K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!
Courier tracking says that I should receive my visa tomorrow! Yay!

Thought of other things that I miss: NZ marmite and pinapple lumps - my mum always brings me those; creamed rice (haven't noticed it in the US, it may be there). My room is starting to look empty.
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-13 16:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!

Good Morning (or other appropriate salutation for whatever time zone you find yourself in when you read this!),

There is an interesting discussion going on in the RUB forum about food and favorite dishes from the Eastern European corner of the world. I'm curious what you are thinking about that part-of-our-every-day thing?

Meggy, my visits to Canada haven't revealed a lot of differences between CA and USA cuisine. Anything you're looking forward to or planning to avoid when here? (avoiding fast food is assumed)

Emma, I think I remember you are the USC and your man is UK? (Or do I have that backward?) Do you cook? What kind of cross-pond foods are you looking forward to (or avoiding)? My Sheffield buddies introduced me to many good things during my UK visits and I avoid the black sausage like the plague!

Terri, I've not been to your part of the world and other than Outback Steakhouse not sure how Aussie food differs. What treats will you bring Eric from Down Under?

Caspar, you do have that the wrong way around and you're missing a country :) I'm actually a Kiwi but I've lived in the UK for the past 3 years (my Mum is from Sheffield). I have a really sweet tooth so I'll be missing the sweets that you can get here but even more I miss the ones from NZ because there's a very big selection there. Yuri reckons that chip dip is better over here in the UK than in the US so he misses that whenever he goes home.

I think mainly the fact that the culture is to eat a lot more fresh food in NZ / UK than in the US (sorry if that's a real generalisation) but from what Yuri says fresh food is much more expensive than processed food. I actually enjoy finding new food and things in all the countries that I go to so I find I look forward to that rather than miss things. I miss certain restaurants more than certain foods :) And you can BBQ anywhere in the world but only the US seems to do it with all those secret sauces and stuff, so that's different.

Time to go back to more packing. Had a panic this weekend about it now that Yuri has gone and taken my winter shoes and coats with him. Hope that he doesn't get too much stick over having all of my shoes in his hand-luggage :P
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-13 03:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!

G'Day Ladies (and any Gentlemen still around!) Still moving forward here. I called Diana this morning and she was just getting on the night train from Kiev back to Donetsk (ugh, 12 hrs) after her and Denys' medical exam. Passed! She was also supposed to pick up her Police Report but when reading it she found an error so they are supposed to fix it and courier it to her by Monday. That made me hold my breath given the reputation of all things mail related in Ukraine! She seemed confident though so I am trying to relax. I leave a week from tomorrow for UA and our interview is on the 24th. Not much time left to get all our ducks in a row if one of them should step out of line. (How's that for a mixed metaphor?!)

As to working, yes, Diana CAN'T WAIT to get a job. I don't know what but likely it will be in something accounting/finance related. I told her that we don't need the money and this is an opportunity for her to consider anything she might have had a secret dream to do. We'll see. The first thing will be to get an SSN and then the EAD while filing the AOS while taking classes in ESL. (Don't you just love all the new acronyms we've gotten to learn in the last 6 months!)

Right now I have a daughter graduating from high school. Class is over, ceremony tonight, family party tomorow, then nephew's BD party on Saturday. So I am playing airport shuttle and hosting family at the house from around the country!

I bes' go make breakfast for the boarders...

That's fantastic that you're all prepared and ready to go, Caspar! Congrats to Diana and Denys for passing their medicals'. Fantastic mixed metaphor there!
Have fun with your family this weekend and good luck for the graduation.

Meggy, what is animal health technology? Is that like veteraniary nursing?
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-11 02:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!

Awe hun I wouldnt stress too much about that. Sometimes it takes the embassy a little longer to send stuff off if they are busy AND sometimes post offices are lame and they don't scan the package so the tracking starts on the computer (I work for a post office so I know we are dumb sometimes and forget)

Thanks Meggy, I talked to someone on the UK forum and the courier company doesn't register the tracking until they have the parcel in-hand so that's why it's not showing up yet. Hopefully today or tomorrow!

What sort of job do you think you'll look for in the US, Meggy? I don't want to stay in publishing (not that Indy has any I expect) but I will need something to do or I'll go out of my mind with boredom. No idea what I want to do though.

