US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionStopped the Interview

As for the K-1 visa, and going to marry your fiance. Some have successfully gone to Morocco and married then got the visa, some have had a second denial. If the petition expires you are free to marry again, but if the USCIS decides to review it rather than expire it, and you have gotten married in the meantime, is when the problems occur.

CO's won't deny an applicant because the petitioner is overweight, but rather it could give him more reason to review the case closer. His answer that he went there to practice his English wasn't very impressive to the CO obviously. He could go to just about any chat room for that. He would have been better off IMO if he would have said that he likes large women. But I do believe that his father's response that he didn't know if you were married before was the nail in the coffin. It isn't normal there that a woman has children outside of marriage, and it would be reasonable if his father had questioned about a previous marriage since you do have children at the time that your fiance told him about you. So it appears to me that this was the line of thinking for the CO.

Have you had any luck contacting your congressman for assistance? I would certainly get your future father in law to write a letter explaining why he didn't know about it, and why it doesn't make a difference to him, and that he supports your relationship. But don't stop there and assume that this is the reason for the denial. I do believe it is a culmination of the evidence rather than one specific thing in most denials.

You are very right traditionally, his country is against children outside of marriage. They were also against having a relationship at all outside of marriage. And at one point they were able to marry multiple wife, with the permission of the first wife and as long as they had the money to support a family. Marriages where arranged by you parents with cousins even, which is what happened to my man and why his is no longer married. Everything that you have said is true at one point. Its no longer the case with some Moroccan families. In some places the woman no longer wrap themselves from head to toe unless they want to do it. This whole situation makes me want to change my major from medicine to human rights, I tell you the truth! :wacko:

When I met my fiance his father worked in, and resided in another town for most of the month. It what you do to support your family. His mother is the one who knows the details of the relationship. His father gave his blessing and told the interview so, he was just happy his son found happiness after they previous attempt to find his a wife. I said that I would not write anymore but this is for anyone marrying someone in Morocco.

Do not be discouraged. Do not let anything anyone posted turn you around. If you believe your man is sincere fight for him because there are some that get caught up in the madness. Pray and God will guide you through. PM me if you want someone to talk to I am here to help. :thumbs:

BTW to clarify he said he went to Yahoo chat room to practice English not to the room we met in........
mistyblkrose33FemaleMorocco2010-02-10 08:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionStopped the Interview
You know what this is flipping ridiculous. Red flags!!!!!!!!! Some of the people that have responded to me have been very helpful and I do appreciate it. I cannot tell you how you have help me through this time when I am unsteady and unsure of my footing. At this point I am unwilling to give any more in depth information about my fiance's past through a public forum. I have given the facts of this case and have stated as plainly as I know how. If I were to meet a man on the street who was married, whose wife had left him, and he was looking for someone to date everything would be cool. And NO I was not married before, it was a trick question through into a series questions to confuse my father-in-law to be!!!!!! If you are not going through the same thing that I am going through or have risen about the odds against you then please keep you thoughts and opinion decent. There has been nothing but less than encourage words from some of you and I find it very hard to believe that you have an answer for each and every type of visa that has ever been filed. I am not an angry black woman and I am not trying to take of the world. I am old enough to know when I am being played and when I am not. There has not been a single avenue in my fiance's life that has not been open to me. I can call, visit, and host anyone in his family at my own will if that is what I choose to do. I simply asked if there was anyone in my shoes that could give me guidance. Unless you work in the Dept of Homeland Security you don't really know what red flags are. This man was crushed and defeated after being spoken to like a peace of #######. I am a US citizen and I have rights and I plan on use them. I will fight for my man to the death because he would do it for me. He did nothing but take care of me in every way possible during my trip there and back. I don't need a Dr. Phil. I need a guide through this process. I cannot believe that my topic has made it to the hottest topic. I just wanted to share my experience, get some pointers, and help someone else if I can. I did not ask for a Lifetime movie critic. I am a writer of short stories and poems so the cute anecdotes I don't need. I am sorry if I seem a little upset but I am not stupid, nor am I easily lead. I am at a state of shock still so please excuse my outburst I don't mean any disrespect to anyone. Its just hard to invest going on over three years in a relationship. Figure out your guy is the right guy in the wrong country, and be pushed aside like paperwork because someone is having a bad day. My fiance is aware that I am a not placid down homey kinda gal, who submits to what ever and he loves me for it. We had flown over tradition and that's way we work well together. He is teaching me Arabic and French so that i am not left out of anything. I have read several post where some women can't get that much out of their fiances. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying:
mistyblkrose33FemaleMorocco2010-02-10 04:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionStopped the Interview

