PhilippinesSame Sex K1 US Embassy Maila

We feel so sad right now :( we have seen timelines from girl-boy couples with filipina fiances getting noa 2 approvals at tsc lately even if we received our noa1 ahead of them.

What's going on with our application? *sigh*


Oh hon - I feel your pain.    Our paperwork was delayed interminably and just getting fingerprints was a nightmare.  Social security number - another two year nightmare.  It may not be same sex related.  Stupid bureaucracy related.  We had to make a lot of phone calls, written requests.  Two congressional investigations.  Looking back, hard to believe they put you through this when illegals get the carpet rolled out for them. 


It is great to see this working out for other same sex couples.  Some day tolerance may even extend to boy-girl couples with big age differences.  lol. 

rloganMalePhilippines2014-07-19 15:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsLosing faith
My heart goes out to all of you who are struggling with the uncertainty of this.

It affects your sleeping, eating, your ability to concentrate. It really is awful.

Something to keep in mind is that the theory that this ridiculous process keeps out terrorists or other "unworthies" is more than laughably stupid in light of estimates that there are over 30 MILLION illegal aliens in the U.S. at this time.

It is far easier to enter illegally than it is to enter legally. It is the law-abiding suffering in this dreadfully broken process. Many law-abiding decent people are kept out of the country while serial killers, rapists, etc. have simply walked across the border.

If you look at what some of the September 11 hijackers put on their visa applications, it is incredible what some of them put down like answering "no" to questions requiring addresses or other places requiring definite information be given. It is clear nobody even read those applications.

The same is true in airport security. As a pilot I see things very differently because I can walk on to the East Ramp of the international airport here where I've parked my airplanes for years with zero security check, and take off with just about any plane I feel like hotwiring. I could put on a maintenance suit and walk right up to a commercial jet and place a device on the landing gear or whatever - there is literally ZERO security. In the meantime all these passengers are submitted to what amounts to strip searches. Just a great big phony show, again punishing the law-abiding while leaving the field completely open to people with bad intentions who can figure out very simple ways to circumvent the show. I could drive out on the runway with a dump truck full of TNT and I wouldn't have to pass a single security gate.

Steel yourselves in the same way prisoners of war do. The callous amongst us can say to buck up, the world is tough so stop being a sissy, but I don't mean that. I mean that you are a prisoner of a terribly unjust system and hope that you can find the strength that others have resolved themselves to in extremely dire circumstance - to commit yourself to not letting them get to you.

In the face of thirty-million plus illegal immigrants running around this country all these callous answers to the plight of the law abiding are nonsense. It does not keep out those thirty million illegals, undesirables, etc. and it did not keep out the September 11 hijackers giving nonsense answers on their applications.

The government is not here to help you with this. They are something to be endured in order to achieve your life with a marriage partner. You will get through this, and I hope that like for us it will be worth it in the end.
rloganMalePhilippines2010-12-09 17:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone should stop acting like big babies

Once again and for the last time. I am not tearing anyone down with what I wrote.

Oh, we had no idea that calling people big babies was a compliment in Sweeden.

Again, I am not telling anyone to be sad or not to miss their sweetheart. I AM SAYING RELAX/CHILL/TAKE A DEEP BREATH. Funny how people feel so attacked and overlook what I'm actually getting at.

Look who is crying like a big baby now. You've been whining through this entire thread.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-04-13 03:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone should stop acting like big babies

I guess no one has never heard that saying before. I did not sit on my couch figuring stuff like that out. Maybe you like the saying Patience is a virtue more. Basically the same thing in my eyes.

I think the right thing to do is apologize for calling other people babies. None of them sound like babies to me, and I have two of them.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-04-12 17:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone should stop acting like big babies

I do not get how you all are supposed to be adults.Everyday I read a new topic about someone who is waiting. Most are whining like little babies about how long you have to wait and it is your right to get processed right away etc etc. Some people even start crying after only 2-3 months.

Hypocrisy of the year award.

I don't think the staff at the service centers are working slow on purpose. Most likely there have been a lot of applications coming in and we have the the straight up fact that Americas economy is very bad right now. So I don't think they are putting their last bucks on hiring more staff to help our love lives.

Federal spending is at an all-time record high. The "Last bucks" statement demonstrates no understanding of how federal spending is financed. At the moment the Federal Reserve System is wildly printing money, like never before, to finance the federal deficit.

Their priorities are simply different. For example, approximately half a billion dollars a day is being spent making war on the other side of the planet. This is doing wonders for the profit margin of the military-industrial-security complex corportations and the politicians they have bought off with that bloody money.

God doesn't reward the impatient!

