PhilippinesStatus Report of my case
Sorry to hear of your troubles.

A free people must first become prisoners of the state.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-10-25 17:33:00
PhilippinesHave you already been together a while
Been together four years and there are no problems in the relationship. We're both amazed at how difficult it seems to be for others to adjust. When I am in the Philippines for months at a time I do not need to see other Americans, eat American food, or watch American TV or whatever. Same with her. She just needs to communicate with her family.

She is very, very surprised at the police state we live in because the propaganda is all ####### about how free Americans are.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-11-07 01:08:00
PhilippinesLove Doesn't Conquer All

Abstinence makes the heart grow fonder.

Not quite.

It's "Abstinence makes the Church grow fondlers". (A Catholic proverb.)
rloganMalePhilippines2011-11-11 16:09:00
PhilippinesLove Doesn't Conquer All
I lived for months at a time in a lot of different countries and left a number of beautiful girls from 18 to 28 years old after living with them in their family's house. Only once, loooong ago did I try meeting someone online, after I had already arranged a trip. She turned out to be a manipulative liar and my first instinct stepping off the plane was that I had made a mistake.

The OP isn't even remotely true for us. There were some things we had to work out, but we did that before she came. The first three months we lived together in the Philippines was a marathon, and although I was very enthusiastic I was really hoping she would stop getting me up at 3 am for more nookie.

I can't recommend strongly enough to go live with them first. I've never cared about money. But if you believe that you cannot afford a trip, then I am not sure how you can afford immigration and divorce.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-11-08 01:51:00
PhilippinesLove Doesn't Conquer All
It is true for us. Love does not conquer all.

It does not conquer two kids, work, bills, laziness of old age and years of the same person. We're down to once or twice a day now. It's like I hardly even know her anymore.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-11-02 19:02:00
PhilippinesIs this a Bigamous Marriage?

i just think you are more a victim of circumstance than being lied to.

In the same way a store owner is a victim of circumstance when a gunman robs them. It isn't any fault of the robber.

again i will say it started long before you knew her.

Good point. Most states forgive ongoing crimes as long as the person started the crimes a long time before. All you have to do is say "I've been stealing all my life" and the police will allow you to continue stealing.

But if it's your first time stealing - they'll throw the book at you. It is called the "career criminal" exception to the law.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-11-12 10:28:00
PhilippinesPacquiao - Marquez Fight

Don't take it so personal.

I don't. But you obviously do, to the point of childishness. Your grammar also needs work. I don't follow orders from you, and am not a pretender living through others. Selected combat sports resume:

State boxing finalist - Iowa and Alaska
State wrestling champion, midwest champion, 4th nationally.
2nd degree black belt tae kwon do, numerous regional titles and national quarterfinalist.
1st degree black belt judo. State and midwest champion.

Let's hear what you got besides a big mouth on the end of Gayweather's butt, champ.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-11-14 00:21:00
PhilippinesPacquiao - Marquez Fight

Mayweather is going to decimate Pacquiao on May 5th, 2012.


I'm so afraid.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-11-13 17:21:00
PhilippinesPacquiao - Marquez Fight
In related news, Floyd Gayweather has grown female breasts and when approached again by the Pacquiao management to schedule a fight, he was heard to say "help me mommy".
rloganMalePhilippines2011-11-13 15:41:00
PhilippinesAge difference between fiance and fiancee

How come there aren't any older U.S. women petitioning young males from the Philippines?

They go for the MENA region guys.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-11-20 10:14:00
PhilippinesFriends reactions

IMO, it has to do with the perception that people who met online are into the mail-order-bride system. I'm not saying this is true, but it's what a lot of people think. It doesn't help that the biggest nation who send MOBs is the Philippines :bonk:

And among Filipinos, there are people who see people "marrying out" as not really being in a genuine relationship but the Filipino spouse just wanting to come to the US/foreign country by getting married. Again, I am not saying that this is true for most couples but there is the stereotype. It also does not help that the Philippines is listed as a high fraud country by the State Department so the USEM tends to be "tough"

People can be so petty. When they see you beaming with happiness they try to tear you down with malicious comments like "mail order bride". They'll also call your wife a prostitute and claim nobody would marry you, so you had to settle for an inferior race of people. These will be the guys looking at pictures of your wife and fantasizing about her, and the wives of said men who know that is what their husband is doing.