Words to live by but in Morocco they run against the tide. She in all likelihood will never get a official reason from them. She will have to weigh her relationship against the very tough and long road ahead. Time will be lost and money will be spent.

How early did he arrive? They explicitly asked him not to arrive more than 15 minutes early so I hope it was not much more than that. How was he dressed.

I live in Morocco and I can tell you the cyber cafes are filled with young men trying to get out of Morocco. I AM NOT SAYING YOUR FIANCE IS ONE OF THEM BUT I CAN UNDERSTAND THE CO's POINT OF VIEW. In your chat logs that you presented to the CO did you guys use a online translator like google? How long did you know him before he asked to marry you? Did he ask you via IM or on the phone? In what language?

Follow the guidelines on the MENA thread i.e contact your elected officials and trying to get the Consulate on the phone directly.

Not easy by a long shot but it is possible.

No he did not use a translator. He speaks perfect English. My fiance my be poor but he dresses very well. I have no doubt that on today he was dressed very well as well. I know that our road is long. His sisters and I have talked today and we are all ready to go the extra mile to create a lasting union between our families. Thank you all for the information and comments that you have provided me in a time were things seemed to be a jumbled mess.

Edited by mistyblkrose33, 09 February 2010 - 07:28 PM.

mistyblkrose33FemaleMorocco2010-02-09 19:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionStopped the Interview

It's critical that he WRITE a detailed report of the interview questions and answers. I cannot stress this enough. You need the whole picture. Otherwise you're still shooting in the dark.

Ok, it seems that I our case has been red flagged because I am overweight. My fiance said that the man just kept going over how we met in a chatroom for BBW's Big Beautiful Women. The man kept asking him did you go to that chatroom to get someone for a visa. He told him no. Then why the man asked did you go there. He said a friend of his told him to go there because he was good at speaking English to go there and talk to people to get better at speaking English and meet nice people. He asked him why didn't you go to a private school to learn English. He told him sir I took English in school. I just wanted to go there to meet people. Then why her the man asked he told him because she is nice and i want her I love her. That is when the man wanted to speak with his father. He said if you are lying to me I will know. My fiance said I am not lying they know her and the want her. He asked his father questions about where we got married and my kids, and whether I have been married before. Then he came back and said your father knows nothing you lied to me. The first questions were tricks because Hassan and I did not get married in Morocco. We wanted to wait and get married with my children present. Hassan was also early for his interview but they made him wait so that he was the last one there to take him back.

Edited by mistyblkrose33, 09 February 2010 - 06:13 PM.

mistyblkrose33FemaleMorocco2010-02-09 18:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionStopped the Interview

Yeah... that is a good question. That can be seen as a red flag... them keeping you away from friends/family. I'm not saying that's what he did.. but that's what it could be seen as to someone who doesn't know the situation

Oh, I did not know that. We stayed in a different town for medical reason and they came to us. I will ask him all these questions as soon as he get off the train from Casablanca.
mistyblkrose33FemaleMorocco2010-02-09 16:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionStopped the Interview
Thank you very much for your responses. I have spoken to my fiance several times since he left the consulate this morning. He is on his way back home now and will not be back until 3pm est. I am not in Casa right now, I was there with him for 10 days last Feb., and he still has got to a point where he can scan the paper and get a copy to me. I know that my fiance was nervous and he wanted to do his best and he knows that he answered a questions much to fast to take the answer back. He father is a very nice man how has just retired and unfortunately he is not as quick with remember things. This is a minor set back I suppose. I am not all to happy at all about it, but I am strong. When I went to Morocco I had been informed that I had a problem with a disk in my spine so we stayed in Rabat, a different town then the one he was from for convenience and his family came to see me. I am sure there are several flags one could see. I respect homeland security so I don't mind waiting. Its just heard to not know what steps are ahead.
mistyblkrose33FemaleMorocco2010-02-09 13:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionStopped the Interview
I have gone to the MENA forum and read everything there is to read. The paper that my fiance was given did not say that he was denied but that it was going back to the USCIS for review. My question is do we start over at the beginning now, or does anyone have that answer? This is my man he loves me and he has given himself to me in the name of God. I know that I will do whatever it takes to live a long life with him but what step should I take. I have written to my senator and will fax, mail, or whatever I have to do with it asap, but what other action can I take. I would appreciate others who were denied to give me some sound advice. Thanks