Sheesh. Appealing to superstition. If you are God's representative as you claim, please send me a billion dollars.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-04-12 16:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUNACCEPTABLE!!!
Oh golly it's not unacceptable at all. The over thirty million illegal aliens in the country are just fine with how it's working. So it is only the much smaller number of legal immigrants having trouble with the system.

You see, the immigration process keeps these thirty-plus million illegal immigrants from immigrating. The way it does that is by them just walking across the border for free instead of paying money, being treated like a subhuman, and waiting so long. Murderers, rapists, illegal workers, and even just common folk make up this thirty-plus million illegal immigrants residing here that the law is so effective in keeping out.

These background checks and all - yea those are extremely important for keeping out these thirty million plus illegal immigrants. Lord knows how dumb terrorists are too - they're most likely to write down on their application that they are here to blow up trains and hijack school buses full of children. That's how we stop them. They could not possibly be as smart as the other thirty-plus million illegal aliens and just walk across the border. Nobody is that smart. Except these thirty-plus million illegal aliens.

Hey, remember how effective the immigration system was in keeping out those 19 hijackers from September 11? Wow, there's more proof of how we need this system because it keeps terrorists like those out of our country.

That's why we should trust the system. Because of how well it is doing at the things it says it is for: keeping out the illegals, stopping 9/11 type hijackers, etc.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-03-17 20:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInfoPass Appointment was a DISASTER

I started crying and she didn't care and so we left.

I am at the end of my rope. Nine months. No answers. Completely in the dark about what is holding up our case or keeping us in "background checks" THIS long, when neither one of us have criminal pasts or anything. No idea when this will end. Months, years from now? I am this close to giving up everything and moving back to Mexico. While I would love for us to be in the states, how long am I supposed to wait, completely in the dark? Another year? 2? 5?

I am completely dejected and feel I have exhausted every single resource. I would welcome any other ideas, if there are any left I have not tried.

So sorry to hear for your troubles. I know some people are saying USCIS is the worst, but the social security office was even worse for us, telling us to commit a felony and be barred from immigrating forever by changing her I-94 stamp. We also encountered employees not just incompetent, but who really enjoyed tormenting us. Our congressman was useless. One thing is to never trust them to do the right thing or to give you the right information because they don't have to and there is no penalty whatsoever for being incompetent and cruel. You have to know their jobs better than they do.

This is how government actually works as opposed to the magical thinking people seem to have about it, and the reason why we need them to have less power over us and not more.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-07-02 10:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsTalk about things now, not later. Dont point fingers!

How is your unit working out, is the lease up, you paid it off or did you pay cash? Just bustin your chops, no worries man, I think you had some good things to say, but it is clouded by you seemingly positioning these human beings as property, I could be wrong with your intent, but that is how it will read to some people.

Another pro tip on your foreign unit:

Jealousy, envy, and spite are going to bring people to attack you manipulatively with guilt-tripping, shaming, politically correct policing of your words, etc. Just laugh in their face. Wear your hottie on your arm with pride. Because the instant you get defensive about it, you've already lost.

If you really want to see them run for cover or have their head explode, put the white heat of the spotlight where it belongs: on them and their concealed motivation. Here they are pretending they are protecting your wife from you. Only an idiot would buy into that, so now we can get to the real motivation, and it is one of the above.

That's why I'm out in front on this. Luvin' it. Your friends don't need any explanation and your enemies burn in their own poopie-fire seeing how happy and bullet-proof you are. :)

For you people who are more politically correct with your rhetoric, the most likely things they are going to attack is that the foreign person "only" wanted to improve their life by marrying you, or that you "couldn't" get one here, so you had to go abroad. You've got to own it. Absolutely she married me to improve her life. You think she's some kind of retard that marries to make herself worse off? Darn right I couldn't find one here. These foreign units blow the doors off the American units. Check her out in panties. Rowr.

If she's a wife and mother they're going to say she's "just" a household appliance with benefits or some other equally durogatory remark. Call attention to how nasty they are, and that it isn't going to work on you.

Never, never, never let them push your emotional buttons. That's what they want. The instant they attack, understand that what they want most is to get you angry or crying. Because then you are an "angry person" or emotionally fragile, and they've won. It helps a great deal if you say it either to yourself or out loud: you want me to be angry. You want me to get emotional. Because then you've broken their spell, and you can laugh in their face.

It's none of anyone's business why you are marrying someone else or how you run your relationship, short of criminal behavior. Barring all else, this is the answer to any of it if you want to avoid conflict: it's none of your business.
rloganMalePhilippines2012-01-30 02:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsTalk about things now, not later. Dont point fingers!
What about test-driving that Filipina unit?

I'm in the minority by meeting overseas and then going back to live with her and her family for three months before we started the visa process. You can be anyone you want on the internet, but there's no substitute for that 24/7 test-drive. Know her family.