What are you going to do when you can work, Terri? Will Diana contiue with her accounting, Caspar?
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-10 02:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!
Hope that Vancouver is nice to you, Meggy.

I am waiting for my visa to arrive. I'm very impatient but they said 3 - 5 working days and this is the 5th. The online tracking system doesn't even seem to recognise my tracking number so now I'm getting stressed about that! Just when you think that the stress is over along comes some more!
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-09 06:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!
Dear jelly-brained people! :rofl: Don't worry, yes Caspar, Meggy is right. We have it sorted (sort of), a registry office thing within the 90 days and then a blessing ceremony (cause Yuri's more religious than me) early next year. Do not worry and don't stress about our stuff, you've got more than enough to handle for your own visa process.

Good luck, good luck. Sorry, I'm not on much at the mo cause we're staying at a hotel this week so internet only at work.

I found that as long as I was organised and had everything in the folders in and easy to find manner it was all a breeze and not too stressful. Collecting everything was the most stressful part. If you haven't already I suggest getting a file folder and using sticky notes or dividers to separate things into groups, like Financial, BC / Police Cert etc, additional evidence. That's what I did and it took away the stress and then when you get to see the CO they don't think you're useless and you can get away quickly. I saw a lot of people who took ages because they were obviously really disorganised!

And so, dear jelly-brains, you'll be fine :)
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-08 02:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!

Congrats on the approval Emma -- so happy for you both :dance: :dance: :dance:

A little update from me -- married yesterday YAY!

Posted Image

Thanks Terri and congratulations. You both look wonderful and very happy.

We have decided to delay our blessing ceremony until April next year as this will give us time to actually plan and book things and it will give my parents plenty of notice (the only dates in summer they weren't travelling for work were 2 weeks in Sept and one in Oct!) and some of my Kiwi friends should be able to attend then. We also need to save up - moving into an apartment and purchasing a car are expensive! Not to mention all of the rest of the AOS costs etc.

I hope that the AOS process goes smoothly for you. From the looks of things on the UK forum a lot of people get through without having to interview, so that's great. I hope that happens for you.

Caspar - don't worry about the dress programme, as Meggy said, most VJ girls are more interested in actually getting to be with their SO than in spending $$$ on the dress. Mine came in at just under £300 ($250) and my registry office dress was less than $100. I'm sure Diana will be nice to your bank balance!

Meggy, it sounds like you have things all planned out for your interview / medical so no stressing! You'll be fine and it isn't as scary as we think! I'm flying out on the 29th of June, so I just make it :) I still found that some flights had gone up to over £1000 though and return was cheaper than 1 way!
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-07 02:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!

I read the review! I am so glad everything went well for you. It seems like the London embassy isn't very pleasant from your wording but oh well you got your visa. What was up with her saying "I THINK I am gunna approve this"
I woulda been like hey lady ya think or ya know? LOL probably wouldnt have been the best either. But anyways congrats hun!

Thanks Meggy... yeah, I was totally thinking the same thing but thought it would be wise not to ask that! She had someone with her that I assume she was training but she didn't even say to me 'this is so and so, they'll be sitting in on the interview, is that alright?'. I thought that was a bit off.

All done and tickets booked now. I can look forward to my week with Yuri and then the mad rush of 2 weeks to get everything done!
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-04 13:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!
If you would like to read my long, involved and boring review it is here:


I had a great time in London, I always enjoy visiting. Kinda wish that I'd lived there for awhile now, but oh well. On Tuesday when i got down there I was going to a show, but by the time I'd checked the embassy out I was just going to walk down to Embankment - anyway, the heavens opened, I got soaked and ended up having to go and buy new trousers and a hoodie on Oxford street before the show! :rofl: that sort of thing always happens to me - that's what I get for coming from a country where carrying an umbrella is useless so I hardly ever do.

Looking forward to everyone's good news!
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-03 15:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!
Just a quick note to say APPROVED! Will tell you more details later - v busy at work and didn't get back till 12pm last night. Thanks for all the good wishes before hand.
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-03 03:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!

That sounds really nice. Outdoor weddings are my favorite.
Thats good that you guys are having a little party before he leaves with his family. Thats really nice especially since you said you enjoy his family that should be a great time!
Your dress sounds gorgeous too!
I gotta admit my favorite show on TV "Say Yes To The Dress" I secretly want to go to Kleinfelds and get an over the top fabulous dress!