I was not the one who had been married before my fiance however has been. I can't believe that are doing this because his father said I don't know if she has been married before.
mistyblkrose33FemaleMorocco2010-02-09 13:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionStopped the Interview

It's important you realize that something in those 70 questions and answers was unbelievable. If two of the questions were, "Do your parents approve of the marriage?" and "Do your parents know your wife was married before?" and he answered yes to both, then was contradicted by his father, he WAS lying. This is just an example but if they take lying very seriously. If they catch somebody in one lie, they treat it pretty much like parents do with their children, in that they assume there are more lies to go with the one they know about.

To know what to do next, you'll need a detailed report of the interview experience, as close to verbatim as possible.

So are you saying that this is a trick questions? Because I have never been married, why would that ask him that? I am asking these questions now because I am so overwhelmed that I can even eat breakfast. This is crazy, however, I do understand what you are saying. My fiance can speak English very well, but there are times when I have to rephrase things so that he has a better understand. Thank you very much for this post because you have given me a clearer understand of what just happened. So at this point can I reapply? Does anyone have any idea what my need step should be? All answers are greatly appreciated.
mistyblkrose33FemaleMorocco2010-02-09 09:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionStopped the Interview

Wow--so they called up his parents. Man, I've not heard that before.

Hmm, someone will come along and offer more concrete advice regarding petitions sent back to USCIS.

Was it denied outright or were more documents requested? Were you present at the interview?

I'm sorry about your situations but Morocco is super hard.

I was not at the interview. From what my fiance is saying they did not ask him for anything else. The man just told him that he was lying and that was it. He did mention the man asking him if he spoke English, which he does. He asked him a question in English and the man told him, "Hey you speak perfect English." So it sounds like they were not even willing to listen to him.

Edited by mistyblkrose33, 09 February 2010 - 07:44 AM.

mistyblkrose33FemaleMorocco2010-02-09 07:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionStopped the Interview
O.k., I am officially about to loose my mind. Does anyone know anything that I can do about this situation. My fiance was in his interview and he says that man that he talked to asked him over seventy questions. He then asked for the number of his family and they started asking them questions. My father to be told him that he did not know if I was married before and the man hung up and told my fiance that he was lying to him and told him that he was sending the papers back to immigration. #######.... that did not say that they were going to be grilling his parents too. Please help me someone on I don't have any patience and I hate being to NO after jumping through every hoop they put other there. :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying:
mistyblkrose33FemaleMorocco2010-02-09 07:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat to include with I-134 and DS-160 Confirmation Page?

On OF 169 it says to mail the DS-160 confirmation page, I-134 and OF169 to the Consulate and I was wondering at this point should I include the tax transcripts and other proof of income or should I just take those to the interview when my fiancee goes?

khmerheartMaleCambodia2013-11-01 00:58:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa application is with the Eligibility Review Unit Dakar

Hello All

my wife had her visa interview in Dakar since Sept 5 and since then her case is in Administrative Processing while my son's case shows that his case is ready for an interview again . I have email the Embassy and now they told me that her application is with their Eligibility Review Unit.

can someone please tell me what they are really looking for, and probably how long it may take again? also why my son's case is not in Administrative Processing ?

what I can do at this level now beside waiting ?

thank you

boubNot TellingMali2013-11-19 01:24:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionimmigration attorney help during administrative processing

ok but can the embassy at least tell me what they are looking for or investigating ?