Some people don't have the courage and sense to look past the bar on their own street for a life mate. But living well is the best revenge. If they make comments like this, know that they are burning up inside with jealousy and envy. So just smile away.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-11-21 09:48:00
PhilippinesJust Married
Congratulations. You may kiss the bride now.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-11-20 10:08:00
Philippinescfo... disappointing!!!

Commission on Filipinos Overseas = AKA/another big nanny-state government agency that thinks so little of it's citizens, they need to be counseled by mother before they leave the her bosom.

A charitable view. As with the current case, they are an extortion racket that self-selects for petty tyrants who like to terrorize their citizens and make them pay for the privilige.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-11-23 18:17:00
PhilippinesThings You Hate & Love About The Philippines

>How the State, the Church, the culture, and almost all Filipinos shove Christianity down people's throats.

Traveling through rural Philippines, you see awful squalor and poverty. The people live in shacks put together with scraps that blow over in a strong wind. But there is one elegant building in every village towering over everything else, made of the finest materials and one that will last a thousand years. That would be the church. It's a great con-game, and it has worked for thousands of years: give me your wealth while you are alive, and I'll pay you back when you are dead, in a place that does not exist.

It isn't just the church. The school teachers too: a lot of them are the worst enemies these kids have. All these idiotic school projects that cost money; the parades, the ribbons, uniforms, mindless rituals and teacher appreciation weeks. There is a war going on in Mindanao and the teachers don't even explain that the reason is because the government moved massive numbers of people from Luzon and other places (A lot of them communist guerilas) and shoved the Muslims off their land by force.

I hate to see the people kept in poverty and ignorance by the church and schools. It is also very frustrating dealing with people who have been trained not to think for themselves.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-11-12 11:54:00
PhilippinesThings You Hate & Love About The Philippines
In the Philippines we fear the criminals. In the USA we fear the government. In the long run it looks like our family will be safer in the Philippines.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-11-11 16:15:00
PhilippinesThanksgiving is here again
We're thankful we have a country to flee to (Philippines) as this one degenerates into a totalitarian police state.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-11-27 12:25:00
PhilippinesA Very Special Announcement!

A couple months ago we were "less careful" and it just happened!

Same with us. I stopped being careful about watching her with that boyfriend and next thing you know...

I will be a first time father at age 48

Excellent. Best of luck to everyone.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-08-21 19:55:00
PhilippinesWants to give up and Return to Philippines?
That's the spirit! You have to own it.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-10-30 12:25:00
PhilippinesWants to give up and Return to Philippines?
One of the red flags I forgot about in the last thread was the big fight over the eleven-dollar cab ride and the resentment over paying for other things. Not paying airfare. I didn't get a sense either one was enthusiastic. I'd have robbed the U.S. Mint to get my hands down, er, on my wife.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-10-29 23:24:00
PhilippinesWants to give up and Return to Philippines?

My fiance has been here in the US for almost 2 wks and is saying that she read that the Consulate will send her back home to the Philippines, cause she cannot adjust here and is thinking about giving up and contacting them and having them send her back. Is there conditions she has to meet for the Consulate to do that or how exactly does that work?

Is there a website that anyone knows that I can learn more about this process? Everyone has told her 2 wks is NOT long enough, but she seems like she doesn't want to try to adjust anymore. PLEASE HELP!!! :'-(

She doesn't love you.

Cut your losses.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-10-29 17:48:00
PhilippinesI avoided girls from Mindanao

You always make a very good analysis, Bob. Among all the americans in this sub-forum, you are the one who seems to understand almost everything about the Filipino and the Philippines, sometimes even more than my countrymen themselves. Many of us live in ignorance and only chooses to believe what they are told in the mass media and the "authorities".

Kudos to you!


Thank you so much Kezia. I have the OP on ignore because he represents just the kind of arrogance and ignorance many locals resent so much, and rightly so. But it is important others come to an understanding of Mindanao's history because understanding brings friendship while hubris breeds war.