I can see why you love that show, Meggy. I just took a look at it. I could become a bit obsessive about a show like that I think. I love Bridezilla's too because it's just so funny the way that some girls get so OTT about their weddings! Thanks for telling us about it :)
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-01 03:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!

The Simpsons happens to be my all time favorite show and I know exactly which episode you are talking about!! That is a gooder :thumbs:
That sounds really nice Emma! I love simple weddings. Angelo and I plan on going to the courthouse with a few of our closest friends there and my mother and step dad. Then after that it is off to the local bowling alley/bar for a super bad #### party. I think it is much more our style just to be around great friends and have an informal kick #### time!
I do plan on getting a very snazzy dress for the occasion. I am thinking a 30's style flapper dress for the occasion!

The flapper dress idea is cool. I actually have a 1931 evening dress. I got the pattern from Vintage Vogue years ago (glad I did now, it's out of print) and i had it made the last time I visited my parents in HK. Now we have to plan the wedding around the dates when they're not travelling with work! So far it's looking like September some time.
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-31 12:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!

ooooooooooh, that was one of the cute stories on Ecuador´s portal page under Embassy reviews. Unfortunately, the rest are downright damn scary! Don´t read before your interview, they will freak you out, even if they are Ecuador specific. But I will be there, no matter what.

Is anyone else spending this Memorial Day weekend (in US) completely consumed with preparations to unite with your significant other? I´m washing clothes, starting to set aside what I will pack, writing in a journal the names and numbers of the hotels my family will be staying at when not with my new in-laws, buying new shoes for a treck in the rainforest, planning outfits!!! (etc)

Hey, on the subject of in-laws, has anyone else been webcam chatting with them? I have. So neat!!! Now they call me on the phone to wish me happy birthday! My mother-in-law is worried silly about how to cook for my boys during the visit. I tell her whatever is norm, it would be good for them to experience the difference, but she frets that she wants us to be comfortable.

Oh, and Ivan gave up his apartment and resigned his job back in Sept. to come visit me, and since being turned around at POE in Sept. has been staying at his parent´s house in the spare bedroom waiting word to come and be with me. He helps them a TON because of their age and before my visit next week he decided he would even put a new coat of paint in their LR, dining room, stairs, and painted two of the bedrooms for our stay. terracotta color I understand, and a green too (although it´s bright!) but purple? As in lilac? Very sweet of him to paint our room, lilac it is. lol, think I will be picking the colors in our new house in the States. Yikes!

So much activity. My son is graduating this Wednesday, end of the school year (job) activities, and mostly preparing for this teaching fellowship down in Ecuador. Lining up visits to schools there. So much to do, it keeps me distracted from focusing only on if my packet is still at NVC or if it left (although you can bet I will call them Tuesday to find out!)

This Memorial Day, Yuri went canoeing and camping with friends and I have come to Guernsey (a Channel Island) to catch up with friends. So, not doing anything towards emigrating!

My future in-laws don't like the idea of me and don't know me, so I'm just trying to spend as little time in communication with them as possible - horrid in-laws seem to run in my family. However, my parents like Yuri so that's good.

Have you got any wedding planning sorted, EE?
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-30 13:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!

Yea I guess you have a point there Casper at least then they will be able to see how much you care about the other person instead of them just looking at forms that they have read a MILLION times!
Hahaha you know whats funny I thought of them in almost the EXACT same way. I pictured them as like the OOMPALOOMPAS from Willy Wonka and every time they had to read another letter of intent they would almost snap. I really don't think I could ever do that job.

Oh I heard about that interview story too! Very cute.
Very true!!! After all of this paperwork and talking about this whole process it will be nice to plan something fun! We have it pretty much planned on what we would like to do. Do you guys have a rough idea for the wedding?

Yeah, I read that story. If only it was that easy for everyone :) I think of them like the monkeys in that episode of the Simpson's that Mr Burns has writing a book or something - but in that windowless room and with lots of coffee.

Definitely better to be in a room with someone than trying to convice them of a relationship using a piece of paper.

We were thinking of having the whole shebang (not that it'll really be like that, just small and nice) a couple of months after I arrive, but since neither of us really did anything towards it we're going to do the registry office thing (my kind of style) and then have a blessing ceremony (Yuri's thing) later in the summer or early autumn. That gives us time to sort things out and for anyone who can come to come. I think my Mum is more keen on the wedding part than I am, I'd be happy with the registry office and a party. At least I get to wear a pretty dress (2 in fact!).