boubNot TellingMali2013-11-25 16:32:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionimmigration attorney help during administrative processing

can some please tell me what can an immigration attorney do to speed up the AP ? my wife case has been with AP for about 90 days in Dakar and my attorney is tell me that all we can do is to wait. 


boubNot TellingMali2013-11-25 15:58:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionU.S. Embassy Tokyo unresponsive
QUOTE (Jason&Divine @ Aug 31 2009, 11:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello and thank you for taking the time to read this. I am at the end of my rope, the embassy has had our paperwork from the nvc for a year and they still have not given us an interview date. Now every time I call they tell me they are conducting, "administrative processing." Is there anything I can do to get them to stop ducking us? Or get them to give me more information than the generic answers they have been giving? Any help is greatly appreciated. The approval notice has expired and been revalidated 3 times already and the medical form is about to expire too. I need answers and I really can't afford to keep calling them and paying 20 dollars every time, just for them to tell me to wait longer. thanks.

First thing, get a pin # for $18, it allows you 3 calls. And I have heard people who have used it many more times than that.
Call you congressman and senator and try to get them involved, if it went from NVC straight to embassy AP this is strange, are you saying you have not interviewed yet?
Are you applying in Phillipines or Japan?
If Japan you can check status here: http://tokyo.usembas...-niv-admin.html but only if you have interview already.

Edited by thepizzadude, 31 August 2009 - 12:48 PM.

thepizzadudeMalePhilippines2009-08-31 12:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCost for Visa from LONDON
Like the above poster said the fee is equivalent of $131 US Dollars. Information about the medical and delivery fees can be found here:


Good Luck smile.gif
thepizzadudeMalePhilippines2009-09-01 01:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 Question.
QUOTE (sensetarget @ Aug 31 2009, 10:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
its 100% of poverty line for the 134. 184 is 120%.

I-134 is 100% if you are military and some consulates but most consulates apply the same rules to the I-134 as pertains to the I-864 which is 125%.
thepizzadudeMalePhilippines2009-09-01 01:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionconfirmation with consulate?
QUOTE (Otto und Karin @ Sep 1 2009, 10:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Weevil @ Sep 1 2009, 09:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How do I confirm with the consulate that they received my petition from NVC?

Best way I know is via email: Include NVC Case number, name and DOB in the email. good.gif

One other way...
To find out if the embassy processed the packet, call the Dept of State before 5pm: 202-663-1225 press 1 then 0
thepizzadudeMalePhilippines2009-09-01 14:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionis this the correct mailing address for Pakistan Embassy?
QUOTE (AG83 @ Sep 1 2009, 03:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Diplomatic Enclave, Ramna 5
Islamabad, Pakistan

is this where we mail packet 3.5 to?

It looks correct but you may want to check all the mailing directions here:

Good Luck

thepizzadudeMalePhilippines2009-09-01 15:20:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionApproved!
QUOTE (menina @ Sep 1 2009, 11:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Bobby_Umit @ Sep 1 2009, 09:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

don't forget the $1010.00 for AOS though....

Lol..I know but it didn't fit well with my "commercial". Plus outside of VJ I don't think any of my friends will know what AOS means, and I posted the same message on Facebook. smile.gif

kicking.gif dancin5hr.gif Congratulations dancin5hr.gif kicking.gif
thepizzadudeMalePhilippines2009-09-01 14:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMessed up on I134
QUOTE (ldhelwig @ Sep 2 2009, 12:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I sent the affidavit of support to my fiance and he realized that I put the wrong age down for him. Should I have him change it, should I send him a new one, which would take a long time and be really expensive, or should he just tell them that I messed up at the interview? I thought someone might have some insight.


