PhilippinesI got Pink Last Night
QUOTE (Pinay Wife @ Nov 9 2009, 03:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Am I the only one who didn't get the joke here? C'mon guys, let us in on the joke. What's so funny about getting the pink last night? eb0dfafc.gif I'll be waiting..... star_smile.gif

You get this from people that know some petty acronym or code-word the "in" crowd has command over, but you don't. Like it is some great accomplishment of theirs.


rloganMalePhilippines2009-11-10 00:18:00
PhilippinesMail Service to the Philippines
We experimented with mail, and good thing too. I sent letters, and my brother sent some. Letters and post cards. One post card arrived out of I think six things sent by mail to Mindanao. Iligan City. We did the letters, which never arrived, and then did an experiment with sending a letter and post card at the same time. My brother did that. The post card made it. So I sent a post card and letter at the same time and neither went through.

Nothing I sent by mail got there. One thing my brother sent got there.

Fed Ex worked fine and usually cost me around $75, got there in a few days. Under a week.
rloganMalePhilippines2009-11-11 16:15:00
Philippinesquestion about vaccination
QUOTE (.MythaG- @ Nov 11 2009, 06:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
when i took medical in st.lukes nurse said i still have 2 vacination need to get but here in u.s. any one knows this vaccination thingy? where and how i can get this shots?


You should have a vaccination report from them. Ours listed all the vaccinations and whether she had them or whether they were inappropriate for one reason or another. I'd look that over first and see what ones they are talking about.
rloganMalePhilippines2009-11-11 20:31:00
PhilippinesMy horrible interview story at USEM
Oh my god. Agree with last poster. What a travesty. The woman is insane with petty power.

We had a woman in the IRS office that was a menace here for years. You would go in just to pay your quarterlies and she was a hysterical bug-eyed monster about everything. I mentioned in the other thread it is terrorizing to be under the thumb of someone likes this.

And if you don't jump on it immediately it becomes and entrenched bureaucratic thing. Immutable like the radio show host guy and his Filipina wife. Not sure how that turned out.

rloganMalePhilippines2009-11-13 02:37:00
QUOTE (Nix and Poppy @ Nov 12 2009, 09:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi guys, i'd like to post my story in this section as requested by an admin. (Also posted in the K1 thread)

I'm a Filipino girl, 21 years old from a political clan in pampanga. My loving fiance is an american, 22 years old, from stockton. We met in the states 3 years ago in a coffee shop in bay area where he worked at as a waiter, became friends and fell in love. I was 18 that time and in spite of his small disability (his left eye is smaller than the right one) and status in life, i knew he was my prince charming and the only guy i'd like to spend my whole life with. I always visit him in the states as i have the means to do so. If it's his birthday, i buy him a ticket so we could celebrate his day here in the philippines. My father didn't like him at first but things get better between them on his second and third visits. We're always happy and in love.

December 2008, i received a call from an unknown number and figured out that it was my fiance asking me to pick him up at the the local airport! I couldn't be happier when i saw him waiting for me and i was so touched when he said he's been saving up for his little surprise. We spent the holiday together and he proposed to me which i gladly accepted. We decided to apply for a k1 visa because we were told that that's the fastest way we can get married and settle down in the states. My fiance went home with all the necessary papers and started processing my visa right away. We're lucky because his parents are very supportive and they helped him since day 1. Everything went well due to my fiance's hardwork. I received the packet in the mail on october 2009 and was schedule for an interview on the 12th of november. Of course my guy wanted to come with me to show his support so i bought him a ticket and came here 1 week before my interview.

Ok. November 12th, 2009. The pre-screening was perfect minus that fat lady. I smiled with all my heart, gave the papers she needed and answered her questions. She then looked at me for few seconds which i found very awkward and i slightly got shy or intimidated or whatever so i asked why she was looking at me that way. She didn't answer, as if she didn't hear what i said but at least she was waken up and asked me to sit down for a moment. Well, i didn't have a clue why she was staring at me that way until a tall guy who looks asian but not filipino approached us and directed me to the CO.

This middle-age american CO, who looks like jack nicholson's skinny version with a half-blonde/half-gray hair, started it by alternately reading the documents n his hand and looking at me. He was in that position for a minute and yes i finally had a clue and felt something is not right. But i stayed cool and smiled at him like we know each other personally. He turned to his computer and started to type something. He's still typing when we proceed to the actual interview. Ok. I'm not exaggerating things here but 90% of his questions are weird, funny and pointless. His first set of questions consisted of my fiance's age, birthday, zodiac sign, school, previous relationship, siblings, pets, house, body tattoo. He stopped typing then proceed to the second set of questions. I noticed he started to speak slowly and changed tone and looked real serious and that made him look like he was confronting me for some kind of crime. Well, we eventually had a small confrontation when he asked (in a very sarcastic tone) if i am aware of my fiance's eye problem, his failure to reach the required salary in his affidavit of support, how low his average salary could be for being a college drop-out, living in stockton all his life which according to him is the worst city in america in terms of government, poverty and crime, and few more stupid questions that made me feel upset and mad i raised my voice to defend my fiance the best way i could. The old skinny man tried to calm me down and called another american grandpa who immediately came inside the room and started to type something in the computer. Well i don't really mind seeing two or twenty american grandpaps in corporate suit around during my interview so i asked the CO if there's anything else he needs to know about me and my fiance. He didn't say a word and requested if i could bring my fiance inside the room so i stood up and went out i'm not sure if the he was still saying something and then i saw my blonde guy at the same spot i was sitting at earlier. I dragged him and while heading back to the room i told him i was sorry it's not our lucky day.

This time it looks like the second grandpap was finished typing because he's already standing at the back of the CO and they were both looking at my fiance. I can't explain that kind of look i can't say if they wanted to cry or laugh or pass out or if they just happened to be gifted that kind of face. I felt my fiance was embarrassed (he's a very very shy guy) so still with a pissed tone i interrupted and introduced him to them. The CO asked him simple questions like some info about his family and their background. Meanwhile i caught the second grandpap looking at me every once in a while like he was checking out my expression and it got me irritated so i returned the favor and stared at him and his bald head until the CO is done with my fiance. He asked my guy to excuse us and when he's out, the CO turned to me compiled some papers and said this.

"Are you sure you're marrying that guy? I'm sorry young lady i'm afraid i can't give you a visa. We'll send you a letter.....".

