every day and it is closed by like 3 pm.

Edited by rlogan, 23 June 2012 - 11:32 PM.

rloganMalePhilippines2012-06-23 23:32:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWhen your biometrics fingerprints fail

We had to fly over to Oahu for my wife?s biometrics lucky it?s not 2,700 miles, but the guy taking the fingerprints did both electronic and manual ink print. just in case the reader failed we had a back-up (Was told it?s some what common) "anyone who works with their hands a lot" and hopefully would not have to come back. No problem.

Thanks for the information on the manual back-up - for the sake of anyone else going through this kind of nightmare in the future. We're pretty confident these last ones we did will fail too and that we will have to produce the records.

This is the kind of dysfunctional disgrace in immigration we have become accustomed to the last four years. After your fingerprints fail, it's "Oh yea, happens all the time..." with USCIS producing ZERO information to help applicants avoid this nightmare.

The USCIS lists a non-existent office at the Fairbanks Airport for their support center. The office has been closed for TEN YEARS. But people just like us go there, and are directed by the airport manager to a customs office. The customs office told us they are tired of people like us coming in desperate to get information or fingerprints done for the last ten years. The information site was dutifully updated every single year, with the wrong information, ten years running now.

Edited by rlogan, 04 June 2012 - 01:45 PM.

rloganMalePhilippines2012-06-04 13:44:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWhen your biometrics fingerprints fail
We've been through a nightmare with biometrics. So far we have waited ten months, done numerous service requests, and opened a congressional case and FINALLY got an appointment for biometrics... and it failed. Meaning that the Support Center took her fingerprints but the FBI rejected them as unreadable so we drove the 900 mile trip again, 2,700 miles total now including adjustment of status just to have fingerprints done, and don't know if the FBI will accept them yet.

The support center said that it was common for fisherman, doctors, nurses, mechanics, people with bush lifestyles like us - anyone who works with their hands a lot or gets them wet a lot to have them fail for being unreadable. They can make you do them twice, and if they fail again what you have to do is obtain police reports from everywhere you have lived the last five years.

They advised us not to get her hands wet for two days before the biometrics and not to do any heavy work with her hands. From my musician background I can see how playing stringed instruments would cause a problem too.

She had a different technician this time and he tried a lot harder to make them good prints. The machine will actually tell you if they are completely unreadable or poor. Don't let them get away with poor prints.
rloganMalePhilippines2012-06-03 23:11:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionSO Unfair
Some think marrying a teenager at fifty is unfair.

My wife likes to say "Beauty has a Price".
rloganMalePhilippines2012-06-23 23:26:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 August 2011 Filers
We finally got her green card approved after congressional intervention.

We are not grateful or excited or glad. Instead we are struck by how much this country has changed from a land of liberty that my immigrant forefathers came to without a single page of application nor a penny in fees to 4.5 years of horrible struggle to obtain another temporary permission to stay.
rloganMalePhilippines2012-09-11 00:37:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 August 2011 Filers

@rlogan, sorry to hear that... :( Hang in there!!

We're certain at this point it will again require congressional intervention. Because 100% of our interactions with USCIS over the last year have been failure.
rloganMalePhilippines2012-08-03 11:55:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 August 2011 Filers
Our nightmare continues with yet another service request, this time "Outside Normal Processing Time" request.

Every answer we got from California about biometrics appointment unavailability was wrong. Month after month giving us false information that there were no appointments available. Our Congressman finally got us their top secret telephone number and they had us in there the next day after waiting through TEN MONTHS of denials there were appointments available. They screwed up those fingerprints so we had to do a second 900 mile round trip immediately after the first one.

This system is so broken, it is appalling.
rloganMalePhilippines2012-08-01 13:17:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 August 2011 Filers

Hello everyone,

I'm a long time lurker here, but now i need some help from you guys who got RFEs. I'm freaking out since i thought I have included more than enough evidence. I guess i give you my basic info. USCIS received my i751 on 08/26/2011, Got NOA on 09/07/2011, biometric on 10/05/2011, and yesterday 06/06/2012 i got a RFE. On a section of the letter it states, "..... This is not enough evidence to prove joint financial responsibility or joint residency during the span of your marriage." I sent in joint filed taxes for 2009-2010, medical insurance of both, joint credit cards, Joint bank account (1 bank account, we really don't have any more at that time). We are still students at an university, same university. So we lived at my parents house, and its close to school(10min drive). I didn't provide a lease/rent cause we don't have it. Cell phone bill only shows one name even thought that will definitely show the span the ENTIRE time of marriage. We sent in 3 notarized affidavits from close friends.

I think the only thing i did wrong was only sent in only the recent statement (1 month) of the only bank account, rather than the entire span. But i will send that in, along with 2011 tax returned,new credit cards, new joint savings account( but we recent just opened that back in April 2012). Titles of the car( we just switch it to our name since yesterday after we received the RFE notice, since my parents insurance rate is MUCH lower than ours.) Is that sufficient enough? I'm not sure what else i can include. I have in my hand a copy of my parent's house deed, maybe sent that in as well along with a written letter from them? Do i need any more affidavits? Will those last couple thing help since we did them rather recently? Please help, I am literately pulling my hair out from this RFE.


