US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

me i jsut bought mine last week

carrrier korean air
route dfw to inchean south korea to manila
time 2 weeks
price 1030 round trip
i purchased mine at emerald travel agency
i have used korean 4 times so far and find them impressive in service i have used philippine airlines before and they totally SUCK lol only time i would use them again is if the tickets were free.....

good luck in shopping for air fare... hope u find a good deal

Korean Air is superb! :yes: I took a trip to Beijing 4 years ago on Korean Air. :star:

Right now, lowest price is going to be my biggest issue. I flew PAL from Manila to Cebu last April and I thought it was great. If Jinky were flying all the time, she might be inclined to notice the small differences in onflight services, but for this trip, I think she's going to just be happy to see me when she arrives. :star: (6 weeks or less, I hope!)

Price is always the issue with us too, but PAL is a direct flight. Flying with other Filipino's is also nice hehehe.

Korean air has a stop somewhere i am sure. I would do it for me, but i am not sure i would do it for her being it is her first international flight. :whistle:
vic&el4everMalePhilippines2007-01-16 06:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

For those with February interviews - who has already purchased a plane ticket? Where did you purchase it, what airlines and what was the cost?

...also, how many days after the interview did you book it for?

Thanks! :star:

I didnt buy her ticket yet, but i was going too get her a direct flight though philippine airlines:


Price depends on where you are flying our from. She needs too fly too Manila from CDO or Cebu.

Also will you get a round trip ticket or one way? I will get her a oneway ticket.

the price i got today was: 43,364.00 PHP (888.53 USD) flying too our POE of LAX.
vic&el4everMalePhilippines2007-01-16 01:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview

Does she need too bring all her proof of a relationship also? Will they ask interview-related questions?
She need too bring the ds-156, 156k, 157 or the 134?
Wow we are so close also! Next week she will leave!

1) Yup, she will need to bring proof of relationship. Not sure what you mean by “interview-related” questions but she will be asked questions about you and how you met.
2) She needs to bring all the forms that you mentioned and everything that is listed in packet 4 (BC, NBI, W2, divorce decree, etc. etc.)
3) Yup, you're very close so good luck!

Oooppss, sorry for my erroneous reply. My brain was not functioning properly last night. I only realized my mistake when I read ronmay and roy's replies. Vic&el were asking about proof of relationship during medical and not the interview itself.

1) Proof of relationship is not required during medical
2) DS forms are not required during medical

Gee, I'm sorry about that and for the confusion it may have caused.


No worries PW, that is way I gave you time too reply before I did.

I know she has most of the extra items they she will bring too the medical (last month's x-ray, etc)

Thanks for all your help guys!

We are just lacking a few print outs of my paycheck stubs due too her printer stop working.

She may need too go too a cafe too make those print outs.
vic&el4everMalePhilippines2007-01-15 06:06:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Interview
Dang mouse is messing up. :angry:

Edited by vic&el4ever, 14 January 2007 - 05:14 AM.

vic&el4everMalePhilippines2007-01-14 05:11:00
IMBRA Special Topicsquestion about RFE
My case is close too your also. I withdrew a visa in approved in January 2006. I filed for a new one in MAY 2006 for my Fiancée and also wish to understand the wording of the RFE.

Thanks Victor

I received the RFE today and mailed it back already. Its quite simple asking if I meet my spouse through an IMBRA and if I have commited any crinmes listed in the RFE.

If anyone can help me I do have one question concerning waiver request. Last year I submitted a k1 visa request and it was approved. But later I withdrew the petition because my fiance and I decided to get married in her country of residence. Now I am married and going the k3 route. I am not sure if a waiver request is required or applicable to k3 because we are already married and it seems to reference the k1 in the RFE I received.

vic&el4everMalePhilippines2006-07-03 19:17:00
IMBRA Special TopicsCertify or Notarize the RFE?
Sorry maybe I should have asked that in my own topic.