I think it might raise a red flag if you don't even know how old your fiance is, but you never know. I would send a new one, crossing out and inserting a correction on an address or spelling of a relative name is one thing but....

thepizzadudeMalePhilippines2009-09-02 14:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa
kicking.gif dancin5hr.gif Congratulations dancin5hr.gif kicking.gif

Like others have said its only been 3 working days. Friday, Tues and Weds...Monday was holiday in Phils.
Give a few more days it'll show up, you won't be able to track it until Air21 gets it and by then they will be texting you about it.
thepizzadudeMalePhilippines2009-09-02 21:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionConcerned about I-134 Requirements
QUOTE (Oluwakemi @ Sep 3 2009, 04:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello Fellow VJ Members,

On August 21 we received 2nd NOA advising "approved status"; however, I am now deeply concerned and I pray that some of you may be able to shed some light on our situation. I have been working abroad in Iraq as a contractor supporting U.S. military troops and my contract assignment just ended July 25. I am now back in the U.S. (one week now), unemployed and very worried about completing the "Affidavit of Support". It is my understanding that this is one of the forms I should be sending to my fiance' in Nigeria so that he can take it to the interview with him?? I am so stressed over this matter that I'm not sleeping. I'm also doing everything I can to locate employment in my hometown in hopes of getting a decent job before my fiance' is scheduled for his interview.

Please fellow VJ'ers if any of you can shed light on what we may be able to do it would be appreciated greatly.

Thank you.

Either locate a job quickly or get a co-sponsor.

thepizzadudeMalePhilippines2009-09-03 18:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila US embassy received our case
QUOTE (josar @ Aug 11 2009, 12:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi vJr's!!!

I called the NVC Friday and got our Case MNL#..
I advised my fiancé to call Manila US embassy and find out if he can schedule an appointment,he called and he was told that they received our case from NVC last aug 7,he said that the consul will review our case and my fiancé should just wait for the mail with in 2weeks,if he doesn't hear from them in 2 weeks,then he will have to cAll back again..

Is this normal??
How long before he can receive his appointment letter??
Can he go to st.luke's now?I send him a scan copy of our NOA2..

Please help..
God bless us all..

Don't wait on them to send you anything or you may get old. Go to this page and learn all you need to...Call them and see if they have your package yet and set an appointment.
The petitioner should make the calls to set appointment they have tendency to tell the beneficiary to wait and call back blah blah blah....


This page is about Setting Appointments:


Has he/she got all the paperwork ready yet, is the medical done.

Check this site for more info on the visa process in Manila:


Check up on the CFO seminar he/she will need either before or after but definitely before he/she can LEAVE the country Look HERE:

Hope this helps...Good Luck

Edited by thepizzadude, 10 August 2009 - 11:11 PM.

thepizzadudeMalePhilippines2009-08-10 23:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHow to explain the I-134 to a potential co-sponsor
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Sep 4 2009, 01:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (aaron2020 @ Sep 4 2009, 08:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Sep 4 2009, 08:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Sep 4 2009, 05:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (aaron2020 @ Sep 4 2009, 02:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Why would the US government asked someone to sign a contract that is not binding on the Signatory? The sponsor guarantees that the non-immigrant will becomes a public charge, and the sponsor guarantees that the non-immigrant would maintain the non-immigrant status and depart the US. The sponsor also acknowledges that he/she can be sue so the government can recover any benefits that the non-immigrant may enjoy as a public charge. So explain to me what would happen if the non-immigrant does not get marry, illegally stays in the US and receives public benefits? Wouldn't the sponsor be liable? Wouldn't the government go after the sponsor.

The I-864 only supercede the I-134 if the non-immigrant adjust his/her status to a legal permanent resident. If there is no I-854, the I-134 is legally binding.

The analogy that I will draw is this. The first contract states that you will buy a car for $10,000. Later, the second contracts states that you will buy the car for $5,000. This does not make the first contract invalid or not binding. The second contract supercede the first contract. If the second contract fails for some reason (like it was procure by fraud), the first contract would still be valid and binding on the parties.

If you disagree with me, please point out from a reliable source where the I-134 is not binding.

No, I-134 sponsors are never sued or billed for benefits collected but I-864 sponsors are.

Google "I-134 not binding".

This is the relevant section.