What about you, Meggy? What are the plans? And you too, Caspar?
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-30 13:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!
I'm only calm now because everything is booked, all the paperwork is collected and organised and I'm looking forward to my day and 1/2 in London. I'm not looking forward to the interview (waiting mainly) but from what ppl on the UK forum have said the interview is nothing to worry that much about and the questions are pretty easy and answerable. I was joking to Yuri that I'd do deep breathing oms to keep sane but they just make me laugh. Maybe if you can find out the process and sorts of questions they ask at your consulate it will make you feel better, Meggy.

Okay, keep smiling everyone. So much to do now and so little time!

Emma x
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-29 15:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!

Oh you took the big leap did ya! I don;t think I am going to do that until I come back from Vancouver. They are already training someone that can do my job if I am sick so I will just wait until I have my visa.
Are you getting everything else settled up? I cant believe it your interview is in 5 days! I am getting super excited for you!

Yeah, took the risk. Haven't booked plane tickets yet but if I have to stay a bit longer I can afford it for a while.

Yeah, 5 days, scary! We've got a holiday w/e and I'm going to visit friends in the Channel Islands so that should keep my mind off it and then I go down to London on Tuesday - so 2 days and 2 hours at work next week :)
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-28 13:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!
Scary, I just resigned from work. I'll be unemployed as of the 25th of June!
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-28 03:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!

Emma, one thought on the visa delivery: On the "RUB" forum they sometimes talk about not having the passport delivered at all but instead simply picking it up at your leisure at the FedEx office. This is in Kiev but you might have that option in London as well.

That would be good, but London doesn't allow that and it's a bit of a trek from West Yorkshire to London - 3 hours on the train :) Courier it will have to be!
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-26 14:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!
Hmm, now have a dilema! I don't know where to have the visa delivered to. If it arrives over the week of the 7th of June I won't be at home cause we'll be at the work apartment, but if I have it delivered to work and it gets held up for any reason it might arrive after I've finished working there. What to do?? (That's rhetorical, I don't expect an answer :))

And I don't trust my housemate's useless, unemployed, taking up room in our house and I hate it, boyfriend to actually hand it over to me if I have it delivered to my home address and I'm not there (he's a 40 year old who acts like he's 15).

I just can't win, there's always something else to add to the stress just around the corner!
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-26 08:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!

Hey Emma,
I hear that about the nagging to get the supporting docs. I just got all the stuff from Angelo today and I have been nagging for about ohh two months now lol. I was so happy to finally have everything on me!
Hey I never asked are you going to the interview by yourself or is Yuri coming with you?

Hey Meggy,
I'm going down by myself. Yuri's coming over for work but he gets here a few days after the interview (and then might have to fly from the UK to Melbourne, Australia for a week). I actually prefer it to go by myself cause he'd just be annoying that the interview or have to hang around in London while I was hanging around the embassy. I've also got some plans of things to do in London and they're not what Yuri would enjoy :) Is your aunt going to the embassy with you or will you meet her afterwards?
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-26 03:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!

Interview in Kiev set for June 24th!!! Can it be? Is that a light at the end of this long and tortuous tunnel??? Diana is in a state of ecstatic panic. I'm just ecstatic! Now to put finishing touches on the 32 lbs of paperwork documents I'll be taking and make some airplane reservations. One round trip plus two one-ways! Giddy-up!

Uh, sorry, my manners, and congratulations to all for the progress and good news everyone else has reported here lately!

That's wonderful, Caspar! Good luck with the interview and carrying all that paperwork on the plane. I am panicking because Yuri has only just sent the I-134 and supporting docs by overnight courier and I've been nagging him for 6 weeks to get off his backside and do this. Major stress and drama! My interview is in less than 1 week now, eeekkk!

Congrats Meggy

Still waiting on the interview date here :/

Good luck. I hope that you get an interview soon!
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-25 16:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!

Interview today for this K-1 filers fiancee. I am in Bogota, Colombia with her and praying for an approval today.

Good luck! I hope that the interview goes well and you get approved.
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-24 06:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!