Certified by the court that you request the copies of the records asked for in the RFE? I asked them and they said we should get the the Judgement and i forgot the rest. It looks like i need to go ask them again HEHEHE

If you have any court records to attach they need to be certified. I don't belief the RFE itself needs to be certified/notorized.

I haven't committed any crimes, so I think I am cool. Just wanted to make sure that I didn't have to get anybody else to give me a certified stamperoo. Thansk!

vic&el4everMalePhilippines2006-07-05 12:39:00
IMBRA Special TopicsCertify or Notarize the RFE?
Certified by the court that you request the copies of the records asked for in the RFE? I asked them and they said we should get the the Judgement and i forgot the rest. It looks like i need to go ask them again HEHEHE

If you have any court records to attach they need to be certified. I don't belief the RFE itself needs to be certified/notorized.

vic&el4everMalePhilippines2006-07-05 09:10:00
IMBRA Special TopicsWaiver for 2nd K1 in 2 years

That last part makes it sound like that if the beneficiary didn't die don't expect a waiver. Just my interpretation.

pretty morbid example huh?

If I am not mistaken, the actual IMBRA law passed by congress actually states that such a waiver is necessary if one is applying for a third petition (already had 2 and one was approved). Here is the actual wording:

H.R. 3402

(2)(A) Subject to subparagraphs (B) and ©, a consular officer
may not approve a petition under paragraph (1) unless the officer
has verified that—
‘‘(i) the petitioner has not, previous to the pending petition,
petitioned under paragraph (1) with respect to two or more
applying aliens; and

‘‘(ii) if the petitioner has had such a petition previously
approved, 2 years have elapsed since the filing of such previously
approved petition.

So USCIS has changed the word "and" to "or" causing many of us to have to apply for a wiaver, when in fact the actual Law only requires such for a third Petition.

So is that a YES or NO for our case. I read that line many many times. My first case was approved @ CSC, went to the NVC, then to the embassy. When it arrived at the embassy I then faxed a letter of withdraw and I will include that with my waiver with the reasons why I stopped it.

Thanks all for your kind words of support and god bless you all! GOOD LUCK TO ALL!!!
vic&el4everMalePhilippines2006-07-21 19:05:00
IMBRA Special TopicsWaiver for 2nd K1 in 2 years
Hi all,

I did a visa in May 2005 it was approved in January 2006, even though during October my ex-fiancée and had a falling out.

I met someone else and started a new visa and sure we got the RFE.

Will I need to do a Waiver and if so how, where do I get information on it?

Thanks and god bless you all!
vic&el4everMalePhilippines2006-07-18 22:24:00
IMBRA Special TopicsComplying with IMBRA convictions
I feel your pain. Certified court records cost a lot. i will try to complete it as soon as i receive my Police Records (hoping it will not be that long). We should PM the details ok. We are preying my record will not delay or reject our visa.

I thought it would be a good idea for those of us who had to comlpy with IMBRA concerning convictions, to post there time-lines in this thread. This way we can keep updated and advice others on how they are handling this type of application.

Good luck to everyone!!!!!

I figured I would type a full page letter for each conviction explaining all that happened and put court terms into understandable terms. I only sent in certified court records with charges and disposition.

Police records take up to one month to receive, so I sent in this information to show compliance and honesty. I am gathering the Police Records together incase of an RFE for more evidence.

vic&el4everMalePhilippines2006-07-07 19:56:00
IMBRA Special TopicsIMBRA RFE after filing new I-129F

I'm so excited!! tomorrow I should have all the material gathered to send into the USCIS for the IMBRA RFE. It's great to feel that we're back in action!!!!! I'll never make a mistake like that again!!!