9 FAM 40.41 N4.6-3 Use of Form I-134, Affidavit of
(CT:VISA-911; 11-02-2007)
a. Because INA 212(a)(4)© and INA 213A require the use of Form I-864,
Affidavit of Support Under Section 213A of the Act, for so many classes of
immigrants, the use of Form I-134, Affidavit of Support, has been
reduced considerably. Nevertheless, there still are circumstances when
Form I-134 will be beneficial. This affidavit, submitted by the applicant at
your request, is not legally binding on the sponsor
and should not be
accorded the same weight as Form I-864. Form I-134 should be given
consideration as one form of evidence, however, in conjunction with the
other forms of evidence mentioned below.

INA 212(A)(4)© Family-Sponsored immigrants.

Under that section of the INA, a person sponsoring a family member is required to file Form I-864. That is why Form I-134 is not binding. Form I-134 is binding on non-immigrant because INA(A)(4)© and INA 213A applies only to sponsoring immigrants.

Show me where INA(A)(4)© and INA 213A applies when someone is sponsoring on a non-immigrant visa.

An I-134 cannot be used for an immigrant visa so all references to it apply to non-immigrant visas. I just quoted a small portion of the document. Read the rest to understand fully.

good.gif good.gif
thepizzadudeMalePhilippines2009-09-04 18:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDS-156 Question
QUOTE (dpds @ Sep 8 2009, 08:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Dear Friends

I do not know if this is a correct place to ask this question or not but I will appreciate your feedback, suggestion OR possible solution

Question: My fiancee is in process of preparing documents for packet4. We come to find out non immigrant visa application (DS 156) can only be filled online and it generate unique barcode for each time you submit this application. Apparently she made couple mistake at first attempt so, I suggested her file new DS-156. Now we have two different application for same person. Will this cause any problems at interview?

Some other forum says its not big deal and my lawyer say it might mess up the process.

crying.gif crying.gif crying.gif

With the DS-156 it shouldn't be a big deal, with us it happened and was never mentioned. I have heard with the new DS-160 it is a little different and may cause problems.

thepizzadudeMalePhilippines2009-09-08 19:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAffadavit of Support - Quick questions
QUOTE (shkodra @ Sep 10 2009, 12:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am married to a LPR. I got the NOA2 and now we are filling in AOS, which the lawyer will submit in a couple of weeks. Does anybody know how long it takes to approve AOS after it has been submitted? thanks

You should post this in the AOS forum smile.gif
thepizzadudeMalePhilippines2009-09-10 12:06:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionRequirements paper for interview
Same letter will be fine just change date, print and sign new one.

edit:oh yah change the addressee...from USCIS to whichever embassy you are going thru smile.gif

Edited by thepizzadude, 13 September 2009 - 04:06 PM.

thepizzadudeMalePhilippines2009-09-13 16:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionQuestions from an American Fiancee
QUOTE (RachelMarie @ Sep 13 2009, 07:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Everyone,

These past few days since receiving my Chinese fiance's interview appointment have been kind of stressful for the two of us, trying to figure out exactly what we have to write down on the forms and what all to bring to the interview, etc.

I'm concerned because I fear if we fill in the answer to a question wrongly on DS-157 or 156 he won't pass, and we've been SO anticipating our tentative wedding in the States!

For example, as soon as the wedding is over pretty much, we plan to get his status adjustment, so he can work... but can he check the box that says "Yes" for "Do you plan to work in the the US?" even though the K1 doesn't allow for working? He plans to work later on, after status adjustment.


The other question we're hung up on is, "How long do you intend to stay in the US?" ... we're thinking of putting something like "indefinitely after visa status adjustment" but is that okay?!

Question 26 answer PERMANENTLY and Question 27 answer MARRIAGE AND RELOCATION TO THE USA

Also, he made a couple mistakes on the DS-156, and scratched them out, so we went to make new copies and found out the Consulate's paper size is very specific! Does this matter? Is it okay to make copies and use our own paper for the Guangzhou Consulate??? My fiance is worried that it's all ruined tongue.gif

I'm nervous because he's an Asian male marrying an American girl, and I'm worried they won't pass him for some odd reason. Anyone "foreign"girls out there get a Chinese fiance and passed?! Please help me with the above questions if you can!!

Also, I'm going to the Consulate with him, and I'm wondering if it's really worth it to attend ACH, and if so, how do I get an appointment? What goes on during the ACH?