Oh that is awesome news Emma congrats! Wow June 7th that is super soon! You might beat me to the states!! :thumbs:

Wow that is quite the mix! Awe Adele is a sweet name. Ahh AZ isn't too too bad I don't think anyone would notice so I would definitely keep that name in the mix.
We will be an Italian, native American, Irish, and Ukrainian family! A lot in the mix there too! I had a few names picked out both boys and girls names but Angelo is really set on having very strong Italian names. Some of them sound nice (I was on a baby name website checkin them out) others are a little too much of a mouthful for me.I am glad Angelo just goes by that instead of Angelino. Hopefully we can make a nice compromise on that one lol.

I am real happy you are feeling that nice wave of relief now. Believe me it is already starting to go away for me. I am freaking out about the interview! Oh well I am sure we will all succeed and finally get to be with our loved ones

I'm sure that all will be fine with the interview Meggy! I'm stressing about having to resign from work and my coaching jobs, get packed, sell the car, visit people and try and cram all of that in before the end of June. I hope to leave here in the last week of June but still deciding if I should wait till I've got the visa 'in-hand' before resigning from work. Oh the stress. And airfares go sky high (excuse the pun) in July. I'm still mad at London, if I could've interviewed this week then everything would have been all good.
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-20 08:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!

That's funny about the names! I agree about some of the E. European being good and some, well, more interesting. Diana is currently Manets by her ex-husband, not bad. But her maiden name is Pletmintseva. I don't even know how to pronounce it! Well, hopefully by late summer she will be "Dent." And don't worry about a girl with initials AZ. She'll just get a nickname like "Arizona!"

As to visas, first congratulations to you two! I'm still hoping for a June date too but the package is still not at the embassy yet. Diana called today. I think the story she was given about the birth certificate needing to be a new form was bogus. We should be able to work with the one we have. Fingers crossed!

With a name like Caspar I thought that you must have some E. European in you! Yeah, Diana's maiden name is a bit of a mouthful!

Good luck with getting your interview date. My case went from the NVC to London very quickly but that could have just been luck. I'm sure that you will hear further good news next week.

Emma x
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-20 07:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!

Aw I'm sorry. I kind of forgot how much it upset me when other people gloated about their good news.
I just can't believe that this is taking so long for you. I mean it is just nuts. I wouldn't be worried about your BC because all it requires to be "long form" is your parents info your info (of course) and then signed by the official. Also I believe it needs a raised stamp of some sort. I don't know what they are called so if you are confused about what that is I am sorry. It is like a that uhh some sort of special stamp they put on there and you can feel that it is raised above the paper. Hahah wow I just made myself sound super intelligent there but yes that is considered long form so I am sure every country's is different.
Thanks yea I like how it sounds I especially like Meggy Mo it just kinda sounds bad a** LOL.
Hmm Zubkus that isn't bad at all. Pretty exotic! You get your new last name with a Z not many people have that!
I am glad to be taking Angelo's name thats for sure. My name right now is....MECHALCHUK.
I'm Ukrainian so well yea that explains all of that :bonk:

Thanks Meggy. I came home to good news though! An interview date - 7th of June! Yay, maybe I'll get there in July now.

Isn't it funny about E. European names. Some sound exciting and exotic and are easy to say, others are just none of those. Zubkus is Lithuanian although Yuri considers himself Russian (long boring story) and now were mixing that with 1/2 Scots-German Kiwi and 1/2 English. Gosh, we'll be one very confused family! You know, I was thinking of Adele for a girl's name, but AZ for a child's initials would just be cruel :) Lol, Yuri's initals are YVZ - I bet there's not many of them in the world.

Anyway, I feel so much less stressed now. It just down to your Diana to get an interview now Caspar! And to everyone else awaiting their interview. Keep up hope, it does pay off in the end.

Emma x
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-19 14:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!
Congrats Meggy (btw - I'm jealous and I hate you :no:) I'm really pleased for you.

Sorry, I'm just getting really bitter about this whole process because London just seems to be giving me the runaround. So much for getting there in June - August is looking to be a more likely prospect now. I kind of want to cry :crying:

Caspar, I'm sorry to hear that there are some more difficulties with your documents. I'm worried about my B/C now because NZ doesn't issue a 'long form' it just issues one type that has all the parental info so I assume that's long form (luckily I brought it with me to the UK - it also has the scoring for a long ago game of scrabble on the back!). I hope that Diana doesn't have any problems with getting all of her documentation and you get the June interview date that you desire.