Most of these Fil-Am relationships are shameless dirty old Americanos with shameless dirty young Filipinas. If you want a teen wife then expect teen behavior. The man is going to bear the brunt of checking his emotions and being the rock of stability and maturity. Don't be impatient with her because you learned it thirty years ago. Sometimes you have to let her make the same mistakes you made.

Filipinas are just as hardy as any other human at fifty below zero. If she's too stupid or stubborn to wear warm clothes then she is a defective unit and you'll have to exchange her for a better model.
rloganMalePhilippines2012-01-27 19:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJourney Over!!!! :.(
It's always darkest before the dawn. The light is so imperceptible at first, but inexorably it gathers strength and soon the sun is shining again.

If you look at how you would be in a few years with a failed marriage instead of getting a better start, you'll be glad this day happened, hard as it was.
rloganMalePhilippines2012-06-25 17:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThis process..........

...and "immigration reform" means granting citizenship to people who came illegally.


That's why so many are massing on the border now.  They're smart enough to come illegally whereas all of us are so dumb we try to follow the law. 

rloganMalePhilippines2014-06-22 21:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaAddressing possible red flags in i-130 -- EGYPT

Yuck, auch, poor girl, how poverty de-humanizes us.

You think you are insulting me, but you just called a substantial portion of the visajourney population sub-human.
rloganMalePhilippines2013-02-19 21:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaAddressing possible red flags in i-130 -- EGYPT
My wife was 19 and I was 49. Thirty year difference, and she was still a teenager. They didn't even ask about it. This topic is one of the most frequently asked because there is such a high proportion of marriages with much larger age differences than the OP.

Nobody in my years here has ever found a case of petitioners being denied over an age difference. You do see people claiming it is a red flag, but none of them have ever been able to point out a case where a denial actually happened because of an age difference, or even an interview where a lot of heat was brought on by it.

It is also common for relatives to introduce couples. That is nothing out of the ordinary.
rloganMalePhilippines2013-02-16 14:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhat if something happen to the petitioner what then?

kinda creapy to bring up u think....

Oh that's hilarious! :lol:

Because I was going to joke that she was planning to kill her husband, but here someone actually took the opportunity to make a personal attack for real. Sure, creepy. Just like everyone who asks about life insurance is creepy. This is a lesson in looking for an angle to attack someone for normal behavior.

Look, I can bump this guy off for ya, hon. Do you want him to suffer, or do you want me to get it over with quick? :P

Edited by rlogan, 23 August 2011 - 06:55 PM.

rloganMalePhilippines2011-08-23 18:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterrogated at POE!
It's going to get worse belinda63. Most Americans are deluded, operating on a fantasy about American Exceptionalism instead of paying attention to what is actually happening. They think that just because it is America, we must be free people with more rights than anywhere else in the world, and as the Chosen People it will never change. They don't have an appreciation for why America had more freedom - those principles embodied in the constitution that are increasingly suspended.

An important part of this delusion is thinking that despite more than thirty million illegal aliens in the USA at this time, that the police-state thugs interrogating the law-abiding at the border are even remotely effective. Whenever you hear people excusing this police-state behavior you know they live in some fantasy bubble where all the government has to do is say that it is for a good reason, and they're satisfied. They don't even want to look at any evidence that it is effective because their delusional views are too precious to their ego. They get angry when you point out how ridiculously ineffective it is.

We often hear people saying they are glad the government treats the law-abiding like criminals because it is keeping the thirty million illegal aliens that are here from entering. Those thirty million simply avoided the line the law-abiding must stand in. The police state thugs love a line of innocent sheep that will meekly obey every command. Why go out into the hot desert to stop what you know is 100% illegal entry by people potentially dangerous when you can have a nice cushy air-conditioned environment where you are the only person armed, every square inch is under your control, and less than 1% are criminals?

That's why the government sets up speed traps to ambush the regular citizens while allocating insufficient manpower to unsolved murders, rapes, assaults, etc.

I was entering in LA and seeing everyone with a laptop go through extremely invasive interrogations as they went through pictures on their computers. The guy in front of me was standing in front of a bed of flowers in one photo and the officer kept hounding him about it. Re-asking the same questions, expressing suspicion and doubt. I don't take any kind of computer or thumb drive if I can help it now because I got tired of these searches.

I was in the middle of a hostile interrogation from a border thug who was very envious that I travelled a lot, demanding to know more about my business and how I could run a business and still be able to travel, how much money I made to be able to do it, demanding I show him evidence of my business on the computer...