I got so pissed and told him to stop under estimating my fiance's capacity i know him more than anyone else his eye problem is a result of a bike accident when he was a kid but if it's that big of a deal then i'll bring him to the best eye surgeon then bring him back to that embassy with or without their k1 and that my fiance's not a lazy drop-out he just had to quit college and get a job instead to support himself and if i would have to transfer everything i inherited under his name then i would be willing to do that within 24 hours no questions asked just for that embassy to stop humiliating my guy! Of course they tried to calm me down but i was too carried away to listen i knew it was the end of it and i may be banned from entering the states for the rest of my life and just when i was about to leave the CO suddenly said "Ok young lady i think the US changed his mind and approved your visa. Congratulations." Well, i was still pissed but i felt happy inside when i heard him say that. I thought they were just playing games on us but the CO looks serious. I didn't see them smiling or any sing that they were just joking and pretended that my visa is denied. He attached a form stamped on some papers and place them to my folder before handing it to me. The second grandpap said "You two will be monitored until you get married." I just threw them a look and left.

People, i swear it didn't intend to make a scene but no way i could let anyone humiliate my fiance like that. In the first place, my fiance had no business in that room. Of course we rushed to a legal consultant and he said that it could be a fraud interview. He verified my papers and confirmed that everything looks normal. The visa will be mailed and we can leave after that. We also feel relieved when we were advised by some forum members that the CO was testing and putting us in life-and-death situations like that in hopes that we would admit something.

To my fellow filipino fiancees/wives who are having their interview soon, i am sorry if my experience scares you. I assure you that there's nothing and NO ONE in that embassy to be afraid of. We know ourselves and our partners better than they do. It's funny how fast they speak and act as if they are superior and make us feel we owe something from them. It's normal to get intimidated at first but once we feel that something isn't right then don't hesitate to ask questions and speak up. And most of all, presence of mind, keep it handy. It helps a lot.

Holy mackerel. I think I know the feeling in the pit of your stomach as things start to cumulatively seem so wrong. Your premise is wrong. You think you are there for an interview. Dot the "i's" and cross the "t's". Complete the file.

And its barney fife with the 44 magnum is sayin' your husband is not good enough for you so therefore it's a scam? Under arrest? You are not acting enough like a gold-digger?

It's terrorizing when you don't know what is coming next. How bad it is going to be. Are they going to cuff me?

Isn't it proving your love rather conclusively if there is no financial gain for you?

Wow, so sorry! I hope you make it all the way with your dreams.
rloganMalePhilippines2009-11-13 02:26:00
QUOTE (gennyangel @ Nov 15 2009, 04:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Floyd gayweather

Way too funny.

Greatest all-time boxer. What can you say.

I think sending him in to destroy Mayweather is a social mandate.
rloganMalePhilippines2009-11-16 02:08:00
PhilippinesHow tall/how short the "petite women"?
QUOTE (Rocky_nBullwinkle @ Sep 22 2009, 09:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My question is, for short ladies like me, how short is short? I am 4 ft, 11 in tall.


Mine is five feet even. Takes my breath away.

Pinay power.

Small but mighty.
rloganMalePhilippines2009-11-15 20:25:00
PhilippinesFinally here @ USA
QUOTE (Shiela-Todd @ Nov 18 2009, 01:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
thank to all my new and old friends here..

YES, its very very COLD.. I need to put some moisturizer lotion to my SKIN, coz its KEEP dry dry...
Ma and hubby we go shoppping today.. a lot of maternity dress, winter stuffs.. in shorts.. FROM HEAD to TOE..
hehehee.. coz i came here with no clothes for winter.. and Soon for baby stuffs :-)

God bless u all here..

Forecast was thirty-five below zero last night here. Didn't seem like more than -25 to me.

Filipinas that come to Interior Alaska have their hair start falling out if they shower too much. It is so dry you cannot shower every day or it will really dry your scalp out. Enough to start losing your hair. So stop showering every day and that stops happening.

The thing about the cold is to resolve yourself to dress for it. Screw the fashion police. The point is to be warm.

Sounds like you are going out and buying stuff. We love polypropelyne here. Long undies. yeah!

rloganMalePhilippines2009-11-20 23:35:00
QUOTE (Henry J. @ Nov 5 2009, 06:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
various questions...

Moose is closer to beef than anything else.

Cabin bound? That is our preferred state. Deep winter sometimes you need a dozer to get the truck out, but we travel by snowmachine locally anyway so there isn't any emergency. Being snowed in is way cool with us. Bring it on. It's kind of backwards to the way we think I guess. We want to be home, alone, or maybe at camp. Heh. Got some absurd stuff going on with tree forts and all.

Forgive me, I think the pics are appreciated in this thread so just a few more. Here is the largest grizzly hide I have next to the largest deer hide:

I cut the trees and milled the boards for that porch above. Overkill to the max, but what the heck. You can do whatever you want with your own mill.

Think about three of those guys charging you. You need a cool head under pressure to take them down. But they've had me in trees and climbing out over cliff ledges those darned things.

I guess I have to run on my 20-year record of FAA fines and revocations to qualify as renegade bush pilot. My wife sat through the last little hearing with me.

I did a little time in the pokey for running bootleg liquor in a supercub and there’s a full page National Enquirer story on that. And a Reader’s Digest story years ago. Rescued some people on Mt. McKinley in that one. Too many stories to tell.

Personally, the landings on rocks as big as mailboxes, the ledges and bogs, what these planes will do is just crazy. Supercub with Alaska Bush modifications. With a little headwind it is nearly a helicopter.

I’m here ‘cuz I am immigrating this wonderful Filipina, and it is a thread that is hunting/fishing/outdoor related, and I hope you guys that like that stuff might find it interesting. I appreciate your pics too and understand why you like it.

My Filipina took to Alaska like a fish to water:

I knew she would. I would not have taken her here if she was not ideal to the task. I can't say enough good about the Filipina attitude. What a blessing.

Edited by rlogan, 05 November 2009 - 04:38 PM.

rloganMalePhilippines2009-11-05 16:36:00
Got to say lads that the best part of the dream is this Filipina. I wouldn\'t trade her for a dozen of the above.

We abut about a hundred million acres of wilderness. 30 miles to the edge of town. First gas station and stoplight anyways. Not city limits, but town-type evidence. I don\'t commute there. I work by internet. Some construction too, but only what I choose to. Self-employed.

This is outside my front door. His fate can be deduced without further mention. But he was a lot of fun.

Edited by rlogan, 05 November 2009 - 01:45 AM.

rloganMalePhilippines2009-11-05 01:44:00
I'm not a trophy hunter, nor a sport fisherman. In interior Alaska it's for food. A big part of our life. I dunno, I have so many pics...