Best of luck Meggy. Have fun planning the occasion when you become Mrs Mocella (that's a nice name, I get Zubkus :blink: wish I could get Yuri to take my name :).

Edited by Y&E, 19 May 2010 - 03:42 AM.

Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-19 03:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!

Same question to you, Y&E. What did you do once the packet was on it's way to the embassy? Your timeline says it only took 3 days(!) to get from the NVC to London. Wow, I hope mine is so fast!

Feels like life is rockin' and rollin' now!

Wonderful news, Caspar! Yeah, it was a really quick turn-around at the NVC and Yuri got notice that it had left quite quickly. Once I knew it was on it's way and had a case number allocated I booked my medical, and then I just waited. I had seen from the experience of other people going though London that the wait time once it arrived was about 5 -6 weeks before they heard anything so I figured there wasn't much point in trying to do anything. Unfortunately, London sped up from March onwards and now everyone but me who is on the LON 2010 waitlist forum with a March NO2 date (and some April people) have received their interview.

So basically, in a round-about way what I'm trying to say is find out what the average wait time at your embassy is and work to that.

As it is Yuri spoke to the DoS yesterday and got the trully helpful information 'You're in they system and someone's been assigned to your case' and 'It says you're waiting to be allocated an interview' - like we didn't already know this information. They couldn't even tell him if the release for my NZ police cert had been sent to NZ. Useless bunch of bureaucrats!

There's never any harm in calling the DoS but I don't know what the proceedre is for the Kiev Embassy so no idea if they'll be able to help you or not. I'm loathe to call the UK Embassy because it's £1.20 from a landline and who knows how much from a mobile. No wonder it's nicknamed the Extortion line! There's no point in wasting the money if there's no information to be given.
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-13 08:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!

Oh I know I got super excited when my 50th call to the NVC gave me the good news! It will happen super quick Casper and before you know it she will be there with you :)
Oh that would be so awesome if we had pretty close interview dates. I will only be in Van for 2 days I am sure you will be in the Ukraine much longer than that. Is Diana flying back home with you?
I think I will be staying here another month after I get my visa I would like to visit with my family a bit longer and I have to settle everything up here as well.
I know I mean if I had it my way I would talk about the visa 24/7! I know it annoys Angelo though. We are both just quite tired with the process and since he is slow getting his stuff ready im getting all impatient and constantly bugging him.

My Aunt is actually coming with me to Vancouver which is nice I didn't really want to go alone. I'd be standing on the side of the road crying " I NEED AN ADULT!" hahah. So the first day we get there we are gunna do some sight seeing and she will be there to keep me calm throughout the whole ordeal!

That sounds like a really great idea, Meggy. I hope that you get the date that you want. And Caspar, good luck in getting though the NVC quickly (that's been the only quick part of our process so far).

I'm still waiting. I bet they haven't even sent the request for police cert to NZ yet.
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-11 15:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!

I'm sorry to hear that there still has been any movement on your case :(.
On the plus side you are inching towards the 5 month moment so you can then make a formal inquiry on your case and see what the hold up is. Hopefully it won't even get that far.
That is really exciting about your trip though!
I really think as hard as this is you just have to start thinking about where you are at right now. The moment you stop thinking about it it happens. I know that is hard but when Angelo came to visit we got good news and I think it was because my mind wasn't on the whole process it was just on him being there with me.
It helps to be able to shrug off all of those feelings doing the k1 process does to you. Its really a nice break for your head.
I really hope you guys hear good news soon and get that July family reunion you are hoping for :)

I agree with Meggy
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-10 02:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!

Thanks a bunch! :thumbs:
You had to have 2 MMR vaccines? Maybe I have had two and I just didn't look at my vaccination records clearly. I did just go get an updated TDAP shot. Hurt like hell for 4 days!
The nurse told m I was completely up to date on my shots so I am sure I am.
Ya you always gotta get after them to do that silly form. I have been gettin on Angelo's case now for weeks that lazy butt. Oh well he actually just finished it today so he will be sending me everything real soon!!
I am really hoping you guys hear about getting your interview date soon, I am basically crossing every ody part I can for all of us December filers! I am basically one big Canadian knot! :wacko:

Yeah, you have to have 2 dates to prove that you've had 2 MMR (the original as an infant and then the booster as a teen) but my suregery back home noted it down wrong and it only showed 1 date. It was easier to simply have the booster again than to have an immunity test to prove that I really did have full immunity. Thank goodness, the MMR hasn't made my arm sore like the Tdap did!
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-05 06:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!
That's great Caspar. Hopefully this means that you've had your fair share of hold-ups with your case and the rest of it will go smoothly. I hope that your case goes smoothly too, Meggy.