But there was an American in the next line who was questioning why they were doing such extensive interrogations of people - and every border guard in the area swarmed upon him. Mine left me to join the shark attack, which I was relieved about, but they strong-armed this guy into a room. The only thing he had done was question why they were being so invasive, but he was cooperating.

While they were forcing him into this room they were telling him loudly enough for eveyone to hear that the treatment by U.S. border officials was better than anywhere else in the world - that he should be grateful this was not China or some other place. As he was being roughed-up and forced into the room he was responding that he had been through China, Russia, Japan, Korea, etc, and no border people were worse than the USA. "Just look at what you are doing to me..."

He was absolutely right. Anyone looking at this had to be impressed at how delusional these thugs were, preening about how grateful the guy should be for being treated this way by his own government.

A couple of hours later I ran into him because we were taking the same flight to Seattle. He was extremely shaken by the experience. They had strip-searched him in there, including cavity search, and basically terrorized him because he dared to ask questions.

That action would be taken as sexual assault if it had been perpetrated by him on someone else. But because the government was doing it by force upon an innocent citizen, it is perfectly OK. That is how backwards and delusional our thinking is.

Most places I enter there are no questions, no searching - nothing. It is only the USA - my own country - that interrogates me and searches my stuff.
I have never seen border people do that to anyone except the USA. I even overstayed my visa in Russia once because my secretary had filled out the application to come home on the day my visa expired - but it was one day later in Russia as it was across the international date line.

The Russians asked me about it, but they were polite, courteous, and understanding. If I had been exiting from the USA, I would have been handcuffed.

My Fiance was interrogated when she entered. The border guys were very rude, asking in detail about sexual relations, and saying she really should be with them instead of me. Here again, these people can behave like lewd peeping Toms simply because they wear a government-issued costume.

Just watch though. Historically all empires become increasingly vicious and paranoid. Everything the USA is doing with respect to foreign policy, immigration, and domestic police-state spying is moving in that direction instead of getting better.
rloganMalePhilippines2010-12-27 16:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA few address questions
QUOTE (LINGIWE @ May 14 2008, 01:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rlogan @ May 13 2008, 09:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi. I just filed my I-129F appeal too. I put the address she gave me in the Philippines (I am USA). Got the receipt yesterday.

I looked at the address she gave me on the 129F and told her it did not seem like a proper mailing address to me because there was no house number. Just a Purok.

She said that according to her family the mail is delivered to the Purok President, who then hands it to the addresee. I know that the private package delivery (LBC) just goes to the neighborhood and asks around for the person. But I am still very hesitant to trust this address. Because I do not think it is a philippine postal system address.

I do not know who delivers for the U.S. embassy or whoever it is that sends her the K-1 application package.

So I have sent two mailings. One letter and one package to the address she gave me. It has been two weeks and nothing has arrived. So I have told her to get a post office box. Then I guess I will have to amend my appeal to change the address.

Please advise.

hi everyone i have asked the same question about mailing adress, but didnt get a response so will ask again:
would it be okey for my fiance to fill my house adress as well as the p.o. box in the same space where it says ADDRESS
in the PART B OF THE I-129F? the reason been that zambia doesnt have a door to door delievery system, and i dont know how the consulate informs you of the packet 3 and 4, can anyone please answer this question

I feel this has to be a problem many, many people have faced so I hope more chime in here.

As I was talking to her on the phone yesterday a letter my brother sent did arrive to her. I am going to wait and see if the package gets there before I do anything, but in the meantime I wonder how relentless the immigration people are in ensuring the package is delivered.
rloganMalePhilippines2008-05-14 12:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA few address questions
Hi. I just filed my I-129F appeal too. I put the address she gave me in the Philippines (I am USA). Got the receipt yesterday.

I looked at the address she gave me on the 129F and told her it did not seem like a proper mailing address to me because there was no house number. Just a Purok.

She said that according to her family the mail is delivered to the Purok President, who then hands it to the addresee. I know that the private package delivery (LBC) just goes to the neighborhood and asks around for the person. But I am still very hesitant to trust this address. Because I do not think it is a philippine postal system address.

I do not know who delivers for the U.S. embassy or whoever it is that sends her the K-1 application package.

So I have sent two mailings. One letter and one package to the address she gave me. It has been two weeks and nothing has arrived. So I have told her to get a post office box. Then I guess I will have to amend my appeal to change the address.

Please advise.
rloganMalePhilippines2008-05-13 14:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUnofficial marriage + K1
We did one and it did not complicate in any way our application. There isn't any place to check on the application for "unofficial wedding ceremony". We didn't mention we were having premarital sex either. Why should we? It isn't a matter of hiding anything. It simply isn't relevant.

It sure went a long way towards justifying our living together in the Philippines before family and friends. They're pretty conservative.