This is not the biggest Salmon I've caught. I commercial fished for a while, and was bringing in nearly 100 salmon at a time into a drift gillnet:

This is called "dipnetting". I am tied off to a cliff with mountain climbing gear. There is a big basket-type net at the end of this 15 foot pole, and the salmon are headed uoriver to spawn. Our limit was 30, which is what we took home.

I swing the fish up to my filipina who is on a landing above with my dog, tied off so she doesn't go in. She's going berzerker on account of the fish action.

Some of the fillets:

This is my filipina with a herd of caribou behind her. This is close enough to our mining claim to where we can just run down and whack one of these guys for food.

Caribou in the Brooks Range. That's a 22-250. Astonishing what that rifle will do at 300-400 yds.

This is a black bear by the salmon smokehouse at about 2 am. It doesn't get dark for three months in the summer here.

This is my honey in a grizzly bear blanket. I had to shoot this one. Well, two at the same time actually. I had a moose down and was going back to the supercub after dark and three grizzlies came bursting out of the woods on a full gallop at me. I took the first two down with a .375 H&H magnum and the third stopped finally. He watched me skin up his buddies all through the night. Watching from a dry bank above me.

I used to do these crazy expeditions in the deep Amazon. Hunting my way from one remote village to the next using locals. Pretty amazing stuff, too much to tell here. But I shot this 15 foot alligator point-blank with a 20-guage in the head from a little 10 ft dug-out canoe at about midnight. It knocked him unconscious, and when he came to I had tied off to the expedition boat. You can see it in the back of this photo. I had it built for me to do this trip. The 'gator nearly sank it. A two hour battle with this thing:

I have survived a lot of hairy stuff, and this one my engine died in a really bad place and I totalled it 60 miles into the wilderness. I was hurt pretty bad, broken ankle and blood spurting out of my head, but I had an inflatable raft in the back. It capsized in white water and I spent the night at ten degrees wet and really, really cold. Limped away from two bad ones now.

This is a moose in the yard at the hot tub deck. My wife is five feet tall, and there is a reference there to five feet. So you can see how big these guys are. I've eaten more moose than anything else over the years here.

Before my wife came I was all about extreme supercub bush flying, and the hunting/fishing is unbeatable if you are a bushpilot with a tricked-out cub. But she's pregnant now and I think this is the end of the clinical madness.

rloganMalePhilippines2009-11-01 13:11:00
Philippinesits only hours now...
And suddenly.... it's over!

No more waiting.

rloganMalePhilippines2009-11-20 23:24:00
PhilippinesWe Bought a Castle In Texas
Ha ha what an interesting thread.

I have to call some people on envy, or allowing themselves to get baited by a little show-off.

I like for people to accomplish goals. Good on them. I mean some goals are evil like taking over other countries, but getting a really great house is on the OK list for me. Yea, you can work for that and it's cool with me.

And you can be proud of your girl. You can't beat a pinay and anyone thinking otherwise is stupid. Got an open mind on that one folks. Shut up, the Filipinas rule.

At the same time I can happily say you know, it's not my way of doing things and so what. So sure I agree with the people saying you got to put the relationship first. I made a lot of money and blew it on airplanes for the most part. Well, still throw money down the supercub rathole. It's frivolous and stupid but my money, so what.

I seen my wife in such terrible sickness. We thought she was dying. Again and again in the hospital and getting worse each time. All our dreams crashing. I mean we are talking about dying.

And sure, it puts all the material things in perspective. Good God we just rejoice each day we can be together.

But it doesn't mean we have to rain on a parade. The guy has a castle here and y'know by my way of thinking its absurd really in terms of overkill. Haw! Way to go. Like you are a senator or something.

And OK, so his manner can be offensive. Check out Mike Tyson. The guy is a goon but you still have to say he was the most destructive human being that ever stepped into the ring for about five years. You have to respect that.

So be balanced in your approach here. Yea, humility is a virtue. But also y'now we also celebrate success and in a way you have to marvel that as a people how rich we are. That an average american guy can do this. Isn't that something to still say woo-hah about?

It's OK you catch those dinky little fish there too, tallcoolone I mean that really. OMG talk about good eating. You get those STRAIGHT INTO THE PAN. Same day. Some breading you know and good hot grease. As a matter of fact, cook them on the boat if you can. Boats are way fun. Live it up.

We can catch these rock bass here that are about the same size. We use a red jig off really steep rocks and you zero in at the top of the kelp beds. And if you know what you are doing you can catch a hundred in a day. Might as well drop a seine net over. It's hilarious. But then then you go back to the dock and you have all this fish do deal with. It's like "who's idea was this..."

My guess is you live in a place where they have rules about what you can park where and so parking the boat is kind of an issue you have to figure out. Rules on storing vehicles. And zoning and all that. Some people store the boat in the water in a place like texas. Not sure how you are set up there to strike out for fishing. What kind of rigamarole you gotta go through. My recommendation is... as little as possible!

You know the stone is great in that house. I think the wood is best described as "rich" in the cabinets. The interior is elegant. Staircase and all.

Like a big hotel in some of the shots! So way cool.

rloganMalePhilippines2009-11-13 01:44:00
PhilippinesWhat's the most memorable event in your sporting life?
2nd degree black belt tae kwon do, national quarterfinalist

1st degree black belt judo, midwest champ

State wrestling champ. All american AAU 4th nationally. University of Iowa.

State boxing finalist, second midwest ABF

But I see you are counting outdoor stuff. So once I was being chased by three Kodiak Island bears. They chased me off a deer I had shot. All three charging at once. I had two bullets left in the gun and three bears. Kodiak Bears can be 2,000 lbs. I had a deer rifle. A 30-06. Left my .44 magnum in the tent. Duh.

So I'm charging down this steep mountain. With these three guys breathing down my neck. The only way you can run from a bear is straight down the steepest terrain imaginable. As fast as horses on level ground. But downhill they have a hard time.

So I'm thinking to myself: "You can't buy entertainment like this. I hope I live through it..." And I got to my object, which was a cliff, and my intent was to climb out over it. Which is what I did, and those three heads came out over the edge, skidding to a stop and the snow falling down on my face...

I started laughing. So hard. But I vowed on that cliff to buy an elephant gun and never again be forced into that position.

And that's exactly what I did. I'm 5-0 on bears to date. But that event -escaping probably three thousand five hundred pounds of bears in my estimation...