Off to scan my updated vaccination report to prove that I've had 2 MMR vaccines and see if the Nurse at the Medical exam place can send an updated version of the form to the embassy since I still don't have an interview date. Thanks for the reminder of the I-134 Meggy, must chase Yuri up on that.
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-05 02:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!
Still waiting, MeggyMo :whistle: And you?
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-03 02:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!
I'm sure that it will turn up soon, Caspar. Maybe the volcanic ash slowed up US mail too :)
That's brave of Diana to give her notice in already. I'm terrified to just in case something goes wrong when I get an interview. On the bright side, my NZ police cert turned up today so I'm sending a copy to London with a begging letter to get them to give me an interview date :yes:
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-28 02:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!
Wow, I really hope that they find everything and Diana gets to you in June, Caspar.
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-25 12:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!
So, turns out that my RFE is standard practice for the US Embassy in NZ and I didn't need to get my own police report from there anyway. Oh well, hopefully London sends it quickly and NZ processes it fast!

Good luck to everyone who it working with their government rep on this process.
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-24 06:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!

Oh wow I am really sorry to hear that you guys are having these delays.
There isn't anyway they can just wait for the certificate to get to you?
I mean really like you said it is on its way.
Just keep thinking positive although I know it is hard to do sometimes.
You are getting all the crappy stuff outta the way now so your interview will be a breeze!
I will keep my fingers crossed for you guys!

Thanks for the positive thoughts Meggy - you know, you'd think that since I ticked the box saying that I already had it they'd have just left well alone. Anyway, Royal Mail exhorted £5 out of me to send back my letter for 1pm tomorrow. I included a cover letter pointing out that since they ask what police certificates you have I had ticked that box so they could assume that I did have it. Just stupid American buracracy I think. Anyway, I hope that NZ responds to them fast, but I doubt they will.

Just very frustrated and P off'd right now.
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-22 08:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!
So annoyed - NZ police cert in the post (pos delayed by ash) and then I get a letter today from the US embassy asking me to fill in a form so they can request a cert directly to them! It took 6 weeks for me to even get a response so who knows how long it will take the US Embassy to do anything about it and get a response. That's completely ruined a perfectly non-eventful day! Sorry for the rant, just so annoyed at them doing this when I ticked that I already had the certificate, ggrrrr!!! I'm starting to have even worse feelings towards the US than I already did!
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-21 14:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!

Oh Emma I am so sorry :( I can not believe that it will & is taking that long to get to interview!!! Fingers crossed & prayers sent that you get interview sooner rather then later xxx

Thanks Terri, here's hoping it's sooner! I think my NZ police certificate may also be stuck in Auckland waiting to take off. It hasn't turned up yet and was sent on Tuesday... it's been grounded thanks to a volcano methinks, rubbish!

On a brighter note, I had my medical yesterday and passed pending lab results, yus! They are so ####### though, for AOS I have to have an immunity test for MMR because my silly docs back in NZ recorded the 2 vaccinations as being on the same day because my infant records were lost in the mists of time and because the hospital was in a different city and turned into a art polytech :) They say that they HAD to have 2 separate dates listed for the vacs or the couldn't tick it off, and making up a date when I was 4 months old didn't cover it. Oh well, just another expense.

Congrats on the P3, MeggyMo. Anyone else with good news / bad news / any news?

My gym club website looks really good if anyone wants to have a nosey:
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-20 14:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!
Congrats to everyone who's had good news in the last couple of weeks. Here's hoping that soon all Dec filers will be processed. Good luck with packet 3 and interviews. Anyone else going through London? It seems to be the slowest consulate in the world. Almost 3 weeks and I still haven't got an interview date. Their average time for allocation seems to be 60 days after packet 3 and then interviews at least 30 days after that! It's not fair :(
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-17 03:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember 2009 Filers - CSC!

Oooo! Just got a notice from CSC that my reply to the RFE has been received and processing has resumed! Cmon, C'mon, C'mon, C'mon!!!!!

Good work Caspar, hopefully the good response comes sooner rather than later!
Y&EFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-09 02:40:00