It also allowed her family and friends to celebrate with us, without traveling to the USA to do it.

Insofar as why not going "official" - after researching things we felt that the fiance visa was both the fastest and most assured way of doing things. We read specific official warning from the U.S. government that said we should not assume that being married would assure her a visa. So we thought "oh, that's great - we get married and then potentially have a wife in a foreign country that can't enter."

I would have moved there if worse came to worst. But from what we read, the K-1 seemed like the fastest and least risky thing to do.

If someone had "reported" us for an unofficial marriage or having premarital sex - sheesh. Talk about retarded.
rloganMalePhilippines2010-12-10 15:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresParental Sabotage
A parent threatening to sabotage a fiance visa is a problem. Not necessarily an immigration problem, but at the very least a life problem.

The way people are counseled to deal with controlling parents is to present them with enforceable choices that are win-win situations. Not in a threatening way, but in a mature, adult way.

If your parents want to have normal interaction and contact with you after marriage, then they can choose not to interfere. If they want to act over-controlling and maliciously or even threatening so with proposing sabotage - then they are going to be choosing far less or even no interaction with you in the future. War is not the normal state of interaction between parents and married adult offspring. Choosing war means they are cutting themselves off from you.

This is not a threat on your part. This is just the road they are choosing, and it has no other ending.

A tactic of maliciously manipulative people is to "play dumb". A reasonable person only needs to be told once that if they meddle with immigration and if they change the visa application to tourist after a K-1 has been filed for Christ's sake they are sabatoging the immigration.

If they persist and feign innocence, they will also act completely surprised when the immigration is turned down but my goodness how convenient it just so happens to serve their objective.

You need to think very carefully about parents who are willing to be so calculatingly cruel while lying about their intentions. You have not given much to go on, but the main thing is you are 28, not 15. My guess is that on the one hand your parents have been over-controlling, but on the other hand you have allowed it.

Edited by rlogan, 01 January 2011 - 05:57 PM.

rloganMalePhilippines2011-01-01 17:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNo emails or letters...just phone calls and massenger logs

I do however have some WU money transfer receits to her (just tried to help her out at times). Not sure if that will help.

Yes, it will. Good for you.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-06-20 17:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy name came up in a conversation
Incredibly, some estimates are putting it at over 30 million illegals. So regardless of what our opinions are on it, the numbers are staggering, dwarfing legal immigration.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-07-30 02:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarrying a Studient/Poverty Level

is there a link to what the co sponsor has to do or sign.

say worst case scenario i cannot find any work in the US and i run out of money and claimed from the government, this would never happen but thats a question a co-sponsor may ask?

Confusing wording. Do you mean to ask whether the co-sponsor should be told that they are promising to support you if they sign a document promising to support you?
rloganMalePhilippines2011-08-27 22:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPlease PLEASE Help take my Stress AWAY!!
I'm wondering if the co-sponsor pledge being limited to one year will be a problem.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-08-28 23:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Denied, Devastated, Please HELP!!!

Next day, feeling as sad as the day before but with the same questions and need of some answers, I started to read again. Thanks God, this time other people wiser and more compassionate posted their comments and gave me some valuable advise without hurting me. I am happy to reassure that VisaJourney is a great site with great people that take their time and effort to help other people that are strangers to them. And those that uses this site to be rude and arrogant with others are just MINORITY. I want to thanks everyone that kindly tried to help me (especially, Kathryn41, kennyM, tero, rLogan, Joe_Robin, mochamich and I & JJ). I will take some of your advise and will keep fighting to bring my beloved fiancee to USA which is my home. I will keep you informed of the outcome of my case. Again, thanks!

Keep up the good fight, buddy. We're with you all the way!

It's always darkest before the dawn. I went to get my beautiful wife in the Philippines, and because of a mis-spelling had to return without her. One little letter in a middle name. She was alone in Manila, and another horrible migraine struck her (stress does that).

She was on the streets of Manila, alone, vomiting and unable to move at one point. It was horrible. I was thousands of miles away, unable to help her.

So many others have had tribulations, but persevered. Best of luck to you. May you find strength in your time of need.
rloganMalePhilippines2010-12-01 20:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Denied, Devastated, Please HELP!!!
Wow, I am really sorry Negrita Landrau for the extremely rude behavior of some posters that responded. This has to be awful, awful, awful for you and here people are kicking you when you are down.

It seems you mentioned in a later post that it was being sent back to USCIS, and that you would receive a letter. So perhaps it is not over yet and you will be able to appeal, showing the family tree.

In any case see what the letter says. I'm just mainly writing to say I really feel bad about your situation and also how shocking some of these responses have been to you.
rloganMalePhilippines2010-11-30 18:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee has owes 200k on Credit Card. Help!!!