Pretty thrilling.

rloganMalePhilippines2009-11-22 00:11:00
PhilippinesFavorite photo of you and your partner
Any excuse to put a picture of my superstar up. Just where we live and work...

Tying off a load of spruce for the wood stove. This girl can work. It's actually easier to move trees around in the winter by snow machine and sled.

I think she is about six weeks pregnant here. We didn't know, but she was sure acting strange and adding weight. There is a hot springs resort down the road. There's people there, so we hardly ever go. When we see the tourists there we tell them that. How crowded it is. They think that's pretty funny.

We saw a wolf on the way home that day. Near a dead moose. It's incredible how they roar across something you can't even walk through because the snow is so deep. Their feet are cartoonishly big. Like snow shoes.

One common theme here is that we are all excited about our spouse: how exotic and intriguing, what an adventure it is.

Adventure doesn't just mean happy times. It means risk and danger, anguish and sorrow. The greater the trial, the greater the triumph. Immigration is an adventure.

I don't think I have a favorite photo. But I have a favorite moment. First time we ran into a really big moose. We'd been close up to a little one before. A yearling. Ten feet from him. But this guy was a monster. Maybe 1,600 lbs.

He was coming off the high ground going down to get water, and he was all business. The moment I heard him coming, I stopped and whispered to my wife. Pointed out his trajectory. This is really thick wilderness. Impenitrable in many places. Got to fight through it. But these moose are built to charge right through it, and they can suddenly be upon you.

He was approaching too closely, to make the strategy of standing still a bad one. They know every little twig in their home, the forest, and if they are close they'll see you just like you will see two people standing in your living room.

So you have to let them know you are there in that circumstance, but not in a threatening way, and when they are bearing down on you like this one was, you cannot make a mistake about it.

My wife has seen all these pictures of plane crashes and bears and moose and all. She'd been here a couple months or so, and we get moose in the yard. Go hiking every day. But now here we go. You're in the teeth of it now honey. We got this monster bearing down on us, he doesn't know we're here. All I have is an axe, and this looks like it could be a doozie if things go wrong.

So she whispers back "Is he going to hurt us?" We've talked over moose encounters many times by then. She had seen a lot of them already. From day 1. She knew about how to stand underneath a spruce, a big one, and keep it between the two of you. How to avoid them. Watch at a distance. But sometimes, because where you live, by law of large numbers, this happens. Going to be a close encounter with Mr. Huge.

And I made the decision to give him some gentle movement, obliquely. A moose is about as smart as a turtle. Something close, but moving away obliquely registers as non-threatening. He was still above us, and all animals like that. They feel better above you. So they do not freak out like they do when something is above them, and it surprises them. That is the predator attack strategy. Gain the advantage and ambush. And we "made small" instead of "made big". You can make yourself into an "X" with your arms and legs out. Two people can do that together like if a bear is at a distance and you look big. Hold your mountain bike up high over your head. That kind of thing. Make enough racket to know you are dangerous. Doing that would spook this guy.

These are the moments I just live for. And now I got this Filipina unit with me. So we will just quietly, gently, shrink away from this guy.

You see the muscles rippling. Hear the breath coming out of their nostrils. Feel the ground shake as they stomp on by. It isn't a zoo, and these are powerful animals.

And then he's gone.

You can't get a photo of that.

rloganMalePhilippines2009-11-16 16:04:00
Iligan City.

Baybay Camague
rloganMalePhilippines2009-11-21 23:58:00
Philippinescredit card debts
QUOTE (melissa/martin @ Aug 30 2009, 08:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank you for all your response. I really appreciate it. My husband and I are arguing right now on how to pay the rent, the private school, utilities and food. I told him that if he doesn't change then i'll just move it and let him deal with all of it. I told him to be a better person and accept the fact that we can't afford it.

My husband earns decently but just not spending right thats why we are broke.

Good for you. This is a very hard time for you, but you did the right thing by forcing him to face things. It will get a lot worse if action is not taken immediately.

I have a very modest income. Less than your husband I am sure. But I drive a $200 car. That's right. Not $200 a month. The car cost $200. I pay $2 to $6 for pants at the thrift store. Lots of name brand t-shirts for $1 or $2.

I have a VERY small mortgage. Probably less than half what you pay for rent. We eat at home, buy from the 50% bin at the store and buy in bulk. We just bought a bunch of baby stuff - the carseat would have been $125 new, and we got a barely used one for $25. The clothes were all $1.00 or less. You can be smart about your spending and live comfortably.

If you have some really important deal like sending your kid to private school, then the right thing to do is not add that on top of a big rent or a big car payment, but by cutting expenses everywhere else.

Sell the stuff you don't need and WHAM! the debt comes down immediately.

rloganMalePhilippines2009-08-31 18:01:00
PhilippinesAge gap she is 18 turning 19 as I am 35
QUOTE (David_Dessa @ Nov 18 2009, 11:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
1 of my biggest issues is I have basically been unemployed for 5yrs
Mom died of cancer couple years back then grandmother died. So gathering my own proof of income is near impossible.

Sounds like you need a tax guy or a little help there. A small business gets to write off a lot of stuff. Depreciate part of your house. Internet, phone, mileage or depreciation on vehicles. The section 179 expense deduction means you can buy a used loader or a dozer or dump truck and write the entire thing off in one year. So you accumulate assets instead of paying taxes.

Let's say you make 20K on a job. You go buy a used belt-fed 50 caliber machine gun mounted on a tracked vehicle. You'll want an electric rotating gun turret on that instead of hydraulic. Inch-thick plating. 50,000 lb capacity winch on the back. JATO units for quick accelleration.

This is important to your business. So you make it a business expense. And now you pay zero tax on that 20K. Now you can drive through a neighborhood with a machine that can reduce a building to rubble. Wearing sunglasses and a scarf. Cigarette holder. Plus you got your babe.

rloganMalePhilippines2009-11-20 13:55:00
PhilippinesAge gap she is 18 turning 19 as I am 35
QUOTE (David_Dessa @ Nov 18 2009, 04:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
just browsing other posts in other topics on this site just makes me so crazy and thinks of giving up.

Y'know there's a big hill not too far from here. Mt. McKinley. So I had never climbed a hill like that before and hired a guy to train me and stuff, did a bunch of little ones and then when we got there it was hundred mile an hour winds, thirty below zero and two thousand foot pitches or whatever you call them. I'm just a hillbilly with equipment and clothes I made myself because I am poor and can't afford what the French and German teams all had. They laughed ad me.