Good that you decided too wait and send in the whole requirements. GOOD LUCK TO ALL!!!
vic&el4everMalePhilippines2006-07-26 17:26:00
IMBRA Special TopicsTheory on IMBRA RFE after filing new I-129F

Ah! yes! I see the waiver part now. Well, I think this was an unnecessary thread anyway. Sometimes I just get bored and want to write something. Also my fiancee is on vacation in her home country so being a part of this site makes me feel a little closer to her. Also helps me to feel that I'm doing all I can to be with her. Thans for your help and opinions. I think some new petitions have made it through without the RFE anyway.

I would like to state that you do need a waiver if you've committed a violent crime. I have read a lot of threads of people trying to get information or needing to know what to do about IMBRA. I remember a lot of people stating that a conviction is not grounds for denial. I think that it is, after understanding more. If you have been convicted of a serious crime of violence, I would suggest getting a lawyer. This is serious and far form just informing you fiancee of what you've done.

That's just my take on what I've read and been following. Remember I'm not a lawyer!!!! far from it!!!!

I have been trying to read all I have time to read and post all I have time to post.

But it is getting late and I need to compete me RFE soon (one month due date).

My fiancée and I are worried and think we should get a lawyer involved to help us with my violent crime history and try to work it out as soon as possible to we can truly see if we will get approved for our visa.

Sure we have read that it may not get approved because there was no good reasons why i did what I did.

Does anyone feel it is a good idea to hand all this over to a lawyer and see if he can make a difference in our case?

The bottom line is we want out love to continue, even if we need to look for other ways of being together!

I did what I did, I paid my dues, and I regret and want to start over again with a new life with loving happiness.

Thanks and GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!
vic&el4everMalePhilippines2006-07-26 22:42:00
IMBRA Special TopicsSent the RFE back- here's hoping
I got our in Monday, i took to long for ours!
vic&el4everMalePhilippines2006-08-08 19:31:00
IMBRA Special TopicsApproved IMBRA Waivers
I hope that soon we will all be approved. We were touched 2 times after our RFE was received. If that is good news or not we prey for a quick response on if there will be an approval.

This has been a big headache and we hope to be happy married by next year.

Dean is 100% correct!!

Yes, I do agree :thumbs:
let's hope to hear more good news :idea:

vic&el4everMalePhilippines2006-08-18 22:37:00
IMBRA Special TopicsApproved IMBRA Waivers

Yea, I am really thinking there is a change of this waiver not going thru for some rediculous reason (no arrests, but 2nd petition). I may have to end up marrying abroad and doing the k-3 which will create a host of problems itself with my job/time off. That would mean start over and I am still sure they are sorting this out to the point it MAY end up applying to the k3 also. Or, the fact I would then have 2 petitions (k1) before the k3 (even though one of them is my fiancee currently) may be an issue viewed as 'getting around the IMBRA' and provoke administrative review. Who knows, why cant two people that love one another be together. Its not like I am trying to 'get over' on the government or do anything wrong???

I wonder how many of us will have to do a K-3 after all this mess with the wariers. But to remain positive that it will be approved is all we can do for now. My Fiancee and I prey that we will be together soon, but expect the worse.
vic&el4everMalePhilippines2006-08-04 18:29:00
IMBRA Special TopicsApproved IMBRA Waivers

Can we start a new thread ONLY for those of us requesting an IMBRA WAIVER? I requested a waiver at the time I returned my RFE (July 6). My WAIVER request is because I have filed two previous K1 visas in the past sixteen years.

I am so anxious to know how the USCIS will deal with these waiver requests and what criteria they will use for approving or denying them, as well as the time they will take to adjudicate them. I know there are a few of us in the same boat.

I am sure all of us will get through the RFE and IMBRA basic requirement fine. It is those of us requiring a waiver that really affects and concerns me.

I have had no touch since the USCIS acknowledged receipt on the 13th of July. Email received 14th.

I am a little confused on how to write this request for a wavier. Please help! :help:

A wavier request is just writing them a letter? No forms to fill out other than the request letter?