Why would I think twice? Come on now. It's only $4,000 converted.

At 44 pesos per dollar it's about $4,500, which is a lot for a Filipina. But it's the "hasn't paid in six months" part that would have me concerned.

There has to be a backstory to this, and you've been pretty sketchy, like for example when it was 200,000 without designating the currency.

So for example, if she just revealed this to you I would say it is a rather significant omission. But I don't know that.

It is rather like telling people that you're bleeding, so is this going to be a problem? Well it depends on if you are bleeding because the cops shot you robbing a bank or if you are bleeding because you pricked yourself sewing.

The backstory has some details that would matter to me, were I in your shoes.

Best of luck to you, especially with her pregnancy. Kids are wonderful.
rloganMalePhilippines2010-11-29 01:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDiference in age
30 years difference here. She was 19 when applying K-1.

In four years with innumerable threads on this at the Philippine subforum not one person has testified to an Embassy Official asking about the age difference.

But you will see people asserting without evidence that it matters. They will say that you have to submit exactly the same proof of relationship as everyone else. That's how much it matters. :whistle:
rloganMalePhilippines2012-11-06 14:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBringing my 16 year old fiancée

I have a distant relative in Syria, she is 16 and me and my family always had her in mind for marriage. I want to ask for her hand in marriage but I need to make sure I can bring her to the US. I am a born US citizen. I read about the K1 visa, but I don't have pics, email, phone calls between me and her as of yet. She was too young to talk about these things. I also can't show that I went to see her in the past two years because the situation is Syria is dangerous, I'm sure they are willing to work with me on that specific requirement. Can a 16 year old get the visa and marry me here? Or should I go the CR1 route?

Boy that's a tough spot given the violence there. But since there is not much chance of getting her here on a K-1 without meeting her first maybe the best thing to do is go the CR1 route.

Ignore the bullies here. Marriages in their states are legal at 16 too, but after racism declined in the 1960's it became more popular to bully people like you. Good luck. It is very sad what is happening in Syria and I wish you and your family well.
rloganMalePhilippines2012-11-18 16:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk1 - age difference

Radar going off.


People who want to live together spend more than five days doing it.   I'm leaning troll on account of the extreme vagueness and a couple other signals,

rloganMalePhilippines2013-12-22 22:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI want a divorce

First of all, that is horrible.

coming from a fiances point of view you cannot turf us away and send us away like an unwanted puppy.



You can always count on this bad-faith attack when the LAW is that he has to go home.   It has NOTHING to do with them being furniture or dogs:   IT IS THE LAW.


You changed what she said, which is always the case with this bad faith attack.  This is what she actually said: 


 I want to divorce him and make sure he goes back to his native country


There wasn't one word about dogs or furniture, or even REMOTELY like that.   It is asking no more than the law be fulfilled. 


So it is wise to point out that you have zero rights as an immigrant to think you can stay here contrary to the law and use this stupid guilt-tripping gibberish to stay.   You have to leave.  Not because you are a dog.   Not because you are a chair.   But because it is the law. 

rloganMalePhilippines2014-09-27 18:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA reality tv series on k-1 visa on tlc (90 day fiance)

fact that there's enormous amount of people that get into K-1 journey without knowing anything about the other person and without having anything in common is undeniable.


I deny it.


Without knowing ANYTHING?   NOTHING in common?   An enormous amount of people?  Rubbish. 


I'll bet you can't give us a single example of that!    You can't even APPLY for K-1 unless you have already met in person and can prove to the satisfaction of authorities that you have a relationship.  

rloganMalePhilippines2014-10-10 19:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA reality tv series on k-1 visa on tlc (90 day fiance)

We don't have TV.


This is one of the reasons.   The purpose of the show is to mirror ignorant bigots their own ignorant, bigoted stereotypes.  

rloganMalePhilippines2014-10-10 11:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThank you all

Congratulations for a great attitude.  Good on you.    :)

rloganMalePhilippines2014-10-16 12:24:00
PhilippinesTo flee poverty, Filipinas marry foreigners

Some links on how marriage visas in asia are front for human trafficking and circumventing laws

Another great example of using a definition of "human trafficking" that has no meaning. We are led to believe it means buying and selling people as chattel property.

Let's take them one at a time:‘wives’-bound-for-korea-held

Sham marriages so the Koreans could stay in the Philippines longer. Then the girls were leaving for work in Korea. Korea generally has far, far better work conditions and pay than Philippines. There is not one iota of information on them being abused. They are being held captive by the Philippine government.

Here is some of the horrible things that can happen marrying a Korean, the top of the list in this article:

One of the most common problems between Filipina wives and Korean husbands is the language

Wow. Definitely slavery. And who would think that moving to Korea would imply needing to learn Korean? Thank God for an article like this to point out such a mystery.