Anyway they helicoptered some dead Scottisch climbers out right in front of us at 14,200 ft before the next pitch. And then some guys got blown off the mountain at 17,300. Funny because the local guys are the ones that rescued Genet Expedition climbers. Me and two buddies. It's in a Reader's Digest story. I think december '91. Happened in '89.

So anyway I am reading this above. About giving up. And I'm thinking wow, if you don't want to crawl across broken glass. Run through buildings on fire. Take on the 40-foot troll with a club for your lady...

I'd take on a lot just to climb a hill.

But wow, to get my girl here. That's pretty serious. My whole life, actually.

So I think we just buck up here young man.

Don't listen to discouragement about a lawyer if that makes you comfortable. Good on you.

As dirty harry says, a man's got to know his limitations.

rloganMalePhilippines2009-11-18 14:31:00
PhilippinesAge gap she is 18 turning 19 as I am 35
I'm 51. She's 21.

She was 19 and me 49 when we met and moved in together with her family on Mindanao.

Good - you lived three weeks with yours. I lived three months with mine.

Anyway, her father is a nice young man, only a few years younger than me.

They didn't say a thing about age in the interview. They asked my age. She told them. On to the next question.
rloganMalePhilippines2009-11-18 03:14:00
PhilippinesFamily Support
QUOTE (Señora Bonita @ Oct 31 2009, 05:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (TexPamp @ Oct 30 2009, 06:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Can someone explain to me the expectations and/or pressures placed upon a Filipina who has married and American and now lives in the U.S.A.?


As soon as I get to the USA, I expect my husband to expect that I know how to set the dining table with his favorite Ilocano goodies - pinapaitan and pinakbet. I also expect him to expect that I join him in his love for the outdoors, especially golf and fishing. But the most important is that I expect him to expect that I will never say “Not tonight, honey, because I got a terrible headache”! whistling.gif

I expect not to fail his expectations. star_smile.gif

Ha ha! I got one like you! Pinay are the best.

And you know, I had the kryptonite before I met her. I knew the Philippines: Luzon, Leite, Samar, Cebu, Mindanao... Friends with Filipina wives tried to set me up with cousins, but in my very humble opinion it is better to meet in person. I went all over. Motorcycles, ships, jeepneys, planes and those little van things.

Anyway, the kryptonite. I knew before I met her how her mind worked. You can't stop a Filipina from caring about her family. And there are some important social/cultural distinctions in the Philippines too, but the OP is specifically about supporting the family.

What I did was make no promises about supporting them. Instead, the month after I met her I returned on kind of a surprise trip. I spent three months and built her family a house. They were extremely poor and she was working, sending money home - as Filipinas are innately compelled to do. Working as a housekeeper in Manila with her family back on Mindanao. Holy mackerel, talk about a Godsend around here!! She took care of infants and toddlers, and now we have a baby coming. Perfect professional training for us!

But again, I made no promises. I just did it. I don't have much money, but I can build houses. Filipino construction is more concrete/masonry as opposed to timber framing, but I can do both. So that's what I did. I returned to Mindanao with her and built a house. I said I would come look and see. And in a few days we started construction.

And during that time she was in the hospital, and since then too, with something we finally determined was horrific migraines. It took us two years, but we figured out how to beat them. I couldn't promise that either, but I just did it. Relentless research and experimenting. But it's over now. Complete victory, and I have to tell you she knows who cured her.

I might be white trailer trash, but I don't drink. Not a chance in heck I would fool around. With a Filipina, you are going to do pretty well with a program of no promises and just delivering the goods.

And she is like the ladies above. It's unbelievable, really, what a determined Filipina can do. And if you want that then helping the family better be a key part of your program. Not just money. Help them better themselves.

We struggled successfully through the fundamental problem of how to help the family without it backfiring, which it can certainly do. You can make them lazy wards if it is not handled right, and they will have no self-esteem. No incentive to behave productively. There can be infighting amongst extended family when money is not handled right. Money, in and of itself, solves nothing when it is handled wrong. It can bring out pride, envy, greed - bad things.

We've avoided that so far, but we see in other Filipina-Americano relationships some problems. Wasted money. Bad faith, bad dealings. Foolish "businesses" that cost twice the revenue they earn.

You have to know your people. Know their situation. See it with your own eyes. I lived with mine for three months so I have a really good idea of the situation. The neighbors used to come to watch a white guy doing construction labor for this very poor Filipino. I would not have considered sending money to build it. Nor would I have felt right just sitting on my butt watching someone else build it.

But I know the schools the kids go to and know about their school projects and other expenses. I can see on the webcam every day their general state. I forget the name of the poster above who said communication is the key. Absolutely.

Her father is working regularly, which is the deal with me. Don't tell me there's no work. And don't bring me B.S. about "crises" and "emergencies". Bad planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part.

What is right for you will be different from me of course. They bring to me half-baked ideas on businesses, but unless they have a bona-fide business plan I can see with my own eyes - right down to the taco stand location if necessary - I am not getting involved in it.

My wife and I have an agreement on some rental property so she spends that as she pleases. I couldn't care less what she does with her own money. Hair-brained scheme or not, it's hers to do what she wants. So she sends money by remittence corporation. She budgets out things for them and is learning what I went through when I was sending her money from here. Heh. About accountability and trust. There are some decisions that take maturity and experience to make in this arena.

I see others here saying that too, and this is a good arrangement.

But anything like building a house or a business or a private school or whatever would require my getting involved in, and my rule is the "see it with your own eyes and never decide things quick" rule.

Good luck with yours. Yea, in the Filipino culture there is a practice of helping the extended family, most especially when they are in a poor state. If you are poor in the Philippines, then you are really poor.

To know how to help them the best you really have to understand their situation and how your skills or assets are best deployed to help. Going there sure was the right thing for me to do. Just throwing money at something isn't necessarily going to be the best thing.

And you know, a person can fret about the cost and missing work or whatever. Going there, and especially building the house. But who cares. They have a house, it's over and done. Nobody can take that away from them or us. No rent, forever. They watched me build it. With her father.

Filipina kryptonite.

rloganMalePhilippines2009-11-01 01:35:00
PhilippinesChanging passport to married name
Yeah Tahoma, thanks - at the last outreach we went to for her green card their fingerprint machine didn't work and they blithely suggested we fly that night to the main office, as if that were no more troubling or expensive than a cab ride across town. I have an airplane but it's tricked out to the max for extreme bush piloting, which means it's basically useless for anything else.