One of the great tragedies on Mindanao is that the Christian children are not taught in the schools why there is a war. The second and now third-generation Christian children born there don't know the Moro and other indigenous peoples had their land taken from them. It is impossible to settle such things without first admitting to the wrongs we have perpetrated. At least the Philippine National government acknowledges this and is negotiating instead of just killing. There are powerful US corporate interests, like Dole, that also do not want any attention to how they acquired huge swaths of the best land on Mindanao. If you live between Cotabato and Davao though, and your grandparents have passed this history to you orally then you despise both the Philippine national government and the USA. A rich arrogant American is someone you would like to assassinate for revenge if your forefathers were tortured to death, massacred, or had their land stolen by them.

The USA continues now with its corruption of the Philippine national government and dividing the people by re-establishing naval port facilities on Mindanao illegally, doing the joint military exercises, and most incredibly establishing a secret facility in the capital city of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (in Marawi). A translator was murdered there in extremely suspicious circumstances and of course the US blocked investigation. You have a general who ran off with money the US gave for these joint exercises, and the politicians are also going against the Philippine constitution in return for the money they get.

The US is right now most concerned with threatening the Chinese over the Spratley Islands and that is why they have given the money for naval port facilities on Mindanao. We are doing exactly the wrong thing by injecting ourselves militarily in a situation we have no business over. This too can only be solved peacefully through negotiations - mostly between China, Vietnam and the Philippines. But the US only understands "negotiation" with bombs and bullets.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-12-06 10:38:00
PhilippinesI avoided girls from Mindanao
It is important to understand that prior to Philippine National government immigration program in the 1960's, Mindanao was over 90% Muslim. This is not just a matter of religion. In the Muslim world, title to property like fields, forests, etc. was recognized through a Datu who also administered what we in the West refer to as Judicial and Executive authority. They did not have the system of government we have. The huge wave of immigrants sent there by the government on "settlement" programs included Communist guerilla fighters menacing central Luzon, in a "lay down your weapons for land" program. Rebels from other areas too, and of course masses of immigrants just wanting land the government was promising them. They march in with titles to land the national government had written, and the Datus and clans are shunted aside and told "you have no paper titles like we do". Go to court and enforce your titles. Oh, that's right they are our courts. We don't recognize yours.

This led to bloodshed, duh. It doesn't really matter who started the shooting although the record seems to say it is the settlers who formed a vigilante army first, I think they called themselves the Rats or something. But over 120,000 people have died in this land war so far. It is not a religious war per se. It is a land or resource war where the Moro people were just shoved aside and are now the minority there, most heavily concentrated in what is called the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao. This was a settlement between the Moro, represented by the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) and the national government in recognition of ancestral land claims and the right to self-governence on Mindanao. That settlement was not enough for some of the rebels, which repudiated the settlement and formed the MILF - Moro Islamic Liberation Front - and that is who is still fighting the National Government, along with some New People's Army commie thugs operating outside Davao City and of course these terrorists Abu-Sayyef which are nothing more than extortion gangs.

The ARMM agreement was thrown out by the Supreme Court some years ago now because individual barangays (precincts) were not given the right to opt out by vote. The boundaries were settled by negotiation between the Philippine National Government and MNLF, but individual barangays were supposed to be consulted in the process and they weren't. We live outside Iligan City, right at the boundary of the ARMM. The MILF blew up a bridge we use, a grocery store we shop in, and Steve Kindy was asssassinated there last year and the culprit not found, although he was a Maranao for sure, just assassinating an American. There are numerous military and police checkpoints between the house we built and the Palao fish market in downtown Iligan City. There are zero of such checkpoints in the cities of the USA. Do not out of ignorance compare a city in the USA to a war zone with ongoing clashes and negotiations between the national government and rebel forces.

The longer history on Mindanao is that after the Spanish conquest in the 1500's, the Moro people (and other scattered tribal peoples) were never subdued by the Spanish and fought them all the way up to the Spanish-American war in 1898, after which the Americans tricked General Aguinaldo of the Philippines into allying themselves with the Americans for the purpose of Philippines Independence. After the Spanish were defeated, the US turned on General Aguinaldo and said thank you very much but we are taking the Philippines now. That was the start of the Philippine-US war, which was most spectacularly vicious on Mindanao. It was crowned with the Moro Massacre where the brave US forces stood on a crater rim launching mortars and heavy weapons fire on Moro men, women, and children armed with spears, a few muskets and black powder in coconut shells. The use of water torture was pioneered by the Americans in the Philippines, most especially on Mindanao. All these people wanted was to be free of paying taxes to the US and to have sovereignty over their own lands and people.