They mentioned that some MIGHT experience domestic abuse. With Zero data. Wives in Philippines and every other country experience abuse too. Does this article show more abuse in immigrants? No.

Are these authors actually that STUPID? No, they are hoping that WE are that stupid. Look how you cited these articles without actually analyzing them.


ONE person commits suicide in 8,000 immigrants. Apparently the first one ever reported. Wow - what an epidemic. It is unclear whether she had mental problems or what. The Korean suicide rate is 30 per 100,000. So this is a lower rate than the domestic Korean suicide rate.

This is EXACTLY the kind of B.S. unscrupulous "rescue industry" pirates do to justify restrictions on the rights of women to choose where they live, work, and marry. Pick one example, hype it as if it were a big problem, and hope nobody is paying attention.

No, I am not going to be a stupid cow and believe propaganda that has no basis in reality. We do occasionally see the highly sensationalized stories of people who actually do have their passports taken and are treated like slave labor - but this is not a MARRIAGE visa issue.

Visajourney members should stand as representatives of the truth. These rescue industry pirates want to make immigration more difficult for us and impose fees for bureaucrats like the CFO. They aren't rescuing Filipinos from abuse. They are taking their money, wasting their time, and lording their power over them. It is idiotic articles just like these that form the basis for that kind of plunder.
rloganMalePhilippines2012-11-11 15:47:00
PhilippinesTo flee poverty, Filipinas marry foreigners
The "rescue industry" is a bunch of money-grubbing predators enriching themselves with government and foundation money by pretending immigrants are "human trafficking" victims.

Notice how they paint the immigrant girls as desperate victims instead of intelligent, adventurous women leaving the real crooks: their own corrupt government. What was the solution offered? To steal the money from the girls! Hahahahahahaha how transparent the greed is!

Don't ever let malicious envy work against you: they try to pretend that making wise choices for your children's future is a bad thing - secure income and everything else that goes with that: health, education, opportunity, quality of life. Talk about stupid. Get out in front on this and say your damn right the women are leaving for men who will provide for them. And they replace domestic US women who have been steeped in decades of propaganda about how evil men are for working hard all their lives and providing for their families.

They try to make men feel bad about choosing the young hotties. Heh. Oh, that hurts so bad. I think I'll return mine for a fat old ugly cow. 'Cuz then people won't make fun of me for having a spectacularly beautiful, loving young wife. :rofl:
rloganMalePhilippines2012-11-11 14:33:00
PhilippinesWhat's the reaction to your marriage

Post divorce I had a younger gf here locally, tended to feel guilty about it, and hid the relationship from most of my friends.

What an insult to your girlfriend. Symptomatic of lacking self esteem too.

I suppose the bottom line is that this is my problem to work out and I have no doubt I will. Just hoping to get advise about what some of you experienced and how you handled it. But I also well understand if it's a prickly topic (pun intended).

There is nothing to defend. It isn't anyone's business to judge. Use this as a way of choosing who your friends are. If they try to use this against you in any way, avoid them.

One of the most ridiculous things about this is after you have scored the home run, the superbowl, the World Cup of Men by bringing home the young, beautiful and dedicated wife - getting all defensive about it. All the marketing glorifying this ideal. The billions of men wishing they had this. And you, coming home with the bacon, the olympic gold medal - start apologizing for it.

Wear it proudly and put it in their face. Any criticism is born of jealously, envy and spite. They'll deny it of course - but just laugh at them when they try to cut you down for it and watch how maddening it is for them.

The two standard put-downs are to make her out to be a prostitute on the one hand, and the victim on the other. She's a prostitute for choosing security. You are victimizing her because of her lack of it prior to meeting you. My tendency has been to say darn right, I'm a dirty old man and I love my little wh**. Because they want you to hang your head in shame, so when you do that they run with their tail between their legs. But none of these are my friends. We've only seen that on the internet where the cowardice of anonymity shields them. They know they are in the wrong.

Edited by rlogan, 12 January 2013 - 05:27 PM.

rloganMalePhilippines2013-01-12 17:22:00
PhilippinesWorse Case Scenario
There are a few cases of Filipinas who murdered their Americano husbands, one of whom cooked various body parts and ate them. She said the ribs were the best.

I believe this is your worst case scenario.
rloganMalePhilippines2013-01-16 08:18:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

Rlogan, I'm so delighted that you took one for the collective PI team. Thank you for falling on the sword and acknowledging that what you and most of the USC spouses really wanted from their PI spouses was a teenaged hardbody. You rock! I think many of us suspected this all along, however, having you confirm this for us now alleviates our suspicions. Congratulations to you and all USCs married to Filipinas for getting your wish to marry a gal with the body of a porn star. :thumbs:

Perfect, thanks! :thumbs:

See how I'm supposed to feel bad?