At one time they had an amended passport form, but it seems they don't do it that way anymore.
rloganMalePhilippines2010-06-29 13:48:00
PhilippinesChanging passport to married name
Hi Folks.

My wife has a 2-year green card in her married name, but her passport is in her maiden name. This caused us some trouble while traveling back from the Philippines to the U.S. (With the airline, not with immigration). We had a certified copy of the marriage certificate with us, birth certificate, green card, etc. - but the airline still gave us a hassle.

Anyone who has recently changed their passport into their married name from the Philippines, please advise us of the least troublesome way to do so. Thank you in advance.
rloganMalePhilippines2010-06-29 00:11:00
PhilippinesFilipina Traveling on Green Card
We were told it would be no problem traveling back and forth between the Philippines, which it wasn't insofar as immigration was concerned.

But the airline gave us a lot of trouble despite having certified copies of every legal document pertaining to marriage and immigration. It was China Air.

Going there was no problem. It was coming back, at the Manila airport. Layovers in Japan and Korea were no problem, but we stayed in the transit areas of the airport overnight.

Edited by rlogan, 29 June 2010 - 01:56 PM.

rloganMalePhilippines2010-06-29 13:53:00
PhilippinesQuestions about college expenses
I can't know your situation and people well enough to answer piglett.

But I've commercial fished - traveling over a thousand miles by boat down the Tanana and Yukon out to the Bering sea and catching up to a hundred salmon in a drift there. I looked into commercial fishing in the Philippines too and know enough to judge for myself how best to approach it for either my father in law or myself there.

As with any business, maximizing profit requires minimizing cost per unit product landed. In a large number of situations what the fishermen are doing with the tiny boats and no motor at all, let alone a small one, is the most rational business decision. Adding more footage or horsepower increases capital costs, operating expenses, and maintenance in an amount that does not bring sufficient increases in catch to justify the expense. I worked a little 20 foot boat with two twenty-five horse mercs on it because anything bigger than that was wasted money. If we went bigger we would have to be seining instead of drift gillnet and that would have required an extremely expensive entry permit instead of the $10 K for a drift gillnet.

So to answer your question with the information you need to make the decision, ask what the $5k earns you in an alternative investment. Just for easy numbers lets say you can make 5% in the market, so the return per year on $5K us $250 a year, and you don't have to do a thing other than invest the money and there is almost zero risk of losing the capital.

If you spend $5K on the boat and motor, it also means more gas, more oil, more maintenance, possibly more hands, etc. You have to go observe boats with the bigger motors and hulls to see how much more they are catching and then calculate the new expected profit per year along with the larger loss if the ship goes down. (Commercial fishing is the most dangerous common occupation there is.)

Is it better than just parking money in an essentially riskless investment with a small return?

The answer might be yes, but it might be no. In Iligan I would not buy a bigger boat. I wouldn't buy a boat at all, in fact. I would avoid fishing like the plague. But on Palawan I could see the merit in a power motor and a ship with more hands over the typical village one or two-man outrigger. Getting out past the paddlers in that case will indeed bring enough fish to justify it and you don't have to jump up to a monster ship in order to reach fishing banks out in the boonies. A modest addition to capital will do the job just fine.
rloganMalePhilippines2010-07-01 03:43:00
PhilippinesQuestions about college expenses
Not sure why. It has a very happy ending. We've had two wonderful years now because of it, with a beautiful son and not one problem with the family since the law was laid down.

I've learned from reading a number of books that the main technique they use is called the "double bind" - they put you in a situation where you lose no matter what you do: if you don't give them the money then you are made to feel bad. But if you give them the money, you are a victim of extortion and that feels bad even though you gave them money to pay the bill. You'll be miserable if you allow them to continually engineer double-binds.

One way to defeat the double-bind is to shine the white heat of attention on their motives. With the electric bill for example, they'll say they were "too shy" to bring it to your attention until the electricity was about to be shut off. Then it's an "emergency", so it's OK to spring it on you.

Call them on it. For a whole month they hid that bill from you, knowing full well that they had no plan for paying it, and with instead the intentions of creating an "emergency" to extort it from you. So it is an outright lie to say they were "too shy" to ask for the money. They proven it's a lie because in the end they asked you for it like they intended all along. They just need some plausible deniability, and the emergency they created is how they attempt to cover their tracks.

It's cruelty, not "shyness". This is a hard thing to say frankly to your wife about her family. But if you don't then you'll face the same thing over and over and over again. This is an elementary technique that children use on their parents, and parents who allow it end up with problem children.

In the long run people have no respect for themselves nor dignity because they know exactly what they are doing more than anyone else. Our family has that self-respect and dignity now because they're working.
rloganMalePhilippines2010-06-30 01:55:00
PhilippinesQuestions about college expenses
The only thing they understand is "no". So long as you keep forking over money, they have no reason to work or cut expenses.

My wife spent money I sent for travel expenses on clothes instead. I had already purchased the Superferry ticket and the money was for food, cabs in Manila, etc. I said no. So she went without food and had to walk long distances in Manila. She would not talk to me for two days, but she never did it again.

The father wasn't working and I heard every excuse in the book about it from my wife. I found him a job in one day using the internet. The mother asked for money to buy pigs, and incredibly didn't bother to tell her husband what her plan was. So she spent the money on chickens instead when he disagreed. I've never sent her another dime for such schemes.

A lot of them use such things for money laundering. You buy the pigs, they sell them and spend the money, and then ask for more pigs. That isn't a business.

It sounds like your wife's father is a professional bum like many, and what you will find is that they are cunning, relentless, and have an answer for everything because that is their profession.

When they tell you the electricity is going to be cut off tomorrow if you don't send money Western Union today - don't pay. Otherwise every month will be the same thing.

I love my family, but I also told them emphatically that I would leave their daughter if I got so much as one phone call or email with an emergency or crisis they manufactured to get money from us. Medicine for a sick baby is not an emergency. That is a normal life expense they better prepare for instead of blackmailing me for it.

So now her father has been working for two years. We don't have our intelligence insulted with lame excuses. My wife initially argued with me about it. I would not have married her if she didn't change her mind. She did, and we are very happy on account of it.
rloganMalePhilippines2010-06-29 15:08:00
PhilippinesThe 25 Day Shuffle & Share
I bought a smaller axe and a little dinky chain saw for her - an 18" bar.

Turns out to be a zippy little thing and I use it more than she does now.
rloganMalePhilippines2010-07-08 14:24:00
PhilippinesPolitical Corruption
I see that the Philippine presidential candidates all opposed corruption again.