That is what some people still recall insofar as Americans and it is understandable why they resent us. The "Christians" on Mindanao were fighting with the Americans against the Japanese in WWII, but the Moro remained independent from either of them. The delegates to the US, when Philippines was granted independence from the US after WWII urged that the US address the sovereignty of the Moro and others on Mindanao that were still feircly fighting their independence. But instead of doing that, the Philippine National Government was recognized in the treaty, and there remained other rebel groups like the NPA elsewere in the Philippines also rejecting the treaty. These other rebel groups were shipped off to Mindanao in the land settlement with the national government in the 60's.

The people of the Philippines threw the US Military out of their country back in the 90's. But naturally, even after getting kicked out of the Philippines the US has worked its way in again, and what could be better than locating a covert base in the capital city of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao? (Marawi). We've actually done that. Oh, yes and Naval implacements being built in the South and Southwest for threatening China in the Pratley Islands over undersea oil. This the muslim rebels see as the US and Philippine government allied with one another in perpetuating loss of sovereignty for them in a way that is not even tolerated elsewhere in the Philippines.

The huge swath of agricultural land spanning Cotobato and Davao is owned by the Dole Philippines, consolidated after these colonization programs that took title from the indigenous people without recognizing their ancestral claims. This is one of the largest corporations in the world, and I think I tracked down the owner in California, a reclusive billionaire. Let's say you are a landless peasant looking out over the billionare's fields that in your mind have been seized from your ancestors by force of arms. It is easy to see why that guy takes up arms. It is easy to understand that their tactics must be guerila war because they are the lesser force. Both the Philippine National government and the US are your enemies.

There is still a war and negotiations going on with the MILF and the national government on Mindanao. I understand one of the MILF's points. They say the last agreement with the ARMM created a corrupt monstrosity with graft, corruption, cronyism, and political crime. You see, it did not really create sovereignty over the land and resources like the lake that is the source of nearly all the electricity on Mindano. Lake Lanao. Otherwise they'd be getting paid for the hydro power and instead the government just took it. That is why the rebels were blowing up transmission towers. Not because they're mindlessly destroying property, but because that is the logical thing to attack when you are angry about them taking power without paying for it.

At any rate, the Philippine national government gives money to the ARMM who administers it in fine corrupt fashion, and you have mayors running around like on Maguindanao in armed escorts even machine-gunning down a caravan of people peacefully assembling to register a candidate for Mayor. They stopped the convoy of unarmed journalists and shot about fifty of them dead just for daring to run in an election. The mayor personally massacred most of them. So doesn't the MILF have a point? This is what is going on inside the ARMM, and besides the supreme court has thrown the whole thing out. Chaos. The people say the government is involved directly in drug trafficking too and This thing has got to be re-negotiated in a way that recognizes and thereby extinguishes the ancestral land claims, instead of putting them on the dole. When you do that, elections are now about controlling the money the national government is showering on administration of the ARMM, and even drug-running, extortion, and all in the worst places.

So on Mindanao of course you have islands of calm like Cagayan de Oro, and inside the city of Davao, and other places, but there are also areas where if you want to commit suicide then just go and make sure you look like a rich arrogant american parading around. Grab a muslim girl by the butt when you are drunk and staggering out on the streets of Zamboanga.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-08-07 15:39:00
PhilippinesBelgian documentary
Why would it make people angry? An explanatory sentence is always good to include in a post like this.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-12-07 11:52:00
PhilippinesMy wife is preg!

Getting pregnant is a matter of choice.

Not for rape victims like me. So let's not be so narrow-minded.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-12-13 14:09:00

trying to get her to pot, but nothing yet.

Might want to start with bong hits if jointys are too harsh...
rloganMalePhilippines2011-12-11 19:43:00
PhilippinesOverstaying American Falls - Cebu Sun Article "Fact or Fiction"

Sorry, Have to call Bull$hit on this article

This article is nearly half a decade old, and this comment below in particular is strange:

Funny how they never mention that he was back living in Philippines not long after this article was written

Why would any article written on January 20, 2006 mention something that happened after Jan 20, 2006?