Me and my fiancée are so worried about denied also because i have 2 convictions over my head. Do I need to explain about my convictions also in this wavier?

Also you talk about a Plan B if you are denied, can we talk more about that also? Can we appeal our case after a denied wavier?

Thanks and GOD BLESS!!!!

For a clear picture of what they are looking for in a Waiver Request, see the USCIS Memorandum posted by Rick THE MOTHER OF ALL IMBRA MEMOS in the IMBRA forum.

Thanks for your help in making the writing of our wavier clear and understandable to them so we can be approved in a timely matter. I am hoping to have it done and in the mail. I am so slow with this. I need to get on the ball!

vic&el4everMalePhilippines2006-08-04 17:42:00
IMBRA Special TopicsApproved IMBRA Waivers

Can we start a new thread ONLY for those of us requesting an IMBRA WAIVER? I requested a waiver at the time I returned my RFE (July 6). My WAIVER request is because I have filed two previous K1 visas in the past sixteen years.

I am so anxious to know how the USCIS will deal with these waiver requests and what criteria they will use for approving or denying them, as well as the time they will take to adjudicate them. I know there are a few of us in the same boat.

I am sure all of us will get through the RFE and IMBRA basic requirement fine. It is those of us requiring a waiver that really affects and concerns me.

I have had no touch since the USCIS acknowledged receipt on the 13th of July. Email received 14th.

I am a little confused on how to write this request for a wavier. Please help! :help:

A wavier request is just writing them a letter? No forms to fill out other than the request letter?

Me and my fiancée are so worried about denied also because i have 2 convictions over my head. Do I need to explain about my convictions also in this wavier?

Also you talk about a Plan B if you are denied, can we talk more about that also? Can we appeal our case after a denied wavier?

Thanks and GOD BLESS!!!!
vic&el4everMalePhilippines2006-07-26 17:43:00
USCIS Service CentersCSC address!

Name: US Dept. of state???

P.O. Box 10130
Laguna Niguel, CA 92607-1013

and yes... U$ 170 :)

Thanks for your fast response!

also make the check out to: US Dept. of state?
vic&el4everMalePhilippines2006-04-29 22:17:00
USCIS Service CentersCSC address!
CSC address!

I have beed loooking all over for it.

Also the fee is $170 now?

vic&el4everMalePhilippines2006-04-29 19:54:00
Asia: East and PacificHotels near Manila airport, Philippines?

Prices in Manila are good, for 30-50 you can get i nice hotel. But remember you pay for where you stay hehehe. Good luck in you stay there!
vic&el4everMalePhilippines2006-12-20 22:14:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC contact number

Okay so the automated system is by phone i guess, correct?

Did you have the number? Here it is if you need it: 800-375-5283.

I was able to talk to someone due to mine issues. good luck!
vic&el4everMalePhilippines2006-04-18 21:37:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROVED!!!! APPROVED!!!!
Congratulations Gordon!!! I am happy for you and your wife!!!
vic&el4everMalePhilippines2007-02-10 01:50:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 visa to start?

My friend a US Citizen has married and they are wishing to file a marriage visa. She is from Mexico but is here on a tourist visa. What steps are needed now? They wish for her to remain here of course. So they only need to start with the I-130 correct? After approved they will do AOS with the medical?

vic&el4everMalePhilippines2010-03-29 19:20:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHaving a baby before the visa is done is ok?
I am not sure it this is the correct place to post this question:

But it will effect this part of our visa process.

We were planning on having a baby, but maybe having a baby before the visa is done.

We have many concerns for starting it during this time in our process.

Our worries are:

Can she still go to the interview and medical exam pregnant and be able to travel here (is there any known restrictions for a pregnant Beneficiary)?

Thank you and god bless,

vic&el4everMalePhilippines2006-09-24 01:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHaving a baby before the visa is done is ok?
I am not sure it this is the correct place to post this question:

But it will effect this part of our visa process.