Thanks so much!!!Attached File  IMG_0031.JPG   49.76KB   3 downloads

The example forms show all these answers... http://www.visajourn...p;page=examples
They really help and can set your mind at ease.
thepizzadudeMalePhilippines2009-09-13 15:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussioninterview done
If he received a text from Air21 that can only be the visa, correct?
thepizzadudeMalePhilippines2009-09-13 21:13:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAlien case Number
The EAC number is a Receipt Number...The alien case number is known as the A-Number
Look here for an example of where it can be found

The first time it shows up is on the NOA2 on the Beneficiary line with the Beneficiary Name


thepizzadudeMalePhilippines2009-09-14 09:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHow to send documents to Philippine fiance
QUOTE (thomson405 @ Aug 17 2009, 05:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Little help please? It should be time soon for me to send I-129f and I-134 documents to my fiance and
I was wondering what would be the best and fastest way to do this? I don't think DHL goes there anymore
and am pretty sure neither does Fed-Ex or UPS. So...just use the post office?

DO NOT use the post office. Fed-Ex does deliver there and I am pretty sure UPS does also. I used Fed-Ex.

thepizzadudeMalePhilippines2009-08-17 16:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat do they want now?!?!?
Are you asking what you need at embassy?
The NOA2 approval is nothing more than proving to USCIS that you have met in the past 2 years face to face and that you are eligible to marry and that you (USC) are eligible to bring someone in with a k1 visa.
The embassy stage is where you need to PROVE you have a BONAFIDE relationship so you will need to provide this evidence, the things you have listed are exactly what you will need. Except for the Western Union receipts, some people say use them some people say don't, as it can be construed as paying for a bride to some consulates.
Don't worry.
thepizzadudeMalePhilippines2009-09-17 12:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionTranscripts or Tax Returns?
QUOTE (Miss Natalie @ Sep 17 2009, 10:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (pizzadude is the

Either is valid, transcripts are more official in that they are harder to "fake" and they come directly from the IRS.
From what I have heard others say and my OWN experience when I ordered mine on 3 different occasions, they are usually received within 7-10 days. Don't order online call the 18008291040 and follow the prompts to order by phone and you will receive them very quickly, mine arrived on all three occasions within 7 days.
Yes he can *.pdf the copies to you also.

Thanks pizzadude good.gif
that helps alot smile.gif My fiance just told me he ordered them over the phone so lets hope they arrive quickly

good.gif No problem, anytime.
thepizzadudeMalePhilippines2009-09-17 22:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionTranscripts or Tax Returns?
QUOTE (Miss Natalie @ Sep 17 2009, 10:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello everyone

My fiance and I are busy preparing the documents for the packet 3. He has sent me a PDF of his tax returns and W2s for the last couple of years but I have asked him to get the IRS transcripts too because they are more official.

The website said they could take 60 days to arrive - and I don't want to wait 60 days! I want to send the packet the minute my medical results are back. If they are not here by the time I am ready to send in the packet 3 (In Australia we send in all the documents prior to the interview), is it ok to send in the tax returns & W2's and explain we are waiting for the transcripts? They are not notorised but he is able to get that done.

Also, can my fiance email me PDFs of the transcripts once they arrive? or do they need to be originals?

What have people done in the past?


Either is valid, transcripts are more official in that they are harder to "fake" and they come directly from the IRS.
From what I have heard others say and my OWN experience when I ordered mine on 3 different occasions, they are usually received within 7-10 days. Don't order online call the 18008291040 and follow the prompts to order by phone and you will receive them very quickly, mine arrived on all three occasions within 7 days.
Yes he can *.pdf the copies to you also.

thepizzadudeMalePhilippines2009-09-17 21:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionForm-I-134_overall income
QUOTE (Rayito @ Sep 14 2009, 08:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm filling out the I-134 and eventhough my annual income exceeds poverty level, there is also a line for my deposit in savings bank as well as personal property. Regarding my savings do I have to provide documentation letter from the bank, bank statement? and for personal property I just bought a brand new car, will that count as personal property? or does it only mean real state?