The legal action seems like some spillover from a bitter separation. No surprise government officials are using it to toot their own horns.
rloganMalePhilippines2010-09-14 02:53:00
PhilippinesMarriage Advice

3. Last but not least, the most important marriage advice I can give is this: Never ask "want to do it again"

Fixed it for ya. Because if you ask, she knows it really means "do I have to"?

Think down the road when you are on the street, huddled against the cold dirty bricks with cardboard for a blanket and clothes you picked out of the dumpster, pan-handling coins and eating food thrown out of McDonald's - think back to the times you had this beautiful, nubile wife in your bed: she's wanting more, but you just want to fall asleep. Get up and soldier on. You signed up for this program, and now you have to do the work.

The mathematics are invincible here because orgasm releases oxytocin in women. The more you screw her, the more oxytocin is released in her brain. Oxytocin is known as the "bonding" chemical, and its addictivity is connected with the evolution behind her monthly egg cycle. Her brain is also wired to be attracted to a man she believes is bonded to her because that represents security for the little eggs she is producing. She's going to be peaking once a month and you need to pay attention to that cycle: a combined chemical and psychological cycle.

The psychology cannot be stressed enough: she has to feel wanted. Here's a handy article:

Physiology of orgasm in women

Consider the opposite road, which is this:

What happens then if a woman does not feel cherished, respected, and connected to her partner after sex? Fascinatingly enough within approximately a day or two later as her oxytocin levels diminish a woman will suddenly experience a cortisol dump. Cortisol is the chemical that is released during stress. It is also the chemical that causes us to age and potentially gain weight. Worse, after she gets the cortisol dump a woman has a high risk for entering into a state of depression. That is why so many women feel hurt, confused, angry, and traumatized after sex. It is also why that orgasm that just felt so good, can suddenly feel so bad causing rapid mood swings (a fact about women that confuses and frustrates men). Biologically it is time to realize once and for all then that women, unlike men who can biologically disconnect easier, are not designed for sexual liasons that only last a time or two.

If you want her to age quick, gain weight, look unhealthy, become depressed, have wild mood swings, ie become the wicked witch of the west - then ignore her. If you want her to look young and healthy, be in a great mood, even-tempered or more accurately in a constant dream state, your little shadow - then screw her regularly, and screw her good, especially if she is asking for it at her peak. You notice how she's like a little puppy when she is getting laid regularly? Has that healthy glow about her? Don't forget bonding with her after you do the deed. You are giving the double-barrell: oxytocin and the psychological shot of feeling needed.

You aren't doing this job to be manipulative and cruel. It is the opposite: to make her deleriously happy and contented. You are up against millions of years evolution. You cannot fight it and win.

So what's it going to be, champ? Shall we give her a big shot of oxytocin, or is it going to be the cortisol dump? You are so much more productive with her on your team. But she is equally or even more proficient in destroying you if she is made to be your enemy. So this represents the guy shivvering under the cardboard on the street: hoping tomorrow someone leaves a biggie french fry for you to eat in the McDonald's trash, and that you find it in the dumpster before the other bums: divorce, financial implosion, job loss from the stress, and there you are on the streets.

Edited by rlogan, 20 December 2011 - 02:17 PM.

rloganMalePhilippines2011-12-20 14:13:00
PhilippinesPray for flood victims in Northern Mindanao
Our house and family in Iligan seem to be OK. We only got a couple of sentences through yesterday after the news broke. They're helping other people. We know more from the news and pictures people are posting on social media sites. We are not in a flood-zone. Tsunamis and even just large storm surge waves are our principle threat.

As the OP says, this area doesn't get the big typhoons, so when one happens it makes for carnage. There's a picture of the college Lira went to with people huddled in the courtyard from the Tubod River flooding. That's just blocks from our place. It's pretty awful.

Landslides too. Makes you put some additional thought into building there next time.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-12-18 14:54:00
Philippineslost in space

it's killing me

Taking you at your word: Self-preservation trumps all other considerations. Withholding intimacy is psychological warfare, not marriage.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-12-20 14:30:00
Philippineslost in space
The indecision is what's killing you. Once you make up your mind to leave him, you will feel a lot better.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-12-19 15:00:00
PhilippinesWaiting..... Waiting

How was Gretchen, who came from a family with very limited resources able to find you on the internet? One of you had to have been looking. Do you think her family was providing her pocket money to spend time online at an internet cafe in hopes of finding a Kano? What were her ambitions or goals prior to the two of you meeting online?