We were planning on having a baby, but maybe having a baby before the visa is done.

We have many concerns for starting it during this time in our process.

Our worries are:

Can she still go to the interview and medical exam pregnant and be able to travel here (is there any known restrictions for a
vic&el4everMalePhilippines2006-09-24 01:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCFO Taken
We got her CFO in Cebu also and sure they required it before the passport not. also we need to return to the CFO in cebu after her interview. Looks likes she will be talking a boat there from her city.

Good Luck! Victor
vic&el4everMalePhilippines2006-11-04 04:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPaperwork from Manila Embassey

When my fiancee gets her packet with interview date. How does it arrive? Regualar mail or special delivery. Will they send to her house or place of business. Appreciate any help. Thanks

Regualar mail only, i know i was there when she got hers. They will send it the the address you and her put down on the visa.
vic&el4everMalePhilippines2006-11-05 09:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPACKET 4!

Hi! you can call St. Lukes and tell them that you will just going to pick up your packet 4 there but confirm it if they have it already. YOu will just have to present your ID to get it and present the appointment letter to the guard. But since your medical exam is still in January 26, for sure, it is on its way already.

Good luck!

Packet 4 is the appointment letter. But you are right that you must show ID too the guard.

Marry X-mas too all!
vic&el4everMalePhilippines2006-12-24 08:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPACKET 4!

I've heard that some people have went to the embassy and picked up a copy of their appointment letter. Call them to check. Congrats and Good Luck!

I hope so also, we didn't get out yet also. We are hoping it is just slow in the mail.

vic&el4everMalePhilippines2006-12-23 22:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionEmployment Authorization Document

You get EAD by applying for one by filing form I-765 along with applying for adjustment of status, after getting married. The only POE that may stamp your visa with a temporary EAD stamp is JFK in NY.;page=k1k3ead

Too bad our POE is LAX, thanks!
vic&el4everMalePhilippines2006-12-25 22:13:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionEmployment Authorization Document
An Employment Authorization Document needs too be completed too get it at the POE?

If so how do you get it? I here some getting an Employment Authorization at the POE.

vic&el4everMalePhilippines2006-12-25 21:47:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical exam postponed

that s why i am having my med exam earlier, that was what happened to my co-teacher too, in her case,she was postponed because she was fertile and her interview too a month after...good thing her fiance was with her and asked the embassy to postponed only a week due to his limited stay.and she was interviewed.

my period will start at the end of the month, ill have my med a week from that in january...

mmm if i will have my period i would definitely postpone my exam or take it earlier, here, u are to lie down and stretch ur legs so the doctor can see ur thing...just imagine what she can see :blink:

last thing, ive heard that it's for the xray that be given to u why u should not be fertile in getting it...they will ask u when ur about to get the xray and let u go back if ur fertile...

so start counting ur days now :yes:

Bad timing for us as well, she has her period now with her medical a month away. Looks like it would be better for her too go a week before, the only issue is needed too fly too Manila so soon. Staying 2 weeks will not be easy on our buget.
vic&el4everMalePhilippines2006-12-25 12:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPHilippines Consulate

I think your fiancee should talk to the father of her child about it so that when you start processing your K2 case, he will not be the burden for the papers of that kid. But since they were never married, it means that the child's surname is your girl's surname so that means the father cant do anything about it.

I just wish you luck in your visa journey!

Thanks for the response. Yes, in the past your are correct. But, with this new law if the woman has illegitimate children the father's consent is required. This was not the case in the very recent past. This is turning into an absolutely HUGE hurdle. Just an enormous roadblock that I do not know if we can overcome it.

May I ask where is your proof of where this so called new law is written? I am sure if a Lawyer knows this new law, he knows where it is written.

I am sure all us K-2 visa would be sad if there Finacee's cant bring thier child with them or be put on AR.