I'm thinking we need to elect someone who is actually running on a platform of total corruption, making the rich even richer, and grinding the poor into even deeper poverty.

So at least then when their promises are broken, the right thing happens instead.
rloganMalePhilippines2010-07-09 21:05:00
Philippinesgoing to the philippines.a few questions
Blazing Red Alert

I finally figured out the advanced search function here. If you do the same for nathanp you will uncover threads going all the way back to July of 2007 that tells a very painful story.

Since mid-2007 this girl has used one lie after another to milk nathanp for money.

On July 30 of 2007 the story was that "she won't stand up to anyone... she is sensitive and weak". She was incessantly asking for money while insisting she was not asking for money, blaming it on the parents.

Now the story is that the "one thing" he knows about her is in effect how stubborn and strong-willed she is.

He was paying for the monthly electricity and internet way back in 2007, and complaining that he could not send "every paycheck" or else he could not save enough to go there. Observe he has never been there but plenty of money has.

A new "cousin" was showing up behind her just about every time she was talking to him on the webcam, and many times she would shut off the webcam preventing him from seeing what was going on and saying it was because her drunk father was returning home and didn't want her talking to nathanp.

All through his threads back to mid-2007 he has persistently asked for the age requirements and the parental consent requirements that have been answered a thousand times. He wanted to know if he could marry at the embassy too - all of which simply points to a woman who has been using one excuse after another to bleed more money out of him.

Allegedly she insisted on a fiance visa and my goodness how inconvenient that they had not met. Look how hard she has tried for three years to marry him, yet how uncanny it is despite that desire and determination there is always a reason she innocently does not know about. A technical requirement he comes to visajourney to ask about. She can apparently use the same reason multiple times and he will still come ask about it.

So after all these years it is the sister, not her, that explains his girl is going to leave for Japan to be a bar girl. He can't even reach her directly despite how much she loves him.

In one of the early threads someone very bluntly said it was a scam. Years have gone by and the evidence it is a scam has been piled up higher than Mt. Everest.

It is just so painful to see this. I feel the same way about little old ladies being conned out of their life savings by con-men. I do not look down at the old ladies, nor do I look down upon nathanp. Instead I feel profoundly sad for them and at how so many hopes and dreams are smashed upon the rocks by these predators.

Edited by rlogan, 14 July 2010 - 04:51 PM.

rloganMalePhilippines2010-07-14 16:49:00
Philippinesgoing to the philippines.a few questions
Topic has apparently changed to:

Lying about having moved to Cebu and spending money on a Visa to Japan and training as "entertainer" there: Big. Red. Flag.

To which we can add these others I was hesitant to mention while the topic was how much Mindanao costs. I built a house there (I do construction) but was more concerned with:

The OP indicated you had been "dating" three years. But you've never actually met each other. Red flag.

Statements about how much each of you has put the other through. Red flag.

A college graduate in Business Administration is incapable of determining marriage requirements in their own country? Red flag.

College graduate looking for bar girl work? Red flag.

Depending on which post you read, the parents are either fine with the marriage or vehemently opposed. In your 11 Aug 2007 post asking about immigration for a fiance with a co-sponsor, the parents were in favor of the marriage. Not now, and lying about it to them, or maybe now depending on which post: Red flag.

Extremely abusive parents according to her. Red flag.

No bank account, no credit, job history eg Navy one month but "let's say I am a millionaire" - red flag.

Nathan I have a track record in life that would make you look like a genius by comparison at times. I can be delusional too. You indicated you were "going along" with her move to Manila despite lying to you about it. The reasoning seems to be that it was a sound lie: she believed you would have opposed it.

I think you've indicated through the posts that in the past when you tried to think long-term she got very upset so you "learned" not to question and therefore gained her trust. Accepting this latest lie is another trust-building exercise.

From the record you have submitted though, you don't actually plan long-term by the standards most of us consider to mean long-term: not even past the wedding, so this leads one to wonder what you mean by questioning her actions in terms of long range planning.

At one time I thought drilling a supercub into the ground 70 miles from the nearest road was hot action. Figuring out how to survive with a broken ankle, head split open, spraying blood all over the place, and ten degrees in grizzly country. Seeing what I could actually live through was kind of the idea.

But in a way you've set a higher standard in terms of having your heart pulverized instead of just your whole body.

The "entertainment" she is going to Japan for has plenty of information available on google. But I suggest looking specifically into "Dohan" and "ra-bu hoteru".

Dohan is a requirement of the job, and it means an afternoon "date" with the customers. They usually go to a short-time hotel: "ra-bu hoteru".

Geisha training is intensive and long-term with extreme cultural refinement - musical instruments, political inculcation, tea ceremony, yadda yadda. But the "entertainment" girls are barmaids dressed up as schoolgirls, nurses, etc. The reason they "train" in Manila is because the Philippine law requires it, not because it is necessary. Part of my infdrmation came from my Japanese Judo master, and some from a person whose wife would file for divorce if I divulged it, thereby leading to my assassination.

So just google what I've given you. I don't think by the way that it is the work she'll be doing that is the problem. The problem is the delusional nature of the whole relationship, the lying, and lack of responsible planning.

Time to wake up.
rloganMalePhilippines2010-07-14 01:06:00
Philippinesdoes anyone here sending western union online????
Good to talk about the security nightmares of Western Union.

Western Union has a computer program that flags security concerns. I knew a fellow who made one little mistake of trying to send money to himself online while he was in the Philippines.

It took him over two years to get the security people to remove the block from his online transactions. He made countless phone calls and wrote letters to some security division they have.

He could still do phone transactions, but they would call him back and make him do more extensive stuff on the phone to send the money.
rloganMalePhilippines2010-07-16 03:09:00
Philippinesdoes anyone here sending western union online????

I send my wife money every two weeks and I use These guys are fantastic and very professional. The fee is 8 dollars for each transactions u to $2,500 dollars. You can have it delivered door to door, have it scheduled to be picked up at a bank or just deposited into their bank account. They can even set up reoccuring transactions for you. I really like these guys and have been using them for the last year and a half. Most western union pick up is at a pawn shop and its not very safe.
I also have another vendor you can use as well. Try WWW.XOOM.COM. These guys only charge 3 to 5 dollars a transaction but you get less favorable exchange rate. They have the same service as the remithome.
I find that these two vendors are best for sending cash to the philippines and very reliable.