People are and should remain free to better their lives through marriage. No fault can be made of anyone for doing it, and the reverse would only be done by an idiot: purposefully make themselves worse off through marriage. That's why we have no right to judge this...

Other than the juicy drama potential because it tries to insinuate the girl is a prostitute and the parents are pimps. Better still the child bride accusation because then we get to call Darren a pedophile too.

This is the drama thread. Darren is doing well manipulating everyone, including us, including me. I posted, so I'm guilty.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-12-29 19:28:00
PhilippinesWaiting..... Waiting

guess it is just something I should expect from people. Very very few of my friends and family have re-acted like my sister has. My sister is really the first time I am dealing with the reaction. I know I have more to come. I am trying my best to find a way to win my sister over without losing other people....

Manipulators set up ambushes because the element of surprise works to their advantage. They have already thought through your reaction, and are ready to counterpunch.

If we apply the rule that one is doing the opposite of what one is saying, then the reaction of the sister was as intended. (The ambush marriage with the little hottie Filipina.) It worked well because it got her upset, bearing in mind the only "facts" we have are from a source of questionable reliability.

If you get them upset and shooting off their mouths then that is the ideal because then you can play the victim.

and I have been sounding off here because I really did not want to take it to the family....

False dichotomy nonsense.

I figured they would be dealing with it without me.....

Circular reasoning. You decided not to tell, so there is nothing to "figure" about why they don't know.

Bob 4 Anna is asking why people are co-dependents in this manipulative interplay. Because it is learned. You do what you learned when you were young.

Got another one coming too I guess. Boy or girl?
rloganMalePhilippines2011-12-24 17:43:00
PhilippinesWaiting..... Waiting

yes, I did call my cousin, and tell them Gretchen is my wife. I explained I had not told my parents yet, so I did not want the "grapevine" going beforehand.

Doing the opposite of what we are saying.

No pattern here either.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-12-24 16:20:00
PhilippinesWaiting..... Waiting

Actually, I WAS expecting this response from my Dad and Mom or my Brother. NOT from my sister.

Four out of four dead wrong, eh? No pattern here.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-12-24 16:11:00
PhilippinesWaiting..... Waiting

After all that...everyone is happy...what an anti-climax :whistle:

It's called the "reveal" by some, where the manipulator leads you on by insinuating one thing, and then revealing the opposite. We're made to be fools by taking the bait. He only insinuated it was a train wreck with the family. Then made fun of people for thinking it to be a train wreck. But that removes the drama and we need the dramatic tension so next we have this:

My parents may be happy for me. But actual truth is different.

Juicy contradiction.

The problem with this kind of manipulation is that it is effective only in a one-shot bait and switch troll. Any more than that and you contradict yourself circularly: It's a train wreck. No it isn't. Yes it is. No it isn't. That removes the initial effectiveness of the bait-and switch. People pin you down on the contradictions, and you become incoherent.

I must have missed the birth announcement. That certainly raises the gravity of manipulative behavior.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-12-22 00:50:00
PhilippinesWaiting..... Waiting

Dude, you are 45 years old - you need to grow a set and be forthcoming about this with your family. She faced the music how long ago and told her parents that she was going to marry a man almost twice her age and go live in some foreign country with him. He just so happens to be divorced and has children - what a catch! This chick is now your wife, who is knocked-up with your kid. If you don't have the cojones to be a man and face your family with this news, your wife has every right to drop your azz like a hot potato from shame. You don't man-up now, she might not be dropping trou' until frickin' Easter or beyond.

A staggering blow.

After a punch like this, the fight isn't in question, but only how much longer before the refs call an end to it. We do see Darren doing some impressive bobbing and weaving with word games, but he's been hit with further blows, like Bob4Anna's comment - it's all about Darren's manipulation himself. No, we don't have to agree that being manipulative is the answer. It is extremely inefficient and baffling to be interacting with manipulative people. It is much simpler to live above-board and open. To mean what you say.

But you know, Darren's still on his feet counterpunching too. He's a warrior. Blaming the people for misinterpreting what he said. A blame the victim counter. But the end is inevitable. There's no manager to throw in the towel for Darren so he's going to keep slugging until the refs count him out.

Jethro referred to it as the cee-ment pond. Stay down, Darren. You can't even remember a sit-com line.