Suspicion. Hahahahaha! This is the magic of pejorative rhetoric. And this "falling on the sword". Presto-chango... a good thing transformed into a bad thing (so they hope).

You bet having a smoking hot body is a good thing. That's why it's on the cover of every women's magazine - how to get that smoking hot body. The diet of the week. The picture of the... smoking hot body you wish you had yourself. Secrets to looking younger. It doesn't work on me, hon. I celebrate what I have. I'm not as stupid as you wish, to watch women spending billions a year trying to look like my wife... and then feel bad about having my wife.

Obviously, that bothers you. Care to explain why that bothers you so much? I'm very eager to hear your explanation. :lol:
rloganMalePhilippines2013-01-22 16:26:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

The issue is that it makes some people unhappy to see some of us so happy.

There is no better example of manipulative behavior than people attacking marriages.

Never allow them to put you on the defensive about something that they have no right to judge in the first place. Because once they put you on the defensive, they've already won their little manipulative game.

"My marriage is more valid than your marriage because ours was based on purity, whereas yours was defiled by the grotesque obscentity of wanting to improve your life."

"We, on the other hand, sacrificed ourselves upon a temple of altruism. To show humanity our selflessness, our giant intellect in marrying for the purpose of making ourselves worse off, thereby entering Heaven on a higher plane. You are surely going to Hell for your vile behvavior." This is the reducto ad absurdem version of what they are trying to imply.

And all of the denial about what they are doing - "Oh, I'm not judging you or trying to put you on the defensive... I'm just curious, and want you to justify to me, his most Royal Majesty The King, why you are getting married to this unqualified object."

As a lifelong hunter you see the same sorts of retarded manipulation: It's too easy using a high-powered rifle - you should have to do something just as hard as me - reaching into a grocery store shelf with the meat already wrapped in clean white packages. It's too easy choosing from the pool of eager women. A real man chooses women from the pool of arrogant 40 year old millionaires. That would show society you've met the challenge.

When you see a woman trying to shame you choosing one younger and more beautiful than her - get right in her face. You bet. What, you think I'm stupid? I should take someone like you with an attitude instead of one younger and more beautiful without one? I'm not a retard.

How about the old "you just want one that is submissive." It's all about taking the smile off your face. The instant you get defensive, they've exercised power over you. They can take any good thing and turn it into a bad thing with the magic of pejorative rhetoric.

Should you choose an abusive, mean spouse? No, that would be retarded. You should choose one that is giving. But all you have to do is put a negative connotation on that with the minimizer "just" and the pejorative "submissive". Learn to catch them in the act. The words "just" and "only" are manipulative minimizers. Watch good things being transformed into bad things by choosing pejorative words.

There's more than one way to deal with this kind of manipulative attack. One is to ignore it and take note that whoever is doing it should be avoided as a nasty person. Someone who will attack your marriage is a bad person that you should not associate with. Another is to put the spotlight on their behavior. Who elected you to the high position of marriage judge? Explain to us how it is your right to do so. They'll usually deny that is what they are doing or readily concede they don't have that right, and go straight back to demanding you justify your marriage. So keep on them. If you don't have that right then why are you still trying to exercise it? They are the ones who need to be justifying. But never take that smile off your face, because the more you smile the angrier they are going to be that it is not working.

My preferred policy is to get right in their face and relish what they want me to be defensive about. Yes, I absolutely do want to have sex with a 19 year old instead of a 50-something. That's why playboy centerfolds are 19 instead of 50-something. Deal with it. You don't even find them in their 30's. But they want you to get defensive about what is clearly the preference of men worldwide. You just won the Olympics and they want to say "all you wanted was a gold medal". Look at you and your trophy wife.

Well yeah as a matter of fact. Look at you and your old hag.
rloganMalePhilippines2013-01-22 15:51:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

Is it just me being paranoid or this question mildly condescending???

The mere use of the word "desperation".

Not mildly condescending - but positively reeking of it, and resting upon one of the stupidest premises on earth: you are not allowed to love the person who provides for you. Instead, you can only love someone who is a financial burden upon you: a bum.

The deception involved is pretending your wife is a prostitute if she seeks security for herself and her children in a husband. It says a lot about someone that makes these kinds of accusations: we are counseled to avoid nasty, manipulative people. Do not choose them as friends. Do not choose them as work associates. Most of all, do not choose them as a spouse.

Pity the person who marries someone with such a nasty mouth. You only have to read nasty comments. But they have to live with them.
rloganMalePhilippines2012-02-04 21:07:00