Interesting. Because there is a remit2home (close to the same spelling) that is extremely unprofessional and was a nightmare of unpublished secret rules. They claim you can send up to $500 at a time. But there are secret weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, and half-year maximums. The way you find out is by having your transaction fail and find yourself or your family on the streetcorner without money. Then you ask if there are any more limits, and they lie to you and say no, but then they invent another one - and make you go through this stupid "credit committee" even though you have $80,000.00 cash sitting in the bank available to transfer.

I did two successful transactions with them and had nothing but trouble from there on so I quit.

Beware remit2home.

We use BPI express remittance because we bank with BPI. It's $7 per transaction.
rloganMalePhilippines2010-07-15 21:09:00
PhilippinesChanging my lastname in my passport

Hi to all..i just have a quick question in regards to changing my passport last name.i'm married to a USC and we are plan to have a vacation in Philippines.Can i report my Marriage directly to NSO Philippines?how can i change my passport to my married last name?ill appreciate any input and advise...

Thanks =)

Hi krisella81

We travelled round trip with her passport in maiden name and green card in married name. No problem with immigration - but we were hassled by China Air getting on in Manila to come back home. It was stupid because I think the rules actually are that you must show ID with the same name as the ticket. We did.

We had certified copies of the marriage license and a bunch of other stuff. They took photocopies and let us get on the plane.

Since changing the name on the passport requires a personal interview, and since we live in a log cabin in interior Alaska, we are going to wait until they do their "outreach" visit next time instead of having to go to California.

Apparently there used to be an amended passport form, but we could not find one online, and since the number was always busy we just gave up and will wait for the outreach.

I would like to know what your experience is if you try to go through the embassy.


Edited by rlogan, 15 July 2010 - 05:21 PM.

rloganMalePhilippines2010-07-15 17:20:00
PhilippinesMoving in the Philippines
If you enter with your husband at the same time, he and the child automatically get a one-year visa. It is stamped directly into their passports. You MUST enter at the same time.

You can use your maiden name on your own passport. Buy the ticket for you in your maiden name then so that the passport matches the ticket.

But boy if you try to get back into the USA without having adjusted status to green card - that is a big problem for you. That is something that must be done before you leave the country.
rloganMalePhilippines2010-07-16 21:22:00
PhilippinesAnyone here who didn't meet their Love online?
I don't understand why people don't travel. Because the fact is, as a man from the first world they fall at your feet in groups of twenty. They can't send you old pictures or staged pictures. They can't lie about where they work, where they live, who their friends and family are...

I try to get very lonely guys I see to just get off their butts and go. It doesn't matter where you go - the store, the park, the bars - anywhere. They call to you from windows. They cross the street to talk to you. Parents will stop you and ask if they can introduce you to their daughter.

It isn't just the Philippines. Anywhere in the third world. But in my view the Filipinas are the most beautiful - not just physically, but beauty is on the inside more than anything else.

It's amazing how much wrath you take from culturally-conditioned and jealous people about it. Most people are fine with it, but there is a very strange minority that foams at the mouth over it. You cheated! You exploited her! Human trafficking! She's just a prostitute!

So you just have to live well with your beautiful young wife and child while the veins in their necks bulge and their eyes pop out. At first we tried to explain to these types that both of us really were happy and that there is nothing at all wrong with the millions of marriages like ours - how much it has improved my life, her life, her family's life, plus this wonderful child.

Then we realized that anyone having a problem with it - that's their problem, not ours. Get as far away from them as you can so that when their head explodes you don't get brain matter on your shirt.

Oh haha aurora07 That was great. What are the directions to the Bi/Gay room again? I need a quarter today to call up the welfare office.
rloganMalePhilippines2010-07-16 14:49:00
PhilippinesAnyone here who didn't meet their Love online?
I travelled to many countries including the Philippines and had determined that was where the best chances were for finding exactly what I was looking for.

After meeting her in the Philippines I was amazed at how many times we were asked with suspicion: "did you meet on the internet...?"

I didn't understand why that was treated with such contempt. I finally demanded to know why.

Well apparently a lot of Filipinas make money by stripping on webcams.

So therefore I joined Yahoo Chat group and have offered to strip for money. And you know, I haven't made any money at all yet.

I just don't understand.
rloganMalePhilippines2010-07-15 15:46:00
I vote "no" on pre-nup.

First of all, your state has standards on divorce and what she is entitled to if it happens. Our state has a basic 50-50 rule on assets acquired during the marriage. But you can agree to anything if it is a dissolution not contested by either party. So look into your state laws on divorce and property, child support or even alimony because that alone may be satisfactory to you and a prenup would be moot in that case.

Second of all, don't be suspicious that this hot babe likes you. That's just the fact of the matter with women in the third world and men from the first. It's awful tough to get used to being a superstar. Be prepared for fat old arrogant women in the US to have their heads explode as you pass by with this sweet, loving, yummy dollup on your arm as you pass by.

I actually moved in with my wife and her whole family before applying for the fiance visa. I built a house with her father. Nice young man. (Younger than me.) I cannot recommend strongly enough to really get to know the family, not just her.

There is quite a bit to learn and respect about her culture. Make the effort. Yes there are scammers everywhere in the world including the philippines, but they have a VERY strong committment to family that I like.

In answer to your Chinese friend who questioned the love a young Filipina could have for a man like you: Best to be thought merely a retard than to open your mouth and sound like a catty, envious bi#@h too. Heh.

Filipinas generally like an older, more stable, and secure guy. Be a good man to her and she will love you from head to toe.
rloganMalePhilippines2010-07-16 22:00:00
PhilippinesFor fun in this Forum (House Chores)
Morning, noon, and night.

Constantly servicing her demands.

I'm more than an object.

It's not a house chore per se, but a duty. I wonder if other guys have it this bad.

Me and my wife work alot, So I am looking at importing a 17 year old Thai girl to help around the house

Why get one so old?
rloganMalePhilippines2010-07-16 17:32:00
PhilippinesIs this too much thinking?

I like to hear your opinion.

My opinion is that you are a very thoughtful guy and the fact you are thinking of her and would do such a thing is more important than this specific act, whether you do it or not.

There are a couple of things at the cabin here that are a little complicated, like cleaning the air filter on the propane water heater. So I post a little card with a diagram and instructions right next to it on the wall. The oil-to-gas mix on chain saws, snow machines, and boat motors is on the refrigerator, with a chart showing how much to add to one gallon or five gallons, etc.

But these are a more complicated than how to use a thermostat or whatever.
rloganMalePhilippines2010-07-21 00:36:00