Thanks Victor


I was told about this new forthcoming law by the person who handled my fiancee's annulment in the Philippines.

Well there is not harm in playing it safe, for those who can get a permission. DSWD says it is ok, so maybe we will just GO FOR IT hehehe. Good luck too all the K2 VJers!
vic&el4everMalePhilippines2006-12-26 22:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPHilippines Consulate

I think your fiancee should talk to the father of her child about it so that when you start processing your K2 case, he will not be the burden for the papers of that kid. But since they were never married, it means that the child's surname is your girl's surname so that means the father cant do anything about it.

I just wish you luck in your visa journey!

Thanks for the response. Yes, in the past your are correct. But, with this new law if the woman has illegitimate children the father's consent is required. This was not the case in the very recent past. This is turning into an absolutely HUGE hurdle. Just an enormous roadblock that I do not know if we can overcome it.

May I ask where is your proof of where this so called new law is written? I am sure if a Lawyer knows this new law, he knows where it is written.

I am sure all us K-2 visa would be sad if there Finacee's cant bring thier child with them or be put on AR.

Thanks Victor
vic&el4everMalePhilippines2006-12-25 11:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPHilippines Consulate

Well, finally logged in and created an account. I have found a great deal of the information useful here but I have just learned something that may jeopardize my entire case: Apparently the new legislation in the Philippines requires that the father's consent to get the K2 visa for my fiancee's' child. Now, here's the catch: the father's consent is required even though they were never married. I may have to move to the Philippines.......serioulsly. And to get this news at christmas. Thanks to the politicians.

Hmmm Im wondering where you heard that info, like you I have the same case but I researched on it and talked to the DSWD and there's no hassle bringing a child/children out of wedlock abroad, illegitimate children are automatically under the costody of the mother no need to ask for the permission of the father. Relax and happy holidays!

Illegitimate children are under the custody of the mother. If they will be traveling with the mother, they are not required to secure a travel clearance from the DSWD. If they are traveling with a person other than the mother, they must secure a travel clearance.

I agree, DSWD told my woman this just last week.
vic&el4everMalePhilippines2006-12-23 23:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPHilippines Consulate

Well, finally logged in and created an account. I have found a great deal of the information useful here but I have just learned something that may jeopardize my entire case: Apparently the new legislation in the Philippines requires that the father's consent to get the K2 visa for my fiancee's' child. Now, here's the catch: the father's consent is required even though they were never married. I may have to move to the Philippines.......serioulsly. And to get this news at christmas. Thanks to the politicians.

can you provide a link, this is what I found.
same as before, no change I can see.


good luck!
vic&el4everMalePhilippines2006-12-23 22:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDS-156K AND BIRTH CERTIFICATE

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to Everyone

I have a question and I would very much appreciate your help! My g.f has a daughter that has a screwed up birth certificate. When the daughter was born the sister of my g.f. told the staff at the hospital that my g.f was married so they put the father’s name on the birth certificate of the child. (SHE WAS NOT MARRIED)
I have hired an attorney to get it corrected but it looks like the interview date will be before the court date. So we have decided that my g.f. will come here first and we will request a visa for the child later. My question is concerning the 156k form question 5. (WILL FOLLOW YOU), is this question pertaining to this paperwork meaning she will come on my original 129F within the next year? I’m concerned if she checks this block the embassy will put her on AR until after the court date and who knows when that will be! Does anyone have any thoughts or experience concerning this type of problem?

Well you are not the only one, we will also bring her 2 year old son with her. She went too DFA too give them a copy of her cenomar (certificate of no marriage) to DFA as proof of not being married. The Birth mother as the rights too take her daughter out of country as she sees fit. She will go next week too get his Passport and pay for there interview fees.

Sure we are just as worried as you are. Even Larry and Jeramie are having the same issues as we are. I hope her birth certificate will not be an issue for you. No one wants to be put on AR.