Edited by rlogan, 21 December 2011 - 08:11 PM.

rloganMalePhilippines2011-12-21 20:10:00
PhilippinesWaiting..... Waiting
Darren Gretchen drama. Las Vegas bookies are saying it's 3:1 that the thread is eventually closed. The smart money is calling it a moderator KO sometime before the sixth (page).

Can he do twelve rounds? Hard to say. Darren comes out early in the first swinging hard but in the middle rounds it is all about bobbing and weaving, counterpunching, and not getting hit. Ultimately in the late rounds it comes down to stamina. OK, so he comes out with a haymaker: going to spring the hot new babe on the family.

But he took a solid body shot, straight up the middle with calling his wife a friend. He has to come back off the canvas from that one folks, or he's done for. I'd say this one is going to be over early. The refs will have to stop this one. Another shot like that and someone's got to throw the towel in for him.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-12-20 21:32:00
PhilippinesBringing Mother-in-law to USA for long visit?
Immigration is bad enough without people trying to get attention by fear-mongering.

My point is that how "nanay" presents her case at the visitor visa interview will matter.

Captain obvious has arrived to save the day.

I concede the point, Jojo. Thank you. Do not use "employee" to refer to yourself when you are a grandmother. Do not call your daughter "employer". Do not say your address is Al Qaeda, Afghanistan. Do not say you have 50 lbs of C-4 in your luggage when you meant "underwear".


People have covered well enough the point you need to show returning to the home country is inevitable through strong enough ties for a visitor visa, amongst which is owning a business or having property and investments.
rloganMalePhilippines2011-11-02 14:27:00
PhilippinesBringing Mother-in-law to USA for long visit?

You are right. I did mistake "nanay" for "nanny."

US immigration laws can be tricky, and how a person presents his/her case at the visitor visa interview can be the difference between getting a visa and a denial.

Repeating the fear-mongering does not make it true. She is visiting her family. That is the full extent of how tricky this is.

Really??? Now, I have threaten the OP?????? Did I say I was going to do anything?

You did more than that. This tactic is called "minimization" coupled with "playing the victim". Here you were innocently accusing someone of a felony on a public forum (defamation) and absolutely yes threatening them that gestapo-soldiers are going to arrest them at the border for visiting their granchildren. And now you want to pretend you were minding your own business and here people are attacking you for no reason.

You have stated that you misunderstood a word, but this article is clearly your foundation, and it is stupid self-promotion by this person. We need her to say that we are visiting our grandchildren and not signing an employment contract as a day care provider?

The solution is to tell the truth.

This is what I said, so repeating it back to me is sure interesting.

I understand you saw this article and thought it would be a cool way to repeat exactly what the author did: create phony drama where there is none, then come to the "rescue", and we'll all be grateful you saved us from ourselves.

But it is like saying you should be careful and not say you are a terrorist bent on blowing up NYC when you enter, when you are there to see Disneyland. It isn't quite that stupid, but it is really, really dumb to pretend grandma is an employee. That was the whole premise of this article, that someone would be so idiotic they would claim themselves an employee. There was no language error in the article you used.

Edited by rlogan, 01 November 2011 - 06:50 PM.

rloganMalePhilippines2011-11-01 18:47:00
PhilippinesBringing Mother-in-law to USA for long visit?

To you it might be "pretty clear" but to the Consular Officer providing child care is work.

I am not looking for "an excuse for terrorizing a grandmother for visiting her grandchild." She can visit. She cannot provide care as a nanny. There is a big difference between visiting my family and coming to the US with the intention to provide child care.

Don't you think the OP should know how difficult it is to bring a nanny to the US? Should he not also know that family member have been denied visitor visas for saying they intend to provide child care when they get to the US? Or perhaps, I should just give them the rosy scenario because the Consular Officers always see things from the family's point of view???

That article you used to bolster your threats to the OP was fear-mongering, self-contradictory trash. She pretended that when grandma enters the country she tells the border patrol officer she has just accepted employment as a daycare provider. Nobody in their right minds would say that. It would be lying. She is the grandmother.

Did you notice that the article you cited stated that the "solution" (Duh!!!) was to tell the truth about what she will be doing?

Edited by rlogan, 01 November 2011 - 03:01 PM.

rloganMalePhilippines2011-11-01 14:59:00