If you income is sufficent you need not add in any personal property or info about stocks, bonds or savings accounts etc...

thepizzadudeMalePhilippines2009-09-14 20:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 Advice: Last Year's Tax Return vs. Current Income
QUOTE (mamitasalsita @ Sep 15 2009, 07:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi everyone. I hate to create a new topic for this, but I have done a lot of searching the boards and can't really find an answer to my question. I would really, really appreciate your advice. I will try to make it short and simple.

I have been at my current job since June 2008 and have a salary of $26,900.

2006: Filed taxes jointly with husband. I was working part time and in college full-time.

2007: I graduated college. Husband died and I also lost my job since I needed to be with him in the hospital.

2008: I was unemployed (not receiving any unemployment benefits or any other assistance) until I began by current position in June. My 2008 tax return only shows a gross annual income of $11,200.

I have a letter from my employer verifying my employment and also copies of each and every pay stub. I also have about $15,000 in savings. Do you think it is necessary to have a cosponsor?

Depends on what you are qualifying for...1/2/3/4 or 5 people but if its only you and fiance then you should be fine actually you would be fine to a 3 or 4 person household. Just get the letter from employer, keep all your paystubs.
They will be looking at your current income more than anything, you will still need to provide your last years income tax return and supporting documents. Document your saving also and you can use it to substantiate your case.
Good Luck

thepizzadudeMalePhilippines2009-09-15 18:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCall?
1) Once NVC has your case, they assign a new case #. Ask them what date they sent your file to the embassy & also for the NVC case #.
2) Once you know the date NVC sent off the file, track it at DHL's website: For the reference code, enter EXP 10 JUL 2009A (adjust using dates just before the date NVC told you), with a shipping range of that day to a few days later (July 13 - July 14 worked for the example above). Look for shipments to your beneficiary's embassy.
3) To find out if the embassy processed the packet, call the Dept of State before 5pm: 202-663-1225 press 1 then 0


When NVC tells you they sent the package:

Don't wait on the embassy to send you anything or you may get old. Go to this page and learn all you need to...Call them and see if they have your package yet and set an appointment.


This page is about Setting Appointments:


Has she/he got all the paperwork ready yet, is the medical done.

Go to St Lukes -- send her a copy of the letter from NVC, email or mail your choice: it's walk in so don't worry best to go Tues-Thurs to avoid rush.
Medicals are valid for 6 months. Info about medical is at the wwwfk1en.pdf link above.

Check this site for more info on the visa process in Manila:


Check up on the CFO seminar he/she will need either before or after but definitely before he/she can LEAVE the country Look HERE:

thepizzadudeMalePhilippines2009-09-27 22:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDS-230 Manila
Not needed in Manila for the K1, only need ds156, ds156k and ds157. smile.gif
thepizzadudeMalePhilippines2009-09-28 19:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-864 question
From the I-864 instructions:

25. Federal Income Tax Information
You must provide either an IRS transcript or a photo copy from your own records of your Federal individual income tax return for the most recent tax year. If you believe additional returns may help you to establish your ability to maintain sufficient income, you may submit transcripts or photo copies of your Federal individual income tax returns for the three most recent years.

If you provide a photocopy of your tax return(s), you must include a copy of each and every Form W-2 and Form 1099 that relates to your return(s). Do not include copies of these Forms if you provide an IRS transcript of your return(s) rather than a photocopy.

The following items must be submitted with Form I-864:
For ALL sponsors:

A copy of your individual Federal income tax return, including W-2s for the most recent tax year, or a statement and/or evidence describing why you were not required to file. Also include a copy of each and every Form 1099, Schedule, and any other evidence of reported income. You may submit this information for the most recent three tax years , pay stub(s) from the most recent six months, and/or a letter from your employer if you believe any of these items will help you qualify.

So, yes the past years is a must for tax returns. The last 3 is only if you believe they will help you qualify, also the employer letter and pay stubs are if you believe they will help you qualify or show consistent ability to earn above the required limits.

Good Luck

Edited by thepizzadude, 28 September 2009 - 07:33 PM.

thepizzadudeMalePhilippines2009-09-28 19:31:00