Those will help.

I would think the explanation about living with the parents would help too, since what is missing in their view is the evidence that you actually live together. An alternative is making some nominal rent agreement with the parents, and writing it up with the amount in english like ten dollars so that the bureaucrats have a bona fide joint rental agreement.
rloganMalePhilippines2012-06-07 13:59:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 August 2011 Filers
Nightmare continues for us.

Our fingerprints were rejected by the FBI for lack of clarity. Two out of three times now the Support Center has failed us. Broken machine the first time, and this failure now. Not to mention the nine months of waiting for the appointment, the ten requests, and the congressional case we had to open.

Because we opened the congressional case, the manager at the Support Center called us instead of us just waiting forever to find this out. So we are apparently going to be the first people to have the biometrics removed from our timeline. We asked what happens if they fail again, which is what we fully expect. The answer is that at some point in the future we will be directed to get police reports from everywhere she has lived in the last five years.
rloganMalePhilippines2012-05-30 23:05:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 August 2011 Filers
Ten inquiries into biometrics total, plus opening a Congressional Case, and FINALLY we have our biometrics done. The problem now is that the results won't be in the file when they process it, so we'll probably be put into a black hole and wait another nine months for approval. Immigration is broken.

California Service Center (28 Applicants, 23 Approved 82%)

VJName.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved......GC Received
ERIC_AND_TERESA......08/01/11........08/05/11.......09/12/11........01/27/12........02/02/12 (Early Bio 09/08)
KELAH AND RAMIRO.....08/02/11........08/04/11.......09/06/11........01/24/12........--/--/12
JILL R...............08/02/11........08/04/11.......11/01/11........11/03/11........--/--/11
MA'BEHBEH............08/03/11........08/05/11.......09/12/11........04/02/12........04/08/12 (RFE received 02/10)
HELL0W0RLD...........08/05/11........08/08/11.......08/29/11........--/--/--........--/--/12 (RFE received 02/11, responded 03/24)(Interview is scheduling)
JQ SMILEY BOOM.......08/08/11........08/10/11.......08/30/11........09/12/11........09/14/11
HIS_WIFEY............08/09/11........08/12/11.......09/13/11........09/13/11........09/20/11 (Early Bio 08/25)
CHERRY?EDWARD........08/09/11........08/11/11.......09/09/11........10/07/11........10/13/11 (Early Bio 08/26)
SUNFLOWER15..........08/15/11........08/17/11.......10/24/11........11/17/11........--/--/11 (Early Bio 10/12)
EMILIA12 ............08/24/11........08/25/11.......10/03/11........12/06/11........--/--/11 (Early Bio 09/30)
FRED N EMILIA........08/25/11........08/29/11.......10/04/11........01/20/12........--/--/12
CLASSICROCK68........08/26/11........08/29/11.......10/03/11........02/03/12........02/10/12 (Early Bio 09/19)

Vermont Service Center (32 Applicants, 6 Approved 19%)

VJName.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved......GC Received
KIRSTEN UK...........08/01/11........08/05/11.......09/08/11........--/--/--........--/--/12 (Early Bio 09/07)
RYUKAMI..............08/01/11........08/03/11.......09/06/11........--/--/--........--/--/12 (RFE received 05/16)
MISHA AND MASHA......08/02/11........08/05/11.......??/??/??........05/15/12........--/--/12
ALOE.................08/03/11........08/05/11.......09/02/11........--/--/--........--/--/12 (Early Bio 08/19)
SCOTT S..............08/04/11........08/05/11.......09/01/11........--/--/--........--/--/12 (Early Bio 08/18)
CARTMAN1417..........08/??/11........08/08/11.......09/01/11........05/16/12........--/--/12 (Early Bio 08/23)
H&V..................08/05/11........08/09/11.......09/15/11........--/--/--........--/--/12 (Early Bio 08/24)
CHADLAURE............08/13/11........08/15/11.......09/08/11........--/--/--........--/--/12 (Early Bio 08/23)
JANAT................08/16/11........08/22/11.......10/03/11........--/--/--........--/--/12 (Early Bio 09/27)
SHAUN COLE...........08/17/11........08/23/11.......10/04/11........--/--/--........--/--/12 (Early Bio 09/21)
BILL Y BELLA.........08/23/11........08/24/11.......10/05/11........--/--/--........--/--/12
HY020................08/23/11........--/--/11.......10/04/11........--/--/--........--/--/12 (No NOA yet)
QQQUAKER.............08/30/11........09/06/11.......10/04/11........--/--/--........--/--/12 (Early Bio 9/23)


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Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

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rloganMalePhilippines2012-05-22 14:01:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 August 2011 Filers
Our Congressman FINALLY got through to someone at our Support Center. We are going to have biometrics done.

We are not at liberty to say more than that. But we're pretty sure that after we get this biometrics taken that our file processing is still going to be screwed up. We are not going to say why because giving details will divulge something we are not supposed to say.
rloganMalePhilippines2012-05-19 20:15:00