Good luck and god bless!
vic&el4everMalePhilippines2006-12-23 00:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK2 interview questions for to accompany or follow!


I would recommend mom & her son travel together, it would be better a "one step" getting visas together, (medical, interviews, etc) and in the USA both can apply for the AOS as well.

My personal experience: Due to passport issues, my 6 y/o son had to wait eight months to follow me, and in order to get his visa I had to apply for the "Advance Parole" (AP) to travel to my country and take my little boy to the medical, interview, then go thru POE, etc. Fortunately, everything was ok with his visa - but I will never forget the pain waiting for my son -

Anyways, hope you have a wonderful 2007 and wish you a good/fast process with your loved ones!! :star:


Did u have too pay his interview fee later then? she is getting his passport this week. Advance Parole because you was still under AOS right?
vic&el4everMalePhilippines2007-01-02 06:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK2 interview questions for to accompany or follow!

If at all possible, I would suggest bringing the child at the same time. the process will be much simpler. If the child will not accompany your fiancee, the only thing you would do is check yes to follow to join on the DS-156k. If you decide to have the child come at the same time, you will need to submit a separate set of visa applications for the child. If you decide on follow to join, a k-2 visa must be ISSUED within one year from the date the k-1 was issued. Ater one year, you would have to file a I-130 for the child. One thing to consider, is your fiancee willing to be separated from her child for up to two years. IF a k-2 visa is not issued, that could happen. That was a risk my fiancee and I were not willing to take. I know everyone's circumstances are different and will have to decide what they feel is best for them. I decided some possible hardship in the beginning, was better than my fiancee being separated from her daughter.

I agree that it there will be some adjustment time with possible hardship too all of us. I love the boy like my own son and know her family will miss the boy a lot, but i agree that time flies by fast and it would be hard too get her son here before the year is over. She would also have too travel clearance if she is the one who will return for her son if she is under AOS at that time.

I don't know how this would apply to a 2 year old!! What kind of interview do they give to a 2 year old anyway?

You might want to contact the embassy and see how they handle those situations.

Also remember that it may be some time after your fiancee arrives before she can leave the country to get her son. She won't be able to leave without AP. I would suggest bringing him over with her initially.

The bottom line is if we let him stay there, i would need too ask embassy for the details and a possible 2nd interview .

You can have the K-2 issued at the same time as K-1 and have the child follow to join. the k-2 will expire 6 months after being isued and can not be renewed. I checked that with the Manila Embassy. you or your fiancee would have to return for the child within the six months and with the time frame involved, might prove to be difficult.

So a 2nd interview then is required? I agree that ever working hard doing all that again with a new interview would not be easy or cost effective.

Thanks for your commits! I need to explain too her and her family what would be in the best interest of the boy in the long run. Too remain in the Philippines for months and even years more or bring him here too stick it out with us.

Maybe having her work part time to start, find a sitter she will like, then kick it into full time and life happily ever after! hehehe :thumbs:

Edited by vic&el4ever, 01 January 2007 - 07:43 PM.

vic&el4everMalePhilippines2007-01-01 19:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK2 interview questions for to accompany or follow!
My fiancee and I are needed too know the pros and cons of ether too bring her son when she is approved or wait too bring him later after we both have a income.

Our issue is she wishes too work to continue for both of us help her family, even with her son there.

We talked about bring him, caring for him here; even if we need too put her 2 year old son in day care.

That is why we need help too decide what will be best for us all of us.

She knows I will help care for him when we both work, but sure there will be times we will need too drop him off.

Has anyone here bought their child later?

My issues are does she still need too take him too the medical and interview with her or will he be required to go later?

The plan is too take him too her medical and interview and if so, does she need too tell then during the interview with the ds-156k telling them at that time if her son will accompany her or will follow later?

I hope my questions are understandable. hehehe :whistle:

Thanks and god bless! Happy New Year!
vic&el4everMalePhilippines2007-01-01 13:20:00